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Kosovo - Can you Imagine






Kosovo - Can you Imagine




2009-07-04 (by zxspectrum)



Kosovo: Can You Imagine? is about the Serbs that live in Kosovo and the lack of human rights that they have today, in the 21st century. Most of the Kosovo Serbs have been ethnically cleansed by the Albanians who make up the majority of Kosovo. Kosovo has been under UN administration since 1999 when NATO bombed Serbia for 76 days to halt a crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatism in its province of Kosovo. In the years following the war, thousands of Serbs were expelled from their homes, kidnapped and killed. Their houses, cultural and religious sites were burned and destroyed. Kosovo for the Serbs is what Jerusalem is for the Jewish people. It is the cradle of their statehood, culture and religion. Most of the important Serbian Christian Orthodox monasteries are in Kosovo. Today, Serbs still have a deep spiritual and traditional connection to Kosovo, a land which is being cleansed of everything Serbian. Most of the Kosovo Serbs are internally displaced, some of them live in small container camps, in ghettos, all this in the heart of Europe in the 21st century. We follow the stories of several Serbs who have fell victim to a nationalist and irredentist ideology that has a goal of creating a pure Albanian state of "Kosova" ("Kosovo" in Albanian) Serbs in Kosovo have no basic human rights. You will be shocked to learn which atrocities they have to face each day. English / Serbian translation


  1. Kosovo
  2. Serbia
  3. Horror

Files count:



642.55 Mb




stargate_f (2009-07-06)

Hahaha Serbians are (even today) crying about Kosovo and some churchs. They forgot what they have done to Kosovo before that.
I was there befor and after War.
Title "Can you Imagine?", for Serbs i OK but for Albanians should be "You Can not Imagine What the Serbians Have Don in Kosovo" -Sounds Like Horror Movies and belive me: it was Same. As I said befor and after War in Kosovo I was monitoring the situation for some NGO-s and belive me Folks This trash cold be Watched only by people who don't know nothing about KOSOVO.
PS: Greatings to Serbians and Albanians (Kosovars). Don't forgate that you are neighbors and be polite to each other, future is in your Hands, some things should be forgoten.

Evgenik (2009-07-13)

If you say that you worked for NGO (Non-Goverment Organisation) that's not true.
All the NGO's in Kosovo were sponsored by NATO, so you were on America's payroll.
Today Kosovo is the main centre of heroin distribution and human traffiking, so that speaks for itself.
Before the NATO intervention, members of Albanian Mafia in Kosovo were kidnaping woman and using them as prostitution slaves, and burned the houses of non-albanians as Goran's, Gypsies, Serbs, Croats etc.
For a civilised human being it's normal to cry to see burned churches and ethnically pure Kosovo, with every non-albanian, non-muslim banned from Kosovo.
It was a most violent breaking of international law in history, and only a savage can smile to all of that.

stargate_f (2009-07-22)

What can I say to you?
1. If this kind of Videos will make you happy just keep go Watching it 2,3,4,...,infinite times.
2. I understand people like you, are people with Balkan Mentality who are stone-head, are very hard to be crashed. Never allowing themselves to be updated on time.
Don't have time to give lectures to anybody, but my friend:
3. If "Kosovo is the main centre of heroin distribution and human trafficking" then tell me, from whom they have learned, when Kosovo during decades was Administered from Serbia (that much, that Serbians have forgot fact -Kosovo was not their part and still saying "KOSOVO - Cradle of Serbian Nation"). So does it means, you are trying to say "KOSOVO CRADLE OF SERBIAN CRIME"??? And give a reason of -why Serbia does not give up from Kosovo-??? -Because they like or support Crime of course.
4. As I know Kosovo is now independent and recognized from other States, do you think, in a near future won't be recognized by Serbia too???
Never say, never. Politics can change within hours. It's not mine or yours do decide.
5. Mentioned "Albanian Mafia in Kosovo": I heard, each country have own Mafia.
it's ridiculous Mentioning it. Can I Count some mafias which in compare with Albanian Mafia are Like Elephant & Mouse, Example: Russian, Italian, Serbian, Latino-American States (Mexican, Colombian...), bla, bla, bla, etc. What I?m trying to say is: sorry my friend but everywhere exist crime, which can be reduced but can not be stopped. "Albanian Mafia" ha-ha-ha I don?t know where you got those informations. Kosovo is small place, that small that they have still family relation to each other. So, if anything happen, in a very short time will be known to all residents. That's one of the evidence that Albanian Mafia in Kosovo, does not exist at all.
6. Mentioned "most violent breaking of international law in history".
What Law? International Law that Serbians never followed (respected), like making WARS in: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo? If they have had respect International Law these 4 Wars should never happened.
In Kosovo they are still finding Massive Graves (10 years after the War!) and it's about "Savage", tell me who are Savage? People who are making Wars (as Serbia) or people who defend themselves (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Kosovo)? - Or me saying the truth?
Just don't tell me that those countries have attacked Serbia, because you going to make me cry!
Serbia is generator of Wars in Balkan, even in Europe too, because Serbia have initiated first and Second World War. I know you can not answer this Question correctly because your brain is too small to absorb that. That's a reason I laughed before, because I still see Serbians are virtually living in a 15th Century and they (you) don't know it yet. Thanks GOD I do not belong to this MENTALITY and I'm far from it.
Serbia thinks that by rebuilding his history (making it as they Wish, in Books) based in Lye, other Nations should forget the TRUTH. What I'm trying to say Serbia is Lying and after 2-3 days believes in own Lye. - Trying to make fools around and in all World Wide. It does not know that the World Wide or 95 percent of it is watching her as wild-poor little country led by poor conductors (leaders) with no future plans or short thinking people!!!

