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The End of Suburbia [AVI - Oil Depletion - Conspiracy - Sept 11
The End of Suburbia [AVI - Oil Depletion - Conspiracy - Sept 11
2007-08-20 (by lkobescak )
The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream
Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so too has the suburban way of life become embedded in the American consciousness.
Suburbia, and all it promises, has become the American Dream.
But as we enter the 21st century, serious questions are beginning to emerge about the sustainability of this way of life. With brutal honesty and a touch of irony, The End of Suburbia explores the American Way of Life and its prospects as the planet approaches a critical era, as global demand for fossil fuels begins to outstrip supply. World Oil Peak and the inevitable decline of fossil fuels are upon us now, some scientists and policy makers argue in this documentary.
The consequences of inaction in the face of this global crisis are enormous. What does Oil Peak mean for North America? As energy prices skyrocket in the coming years, how will the populations of suburbia react to the collapse of their dream? Are today's suburbs destined to become the slums of tomorrow? And what can be done NOW, individually and collectively, to avoid The End of Suburbia?
Hosted by Barrie Zwicker. Featuring James Howard Kunstler, Peter Calthorpe, Michael Klare, Richard Heinberg, Matthew Simmons, Michael C. Ruppert, Julian Darley, Colin Campbell, Kenneth Deffeyes, Ali Samsam Bakhtiari and Steve Andrews. Directed by Gregory Greene. Produced by Barry Silverthorn.
Run Time: 78 Minutes
For more information or to purchase this film, please visit:
Additional information on September 11th, NWO and the great threat to you can be found ator
Files count:
696.11 Mb
PeakOil (2007-08-21)
It is amazing what a complete idiot you are bobdaslob.End of suburbia is NOT about conspiracies, it is about PEAK OIL.
For once take some time and educate yourself.
If you understand PeakOil, you will however also understand why the war on terror (started with 911) is most likely a grab for oil (and control of territory where there is oil) and the importance of this for USA.
Although I believe you are too much of an crack pot to take the effort to DL the movie and watch it (while not being high).
lkobescak (2007-11-05)
For more movies like this, check out my other torrents at: (2008-01-12)
SEED PLEASE!!!duhprane (2008-01-22)
oil is biotic, its not going awayBigDickBubba (2008-01-23)
oil is biotic so what do we do for the next few million years while we wait for it ?you must be a russian scientist ! clown !!!
ejputz (2008-07-25)
I have a theory that Mankind exists for the sole purpose of burning up the oil, deforesting the land, and infusing the earth with plastics and other exotic substances... things the earth can't do by herself. Once we're finished, we'll be eradicated.upsherd (2009-06-03)
George Carlin has a suspiciously similar theory, too. :)upsherd (2009-06-03)
@Ikobescak: and thanks for the upload!RedHot92 (2009-06-11)
Seeed please:)mko00 (2011-01-12)
160 million years to create 200 years to use ( oops ) scaryVideo 6
Audio 7
Reasonable quality watchable
Thanks for the download
unit41000 (2011-05-02)
I cant believe I'm the no longer the only person here who realizes the world is... well fuct, after years of saying things like this I'm at least glad I'm not alone, to the rest of you, stop smoking so much pot! This is NOT a 911 conspiracy, it has nothing to do with idiots like alex jones, the world is probably faceing nuclear war within 50 years, and thats generous.fountainhead1 (2012-05-31)
@unit41000How can you claim to have an understanding of this when you are still ignorant of cannabis? Go research weed instead of making naive comments like "stop smoking so much pot."