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2011-04-18 (by STULEEM)


CLASSIC AUSSIE SOAP SONS AND DAUGHTERS EPISODES 11-20 WILL POST OTHER EPISODES AS I HAVE ALL 972OF THEM. EP11-Doug tells David that Kevin needs a good belting. David tells his father that he should have learnt something in twenty years about interfering - he adds that Doug nearly ruined his life by keeping him and Patricia apart. David goes into Kevin's room and tells his son that Doug is off his trolley. Kevin says he and Lynn were just mucking around. David tells his father that he owes Kevin an apology, but Doug won't apologise, and he tells his son that if he's not careful, Kevin and Susan will end up like John. After further argument, Doug says he's leaving. Beryl tries to persuade him to stay, and she tells him that he upset David by bringing up the subject of Patricia. Doug tells Beryl that David will have to apologise to him; he leaves the house as David sits and watches tennis on television. Bill and Susan check into their honeymoon hotel. They are staying in a very plush room, and Bill says they'll get their money's worth! Angela returns home from a game of tennis. Patricia and Gordon are getting ready to go to a social gathering, and as Angela goes upstairs to prepare to join them, Patricia tells her husband that her daughter is looking more cheerful. When Angela comes back downstairs, Gordon tells her she doesn't have to come if she doesn't want to (he says he'll sort it out with Patricia) but Angela decides she does want to go. At the boarding house, Fiona tells Jill that she hasn't told "Scott" about the baby he's supposed to be fathering and adds that he seems to be losing interest in Angela anyway. Fiona states that if she's any judge, there won't be any more contact from Ms. Hamilton because she's too proud. After the party, Angela is tired, but she says she enjoyed herself. Patricia tells Gordon the night was perfect and Angela had a good time - she is particuarly pleased that her daughter spent all her time with Simon Armstrong. Patricia says she and Gordon should throw a party and invite Simon and his mother as guests. She tells her husband that she'd like to see Angela and Simon get together, but Gordon says Angela was just acting at the party and she's not really interested in Simon. Beryl tells David that he should talk to Kevin because he's hurting about John. She says the kids need their father, but David retorts that his son didn't look like he wanted to talk, so he'd leave it. Jill wakes up "Scott" with breakfast in bed. She reminds him that it's his last day of freedom before he starts the job Fiona has lined up for him as a brickie's labourer, so he suggests they go to the beach. While there, John tries to find out a bit about Jill, asking her how long she has lodged at Fiona's. But Jill just says, "A while," and makes it clear that she doesn't want to talk. Angela is on her way out when she is stopped by Patricia, who wants to show her the guest list she's drawn up for the party. Angela's not really interested, though. Gordon tells Patricia he thinks Angela is going to Manly - and this is indeed the case. She pulls up at the beach in her car and gets out. She watches "Scott" toweling himself and starts walking towards him, when all-of-a-sudden, Jill runs towards him with two ice creams. Angela stops in her tracks and goes to turn back, but she is suddenly spotted by John who chases after her. Angela tells "Scott" she knows all about the baby. "Scott" denies it, but Angela says Fiona told her. John is annoyed and tells Jill that Fiona had no right to lie. Jill tells "Scott" that Fiona did him a favour. They get back to the boarding house, and John goes into Fiona's room to await her return. Angela goes back to Dural and tells her parents what happened. Patricia wants to know what exactly is going on, as she has been left in the dark. Gordon tells her, "Later," and he escorts his daughter to his office, where Angela tells him that she just wanted to sort things out with "Scott". Angela tells her father it's alright for him to tell Patricia what's going on. Bill and Susan are in bed with the television on but the sound turned down. Bill doesn't want to watch TV, and flicks round the channels to see if there's anything else on. On one channel, he suddenly sees himself from when he abused the reporter who turned up at the Palmer house on the day of the wedding. Horrified, he quickly turns the set off before Susan notices. Kevin asks Beryl about David and Doug, saying, "There's more to it, isn't there?" He wants to know why he can't be told about John's real mum. Beryl says there are some things that David just cannot talk about. Later, Beryl tells her husband that Kevin's been asking questions again and adds that they should have told the kids when they were younger. Beryl says John was entitled to the truth about his mother, and adds that if David keeps ignoring Kevin's questions, they might lose him, too. Patricia tries to have a heart-to-heart with Angela, and apologises for being insensitive earlier. She tells her daughter that she could see what was going to happen with "Scott" because she has lived a lot longer than her daughter, and knows what it's like to fall in love with someone totally wrong for you. At the boarding house, John confronts Fiona and says he'll ring Angela and tell her the pregnancy is a lie. He's very angry that Fiona lied to Angela, and says he's going to tell her he loves her. Fiona says he can't do that as there's something he doesn't know. She tells John that she's done everything to avoid it, but she's got to tell the truth - John can't go on with the liaison, because Angela Hamilton is his sister... EP12-John doesn't believe Fiona, telling her that what she's saying about Angela is not even a good lie. But Fiona has proof - she shows John a photograph of the young Patricia and David, and she relates the story of how they arrived at the boarding house, where Patricia to give birth before running off with her daughter, leaving John behind. Fiona tells John that David never gave up on Patricia, but whatever got them together had gone. John can't believe Fiona let him go on feeling the way he did about Angela. Fiona tells him she was scared - she adds that John can't tell anyone who he is until he's cleared his name. Patricia is still making party plans. Gordon asks Wayne why he isn't at the stud, where he's supposed to be meeting an important client. Wayne says everything is in hand, and his assistant, Jeff, is handling it. Gordon tells his son not to let it happen again. Wayne drives to the stud. He speaks to Jeff and tries to get him to cover for him, but it's too late - the important client was annoyed that Wayne (the stud manager) wasn't there, and is going to 'phone Gordon to express his dismay at the running of the business. When Wayne gets back home, Gordon hauls him into his office. He is angry, and wants to hear his son's side of the story. Wayne tries to lie and say there was a