Born2XLR-8 (2009-07-27)


Born2XLR-8 (2009-07-27)

This kind of propaganda can be only produced by the sickest minds in order to misinform the public; and this is what they have been doing for the last 15 years with their bold faced lies and propaganda. It's time for a counter punch...
This type of Serbian propaganda is sadly widespread, and it's a testament of the sickness of Serbian society that will likely take a long time to heal. Unfortunately, it's nothing new since Serbia hasn't decontaminated itself from fascism, yet. Serbian nationalists regularly celebrate war criminals as heroes.

lindi070 (2009-10-23)

@ Shaka Jaada
Fuck your own mama, because you can't massacre anymore the Albanian people who are born in their home place KOSOVA!
P.S. You will never get back in Kosova you sick bastards who had done many genocides there! Rember: USA is our friend, and your enemy!

MajaM1990 (2009-12-07)

I don't know how to express my gratitude for those that have uploaded this movie on this site and made it available to all. It can sound strange coming from a Croat (the majority of us are very satisfied and pleased with the actual situation in Kosovo) but I truly feel touched by what is happening to our Serbian brothers and I do feel that in many aspect it is the fault of our nation what is happening right now to their people in Kosovo. After all, was it not Tito, a Croat, that gave away Kosovo to those people that always were causing problems in Serbia, stealing children as to cripple them and make them beg or catching women and forcing them to prostitute. The producer of this movie is very courageous regarding how the world is reacting to all Serbian resistance and the only thing I can say to him and the Serbian people is that they are true warriors, they have always fought, would it be the Turks, the Austro-Hungarians, the Croats and now the Albanians, and if there is one nation that can triumph against adversity it is them.
Kosovo je Srbija i srpski duh ce zauvjek zivjete. Ako nisu ni Turci, ni Njemci, ni Hrvati uspjeli ugusitu srpski narod, sigurno nece Albanci uspjeti.

DZIGS (2010-02-21)

As a war veteran (infentry-voluntary unit)-Kosovo '99 (Drenicka oblast) I can say this : you shiptars were a bitchslapt then and you could be again. Only the fact that US was threatened with bombing of civilian targets, saved your ass. Between us, and you know it's true: you were, you are and you will always be pussys...just a scared little pussys...

About their criminal activity, well... for the last six years I live in one of the western european country and here they are binding a term "Albanian" with a traffiking and most of all HEROIN.
They look at them as a bunch of ignorant neandertals, which they are, and that's all. Their only contribution to this world is John and his brother James Belushi (fat brothers with no sense for humor)
...and one last thing: It's ridiculous to be called for "Genocide Nation" from the US and their asskissing followers, when entire US is build on genocide towards the native americans-the indians, that almost disappeared from the face of the earth...and now they are a humanitarians...ridiculous
Siptari jebacemo vam mater gde god vas po svetu budemo sreli

DZIGS (2010-02-26)

THIS CAME FROM BBC WEB SITE (write albania in search field) dated from Tuesday, 23 February 2010
UN says Albania 'stalling' Serb human organs inquiry
Albanian flags line a road in Kacanik, Kosovo, February 2010
The Albanian state flag is flown widely in ethnic Albanian parts of Kosovo
A UN expert has said Albania is holding up inquiries into reports that Serbs captured during the 1998-99 Kosovo war were butchered for their organs there.
UN special rapporteur Philip Alston said the Council of Europe, Serbia and the EU authorities in Kosovo were all investigating the reports.
He called on Albania to allow an independent inquiry.
Albanian PM Sali Berisha has dismissed the allegations as fiction and says they have already been investigated.
International attention was drawn to the alleged crimes in 2008 when former UN war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte revealed in her memoirs that her team had investigated reports that around 300 Serbs held in Albania had had organs removed, apparently for sale to foreign clinics.

