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Fascist Obama, Socialist Obama posters






Fascist Obama, Socialist Obama posters




2009-08-19 (by timecapsulenews)


These are the Obama posters from Thousands of these have been posted in the USA. A kid was arrested in Florida for posting them, it was in the news yesterday. Have fun!


  1. Obama poster
  2. Obama
  3. No-bama
  4. oops
  5. hopey
  6. changey

Files count:



18.17 Mb




maddogjew6970 (2009-08-19)

Lies! If all you can do is lie about the current administration, I feel nothing but contempt for you. Where was your scary ass when Bush was running shit? Listen! Barack Obama is president... get over your red-necked ass protest. We will pass what we think is needed and fuck everyone else.
The thing that bothers me the most? How diamler Benz gets to have a jbalee during the spring months.

TNT93535 (2009-08-19)

Your socialist NObamessiah is on the fast track to becoming the worst president in history. The more he tells us about his plans the more people hate him, that's a FACT! If he pushes the American people too far he's going to ignite a second revolution here, one his side has no chance of winning.
FUCK LIEberals!

SonOfBasuto (2009-08-19)

One of the things that truly impresses me regarding the people who post all the hate regarding Obama, is their complete lack of mastery of the English language. I mean, who can't help admiring "FUCK LIEberals!"? How many teeth do you think he still has, and is it possible "Deliverance" is his favorite movie? Also very entertaining is seeing that these people have no idea what their labels even mean, just that they must be bad. He's been called Muslim, communist, fascist, and socialist, everything except right-wing nutcase and hillbilly racist, thank God. People, there are differences between communists, fascists, and socialists (let alone Muslims) - couldn't you pick the one you think is the worst? Wouldn't you like to know what each term actually means?

LP_Man (2009-08-19)

Fuqqin' hilarious watching the ObamaBots defend their hero. They g absolutely ballistic.
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

 big_dad_e (2009-08-19)

Obama = Bush = FAIL
Ron Paul 2012!

eatyourface (2009-08-19)

just in case people want to hate on Obama from BOTH sides of politics haha hilarious

nappysan (2009-08-19)

SonofBasuto: I agree, those dumbasses can read a huge ass article with tons of facts and at the end all they do is post a comment like "U OBAMABOTS r all sp shitty. not real AMURICANS." No rational arguments, when you try to explain something using facts, all they do is scream things like LIEBERALS. I doubt they even know it's impossible for one person to be a fascist socialist, as the two ideologies are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. But hey why worry about that? Here's a pic of Obama with Joker makeup and 'socialism' written under! As if that even makes sense; the Joker stands for anarchy and the breakdown of order, not government expansion and control. But I digress, maddogjew, lp man and all the mouth breathing slackjawed idiots like yourselves: go give Rush Limbaugh a reacharound and fuck off.

TNT93535 (2009-08-20)

What I find hilarious about you brain damaged NObamabots is that you are so completely ignorant that you all jump to the same insane conclusions about those of us who are smarter than you. The idea that anyone but a backwoods redneck would oppose your NObamessiah is beyond you.
I am a hispanic business owner you MORONS!
BTW, the ONLY difference between socialism and fascism is fascists technically allow industry to be privately owned, they just have to take orders from the state, GM ring any bells. The two ideologies are NOT polar opposites! That is a MYTH perpetrated by the left because you assholes can't stand that your beleif system has been the cause of the worst attrocities in the past 150 years! Why else would Italian socialists foudn the fascist movement?
The facts are that Brokeass Hussein NObama has been an unmitigated disaster ever since the day ACORN stole the election for him! The only halfway intelligent decisions he's made have involved keeping a few of President Bush's policies going.

zhenyafan (2009-08-20)

The messiah is now -9 in approval rating. Let's see which group gets thrown under the Obama bus next. Many Dem senators are running scared knowing that 2010 elections will end their gravy train. No doubt the dems are already planning the next grassy knoll! BTW the Obama Joker poster was photo shopped by a twenty year old Pali student studing in the USA. But he's probably just a redneck pali! LOL

mac.the.ripper (2009-08-21)

Hussain is Nancy Pelosis pet.
Don´t underestimate the democrats will to power. He is the Kennedy of our time and the Kennedy´s was Don Gambino and Joe Bonnanos pets....
Hussain is not a fascist or a commy - he is a fuckin arab with some white and black in his vains.

cnycompguy (2009-08-21)

Racist bullshit. get the fuck back under your rock lowlife.

rickcain (2009-08-23)

Did you drive on a highway today? Are you on Medicare or Medicaid? Did you drink tap water today? Did you call the cops today? Did you get a library book? Do you have an insurance policy of any kind?
Congratulations you are a socialist.