misunderstanding, but when his father doesn't believe him, he admits he forgot about the appointment. Gordon tells Wayne he's getting a new manager for the stud - he's giving his son the sack. After only one day, John has quit his job as a brickie's assistant. He has spent all day thinking about Patricia being his mother, and he tells Fiona he's going to ask the Hamiltons for a job. Fiona begs him to consider the risks if he were to open his mouth accidentally. Patricia tells Gordon that she worries about him working late. She's concerned that Gordon over-reacted by taking Wayne's job from him after one mistake, and asks her husband to give him a second chance. But Gordon says he's trying to do the best for his son. He won't back down and asks his wife to trust his judgement, but she won't. The 'phone rings. It's "Scott" calling to ask if he can see Gordon. They agree to meet at Dural the next morning. John says to Fiona, "So far, so good." The meeting duly takes place and "Scott" tells Gordon he thought he liked him and would give him a chance. He offers to work a week without pay - all he wants is a chance. Gordon tells "Scott" he needs a stable hand, and "Scott" immediately takes the job on a one week paid trial. Gordon warns "Scott", though, that if he upsets Angela, he shouldn't expect to stop around. On his way out, "Scott" runs into Patricia. He stares at her before telling her about the job and saying "I'll be seeing you, Mrs. Hamilton." Patricia tells Wayne that Gordon hired "Scott" to spy on him at the stud, and says "Scott" is competition. Wayne tells his mother he expects to get rid of "Scott" in a week. When Angela finds out what has happened, she is angry at Gordon. But Mr. Hamilton says he respects "Scott" for standing by Jill - he's made his decision and he's going to stick by it. Gordon tells Angela she's being childish and says, "Scott keeps his job until I have reason to get rid of him." Kevin tells Lynn his parents are "handling it" over John. Lynn starts walking ahead so her parents don't see her with Kevin. Kevin tells his girlfriend to stand up for her rights, and they try to get each other to confront their parents, but both back down. At home, Kevin tries to talk to David, and they end up going to the park for a game of cricket. After a knock around, they sit down and David tells his son how he had almost made the school first team. Kevin asks why he didn't and asks if it was something to do with Doug. But David refuses to talk any more. Kevin pushes things, asking if the arguments at the wedding were to do with John's real mum. David avoids the question. "Scott" arrives at the stud for his first day of work. Angela is already there on a horse, and doesn't look pleased to see him. Gordon and Wayne arrive in their cars. "Scott" tells Wayne he thought he was the manager; Wayne tells "Scott" to keep his mouth shut and do what he's told. At home in the evening, John tells Fiona, "I'll last," when she asks how things went. At Dural, Angela teases Wayne about getting his hands dirty. Wayne says Gordon wants to teach him a lesson and he'll be back managing the place in a month. Angela says the new manager will check the books and find out Wayne has had his hand in the till. Wayne says he's covered his tracks. He then goes and sees his father and tells him "Scott" got in the way at the stud. Wayne tries to tell his father he's learnt his lesson and wants his old job back, but Gordon says he's hired someone else, and even if he hadn't, he still wouldn't re-employ Wayne as manager. Gordon tells Wayne that he gave him responsibility too early, to which Wayne retorts that Gordon just wants him down with "guys like "Scott"". Wayne asks his father if he thinks he needs more backbone. In the sitting room, Wayne pours himself a drink. Patricia comes in and tells him that it's late, but Wayne says he's not drunk yet - he can't even manage that. Patricia says drinking won't help, and adds that she'll work on Gordon. Wayne says Gordon always comes around for his wife, but he wanted him to do it for his son. He asks Patricia if Gordon cares about him - he mainly grew up with his nana and papa and then went to boarding school - Gordon didn't even want him around. Wayne says it serves Gordon right that his son is useless. He buries his head in his hands and sobs, "I wanted him to do it for me." EP13- The next morning, Patricia opens the door to Simon Armstrong. He is calling for Angela, but she's still getting ready. Patricia tells Simon that Angela really enjoyed the party the other day. Simon says he's very fond of Angela and Patricia says Angela feels the same about him. When Angela comes downstairs, she hurriedly drags Simon out the door. Angela and Simon arrive at the stud, and Angela explains that Wayne is no longer the manager. Wayne tells Simon he's too busy with his investments, but Simon doesn't appear to believe him. Angela orders "Scott" around, but "Scott" says he takes his orders from Gordon, and he won't do as Angela asks. Angela kisses Simon in front of "Scott". The two of them go out riding and have fun. When they get back to the stable, "Scott" is there, and he stares at Angela - she tells him he's being rude. "Scott" tells Angela he knows she's only trying to get at him through Simon. Angela replies, "Oh really?" "Scott" tells Angela not to do anything stupid. Angela says if she had her way, "Scott" wouldn't be at the stud at all, and she tells him to remember he's just an employee. Back at Dural, Simon tells Angela how much he loves her - and he asks her to marry him! Angela says she never realised he was that serious about her and she tells him that it's not right - she's nowhere near ready to marry. She asks him why he had to blow things. Simon says he can't help it if he loves her. Angela says they can still be friends, but Simon appears uninterested in this compromise and decides it would be best if he left. In Melbourne, Beryl wonders who's helping John. She tells David it can't be Doug, or her parents, but she thinks it may be Fiona Thompson. David is driving to Sydney the next day, and Beryl urges him to go to Manly, but David says he doubts John would have remembered the address there. He doesn't want to discuss Fiona or John. As Beryl and David argue, Kevin walks in, but his parents won't tell him what's going on. Later, at the dinner table, Kevin asks to be treated like an adult, and reiterates that he wants to know what's going on. David decides it's about time he talked about things, so he tells his son about how he was Kevin's age - or a bit older - and Patricia was a year younger. Their parents didn't think they should get married, but David loved Patricia at the time. John was born, but Patricia ran off, thus ending the romance. David met Beryl and they married. Susan and Kevin were born and John came to live with the Palmers. David tells Kevin that Beryl thinks John is with Fiona. Kevin asks his father if he loves Beryl. The reply is, "Of course I do." Kevin then asks about Patricia but David