None of the efforts to investigate have received meaningful co-operation on the side of the government of Albania
Philip Alston
UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions
According to her book, UN investigators searched a house in the Albanian town of Burrel in 2004 after receiving reports that Kosovo Albanian militants had used it as a base for removing Serbs' organs before killing them.
"The investigators found pieces of gauze, a used syringe and two plastic IV bags encrusted with mud and empty bottles of medicine, some of which was of a muscle relaxant often used in surgical operations," Ms Del Ponte wrote.
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia said its judges had never received evidence in support of the allegations.
During the Kosovo war, which ended with Serbia withdrawing its forces from the province after a Nato bombing campaign and an eventual unilateral declaration of independence by the ethnic Albanian majority, thousands of people were killed, most of them ethnic Albanians.
'Diplomatic ping pong'
Last year, Albania rejected a Serbian request for an investigation into the alleged abductions and killings.
Speaking to reporters in the Albanian capital Tirana, Mr Alston said the authorities in Albania strongly believed that the allegations were "politically motivated and absolutely without any foundation".
"On this basis, none of the efforts to investigate have received meaningful co-operation on the side of the government of Albania."
His own inquiries in Albania had met with a "game of bureaucratic and diplomatic ping pong", said Mr Alston, who is the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions.
"The bottom line is that the issue is definitely stalled," he added.
"All Albanian officials I have met with consider the claims, charges of killings, as ridiculous," he said.
"If it is ridiculous, in order to get rid of this issue, make available a proposal for an independent investigation and offer genuine co-operation."
Serbia welcomed the UN expert's call for an independent investigation.
"That would be the right path to find out the truth and achieve full regional co-operation," Bruno Vekaric, a spokesman for Serbia's war crimes prosecutor, told Reuters news agency.

thewho88 (2010-07-25)

Dear lovely/strange/ugly neighbors,
i am albanian as non of u comenting here, i live in macedonia( have i ) not really i lost 25 year of my life watchign news, hearing politics, about a state that we destoyed and who was the winner
i dont give a shit wat u have been cometing and pullling stuf together like this movie or watever, i just like yor comedy i love it actualy ... but the truth is far away form this ,,,
and u are living in it watching it and beeing blind dont u seee wat u have done to your state ya people ya self... u are noting living stilll with the fotos of the genocid rules Miloshevic and his cetnik goups... fighting with all the countries around u ,,,
we can share hate, we famour for that, the whole world know us ... but not with us baby ...
the Romans , the Turkish and now the Serbs non of u could make yay dream fantasyzing dreasms come true... and u never will ...
we have been here are here adn will always BE.
3000 year and we still here not a one state cuz we are devided in 5 peaces but in soul we are it tradition that makes us BE.
i am triled to say this, cuz i live with my people still adn i know were we are... wat we have done and deep inside of each of us we regret it the mistakes... but if someone comes at your home and make u unwanted there ...wat u gonna do... u are pushed to fight thats your story ... and the world knows
i am still happy that i have friend from serbia, croatia and the ballkans, with western thoughts, true fighter for lighting up the darknes that is vanishing us and i love thatm like my people...
but the rest watch the movie... can make ur eager feel better
we sons of ILIRS and we proud of that ...

Dusan1389 (2010-08-13)

It is not Kosovo, but an autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija. Word of Kosovo stems from the word kos, which is Blackbird and Metohija which means the church property, the reason for this is exactly what is in the area is a large number of Orthodox churches and monasteries built by medieval Serbian rulers. As part of an attempt to reduce ethnic tensions with Albanians 1968th Metohija name was dropped from the name of the province, however 1990th was again restored as an integral part of the name. Today, the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo serves as a drug trafficking centre for western european countries! America is currently living of its dirty money, because the entire global financial and banking system is made so that money is actually debt. As a result, the world is in a new global economic crisis and the Americans can not sustain their country in stability but by attacking smaller countries and using them for their dirty interests. You can learn more about this by watching two documentaries – Digital Angel and Endless War (made by Italian journalists Ricardo Iaconi). Death to American occupiers, long live freedom! Just to mention Americans are fighting against terrorist in the world, but in Kosovo and Metohija they are helping ethnic Albanian separatists - muslim religion to establish state in the state, killing Serbs - Orthodox religion people, burning Serbian homes and Orthodox churches from the Middle Ages.

