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Classic games collection formatted for Mac OS X (Vol. 1)




2008-12-17 (by brukerdose)


Classic dos games formatted to run on OS X using a modified version of Dosbox. Each game consists of one app file. Just click and run. Dosbox is universal binary. Thanks to user fak-it for the special version of Dosbox. Vol. 2 can be found here: Vol. 3 can be found here: Vol. 4 can be found here: Vol. 5 can be found here: Vol. 6 can be found here: Vol. 7 can be found here: Vol. 8 can be found here: Contains: Commander Keen 1 Marooned On Mars (1990).app Commander Keen 2 The Earth Explodes (1990).app Commander Keen 3 Keen Must Die (1990).app Commander Keen 4 Secret Of The Oracle (1991).app Commander Keen 5 The Armageddon Machine (1991).app Commander Keen 6 Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter (1991).app Commander Keen Dreams (1992).app Day of the Tentacle (1993).app Death Rally (1996).app Dune II The Building of a Dynasty (1992).app Monkey Island 2 LeeChucks Revenge (1991).app Sam And Max Hit the Road (1993).app Settlers 2 Gold Edition (1997).app Shadow Warrior (1997).app Sim City (1989).app The Secret of Monkey Island (1989).app Warcraft II Tides Of Darkness (1995).app Warcraft Orcs and Humans (1994).app


  1. classic
  2. dos
  3. games
  4. mac
  5. os x
  6. commander
  7. keen
  8. monkey island
  9. dune
  10. sam
  11. max
  12. warcraft
  13. settlers
  14. intel
  15. death rally
  16. osx

Files count:



439.00 Mb




JGalaxy (2008-12-17)

Wow, looks like a great collection. Thanks!

fak-it (2008-12-17)

Oh, yes, I'm so having this! :) Thanks.

killercatfish (2008-12-17)

This is awesome, Do you have Pheta Space Station?? Or the old Risk?

brukerdose (2008-12-17)

killercatfish >>> This is awesome, Do you have Pheta Space Station?? Or the old Risk?

brukerdose (2008-12-17)

Weird, my comment was cut short.
I'm using the 8 gig classic dos games collection found here on TPB. There is no Pheta Space Station in it, but it has two versions of Risk (1986 & 1989).
Other suggestions for gamed to include in the next volume are welcome.

RetXen (2008-12-17)

How about the original Settlers?
Thanks for the nice collection!

worboren (2008-12-18)

thanks, man, you've made my day! certainly going to be looking forward to more :)

Ducksey (2008-12-18)

A nice piece of gaming history there dude, thanks.

Scatblanc (2008-12-18)

Will there ever be a volume 2...
Perhaps with heroes of might and magic III? :D
Anyway thanks for this great torrent!

brukerdose (2008-12-18)

Heroes of Might and Magic III is not a dos game. There was a version for mac, which is found here:

It's pre OS X, so I don't know how it'll work on newer systems.

salpo (2008-12-19)

Thanks SO much! This collection is SO great! And the Vol 2 TOO!!!
WoW, thank you so much for all the work and for sharing it!

mtw (2008-12-20)

Download this and put into to Dune2 directory:

Run d2sound from dosbox and then setup.exe
Now you can choose Roland music and SB sfx :)

edelo (2008-12-21)

Dune ][ - I remember wasting days with that game, instead of doing homework.. and now for the first time I play it with SOUND! :-D Thanks!

nexia (2008-12-22)

ok, i have this package of releases:
"Classic DOS Games for Mac OS X, released on Demonoid"...
and i'd like to know if it is possible to port these versions with your DOSBox, because i am unable to make it so myself... i'd like all these to be one app file like your versions... (or you can teach me and i will release the missing games!)

sqharawa (2008-12-23)

Thank you very much! I've had a broken heart since I realized OS X didn't support classic and I therefore could no longer play Warcraft II. Any chance you could do this with Warcraft II: Battlenet Edition?? This would be great as it would allow custom games and the BNE maps are far superior. (Have to be able to block yourself into your base!) Thanks again. This is fantastic!

maclover1979 (2008-12-24)

Wow. Cool. Thanks. But where do I find this modified version of Dosbox. Because I couldn't get it to run with the normal Dosbox.

djdanielortega (2008-12-25)

Really really cool app! Thanx alot

_-NoT-_ (2008-12-28)

How do you save the game? I am talking about Day of the Tentacle.

