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Battlefield Bad Company 2 RELOADED [Solek69]




Games PC


Battlefield Bad Company 2-RELOADED




2010-02-27 (by extremezone)


Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Limited Edition (c) Electronic Arts 02/2010 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Securom + Serial 1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Action Battlefield: Bad Company 2 brings the award-winning Battlefield gameplay to the forefront of PC gaming with best-in-class vehicular combat and unexpected "Battlefield moments." New vehicles like the ATV and a transport helicopter allow for all-new multiplayer tactics on the Battlefield. With the Frostbite-enabled Destruction 2.0 system, you can take down entire buildings and create your own fire points by blasting holes through cover. You can also compete in four-player teams in two squad-only game modes, fighting together to unlock exclusive awards and achievements. Battles are set across expansive maps, each with a different tactical focus. The game also sees the return of the B Company squad in a more mature single-player campaign. 1. Burn or mount the image. 2. Install the game. Use the keygen found in the /Crack dir on the DVD when prompted for a serial. 3. Copy over the cracked content to your install dir. 4. Play the game. 5. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT! Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows XP Processor: Core 2 DUO @ 2 GHz Memory: 2 GB Hard Drive: 15 GB for Digital Version, 10 GB for Disc Version Video Memory: 256 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 7800GT/ATI X1900) Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard and Mouse DVD Rom Drive Recommended System Requirements OS: Windows Vista/7 Processor: Any Quadcore Processor Memory: 2 GB Hard Drive: 15 GB for Digital Version, 10 GB for Disc Version Video Memory: 512 MB (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260) Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 10 Keyboard and Mouse DVD Rom Drive ***UPDATE*** Seems like some of the people are having problems with mouse cursor in-game. To fix this you need to copy ALL content from crack folder into install folder: BFBC2Game.exe, jabberwocky.txt, pitoni.txt & rld.dll. Screens: Battlefield Bad Company 2-RELOADED Torrent Free Download How To Get Your Maxspeed (uTorrent) Torrent Client - Preferences - Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set aprox. 500 for each Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - Forced Bandwidth Allocation - High (Set download/upload limit - Unlimited) Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Also please spread the link where you found this torrent to your friends.


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Files count:



5551.42 Mb




 Antje14 (2010-02-27)

inb4 people screaming fake

 Antje14 (2010-02-27)

here's a PROOF screenshot:

Thestig1968 (2010-02-27)

Downloading now but it will raise questions where there it's real or not since the release is mars 4.

 Antje14 (2010-02-27)

Needs a proper crack though :(

glog73 (2010-02-27)

Im a bit confused right now. Antje14 are you saying there is something wrong with both extremezone version and xdccbots?

 Antje14 (2010-02-27)

Well they are both the same release, done by RELOADED

 Antje14 (2010-02-27)

You can still just download them but you will have to wait for a proper crack before you can play it

bigturd (2010-02-27)

Any idea if you can play this online at all?

anuzbitt (2010-02-27)

so any point to download this ? when its online game :P

ice02 (2010-02-27)

1 seed and 32 peers
downloading @ 10kb/s

choco. (2010-02-27)

what do u think guys..will it be possible to get a cd key to play online?(without paying ofc;)) :S

Kahai (2010-02-27)

It's legit and "works" however, my mouse does not work in game. Technically it 'does' but whichever way I move the mouse it looks up and only turns right as in I'm looking straight up and rotating right no matter what I do. Same with my Logitech controller, same thing.
It might be a routine to stop illegal playing but who knows. Menu mouse works fine it's just in game it doesn't do as you want.

job_hunterx (2010-02-27)

well im installing now its def real but lets c if the crack wrks i sure hope so.. i think ima end up buyin this 1 neway 4 the multiplayer

houseofswing (2010-02-27)

just a humble observation but i loved 1942 i loved BF 2 but this game i fear they have tried to make it too fast paced ......and yes i had the beta and yes i played for a couple of weeks before i made my conclusion. But I thought it was way to fast paced no strategy just go faster then your opponent to any given position.....Thx But no Thx I'll stick with BF2 Reality Mod

gizmoobobbarna (2010-02-27)

i preorderd the game and have played beta for a while now....and i must say battelfield 2 has it´s charm but so does bad company 2

