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Grand Ages Rome The Reign of Augustus-RELOADED.iso






Grand Ages Rome The Reign of Augustus-RELOADED.iso




2010-01-24 (by thenoobish )


ßÜÜ ß ÜÜÜÜÜÜ²Ý ÞÛÛÜ ²ÛÜ ßÜ °²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÜÛÛÛÛÝÞÛÛÝ Þ² ÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛßÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°Ü²ÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛ² °ÛÝÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜ Û ÞÝÞÝÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÝÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÝ ÞÝ Û Û ² ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝÞÛÛ ² Û Û Ü ÞÝ Þ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛ ÞÝ Ü Û Û ÞÝÞÛ ßßßßß²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßß ²²° ÛÝÞÝ Û Û Û°²Ý Ü²Ü ÛÛÛÛÛ° °ÛÝ Þ²°Û Û ÝÜ ÞÝ ÞÛ ß ²²ÜÜÜܲ² ÛÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ß ÛÝ ÞÝ ÜÞ ÞÝ ²Ü ß²Ü ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²² Ü²ß Ü² ÞÝ ÝßÜ ßßÜÜ°ßÜ ßß²²ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛ°ÜÜÜÜ ßß Üß°ÜÜßß ÜßÞ Ü Û ßßÜÜ ßßÜßÜ ÛÛÛßßßßßß ²ÛÛÛ° ÜßÜßß ÜÜßß Û ÞÝ Û ß²²Ü ÞÝÞÝ ÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ²ÝÞÝÞÝ Ü²ß Û Ü Ü Üß Û Ü ÞÛÛÝ°Û² ÞÛ²Ý °²ÛÛ² ²Û°ÞÛÜ Û ÞÝ ÞÝ ÜßÜÜß Û ÞÝ ÛÛÞ²Üß ÜÜßßßÛÛÜÜ ßܲÝÞÝ ßÜÜÛ° Üß ÞݲÛÝ ß ÜÜÛ°ÞÛ²ß ÜÛÛÛ ÛÛ²² ²ß ܲÛÛß ÜßÜÜß ²ÛÛÛ² ܲÛÛß ÛÛÝ ²²ÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÝ ÜßÜÜß ÞÛÛÛÝ ÞݲÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÝ Þ²² ÞÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÞݲÛÝ °²ÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛÛ °²ÛÛÛ °ÛÛÝ ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÝ ²ÛÛÛ² ÜÜÛÛÛ²° ÞÛÛÛÛÝ °ÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÛÛÛ²ÞÛÛÝ °ÛÛÛ²²ß ßÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÝ°ÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ² ²²ÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛݲ²ÛÛÛß ÛÛÛ ²²ÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ÞÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ °ÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÝ ²²ÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛ²² ÞÛÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ°ÞÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÝÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛݲ²ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²² ßß²²ÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛ² ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²ß²ÛÛÛÛܲ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ °ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛ² ßßß²²ÛÛÛÝ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛ²²ÛÛÛÜÜÜ°°ßßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÛ²²ß ÞÛÛÛÝ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÝ Û ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²ß ÛÛÛÛ ßßßÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜ°° ßßßßß nERv ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²ß Û Þ²²ÛÛÛÛßßß ßßßß ÜßßßÛÛÛÛÛÛ Þ²²ÛÛÛÛßßß Û Û ²²ÛÛ Û Û Û Û ÜßßÛ Üßß ² ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ ÜßÜ Üßß ÜßÜ Û ÛÜÜÜ Ûß² ²ß Ü Û Û ² Ûßß² ² Û ²ß Ü Û ² ÜÜÜÛ Û ßßßß ßßß ßß ß ßßß ßßßß ßßß Grand Ages: Rome - The Reign of Augustus (c) Kalypso 01/2010 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: HPK/Lua/Custom 1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Strategy Üßß ÜßßÜ ÜßÜßÜ Üßß ß ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ Üß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Û ß² Ûßß² Û ² ²ß Ü Û Û ² ²ß Û ² ßßßÛ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßß ß ß ß ßßßß ß ß ß ßß ßß Re-live the reign of Augustus in the official expansion pack for the hit PC title Grand Ages: Rome. Reign of Augustus includes a brand new campaign comprised of 12 missions, new maps and a wealth of enhanced gameplay features. * All new campaign with 12 Missions * 12 new maps * 6 new multiplayer maps * 4 new buildings: Senate, Tax Office, Odeum, Hospital * 20 new estate bonuses * Roads - connect your city to the major roman roads to gain or generate additional resources and enable units travel faster * Authority - certain buildings generate Authority that can be used to benefit the player or hinder opponents * New talents for each family (21 new talents in total) * Remove tool for roads, trees, platforms and decorations * New decorations – statues and gardens * God Mode - free build map with few disasters and unlimited resources * New campaign intro video * Additional multiplayer features including pre-built towns & pre-built town walls * 3 new patrons (Agrippa, Nero, Drusus) ß ÜßßÜ Üß ²ÜÜ ÜßßÜ ² ² ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ ²ÜÜ Üßß Üß ßßßßßßßßßß Û Û ² ßßßÛ Û Ü Ûßß² Û Û Û ² Û ² Û Ü ²ß Ü ßßßÛ ßßßßßßßßßß ß ß ßß ßßß ß ßßß ßßß ß ßß ßßß ßßßß ßß 1. Unrar. 2. Burn or mount the image. 3. Install the addon. The original Grand Ages: Rome is required. 4. Copy content from /Crack to installed dir. (Yes, it's a whole new subdir) 5. Block rome.exe in fw. (or ip 6. Play the game. 7. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT! Üßß ÜßßÛ ÜßßÜ ² Ü ÜßßÛ ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ ²ÜÜ Üßß Üß ßßßßßßßßßßßß Û ß² Ûß² Û ² Û ² Ûßß Û ² Û ² Û Ü ²ß Ü ßßßÛ ßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßß Û ßß ßß ß ß ßß ßßß ßßßß ßß

