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Opie and Anthony 2008-11-13-O&A CF64k mp3






Opie and Anthony 2008-11-13-O&A CF64k mp3




2008-11-13 (by mothergoose56 )


Opie and Anthony CBS/XM/Sirius radio show commercial-free uncensored 64k mp3 stereo mp3 rip today people, my quality manager MGS will have to let me know what he thinks....


  1. Opie and Anthony

Files count:



111.93 Mb




charliedawg (2008-11-13)


mothergoosesucks (2008-11-13)

64kbps stereo? STEREO?
Yeah, good luck with that not sounding swishy and underwater...more shit from the goose.

bloodyjimbonney (2008-11-13)

can't we all just get along?

mrbucket75 (2008-11-13)

Thanks Goose, as always.

clauge (2008-11-13)

Thank you very much, MG!!!

SpecialED3 (2008-11-13)

when i dropped out of high school i thought drama would stop...hmm guess not.
thanks mg, it could be the shittiest sounding quality with commercials and id still thank you

souled (2008-11-13)

MGsucks should slip in a puddle of aids whilts writing a check out to xm for 9.99 a month....fucking a-hole. keep up the good work mother goose

buzzard8 (2008-11-13)

The Goose Rocks the Phat Ass! Thank-You fer yer werk!

charliedawg (2008-11-13)

if it does sound underwater, it's probably drowning in MGS' tears.
stop crying you baby

 mothergoose56 (2008-11-13)

dont believe that - theres 30 plus connected right now and the swarm is picking up speed....

charliedawg (2008-11-13)

dl complete and it is delicious
thank you mother of all mothers

SpecialED3 (2008-11-13)

mine was going well over 100 kb/s for most of the download, fantastic.

mothergoosesucks (2008-11-14)

"thanks mg, it could be the shittiest sounding quality with commercials and id still thank you"
THE PIRATE BAY, Where Quality Means Nothing! And....You Get To Wait For The Privilege!!!
The best part is, the shit quality is 100% goosey's fault. There's no reason other than incompetence for a rip to sound that awful.
Try mono, dummy. MP3 isn't good enough to go to such a low bitrate and not fall apart. There's some free advice for you from Ted The Ripper.

charliedawg (2008-11-14)

^ get the jizz out of your ears. It sounds good.

SpecialED3 (2008-11-14)

mgs youve made your advertisement for BMT, the people who wanted to use that already moved over there, the rest of us obviously have no problem with anything mothergoose ups. quit your bitching

SpecialED3 (2008-11-14)

oh yeah one more thing, ITS FUCKING TALK RADIO! quality hardly matters, its not music, its people talking for christs sake.

mrbucket75 (2008-11-14)

Sounds good to me. Hopefully this drama will fade away. Thanks again, MG. You have always been there, and keeping all of us posted on progress.

mothergoosesucks (2008-11-14)

SpecialED3 has spoken!
"quality hardly matters"
That says it all right there, don't it?
"It sucks, but we don't care!!!"
This is the most attention goosey's gotten on this wretched site ever. The last thing she wants is for me to go away.

mancation (2008-11-14)

first off thanks. second...i provided through analog at 48 stereo. cut everything up. this was for me and 3 other folks at my work. no complaints. if i had the pipe i would have shared it with more. my unit blew in a lightning storm so i needed to fill the void until i get a new unit. i did it 2 years for so few so i appreciate this, that goes to so many.

charliedawg (2008-11-14)

^ sshhhh.....silent treatment

Sk00p (2008-11-14)

Welcome to the internet.
We bitch about silly things and fight even more.
Come on in and join in on everyone bitching.
Thanks as usual Goosey ;)

Frrrrrrrrrrankus (2008-11-14)

Thanks Goose. The best thing to do to spammers is not respond. Reminds me of the heyday of the stock market message boards. Keep it up. There's only one poster who doesn't appreciate what you do.

mancation (2008-11-14)

thanks for the welcome...maybe since i don't know all of the players involved here...i can be the HOLE "Now Guys...simmer all of the fighting...we don't want to offend"

mancation (2008-11-14)

huh...i do hear the swishy sound a bit. mine never did that. not bitching, just wondering what i did different to make it work out?