Sharon3 (2010-02-27)

Downloading right now. THX

Tilatus (2010-02-27)

Bad Company was the one Battlefield that had a full single player campaing and it was very entertaining. I assume Bad Company 2 is the same, so you should have a lot to play even without multiplayer.

kanapes (2010-02-27)


Vlad5800 (2010-02-27)

i can't play this Great game i cant look with my mouse:S goddammnit!!!!!
anyone have the same problem?

Vlad5800 (2010-02-27)

dude stop post shit!!
its not your screens!!!

Sharon3 (2010-02-27)

Its from the Demo version of Battlefield Bad Copnay :D

JVDx (2010-02-27)

can anybody confirm this is real? it probably is, spotted it on a 100% trusted pay torrent site.
please post a REAL screenshot, not from trailers -_-
downloading now, will let you know if its real.

 Antje14 (2010-02-27)

@JVDx check page 1

 Antje14 (2010-02-27)

You must copy ALL the files from the crack folder, including the txt or the controls wont work properly

SweRaider (2010-02-27)

yea totally worth buying, altough I still wanna try before it gets to my country

dandified (2010-02-27)

seed damnit, seed

Sirlimpit (2010-02-27)

This game is totally worth buying. it's the first time in a few months ive really felt this way about a game.
Only reason im torrenting it is because i dont want to wait til tuesday to play, might as well get my thirst for the singleplayer out of the way so i can just play multiplayer when i get it. (not preaching, but the multiplayer really sells this game)
thanks a TON for the upload.

Azamato_the_Great (2010-02-27)

So there's no way I can play this online?
I want to dl it (im more of a single player person) but the online is great here.
Will this play online?

JVDx (2010-02-27)

can any1 post some installation + ingame screenshots? just to make sure.
and, seed, for the love of FPShooters. lol

conter1 (2010-02-27)

Seed!!! I have 20kb/s

Azamato_the_Great (2010-02-27)

So there's a keygen? But no online?
Will we be able to play online when game comes out or never ?

 Mbb15 (2010-02-27)


Agioritis (2010-02-27)

can people plz seed i am geting 6kb/s and i am seeding at 50kb/s

Sharon3 (2010-02-27)

johannes15 THX mate

tapper101 (2010-02-27)

I usually download games, but I really can't support this. DICE is a small Swedish developer, stealing this game could ruin them. Maybe they won't be able to make another game, would you like that? Personally I love the BF series and I'd really like it if they'd continue making those games. You could at least have waited with releasing this pirate version 'til after the game had released.
Extremezone,you're a petty thief anyway, I mean how the hell did you get this game? You must have stolen it from their office or something?

flexi (2010-02-27)

pleace seed

 Antje14 (2010-02-27)

@tapper101 he didn't get the game RELOADED did

JVDx (2010-02-27)

its the real game, thanks for the upload.
havent tried online, SP works perfect.
ALOT of cutscenes!

Robot23456 (2010-02-27)

My controls are all messed up. Character is just starring upwards and when I press a button he just spins around to the right. Any ideas for a solution?

Allimak (2010-02-27)

At tapper101: You claim to pirate games, and then advise us not to pirate this particular one because its from a small swedish developer.
You sir are an idiot. There is no other way of putting it, you are a moron.
Its the same as if a developer would say: Feel free to pirate other games, but please don't pirate ours.

Isti01 (2010-02-27)

As Antje said before, you need to copy EVERY file from the crack folder to get the controls working!

brotherscro1 (2010-02-27)

Played the whole game beat campaign best game ever !
There is surely going to be BFBC 3! Thanx for this great game :)

Calhoun7 (2010-02-27)

The game is here
I pre-ordered it
I payed the money
Why shouldn't i be able to enjoy my product as soon as possible.
Also, if you're such a white knight, then why are you even here.

philips72 (2010-02-28)

Funkar kanon.........Tack.......
Ska köpa detta spel .............

