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Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)
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Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)
2010-09-22 (by moman73 )
Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)
This upload continues with the resources for the study of Islam with emphasis on
the prophet of Islam – Prophet Muhammad. It provides 33 titles. In the subdirectory: Life and Biography of Muhammad, we have the following titles:
- Al-Kalby - Prophet Muhammad the last Messenger in the Bible (2005)
- Carlyle - Heroes and Hero-Worship (1840) [See Lecture II in the book – The Hero as Prophet. Mahomet: Islam]
- Dawud - Muhammad in the Bible (1987)
- Dinet - Life of Mohammad; Prophet of Allah (1918)
- Farewell Sermon of Prophet Muhammad
- Gibbon - Life of Mahomet (1859)
- Gulen - The Messenger of God-Muhammad; An Analysis of the Prophet's Life (2005)
- Hart - The 100; A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History [Excerpt about the person ranked at no. 1] (1993)
- Harun - Biography of the Prophet (sirat_ibn_hisham) (2000)
- Ibn-Ishaq - Sirat Rasoul Allah (Life of Prophet Muhammad)
- Irving - Mahomet and His Successors (1849)
- Kheilrallah - Islam and the Arabian Prophet (1938)
- Margoliouth - Mohammed and the Rise of Islam (1905)
- Watt - Muhammad; Prophet and Statesman (1961)
- Yahya - The Prophet Muhammad
And in the subdirectory: Translations of the Prophet's Sayings and Deeds (hadiths), we have the following titles:
- Compilation of Authentic Hadith by Imam Bukhari (Sahih Bukhari)
- Compilation of Authentic Hadith by Imam Malik (al-Muwatta)
- Compilation of Authentic Hadith by Imam Muslim (Sahih Muslim)
- Imam Nawawi’s Selection of 40 Hadeeths
And in the main directory we have the following titles:
- Ali & Leaman - Islam; The Key Concepts (2008)
- Asad (Leopold Weiss) - The Message of the Qur'an (1980)
- Donnan - Interpreting Islam (2002)
- Esposito - What Everyone Needs to Know About Islam (2002)
- Haroun - Islam the True Message of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (1999)
- Hewitt - What Does Islam Say (4th Edition, 2004)
- Kairanvi (Kairanawi) - Izhar-ul-haq or Truth Revealed - Part 1 (1864, 1989)
- Kairanvi (Kairanawi) - Izhar-ul-haq or Truth Revealed - Part 2 (1864, 1989)
- Kairanvi (Kairanawi) - Izhar-ul-haq or Truth Revealed - Part 3 (1864, 1989)
- Kairanvi (Kairanawi) - Izhar-ul-haq or Truth Revealed - Part 4 (1864, 1989)
- von Denffer - Christians in the Qur'an and Sunnah (1979)
- Yahya - Communication and Argument in the Qur'an
- Yahya - Justice and Tolerance in the Qur'an (2003)
- Yahya - The Moral Values of the Qur'an (1999)
Files count:
212.44 Mb
SmoothWeiner (2010-09-23)
The world would be a far better place had Mohammeds mother simply choked him to death as an infant.emmemmess (2010-09-23)
@ momanT H A N K Y O U ! ! !
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
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T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
etc etc etc
emmemmess (2010-09-23)
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
emmemmess (2010-09-23)
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !qwertzo99 (2010-09-23)
Excellent! Thank you moman73!logtran001 (2010-10-17)
I can't find Collection 1, if there is one, could you please post it. Thanks.I'm pretty new to The Pirate Bay but have been on Demonoid for years, how does this site allow hateful retards like smoothweiner to post such stupidity?
martsego (2010-11-27)
we all will do jihad with the Americeen and Israeeli infidel crusaders and capture and loot their lands, gold and women and then we will capture, loot and destroy Mecca allah hu akbaremmanimane (2012-02-28)
Thank you very muchflaming13 (2012-12-02)
Thank u Brother !!trjtjty (2013-03-23)
Islamic Civilization History in brief is as following1.kill innocent
2.rape women and children
3.plunder non Muslim property
4.destroy other religion
5.convert non Muslim by force or deception false propaganda that Islam is religion of peace
7.pretend to be a victim
Kra3zd (2013-10-13)
True Facts:1. The crusades (Christians)
2. Dungeons and torture chambers and people killed for blasphemy against God. Galileo was imprisoned and not able tospeak to anyone until he died if I'm correct (Christians in England and France)
3. England killing innocents in India around the time of Gandhi, and countless other countries. (Christian)
4. The United States and all the wars they've started, and they even have a place set up to torture people whether they are innocent or guilty. Held without rights. (Christian until the seperation of church and state)
All done for a Christian god, and country!
The Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him/SAW) was the first person to conquer and not force people to choose religion. He said Islam needs to be a choice from the heart. He also didn't believe in slavery and one way people earned the right to be freed as prisoners was to teach 10 people to read and write.