BCYVR (2010-09-12)

r u that stupid??
you dont trust your albanian christians? You only listen to the muslim albanians? what about the romanians, croations, cheks, gypsies, greeks...are they all liars? they all call u most of europe wrong? the truth will come out....ask Canadian Genereal Mackenzie or the Canadian Ambassadir..thry know the truth. ask the canadian rcmp that spent time in yugoslavia. ask the rcmp why they spoNsored SERBIAN FAMILIES TO COME TO CANADA. WHY WOULD THE RCMP BE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR A SERBIAN FAMILIY IF THEY R KILLERS?

free-kosova (2011-01-12)

I congratulate you from the heart for the true facts that you have written here even a true kosovar could not be able to describe it better to this serbian pig Evgenik that he is an jerk and it is no strange feeling to feel like that .

zxspectrum (2011-05-07)

Kosovo is Serbia and will remain like this FOREVER!!!

somi_bre (2011-09-01)

kosovo albanians = pigs

somi_bre (2011-09-30)

sorry, KLA kosovo albanians = pigs! regular people are just, not smart enough to see with whom they signed deal.. Nato does not give a damn about any of us.. watch Borise's second documentary, Wight of chains..

ivyO (2011-10-03)

@ TRC4: Those are really hard words in that comment that u wrote. I guess that u are just a kid, with little and probably bad life expirience when u can write and think about war in such easy and shallow way. Otherwise, u would think twice before writing about it cause the most precious thing in the world is human life. And it doesn't matter is that life of a muslim, catholic, or an orthodox. Life is life, and therefor it should be saint for everyone.

stargate_f (2011-10-14)

Very clever Serbian who knows what is happening around his Serbia about KOSOVO.
Cutted Text from: Voice Of America 13.10.2011
Very clever guy who knows what is happening around his state.
Read It or Eat It !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ime: Emigrant Grad: München
11.10.2011 13:51
Tajna Srpskog predloga za sevjer Kosova !!!! hhmmmm pa u tome je i cjeli problem da srpska politika nikada nije bila transparentna prema svojim gradjanima nego uvjek laze svoj narod a pokusava i druge da laze mada kod drugih to ne "pije vodu"
Srpski narod ma gdje zivi uvjek "iznenadjen",uvjek moraju slusati politicare drugih drzava pa da mogu da razumeju sta se zbiva kod kuce,bar to tako izgleda na prvom pogledu ali u stvarnosti i vole da cuju laz,tj bolje slusati jednu slatku laz nego jednu gorku istinu,i za to uvjek pucaju sebi na kolena.
Zasto to kazem ? pa za to sto tako nesto kod Srba smo uvjek vidjeli,evo nekoliko primjera,ako neko prica istinu onda je taj izdajnik,kao Natasa Kandic,Ivan Stambolic,Cedomir Jovanovic,Vuk Draskovic,pokojni Zoran Djindjic koj je i morao to "izdajnistvo" da plati svojim zivotom a sdruge strane vjeruju ili vjerovali pliticarima kao Milosevic,Seselj,patriotima poput Arkana,Legije i ostali,a kada gledamo rezultat onih gore navedenih "izdajnika" i ovih dole "patriota" onda sve je jasno kakve dobitke je imao Srpski narod od ovih "patriota"
Nisam naivan pa da vjerujem u to da sve sto zna drzava treba svaki pojedinac da to saznaje ali ipak ima nekih stvari koje politicari jedne drzave treba da saopsti svojim gradjanima,inace kad bude to gradjani saznali a koje je trebao odavno saznati onda bice kasno i za drzavu i za narod,ne radi se samo o vanjskoj politici nego i za unutrasnju politiku,pa neka se radi i o ekonomskim stvarima,najbolji pürimjer za to je sada Grcka,koja nije na vrjeme upozorila i sakrila istinu od svojih gradjana a retultat vidimo sada,na pragu bankrota.
Jeste da srpski politicari su u nezgodnoj situacij a sve to zbog izbora ali siguran sam da poslje izbora bilo ko da pobjedi dosao kraj da kazu svome narodu pravu istinu a to moze samo jednom rjecenicom a to glasi,NARODE KOSOVO SMO IZGUBILI I TO ODAVNO ( 1999) a onda je red na Srpski narod da postavlja pitanje svojim politicarima A ZASTO VI TO NAS ODAVNO LAZETE DA NISMO ?!

fcb...6 (2012-03-05)

seed please...

ulpijanad1 (2012-12-30)

pusi kurac stargate_f a !!!!

darditech (2013-08-06)



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