chardchops (2008-12-28)

need help with dosbox please,
sorry if i sound stupid!!!
just a newB to dos
special version of Dosbox.??????
cheers for any help

kurisuteru (2009-01-04)

If any of you are having problems with the game never starting, and DOSBox quitting after the shortcut explanations:
On my system this was because I already had DOSBox installed with a custom config in my user DOSBox config dir. This had a custom autoexec.bat with drive C, D and some others mounted.
This lead to an error: DOSBox was unable to mount C to the .app's /Resources/ directory since it was already mounted.
Two solutions:
1) Delete your DOSBox default / user config, or:
2) Edit the [autoexec] section of the supplied game dosbox.conf (found in the app contents /Resources/dosbox.conf) to mount and point to a drive that's not already in use (e.g. G:)
If you want more info, google how DOSBox and DOS batch files / autoexec.bat works -- I'm not going to explain that for you. Take this as an opportunity to learn oldschool DOS wankery :)

niceguy85282 (2009-01-09)

thanks, great games

DncnDvd (2009-01-10)

Hey, sorry to be the only looser to not get this, but these games wont start for me at all.
It says just click and run, but nothing happens. Have downloaded DosBox, but that obviously cant run .app files - Any help would be appreciated.

millennium74 (2009-01-15)

I can't make 'em work either. I open the application file and nothing happens. Can't use Boxer for opening either.

oxwilder (2009-01-26)

Legendary release! Thanks so much! Can you do some more Lucasarts games?

olavv (2009-01-26)

How do I save game on Monkey Island games? Do'h

oralmud (2009-01-27)

Please confirm if these collections are indeed leopard 10.5 only?

giventofly77 (2009-01-28)

I'm running 10.4, and some games start in fullscreen automatically - like Duke Nukem 3D and Death Rally - but most are played in a small window. Is there any way to get these to run in full-screen? After all, that's how I played 'em back in the day... :)
Cheers for a great set of uploads btw !!

brukerdose (2009-02-01)

Just read the text that appears before the game loads.

dm30001 (2009-02-02)

anybody have a backup of Microshaft winblows 98 game? its VERY rare to get now from what i searched up...
thats one game you cant find on the net.. lol

OilConsumer (2009-02-06)

I Love You

joey2slowey (2009-02-07)

Does anyone know how to run death rally, I can get the to the directory and all on DOSbox but I can't start the game from there....

Brona (2009-02-08)

Thank you so much!!

misanthropichud (2009-02-08)

these two packs are the shit. brukerdose hats off!

Flutiyate (2009-02-14)

Dette er så utrolig kjempe mega bra:) jeg hadde en emulator til amiga spill før, men nå systemene forandret seg, så fulgte jeg ikke utviklingen. Har savnet disse spillene i mange år... 16 år sist jeg spilte disse. Tusen tusen takk

Ricknederland (2009-03-15)

ooooooooh youre holy brukerdose!!! now i can play the good oldies everytime i want thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zhou.fei.fei.zhou (2009-04-05)

props to uploader.

bunghoney (2009-04-16)

yeah, I'm also interested in how to save games... Anybody who managed?

keitsamuel (2009-04-20)

i want to play a game called Mega Lo Mania which i have found on the net, its a wonderful game i used to play in my younger days hehehehhe. i have no clue how to connect it to dosbox and i have tried now for 3 hours any help please

PROTEOUS271158 (2009-04-27)

Could anyone tell me what the minimum system requirements are for this ?

Mattachoo (2009-04-27)

If anyone knows how these games were packaged to run as stand alone applications, can they please explain it somehow or let me know? I would love to be able to package my own games and upload them but I can't figure it out. If ANYONE has ANY information, that would be fantastic. Thanks again for the great share!!

sivadevananda (2009-05-07)

Same question here:

badmilk98433 (2009-06-09)

Awesome torrent. Very nostalgic - reminded me of the old days of running things on my 486!

badmilk98433 (2009-06-09)

Right now I'm running these on a 1.84ghz Core Duo Intel iMac and they run great. I'll try them later on my G4 iBook and post how they run then. It seems like they were packaged with DOSBox or something similar, once you unzip them - they are standalone apps that run when you double click em.

7331 (2009-06-10)

Settlers II! I love you!

S3GR3DO (2009-06-22)

Does anyone had problems with the mouse on Dune 2? I don't have the right click so I can't do multiple selections.