says he never saw her again. Kevin asks what Patricia was like. David says, "I loved her." Patricia orders Angela downstairs. She has found out that her daughter refused Simon's proposal and is furious. Angela yells that she doesn't love Simon, to which her mother retorts, "What's love got to do with it?!" Angela shouts, "If you love him that much, why don't you go after him?!" Patricia slaps Angela round the face. "Scott" enters Jill's room. She is sitting doing some sewing. She knows "Scott" is dying to find out more about her, but all she will say is that when she met Fiona, she had a few problems and Fiona helped her out. Now Jill's repaying her. Jill and "Scott" decide to go for a night on the town. At Dural, Angela picks up the telephone receiver. John gets ready to go out. Fiona also has plans - she is meeting up with Jack - "a good friend." Fiona asks her boarders for a lift over the bridge. John asks her, "Isn't your friend picking you up?" to which Fiona replies, "He did that years ago!!" Just after the three of them walk out the door, the 'phone begins to ring... Next morning, Beryl thanks David for talking to Kevin. She says David must clear a few things up with himself, but David says he couldn't face going back to Fiona's and those days. He leaves for Sydney. John and Jill had a good time. John looks shocked when Fiona and her friend, Jack, appear in their night attire. He tells Jill, though, that he was just surprised. Patricia tells Wayne that Mrs. Armstrong is the only person who hasn't replied to the party invitation. Wayne tells his mother that Angela is just playing hard to get and says he'll go and see Simon on his way to the stud. At the Armstrong residence, Wayne tells Simon that Angela is terrified of Simon's mother. He says Simon and his mother should come to Patricia's party so Angela and Mrs. Armstrong can get to know each other. Mrs. Armstrong suddenly appears and starts putting Wayne down over the loss of his manager's job. When Wayne leaves, Mrs. Armstrong asks her son what Wayne is after. At the stud, Wayne offers "Scott" a beer at lunchtime. "Scott" is wary, but Wayne says they'll get on better if they stop competing. Wayne invites "Scott" to the party, saying Patricia wants him to come - he even offers to get a written invitation. "Scott" is initially wary, but agrees to go if he sees the invitation. Fiona tells John that she wouldn't trust Wayne, but John says he needs to get to know Patricia - he doesn't like her but needs to see if there's anything more to her. Patricia tells Mrs. Armstrong on the 'phone that she's delighted she's decided to accept the party invitation. After the call has ended, Patricia praises Wayne for his achievement. Wayne then breaks the news that they have to invite "Scott Edwards", saying that he could come in handy, as Angela feels awkward with him around. Wayne gets his mother to write the invitation. David is in Sydney and stands outside the boarding house, staring at it. He thinks back to the events of twenty years ago. John gets ready to go out for a walk. He tells Fiona that he still doesn't know anything about her apart from her being his Aunt Fiona. She replies, "Isn't that enough?" As John heads towards the front door to go out, David heads towards the same door to go in... EP14- John pops into Jill's on his way out, and makes fun of her attempts at decorating her apartment. Jill suddenly spots a stranger wandering along the corridor and asks him what he thinks of her painting. When John hears David's voice replying, he quickly hides behind the front door, horrified that his dad has turned up. David goes and knocks on Fiona's door. Fiona opens the door and recognises David immediately, although she does say that 15 years is a long time. All John will say to Jill is that it could be embarrassing for Fiona if David saw "Scott" there. John telephones Fiona from Jill's room, and in a guarded converstaion, Fiona tells him not to worry. She then turns to David and tells him it's good to see him. She adds, "There's something wrong, isn't there?" David tells Fiona about the murder, and about John being seen fleeing from the scene. Fiona innocently replies, "Little Johnny?" She sympathises with David but says she hasn't seen his son. David says his family are cut up about the whole situation. Fiona invites David to stay at the boarding house for the night, and asks David to go and get in some beers while she fixes the spare room. On his way out, David spots the photo of him and Patricia from 1962. While David is out, Fiona goes to Jill's and tells John that she can't just boot his father out. She tells John he must stay at Jill's overnight. Fiona then goes back to her room and empties the 'fridge of the beer already in there. She sits back down in the lounge just as David returns with more beer! Over dinner, Fiona tells David that John doesn't sound like the kid she knew. David says he can't believe John did it; he knows John's not a liar, but the police saw him running away from the warehouse, and Selmar said John's name before he died. As John waits in Jill's apartment, he is in two minds as to whether he should go into Fiona's and confront his father. He ventures out into the corridor and as he stands outside Fiona's front door, he hears her asking David what he would do if he knew where John was. John is horrified to hear his father say he'd dob his son into the police. Bill and Susan arrive at their new apartment, and Bill carries his wife over the threshold. The flat is a tip, though, and Bill blames the agent for the mess; Susan makes light of things, though. A short time later, Beryl is there to help them clean up! She tells Bill that Mrs. Selmar had called. Bill says, "Not on our honeymoon?" After the cleaning is done, Bill offers to drive Beryl home. Just as they are about to leave, there is a knock at the door and Mrs. Selmar is standing there. Beryl pretends she forgot to pass on the earlier message. Mrs. Selmar tells Bill she wants him to have the company car and her late husband's golf clubs. All she wants in return is a lift home. Bill takes Beryl at the same time - Mrs. Selmar somewhat sarcastically says to Beryl, "Wonderful. It'll give us a chance to get better-acquainted." The next day, John tells Fiona how he almost came in when David was there, but he overheard what his father said about the police. Fiona tells John that David loves him. John says, "Maybe." He goes to get ready for Patricia's party. He tells Fiona that Wayne was very nice to him at work today, but Fiona says it sounds fishy, and she warns John to watch himself. It's 9pm at Dural and the party is in full-swing. A knock at the door heralds the arrival of Simon Armstrong and his mother. Wayne goes to get them drinks, and he tells Gordon they're there. Gordon goes over to Barbara Armstrong and welcomes her. Wayne asks Angela if she's going to talk to Simon. Angela says she will when she's ready. "Scott Edwards" then arrives and Patricia tells him he'll find Angela and Wayne in the