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Genetically modified organism (GMO) movie pack






Genetically modified organism (GMO) movie pack




2009-01-26 (by Anonymous)


This is a pack of movies on GMO issue from sources found on internet. IF YOU KNOW OF A MOVIE ON GMO THAT ISNT HERE (OR HAVE ONE OF BETTER QUALITY) - PLEASE WRITE ABOUT THIS IN COMMENTS! If you like a movie and can afford it - please buy it. INDEX 1. The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see. Two copies: - The World According To Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won’t ever see (GMO){x264+Aac}{Fr-Ger-Eng}{Sub.Fr-Ger-Eng}{Chapters}{Covers}.mkv - World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won’t ever see (GMO) DVDRip English.mp4 2. The GMO Trilogy and Seeds of Deception Set [2 DVD Rips, 1 ebook & Audio CD] DVD 1: Unnatural Selection (retitled "Life Running Out of Control" + extras) DVD 2: Hidden Dangers in Kids Meals: Genetically Engineered Foods (+ Extras) Disc 3, Audio CD: You're Eating WHAT? BOOK: Seeds of Deception 3 Future of Food 4 A Silent Forest 5 Genetically Modified Food: Panacea or Poison (2005) 6 Following the Trail. 7 Garden of Destiny - With Dan Jason - (2007) 8 Monsanto - Patent For a Pig 9 Unreported World: Paraguay Painful Harvest 10 Трансгенизация - генетическая бомба [ru] 11 Genetically Modified Food Issues - Educational Video 12 Islands at Risk - Genetic Engineering in Hawaii (parts 1-3) 13 CBC NewsWorld - GMO Containment 14 Genetically Modified Animals (small files) Pro GMO 1 Horizon: Jimmy's GM Food Fight 2 Restoring Lost Cover 3 Silver Fields of Gold: The Story of Bt Cotton in China 4 Nurturing the Seeds of Cooperation: The Papaya Network of Southeast Asia 5 Seeing is Believing - The Bt Cotton Trials in Burkina Faso 6 The Story of Bt Cotton in India 7 Fruits of Partnerships 8 Asia's First: The Bt Corn Story in the Philippines 1. The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see. Two copies: - The World According To Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won’t ever see (GMO){x264+Aac}{Fr-Ger-Eng}{Sub.Fr-Ger-Eng}{Chapters}{Covers}.mkv - World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won’t ever see (GMO) DVDRip English.mp4 On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television (ARTE – French-German cultural tv channel) by French journalist and film maker Marie-Monique Robin, The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see. The gigantic biotech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years. Monsanto is the world leader in genetically modified organisms (GMOs),as well as one of the most controversial corporations in industrial history. This century-old empire has created some of the most toxic products ever sold, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and the herbicide Agent Orange. Based on a painstaking investigation, The World According to Monsanto puts together the pieces of the companys history, calling on hitherto unpublished documents and numerous first-hand accounts. 2. The GMO Trilogy and Seeds of Deception Set [2 DVD Rips, 1 ebook & Audio CD] Homepage - DVD 1: Unnatural Selection (retitled "Life Running Out of Control" + extras) Awarded "Best Film," (CineEco, Portugal), "Best Long Production," (IEFF, Brazil), and "Best Journalistic Achievement," (IEFF, Germany). This stunning, award-winning documentary by Bertram Verhaag and Gabriele KrĆ·ber reveals harsh consequences of genetic engineering on three continents. Vandana Shiva, Andrew Kimbrell, Percy Schmeiser and others, describe uncontrollable, self-replicating GM contamination, failed crops, farmer suicides, and new GM animals that threaten natural populations. This stunning European documentary made available for the first time in the US, reveals several harsh consequences of genetic engineering worldwide. A failed GM cotton crop prompts farmer suicides in India. Windborne GM canola contaminates organic and conventional farms in Canada. One farmer fights Monsanto in the Supreme Court. A company seeks approval for giant GM salmon that may threaten the survival of the natural species. GM pigs are born with ghastly mutations. And experts reveal how inadequate testing and regulations put us at risk. It features Vandana Shiva, Andrew Kimbrell, Percy Schmeiser and others. DVD 2: Hidden Dangers in Kids Meals: Genetically Engineered Foods (+ Extras) Shocking research results, inadequate regulations and warnings from eminent scientists explain why GM foods are dangerous and should be removed from kids' meals. The dramatic story of how student behavior in a Wisconsin school was transformed with a healthy diet provides added motivation to make a change. It features Jeffrey Smith and more than a dozen scientists and experts. Disc 3, Audio CD: You're Eating WHAT? Jeffrey Smith, author of the world's bestselling book on GM foods, Seeds of Deception, describes how biotech companies rigged research, hid health dangers and pressured government regulators to approve food that even FDA scientists said was unsafe. BOOK: Seeds of Deception This explosive expose reveals what the biotech industry doesn't want you to know - how industry manipulation and political collusion, not sound science, allow dangerous genetically engineered food into your daily diet. Company research is rigged, alarming evidence of health dangers is covered up, and intense political pressure applied. Chapters read like adventure stories and are hard to put down: - Scientists were offered bribes or threatened. Evidence was stolen. Data was omitted or distorted. - Government employees who complained were harassed, stripped of responsibilities, or fired. - Laboratory rats fed a GM crop developed stomach lesions and seven of the forty died within two weeks. The crop was approved without further tests. - The only independent in-depth feeding study ever conducted showed evidence of alarming health dangers. When the scientist tried to alert the public, he lost his job and was silenced with threats of a lawsuit. Read the actual internal memos by FDA scientists, warning of toxins, allergies, and new diseases - all ignored by their superiors, including a former attorney for Monsanto. Learn why the FDA withheld information from Congress after a genetically modified supplement killed nearly a hundred people and disabled thousands. 