23finnegan (2009-06-27)

S3GR3DO hold down ctrl when you click to do a right click. This works for any application on macs.

Willtroy (2009-08-18)

Seeders? please? :)

codemanlemke (2009-11-11)

"you can't open application "[name]" b/c it is not supported on this architecture"
HELP! wtf is wrong.
running Mac OS X 10.5 on a MacBook Pro w/ an intel processor. how do i get the .app format to work. also what dosbox do i use or how do i modify it. thnx.

cupasoup (2010-02-16)

F5 to enter the load/save screen on the lucasarts games.

Tygress (2010-05-24)

I don't know what the deal is here, but I downloaded this and ran ONLY the Settlers game. And within 1 hour my World of Warcraft account got hacked. No one has my password. There are no processes running on my machine that I don't know what they do. And yet, my boyfriend turned to me and said, "Did you just log on?" because my toon was walking around Dalaran and opening up the guild bank.
I don't know if this is the culprit, but it's the only thing I downloaded in weeks. So, I'm deleting it and not running any of them again. Which sucks, since I wanted to play the other games in this pack.

silverchloride (2010-10-02)

You guys seriously need a intro Programming course.
Inside the .app package there should be a Dosbox executable which functions as an emulator. (right click the .app and choose show content) open it and follow its instruction to mount the Game in Resource folder ( inside .app package ) to whatever virtual drive your emulator run on.

silverchloride (2010-10-02)

Your processor dont matter as long as the DOSBOX support it. otherwise get anotehr DOS emulator

dlarrym1111 (2011-08-18)

@brukerdose: or anyone that might have a suggestion.
-Pertinent INFO:
-Volume 3 is the only volume I have downloaded.-
-I I un-zipped 2 files to try it out.. -QUAKE- and -HEXAN- so far)-
I OPENED 2 of the.zipped Games/files contained in the download. I opened QUAKE by double clicking the ICON that was un-zipped. It tried to open but closed as quick. I checked QUAKE iw/ the 'GET INFO' app/file description tool and the GET INFO utiliity even identified -QUAKE- as a universal OSX app.
+?I am confused.
+?Do I need another app. to run these apps?
+?Will it not run on OS 10.4.11 on a PPC CPU?
My mac is a "GRAPHITE" (mid 90's era) PPC G4 w/DUAL 1GHz CPU's (APOLLO series). Each CPU is equipped w/ a L2a 256KB Chace & -L3 2MG 'backside" Cache.
A RADEON AGP 2x - 4x 9800 PRO w/128MB V-RAM.
OS iis: 10.4.11 (this G4 is loaded w/ OS92.2 CLASSIC.
NOTE: this particular G4 will allows booting up directly into OS 9.2.2 if you wish.
Iff anyone can help I'd appreciate it.

flaps84 (2011-08-22)

Could you please covert CASTLE OF THE WINDS 1 & 2, I would die!!!

BusyP (2011-12-19)


miniceki (2012-06-05)

Thanks for this great torrent
Perhaps if you could get your hands on Maniac Mansion, that'd be grand


1. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Commander Keen 1 Marooned On Mars (1990) 3.25 Mb
2. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Commander Keen 2 The Earth Explodes (1990) 3.17 Mb
3. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Commander Keen 3 Keen Must Die (1990) 3.19 Mb
4. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Commander Keen 4 Secret Of The Oracle (1991) 3.60 Mb
5. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Commander Keen 5 The Armageddon Machine (1991) 3.66 Mb
6. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Commander Keen 6 Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter (1991) 3.56 Mb
7. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Commander Keen Dreams (1992) 3.32 Mb
8. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Day of the Tentacle (1993) 149.51 Mb
9. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Death Rally (1996) 44.22 Mb
10. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Dune II The Building of a Dynasty (1992) 6.83 Mb
11. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Monkey Island 2 LeeChucks Revenge (1991) 9.22 Mb
12. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Sam And Max Hit the Road (1993) 116.91 Mb
13. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Settlers 2 Gold Edition (1997) 16.41 Mb
14. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Shadow Warrior (1997) 34.42 Mb
15. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Sim City (1989) 3.31 Mb
16. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/The Secret of Monkey Island (1989) 6.26 Mb
17. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Warcraft II Tides Of Darkness (1995) 16.64 Mb
18. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/Warcraft Orcs and Humans (1994) 11.53 Mb
19. Classic.Games.Formatted.for.Mac/tracked_by_h33t_com.txt 23 bytes