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Propellerheads Reason 4 Hybrid (PC MAC) w
2007-10-01 (by chipsahoy669)
Air Release. Finally.
Files count:
1983.21 Mb
chipsahoy669 (2007-10-02)
keygen.[email protected] (2007-10-02)
Has anyone had successful download start to this torrent. This is my third attempt and I keep getting connection error in my tracker.Baltics (2007-10-02)
Same here...3 times times and nothing.Kamnixx (2007-10-02)
think its tbps tracker who doesnt work, i tried 3 times to upload this air release with no more here
[email protected] (2007-10-02)
seems that no1 is actually seeding.....Whats the point of creating the freakin torrent????[email protected] (2007-10-02)
Oh, sorry. Thanx for the attemptKamnixx (2007-10-02)
leva 1 did you read the blog? I´m at 100% on this one and for some reason it still waits for tracker to say start. all my other files from TBP still dont loadstunt10111 (2007-10-02)
get this torrent it works for me 15 mins left WOOOHOO
crazyjoedallas (2007-10-02)
I try to download but it said 6 days to finish. How do i get it to go faster?Angeousa Q (2007-10-02)
Someone with 100% please seed everyone is stuck at 70.8% This is killing me.maumusica (2007-10-03)
i just downloaded it but how do u install it on an intel mac?whats the 1st step? thanx
djtdon (2007-10-06)
worrks finethanks alot
1mason (2007-10-18)
can wait for downloadEpoxin (2007-10-20)
why does it say that i need to insert a disc ?and what about that keygen ?
roeljaja (2007-10-22)
the keygen is in the bottom .rar filebut I also get 'insert disc'
how do I just start the program?
jubbjubb (2007-11-07)
Aaarggh!Installed and tried it. I can't get it to work.
I keep getting an error when trying to load my tracks from reason 3.
"File system object not found
The Operation could not be completed because the file system object was not found."
I've googled it but it seems like no one experienced it with Reason 4. They had the same problem with Reason 2 but it was fixed shortly after in an update.
Anyone else had this error?
farrm06 (2007-11-17)
Please Seed!!farrm06 (2007-11-18)
This makes no sense. I don't see any way to actually install the program.crsrusl (2007-11-28)
please could we get some seeders. this thing have been stuck on 95.7 for quite some time! cheers guys.assmblg09 (2007-12-14)
hey everyone, i have mac osx and i was having similar problems with a lot of folks. i extracted the rar file, used toast to make a disc image of the reason.iso, then i mounted it, tried to copy it to my apps, then when i ran it from my apps, it asked me for the DVD!okay problem solved:
this may not work for everyone but it worked for me and remember i have osx.
follow these steps:
1.)extract the .rar file
2.)simply change the .iso file extension to .dmg in Get info
3.)Use toast to mount directly (from the utilities toolbar) the .dmg file you just made
4.)Move Reason folder to your apps
5.)THEN try running Reason from your apps folder and you will not be prompted for the DVD!
for some reason these steps worked perfectly for me. i think it was because i directly changed the file extension and/or mounting the .iso or .dmg DIRECTLY as opposed to making a DISC IMAGE. Hopefully this helps!
Belarionknight (2008-01-04)
how to use keygen.exe once extracted?bowseroffun (2008-01-20)
PPL In order to most likely get this to work properly like HALO PC did in the crack on here U WILL NEED to get DAEMON tools or alcohol 120% and find somewhere a working CD .img .ISO .MDS and other types of CD IMAGES and mount them with DT and A120% it will then tell REASON there IS A CD of of it in a fake J drive or other drive letter thats how i get my cracked halo PC/CE working without a CD and it runs fine :)albinoz (2008-01-25)
for the 4.01 ?the demo could be used or need a patch ?
because this version crash a lot?
