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Video/Movies DVDR


2008-10-19 (by darko2112)


NTSC ISO Ripped from a Purchased DVD * Duplication and distribution is encouraged by film's creator as long as it's NOT DONE for profit. Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project.

Files count:



3775.63 Mb




darko2112 (2008-10-19)

Commenter you sould like another Alex Jones zombie. FYI Zeitgeist has been out less than 2 years so I'm not sure how you have " been saying for years " comes from. If you could think for yourself and not let Alex think for you you would realize it's totally opposite NWO. You need to wake up...AGAIN.

darko2112 (2008-10-20)

The Venus project was presented as a possible alternative but not the only one. It is clear our current system is very broken. I past looking at all the bad and want a solution. I don't believe the Venus project is evil however. If the creator of the Venus Project admits its not perfect just a lot better.
Has anyone even bothered to read any of Jacque Fresco's books before condemning it ?Oh that's right Alex Jones said it bad therefore it is.

darko2112 (2008-10-21)

thomasanderson911 , First off I am not on any High horse to speak of. When a troll comes in here and posts a sarcastic comment I have to respond. The first commenter is basically full of crap. I don't believe Zeitgeist is NWO propaganda. I don't know enough about the Venus project to say one way or the other if it could work or not. I know one thing for sure is that our current system does not. thomasanderson911 I understand your perspective and for the most part agree with you.

bertvid (2008-10-21)

Can we all agree that it would be a better world than the one we live in now? I know it would not be perfect, but it seems to me that it would be better for the majority of the world be that bit better off. It will never be perfect, just better. Peace!

sith7 (2008-10-23)

Great movie... any type of love revolution is fine by me.. sure as shit things can't get much worse..its a hate parade on earth.. the only thing the venus project could use is a healthy dose of anti-"intellectual property" supporters from sweden and the inclusion of a form of exchange(but don't call it money).. it would be an incredible society the likes of which have never been seen.. but its a dreamy proposition in all respects...unfortunately evolution has not selected for peace love and sharing, but for greed, power and dominance ... with ever "dumbining" populations it stands no chance ... fascism will ensue.

nnah (2008-10-23)

Stop guys...
If without proof, we should stop discussing or arguing...
Without proof everyone could be suspicious when talking on this matter.
Let us judge on our own.

SantaPo (2008-11-14)

could anyone paste a link to Alex Jones disscussion with Peter Joseph?

 vikingsfreak (2008-11-18)

Of all these annoying comments, one person could have said this was in PAL. I wasted all my time downloading something I could not play. Thanks a lot fuck head.

quazgaa (2008-11-19)

this is in fact NTSC, not PAL. What it is not however is an ISO. it is actually the mpeg program stream dumped from the ISO. "dot emm pee gee file" to the layman. If you want to make a DVD of this youll of course have to create the DVD filesystem and create an ISO to burn.

some0therguy (2008-11-22)

how much of this is actually true about the origins of religions and Christianity?
i ask this without having researched this and having just seen this film.

lknlnlkn (2008-11-27)

is here ENGLISH subtitles ???

sentinel7 (2008-11-29)

First half of Zeitgeist Addendum is amazing. All that stuff about banking conspiracy is true, and is presented in a simple and understandable way, better than any other documentary out there. But just when you think that author is a true patriot, and that he is working for our liberation, then comes big disappointment... In second half he actually proposes NWO, as a solution for all our current problems!!! Lets recap what the goals of NWO are: Create one world government by forcing all independent governments into submission to the central "UN" government. Create one world state, consisting of few continent size provinces: European, American, Asian, and African Unions. Create one mixed "brown" human race, by forcing colored immigrants into all former yellow and white nations, thus gradually mix all races into one unified human "brown" race. These people will have no national or racial "basis" around which they can unite in resistance against their NWO masters.
Create one world religion, by gradually exposing all current religions as frauds, never mentioning that they created all religions in the first place to manipulate sheep into fighting each other. Create unifed "new age" religion to replace all those old warlike religions, whose slogan will be "love is the only truth, all else is illusion" - thus making us docile and powerless to resist. Create one world NATO army by gradually erode and discredit all nation state armies, under pretence that armies are to blame for wars, when in fact NWO organized all wars and revolutions in our history. Impose gun control laws and remove guns from citizens, so when time comes people will be powerless to defend themselves. Create socialist welfare state whose main slogan will be: "all according to their abilities, to all according to their needs". You'll work all day and products will go form you, into hands of NWO masters who won't work at all.
Now it doesn't take much brains to conclude that the author of Zeitgeist is proposing something very similar. Venus project is Marxism in its purest and undiluted form. They want to abolish money, abolish social stratification (as in Russian revolution), abolish all races and religions, but he never mentions that resulting system of all this will be communism. That exact system has proven itself to be the worst kind of nightmare imaginable, people don't be just a blind sheep. Russians also blindly believed their NWO "Bolsheviks" who promised them "paradise on Earth", only to led them to the slaughter. Zeitgeist is good for waking-up beginners, but it must be recognized for what it is. This is pure NWO propaganda created to brainwash gullible into believing that "they are now awake", while in fact they have been put into just another cosier layer of deception. To see real documentary that exposes NWO conspiracy, download Ring of Power - Empire of the City.

quazgaa (2008-12-02)

its amazing (and quite hilarious) how this movie makes you all drop to the floor foaming at the mouth crying out communism, marxism, collectivism, borg/hive mind, and even nwo. for fucks sake people. get a grip. this film primarily is about the banking system and the way it structures society and the world. yes they give a fair amount of screen time to a couple of old hippies fantasizing about their vision of what some future utopia might be like. so what? people are self interested vile little animals; just look at what human society is like today and has been like since the dawn of civilization. that is to say, you dont have anything to worry about, so calm down. everything will stay exactly as it is. there will be no utopia, no one for all / all for one utopia. people are too infantile for that to ever happen. your world is and will remain a festering shitpile of self-interested indifferent king of the hill mentality ill get mine and fuck you in the process individualism. so stfu already and stop foaming at the mouth about a couple of hippies and their utopian daydreaming. you could even go so far as to grow up a little bit and actually discuss the issues at hand, like the current state of affairs is concerning the REALITY of the world right now. dont like someone else's ideas for making the world a better place? take some responsibility for yourself, wipe the foam from your mouth, and do your own brainstorming about how YOU are going to make the world a better place.

furtherdown (2008-12-31)

This is mpeg, not a DVD. Will not play on most standalone DVD players, only on computers. Unless you've got a special DVD player, you lucky bastard.
It's too bad, I've already made 10 copies of this and sent them all over. Hope they figure out that they need to play it on a PC. Big failure by the torrent author. You have to do things properly if you don't want the Illuminati to continue to take over!

DeathMinister (2009-03-24)

It works in my DVD player just fine. Quite dandy even. Thanks for the torrent!