jonnychadootz (2008-11-14)

1st off TY MG, fuck the haters. Ur quality is fine :)
2nd to MGsucks or any of the other retards out there yelling about MG's stuff. Why do u care about MG's stuff if u aren't dloading it? Kinda sad when u think about it that u have nothing better to do than complain about shit u aren't dloading. MG is doing people a favor who may otherwise not hear the show or may have missed it. U complain about MG doing people that aren't u a favor? That's just bottom line retarded. Have a nice day.

mrbucket75 (2008-11-14)

Jonny, I think the problem is that MGsucks puts up the show somewhere else. Our MG DL's it and posts here. MGsucks is not happy with it.

jimmysballbag (2008-11-14)

mothergoose "sucks" ?? Isnt that a good thing?I bet she fucks pretty well too..FUCK THAT TOOL!!! I love u goosey gooser,thanks to you,Iget to hear the great O&A and little

 mothergoose56 (2008-11-14)

I have A/B'ed stereo vs mono in the past and while the show has more "space" in stereo (and music sounds much better) there is less bandwidth in general so it will have that tendency to artifact a bit. Christ, I've put up 24k w/ commercials and people will dl it. Call it an "excuse" or what have you, but I was able to easily switch stereo to mono in the past but now for some reason I have to recode and a little warble beasts recoding anyday. I'm gonna get some new apps tonight and see if I can't figure it out. Honestly, I thought the show sounded fine in my car.
And as for as me wanting any sort of "fame" for these posts - I put the show up everyday regularly for MONTHS with little hits or comments and it didn't bother me. Slowly, the pace picked up and comments started appearing and here we are today. I don't ask for thanks nor claim to be doing anything of wonder - I just like the show and want people to hear it.

mrbucket75 (2008-11-14)

MG, keep it up, I have been DL'ing ever since they showed up here. The timing was better than over at TB or MN. I agree- the quality is just fine. Like you said, you have never asked for anything, and have gone out of your way to inform people of status on the shows, and on top of that, you done other shows that I enjoy as well. So Thank You.

mancation (2008-11-14)

i don't know how you get what you get but if you are needing to change from one type to another??? try a program called SUPER http://www.eright* (no star)

(no star, DL link pain in the ass to find on the site)
that program will turn almost anything into almost anything else.
i don't want you to think i am telling you what to do, and if i am confused on what you are after...sorry. just trying to assist.

jonnychadootz (2008-11-14)

mrbucket75, Ty for clearing that up for me :) I get it now. 1 thing I still don't understand though is why MGS cares so much since no1 is getting paid no matter who ups it or where. I think 1 more torrent site hitting people off with O&A goodness would be a good thing :)
Fine... the original file was yours :) Does that make everything all better now? I'll even go so far as to say I'm sorry for calling u a retard and TY for the torrent, but I just don't understand why u care that much. This isn't for fame, fortune or glory and people appreciate that MG did something for them when He/She didn't have to.
Once again TY MG :) U too MGS lol

j2daewww (2008-11-14)

i hope there is more vagina talk this time... thanks goose

Ruttagger (2008-11-14)

At least with all the bitching going on its getting people posting and talking. Thanks again MG, keep em' coming.

mothergoosesucks (2008-11-14)

MG, if you're using LAME, the switch for mono is
-m m (Mode: Mono)
Or you can capture in mono to begin with. If you reconverted the stream, which is 64kbps stereo (WMA) to begin with, then the shit quality is already partly there and you're fucked from the get-go.
Honestly, I don't give a shit if you use my rips. They sound better for everyone else and it's less work for you. All I ask is that you don't fuck with them (meaning ensure that the MD5 hash remains the same so someone downloading here can seed elsewhere and vice versa), and that you don't come up with horseshit excuses when my rips are late for whatever reason. Just fucking be honest about it. I usually have my office to myself and I try to have the show done within minutes of it ending, but I can't be editing cunt, nigger and bitch jokes when there's a cunt nigger bitch 4 feet from my desk.
I'm not in this for any glory. If I was, I wouldn't use five different fake names for each of the places I distribute the rips. I'd just be Steve The Ripper (Ted's cousin)...

