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[DOCUMENTARY]Understanding Peak Oil: Suburbia.avi






[DOCUMENTARY]Understanding Peak Oil: Suburbia.avi


Video/TV shows


2005-07-23 (by guaii)


This documentary lays out its arguments provocatively, noting that since World War II, North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia, with its abundant promise of wide open space, affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so too the suburban way of life has become embedded in the North American consciousness. Our North American dependence on petroleum makes us utterly slave to it. We heat our homes with fossil fuels, we eat food grown and transported with the assistance of fossil fuels, we watch televisions and use computers powered with electricity generated by fossil fuels. Finding other solutions won’t be easy because we’ve yet to find an energy source as efficient as oil. Hydrogen and ethanol, touted as potential replacements for oil, take more energy to create than they deliver. Hydrogen, after all, isn’t even a form of energy, but a form of energy storage, created with electricity and water. The electricity has to be generated using some form of energy-typically fossil fuels.

Files count:



740.75 Mb




mGoLos (2005-07-23)

End of Suburbia?

mGoLos (2005-07-23)

Actually ethanol made from wood clocks in at about a 2-1 ratio, of course ethanol isn't nearly as useful as say ... a good solid kick in the teeth, but when dealing with the likely cause of death for six billion people, it's best to get the facts straight ...

guaii (2005-07-24)

Yes, this is end of suburbia.
Which facts are you refering to? Ethanol being a net energy loser?

mGoLos (2005-07-24)

Ethanol is not a loser except in the form of enthropy of course. You can make ethanol from wood as a 2-1 net-winner ... there's not much forest left, but just look at ANWAR ... the bastards. I've no doubt at all that precious farm-land will be pissed away on bio-diesel for the rich and to fuel the thought-police in whichever form may they may come.

guaii (2005-07-26)

Thanks for the comments. No I'm not Swedish, I'm Canadian. Does that make me almost American? I fucking hope not !
Best of luck.

mGoLos (2005-07-28)

Canadian pretty much makes you North American I'm afraid. Also, according to Matt Simmons (the lawyer who moved back in with parents in order to complete the reading and following 200-page presentation of more than 200.000 pages of peak related studies and documentations), a future invasion of Canada is "probable, but not for a while yet" (Remember, the lawyer is trained to use precise language - It's his job to boil it down for you accurately and honestly) for two reasons: Tar-sand, and the need for slave-labour to make the processing of tar-sand profitable. More than a century's worth of good oil is hidden in that sand. Search your heart friend, I know how extreme this must sound, but if you can, this is the time to immigrate the hell away from that region of the world. You know how the future looks and some battles can't be won, they can only be fought, and the battle that lies ahead is only worth fighting on a personal and communal level. Forget nationalism, this is, as you know, a life or death matter and it's time to leave. This would be my advice to you, get out while you can. Just to lighten the mood: Buy only used stuff, smoke lots of weed and shop at gay stores. This will ensure the majority of your cash flows past the corporations and skips a link in the chain of capitalism. It's what I do (except for gay shopping, we don't have that sort of stores here), and whenever I shop for used clothes or burn a fat one, I grin evilly knowing that I'm sticking it to the man. Best of luck friend, and don't worry too much about it all, if it comes time to fight or die, nature takes over and you won't have time to worry much about it ... (I say this, because it took me six months to figure that one out and it helps a lot. i.e I'm not afraid anymore.) A human life is really just adversity with moments of joy and suffering in between - My point is, you won't notice the changes as pin-point moments, but rather as a time of hardship and endurance where you made a REAL and ACTUAL difference, maybe even saved lives! "Speaking the truth in times of universal deciet is a revolutionary act." Good luck, to you and your loved ones.

mGoLos (2005-07-29)

Canada is ... acting very strange right now friend. I don't know how much you read or how much economic information you have, but something very strange and quite appalling is going on. It appears Canada is having a firesale of it's natural resources and China is buying like crazy .... In essence it appears you are trading away all your wealth for coloured paper and digits. The implications are quite awful if you assume that your leaders and policy-makers are "peak-oil aware" and I certainly think that they are. Unfortunately the ties between Canada and the US have never been tighter, you even sent back a deserting soldier to face 5 years atleast in a military prison in a country that admits to torture and trowing people in jail forever without a trial or even being charged with anything. Thus Canada is guilty of war-crimes already, they sent back an innocent person to face punishment in a fascist empire. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. Good and rational people are getting scared, and even the lawyer is saying it out loud now, the police state is here, it's too late to stop and therefore he recommends that we "get small" (that people like us stop attracting attention to ourselves for now) Read this if you have the time:

I and I luv human kind (2005-08-11)
The Hemp Revolution

I and I luv human kind (2005-08-11)

here's someething to trip you out about World Powers

AlexanderGood (2008-12-02)

Hi Guaii!
Can you please resead this torrent. There are no seeders. I am stuck at 98.1%.
Just seed it for a few hours, so i get the other 1.9%.
Then you can stop and I will seed. There are 7 of leachers.
Thank you very much and keep uo the good work!

AlexanderGood (2008-12-03)

Hi Guaii!
If you won't reupload this torrent again could you just write the comment saying you won't. So I don't wait anymore.
Thank you!

theweatherman (2009-03-21)

Please seed im stuck on 98.1% also.

Stellardude (2010-02-20)

please seed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've seeded shit loads of ppl up to 98.1% and we all can not finish. SEED!!!!!

fan666inhell (2010-05-08)

to balance the bias i recommend the lecture "peak oil" by ian crane --->

fan666inhell (2010-05-08)

By Ken Adachi

October 22, 2004
This is a big story. It's an attempt by the Illuminati, working through their number one propaganda production factory, the Tavistock Institute in the City of London, to create the illusion that the world is rapidly running out of oil and within a few short years, we will experience unemployemnt, wars, famine, and all manner of horrendous strife as a result of the fallout from the now "rapdily vanishing" oil supplies. It's a scam from top to bottom. If you've noticed that gasoline prices are beginning to rise at gas pumps across America, you can thank this deception for that jump in gas prices and you can also expect those gasoline prices to continue to rise over time and possibly remain at unprecedented high levels from here on out, UNLESS enough Americans wake up to this deceit and demand an end to it.
There are large numbers of people out there trying to promote this scam through books, articles, lectures, films, television and talk radio. In America, Michael Ruppert of From the Wilderness is apparently the lead disinformation meister of this flimflam. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now is a Ford Foundation & Rockefeller Foundation funded Left Gatekeeper who, with her brother, have joined with Ruppert to not only promote the Peak Oil scam, but is a regular propagandist for the Global Warming hoax fronted by Illuminatus Al Gore.
KPFK radio, a 100,000 kilowatt FM radio station out of Los Angeles, is one of the five national radio outlets owned by the Pacifica Foundation and has been unrelentingly hammering out the Peak Oil and Global Warming propagnada mantras since Ruppert kicked off this Tavistock-hatched disinformation campaing in 2004.
The only two people, that I am aware of, with any sizeable readership who have been trying to expose these outrageous lies and monstrous distortions of the facts are Dave McGowan through his newsletters and Joe Vialls in articles published at this web site. I'll use this page to post articles from writers and researchers who are trying to expose this pretense, starting with Dave McGowan and Joe Vialls. (Update: Jan 21, 2004. Found a good article exposing Ruppert from Patrick Mooney of