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2007-08-30 (by tuggerter)


FLV (Flash) version David Irving the famous WWII Historian speaks for himself, defending his methods and motivation. With introduction from Australian commentator. Be patient video gets better when Irving starts speaking. A moving documentary of a one man struggle against an empire of lies and misinformation. The first few minutes there are no images, and the video quality is not very good. But the content is right to the point and the message comes through loud and clear.

Files count:



304.36 Mb




rossasdf (2007-08-30)

Yeah, I can't wait to see a video about some racist holocaust denyer...

felix222 (2007-08-30)

thx tuggerter
never mind
nothing bother more people like rossasdf than the truth

chatbleu (2007-08-30)

Thanks for posting! Irving has been so heavily censored by the Jewish Lobby it will interesting
to hear this reputable WW2 historian. I may not
agree but I would like to make MY own mind ---
hate the book burners.

erwinblaggheim (2007-08-30)

BE WARNED !!!!!!! This is a child and animal porn download. Downloading this file may send you to jail or enter you in a pedofile register in many countries.
Yes, this film tells the truth about the nazis. They were pedofiles and pigsodomites, the lot of them.

felix222 (2007-08-31)

Erwin is a good examle. A liar who is WARNING us. They threaten us with jail.
The question is:
Why are they affraid of a man so much who is serching the truth?

tomtomx (2007-09-11)

Felix. Because Irving isn't searching for the truth. He's distorting it. Deliberately.

tomtomx (2008-01-01)

No one is afraid. And he isn't searching for truth. He found that years ago and since then he has been working on distorting and forging by slandering committing fraud to suit his neonazi aims. That is why he was imprisoned.

sarsapil (2011-02-20)

Irving is a LIAR (see the judge´s ruling against him in the famous Irving vs. Lipstadt case), who as his personal diary showed, always hated jews and niggers...I am not a jew but I feel I must say this. Some people dislike jews because they´ve been brainwashed by the christian churches for centuries that they are the killers of jesus (big lie, the romans did it...), also the envy they cause because being a people without a country for ages they had to work hard and save and thus many of them were well to do, it´s a sick attitude towards THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO DIDN´T SUBMIT TO THE ROMANS, their oppression and repression, that´s why they were expelled from their land, for that they should be admired, not hated, but so is the worst aspect of human nature, despise the freedom lovers and admire the brainless nazis who submitted to the criminal bohemian corporal Schickelgruber (hitler´s REAL name), a bunch of spiteful losers all of them. Such liars that carefully hide the facts in national archives that many thousands jews fought and died for Germany, Austria, France, England, etc. in wars, even getting medals for bravery... The holocaust was the reward the nazis gave them...