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Boeing - 757, 767.iso.rar
Boeing - 757, 767.iso.rar
2007-04-28 (by Anonymous)
An old one!
757 and/or 767 FLIGHT CBT
This CD is configured for 767 Flight, GE, Fast/Slow, Bottom Mode, Std FMC, and Passenger.
Hardware Requirements
To run the Boeing 757/767 Flight CBT in Windows, 95 from the CD-ROMs, the student station requires the following hardware:
Pentium 90 CPU or better (Pentium 133 recommended)
16 MB RAM (32 MB recommended)
640x480 pixel, 16 bit color display
SoundBlaster compatible audio
Speaker or headphones
CD-ROM reader (4x or faster)
Disk space for about 8.5 MB of overhead files and a 20 MB swap file
Depending on your system configuration, performance may be enhanced by copying the contents of the CD-ROMs to your hard disk or server and running the programs from there. If you do this, you will not need the CD-ROM reader to run them but you will need approximately 1.1 GB of additional disk space to store them.
Operating System and Network Environments
This version of 757/767 Flight CBT can be installed and run in a Windows 95 environment. At FlightSafety Boeing, we store it on an NT server, run it routinely on Windows 95 workstations, and have installed it on a Windows NT Workstation.
Installing it for use on several PCs running Windows 95 (or Windows NT Workstation) and connected to an NT server should be a straightforward task for anybody who is proficient at setting up applications in an NT LAN environment. There are many ways NT LANs differ from one another and various ways to accomplish the installation. Therefore, FlightSafety Boeing does not provide specific step-by-step instructions for such installations and does not train customers in these tasks. Information and training regarding such systems and tasks is likely available from your LAN supplier.
Information about the Lessons
On this CD-ROM you will find a file called 56PMENU.DOC (for PIP FMC courses) or 56SMENUN.DOC (for Standard FMC courses) that lists the lessons, describes each lesson briefly, and tells the approximate time required to complete each lesson.
Lesson Run Time
CBT Introduction 15 Minutes
Computer-Based Training Operations
Provides a general introduction to the CBT. Explains how to navigate within each lesson and how the lessons are structured. (Does not contain a practice section.)
Airplane General
Airplane Familiarization 15 minutes
Provides general information about the airplane's capabilities, physical features, types of switches, and cockpit instrumentation. (Does not contain a practice section.)
Lighting 20 minutes
Operating procedures and principles of cockpit, exterior, and emergency lighting controls and indicators.
Auxiliary Power Unit 15 minutes
Describes operation of the Auxiliary Power Unit under normal conditions and recognition of non-normal conditions.
Electrical System
Electrical System Normal Operations 20 minutes
Explanations for establishing electrical power using either the APU or external power. Describes proper procedures for securing electrical power from the airplane.
Electrical Power Distribution 40 minutes
Explains how the electrical system works. Explains the battery and Standby power systems and the Main AC and DC power system.
Electrical System Non-Normal Operations 20 minutes
Indications of electrical system non-normal conditions and proper corrective actions. Emphasis on Bus and Generator non-normals.
Warning Systems
Crew Alerting and Warning System Part I 25 minutes
Describes the operation of the Engine Indications and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) and its relationship to the Master Warning and Caution indications.
Crew Alerting and Warning System Part II 25 minutes
Describes the EICAS Status and Maintenance displays.
EICAS Non-Normals 25 minutes
Description of EICAS operation under non-normal conditions and recognizing configuration warnings during takeoff and landing.
Ground Proximity and Windshear 25 minutes
Description of Ground Proximity Warning System operation and indications, and operation of the Windshear Warning system.
TCAS II 45 minutes
Indications and operation of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems installed on Boeing airplanes.
Fuel System
Fuel System 20 minutes
Describes the basic fuel system. Shows location of major components such as fuel tanks and cockpit controls and indicators and how to configure the controls for normal operations. Introduces non-normal indications.
Fuel Jettison System (767 only) 15 minutes
Operation of the fuel jettison system on the 767-300ER airplanes.
Powerplant and EICAS Engine Indications 30 minutes
Detailed explanation of the engine indications as displayed on the EICAS. Includes Inflight Start Envelope indications.
Fuel, Oil, and Vibration Systems 30 minutes
Description of displays, indications, and general system operation. Explanation of the automatic call-up features and operation of the lower EICAS screen.
Ignition and Starting Systems 25 minutes
Describes locations and operations of the controls and indicators. Describes system operation during a normal start sequence.
Thrust Management System and Electronic Engine Control 35 minutes
Describes the functions and indications of the Thrust Management Computer (TMC) and Electronic Engine Control (EEC).
Thrust Reversers 20 minutes
Describes the operation and indications of the Thrust Reverser system. Permits the user to interface with the system and recognize both normal and non-normal indications.