living room. Angela goes over to Wayne and asks him what "Scott" is doing there. Wayne tells his sister he thought "Scott" was a friend of hers. When "Scott" says hello to Angela, she goes over to Simon and kisses him. In Melbourne, Beryl looks at a photo of John. She's disappointed that David didn't find his son in Sydney, but David says they'll just have to wait until he's ready to be found. David says that at least he faced some old memories - it was good for him, and taught him a lesson. Bill returns somewhat later than expected to his and Susan's flat. He tells his wife that Mrs. Selmar kept him for hours with her questions. Susan says it doesn't matter. Angela looks bored at Simon's conversation and keeps glancing at "Scott". Patricia tells Wayne she's getting too old to rock and roll! Wayne asks his mother what she now thinks of inviting "Scott". Angela goes over to "Scott" and asks him what he thinks is so funny. "Scott" says he's glad to see his first impression of Simon was spot-on. Patricia looks pleased at Angela's expression. Gordon and Barbara talk in Gordon's study - they get along well. Patricia enters at the end of a conversation about Woombai. Barbara tells Patricia that it's the first decent conversation she's had all evening! Barbara goes to talk to Angela, who says, "You know what it's like being the daughter of the hostess with the mostess!" Wayne asks "Scott" what he thinks of Simon marrying Angela. "Scott" looks slightly stunned and wants to talk to Angela alone, but Simon tells "Scott" that Angela doesn't want to talk to him. The two of them go to the study, though, and "Scott" tells Angela that he doesn't want her making a big mistake by marrying Simon to get back at him. Angela says she couldn't care less about "Scott" and is marrying Simon whether "Scott" likes it or not. Angela goes and tells Patricia about the engagement. Patricia is delighted, and immediately goes and announces it to the guests at the party. Gordon looks shocked at the news and Angela looks wryly at "Scott". One of the guests says to Barbara, "Isn't it a wonderful surprise?" to which Mrs. Armstrong replies, "I could think of a better word!" John leaves the room. Gordon asks Angela if she's happy. She says she is, but she looks worried, as if she's not quite sure she's made the right decision EP15- After the party, Barbara says she's upset. Patricia says she's sorry, and Barbara retorts, "Damn right you're sorry." Mrs. Armstrong is furious that Patricia made the announcement, and says there's a right and wrong way of doing things. Barbara says she's not happy about the engagement. She decides to leave, and Gordon offers to show her to her car. Barbara says that at least some people have manners. John gets home and knocks on Fiona's door, but she's asleep. Jill, who's awake, hears him and gives him her spare key to his flat. She asks how the party was. "Scott" tells her about the engagement and how Angela did it to get back at him. He says Angela won't go through with it. Jill thinks "Scott" is having himself on. Angela tries to get a drunk Simon to go home, but he sleazes all over her; he goes eventually, though. Angela tells Patricia and Gordon that she's tired and is going to bed, but Patricia wants to talk. Angela tells her parents that if they're worried about Mrs. Armstrong, they should forget it - Simon will hang in there. Patricia tells Gordon she's going to put notice of the engagement in the newspaper tomorrow. Gordon tells his wife that she did the wrong thing in announcing the engagement in the way she did. Patricia says she could kick herself, and suggests she send Barbara some flowers, but Gordon tells her not to, and says Mrs. Armstrong will have settled down by the time of the wedding. Patricia decides she sometimes tries too hard! Next morning, Simon tells Angela that his mother had talked at him non-stop. He has bought his fiancée a ring, which Angela shows to Patricia. Simon tells Patricia that his mother hadn't seemed worried by the wording of the notice in the paper. Simon and Angela talk about wedding dates. Simon wants to make it in December but Angela says she wants to marry straight away and they agree on the first of next month. Angela shows Gordon the ring and he says it's very nice. He asks her why she's marrying Simon when two weeks ago she wouldn't even take his calls. Angela says she was just playing hard-to-get. Gordon says, "What about Scott Edwards?" Angela replies, "What about him?" Gordon is shocked at the speed of the wedding. As she stands outside the study door, Angela looks pensive. Beryl and Susan discuss children. Susan says she wants kids eventually, but after Bill, her nursing comes first. Beryl tries to persuade her daughter not to take too long to make her a gran. Bill is arranging a hunting trip to get away from Mrs. Selmar, who has been houding him on the 'phone. Kevin turns up and offers to carry on decorating the flat while Bill and Susan go away. Bill gives Kevin the key - and Kevin immediately goes to see Lynn and tells her they've got the empty flat for the weekend... Patricia and Barbara argue over the wedding arrangements, and whether it should be in a church or a chapel, and whether it should be friends and family only, or a full society occasion. While this goes on, "Scott" 'phones and Angela answers. "Scott" wants him and Angela to meet at the beach to talk. Angela slams the 'phone down. Patricia tells Barbara they could have the reception in the garden at the Armstrongs'. Barbara says she doesn't want it at her place. Angela is furious at Mrs. Armstrong for continually putting everyone and everything down. The outburst makes Barbara smile and she says she likes Angela as she's got spunk. Barbara says it's Angela's wedding and they should do what Angela wants. "Scott" knocks at Jill's. She has just bought herself a record player along with the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Jill tells "Scott" that her parents died when she was four and she grew up in an orphanage, where "Staying Alive" was her theme song. The authorities had tried to foster her out but she wouldn't have it. Her room at the boarding house is the first place that's totally her own, and Fiona is her 'foster mother'. Beryl catches Lynn sneaking out the window of Kevin's room. She says she won't dob to Mr. Hardy, and offers her a cup of tea. Lynn tells Beryl that Kevin will never leave home as he has such a good thing there! Kevin comes in and Lynn tells him his mother's going to keep quiet. The two women start teasing Kevin - Beryl wants to see how tall he is, by measuring him against marks on the wall from when he was younger. Kevin is annoyed and yells, "That's kids' stuff." Later, Beryl cleans all the height marks off the wall. Bill and Susan's car has broken down and Bill is trying to fix it. Susan tells him he said he'd have it fixed ten minutes ago. Bill blasts her, but then apologises, and they agree to camp where they are. Susan tries to put the tent up, but doesn't have much