DjMikeyD (2008-02-20)
i'm running windows vista, i'm new to this whole torrent thing, but i finally figured out how to install Reason 4 after downloading this torrent...but now i'm at a dead end
however everytime i click on the Reason 4 icon i get an "Insert DVD" pop up
i have no idea what to do next in order to open up and actually use the program
if some one can give me a easy to understand step by step of what i have to do i would greatly apperciate it!
eraeya (2008-03-11)
I know I'm the so maniest sucker who's got trouble getting this booted but still :pI got the .iso and tried to mount it with Toast but that gives an error notice (49152). Burning on disc doesn't work either. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
I'm seeding like a good girl btw ;)
dmondogz (2008-04-19)
why do t asks for Windows NT v.5.01 or laterKappsta (2008-05-02)
Great torrent! Followed the simple intructions, mounted using PowerISO and it worked perfectly. Thanks.doudzzzz (2008-05-06)
hello evry one. im new here, hope u guys can help me. ive started dowloading the torrent, but i realize that it contains at least 40 files!! how im i supose to mount a disk image? im i supose to mount all the files in a same disk? some one help plz?Jad-B (2008-05-14)
Right, so i have seen a number of comments on asking why they cant get things to work. I'm going to tell the way i got thing going. I'll try and dumb it down a bit for you. I will be showing you how to install it with out burning to a disk.All this in 10 simple steps....
Here goes:
1) Download the Torrent and all files.
2) Once downloaded all files goto where you downloaded the files; open the folder "air-reason4" (the first one in the list) and make sure you have a program to unzip. I used "WinRAR" which i got for free, just Google it.
3) Next click and open the file named "Reason 4.iso". I opened this file with a program called "PowerISO" another free software, Google again. (note: this will take some time so please bare with it)
4) Click and run the "Install Reason.exe" and go through the setup to install Reason onto your computer, or where ever you want.
5) Once install is complete. Go back to your unzipped file "air-reason4" (the first one in the list of downloaded files) which had "Reason 4.iso" in. Highlight the "Reason 4.iso" and click "Extract to..." (i'm using "WinRAR"), put this file somewhere on your computer.
6) Now open up "PowerISO Virtual Drive Manager" and a little icon of a CD should come up next to the clock on the bottom right of your screen. Right click the icon, select "Mount Image to Drive" and find were you extracted "Reason 4.iso" and open that.
7) Now that is done, your computer is now thinking it has a CD Drive with the CD files in, but all it is doing is reading it from where you extracted it too. So open up Reason 4 (there should be an icon on your desktop) and then hit "Agree"
8) At this point it might ask you to input the Reason disk, if so go back a few steps and start again. If not it will install the Reason file (thinking there is a cd in your computer) and you should be alright.
9) Now it will ask you for a details (name and so on) so for this just put in some stars *** or anything you want. It will also ask you for a code which goes in the last box out of the three. You will need to open the file "air-reason4kgn" which should be with all the downloaded file. Open that and click "KEYGEN.EXE". It should come up with Reason V4.0x, if not find that and hit Generate. Next copy and past that code into the third box where you put your details in, and you should be sorted.
10) You should have a working copy of Reason now. If it asks you to register just register later, its a waste of time in my opinion. Apart from that you should have setting with in Reason to sort out, but i think you would be smart enough to work them out.
(if you are having any more problems, i don't see where you could be going wrong, dumb ass :P)
odookie (2008-05-17)
alright im having extrem problem with doing this and i cant figure out anything.can someone give me complete instructions on how to get this software because i dont understand the other instructions and i need help
(i need the instruction to be for complete idiots so i will be able to understand it)
odookie (2008-05-17)
thanks for the explanationZigomo (2008-05-17)
Thanks ManPerfect ISO!
