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Henry Ford - The International Jew - The World's Foremost Proble






Henry Ford - The International Jew - The World's Foremost Probl


Audio/Audio books


2011-02-25 (by DragonKP)


Hidden History - Jews, Protocols, Banks, etc. ------- Friendly WARNING for Audio Quality Purists: It's COMPUTER GENERATED VOICE and NOT book read by human reader! If you don't like this fact then simply DO NOT download it and complain later. ------- Some info about book: IN an interview published in the New York World February 17, 1921, Mr. Henry Ford put the case for the "Protocols of Zion" tersely and convincingly. He said: "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now." He made this statement when Jewish leaders and the Jewish Press in America were fulminating against a series of articles printed in Ford's newspaper The Dearborn Independent during the years 1920 to 1922. After some years of pressure such as only organized Jewry can conceive or inflict, Henry Ford was made to apologise to Jewry in a letter addressed to Louis Marshall, then leader of the American Jewish Committee, dated June 30, 1927. Ford's apology was abject, but neither then nor since did he ever deny the truth of the articles. As clearly as the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" reveal a concerted plan of action, of intention and achievement, through centuries of world history, so the long series of articles in The Dearborn Independent expose the powerful concentration of forces organized by Jewish interests and the effects of Jewish influences in the United States from the time of the Civil War up to the uneasy years following the first world war. The scope of the original articles is wide, the analysis of the relentless march of Jewish ambition and the rapid acquisition of political power is deep and dispassionate. In their entirety they present a most thorough exposition of the range of Jewish influences in America over many decades; they provide adequate evidence of the motives that inspire such phenomena and the ultimate objective towards which Jewish policy is leading the world. In the 29 years that have passed since the publication of the series began, Jewish power in the United States has developed to a degree far out-distancing even the alarming proportions exposed at that time. The Jewish "National State" of which we have heard so much deceptive talk elsewhere is already firmly established. De jure and de facto the United States of America can claim that title, though many American citizens may even yet be astonished and no doubt indignant to read the statement. But, examine the FACTS. The Dearborn Independent articles fitted the American scene 30 years ago, they fit it now! The Jewish Question continues to mount the scale of public attention all over the civilized world, attracting ever a higher type of mind to the discussion of its significance. It cannot be encompassed within the range of a single volume. This edited version seeks merely to give the gist of the four volumes in which the famous series of articles were printed under the title: THE INTERNATIONAL JEW. Presenting the essential facts in easier sequence and condensed to about one-tenth of the original wordage, many contemporary illustrations have been eliminated, but the implications of the Jewish Question in America and the evidence of the impact of the Jewish Idea on the lives of ordinary American citizens have been marshalled in a form readily assimilable by new readers, providing a useful digest for the informed. The way to a just solution of "the world's foremost problem" is clearly indicated. Truth is visible when honest men seek Her diligently. The reader, wherever he may be, to whatever nation he may belong, should seriously reflect upon the fact that the conditions long-operating in the United States and the conclusions which emerge from this investigation of the Jewish Question in that powerful country, can, in all probability, now be paralleled in his own land, his own city. If he should seek confirmation -- let him look around. G. F. Green. London, February, 1948.


  1. Hidden History
  2. Jews
  3. Protocols
  4. Banks

Files count:



873.56 Mb




SS-Lindh (2011-02-26)

Good work, Truth is not what they told us in school etc, The Sionist is Worlds most evil People , only lies they tell! Thank god for internet so we can fight the Evil Jews!

alintheval (2011-02-27)

Der Jude Hasser breitet sich Nazi-Propaganda. Ihre Früher wäre stolz, wenn das Arschloch war nicht tot ist.

dead97gsx (2011-02-28)

zionist death rays have penetrated your tin-foil hat!

DragonKP (2011-03-01)

t will be a kind of combined answer, since I do not want to waste too uch of my energy for mostly morons:
The really wise guy/gal - Thanks for kind word.
Moron, who cannot even express himself in the language commonly used here (English), therefore I provide a rough translation below:
German to English translation (from Google translate):
The Jew-haters spreading Nazi propaganda. Their past would be proud if the asshole was not dead.
He is stupid totally - Israel is now doing exactly what Nazis did in past (check my torrents - I recommend 2 books of 100% Jew who lived there - Jack Bernstain).
Maybe he is this famous IDL or whatever they call it there, online warried.
(For him I'm preparing another interesting release - "Executive Intelligence Review - The Ugly Truth about the ADL", - just wait and salivate)
Knowlegde is POWER.
And without doing proper research YOU are SHIT, and nothing else.
Another IDL operative (sayanim, or whatever Victor Ostrovski called it?). Check also my previous torrent for son of Rome's rabbi - Ariel Toaff - Blood Passover (Pasque di Sangue) - The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder.
Anyway, I also answered this guy's comments for other torrent:
It does come with understanding that you have YOUR OWN BRAIN, not tinted by outside sources.
If not - then sorry, get lost and go to "Alice in Wonderland section" (then you will have at least Tin Man - probably as mind contolled as you).
Bye. (meaning discussion with you is OVER).

samjoe88 (2011-07-27)

This audio book is welly done. It is read by Ivona's voice Brian. Which is the best text to speech voice that I know of. Another great book people would be interested in would be the book,
Basic Training For Revolutionaries. It was once in hard copy format and then it was banned. You can read more about it here.

adolfo666x (2014-01-15)

I am old now but i remember henry ford supported the nazis for a long time before wwII.

vonwisdom (2014-10-07)
