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MorphVOX Pro v3 + Patch
MorphVOX Pro v3 + Patch
2008-03-30 (by lysergic-d)
MorphVOX Pro v3
Files count:
4.93 Mb
FlamingPyro (2008-04-05)
AVG, antivir, and Panda all found something when scanning the rar.AntiVir: SPR/Hacktool.40960
AVG Antivirus: HackTool.crack
Panda Antivirus: Generic
Do not download this.
lysergic-d (2008-04-08)
@FlamingPyroI looked all over the net for this and couldn't find it for quite a while untill I stumbled across a RS link for it. I have nod32 and it didn't find anything. I have been using it for months and nothing has happen yet.
P.S AVG is a P.O.S
AboO89 (2008-04-10)
Is this the latest version?And if so does add-ons work?
If its not the latest.. how do i use add-ons?
AboO89 (2008-04-10)
I have checked it now, its working and it also had 1 male voice add-on and 1 female voice add-on!But does it work to download more add-ons from their website?
Because i have download from them before and it didnt work with this version!
NiceAss (2008-07-16)
No patch includedX750F (2008-08-22)
can u seed please? downl is 0 and up is 0 too.. doesnt start downloading -.- can u guys who manage to download it, email it to me in a rar file? that wuld be lovely. my email add is albertmonsen@live.comThanks for helping
X750F (2008-08-22)
nevermind. it started after 6 min of waiting :) luckelyX750F (2008-08-22)
noob torrent -.- there was no descriptions on where and what to do with the patch.. -.- tha patch didnt work to me.. in a normal or usefull torrent with programms with patch they discrive where and when to put the patch in to thet location. hope u think about that and be kind and do something about it. or maybe othere downloaders can help. please do. Thankscowboyisaac (2008-09-02)
NEED MORE SEEDERS PLZ!!!!!pp7forlifeyo (2008-10-12)
Anyone know where i can download this program (With a Working Keygen, Crack Without Viruses?) Please, let me know... Hate th e trail :/FoxFergus (2008-10-30)
Well, I dont know if it is a "Noob Torrent" however the way it is distributed is a little confusing. To make this one work,1. Download torrent and install (duh)
2. If using AVG when you open the patch folder it will start to yell at you, just allow it, ignore won't work.
3. The patch utility should work at this point, run it and it will update. This will also generate your key, so the patch file is also the key-gen if you will.
Notes: So, the key gen does work, AVG detects "Hacking Tools" (Different from virus), and the install works fine after update.
Overall it is a working torrent that does what it is intended to do.
lysergic-d (2008-10-31)
@X750FYou can't be serious man, first off before you start calling people "n00b" you should first learn the language you are trying to use. 2nd if you couldn't figure out how to install this well then I feel bad for you because if you can't figure out something as simple as this I don't have the slightest clue as to how you are going to make it in the real world. And lastly I find it amusing how you are acting like I owe you somthing or that I have inconvienced your life in some way. You really need to get off that high horse before you fall and break your neck you fucking idiot.
@hellfirehound, C0LDSH07, AboO89 and FoxFergus
At least there are some people with a brain.
Squeakurs (2008-11-29)
For anyone who cares, I did find a trojan in the folder, but once you remove it it's fine.Using McAfee
Sebastian011N (2008-12-02)
First i scanned the .rar file (Clean)Then i did the map (unrared) (CLEAN)
Then i did the patch map (Clean tho)
wonderlandxxx (2009-01-27)
hi the pach file was empty . no patch , no keygerator . this is just a 6 day trial,when you install the extra voices it stops workingShyressa (2009-02-02)
This works perfectly. No issues with installing at all. Is there any chance of you uploading the newest version of the program??thegeorgecrushinton (2009-03-01)
So can this acept addons?SilentEyes (2009-04-08)
To all of the people who are too idiotic to actually figure out how to work this I applaud you for the hilarity you have shown. You are all idiots.On the bright side I commend you lysergic-d. Nice torrent, FILES ARE ALL THERE, and ALL CLEAN.
Scanned with ESET Nod32 buisiness edition.
And for you idiots that say the keygenerator file is empty, it's because your stupid ass antivirus *coughAVGcough* deleted the file as you downloaded it because it thought it was malware.
People need to get educated and figure this shit out before they start investing their time in pirate bay and ultimately pissing off the people that know what they are doing. Stop fucking dissing peoples torrents and acting like they are here to serve you. It's complete bullshit, they are only here sharing their files because they WANT TO BE HERE. Your parents should have given you guys a fucking beating when you were younger instead of spoiling you and creating brats that only expect shit on a 100% silver platter from other people. Because here at the pirate bay, it is less than 100% silver so get used to it or FUCK OFF!