Heintron (2010-02-28)

Redan betalt för spelet. Tar hem det här för att spela lite innan release. Känner mig moralisk som fan! ;D

TestiCAL (2010-02-28)

Instructions would be nice. I keep getting the "Insert CD/DVD" message.

Sharon3 (2010-02-28)

I cant save and i cant create a host or lan well thats because the game isnt out yet... but whats with SAVE game thing cant save and if i play a little i cant properly quit the game??? Could somebody help me...

Mehuk4tti (2010-02-28)

Anyone know how to solve the mouse problem?
Im running on win7

dt0wn3 (2010-02-28)

If you are having problems with the controls/mouse, make sure you have copied ALL of the files from the crack directory, to the game directory (even the random txt files).

Mehuk4tti (2010-02-28)

Thank you.

Bjerkman (2010-02-28)

13206 leechers and 488 seeders? WTF Seed when you download the game people?

steve30x (2010-02-28)

@Tapper. You are a Hypocrite. You call the uploader a petty thief when you are one yourself by downloading games instead of buying them.

VaderBlack (2010-02-28)

Does anyone know if this torrent is being tracked by ISPs, because when I downloaded bioshock 2, I almost got caught. I'm a little nervous about downloading this one.

steve30x (2010-02-28)

@Vader you should be using Peerblock to help block ISP's.

aliendydo (2010-02-28)

Does this work online if u install punkbuster support?

negat1v0 (2010-02-28)

@ aliendydo - MULTIPLAYER does NOT work for this torrent. Only single player... just like the nFo says: Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

guirr (2010-02-28)

this torrent is a shame, is download at 0.9 kb/s!!!! WTF??? the seeds and leechs are fake!!!! DO SOMETHING!

zatlaboy (2010-02-28)

Thanks for a great up. I have already pre-orded the game but dont know if need to uppgrad my hardware. Now I can test it and see if that is the case. And ofcourse... I cant wait to get my game so a little peek dont hurt.

knopp86 (2010-02-28)

am I the only one with mouse porblems? i have installed the crack correctly and i can look around but there is a delay on the mouse movement, its like i've got Vertical sync on but i don't. anybody else have the same problem?

TestiCAL (2010-02-28)

Not recognizing the mounted image and asks for the DVD. Is the name of the image supposed to be changed?

TestiCAL (2010-02-28)

Game stopped working and shuts down after the updater finishes checking for updates.

dandified (2010-02-28) seems to be corrupt. wootwoot

choco. (2010-02-28)

game works just fine...copy and paste all files from the crack folder,i repeat :all files...and dont run the updater cus its for online only

TestiCAL (2010-02-28)

The game wont run!!!! rld.dll wont copy over to the install folder.
Getting the Windows "Program Stopped Working" Error when launching it from the extra BFBC2Game.exe.
Using the installed one it asks for verification.

jimmyjoe21 (2010-02-28)

this is an amazing game and is definitely a good change from mw2. buy it to play online, play it, enjoy it.

TestiCAL (2010-02-28)

A little help here please... Not workin

Risingdencity (2010-02-28)

Goddamn you people are stupid.
Use poweriso to mount the image and install the game. the keygen is in the crack folder.verification choice doesn't matter, you won't be doing it.
After install copy all files EXCEPT the keygen (doesn't matter) to the main install dir. This includes the two nonsense poems.
Run from BFBC2Game.exe
If it doesn't work, YOU did something wrong.
Great torrent, thanks extreme.

t.huynh (2010-02-28)

my is corrupted. Dont really wanna have to download this again..