Air Conditioning, Pressurization & Pneumatics
Pneumatics 25 minutes
Describes the normal operation of the Pneumatics system and how to correctly set the controls for proper operation. Briefly describes the Pneumatics system interaction with other airplane systems. Describes indications and corrective action for non-normal conditions.
Air Conditioning 20 minutes
Demonstrates normal operation of the Air Conditioning system during preflight and engine start and after start. Provides information on non-normal indications and corrective action.
Equipment Cooling, Cargo Heat and Ventilation 25 minutes
Describes the operation and indications of the equipment cooling and cargo heating systems during normal and non-normal operations.
Pressurization 25 minutes
Describes the normal operation of the pressurization system during preflight and in flight. Provides system description, indications, and operations during non-normal conditions.
Inertial Reference System 30 minutes
Describes the functions, operation, and indications of the IRS. Enables the user to begin the alignment process from both the CDU and the IRS control panel. Describes non-normal indications and proper corrective action.
Flight Management Computer Familiarization 20 minutes
Provides an introduction to the Flight Management System and operation of the CDU.
Flight Management Computer Pre-Departure Entries 25 minutes
Describes loading of navigation and performance data required for a normal flight. Describes all required and optional entries during preflight of the CDU.
Flight Management Computer Route Entry Part 1 25 minutes
Emphasizes the Route Entry page to load Company and manual routes including runways and Standard Instrument Departures. Shows interaction of the CDU and HSI to verify route information.
Flight Management Computer Route Entry Part 2 25 minutes
Describes the relationship of the Route Page with the Legs page. Explains the purpose of the HSI Plan mode and its relationship to the Legs page. Describes methods to modify a route after it has been entered.
Flight Management Computer Climb 25 minutes
Describes operation and use of the Climb page and how to modify airspeed and altitude constraints. Describes relationship between the Autoflight system and LNAV/VNAV.
Flight Management Computer Cruise 25 minutes
Describes operation of the FMC during cruise and the functions of step climbs. Describes how to modify cruise wind information to improve FMC estimates. Discusses the cost index concept and how it affects cruise speed.
Flight Management Computer Descent 35 minutes
Describes the functions and information available on the Descent page. Describes how to modify certain parameters to improve accuracy and how to add and delete constraints.
Flight Management Computer Progress and Miscellaneous Data 25 minutes
Describes information available on the Progress and Route Data pages. Describes the method used to determine time and distance to an alternate airport.
Flight Management Computer Flight Plan Changes 30 minutes
Describes recommended methods for modifying a flight plan while enroute. Describes the purpose and functions of the Direct, Intercept, and Offset functions. Demonstrates how to add, delete, and bypass waypoints. Describes various methods for defining waypoints.
Flight Management Computer Approaches, STARS and Diverts 35 minutes
Describes selection of Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARS) and Approaches. Describes the purpose of transitions to provide continuous LNAV routing and the required information for the FMC to calculate a Top of Descent point. Describes methods to divert to an alternate airport.
Flight Management Computer Lateral Offsets and Fix Information 20 minutes
Describes the function of and information available on the FIX page and HSI. Describes creation of waypoints using information on the FIX page.
Flight Management Computer Holding 35 minutes
Describes use of the FMC Hold page. How to enter/modify information on the Hold page. Describes procedures for entering and exiting hold and how to recognize more than one holding fix in a route.
Miscellaneous Navigation Equipment 25 minutes
Describes the ATC transponder, radio navigation (including ADF, ILS, and VOR/DME radios), and weather radar.
Flight Management Computer Non-Normal Situations 30 minutes
Describes use of the FMC during engine out operations and failure of one or both FMCs. Also covers the various FMC messages.
Flight Instruments
Attitude Director Indicator 30 minutes
Describes the functions and indications available on the ADI. Describes the operation and use of the Flight Director and ILS indicator. Shows how to set a decision height on the ADI and explains indications associated with ADI non-normals.
ADI Speed Display 25 minutes
Describes the functions and indications of the Speed Tape or Fast Slow (depending on airline option) ADI speed indication. Describes the interface to these indicators from the mode control panel and the existing aircraft configuration. Describes non-normal indications associated with the indicator.
HSI Map and Plan Modes 30 minutes
Describes the controls, indicators, and display symbols on the HSI using the map and plan modes. Shows the functions of the HSI mode switches and use of the weather radar. Describes operation of the HSI in the map and plan modes with failure of one or both FMCs.
HSI VOR and ILS Modes 25 minutes
Describes the controls, indicators, and display symbols on the HSI using the VOR and ILS modes. Describes the function of the heading reference switch and its impact on the HSI. Describes the use of the Heading Reference bug and the difference between the Full and Expanded modes. Shows how to tune the VORs, ADFs, and ILS. Describes various failure flags that can appear in these modes.
Primary and Standby Flight Instruments 30 minutes
Provides information on the operation and displays of the Altimeters, VSI, Clock, RDMI, Flight recorder, and Instrument Source Selector. Describes operation of the Standby flight instruments (attitude, heading, speed, and altimeter) and various failure indications of the Primary and Standby flight instruments.