Once again thanks lysergic-d for, ultimately, a clean and nice torrent. ^_^
Alucard187 (2009-04-10)
Nice torrent thank you very much!geek221 (2009-04-18)
I have scanned the files in the rar (separately) And the patch contained several viruses (Scanned at virus total) Check out the viruses contained in the file at
primalclaws1974 (2009-04-19)
wow. another pos file. Not lysergic-d's fault, he didnt make the program, but i shut off anti-virus, still no key gen, and this program isn't even capable of recording what u say! whats the point then? This is worse than the last voice changer i downloaded, i fucking give up!DELEX-GODLESS (2009-04-26)
never in my life have i seen the truth so briliantly writen thank you SilentEyesand this is what he said
To all of the people who are too idiotic to actually figure out how to work this I applaud you for the hilarity you have shown. You are all idiots.
On the bright side I commend you lysergic-d. Nice torrent, FILES ARE ALL THERE, and ALL CLEAN.
Scanned with ESET Nod32 buisiness edition.
And for you idiots that say the keygenerator file is empty, it's because your stupid ass antivirus *coughAVGcough* deleted the file as you downloaded it because it thought it was malware.
People need to get educated and figure this shit out before they start investing their time in pirate bay and ultimately pissing off the people that know what they are doing. Stop fucking dissing peoples torrents and acting like they are here to serve you. It's complete bullshit, they are only here sharing their files because they WANT TO BE HERE. Your parents should have given you guys a fucking beating when you were younger instead of spoiling you and creating brats that only expect shit on a 100% silver platter from other people. Because here at the pirate bay, it is less than 100% silver so get used to it or FUCK OFF!
Once again thanks lysergic-d for, ultimately, a clean and nice torrent. ^_^
if you wont to no something google it befor pissing people off
amerikkkan (2009-05-01)
yeah right, why do you need to put a fucking keymaker, WHEN YOU JUST NEED TO PUT THE KEY IN A .TXT FILE OR .NFO FILE, obviously to put virus in the keymakerRYHELIO (2009-05-28)
Avast is garbage, why do people still use it? is there something I dont know?clotters1 (2009-06-03)
Mi gosh, i've been looking lik all over 4 dis. Thnx so much. Where did u get the patch aniway? An seriously, hav any of u apart from a select few, heard of "False Positives"? Look it up on wikipedia, u might learn something...tOONEY (2009-06-04)
Do not download this I found a virus, with avast and that is good program. Do not download!bethmattsix33 (2009-06-10)
Its working thank you very much. NICE1 Thnx:)likemtight (2009-06-15)
This goes out to all the cocksuckers that said that these files were. You're a bunch of fuckin pricks! I downloaded this piece of shit file, the red flags were thrown, I referred to the comments and saw bitches like "lysergic-d", "DELEX-GODLESS", "SilentEyes" and all the rest of you pussy ass motherfuckers talking shit to all the people that had any sense to not listen to your sorry asses. So against my better judgment I downloaded and installed the program. Now my computer is fucked up and I have to reformat. Is it my fault, you bet your ass it is, but I'll tell you this, if ANY of you get bitch slapped in the face over the next few years, real fuckin hard to where it splits your cheek and fuckin eyes wide open, that was me. FUCKIN ASSHOLES! And if I see your asses in jail....I'm runnin up in it.likemtight (2009-06-15)
This goes out to all the cocksuckers that said that these files were what it was supposed to say......fuckin jackoffs.BE SMARTER THEN I WAS AND DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS INFECTED SHIT OR YOU'LL BE SORRY MY FRIENDS!
bowseroffun (2009-07-09)
amerikkkan Dude some keys HAVE TO BE GENERATED on certain Types Including MACHINE ID and other things to makea legit key making a key and putting it in a text file and only being 1 or more in a list that wont cut it dude..FoxY1233 (2009-07-18)
This is full of viruses ! i scanned with Mccafe antivirus and i got 2 troians in generic and something do not download this everybody keeps saying that this is 3 persons are saying thisneramak (2009-07-21)
Mcafee Pro Detected:Detection Type: Trojan
Detection Names: Generic.dx, Generic.dx
Virus-Tester (2009-08-09)
Installer files are all clean, but patch-file contains both hacktool (not a problem), Backdoor2.dxho (trojan horse), MassDownloader (downloads more trojans to your system) and a variant of the Banker worm. The banker worm takes personal information and emails it to the author of the worm. Potentially very dangerous.More information on the scan can be found at
It's sad to say, but as of 8/8/09, there are no clean working cracks publically available for any version of MorphVox.
The_BLaCK_ReDNeCK (2009-08-17)
anyone comin here be smart and don't download this.really Virus-Tester? that sucks. i had a trial version of this and it was great. but i gotta uninstall it now. i just wanted a serial number... I did end up downloadin the AV Voice Changer Software Daimond 6... i fergot where i got it from but it works fine with no viruses and whatnot. you can search fer that.
tlchack5 (2009-10-16)
This is to clear up all MISUNDERSTANDINGS about this torrent and pirating in general. This torrent is NOT clean. Avast! DOES work. When you are downloading CRACKING SOFTWARE, avast will throw up a red flag because cracking software performs operations that MALWARE TAKES ADVANTAGE OF to do malicious things to your operating system. Malware ALTERS files of other programs to perform tasks they were not originally designed to do, cracking software does the same thing, it alters the files of other programs to perform a task (or in many cases change the way it performs the task) in order for the software to be tricked into thinking that it has been properly registered and activated. THIS IS WHY AVAST AND OTHER ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAMS WARN YOU OF VIRUSES WHEN YOU ARE HANDLING ILLEGAL SOFTWARE! If you don't know left or right when it comes to computers and don't know how to properly analyze a file that has been flagged as potentially dangerous on your computer you should not be using torrents.Real world connection: If your buying drugs (which is just as illegal as pirating software) and don't know the difference between your marijuana being crystally and someone laceing your weed with meth, you shouldn't be smoking the stuff.
