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Ron Paul, FBI Larken Rose 2007-11-16 Good Violence, Bad Violence
Ron Paul, FBI Larken Rose 2007-11-16 Good Violence, Bad Violence
2007-11-16 (by asc11)
(Use the torrent to download the SHA1-verifiable text AND the excerpt from "How To Be a Successful Tyrant".)
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 11:49:02 -0500
Subject: Good Violence / Bad Violence
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
From: [email protected]
/* */
Dear Subscriber,
Wow, the fascist apologists in the media, pretending to be
conservatives, are shifting into high gear with their statist
propaganda. The tyrant-approved message today is one which my book,
"How To Be a Successful Tyrant," specifically talks about: the
notion that the government is allowed to use violence however it
pleases, but it is unforgivable for the peasants to even vaguely
suggest forcible resistance.
Various state-worshippers such as Glen Beck have decided to paint
Ron Paul supporters as terrorists. And it's pretty darn obvious
that spreading this lie is a very premeditated, calculated move by
the tyrant mouthpieces. The following link will give you a story
and videos all about it:
[ ]
Please allow me to state the bleeding obvious: Ron Paul is trying
to win an ELECTION, and the people who support his campaign are
also trying to make that happen. He is trying to use the system to
achieve freedom. (I hate to be a party-pooper, but personally, I
think that in the long run, that is utterly impossible.) The fact
that some of his supporters organized a funding campaign on
November 5th--the day Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parliament--
doesn't make them terrorists.
But one line from Glen Beck's smear piece made it sound like he's
been reading my book. Basically, he acknowledged that the
"government" is corrupt, doesn't do what the people want, etc., but
followed that up by saying that us peasants are allowed to TALK
about that, but only a nasty "terrorist" would ever use VIOLENCE to
resist it. (I guess that would include Jefferson, Washington, etc.)
What do you think the feds do every DAY? They use violence for
EVERYTHING they do. Who made up the rule that it's okay for fascist
thugs to use violence, but it's not okay for their victims to
forcibly resist them? For example, I believe that when the federal
thugs were doing their armed robbery stunt of the Liberty Dollar
offices recently, it would have been perfectly justifiable to use
whatever amount of force, including deadly force, necessary to
repel the thieves. Yes, I'm saying that gunning down the FBI and
Secret Service fascists would have been ABSOLUTELY MORALLY
Of course, it would also be really dang dangerous, and in the long
run I can't imagine it turning out well for those who resisted. So
I'm not saying they should have, but I AM saying that they had
every right to. Yes, I realize that's an "extremist" viewpoint,
which, in a land of obedient pansies, makes most people wet their
pants. Too bad. And being someone who DOES believe that forcible
resistance to tyranny is a good thing, I am in a position to tell
you that that is NOT what the Ron Paul campaign is advocating.
Rather than writing it all over again, allow me to quote myself.
The following is an excerpt from "How To Be a Successful Tyrant" ( ). Remember, the book is written as if it
is addressing aspiring tyrants. Read it, and see how good a job
Glen Beck and the other statist apologists are doing following the
tyrant blueprint.
Larken Rose
Files count:
11.45 Kb