success. Kevin and Lynn lark around with the paint at Bill and Susan's flat. Lynn tells Kevin she got away from home easily. Bill tries to teach Susan to shoot at beer cans. She can't do it to start with, but before she gets a chance to try again, Bill spots a rabbit, aims and shoots. They go over to retrieve the animal, but find it's still alive. Bill has no more bullets, and Susan is upset that the creature is in pain. Bill decides to finish the rabbit off, and thrashes it several times with the gun butt as Susan watches, horrified. Bill tells her, "It was the kindest thing to do." Susan looks stunned at Bill's brutality EP16- Kevin and Lynn play Monopoly until late. Kevin eventually asks Lynn if she's coming to bed, but Lynn doesn't want them to sleep together - she's happy just to be alone with Kevin. Kevin tells his girlfriend he knows she wants to really. Lynn initially relents, saying, "Of course I do", but stops herself as she starts to head to the bedroom. They eventually agree that Kevin will sleep in the lounge and Lynn can have the bed. Susan emerges from the tent the next morning. She hears engine noises, and sees Bill still trying to get the car started. He doesn't succeed, though. They eat breakfast, but Susan is still furious over the incident with the rabbit, and Bill decides it would be best if they went home after they've eaten. "Scott" takes Jill to the stud. Gordon approaches and tells "Scott" that he should show Jill around, but "Scott" just wants to work. "Scott" tells Jill that Gordon and Angela still think she is having his baby, and he asks her to play along with it. Gordon takes her on a guided tour and Jill goes over-the-top about the 'baby'! Later, Jill tells Fiona about meeting Gordon. When Jill has returned to her own room, a menacing-looking man enters the boarding house and, when Fiona sees him, she asks if she can help him. The man says he is looking for Jill, and Fiona points out her boarder's room. The man knocks on the door and Jill opens it, but when she sees who is standing there, she immediately tries to close the door again. However, he gets in, and Jill demands to know what he wants. The man is called Richie Miller, and he tells Jill he's on a recruiting drive. He says, "Join the hookers, see the ceiling!" He tells Jill that he wants her back, but she doesn't want to go and demands he leave. Richie tells Jill to think about it and says he'll be back. When Richie has gone, Fiona knocks on Jill's door, feeling concerned and saying she didn't like the look of the man. She watches Richie from Jill's window as he gets in his car. Jill says Richie wants her to go back on the game, and adds that he won't give up trying. She then offers to find somewhere else to live but Fiona tells her to stay. She then tells Jill to come and get her the next time Richie calls, as he's not the only one who can get really mean. Fiona tells Jill to trust her, and says, "It'll work out." David is pleased that he and Beryl have the house to themselves, but it doesn't last long, as Susan walks in. She initially says married life is fine, but then breaks down and tells Beryl she's never been so unhappy. Kevin and Lynn drag the mattress from the bed, into the lounge, and they both end up lying on it. Lynn apologises for the previous night, saying she was worried people would find out, but Kevin reminds her that Susan won't be back for another day. Kevin and Lynn are both 'scared' of the big step they are about to take. Beryl tells David that Bill and Susan just need time to sort things out. She reminds her husband that they, too, rowed on their honeymoon. Jill has been to the beach, but when she gets back into her room at the boarding house, she finds it has been trashed. She says to Fiona, "I hate him." Fiona tells Jill to get Richie round straight away as she's going to confront him. When he duly arrives, it is Fiona who answers the door to Jill's room and invites him in. She introduces herself and asks Richie if the name Steve Caplin means anything to him. She dials the telephone number of Steve Caplin and wants Richie to talk to him. Fiona then tells Richie that she was on the game before he was even born, but has decided to give him another chance. As a voice on the 'phone can be heard saying, "Hello", Fiona tells Richie she wants him to talk. John goes into Fiona's room and finds Jill there, looking terrified. Jill tells "Scott" that it's about time she came clean about her past. She then reveals that she was a prostitute working for Richie when she met Fiona who, with some friends, had found Jill unconscious in an alley one night. Fiona had brought her back to the boarding house and helped her - that was three months ago. Fiona comes in and tells Jill that she won't hear from Richie again. She then passes Jill a cheque from Richie to do up her room! Later, as Jill and Fiona tidy Jill's room, Jill tells her landlady she thinks she's scared "Scott" off, but Fiona says "Scott" is just getting used to the idea and tells Jill to give "Scott" a kick in the pants if he gets moralistic! Jill suddenly wonders what Fiona said to Richie. Fiona says, "I'm a terror with a hatpin!" Later, John is sitting in Fiona's room and Fiona tells him that Jill is still the same girl. Fiona reveals that Jill had been 16, on her own in Sydney with no money or job prospects, and had had a friend who had been on the game for a year. The friend introduced Jill to Richie, who took things from there. Fiona says, "There was glamour in it once," then quickly adds, " I'm told!" A naked Lynn is asleep on the mattress, beneath a blanket, as a topless Kevin wanders round the room feeling ecstatic. Lynn wakes up and she and Kevin say they love each other. Suddenly a key turns in the lock of the front door and David and Susan walk in! Shocked by the scene that confronts him, David orders Lynn to the bedroom to get dressed, and Susan accompanies her. David says they're stupid kids, but Kevin retorts that his father was the same age. A furious David orders his son to go to the car. EP17- At the Palmer house, Kevin hears David and Beryl yelling, and Beryl telling David to calm down. David says he should knock Kevin's block off. Beryl tells David he sounds like his father - his attitude to Kevin is just like Doug's attitude was to David. David says he treated Kevin like an adult, telling him about Patricia, and Kevin just chucked it back in his face. Beryl goes to see Kevin in his room. Kevin tells his mother he loves Lynn. Beryl says, "I know you do," and the two of them start sobbing. Susan lies awake in bed. Bill has come home late, and says he feels like a mongrel for leaving her alone for so long that day. They apologise to each other and agree to stop fighting. Bill tells Susan that he loves her. David says he's going to call on the Hardys to sort out what will happen to Lynn. Kevin says his father can't stop the two of them seeing each other. At the stud, "Scott" bumps into Alan Pascoe, his new boss. They get on well. The Hamilton family have a