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Zero An Investigation Into 9 11 2008 DVDRiP XviD Repack-SoSISO






Zero An.Investigation.Into.9.11.2008.DVDRiP.XviD.Repack-SoSISO




2008-11-27 (by circlensess)



Zero_An.Investigation.Into.9.11.2008.DVDRiP.XviD.Repack-SoSISO TYPE: XviD DVD DATE: Jun 15,2008 DATE: Nov 26,2008 SPECS: . .640x352 192AC3 29.970 FPS FILES: 49,49x15MB GENRE: DOCU ARCHIVE: sos0911a.rar Release Information Repack. Oops An excellent, though not exhaustive, look at 9/11 and the huge holes in the current "theory" put forth by the 9/11 commission and the us gov't on what happened. This is not conspiracy theory - it is a point by point look at the facts

Files count:



1413.91 Mb




hongwan (2008-11-27)

It's always the same assholes with video cameras and wild imaginations that keep putting these boring and ridiculous conspiracy videos out. They are all the same, They twist and distort the facts and then say it's proof of a conspiracy. Between 9/11, The hoaxed moon landing, The face on mars, The Hollow Earth, The Roswell cover up, The Kennedy Assassination, The Pearl Harbor cover up, UFOs, Hitler still being alive, The Philadelphia Experiment, captured Alien beings, etc, etc, I mean this could go on all day. There will always be some idiot believing in pink elephants with purple polka dots. There's a conspiracy going on alright. Only it concerns 2nd rate film producers and directors trying to break into the film business with little or no capital.
like Micheal Moore did. The fact that no reputable major TV or radio station, Newspaper, Magazine or Foreign Government will agree or back these wild alligations should tell you something. Matter of fact all I've ever seen is Major news sources ridiculing the makers and believers of this nonsense. Are they part of the conspiracy too? If so...just how many millions of people are involved in this cover up? I like the sentence, "a point by point look at the facts". Who's facts? They are never the governments facts. You need to take the bus back to Tard Town. The only huge hole in anything is in your head. Oh but by the way. Nice Upload! LOL!

hongwan (2008-11-27)

Suggestion: why don't you post the Islamic Documentary concerning Israel and the Western alliance Harvesting Muslim organs in Iraq and Afghanistan to sell back to western hospitals. It's not in English but I'm sure it's about your speed. After all anything to make the evil west look bad in the eyes of the misunderstood Islamics right?

thebowett (2008-11-27)

hongwan, the hole point is that the government facts are incorrect. you should do your own research. not just take something as fact as its the official version. then your rant might be worth something.

hillrod (2008-11-27)

Hongwan, you're a dumbass.
I could list the ways, but here's just the latest way... The US Govt has pledged 7.7 trillion dollars of money that it has yet to tax out of your ASSHOLE to pay off the bad debts of the people it likes and you ain't included motherfucker. That is one of the many many things that makes you a fucking moron. But since the Patriot Act and John Warner Defense Act and 3 or 4 more will classify you as a terrorist if you don't like it when the recipients of that money de-value the currency completely to only gobble it all up when the prices plummet and fuck you out of your home, your job and you country all together...... man FUCK YOU .... nevermind.

hongwan (2008-11-28)

Hey Hillrod, Writing bad checks to help people is a little different than blowing up your own world renowned landmarks and killing thousands in the process. You must be some stupid little fuck head even to think that way. Perhaps if a chicken shit fucker like you ever served in the Military or lost a family member from Islamic terrorists you might have a different viewpoint.
Did someone make you say the pledge of allegiance with a dick in your mouth once? Is that your problem? The U.S. has been buried in Debt since WWII. Debt and wars go hand in hand. Even under Clinton when we had a balanced budget, the National debt went up almost 2 trillion more. What you understand about a nations debt wouldn't fill a thimble. If the Patriot Act and John Warner Defense Act
were even a 10th as bad as you think. they would have locked up your little fagot ass a few years ago. so shut the fuck up stupid.
For you Bowett: Go read the real Government facts! I haven't seen even one of these stupid things yet that presented an honest case against the commission.

Bloodlineslayer72 (2008-11-28)

Hongwan Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege and I think you like abusing yourself while looking at pictures of your mum masturbating the Bush George Bush hhahahha retart get a life

Bloodlineslayer72 (2008-11-28)

almost forgot thanx for great upload circlensess keep up the good work

Bloodlineslayer72 (2008-11-28)

Go read the real Government facts! I haven't seen even one of these stupid things yet that presented an honest case against the commission . thats cause there is nothing honest about the commission you ignorant prick people like you are the problem

thebowett (2008-11-30)

hongwan, for the check the government facts comment. hes a question and want you to try really hard to answer.
where is the logic in looking at the 'facts' provided by the same people believed be at fault?
do you honestly believe everything your gov tells you? how about the tv and newspapers?
take a 5 minute break from watching the o'reilly report and think about it.