Jenan (2010-02-28)

Crack is screwing up the AI, making it so you can't pass the river in the harbour mission (can't complete SP). Thanks anyway.

eddshomie (2010-02-28)

How do i make the download speed faster? It was at about 200 kb/s and now it dropped down to 25 kb/s

bigturd (2010-02-28)

Somebody ban that faggot CheatsLV.

Sharon3 (2010-02-28)

Whats with SAVE game thing I cant save and if i play a little i cant properly quit the game??? Could somebody help me...

Bebras2 (2010-02-28)

Big thanks to Reloaded relise

rugburn11 (2010-02-28)

Battlefield Bad Company 2
....... Levels .......
1. Operation Aurora
2. Cold War
3. Heart of Darkness
4. Up River
5. Crack The Sky
6. Snow Blind
7. Heavy Metal
8. High Value Target
9. Sangre Del Toro
10. No One Gets Left Behind
11. Zero Dark Thirty
12. Force Multiplier
It kind of plays and feels like...
... Crysis, Half Life and Call of Duty...
all in one GAME...Sweet
the Graphics are incredible...enjoy

EchoTitan (2010-02-28)


TestiCAL (2010-02-28)

OK, WORKS NOW! had a problem with getting the DLL file to copy into the game folder.
100% Works

Sirlimpit (2010-02-28)

while im not gonna argue that the crack makes the AI a bit buggy, but it's nowhere near unplayable. I just beat the game after all.

Simlav (2010-02-28)

Excellent game and very good graphics. Works fine! Thank you.

stooby (2010-02-28)

Downloaded in 4hours.
Installed easily no problems.
The keygen is the rld-bbc2 file.
Plays fine.
Great upload.
Many Thanks!!

aliendydo (2010-02-28)

I have a bit of a weird problem...
I downloaded the game fine, it installed fine, runs fluid EXCEPT that every approx. 10 seconds the game goes in slow-motion for a second and then goes back to normal speed again...
It's pretty annoying and I can't find a fix, suggestions any1?

HobieWan (2010-02-28)

Game and crack works just great on this rig:
Windows 7 Ultimate X64
Core i7
Dual 280gtx
6 gb memory
Nvidia driver 196.34
Thanks Extremezone

Heinzie (2010-02-28)

Listen people. This game is worth the 49 euro i paid on steam, so don't download this unless you don't have any fucking money.
Nah, im just kidding. Who am I, telling you what to do... But seriusly, this game is freaking awesome. Go buy it for playing multiplayer, i did, and i don't buy any games that often. But this one is worth it.

Juwnas (2010-02-28)

Every time i exit the game i have to restart from mission 1, any 1 got same problem? I've came to like mission 4 and a got a crash and when i started the game again the campaign was rested, any 1 know how to fix this problem?

Hypotermi (2010-02-28)

Downloaded in a couple of hours and works perfectly. And what a game too, main story is way better than that of MW2.

xXthepabloXx (2010-02-28)

nice game ^^

MrErick (2010-02-28)

Already have it pre-ordered, just wanted a headstart on the single player campaign. The game is absolutely incredible. The characters are spot on soldiers. 10/10.

stoleyourshoes (2010-02-28)

i got this game pre orderd but i just couldnt wait to play cus im from europe we gotta wait too long. but i got this pre orderd on steam.

diogosousa1 (2010-02-28)

installed and went into the game but there is a problem when I move the mouse left and go right, when moving down and will go up when I move the mouse always goes right up and all, has an error
Please help-me ,tks.

NoMercyFate (2010-02-28)

Too many leechers... for the rest of you out there, check this torrent:

Currently downloading at 900 KB/Sec :D remember to keep seeding :D keep it alive!
Grtz NMF

grasscut (2010-02-28)

i pasted all the file and the txt file in the game folder.but it still cant work.i can use my left click when im in the i cant fire at all!anyone help?thanks in advance

bamse957 (2010-02-28)

Hi im also having probs with saving, i have to start from mission one every time i start the game. Plz someone help me :/

DaniVegaz (2010-02-28)

Anyone lese having problem turning around with the mouse? what ever way i move the mouse he keeps looking up and spinning in sircles...