meeting at which Gordon says their financial circumstances are grim amd they are in crisis. Wayne says they should sell-off their unprofitable companies. Patricia says, "What about Woombai?" As Wayne and Angela leave the room, Wayne asks his sister what she's cutting back on. She replies, "Vitriol!" Patricia tells Gordon he's hanging on to Woombai for nostalgic reasons, and says the property is the biggest drain. Gordon says things will have to be desperate before he sells Woombai. Angela asks Wayne if he's pleased his cheating has led to the crisis, but Wayne says he's got his trust fund to fall back on. Wayne tells Angela to hold on to Simon as his money is a good reason for marrying him - "...apart from love, that is..." At the stud, "Scott" tries to be pleasant to Wayne, but he is ignored. Later, "Scott" tells Wayne he got what he wanted - Angela is marrying Simon to get to him. Alan Pascoe overhears Wayne telling "Scott" that Angela would still be up for a roll in the hay, then watches as "Scott" punches Wayne for making the comment and a brawl begins. Wayne immediately goes to Gordon, who gets "Scott" into his study. "Scott" admits he threw the first punch, and Gordon says he'll have to let him go. Wayne looks happy. Later, at the stud, Gordon tells Alan Pascoe that he has sacked "Scott", but Alan tells his employer that he got the wrong person, and relates what really happened, saying Wayne told "Scott" that Angela, " it off a lot." Gordon realises he has made a mistake, and decides to go and see "Scott" at the boarding house after Alan gives him the address. At the boarding house, Fiona instantly recognises Gordon - they obviously know each other already. Gordon says he's surprised to find out who "Scott's" Aunt Fiona is. He then explains about the fight. "Scott" is not there, but Fiona invites Gordon to wait. He declines, but does agree to stay for a cup of tea. Gordon asks if "Scott" knows of the business connection between Fiona and the Hamiltons. Fiona says he doesn't, otherwise he'd think she'd helped him get the job at the stud. It appears Gordon owns the boarding house. Kevin wants to talk to Bill about Lynn, and says the way David is carrying on, you'd think Kevin had killed someone! Kevin says he loves Lynn, but Bill reminds him that he's only 17, and he has to go along with David, or move out. He says they should wait for things to blow over and lay off the sex! He adds that Kevin should try and see things from his father's point of view. Later, David says they can't ban Kevin and Lynn, but Lynn has been sent to Tasmania to live with her grandmother. It was Mr. Hardy's decision, but David agreed with it. Kevin tells his father that everyone has dirty minds, and he demands to know why nobody will trust him. Gordon orders Wayne to his study and tears strips off him over his lies about the fight. Wayne sarcastically says "Scott" is a "...real little gentleman." Gordon says he's given "Scott" his job back and wants Wayne to apologise to him. Angela, who is coming downstairs, then overhears Gordon telling Wayne not to make lewd comments about his sister. After Wayne has gone, Gordon tells Angela that Wayne says some stupid things sometimes. Next morning, Gordon tells Patricia that he saw Fiona and that she is "Scott's" aunt. Patricia says, "That explains a lot." She then realises that Fiona knows Angela is illegitimate and tells Gordon to imagine what would happen if that got out. Patricia thinks Fiona and "Scott" must be out to blackmail the Hamiltons. As Fiona is exercising, the doorbell rings impatiently. It's Patricia, who immediately asks Fiona if she's alone. She tells Fiona she'd hoped never to see her again, but Fiona tells Patricia not to act like Lady Muck. Patricia tells Fiona that Gordon doesn't know about his wife's past, and says noone is going to wreck Angela's marriage. Patricia says she won't let Fiona blackmail her, and there's no money anyway. Fiona says she doesn't give a damn about money, and then slams Patricia about dumping half her family. Fiona then reveals that she brought the second twin up - and things suddenly twig in Patrica's mind. She looks stunned as she realises "Scott Edwards" is her SON..... EP18-Patricia asks, "Is "Scott" my son?" Fiona says he is, and adds that she had to tell him Patricia is his mother because of the way he felt about Angela. Fiona tells Patricia that "Scott" stayed with her until he was 5, then went to live with a family in Brisbane. She says that for some strange reason, "Scott" wants to know his mother, but Patricia says she didn't care about him twenty years ago and she doesn't care about him now. Fiona says she'll pass on the message. Patricia warns Fiona not to make any trouble. At Dural, Gordon tells his wife he's found a few ways to cut costs. Patricia says it has been a while since the two of them spent a night together. She wants them to be alone that night, but Gordon has a dinner to go to, so they agree on the next night. Fiona drives to the stud, looking for "Scott". She tells him that Patricia knows she's his mother, and apologises for letting it slip. Fiona tells "Scott" how Patricia thought they were blackmailers, but adds that Patricia is terrified, and "Scott" should play it cool and not see her. Fiona tells John about the story she spun about him living in Brisbane, so that Patricia wouldn't connect the name 'Palmer'. Gordon is set to head off to Woombai. Angela suggests to Patricia that she go as well as she could do with a break. Patricia is suspicious that Angela is trying to get rid of her, but eventually decides to go. Gordon then sees Wayne at the stud, and asks if he's made peace with "Scott". Before he goes to Woombai, Gordon wants to check things are OK at the stud, but tells his son he'll sell-up if he has to. Wayne offers his father his trust fund money. Gordon says he appreciates the offer and adds, "We'll see." "Scott" goes to see Patricia, but she doesn't want to talk to him. "Scott" asks Patricia if she was ever curious about him, but she says she wasn't. She orders "Scott" to throw in his job at the stud as she doesn't want him around. She reveals that in 1961, nice girls didn't get pregnant. She and "Scott's" father had no money or prospects, and if they'd married, it would have fallen apart in six months. Patricia felt she could look after Angela better on her own. Scott comments that it would mean Angela growing up like her mother and marrying a guy she doesn't love. Patricia orders "Scott" to go, saying they don't like each other and never will. At the boarding house, Fiona tells John she's sorry. John says he's already got a mother and doesn't need another one, but he doesn't know what to do about Angela. Angela and Barbara Armstrong go through the wedding guest list. Barbara notices that a lot of people have not been invited and asks if it's because of Gordon's money problems. She then tells Angela to invite whoever she wants and the Armstrongs will foot the bill. As John looks for a new job in the newspaper, Fiona tells