3 Future of Food There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America -- a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat. THE FUTURE OF FOOD offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this new technology. The health implications, government policies and push towards globalization are all part of the reason why many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food supply. Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today. 4 A Silent Forest A Silent Forest: The Growing Threat of Genetically Engineered Trees is an award winning video narrated by Dr. David Suzuki, a Canadian scientist with a background in genetics, a noted environmentalist and host of "The Nature of Things." A Silent Forest exposes the threats posed by the introduction of genetically engineered trees into our environment. The film breaks down complex scientific concepts while detailing the dangerous impacts genetically engineered trees will have on human health, native forests, forest-dwelling indigenous peoples, and wildlife. 5 Genetically Modified Food: Panacea or Poison (2005) Homepage.......- HiRes Full Cover Scan.....- In the last thirty years global demand for food has doubled. In a race to feed the planet, scientists have discovered how to manipulate DNA, the blueprint of life, and produce what they claim are stronger, more disease-resistant crops. However, fears that Genetically Modified Food may not be safe for humans or the environment has sparked violent protest. Are we participating in a dangerous global nutritional experiment? This informative film helps the viewer decide if the production of genetically modified food is a panacea for world hunger or a global poison. Includes A Short Film Courtesy of GNN.TV 6 The Genetic Conspiracy - Following the Trail. Web site:,2144,2346676,00.html This documentary is in English and from the German International channel Deutsche Welle. Genetically engineered plants have only recently been permitted in Germany.However,they have been in regular use in the USA and Argentina for many years.How safe is the so-called “Green Genetic Engineering” really? Monsanto,the world’s largest genetic engineering corporation,insists it is safe.Numerous studies claim genetically modified plants can cause allergies and cancers.However,commercial and political interests are determined to make genetic engineering the norm.Looking at test reports from different countries,this documentary suggests that the reports by Monsanto to promote GM food are incomplete and omitdata which may be detrimental to the sale of their products. In the US,intense lobbying appears to have helped Monsanto put their products on the market and the FDA seems to be in collusion. 7 Garden of Destiny - With Dan Jason - (2007) Homepage.......- Full Cover Scan 300dpi: Filmmaker, Jocelyn Demers meets Dan Jason on Salt Spring Island on Canada's west coast. Dan is an organic gardener with a fantastic selection of seeds, vegetables, grains, medicinal plants and flowers. He is also the head of the grassroots organization called the Seed and Plant Sanctuary for Canada, a network of Canadian gardeners who are preserving as much plant diversity as is possible. Mr. Jason has been a long time critic of the non-organic food system in North America. Jocelyn Demers explores Dan's garden and seed world and investigates what other experts from the agriculture milieu think about Dan's observations. GARDENS OF DESTINY investigates many important issues related to pollution and health. These include genetic engineering, Terminator seeds and the pitfalls of industrial agriculture. Additionally, it examines how organic food has proven to be protective against cancer. GARDENS OF DESTINY offers several easy and sometimes fun solutions for citizens and governments. Two of these remedies include supporting organic growers and starting your own organic garden. 8 Monsanto - Patent For a Pig The American biotechnology firm, Monsanto, has applied for a patent for pig breeding in 160 countries. The patent is for specific parts of the genetic material of pigs which Monsanto's genetic researchers have decoded. If this patent is granted, pig breeding would be possible with the approval of the company. Farmers and breeders are naturally alarmed because these genes have long existed in the great majority of their pigs. Using DNA tests they can prove that there is no new invention in the patent applications but that, instead, granting this patent would be to allow a part of nature to fall into the hands of a single company. Monsanto's influence on the patent offices is huge. If the patent is approved, money will have to be paid to Monsanto for every pig in the world carrying this genetic marker. This has long been the case for certain feedstuffs, such as genetically modified maize. Many farmers in the US have already become dependent on the company.It is not merely a question of money, however, but also a question of the risk posed to consumers. In America, as in Europe, cases of infertility in animals fed with genetically modified maize are becoming increasingly common. No-one yet knows what effects such products are having on humans. 9 Unreported World: Paraguay Painful Harvest Unreported World comes from Paraguay, which has become one of the world's biggest suppliers of genetically modified soya, much of it destined to feed cattle that ends up on European plates. The programme reveals how our demand for meat is driving the industrial farming of soya to epic proportions. Tanya Datta reports on a nationwide peasant uprising against farmers of genetically-modified soya who are mainly Brazilian and seen as colonists partly responsible for the almost total deforestation of the eastern provinces. First aired 7 November 2008. 