TikiMonster (2010-02-28)

I'm having the mouse thing too. also press A S D takes me right... very strange

J0N12 (2010-02-28)

Can someone please help me.
When I start the Campaign I like Normal then i press start game but it just loads forver.

apollo9k (2010-02-28)

i do have a problem too , the game starts and i get to see the video perfectly fine but when it's time to play screen turns to black and i only see the instructions i.e : use adsw to move arround , but screen is blank , what to do ?
vista 64bits , amd phenom quad core 9950 graphics card 500 mb ram 4 gig original ... so it's not hardware how can i fix it ? :/

glenerd (2010-02-28)

Does anyone else have a problem with the dialog being extremely quiet? When I play the game i can never hear what anyone is saying so i have to have the subtitles on at all times, anyone know of a fix?

raffav (2010-02-28)

some one know where is the save game folder?
on win vista/7?? 64 bits

segersta (2010-02-28)

Is it just me, the installation does not start? It starts up a CMD then in turn hands lodge and more. Equally so when I run the autorun.exe to complain about it not being there is no picture on the left side.
I am running Windows 7 64bitars.

flubadoo (2010-02-28)

Digital or non-digital licence?
Anyways, it says that "bad company 2 has stopped working"

gaga111 (2010-02-28)

during setup im getting an error: is corrupted
ive verified my files a few times but still didnt help
any1 knows how to fix?

Xan1ty (2010-02-28)

Hi thank you for this great torrent
I downloaded it the other day, Ive been playing it and I absolutely love it. Ive been following the multiplayer side of it for ages and have it preordered, but I thought id download it to complete the singleplayer first and then focus on multiplayer when released.
The download worked great, easy install and the game hasnt crashed once. Had no problems at all, I am on the 12th level now and think I am near the end. Its well good!
My question is where does the game save the saved game files on my computer? I have been looking everywhere and cant seem to find it. Anyone know?

Lobotomite (2010-02-28)

im gonna dl and play singleplayer then im gonna buy the game to play multiplayer

Xan1ty (2010-02-28)

The reason is so I can try to drag over my singleplayer progress to my account when I get it on release date

Xan1ty (2010-02-28)

Also anyone having problems with the mouse like I did, it is absolutely mandatory that you add all files in the crack folder. Yes weird, I dont understand how a .txt file can possibly help with a mouse but it does :s.
BFBC2Game.exe, jabberwocky.txt, pitoni.txt & rld.dll
Copy ALL in same BC2 folder

Xan1ty (2010-02-28)

So everyone who is bored, hunt your harddrive. Try and find where the BC2 saved game files are, Id really like to know
Thanks :)

glenerd (2010-02-28)

Am I the only one that is having problems with the dialog being to soft to the point where i cant hear anyone talking in the game?

thereislucky (2010-02-28)

first i got a strange glitch in the game the sky was realy blue and black and sometimes i can't see anything but i update my driver
here and now its working PERFECT thanks extremezone i like the work you are doing here.

don139 (2010-02-28)

finished with downloading
now going to install
and seed a lil bit
for all you nerds
out there ;]

raffav (2010-02-28)

""My question is where does the game save the saved game files on my computer? I have been looking everywhere and cant seem to find it. Anyone know?""
is my question to, but i think that until you dont login the game want creat the folder profile
i think now is creating on internal file game, but dont know were is the supouse file hehe searching but untill now nothing
so bad this hehe

raffav (2010-03-01)

2 min to pre download the release game on ea store 10 am pst hehe

Tebb_Dipsy (2010-03-01)

I can move, look, jump and stuff but I cant shoot, tried binding the button to keyboard, didnt work either. On aurora and trying to use the knife!
Also is there no lan on this? Anyway to play with your friends?

