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Barack Obama - Dreams From My Father






Barack Obama - Dreams From My Father [2005/mp3/V8]


Audio/Audio books


2008-02-28 (by p00p3don)


From Publishers Weekly Elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, Obama was offered a book contract, but the intellectual journey he planned to recount became instead this poignant, probing memoir of an unusual life. Born in 1961 to a white American woman and a black Kenyan student, Obama was reared in Hawaii by his mother and her parents, his father having left for further study and a return home to Africa. So Obama's not-unhappy youth is nevertheless a lonely voyage to racial identity, tensions in school, struggling with black literature?with one month-long visit when he was 10 from his commanding father. After college, Obama became a community organizer in Chicago. He slowly found place and purpose among folks of similar hue but different memory, winning enough small victories to commit himself to the work?he's now a civil rights lawyer there. Before going to law school, he finally visited Kenya; with his father dead, he still confronted obligation and loss, and found wellsprings of love and attachment. Obama leaves some lingering questions?his mother is virtually absent?but still has written a resonant book. From AudioFile Barack Obama, a black man raised by his white mother and grandparents, decided to journey to Kenya to learn more about his African father after receiving news of his death. This memoir is not about his father's life, but about Obama's, and he brings that home with an intimate tone rather than that of his public speeches. (His 2004 Democratic Convention keynote address is included at the end.) Throughout the book, the U.S. Senator looks at race from the point of view of someone who has seen and been part of a variety of cultures, and he explains how his perspective shaped his views. The book, written in 1995, before his election to the Illinois Senate, gives listeners a chance to learn more about a young senator who has recently made news by speaking out on the Patriot Act and President Bush's next Supreme Court nomination.

Files count:



153.94 Mb




snafu2you (2008-03-08)

The Audacity Of Hope was good, thanks

alackofcolor (2008-06-07)

Someone will love you some day, I promise. Until then, just sit down, relax, and stop taking the crazy pills.

s331o (2008-06-18)

I'll be snatching this one. Thanks.

LezDawson (2008-08-25)

Fr33kachu, I couldn't agree more. It's a shame that Bush has brought conservatism into disrepute. Now the tide has definitely shifted to the far left, and Obama has never hidden the fact that he has certain communist sympathies, and believes in higher taxes, and more regulation and laws - just the opposite of what conservatives believe in (small government, minimal law, minimal taxes, minimal state interference, etc). The USA needs a change, no doubt - but not this one, IMO.

zacius (2008-08-27)

An ideology is not an insult nor is labeling someone using an ideology an argument.
If you have something against kommunism I wonder at your reasoning for using a torrent sharing site.

texasrangers (2008-08-28)

"If you have something against kommunism I wonder at your reasoning for using a torrent sharing site."
fuckin genius! I bet this fat cat caps his uploads at 0 KB/s

madcapper (2008-09-02)

What is interesting about the comments, is that, it appears that some people have been listening to Rush, or, reading the spam a gram's, but not reading or listening to anything from the person named Barack Obama. His own words and voting records show that he is not for higher taxes, he is not for bigger government, he is not for reduced freedom for individuals.
Where are people getting this information? When ever I ask that question, those who prefer to believe in the propoganda, just splash some insult.... but never have an answer. Hum?

monoape (2008-10-13)

@fr33kachu - no one is listening to your Limbaugh / Hannity bullshit. You're shouting at clouds.
"President Obama" - start practising saying it now, because you're going to be hearing it a lot over the next 8 years.

moebetta72 (2008-10-17)

Let me get this right..... When Americans (i.e. Whites) were stealing, raping, enslaving, murdering,discriminating drugging and economically bankrupting this country (all in the name of "Democracy"!!!!) everything was all good! From the "Founding Fathers" (now that's a fickin' joke) to the current "Bush"-League President, The "Old Boy Network" has been pillaging the land and leaving the poor, elderly and children to fend for themselves ("less government"). Now, there is someone daring the filthy rich to give back to the masses, and they (Republi-cant's) are screaming communism. liberalism and Anti-Americanism!! Is it any wonder why this country is the laughingstock of the PLANET!!! Sure, it seems everyone wants to come to America. They want to get a piece of the action before it's all gone, and return home (notice how Isreal has become a powerhouse in less than 50 years?!! Hell, if you trace the lineage of many millionaires/billionaires in America, their roots are German/Jewish).
Finally, what makes this whole Obama shit so funny, is that he's Bi-Racial, but the oppositon (redneck/closet KKK racist Republi-can'ts) only see a "Black" man running for President!! Even worse, some idiots really believe he's an Arab!!

