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Palin, too stupid to understand the 1st Amendment






Palin, too stupid to understand the 1st Amendment


Audio/Sound clips


2008-11-01 (by the_Phyrexian)


Palin, too stupid to understand the 1st Amendment Glenn Greenwald writes here about an appearance by Sarah Palin this morning on WMAL in Maryland. Apparently Palin believes the First Amendment protects her from ever being criticized. As Greenwald says, it's so stupid it hurts. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HOST: Is the news media doing a good job—are you getting a fair shake, are the Republicans getting a fair shake this year? PALIN: I don't think they're doing their job when they suggest that calling a candidate out on their record, their plans for this country, and their associations is mean-spirited or negative campaigning. If they convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations, then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Please leave a comment if you want, this is just to show what is out there... And before you go and spam, dl it watch it and make up your own mind... cheers the_phyrexian Are you a British citizen? Click here! (Petition to stop Sharia Law) there is a reseed section, read it / use it...


  1. palin
  2. gop
  3. rnc
  4. republican
  5. vice presidential canidate
  6. too stupid
  7. so fucking lol
  8. america
  9. usa

Files count:



2.95 Mb




sistromo (2008-11-02)

Commenter, take your medicine lest you explode. I won't waste any time explaining to you that not agreeing with your anachronistic views does not imply that one is a communist, an atheist or a devil incarnate, for it would not penetrate your thick, cave-dweller skull. Other than this, if Ms. Palin is the best that you cave dwellers have to offer then things are even more pathetic than I thought in your little hole of ignorance an bigotry.

franklinstoker (2008-11-03)

Commenter = bigot, too stupid to respecct others opinnions. -from a sound minded atheist

vairocana (2008-11-08)

that's one thing I like about Republicans..always willing to speak thier mind.....especially when it criticizes somone elses

lodger111 (2008-11-16)

"Phyrexian = left-wing loony tunes.
Atheists = left-wing nutjobs by another name.
hate speech = left-wingers/jews, too stupid to understand the first amendment.
gun control = left-wingers/jews too stupid to understand the 2nd amendment.
immigration = left-wingers/jews too stupid to understand democracy/white people have rights too."
I have to hand it to you, Commenter. That is the one thing you do very well indeed.


1. Palin, too stupid to understand the 1st Amendment.RAR 2.95 Mb