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Video Movies






2009-01-04 (by KLAXXON)





  2. avi
  3. divx
  4. xvid
  5. dvd
  6. dvdrip
  7. 2008
  8. 2009

Files count:



744.47 Mb




Jincheonkid (2009-01-05)

Thanks. Looks good

uttley79 (2009-01-06)

Feck!!! This movie scared the b'jesus out of me! Little bastards! The mow down was some sweet payback though.

scrappyjohnson (2009-01-06)

thanks for the spoiler alert

scrappyjohnson (2009-01-06)

oh..and thanks again klaxxon.. a great lesser known and a great up

KeLToS (2009-01-07)

omg what a horrible b english cunt movie. burn those who made it

carmacowboysklunkejack (2009-01-08)

This movie is way too freaky.. Made me want to go out and kill some kids.

uttley79 (2009-01-08)

Blame Gordy B for the bad kids in the UK. He put us in bed with the banks so they could butt fuck the life out of hoest working people, putting them into poverty, breeding the kind of scum in this movie. If ur a Brit earning less than 16k your probably better on benefits. Take a lead from the U.S.A, you dont work you dont get shit! Could u imagine the lazy gits in the UK if they suddenly found the workers refused to pay for their free lifestyle. A sunny day that would be for me!!!

martyr366 (2009-01-09)

Utley..In regards to the states and the ones who don't work. We have a tendency to discriminate against those who are new to our country and different. We did it to our own in 1939. FOllowing the depression and the great dust storm we shunned the Oakies and Fruit tramps. (they worked from dawn to dust for food and lodging, when they could find work.) . We did it to the Chinese and mostly to the Japaneese culminating in 1942 .After they returned from the camps, I saw an old gentlemen thrown out a window with a rope around his neck. I was on my way to school in the school we had confiscated when we sent them off to Manzinar or Tule Lake.
Now we are doing it to the other americans we share this continent with, There are some in our society that don't work and we still shovel the aid to them cause we are a nation of guilt. Yeah, over here it is work or go hungry, unless......

pdjyang (2009-01-11)

Be careful if you're watching this with your girlfriend, pretty fucked up movie, don't want to spoil anything so I'll just say u can wait for something positive to come and it never does. Thx for the up

MajorTVFan (2009-01-13)

I hate watching flakey movies like this... wished i had a time machine and stop myself from watching it... ending suxs big time. Trash alright. The people and the movie.
Fuck u MR. Director hope u never direct a movie ever again. WAST OF TIME AND SPACE >> if u enjoyed SAW V ending then u love this shit ending

Celph-Titled (2009-01-13)

@ MajorTVFan
Amen to that. The ending was horse shit.

Flopis (2009-01-17)

10xs KlAXXOn

pompoos (2009-01-17)

this is one hell of a movie.

highly original!

ayahtolla (2009-01-19)

just dwnlding, but thanks anyway :-)

CSuk (2009-01-22)

Ta Muchly 4 the UL...
This film has certainly put the cat amongst the pidgeons! Everyone's comments are quite lively :)

saddythedaddy (2009-01-24)

fuck me sideways.....this film freaked the shite out of me.Top shit klaxxon my man!! SEED U

CSuk (2009-01-26)

Good but...after watching this I was quite disturbed that this even got a release (the director has just used it -like so many others- as an, 'I can be sicker than you' outlet; regardless of the consequences.
Its disturbing and all to real; as the characters portrayed are actually amongst us in society today...far too many disturbed ones actually! Its almost like a warning of what modern day has become.
You'll never go into the countryside again without some sort of protection...preferably either an AK47 or a P90 (these are guns for those who are not aware).

bloodyjudge (2009-01-27)

Fuckin American Retards!!!!....So bastid quick to jump on us in UK!!!!....Have you lived here???Probebly not??........well?
So you are telling me that 'Boyz 'n' the hood' was'nt realistic??? i never been to america(apparently my EGO does'nt meet the criteria!!)so wouldent know if that is actually how it is?.......
Come live in Lewisham in south london for a week or two!!!!.......apart from the 'going a tad bit far torture scenes' the hoods are nasty little cunts!!!and thats how it pretty much is...
Fkin americans eh??--theres a problem in someone elses country....WE WILL COME SORT IT FOR YOU!!!...arrogance it a terrible this esp on a nation wide scale...
no offence....pfffft

bloodyjudge (2009-01-27)

ohh yeah...thankyou for this film.....both me and my wife thought it was a great Horror/Thriller

Avenj (2009-01-28)

Thanks for sharing this klaxxon
-Good Quality.

collidednb (2009-02-17)

I'll say this, especially to the 'bloodyjudge' character. American's aren't 'sorting problems' for other countries because we think we are the shit...if anything, it's because we honestly believe as a country that we have the resources and know-how to make a better change for that may-be-in-need country..For you to claim all American's are cocky, and that you can't come here unless you have a big ego is just untrue. I guarantee if you moved to USA with your attitude, you would definitely regret it within 5 minutes. We may have made mistakes in the past, and are probably still and going to make them, but shit...what has UK done? When's the last time you saw those funny looking red uniformed soldiers that guard an 83 year old woman who was appointed to her throne, just 'cuz. No qualifications, no degrees, no classification that set her apart from anyone else...Just cuz she has the same blood as the last one. How's that for a country? Fact is, don't classify American's as a whole. Thank you.

Beermonsta (2009-02-22)

Just dl'ed this torrent...The audio has whistling in the background and the vocals are distorted/muffled any solutions pls

Beermonsta (2009-02-22)

Sorry ppl......That was my fault, plays ok on powerdvd. Gonna watch this 2moz and scare the shit outa me gf!!

Focus88 (2009-03-22)

This movie looks interesting, but paying 169 swe. kr or around 22 us dollars for it? Fuck that. I will not even get english subs. Thanks for sharing!

henry76 (2009-03-27)

Thanks for this great upload. Love you for this klaxxon :)

Hurleyvania (2009-05-11)

1.12.54 in the movie there is a possible fart sound. Sounds funny!

jojo1981amd (2009-05-30)

thank you! :)

MTLGENTLEMAN (2009-06-21)

Thank You !!

Filalithis (2010-01-11)

Don't cut the credits in the end!

Filalithis (2010-01-11)

Don't cut the credits in the end!!

Filalithis (2010-01-11)

Don't cut the credits in the end!!!

Filalithis (2010-01-11)

Don't cut the credits in the end!!!!

Wolfskin73 (2010-06-08)

@collidednb nice move dude, the sick bastard of english got it slap bang in the middle of his face!!! I totally agree with u but I think that USA is getting to much involved in those maybe-in-need-countries, which is definitely not bad...but what's the result? I guess a modern colonisation....definitely imperialism!!!
And about the movie A:9 V: 7 M: 10
This movie made me sick, I mean really sick I can't wait to watch it with my Gf to see her reaction, for those who aren't stone hearted and sensitive to sudden rush of adrenaline I DEFINITELY DON'T RECOMMEND, but if you're looking for a high visual experience the WATCH THIS OR DIG YOUR GRAVE, I mean this is the 2nd on my horror list movies now, after Silent hill, thanks to KLAXXON !!!!

drive-786 (2010-11-29)

fuck i hate the ending of this movie......fuck you hollywood for not takeing care of movie lovers to be happy

Tus1506 (2010-12-04)

i hate it when some idiot write a comment that burns the movie!!

Tus1506 (2010-12-04)

dgood movie