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2008-03-15 (by ervin15)


These videos should be watched with caution, never attributing "evil" character on animals. Animals do not have any kind of morality although character among units of the same species may vary from "good" to "bad". Humans do have morality and are further more aggressive than animals even among them. (See rar) Most of the examples on these videos show stressed animals in captivity. However, you 'd better not provoke a tiger or a lion in open space. These animals are predators and thats all they are "programmed" to. Consume other organic material. NOT SUITED FOR KIDS PLEASE!

Files count:



695.51 Mb




donpedro (2008-04-01)

Altruism (i.e good) is genetically programmed into many pack species, including humans, through millenia of evolution. Unless you are inclined to give the world divine (or other superstitious and/or super-natural) properties, that is.

beechnut82 (2008-04-03)

could you please add more animal vidios? thx.

Tamarind777 (2009-08-04)

"Altruism (i.e good) is genetically programmed into many pack species..."
This is one silly and nonsensical comment you make. Evolutionists have just come out with this foolishness because Creationists have been asking this question for the longest and they never had an answer all those years. Your silly response of "good" being genetically hardwired in humans fail to account for the millions of exceptions to the "survival of the fittest" scenario. You listen to Dawkins idiocy too much. He was the fist half-brain who stated this publicly because he was grasping for straws in a debate. So, he (and you) believe that people do good because of selfishness. Lol...even if I were not a Creationist I would not believe your silly religion of evolution, much less this trash you're spilling out now...what a joke. Come on, you can come up with something better than this.
There are millions of examples where people give their life for someone and they KNEW they will never be repaid, since they will be dead. How could this be based on selfishness (which is way Dawkins suggests)? He says it's selfishness because they expect something in return. If you do good because you expect in return, then you're corrupt.
What happened to survival of the fittest? Why would a parent give her/his life for his kid when it's the adult who is better equipped for survival? Remember, for this to have evolved, it must have been passed on in very primitive societies where these early animals were just concerned with their own survival. In so-called primitive human society, they would never have done this. If fact they would simply act quite like lower animals where altruism is concerned. For example, if you notice animals in the wild, they will protect their kids from predators TO AN EXTENT. When they see that their own life is in jeopardy, they leave their kid to die and escape. That's true survival of the fittest. If you're a human and you do this to your kid, then you don't deserve to be called dad or mom. But, if you're true to your religion, evolution, then you SHOULD do this, because it's one of the pillars of the evolution religion. If you're an evolutionist and your kid is threatened with death and the only way to save her is to give your own life, then you should not, because this negates your religion, evolution. This idiocy you spew our about altruism being a product of evolution is junk and stupid. Please stop saying that. If altruism is hardwired, then so if the opposite of it. Everyone who commits a crime should get off Scot free too since these "extreme" acts of morality are simply biologically driven and not based on choice. Quit listening to that buffoon, Dawkins, and read and think for yourself.
The conclusion is that God has placed love in each person's heart. As corrupt and evil as folks are, there is still good in some people and its has nothing to do with evolution, but everything to do with God. He created us to love, which propels some people to show love in return to folks, even their ENEMIES. Evolution CANNOT explain this.

BEEGJ (2010-09-03)

Seed please!

Fyaaah (2011-09-09)

god damn, seed this shit