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Rush Limbaugh 9-22-08
Rush Limbaugh 9-22-08
2008-09-23 (by grunyen13)
Rush Limbaugh
3 hours, no commercials.
Plus morning update video.
On Today’s Show...
Attention Spanish Speakers: Rush runs a Spanish-language response to Barack Obama's lying, race-baiting ad -- including the Morning Update and Rush's full remarks which the Obama campaign lied about. Listen to the Free Audio Clip: Right Here
» Transcript, Video: Rush on Friday's "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren
We need to assign blame for this financial crisis so we can fix it and prevent it from repeating. The cause, is Democrats messing with the market. They forced lenders to give houses to people who couldn't afford them. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
Pearl of Wisdom: "The idea that we're about to accept with this bailout is that the government can run things better. The government can take care of you, the government can insure you, the government can protect you, the government can provide for you. This is an idea which has been shown to fail around the world."
» Kevin Hassett at Bloomberg: How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis
» CNS: Financial Meltdown: Where Does the Buck Stop? » IDB: ...And The Wrong
Pearl of Wisdom: "AP and Obama have set-up you racist, blue-collar, rural, union member Democrats as the explanation if Barry Obama loses the election. This poll is a complete setup and an attempt to shame. If he loses, it'll be, 'Oh, America, we're still mired in the muck of slavery. We haven't changed at all. We still suck as a nation.'"
» AP Poll: One Third of Democrats Won't Vote for Obama Because He's Black
Pearl of Wisdom: "The change we need in the mortgage crisis is bye-bye Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, all of these Democrats. Get rid of them. The issue is not a runaway, unregulated free market. It's Democrat policies -- and we know it, because if it was some Republican's fault, they'd have hearings."
America-hating socialists of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" school have taken over the Democrat Party. JFK wouldn't recognize this party. These people seek to tear down this country, and remake it in their image. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
Saturday Night Live jokes about incest in the Palin family. This isn't helping Obama.
From Rush's Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page:
» Rush Recaps a Fabulous NFL Weekend » Obama Wants Us to Emulate ChiComs
» Conservatives Start Fund for Obama's Hut Brother » UK MP: Palin "Horrendous"
» Chavez to Buy ChiCom Combat Planes » McCain-Palin Erase 34-Pt Lady Deficit
Files count:
46.94 Mb
sistromo (2008-09-23)
The cave dweller is in top form - as bigoted and intolerant as ever.grunyen13 (2008-09-23)
I'm sure you've listened.phoetriu (2008-10-05)
mate, can you seed?Potato Meter (2008-10-23)
Three hours, no commercials? It is a three hour commercial for the idiot-wing of the GOP. I don't even know any Republicans who take this dipshit seriously.mormon321 (2010-04-12)
I am impressed to find so many open minded people.They are people who welcome making both sides known regardless of their own personal view.