him she's going to Melbourne tomorrow as Patricia might make enquiries and find out about John running away. Fiona wants to work on Bill's mother. John says Nora Todd is a solid citizen, to which Fiona replies that, if she's lying, her conscience must be knawing at her. After David has a go at Kevin for playing his drumkit too loudly and not having any consideration, dinner is strained. Kevin later apologises to his mother, and says he can't handle his father any more. He says he's getting out as soon as he finishes school. When Beryl and David have gone out, Kevin is playing drums on the pots and pans in the kitchen when Fiona walks in! She introduces herself as a friend of David's, and offers to help with the drying-up! Patricia and Gordon have a romantic dinner at Dural. Patricia says it'll be strange being at Woombai again after so long, and adds that they should treat it as a holiday. Patricia says she's looking forward to her and Gordon spending some time together - she has arranged for just one bedroom to be made up. Kevin shows Fiona his bedroom. Fiona says her friend, Clarrie, used to be in a jazz band and taught her to play drums. She sits down and starts playing on Kevin's kit. David walks into the house, hears the noise and storms into his son's bedroom - then suddenly realises it's Fiona playing! Fiona says she's come to meet the family. Beryl organises some tea and tells David they should invite their guest to stay. Fiona takes them up on their invitation, and gets to sleep in Susan's old room. Beryl tells David that Fiona is doing Kevin a world of good. Kevin shows Fiona the photos from Bill and Susan's wedding, and Fiona is particularly interested when she spots Nora Todd in one of them. Gordon and Patricia set off for Woombai. Angela goes to the stud, where she sees "Scott". They don't ignore each other this time, and agree it's silly not to talk. "Scott" helps Barbara load her riding gear into her car. When Mrs. Armstrong goes to look for Wayne, "Scott" takes the opportunity to talk to Angela about the wedding plans. He tells her that he realises that, if she was going to call it off, she'd have done it by now. Angela admits that she said 'yes' to Simon just to get at "Scott". She says Simon loves her, and she doesn't mind him, and Mrs. Armstrong's OK - she has good connections for Gordon. Angela kisses "Scott" and tells him she just wanted him to know. Barbara tells Wayne that she's sure she recognises "Scott" from when she was in Melbourne, then she remembers that she saw the news report about someone climbing a pylon with a wedding invitation. Barbara adds that she may be mistaken, but Wayne says it could be worth looking into... EP19-Fiona rises from bed late, and Beryl gets her some breakfast. Fiona asks if Beryl has made any plans for that evening, and then adds that she's decided treat everyone to dinner, including Bill and Susan. Fiona says she's looking forward to meeting Susan - and Bill of course. Beryl offers to show Fiona the sights of Melbourne. Fiona jokes, "See Melbourne and die?!" Later in the day, Susan and Bill meet Fiona. Bill tries to get out of going to the meal, but he eventually relents. When John finishes work at the stud for the day, Wayne drives after him and offers him a lift to Manly, in exchange for a beer. When they get to the boarding house, Wayne asks "Scott" if he thinks Wayne is up himself. He says the Angela and Simon business was Patricia's idea, and they agree to forget it. John tells Wayne that Fiona has gone to Melbourne on business, but he doesn't know what business it is exactly. Jill bursts in and "Scott" goes over to talk to her. She is angry because "Scott" has left her a note, rather than talk to her. Wayne overhears them arguing, and is very interested to hear Jill say she agreed to play along and pretend she's pregnant. Jill tells "Scott" that he and Angela would make a very good pair! When Wayne has gone, "Scott" tells Jill that Wayne overheard her and has probably gone home to tell Angela. Jill says that to put Angela off further, why doesn't "Scott" tell her that he lives next door to a hooker?! Wayne tells Angela that Jill isn't pregnant and says everyone has been laughing at her behind her back. Wayne says "Scott" has also been lying about coming from Brisbane. He tells Angela to stick with Simon. The Palmers have a good night out. When Susan goes to help Beryl prepare some nightcaps, Fiona is left alone with Bill. She tells him it was a shame it took John's troubles for David to contact her again, and says she may have been able to help John. Fiona says it's funny John didn't go to any of his friends, and Bill replies that perhaps John didn't want them to get mixed up in things. Fiona says, "You help your friends..." In the kitchen, Susan tells Beryl that Fiona is nice. Beryl shows Susan a letter from Lynn which she has been trying to hide from Kevin, but she has decided Kevin should have it, so she takes it to his bedroom and gives it to him. Next morning, John prepares breakfast for Jill. He takes it in to her, but she says it takes more than burnt toast to get round her. Jill then apologises for blowing things with Wayne. "Scott" gives Jill a new copy of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Beryl has a hangover, but Fiona is fine! While Fiona prepares breakfast, Beryl tells her about Kevin, Lynn and the letter. Kevin is 'ill' in bed. Beryl checks on him, then goes out. Shortly after, Fiona also shouts that she's going out. When he hears the door slam, Kevin gets out of bed, quickly gets dressed and retrieves a packed-bag from beneath his bed. He goes into the living room - and Fiona appears behind him! She tells Kevin that running away won't help, and asks him what he was planning to do when he got to Tasmania. Fiona tells Kevin to wait a while - if Lynn loves him, she'll understand. She advises Kevin to get a job so he can support the two of them. Fiona says, "You're just like your brother," before hurriedly adding, "...he was a devil as a kid." Simon has organised a secluded villa for his and Angela's honeymoon. Angela doesn't look impressed, but says it sounds wonderful. Barbara, who is sitting listening, asks Angela to show her out. When the two of them are alone by the front door, Barbara says, "You don't love him, do you?" Mrs. Armstrong wants to know why Angela's stringing her son along. She says the two of them shouldn't muck up their lives. Angela admits she messed-up, but says it got harder and harder to break from Simon - plus she didn't want to lose Mrs. Armstrong's respect. Angela tells Barbara that she's found she still has a chance with another guy. Barbara tells Angela that she'll break the news to Patricia, but Angela must tell Simon - which she does straight away. She tells her ex-fiancé that she can't marry him because she doesn't love him and she won't change her mind. Simon guesses it's probably for the best and says he won't make a fuss. Angela thanks him for being so understanding and then he leaves, looking