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American Blackout [AVI - Conspiracy - Sept 11th - 911 - NWO - Il
Video Movies
American Blackout [AVI - Conspiracy - Sept 11th - 911 - NWO - Il
2007-06-18 (by lkobescak )
American Blackout
Format: AVI
Whatever you think you know about our election systems or Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, this film will make you question further why the news media fails to accurately inform the public. Directed by GNN's Ian Inaba, creator of Eminem's "Mosh" music video, American Blackout critically examines the contemporary tactics used to control our democratic process and silence voices of political dissent.
Many have heard of the alleged voting irregularities that occurred during the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Until now, these incidents have gone under- reported and are commonly written-off as insignificant rumors or unintentional mishaps resulting from an overburdened election system.
American Blackout chronicles the recurring patterns of voter disenfranchisement from Florida 2000 to Ohio 2004 while following the story of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Mckinney not only took an active role investigating these election debacles, but has found herself in the middle of her own after publicly questioning the Bush Administration about the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Featuring: Congressional members John Conyers, John Lewis, Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, Bernie Sanders and journalists Greg Palast and Bob Fitrakis.
Run Time: 92 minutes
For more information or to purchase this video, please visit:
Additional information on September 11th, NWO, the Illuminati and the great threat to you can be found at www infowars com or
Files count:
628.86 Mb
paradoxer (2007-06-18)
lkobescak, thx for the torrent. Good too see people who can think & question things in the world. It seems like people such as "Muzlumkillah" and his ***-friend "killamuslim4fun" have had a bad childhood and worst of all, they have low IQ. That´s life and there is nothing we can do to help them.Muzlumkillah and killamuslim4fun, you need advice: 1- Go to school and learn ENGLISH, 2- Do NOT touch your dirty dick and type at the same time, 3- Take your medicines and listen to your doctor, 4- If you behave real nice, maybe some day, I repeat, _MAYBE_ SOME DAY, you will be able to talk to some girls. I strongly doubt about the latter, but anyway... And killamuslim4fun, is your keyboard broken? Or maybe only the Caps Lock key? Oh, if you want to give us the impression that you are SHOUTING OUT your crap, let me tell you that you are only making a fool of yourself. Think about your pathetic life and what you have done for your country, and that I can answer you right now: _NOTHING!_
paradoxer (2007-06-19)
Well, I think that all religions are only CRAP. But actually, I think that NO ONE has the right to condemn a religion, race, group etc etc; it is simply too big foe a single individual to comprehend. What I mean with crap is that religions and their effects make situations only more complex than it should be. The concept of religion does not fit a modern society. How many times haven´t we all read about blood baths and wars "in the mane of religion"?? No, it is not about the religions. In all times, people with power have the "religion" as a "base" of bla bla bla.. Yeah, I know, we all know that and have heard it before. Now in modern times, we have the ability to seek the truth and not only listen to people with power. Some people do not understand things, other people can not believe what they see (or hear) and are maybe even afraid of the truth. And then, we have that cathegory of people who understand and are open minded, but they can not do a shit anyway.paradoxer (2007-06-19)
killamuslim4fun, yeah I forgot, what I write is boring for you, and that is exactly why you spend your precious time with your elite words to answer me.. LOOOL!!! Arrff.. I´m done, no time to waste on you here and now.flimsoft1 (2007-06-19)
killamuslim4fun: What the fuck are You talking about? The only connection between islam and this torrent is that You claim, that the NWO will kill all muslims. You might be right - but why would anyone let You live? Are You are part of the NWO Yourself? I really doubt it ;o)And btw: You have never ever been a muslim, You prick. Your retoric doesn't fit at all.
And generally speaking: all this about killing this and killing that... is bullshit! In every religion, in every country I have met idiots and morons that doesn't deserve to live. If the majority of people were retarded like You, killamuslim4fun, we would all be Germans I guess...
paradoxer (2007-06-19)
killamuslim4fun, I will prove now once and for all that your intelligence is not enough bringing up discussions of this magnitude up the board. Besides, your overwhelming charm and charisma (LOL, yeah, I have read some of your previous posts earlier) indicates your rough background full of agony and hate. Instead of focusing all of your energy on such an esoteric dilemma (which I personally find to be somewhat banal) that doesn´t even concern you, you STILL have to bring up for example the situation in Israel... EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS what is happening there, and no one knows exactly the whole story, so let it be ffs! The situation is so complex that not even the brightest minds dare to bring it up.1. You say that I have taken a professional text and altered it to sound pro... Let us see here.. Hmm.. You wrote your post 2007-06-18 19:53 CET and I answered 2007-06-18 20:14 CET... Simple mathematics; during those tiny minutes, I had to watch and refresh the page all the time so I could answer you as fast as I can (yeah, since I have nothing else to do, LOL) an I had to search for a good answer, alter it so I sound like a professional and write it down here... Oh man, I must be faster than the Superman... Thank you, I did not even know it myself!
2. Apparently, I have touched a very sore spot since you deactivated the Caps Lock and wrote a reply 2007-06-18 19:44 CET. Sorry I hurt your feelings so much, but I am curious; was it the thingie I wrote that you will probably never meet a girl? Son, do not worry, you can still get ugly "girls" but be prepared to PAY EXTRA MUCH!! Muahahahahaa!!
3. You have proven that either you have not seen the content of the media and you are whining, or, you maybe saw it and did not understand it. Which one is right? You choose, both options are pretty ugly...