Both sides of this argument about whether or not this torrent is "laced" with malware is ticking me off because you should be able to tell immediately. Here is how you should be able to figure out:
1. Avast (which is what I use for Real Time scanning, I have several other programs that I use for background scanning of the hard-drive) or another anti-virus program flags a file(or multiple files) from your download as malicious.
2. Take note of the TYPE OF MALWARE your anti-virus program said it was. Select to Quarantine the files
3. Do a quick Google search and figure out what that specific type of Malware does.
3. Using a NEW COPY OF WINDOWS (the same OS as the one on your normal computer *you can use the same key you are using for you current install of windows* just don't try to activate it) on a Microsoft Virtual Machine (this way if it is a virus, you can roll back your virtual machine to it's original state).
4. Navigate to the folder that your Anti-Virus program uses as a Quarantine and copy the file to your virtual machine
5. Using Process Monitor from SysInternals on your virtual machine run the crack (or whatever the file may be) on your virtual machine and watch what it does. If Process Monitor doesn't give you enough information, SysInternals offers litterally 100's of programs you can utilize that will help you analyze your file.
Here is a link to the websites where you can download these utilities:
Process Monitor:
Microsoft Virtual Machine:
Avast! Anti-Virus:
And a little side note:
If your machine is royally messed up and you are at wits end trying to fix it, there is one last hope before re-installing windows. Load into safe-mode with networking using MSConfig (start menu->run->msconfig navigate to the boot tab and under boot options select safe mode with the networking option selected. Then switch to the services tab and select "Hide All Microsoft Services" and then disable everything that is left over, then switch to the startup tab and turn off EVERYTHING, including your anti-virus). now exit msconfig and choose to re-boot *IF YOU ARE USING VISTA YOU NEED TO PERFORM AN EXTRA STEP* DO NOT CHOOSE TO REBOOT IN VISTA. instead run command prompt as administrator and type in "net user administrator /active:yes" (without the quotes) and hit enter, it should say operation completed successfully. Now restart your system.
After entering safemode with networking (in vista log in as the new administrator account that is shown) open your web broser (this is why we needed networking) and navigate to: http://www.bleepin
Top-Gun (2009-11-01)
I scanned with Kaspersky and no virusezache_ (2009-11-14)
HAha i just found out how to get a full version of this without using the crack...Install the program and use until the trial expires. Then when you're asked to upgrade, click "Manual Upgrade", you will be sent to a website where you download a .XML file, download it and put in installation folder and VOILA! You just got the full version :)
tomto (2009-11-17)
@ Zache - PLEASE EXPLAIN. I have 4 days of trial left... r u sure this is gonna work? HELP please explain. im on Win 7 64 bitKelesen (2009-12-03)
Lol Avast sucks dick.This torrent is 100% virus free. I scanned it with 3 different anti-virus programs. Don't worry guys.
LOCKED911 (2010-02-18)
Depending on How much you like your computer either u like your computer(DONT DOWNLOAD) or i Hate your computer(DOWNLOAD this) Simple as that!LOCKED911 (2010-02-18)
u*LOCKED911 (2010-02-18)
i was ment to say "or U hate your computer"ThePrankCalls (2010-08-02)
Patch had torjan dont downloadchazz1488 (2010-09-23)
This is not a clean version if you want a clean version go here guys[CLEAN]_MorphVOXPro_3.0.5_(Build_39239__[CLEAN]_Patch)
chazz1488 (2010-09-23)
hey guys, try the link i sent it works freakin sweet.Scorpienkid65 (2010-11-17)
Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Virus Virus Virus Virus Virus Virus Virus Virus Virus Virus Virus Doesn't Work! Doesn't Work! Doesn't Work! Doesn't Work! Doesn't Work! Doesn't Work! Don't Download this shit the patch has a Trojan and the program doesn't work!ZEROWANX (2010-11-19)
THIS IS A VIRUS. DONT DOWNLOAD IT. HE'S TRYING TO BUILD HIS BONTET. 10 out of 19 scanners reported malware. 44% Scanner(s) (16/36) found malware! The submitted file is not detected.
Trilles (2011-02-10)
@likemtight @tOONEY and all the other who said this has a virus, mine is working well and no virus was found with NOD32 v4.2.64.12 FULL.Files:
1. MorphVOX_Pro_v3.rar 4.93 Mb