Introduction to Autoflight 30 minutes
Describes the relationship between the major components of the Autoflight System. Shows the input/output relationship between the autopilots, Flight Directors, Autothrottle, Flight Control computers, and Autothrottle computer. The user will learn how to engage autopilots, autothrottles, and Flight Directors. This lesson describes the various modes that are available during flight and how to engage these modes through the Mode Control panel.
Autoflight Modes Part 1: Pitch and Roll 30 minutes
Detailed description of the various autoflight modes with emphasis on ADI annunciations. Shows the relationship between pitch, roll, and thrust modes as well as the autoflight protective modes.
Autoflight Modes Part 2: FLCH and VNAV 30 minutes
Detailed discussion of the Flight Level Change and Vertical Navigation modes of operating the autoflight system. Demonstrates required actions to perform altitude changes and speed intervention in VNAV and Flight Level Change.
Autoflight Modes Part 3: Takeoff and Approach 30 minutes
Covers the operation and available indications when operating in the automatic landing mode. Covers the use of the Localizer (LOC) and Approach (APP) modes. Also covers the Go Around functions of the autoflight system.
Autoflight Subsystems 20 minutes
Describes the purpose and functions of the altitude alerts associated with the Altitude window on the Mode Control Panel. (Does not contain a practice section.)
Autoflight Non-Normals 30 minutes
Describes the indications and limitations associated with the failure of various components of the autoflight system.
Hydraulic Systems
Hydraulic Systems: Normal Operation 25 minutes
Describes the three independent hydraulic systems with their controls and indicators. The quantity and pressure indicators on the status page are discussed. Specific major components powered by each system and the automatic load shedding in the event of reduced electrical power are also covered.
Hydraulic Systems: Backups and Non-Normal Conditions 25 minutes
Describes the function, purpose, and operation of the Ram Air Turbine (RAT), Reserve Brakes and steering system, and recognition of selected hydraulic failures. The Power Transfer Unit (PTU 757) and the Pitch Enhancement system (PES 767) are also described.
Landing Gear
Landing Gear 30 minutes
Describes the normal operation of the landing gear system with associated controls and indicators. Also discusses operation of the Alternate Gear Extension system and introduces recognition of EICAS messages associated with the landing gear.
Brake System 25 minutes
Describes operation of the normal and alternate brake systems, including the parking brake and auto brake systems. The antiskid functions and EICAS messages associated with the brakes are also covered.
Flight Controls
Flight Controls: Introduction 30 minutes
Provides an overview of the different flight control surfaces, the flight control shutoff switches, and how the RAT interfaces with the hydraulic system. (Does not contain a practice section.)
Flight Controls: Rudder System 30 minutes
Describes the controls and indicators associated with the rudder system. It includes a discussion of the rudder trim, Yaw Damper, and Rudder Ratio systems. The rudder system non-normal indications are also discussed.
Flight Controls: Elevators and Stabilizer 30 minutes
Describes operation of the elevators and stabilizer trim systems. Describes the green band settings on the trim system and discusses the difference between the electric and alternate stab trim systems.
Flight Controls: Ailerons and Spoilers 30 minutes
Describes operation of the ailerons and spoiler systems. Also covers aileron trim and automatic speedbrake systems. EICAS messages associated with these systems are also covered.
Flight Controls: Flaps and Slats 30 minutes
Describes the operation, controls, and indicators associated with the flap/slat systems. Includes discussions of the "gate" positions on the flap selector and the alternate flap/slat system EICAS messages.
Ice And Rain Protection
Ice and Rain Protection 25 minutes
Describes the purpose and operation of the Window Heat, Wing and Engine Anti-ice, and pitot heat systems. Also covers EICAS messages associated with these systems.
Communications 25 minutes
Describes the operations and controls for the Audio Selector Panel, Cockpit Handset, Service Interphone Switch, pilots' Call Panel, and the cockpit voice recorder.
Fire Protection
Fire Protection: Engines and APU 25 minutes
Describes engine and APU fire detection and extinguishing systems. Also discusses the engine overheat detection system and the APU remote Fire Control panel.
Fire Protection: Cargo Compartments, Wheel Well and Testing 20 minutes
Describes the indications and operation of the Cargo Fire protection system and Wheel Well Fire indications. This lesson also discusses the operation of the Fire/Overheat test system.
Fault Reporting
Fault Reporting Manual 15 minutes
Describes flight crew use of the Fault Reporting Manual. Gives examples of specific system failure write ups. Demonstrates how maintenance uses this information to correct discrepancies.
757/767 CBT MENU
Standard FMC
757/767 CBT MENU
Standard FMC
Files count:
165.84 Mb
gskuznet (2008-11-21)
There is no second disk!Half from the aforesaid does not work.