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Toca Race Driver 3 Working crack!
Toca Race Driver 3 Working crack!
2006-03-09 (by Jaqulo)
This is a working crack for TOCA 3.
You still need the full game that is on 4 gig or something.
This works as an mini image. Deactivate all ide units or disconnect them physical from the motherboard. Place this file in the same directory as the large image.
Mount it and start the game. This working perfect for me. Starforce going down :D !!!
I will seed it seven days from now,
then it's your responsibility to spread it further.
Files count:
38.29 Kb
xtc_ForLife (2006-03-10)
tell me more how to do this .. step by stepJaqulo (2006-03-10)
Step 1 is to download and install the full game. It should be around 3.5gb. Then you disconnects the cabels to your cd/dvd drive from the motherboard. Then mount this mini image in deamon tools 4 or later. Then it should be able to play.xtc_ForLife (2006-03-10)
motherbord ? what is that ?:SJaqulo (2006-03-10)
omgJaqulo (2006-03-10)
Haha thanks but i don't do blind dates ;)Nightstalker (2006-03-10)
Fan man behöver inte ha någon crack till Toca 3man behöver ju bara koppla ur dvdn, sen äre bara o spela!
b1gb0y (2006-03-10)
i think this is not a crack just a mini image.if it was a crack then you wouldnt have to go taking your computer to bits to get a game working.
datordanne (2006-03-11)
Kör själv Daemon och SafeDisc4Hider till de flesta spelen Funkar fint med Toca 3. Inte nödvändigt att fysiskt koppla ur dvdspelaren.Boskurt (2006-03-11)
how you take out cable from dvd room? i dont understand how?SomeGuy2005 (2006-03-11)
dude, what kinda moron are u??? u mean u actually dismantle your PC every time u want to play this game?? LOLSomeGuy2005 (2006-03-11)
by the way, this is not called a crack, it's at best a work aroundbigdanio (2006-03-11)
czy to dziala?ktos juz sprawdzal?freddan70 (2006-03-11)
Har testat med daemon och SafeDisc4Hider, funkar inte för mig..x-z3r0 (2006-03-11)
I cant mount the crack.. a error messegs comes up :(Assmaster_Kronk (2006-03-11)
Mount with newest DaemonTools, activate SafeDisk 4 Hider 1.0, run the game.You don't need to disconnect anything, guaranteed
freddan70 (2006-03-11)
Tried all that, doesn't work for me!!pirre_kung (2006-03-11)
var ladar men ner demo tolsTheMythical (2006-03-12)
Assmaster_Kronk!!Jag testade ALLT, alla tänkbara möjligheter med dom nyaste o alla olika typer av DT, SD4, SR7, VHCD..m.m. inget funkade. Jag var tvungen att fysiskt ta ut strömkabeln till DVD:n, sen mounta jag i daemon tool och sen SD4....då starta spelet hur bra som inga andra alternativ funka. det e olika från maskin till maskin, beroende på vad du har i den. Men någon mini img eller så behövdes inte. Anser iofs att man inte ska klaga för man måste göra något lite extra för o spela ett nytt spel folk börjar bli lite kräsna.
datordanne (2006-03-12)
Mounta RACEDRIVER3.mds.Jaqulo (2006-03-12)
Ok my bad, this maybe is no crack but i got to have the mini image to play this game, doesn't work with the large one for me. I think we can probably wait 2 week, then someone got to write a crack for this game. I say like TheMythical, we should not complain about give it a little work to play the game. In this momen we can also pay 40§ for it and than it's no problem. It's your own decision.chrilleh (2006-03-12)
Funkar helt kanon för mig utan denna "crack" bara till att mounta RD3 imagen i deamon och dra ut kablarna till cd/dvd spelarnadiaK (2006-03-13)
u won't EVER see a crack 4 this game... remember popt2t starforce only way to play it(ilegit) was and is to unplug ure opticals....Peteralbin (2006-03-14)
Thanks for this... With this i just installed the game. restarted my computer. copied this mds-file into the main directory........ finished!! no cable-disconnecting or so... THANKS AGAIN!!Hubs (2006-03-14)
Hi ThereI´ve tried almost everything now... I´ve downed the full game, instaleld it, and first tried to mount the image i Alcohol, Did´nt work.
Tried The mini image, did´nt work
Tried the Starfuck disabler, did´nt work.
IS there anybody outthere who got a step-by-step guide (apparantly for dummies) Because i would really like to play this game.