10 Трансгенизация - генетическая бомба [ru] Год выпуска: 2007 Страна: Россия Жанр: документальный Продолжительность: 2ч. 53мин. 02сек. Режиссер: Царева Галина Описание: Одной из острейших проблем современности является проблема внедрения и распространения новых биотехнологий, связанных с генетическими изменениями живых организмов. Генетически модифицированные (трансгенные) организмы содержат в своем генетическом аппарате фрагменты ДНК из любых других живых организмов, например, в растении могут быть вставлены гены насекомого, животного или даже человека. С помощью генной инженерии уже получены гибриды картофеля с томатом, сои с сизым табаком, подсолнечника с фасолью. Есть и более обескураживающие данные: морозоустойчивый сорт помидоров со встроенным геном камбалы, засухоустойчивая кукуруза с геном скорпиона, томата с геном жабы. Но достаточно ли у человека знаний, чтобы исполнять роль Творца? 828 ученых из 84 стран мира подписали открытое письмо правительствам всех стран об опасности генетически модифицированных организмов (ГМО). Сейчас таких подписей уже более 2 тысяч. Ученые требуют ввести мораторий на использование трансгенов в пище. В 2003 г. посевы ГМО во всем мире занимали площади более 70 млн. гектаров. И, вместе с тем, в последние годы резко обозначился вопрос - насколько безопасны данные технологии? Генетически-модифицированные организмы - сегодня это проблема со многими неизвестными. И эти неизвестные проявят себя не сейчас, а через десятки лет в нас, в наших детях и внуках. И таинственный ген скорпиона заявит о себе тогда, когда будут бесполезны любые оправдания. Поэтому вопрос о чистой продукции не несущей угрозы - это вопрос выживания человечества. В фильме рассказывается о научных исследованиях в области ГМО; о технологии создания ГМО; о бесплодии ГМ-организмов; о генетическом загрязнении; о пищевых и агротехнических рисках; о медицинских рисках; о ГМО в детском питании ; о ГМО в России и других странах. 11 Genetically Modified Food Issues - Educational Video 12 Islands at Risk - Genetic Engineering in Hawaii (parts 1-3) 13 CBC NewsWorld - GMO Containment 14 Genetically Modified Animals (many small files) Pro GMO 1 Horizon: Jimmy's GM Food Fight If supermarkets sold tomatoes packed with the same disease-fighting antioxidants as those so-called superfoods blackberries and blackcurrants – you’d want to try them, wouldn’t you? But what if they were labelled Genetically Modified? Ah, well. That would be different. We’ve been told that GM food is bad, even if we don’t really understand why. And those tomatoes wouldn’t be in the shops because the EU wouldn’t licence them to be commercially grown. Jimmy Doherty, of Jimmy’s Farm fame, trained as a scientist. So he’s an ideal person to thrash out the many different arguments for and against GM foods. It’s the kind of debate where you’ll keep changing sides. Especially when you find out where broccoli and brussels sprouts come from. And that in the US Amish farmers, grow GM plants without a second thought. 2 Restoring Lost Cover Restoring Lost Cover documents efforts of the Tree Biotechnology Programme-Trust (TBP-Trust) to meet the growing demand for quality trees and tree products in the Eastern & Central Africa region through a South-to-South, public-private technology transfer of the proven clonal eucalyptus from South Africa. 3 Silver Fields of Gold: The Story of Bt Cotton in China Silver Fields of Gold: The Story of Bt Cotton in China documents cotton cultivation in China and how Bt cotton eventually became the first biotech crop to be cultivated widely in the country. Various stakeholders who made this a reality - scientists, government officials, farmers and the private sector - share thier experiences and thoughts about this technology. 4 Nurturing the Seeds of Cooperation: The Papaya Network of Southeast Asia Nurturing the Seeds of Cooperation: The Papaya Network of Southeast Asia: A 17 minute video that documents the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders and partners to develop Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV)-resistant papaya. The video highlights public-private partnerships and how countries in Southeast Asia have benefited through the network's capacity building efforts and technology and information sharing initiatives. 5 Seeing is Believing - The Bt Cotton Trials in Burkina Faso A 19-minute video that documents the "Seeing is Believing" visit to the Burkina Faso Bt cotton field trials. The workshop was held in November 2006. 6 The Story of Bt Cotton in India The Story of Bt Cotton in India documents the process that it took for India's first genetically modified crop, Bt Cotton to be approved for commercialization. It captures the experiences of farmers and various stakeholders, particularly on how the technology has changed their lives and the challenges and opportunities they still face. This is their story... 7 Fruits of Partnerships Fruits of Partnerships is a 20-minute video that documents the efforts of various stakeholders to introduce tissue culture banana in small farmers' farms in Kenya and Tanzania. It captures the experiences of farmers, particularly on how the technology has changed their lives and the challenges and opportunities they still face. 8 Asia's First: The Bt Corn Story in the Philippines Asia's First: The Bt Corn Story in the Philippines captures in 18 minutes the seven year process that it took for a genetically modified crop to be approved for commercialization in a developing country. The Philippines is the first country in Asia to approve for commerical cultivation a genetically modified crop for feed and food.