Jad-B (2008-05-27)
If you need anymore help just PM me on the Forums...Cheers,
Jad-B (bigger and better)
forsak3np0et (2008-06-13)
beautiful speed, ty seeders, and thx for explaining how to install.fieldmobbz (2008-06-14)
can sum1 seed plzzz!thanks
fieldmobbz (2008-06-16)
good speed, good download, simple to install!but, the rebirth says it cannot be found and isnt working >:( but apart from that its fine! thank you
jezmears (2008-07-21)
Can someboby please help me ! ! ! i have tried useing "vuze" and "u-torrent" to down load these files and they are either not downlowding or it keeps going from 65 days to 1 year and 345 days to down load ? ? ? i have tried to run a NAT/Server port test and it says that my computer refused ?Im running XP SP 2 and have a 100.0 Mbps conection. I was wondering if there is anybody who already has this program (reason 4) if they would share it with me using the msn skydrive ? i would obviously give you my skydrive address so you know im not gonna do any of that hacking . and obviously i will have to trust you so you don't do it to me. i totally understand how to get it running as i used to use reason 2.5 years ago but i went traveling and had to delete it from my laptop because all my samples took up way to much space. PLEASE ANY HELP WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED....
blue9965 (2008-09-11)
Everything works fine instr are great.....except there is no keygen file in the torrent...can anyone post a link or send me the codeThanks!
d_chan (2008-10-02)
the download worked great. just follow "Jad-B's" instructions.I used this for the key gen btw...
I'm a PC.
shanej1595 (2008-10-31)
seed please im stuck on 99.9%dnbjunkie (2009-01-09)
@jad-b thx for the infoz bro. solid post.HomeSlice56 (2009-02-03)
@chipsahoy Great torrent downloaded and ran perfect cheers.@Jad b perfect instructions cheers for all the info.
tikkig0d (2009-03-02)
is anyone else having trouble with step 8? what do you mean by "8) At this point it might ask you to input the Reason disk, if so go back a few steps and start again." i did this about 40 times. doesnt work. every single copy of reason 4 has this same problom and nowon has a solution.or at least didnt post it. i dunno, i give up I'm going back to fruity loops.thanx anywaySymn (2009-04-01)
Can anyone please tell me if I can install this on a MAC. It says HYBRID in the discription but it is hosted in windows applicationsTHANX!
j3ttz (2009-06-30)
works fine for me! thanks chipsahoy. will be seedingNYCRocker (2009-07-28)
Hey all. I got the Serial Keygen but I need the registration code. Anybody know where to get it? ThanksLazieMc (2010-10-14)
Downloaded This Last Night Its Been Working Fine Very HappyFiles:
1. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r00 47.68 Mb
2. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r01 47.68 Mb
3. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r02 47.68 Mb
4. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r03 47.68 Mb
5. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r04 47.68 Mb
6. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r05 47.68 Mb
7. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r06 47.68 Mb
8. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r07 47.68 Mb
9. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r08 47.68 Mb
10. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r09 47.68 Mb
11. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r10 47.68 Mb
12. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r11 47.68 Mb
13. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r12 47.68 Mb
14. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r13 47.68 Mb
15. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r14 47.68 Mb
16. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r15 47.68 Mb
17. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r16 47.68 Mb
18. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r17 47.68 Mb
19. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r18 47.68 Mb
20. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r19 47.68 Mb
21. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r20 47.68 Mb
22. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r21 47.68 Mb
23. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r22 47.68 Mb
24. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r23 47.68 Mb
25. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r24 47.68 Mb
26. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r25 47.68 Mb
27. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r26 47.68 Mb
28. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r27 47.68 Mb
29. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r28 47.68 Mb
30. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r29 47.68 Mb
31. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r30 47.68 Mb
32. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r31 47.68 Mb
33. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r32 47.68 Mb
34. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r33 47.68 Mb
35. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r34 47.68 Mb
36. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r35 47.68 Mb
37. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r36 47.68 Mb
38. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r37 47.68 Mb
39. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r38 47.68 Mb
40. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r39 47.68 Mb
41. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.r40 28.11 Mb
42. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.rar 47.68 Mb
43. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4.sfv 1.05 Kb
44. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/air-reason4kgn.rar 57.36 Kb
45. Propellerheads.Reason.4.0.HYBRID.DVDR-AiRISO/airiso.nfo 4.58 Kb