The angry Muslims you see are having their homes blown up, husbands and children killed and taken, their friends beaten and murdered, their lands taken. Palestinians have been fighting tanks with rocks while their people are killed by the Israelis and the US helps. All in the name of "Freedom."
There are more prisons, jails,and institutions in the state of California than any country has anywhere in the world. The US has 50 states, so what exactly is that you're free to do. What's the maximum punishment for child molestation? How many children are abducted every year? How many gangs are there, how many teenagers having babies, strip clubs, sexually transmitted diseases, murders, runaway children, neglected children, spouse abuse, and so on. This is the freedom you want?
How can you talk about a religion you know nothing about? in Islam we're taught to seek the truth, be patient, kind, and understanding. I challenge you to visit your local mosque ad find out about Islam and what is really true. Becuse then there would be no way for you to say such ridiculous things.
If I've made any mistakes they are mine alone, and if I've said anything beneficial it is only from the one God, Allah. May anyone without guidance be guided to understanding and may they choose the right path that leads to Jennah (Heaven), Ameen.
Don't judge Islam by what you see people do, read. or hear on tv. Seek the truth, don't assume, and don't live in ignorance.
1. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Irving - Mahomet and His Successors (1849).djvu 28.83 Mb
2. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Watt - Muhammad; Prophet and Statesman (1961).pdf 20.98 Mb
3. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Margoliouth - Mohammed and the Rise of Islam (1905).djvu 17.42 Mb
4. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Dawud - Muhammad in the Bible (1987).pdf 17.12 Mb
5. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Yahya - The Prophet Muhammad.pdf 12.70 Mb
6. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Harun - Biography of the Prophet (sirat_ibn_hisham) (2000).pdf 12.49 Mb
7. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Carlyle - Heroes and Hero-Worship (1840).pdf 10.04 Mb
8. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Dinet - Life of Mohammad; Prophet of Allah (1918).djvu 8.98 Mb
9. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Gibbon - Life of Mahomet (1859).pdf 8.53 Mb
10. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Al-Kalby - Prophet Muhammad the last Messenger in the Bible (2005).pdf 7.66 Mb
11. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Gulen - The Messenger of God-Muhammad; An Analysis of the Prophet's Life (2005).PDF 3.42 Mb
12. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Kheilrallah - Islam and the Arabian Prophet (1938).pdf 3.26 Mb
13. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Farewell Sermon of Prophet Muhammad.pdf 915.67 Kb
14. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Ibn-Ishaq - Sirat Rasoul Allah (Life of Prophet Muhammad).pdf 709.92 Kb
15. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Life and Biography of Prophet Muhammad/Hart - The 100; A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, [Excerpt about the person ranked at no. 1] (1993).pdf 20.56 Kb
16. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Translations of the Prophet's Sayings and Deeds (hadiths)/Compilation of Authentic Hadith by Imam Bukhari (Sahih Bukhari).chm 8.03 Mb
17. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Translations of the Prophet's Sayings and Deeds (hadiths)/Compilation of Authentic Hadith by Imam Malik (al-Muwatta).pdf 3.29 Mb
18. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Translations of the Prophet's Sayings and Deeds (hadiths)/Compilation of Authentic Hadith by Imam Muslim (Sahih Muslim).pdf 2.40 Mb
19. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Translations of the Prophet's Sayings and Deeds (hadiths)/Imam Nawawi’s Selection of 40 Hadeeths.pdf 101.92 Kb
20. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Hewitt - What Does Islam Say (4th Edition, 2004).pdf 14.13 Mb
21. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Kairanvi (Kairanawi) - Izhar-ul-haq or Truth Revealed - Part 3 (1864, 1989).pdf 8.51 Mb
22. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Kairanvi (Kairanawi) - Izhar-ul-haq or Truth Revealed - Part 4 (1864, 1989).pdf 4.44 Mb
23. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Haroun - Islam the True Message of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (1999).pdf 3.63 Mb
24. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Kairanvi (Kairanawi) - Izhar-ul-haq or Truth Revealed - Part 2 (1864, 1989).pdf 3.59 Mb
25. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Asad (Leopold Weiss) - The Message of the Qur'an (1980).pdf 2.81 Mb
26. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Kairanvi (Kairanawi) - Izhar-ul-haq or Truth Revealed - Part 1 (1864, 1989).pdf 1.73 Mb
27. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/von Denffer - Christians in the Qur'an and Sunnah (1979).pdf 1.60 Mb
28. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Ali & Leaman - Islam; The Key Concepts (2008).pdf 1.55 Mb
29. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Esposito - What Everyone Needs to Know About Islam (2002).pdf 1.12 Mb
30. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Donnan - Interpreting Islam (2002).pdf 898.85 Kb
31. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Yahya - Communication and Argument in the Qur'an.pdf 761.33 Kb
32. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Yahya - Justice and Tolerance in the Qur'an (2003).pdf 539.03 Kb
33. Resources for Study of Islam - Collection 2 (Prophet Muhammad)/Yahya - The Moral Values of the Qur'an (1999).pdf 330.39 Kb