4. I am amazed.. Such fantasy... So much creativity.. Your nicname tells it all....
Tell me another short story about the Caps Lock, come on, I encourage you!! (and make your status even lower)
Oh, I almost forgot to say, sleep well, ignore the monsters under your bed and wash your teeth when you wake up tomorrow.
paradoxer (2007-06-19)
killamuslim4fun, was that ALL you could come up with? LOL!In order to be able to humiliate others, first you have to be superior, and second, you need to find a weak point. Besides, you need to know that you can not stand against so many people harassing you. You seem to fail on ALL criterias.
You post 4 messages in a row! LOL! What does that indicate? Well, the answer is simple: - You are overboiling with hate! You can not think clearly! You are so angry that everyone is so right and you are so wrong!
Now, read and learn (well, I do not expect you to learn something with your tiny little piece of fat-blob, but anyway..)
No respect for you.
It seems like you do not understand what people write. Ok, my fault (and all of you who write complex word, please do not do that; killamuslim4fun can not understand you...)
killamuslim4fun, how does it feel to be at a disadvantage all the time?
You don´t know? Of course you don´t, because you can not understand it!
Seriously, I recommend that you kill yourself. You have no future. Who the fuck cares about shitty Islam or shitty Christianity or other shitty religions? You think that you are a better person now since your are a Christian? Well, YOU STUPID DUMB SHIT UNCLE FUCKER, you will never change! You will never have a future. If it wasn´t for us usual workers (who work and PAY for your existence) and the social securiy in this modern world, you would already be maggot food by now. You only guess things and you don´t even know how wrong you are. You do not even accept the facts SMASHED right in you face. You are weak and useless. Now, download a new porno clip, jerk off, and after that, kill yourself. Do it.
POW! BOOM SHAKALAK! In your face! Knockout!
Don´t even try to stand up now.. You have lost ALL rounds against me and everybody else! Every word you will write here from now on will show your pathetic weakness.
paradoxer (2007-06-20)
killamuslim4fun, you are not standing, I hear a desperate voice of a half dead jerk on the ground (yes, you) pleading on your last breath.Sounds like you pushed your monster dildo upp your ass without lubing it yesterday.. Oh man, did you push it up so hard that you can not even find it now? LOL!
And again, _IF_ I was wrong, why did you post only 1 message now and not 4 in a row?
I understand that it takes time for you to write your posts here, but for me it does not take so long time, and I enjoy to talk you down.
Again, go and kill yourself. My posts again and try to understand what I wrote. Please feel free to come back and get kicked again.
paradoxer (2007-06-20)
killamuslim4fun, when I started to write posts to get you upset, I was actually aware of your sad background, but I was not really expecting you to whine so much; I was expecting more resistance, not only empty bullshit whith ground. This seems like a boxing match without referee, and I am hitting you under the belt and scoring, which seems to be crude, but in your case, I don´t care; I kick you when you lie on the ground bleeding and HOPING that at least some more words will penetrade your thick skull and reach those few brain cells you still have intact... Yes, I know, it takes time, and for now, you are my experiment lab-rat (yes, I do not like experimenting with poor animals, so the choice of your useless char is perfect). For now it is somewhat interesting, but eventually, I will get tired of you also.killamuslim4fun, you can write whatever you want about me. I will not get hurt by your words, but I KNOW that you do, since I have proven that so many times. I know that before in your life, you would dream about doing the same things as I do and you know that you will never have everything that I have (now skip the bullshit, because you KNOW I am right). You will never ever be able to compare yourself with me. Recently, you have got your ass full of vaseline so many times and you have beeing eating shit so often that you really like it now.
Excuse me, now for me, it is time for pussy, tits, ass and legs to bite and enjoy (and I REALLY hope that you can guess the rest..). You have to wait until tomorrow until I read your worthless post.
And hey, do you really think that this is the only torrent of its kind on the net? You stupid dipshit uncle fucker... This is _ONE_ (1) of the torrents here. There are many websites, FTP-sites, torrent sites, DC, etc etc which host similar contents... Idiot...
POOOW! In your face again! Take that uncle sucker! Bite the dust! How does it feel? I wonder how my scores will end.. maybe I will win all the rounds?
Now fuckface, do as I told you before; Kill yourself.
paradoxer (2007-06-21)
killamuslim4fun, as I stated in my perious post, you still write a bunch of nonsense. Maybe if I knew your native language, I would be able to write in such way that you would understand more.I suppose you missed when I wrote that this is an experiment; you are my experiment. I started at a high level since I did not want to underestimate my opponent (that is you, in case you already forgot it). I had already read your previous posts, and I thought that you can do better than that, and maybe you could show that to me. Well, I was wrong, and it ended in a total failure. You think _that I am saying _that I am the sharpest kid here. I never said that. Those were your and YOUR words only. I would never say such a stupid thing. Read my previous posts and you will see that I am right.
Ok, ok.. enough. I will not try to irritate you from now on, and now, I will try to find another way to communicate. I do not want that you do the same thing for me, and you do exactly what you want to.
Before we go further, I need to ask you some important things:
1- Do you really think that the governments tell the truth and they do not lie to the people? You do not believe in/listen to any consp theories?
2- If you had the power, would you change the world you live in or would you create a new one?
lkobescak (2007-11-09)
For more movies/music and files like this, check out my other torrents at:
guafr78 (2008-07-18) (2008-09-22)
if you liked this movie do what it says at the endtext BLACKOUT to 75444
consider voting for Cynthia McKinney in 2008
she isn't the lesser of two evils, she isn't evil
vote for good instead of evil in 2008!
get a friend of yours who would normally vote "the lesser of two evils" i.e. Republican or Democrat (or if you prefer, Neocon or Decepticon), and both of you vote for McKinney!
(so i guess that makes the green party autobots, or maybe voltron)