  1. The
  2. World
  3. According
  4. Monsanto
  5. documentary
  6. that
  7. Americans
  8. won\'t
  9. ever
  10. see
  11. The
  12. GMO
  13. Trilogy
  14. and
  15. Seeds
  16. Deception
  17. Set
  18. DVD
  19. Rips
  20. ebook
  21. Audio
  22. CD]
  23. DVD
  24. Unnatural
  25. Selection
  26. (retitled

Files count:



9324.15 Mb




prasnto (2009-03-09)

Thanks so much for taking the time to put this collection together! :)

lokiju1 (2009-03-10)

Looking for these movies (possibly GMO related):
1. 'The Farmer and the Gene'

2. "Poison on the Platter"

3. "A Disaster in Search of Success"

Please inform me if you have one, know where to find or have/know of another GMO related movie!
Thank you!

chuchucha (2009-06-16)

thanks so much. This is brilliant!!

primalclaws1974 (2009-07-06)

This looks incredibly boring.

skullfcukyou (2010-06-03)

Don't worry your little brain with this silly stuff Primalclaw. go back to your hollywood films and fast food.

grippm (2010-12-29)


rugburn11 (2013-04-02)


All_(k)New (2013-08-24)

Also :
- Seeds of Death - Unveiling the Lies of GMOs (2012)
- Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of Our Lives (2012)
- The World According to Monsanto (2008)
- Food, Inc. (2008)
and GMO OMG (2013)

All_(k)New (2013-08-24)

- Stop Monsanto From Poisoning Hawai'i: Genetic Engineering Chemical Warfare (2012)
- Percy Schmeiser - David versus Monsanto (2009)
/just click on, there are many and most are for free/
Btb, thanks for a great torrent, for such a big file it downloads pretty fast with so few seeders. Tho, the pro-GM are distracting and disgusting, good to show the opposites.

peteorsaia (2014-07-27)

Would really like to see GMO OMG