Hell76Lx (2008-11-30)

hongwan; i have read at least 5 comments made by you that leed me to this conclusion- you are one sad asshole!!!!and i am on the other side of the atlantic ocean,and i can see your big asshole from here!!!

psx_warrior (2010-09-21)

Hell76Lx That is the funniest comment I have ever read since I first got internet access!!! I laughed so hard I started coughing. I am a Christian, but it was funny still. I feel guilty for laughing so hard. Anyway, hongwan, I can't believe what you have said, in the face of the mountain of evidence. It's just more proof that we are on the road to the Book of Revelation.

AlexVito (2010-10-31)

you know guys, in some ways Hongwan is right. They are hellava lot of this "conspiracy revealing" movies of any kind. But the other part of his conclusions is right too. If the man really served in the US army, in Iraq for instance, just imagine how hard and impossible it is for him to realize that it's obvious already that the towers were a tremendous government trick chasing lots and lots of advantages. If he admits this it's like to understand that you have being cheated and fucked all your life by those who you believe in and ready to sacrifice your life for. Let us just be tolerant towards such people like Hongwan. There is nothing wrong with them. They just want to take a "blue pillow" and to tell you the truth it's way much better for most of the people. Who wants to live in a government that fucks up its own citizens? I personally don't see any way out of this. What can we really do? Ok, I know that US has established such a way of dealing with everybody long ago but then what? What really can we do to make a world a better place when the whole humankind history is a blood mess?

asdhokker (2011-05-04)

911 was an inside job !

EXE_cutioner (2011-05-10)

Who owns the media that tells all the lies? Oh, I mean the "News". Who bought the buildings months before it happened and insured it and made sure to have it written up to pay double if destroyed by terrorists? Why did the Rhothchilds move to NY with balcony seats for the 911 show only weeks before? Usually when a crime is commited the one making all the money off it is responsible you morons! I would love to hear from someone that actually lost a loved one on any of those flights or even can name a real researchable normal person on any one of those flights including the planeless Pentagon and PA hits. I haven't been able to find a single one or anybody that knows one and I've been searching for 10+ years now. You can't have an airliner crash and only get 1 pickup truck load of debris even if you flew the fucking thing into the sun! LMAO at all you cows riding with the herd. Keep those blinders on and keep believing everything the jew media spoon feeds you. Fuck you all anyway, hope ya get nut cancer if you are stupid enough to believe one word from those filthy bastards that have been thrown out of every country they inhabited over the last 5000 years. If you are that stupid you shouldn't be breeding and nut cancer would be a blessing to the human race.
Thanks for the upload,
Peace my niggas,
Oh wait, I forgot to affend the fags...Fuck them too! LMAO

zerok273 (2011-07-15)

hongwan: Why do you assume that TV and news from large corporate networks are "reputable". Are you aware that individuals like Rupert Murdoch own vast swathes of these media channels and not everyone has to be in on these conspiracies, just the people in charge.
I didn't want to believe, but after investigation, of which I have done much, its hard to deny that there are glaring questions that need to be answered.
Not every conspiracy theory will be well founded but there are lot of quality investigative journo's who have covered this like John Pilger (twice British "journalist of year award") that are frequently trying to unearth the facts.
Also going back to your comment about reputable networks. Many just after 911 issued stories like the BBC reporting that 5 of 19 terrorists from the attack were found alive and well, but those stories quickly brushed under the carpet and later edited or revised..
In the end, with so much at stake its worth investigating yourself, to find the truth as you see it. But if you are happy to ignore some glaring questions, then don't criticise others that have no doubt spent more time on this than you and have got their information from more (not better or more "reputable", whatever the fuck that means) sources.
Lastly, Bush is such an inept person, he was such a buffoon, that it strikes me he would be the perfect puppet for more powerful people to control and get their way.
Sometimes if something is just logical and makes sense and then you just have to go with that, for want of more facts. For me with all things I've read, seen and heard, it just makes perfect sense, even though it depresses me greatly to think that the people that should be protecting us are ultimately responsible, it seems like this is the reality many of us are unaware of!

lpw1967 (2013-01-24)

hongwan = ignorance
Do your homework. You think that what the government say is true, just because of who they are ? That is like saying that the King James Bible is true, just because it says the Bible on the cover. Ignorance breeds violence. The truth is out there, you just have to search for it. The only people that find the the truth are the ones that keep asking questions. Apparently, you were the dumbass in the back of the classroom that never did. You did your homework, studied for the tests, and grew up to become a good little drone.
Good Boy
911 was a plan to begin to take away our freedoms, by instilling in us the fear and need for us to cry out for help. It is working. Cameras everywhere, even drones. Now they are trying to take away our right to bear arms. Bullshit ! Canadians have just as many guns as us and they have no crime ! It all about the NEWS, and propaganda. Even Hitler had a minister of propaganda.
If things keep going the way they are, soon enough there will be martial law. All thanks to ignorant fucks like you.


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