anonymiss (2008-11-14)

hart hart Goose. I'd rather unplug my keyboard, take a steaming shit upon it, plug it back in, and type with it before downloading anything MGsucks uploads. I'd rather type with shit fingers than deal with anything involved with that pig disgusting cunt basket.

mancation (2008-11-14)

MGS. that sounds somewhat like a truce. is that what i am hearing?
by the way, you edit the show without headphones? that is never know who is lurking behind you........ :-)

pfat (2008-11-14)

best sounding show in a long time. With the mono version I often get an overmodulating sound buzzing in my speakers. But today was clean as fuck today. Don't change anything.

 mothergoose56 (2008-11-14)

> All I ask is that you don't fuck with them
I stopped editing the id3 tags when you first asked me to. If a file isn't what went on BMT it's because I encoded it and often they're almost the same size.
> and that you don't come up with horseshit excuses when my rips are late for whatever reason.
"I'm the the ER and need major surgery or I'll eventually die" wasn't BS. Neither is "I'm not at a PC right now". Maybe I'm not the best person to be doing this but I was sick of seeing Howard upped but not the boys so I started upping. Honestly, half the time I'm remoting in to another machine from a hand-held device to up these all while trying to work and live my life.
It is far easier for me to up what you or someone else has encoded but every now and then the usual sources are down or late and I do my own.
>MGS. that sounds somewhat like a truce. is that what i am hearing?
It was a "truce" before too and I did what he asked, not sure why some are under the impression that I haven't been.
>best sounding show in a long time.
Well, it may be stereo again because there's no usenet up (if i can even trust it) and sendername's rip had problems. At this time I can't do an mono grab and there is no way to go stereo to mono without a recode. Actually, todays show has a ton of music in it and at least those parts benefit from the stereo encode.
> If you reconverted the stream, which is 64kbps stereo (WMA) to begin with, then the shit quality is already partly there
Actually when you first posted here I had that next week off and did my own DSR and re-encode (64k stereo wma to 64k mono mp3) and no one said anything about the quality. Technically, a 64k wma should sound better the mp3 equivalent and I was grabbing the stream data so that helps. I did notice what sounded like reduced treble-range but not so much of the warbling.
I've done analog rips from receivers back in the day and I thought the stream grab to mp3 was at least better sounding than that. Directv was supposedly the best sounding source and that's gone. I do still have an XMPCR laying around somewhere.....

mothergoosesucks (2008-11-14)

"I'd rather unplug my keyboard, take a steaming shit upon it, plug it back in, and type with it before downloading anything MGsucks uploads. I'd rather type with shit fingers than deal with anything involved with that pig disgusting cunt basket."
You better delete most of the last few months of shows then.

mothergoosesucks (2008-11-14)

"best sounding show in a long time"
You're insane. If someone used that audio for a listener submission it would never get played. Get new ears.

mothergoosesucks (2008-11-14)

"Well, it may be stereo again because there's no usenet up (if i can even trust it) and sendername's rip had problems. At this time I can't do an mono grab and there is no way to go stereo to mono without a recode. Actually, todays show has a ton of music in it and at least those parts benefit from the stereo encode."
I didn't fuck with the Usenet rip today, honest Injun.
"I've done analog rips from receivers back in the day and I thought the stream grab to mp3 was at least better sounding than that. Directv was supposedly the best sounding source and that's gone."
My rips are from a Polk XM tuner (the one that looks like a regular piece of stereo equipment). The online stream has slightly better treble. There's also better stereo separation, but the bitrate is so low that there's that metallic artifacting throughout. If you're young and still have good hearing, that shit is spectacularly annoying, especially on a good system.
The satellite feed to the Polk Tuner is as clean as you can get short of DirecTV, which went bye-bye Wednesday.
Good/better/best is all subjective. My AAC rips are the closest to the satellite feed as I can get for that low a bitrate (32kbps). I dare anyone to consistenly tell them from the source. I can tell shitty stereo re-encodes in less than a second. It's that bad. If you don't hear it, be happy your hearing stinks. Blind people have a better selection of women to fuck, too.

charliedawg (2008-11-14)

hey cunts of all shapes and are we doing with TODAY'S show?
tick tock bitches
: D