bigdanio (2006-03-15)
yes it is true,it didn't work :((((((((((((((((((((((((Peteralbin (2006-03-15)
Step-by-step AGAIN!!!! Thanks for this... With this i just installed the game. restarted my computer. copied this mds-file into the main directory........ finished!! no cable-disconnecting or so... I´ve installed with a image that i mounted in Deamon V4.03HE. (But none of my buddies has it going so far so i guess i´m pretty lucky) :-)Peteralbin (2006-03-15)
Played it for about 7 hours today. 20% finished... Now you who ´re out there have something to look forward... if you can make it work....Peteralbin (2006-03-15)
TOCA RACE DRIVER 3 ROCKAR FETT!!!!Jaqulo (2006-03-15)
Peteralbin du ska vara lycklig haha jag fixar inte utan att disconnecta kablar, men jag har ju vingmuttrar på datorn så vem bryr sig. Spelet är ju såååå jävla grymt. Jag kör det med min Logitech Momo Racing Wheel, det är hel sjuk känsla i spelet, renault clio v6 är klart en favorit. Gött att det funkar..Jokass (2006-03-15)
R u Seeding???Jokass (2006-03-16)
Thx but were do i copy it in to???????!? PLZ need this game now fast! msg me on [email protected]machawk (2006-03-16)
Unable to mount the file keep getting a error can someone seed one that works. I try mounting the image on Deamon tools 4x also Alcohol 120% and dose not workJaqulo (2006-03-16)
Place the file in the same directory as the large image and it will workCed (2006-03-17)
efter div strul så funkar det utan urpluggning av DVD-drive, SafeDisk4-hide eller starFuck eller liknande.Jag gjorde så här (dumt kanske, men det funkar för mig)
1.Mounta MDF-image med DaemonTools/installera spelet.
2.Mounta igen med DaemonTools & kopiera samma MDF-image in i en ny mapp (lägg den vart som helst)
3.Lägg denna "crack"(mini-image MDS) i samma nya mapp som MDF-image.
4.Mounta slutligen mini-image MDS & starta spelet.
Toca-driver (2006-03-18)
Jag fick igång Toca igår efter en jävla massa problem, det slutade med att jag drog ut cd/dvd-rom kabeln och installerade om spelet, då fungerade de på engång, testa de..Men jag har fortfarande ett problem de e att när ja speler med force feedback med min ratt så hänger sig spelet ca 3-4 ggr per varv och om ja inte har det aktiverat så flyter de på hur bra som helst. Vad e problemet, är det en bugg i den här nerladdningsversionen?
x-z3r0 (2006-03-20)
Is dosen't work for me. I block all my cd drives, mount the .mds fil. And the mds fil is behind the big mdf fil i the same map. The i run the game it check the cd and the game shut down and nothing more happends... what's the problem? Anyone how has the same problem? cyaGladiatorpk1 (2006-03-21)
Is dosen't work for me. I block all my cd drives, mount the .mds fil. And the mds fil is behind the big mdf fil i the same map. The i run the game it check the cd and the game shut down and nothing more happends... what's the problem? Anyone how has the same problem? cyaSame happens for me
Gladiatorpk1 (2006-03-21)
Peteralbin ur talking outta ur ass.honeback1 (2006-03-22)
Det sjuka är att de äntligen fungerade när ja använde denna filen och la den i samma mapp som mdf-filen. Jag har visserligen dragit ut mina CDs men har inte testat med dem i.. Just have a little faith!filip slo (2006-03-29)
folks it work for me!!! :) it simple! i just copi file in sitem folder and open it with DAEMON tools! that all!!! and it work!!!!! no disconected cables or sometsomething...
denonmann (2006-04-01)
Thank`s.Is it important that i use original MDS file when i install the game? I overwrited the original one before install... And how do i make a new MDS, if i need that when installing? I would like to try this game, he he.
arogantstoffe (2006-04-02)
glöm det grabbar funkar inte det här är ingen crackjohnsonshyne (2006-04-05)
HELLO EVERYBODY, ok i reli need to know if this crack is genuin pls, cause see am sure we all love our games and i love my TOCA andi reli wanna play it, so can some tell me if it works and hope wat to do to make it work, thanksJuuzoh (2006-04-06)
Damn, =( not working with me. I did:1. Mount it/Install game, as normal
2. Downloaded this "crack"
3. Then i copied the big image file in other newmap (I made 1)
4. I put this "crack" in the same map.
5. Disconnected CD and DVD -Drives physically
6. And then i mount that "crack"one.
Next i saw that window "Play" "Uninstall" "Setup".. bla bla bla..
And next i push "Play".. it starts to "Checking disk.." and soon it says "Invalid disc, insert licensed disc" =/
Juuzoh (2006-04-06)
Pleeeeeeeeaase guys, pimp my Toca 3 !! =)Juuzoh (2006-04-06)
no... :O .. now i remember =D when i have disconnected cd/dvd -drives physically and mounted this file, nothing happens =OO but if i have cd/dvd -drives connected it says that "Invalid disc, insert licensed disc" or something =((ekasit (2006-04-07)
virusekasit (2006-04-07)
TheProphetD (2006-04-18)
Doesn't work for me.Is it because I have an nForce 4 motherboard? Or it's not related? Thanks.
firestarta (2006-04-21)
replaced the original RACEDRIVER3.mds with this one...Mounted and Installed game from image with DaemonTools 403-x86...
unpluged my DVD burner cable...
Played fine!
etzka326 (2006-04-22)
There comes'' unable to mount image file is not accessableJoOoy70 (2006-05-04)
hope thos crack works for me. Can somone please seed? Thanks!! :)Chupenmela Putos (2006-05-08)
I think that no one needs this shit to play toca 3, we need a real crack not trash, because is a really pain in the ass disconnecting the damn IDE every time that we play.So fuck off Jagulo!!