despondent. At the stud, Wayne and "Scott" break for lunch. "Scott" goes off for a swim and Wayne spots "Scott's" jacket hanging up. He rifles through it, not noticing the wallet that falls on the ground. He does find "Scott's" keys, though, and immediately takes them and drives to the boarding house. He goes into Fiona's room and searches through the cupboards and drawers. Eventually, he finds Fiona's envelope of newspaper clippings relating to the Selmar murder, and he takes it. John finishes his swim, and finds his wallet on the ground beneath his jacket, and his keys missing. Wayne goes to Dural and Angela tells him the wedding is off. Wayne asks if Simon found out that Angela doesn't qualify to wear white! He then asks if the decision has anything to do with "Scott Edwards". He chucks Angela the envelope of clippings and tells her that "Scott's" real name is John Palmer and that he's wanted for murder. Wayne tells Angela that if she wants any fun with John, she'd better hurry before the police pick him up... EP20- Wayne calls the police and tells them he knows where John Palmer is. Angela hurriedly grabs her car keys and drives to the stud, where she sees John and tells him that the police know where he is, and will be there soon. The two of them drive off. Angela tells John that she believes he didn't commit the murder. John says things are getting out of hand, but Angela says John can't give himself up. She adds that Wayne won't tell the police where she is because Gordon would kill him. She decides that she and John must find a motel, as John can't go back to Fiona's. Two policemen call at Jill's room, looking for "Scott Edwards". They tell her that "Scott" is really John Palmer, and he is wanted for murder. Jill lets the police into Fiona and John's rooms. Angela and John find a motel. Angela wants to book a double room, and she goes into motel to make the arrangements. John doesn't know what to do, but eventually gets out of the car. He starts walking down a crowded street and suddenly spots a police car driving towards him. He goes and stands in front of it and gives himself up. In Melbourne, Fiona and Beryl are preparing dinner. Fiona asks if Nora is joining them. When Beryl says she is, Fiona proceeds to pump Beryl for information about Mrs. Todd. Beryl tells Fiona that when Bill was younger, he was a handful, but he'd settled down since he met Susan. Bill and Kevin have another talk, and Kevin tells Bill about how Fiona caught him running away. He seems grateful that he was stopped from making a mistake. Kevin tells Bill about how Fiona used to look after John when he was little. Bill looks slightly shocked. The meal over, Fiona reads tarot cards for Kevin. She tells him he's full of originality and imagination, and says he'll make a living using his brains. Fiona then offers to read Nora's cards. The first card is 'The Lovers'. Fiona says this probably points to Bill and Susan. Nora says she wants to know about Bill. Fiona says Bill's 'past card' says he was trouble as a child, and he had a long period of upset. She then turns over his 'future card' but after seeing it, quickly hides it and says the tarot reading probably wasn't such a good idea. However, Mrs. Todd wants to know what the card was. Fiona relents and shows the card - 'The Hanged Man'. Fiona tells Nora that, deep down, Bill knows there is something he must say or do, but it is up to him to make the effort... Later, Nora tells Bill what happened. Bill tells Nora he thinks Fiona has seen John, and is cooking up a way to get John off the hook by blaming him. He says they must act naturally, and go on seeing Fiona as if nothing had changed. Angela goes to the boarding house and sees Jill. She tells Jill that she knows about John Palmer. Jill tells Angela that John has given himself up. Angela wanted to ask Fiona what to do, but Jill doesn't know where Fiona is. Angela and Jill appear to get on well. Jill tells Angela to go home, and says she'll call if anything happens. Patricia gets home from Woombai and Wayne immediately gives her the envelope containing the newspaper clippings. He tells Patricia how he dobbed John in. Patricia says, "You stupid little idiot!" Fiona rings Jill and Jill explains how John has given himself up and is now in jail. Fiona says she'll do something. Patricia apologises to Wayne for flying off the handle, saying that she's worried about the adverse publicity for the Hamiltons if one of their employees is a murderer. Patricia is also furious with Angela for breaking off her engagement to Simon. Angela wants to use the wedding money to pay for John's defence, but Patricia says Gordon won't go for it. Angela says he will once he's talked to Mrs. Armstrong. Fiona tells Bill that John has been picked-up. She says she knows Bill's really the killer and threatens to call the police to make a formal accusation. Bill tells her the police won't listen to her, so to prove she's not bluffing, she dials the police and tells them she has some important news about the Selmar murder. Bill tells Fiona that the police will be unhappy at having to come out on a wild goose chase, and reminds her that he has an alibi. Fiona says Nora won't last ten minutes once the police get to work. The police arrive but won't listen to Fiona. Instead, they arrest her for obstructing the course of justice and sheltering John. Bill smirks as Fiona is taken away. Bill later tells Nora that the police probably won't bother her now, and, if they do, she should stick to her guns. He adds that Fiona has cut her own throat. Bill is glad that Susan is working nightshift and doesn't know what is going on. The police take Fiona to an interview room and get her to sign a statement. Fiona asks if the police have spoken to Mrs. Todd - she says that Bill is lying and is forcing his mother to do the same. The police tell Fiona that her accusations are serious. Fiona says she wishes someone would take them seriously. She asks that Beryl be informed of her whereabouts, but the police say she already knows. Beryl is looking up the name of a solicitor in the Yellow Pages. She tells Kevin that they're going to fight to get John off the proper way, then adds that she wished Fiona hadn't encouraged John to stay on the run. The police talk to Nora Todd, who tells them that Bill was with her the whole time of the murder. The police believe her, and leave. Mrs. Todd is upset that Bill made her lie to the police. She asks Bill to tell her the truth, and says that, if he does, she'll never need to ask again. Bill won't talk, though. Mrs. Todd feels uncomfortable staying with Bill overnight and tells her son it would be a good idea if they didn't see each other for a while. But Bill wants to 'keep an eye' on his mother, and when she tries to ring for a cab, he rips the 'phone from the socket. Suddenly Nora realises Fiona was right. Bill starts saying, "I didn't mean it, mum". Nora shakily replies, "Billy, what's going to happen to us?"

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