edwat10 (2008-10-17)

moebetta72 Bro when talk like that you sound like a hater. When we call them (whites) names like Redneck and closet KKK you are the racist and that just gives the caucasians more power. Like so many of my brothers and sisters I think you are just voting for Barak because he is black. Stop sucking his golden dick and WAKE UP!!! Electing this ASSHOLE and people like him will deliver us (everybody) back into the hands of slavery. I don?t want my grandkids to be owned by the government or anybody else.
You also referred those (whites) as the Americans. Hay dumb ass we Americans come in many colors and if you don?t like it you can put down your crack pipe and take your un-American ass some where else.

badumbum (2008-10-28)

People, cut the crap and just comment on the torrent.
p09p3don, Thanks for the upload. Good quality as well as good content :) Thanks again.

 GrandTheftBinary4200 (2008-11-01)

I agree, badumbum. i didn't come here for a fucking political debate. but for the record.... i'll suck obama's big black dick if it means getting the right out of the white house. and I don't even like cock!
thanks p00p3don. nice upload.

sheeesh (2008-11-03)

youtube dot com slash watch?v=zQ4ig6EgpAk
Vote Obama - TI$A - Imma Vote Obama Way

Tamarind777 (2008-11-04)

These two are perhaps the worst combination of a possible presidential team in all of US history. One is ready to drop dead from old age and the other most likely didn't even know where Washington DC was to begin with. She is a dumb, ineffective, bimbo who doesn't even qualify for the position she had back on the iceberg where she lives. If McSame were to become president and drops dead in office, I'd rather see Michael Moore's ficus tree in office than Palin.
McSame and Palin are just two idiots who don't even know who is using who. McSame thinks he is using her to garner the Hilary supporters and Palin is using McSame to get into the political spotlight to become famous and perhaps create a following from those stupid, brainless Nazis who love to shoot helpless animals and people with their guns. How could such a large number of Americans be so stupid? These two idiots call themselves Christians and act worse than the Devil himself. I have never seen a bunch of more violent people in my life. All Republicans like to do is kill for fun and say they are Christians?
The more I see people supporting these two Nazis, the more I understand how Hitler could have garnered such a mass to support his twisted ideologies. This brainwashing that is happening here is the same thing.
By the way, I am a conservative Christian (and a proud Democrat too!), BUT, one who believes in following the Bible. These two hypocrites (along with Bush, the "Evil" Cheny, and Rumsfeld) are those whom Jesus warned His followers about. I don't believe in gay marriage or abortion, but I'd rather see abortions and gay marriage than support these two. They are just a bunch of hypocrites who are attempting, and doing a mighty fine job, to hoodwink this country with their GIMMICKS. I have never seen so much gimmicks in a presidential team before. Here are a few: Joe the "fake" plumber, McSame's insincere and disingenuous use of "my friends," as though he is Reagan. You can tell he is such a big fake. Even when he smiles you can tell he is not genuine. Some more gimmicks are: PAlins, stupid winking and fake folksy foolishness, her 150,000 clothing spree, McSame's winking, socialism lie and scare tactics, and many more I don't want to waste time mentioning.
I would rather hang out with "sinners" than these hypocrites any day. After all, that's what Jesus did, and we're all sinners.

alphadot1 (2008-11-05)


dac2776 (2008-11-19)

Finally, Black people don't have anything to bitch about!! You are not slaves, you are not held down, You are not Disenfranchised, and you have now had everything handed to you so shut the hell up about being Black because White people do not care about your shit anymore!! Black people are the racists in this country and have no loyalty to the USA anyway. They voted for Barack simply because he was black. I have not seen you guys that excited since O.J. was acquitted of a murder that everyone knows he did!!

FaderAbraham (2008-11-20)

Barack Obama is only 1/16 black and his Arab ancestors were slavetraders.

markbellows (2008-12-02)

I got to become a big fan of him after hearing his speeches...thanks for the this ....