Files count:



1049.67 Mb




Gert83 (2010-01-25)

What is the Serial for the game? When I enter the game, it starts great but then it asks for a serial.

MeZZal (2010-01-26)

I need a serial too.. where can i find one?!

nikky248 (2010-01-26)

dont understand the crack process as there are no sub-directories to copy the crack to in my folder. Also, what is the serial for this?

McRulle (2010-01-26)

I haven't found a serial anywhere. And since this is normaly not how you do the "copy the crack" procedure, could you be more specific? And what if your firewall doesn't block the game?

STrjesi (2010-01-28)

crack not working.... no serial.... and dont downl.... SHIT REALESE!

lucky99 (2010-01-30)


lucky99 (2010-01-31)

UPDATE: Woops, I got the game to work by blocking the IP address as per Instructions. Sorry.

Gert83 (2010-02-03)

Lucky 99 did you get it to work? What is the Serial key??

killer9032 (2010-02-07)

i need a serial or atleast some explination how to use the crack yaeh how can i block the .exe with my firewall or the thingy with the ip dont get it just make an key thingy (forgot the name) wich randomises keys

killer9032 (2010-02-08)

i think i have a solution when the loading screen comes before the clips pres esc constantly and click on the left mouse bottun than go as quickly as you can to the thing you wnat to go wait to long and the key thingy comes back.

killer9032 (2010-02-08)

nvm mind made a mistake worked for me once

farzin911 (2010-02-09)

please send me some more specific installation notes,the game runs but it doesnt go to the game.
[email protected]

farzin911 (2010-02-10)

give some more explanations plz

spoke012 (2010-02-16)

Dude post the key serial for the cd. Not direction about block some freakin fw port.

z8o8x (2010-02-21)

@spoke012 and everyone else askin about serial:
game works only in single player mode, serial is needed when playing online

BaseKan (2010-03-22)

Can anyone post a clear explanation, becaus the it keeps asking for a serial and I can't get past it to play singleplayer

z8o8x (2010-04-01)

@basekan if connected to internet game will ask for a serial, u must prevent or block in fw

zavish (2010-04-04)

Hey i think i have a solution when it starts and asks for a serial press F1 and click the augustus campaign but the serial will ask in the screen press F1 and click anywhere well the game will still aks for the serial but you can play it for free! ^_^
-it works

zavish (2010-04-04)

@z8o8x it still ask for a serial even if i block it in the fw

z8o8x (2010-04-05)

very nice city building game...

iet8 (2010-04-11)

it is working when u disable ur internet connection

kebdan (2010-05-24)


johnrivers (2010-06-19)

someone please give a better explanation

johnrivers (2010-06-19)

YEs disable the internet connection it works fine

chuchu40 (2010-09-22)

fw??? uh, hello? can you give a better instructional please

Orgroth (2011-05-25)

How do i block rome.exe? i really wanna play this, please help... or what is that thing about ip? how can i use it?

hackingone1 (2011-06-28)

5. Block rome.exe in fw.
(or ip
This step is a huge hurdle to people who are not sure how to do it.
Solution that worked for me. I switch off my internet then I start the game. The serial number screen will not pop up. You can turn on your internet immediately after you start the campaign. The serial number screen will not pop up again.
I tried many ways to do step 5 but I might be doing it wrongly. Turning off internet is a way easier solution.

pig2011 (2011-08-17)

work perfectly, thx
must turn off internet

gioaace (2011-10-02)

i swear to god ive followed directions perfectly but im still getting the serial key request even after shutting my router off.... help

gioaace (2011-10-02)

i swear i followed directions and nothing i REPEAT nothing is doing the trick... wtf

timbard (2012-03-12)

If you are having issues with the serial number do this
Open a CMD Prompt as an Admin (right click on CMD in the start menu and select "run as administrator"
Then paste this into the box
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block Kalypso Grand Ages Rome" dir=out profile=any remoteip= remoteport=40009 protocol=TCP action=block

z7o8x (2012-08-03)

@timbard not working for me on xp maybe on win7?

z7o8x (2012-08-03)

turning off internet works anyway

Zorkalorp (2014-01-28)

Grrr ...
I've followed the instructions, and I run Rome.exe, it shows me this wonderful title of the game, then it goes black. There's still the game cursor and the thingy at the top when I press f5. Yes I've tried turning off internet. I'm on Windows 8. HELP!