Purayah (2008-12-13)

Good book, havent still finished listening but so far so good.

_BLuNT_ (2008-12-25)

Democrats are trying to take away our freedoms? You are a freaking idiot. Republicans push for domestic spying the patriot act FISA and every other invasion of your civil liberties has been pushed by a republican congressman. Get a clue.

sexy_bitch7412 (2009-01-22)

is this abridged or unabridged?

toddiot (2009-02-06)

so, good torrent then i assume?

wontgetfooledagain1 (2009-03-02)

He swaers in this one a awful lot.
Its awesome. ^_-

zeroenergy0 (2009-03-27)

It's not about left or right, republican or democrat, it's the 1% that owns this country and owns Obama.
Please download and watch:
The Obama Deception
Truth is the last thing he has not taxed.

bealfeirste (2009-04-10)

Thank you!

damclean (2009-05-02)

Thank you for the upload!

Diceman_ (2009-07-22)

Good listen (although I ripped my own version) although it doesn't really really tell you a lot about the man himself, just some select experiences from his life. And I wonder if he had a ghostwriter when he wrote this 14 years ago or is just a natural when it comes to writing.
And given his track record so far, could this (and presumably Audacity of Hope) just be a way of convincing people that he's a man of the people?

Ryu_Bushi1 (2009-08-17)

Great! I have a copy of the book from a friend but never really made time to read it. Now, thanks to you I can listen to it. A big thanks to you!

skivijimmy (2012-09-03)

hahaha I haven't seen any good comments about Obama here for almost 4 years.. What happened people did the Anti-American president of yours let you down? Obama is a white hating piece of shit that needs to be taken out of office

bhop77 (2012-09-08)

Thanks for the download! I saw the movie Obama 2016 yesterday and it used the book and explains where Obama is coming from - anticolonialist like his father. This explains why he is trying to backrupt the US.

Mega_troll (2012-09-24)

2016 Obama America -Full movie
get this before they censor it.
Get this leech out of white House

RTT2 (2012-12-06)

Yes, get this important scholarly work from a 'backrupt' pseudo-intellectual-cum-showman before it has no seeds - sorry is censored!

piddien99 (2014-07-21)

Great listen. Thanks.


1. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/01 - Barack Obama - Preface 1.mp3 1.27 Mb
2. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/02 - Barack Obama - Preface 2.mp3 1.06 Mb
3. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/03 - Barack Obama - Preface 3.mp3 1.90 Mb
4. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/04 - Barack Obama - Dreams From My Father.mp3 1.79 Mb
5. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/05 - Barack Obama - My Mother Preferred A Gentler Portrait.mp3 466.66 Kb
6. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/06 - Barack Obama - That's How All the Stories Went.mp3 1.21 Mb
7. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/07 - Barack Obama - Miscegenation.mp3 1.08 Mb
8. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/08 - Barack Obama - That Was the World.mp3 1.57 Mb
9. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/09 - Barack Obama - They Eloped.mp3 1.06 Mb
10. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/10 - Barack Obama - In 1960.mp3 1.45 Mb
11. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/11 - Barack Obama - My Grandmother Didn't Have An Answer.mp3 1.19 Mb
12. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/12 - Barack Obama - It's Hard to Know.mp3 2.04 Mb
13. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/13 - Barack Obama - There Was Only One Problem.mp3 996.01 Kb
14. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/14 - Barack Obama - The Road to the Embassy.mp3 1.78 Mb
15. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/15 - Barack Obama - We Had Lived In Indonesia.mp3 1.02 Mb
16. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/16 - Barack Obama - Lolo Was There To Greet Us.mp3 1.43 Mb
17. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/17 - Barack Obama - There Wasn't Much Light Left.mp3 794.44 Kb
18. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/18 - Barack Obama - The First Thing To Remember.mp3 1.10 Mb
19. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/19 - Barack Obama - That's How Things Were.mp3 1.69 Mb
20. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 1/20 - Barack Obama - I Felt A Hard Knock To The Jaw.mp3 891.12 Kb
21. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/01 - Barack Obama - My Mother Watched Us.mp3 975.32 Kb
22. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/02 - Barack Obama - Still Something Had Happened.mp3 2.01 Mb
23. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/03 - Barack Obama - My Mother Had Left The Cousin's House.mp3 1.04 Mb
24. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/04 - Barack Obama - Looking Back.mp3 1.47 Mb
25. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/05 - Barack Obama - My Mother Laughs At This Point.mp3 1.17 Mb
26. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/06 - Barack Obama - She Had Only One Ally.mp3 1.65 Mb
27. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/07 - Barack Obama - It Took Me A While To Recognize Them.mp3 2.30 Mb
28. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/08 - Barack Obama - As The Summer Drew To A Close.mp3 945.01 Kb
29. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/09 - Barack Obama - Finally, During Recess.mp3 1.37 Mb
30. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/10 - Barack Obama - Over Lunch.mp3 1.27 Mb
31. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/11 - Barack Obama - A Month. That's How Long We Would Have.mp3 1.94 Mb
32. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/12 - Barack Obama - Man, I'm Not Going To Anymore Of These.mp3 1.61 Mb
33. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/13 - Barack Obama - Things Had Got Complicated.mp3 1.65 Mb
34. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/14 - Barack Obama - That's Just How White Folks'll Do You.mp3 1.92 Mb
35. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/15 - Barack Obama - I Gathered Up Books.mp3 729.21 Kb
36. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/16 - Barack Obama - One Day, I Awoke To The Sound.mp3 1.04 Mb
37. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/17 - Barack Obama - I Spent The Last Two Years Of High School.mp3 1.30 Mb
38. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/18 - Barack Obama - My Mother's Worst Fears Didn't Come To Pass.mp3 983.35 Kb
39. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/19 - Barack Obama - To Avoid Being Mistaken For Such A Sellout.mp3 998.26 Kb
40. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 2/20 - Barack Obama - Regina Smiled.mp3 1.10 Mb
41. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/01 - Barack Obama - Sophomore Year.mp3 1.71 Mb
42. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/02 - Barack Obama - When I Heard About A Transfer Program.mp3 1.78 Mb
43. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/03 - Barack Obama - I Was In This Humorless Mood .mp3 1.67 Mb
44. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/04 - Barack Obama - For The Next Several Days.mp3 1.81 Mb
45. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/05 - Barack Obama - In 1983.mp3 1.58 Mb
46. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/06 - Barack Obama - One Day As I Sat Down At My Computer.mp3 1.15 Mb
47. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/07 - Barack Obama - I Don't Know.mp3 1.17 Mb
48. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/08 - Barack Obama - I Arrived In Chicago In July.mp3 2.29 Mb
49. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/09 - Barack Obama - Late That Afternoon.mp3 1.16 Mb
50. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/10 - Barack Obama - It Was Twilight.mp3 931.33 Kb
51. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/11 - Barack Obama - The Day After The Rally.mp3 2.26 Mb
52. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/12 - Barack Obama - During A Meeting With Ruby Styles.mp3 1.48 Mb
53. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/13 - Barack Obama - We Went Forward With Our Police Meeting.mp3 1.04 Mb
54. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/14 - Barack Obama - The Altgeld Gardens Public Housing Project.mp3 935.07 Kb
55. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/15 - Barack Obama - I Took A Turn Into Altgeld.mp3 1.38 Mb
56. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/16 - Barack Obama - Winter Came.mp3 2.09 Mb
57. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 3/17 - Barack Obama - For The Rest Of The Day.mp3 2.29 Mb
58. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/01 - Barack Obama - Rafiq al-Shabazz.mp3 1.58 Mb
59. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/02 - Barack Obama - That Was The Truth As Rafiq Saw It.mp3 1.86 Mb
60. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/03 - Barack Obama - Among The Handful Of Groups.mp3 1.68 Mb
61. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/04 - Barack Obama - I Pulled Into The Airport Parking Lot.mp3 720.30 Kb
62. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/05 - Barack Obama - Auma And I Spent The Day Together.mp3 1.36 Mb
63. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/06 - Barack Obama - I Understood Most Of This.mp3 1.26 Mb
64. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/07 - Barack Obama - While Auma Brushed Her Teeth.mp3 1.37 Mb
65. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/08 - Barack Obama - Johnnie Owens And I.mp3 1.55 Mb
66. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/09 - Barack Obama - That's What Was New .mp3 1.07 Mb
67. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/10 - Barack Obama - One Day I Volunteered .mp3 1.04 Mb
68. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/11 - Barack Obama - Well Past Midnight.mp3 1.42 Mb
69. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/12 - Barack Obama - It Was An Old Building.mp3 1.11 Mb
70. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/13 - Barack Obama - He Wasn't Sure He Said.mp3 1.15 Mb
71. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/14 - Barack Obama - I Hadn't Told Anyone Except Johnnie.mp3 1.18 Mb
72. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/15 - Barack Obama - Maybe Johnnie Was Right.mp3 1.46 Mb
73. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/16 - Barack Obama - With Johnnie Handling The Organization's Day-To-Day Activities.mp3 1.32 Mb
74. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/17 - Barack Obama - He Had Grown Up In Philadelphia .mp3 1.23 Mb
75. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/18 - Barack Obama - My Thoughts Would Often Return.mp3 1.58 Mb
76. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 4/19 - Barack Obama - The Day Before Thanksgiving.mp3 1.53 Mb
77. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/01 - Barack Obama - The Months Passed.mp3 1.74 Mb
78. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/02 - Barack Obama - And So It Went.mp3 1.81 Mb
79. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/03 - Barack Obama - Kenyatta International Airport.mp3 1.27 Mb
80. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/04 - Barack Obama - Auma Drove.mp3 1.78 Mb
81. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/05 - Barack Obama - The Next Morning.mp3 2.08 Mb
82. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/06 - Barack Obama - The Roads Were Empty.mp3 1.38 Mb
83. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/07 - Barack Obama - What Is A Family.mp3 1.24 Mb
84. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/08 - Barack Obama - Still, The Situation In Nairobi Was Tough.mp3 1.33 Mb
85. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/09 - Barack Obama - Toward The End Of My First Week.mp3 1.14 Mb
86. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/10 - Barack Obama - She Wants To Know Why.mp3 1.31 Mb
87. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/11 - Barack Obama - Zeituni Wiped The Sweat.mp3 1.85 Mb
88. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/12 - Barack Obama - Auma And I Received Word.mp3 2.27 Mb
89. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/13 - Barack Obama - At Five-Thirty In The Evening .mp3 1.05 Mb
90. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/14 - Barack Obama - He Had His Lands.mp3 1.08 Mb
91. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/15 - Barack Obama - We All Decided To Turn In.mp3 1.25 Mb
92. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/16 - Barack Obama - We Followed Yusuf And Sayid .mp3 1.67 Mb
93. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 5/17 - Barack Obama - How To Explain The Emotions Of That Day.mp3 863.62 Kb
94. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/01 - Barack Obama - The Next Day.mp3 1.06 Mb
95. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/02 - Barack Obama - Even From The Time He Was A Boy.mp3 1.18 Mb
96. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/03 - Barack Obama - He Was Not The Only One.mp3 1.29 Mb
97. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/04 - Barack Obama - Onyango Was Now Almost Fifty .mp3 1.70 Mb
98. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/05 - Barack Obama - As You Might Expect .mp3 1.11 Mb
99. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/06 - Barack Obama - By The Time Your Father Was A Teenager.mp3 1.76 Mb
100. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/07 - Barack Obama - Then Good Fortune Struck.mp3 2.01 Mb
101. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/08 - Barack Obama - I Asked Granny.mp3 1.20 Mb
102. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/09 - Barack Obama - We Moved To The Stack Of Letters.mp3 1.98 Mb
103. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/10 - Barack Obama - I Dropped To The Ground.mp3 1.51 Mb
104. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/11 - Barack Obama - Epilogue .mp3 1.95 Mb
105. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/12 - Barack Obama - 2004 DNC Keynote Speech 1.mp3 2.06 Mb
106. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/13 - Barack Obama - 2004 DNC Keynote Speech 2.mp3 1.95 Mb
107. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/14 - Barack Obama - 2004 DNC Keynote Speech 3.mp3 1.45 Mb
108. Barack Obama - Dreams from my father/Disc 6/15 - Barack Obama - 2004 DNC Keynote Speech 4.mp3 1.44 Mb