J0N12 (2010-03-01)

OK When I goto Campaign And Press Regular Difficulty Press "START" it stays at the "Please Wait" screen forever. Any Ideas??

mantasLT (2010-03-01)

i need to ask one simple question so it WORKS ? plz say yes or no i need all answers plz

Xan1ty (2010-03-01)


aliendydo (2010-03-01)

When I change the graphics it still looks the same, does any1 else have this? The game looks like shit imo, but that may be because I can't change my graphics and it is stuck on low. When I change my graphics to high it starts to lagg a little bit, but it still look as crappy as on low. Does any1 have a fix?

byers (2010-03-01)

Not sure if it's just a horrible release or what. Have to CTRL+ALT+DEL to exit the game and it runs like an old geriatric lady, on a state of the art gaming PC.
If this is supposed to be better than Modern Warfare 2, I have to laugh. Swedish craftmanship at its best.

ThomasDollar (2010-03-01)

im stuck at one point in the game: im standing on top of a field with my mates looking down on an enemy camp, we are suppose to kill them from up there... we killed everyone but nothings happening
i cant go the right or the left way cuz then i leave the combat area

raffav (2010-03-01)

Some one is donwloading by ea store now ??? i need to know the speed dow is good , the donw size is realy 5,4gb ? thanks

katkot (2010-03-01)

Can you play it at multiplayer network?

Dloader13 (2010-03-01)

Ok guys i know i am a noob but i just want someone to make it clear for me: whats the name of the folder i am going to put the crack in and the folder where all the keygens are?

mantasLT (2010-03-01)

it works online?

mantasLT (2010-03-01)

hey so it works online or not

Pr3dator-Rob (2010-03-01)

thanks you !

Undhill (2010-03-01)

Don't know if this has been asked yet but for some reason the voices in game are almost mute, thought it was the surround sound conflicting but turned it off and still the same
any guys had this problem yet?

ThomasDollar (2010-03-01)

anyone who completed the game already? im stuck at the mission "no one gets left behind" where you have to rescue flynn

Undhill (2010-03-01)

OK, I got the quite dialogue thing working, apparently if your sound manager (mines Realtek HD manager) is set to 5.1 surround sound option the voices in-game go almost mute so set 5.1 to STEREO.
the dialogue must have been on a low-volume channel or something.
Hope that works for you all

dantehun12 (2010-03-01)

Do I have to log in to save my progress in the campaign, because after i quit it i lose all of my saves and I have to start the campaign all over? I tried different cracks , and i copied the texts files as well.

tvkalendar (2010-03-01)

how to fix quiet dialogue???
Undhill i dont understand what is exactly that you did?where can i found sound manager?where to adjust it in the game?

adamo171 (2010-03-01)

Why this fucking game not save my game?:@

choco. (2010-03-01)

@THOMAS ... just follow the red thing on the map dude..

bamse957 (2010-03-01)

ppl cant you help us who cant keep savegames, we seem to be alot of us having that problem.

TBonello (2010-03-01)

I had the mouse problem, even after copying all the crack files across into the main directory. I thought maybe my joystick was interfering so when I unplugged it I could then use left and right mouse look. Maybe that will help you.
However on trying to knife my first Jap the mouse button does not work. LCtrl for crouch worked so somewhere there's a problem with the mouse still.
Could someone please tell me if they have another solution or go over how to properly put the crack files in the right place if that's the problem?

ThomasDollar (2010-03-01)

oh really? thats what im doing, but i cant go any further cuz its out of the combat area... i can only go back

raffav (2010-03-01)

try to do a manualy save game
in game pause the game go to the location an copy the files to another place
when you exit try to put it again and see if works?
i dont have this problem so i cant test if it works

Xan1ty (2010-03-01)

Thanks alot! :)

bamse957 (2010-03-01)

ok i think i perhaps have found the prob with not being able to save, some of you have refered to a folder where a GameSettings.bin file is and that is suppose to contain your savegame, i looked in that folder and i only had 2 files there the whole time i play and the the game says it saves, the 2 files in that folder are gamesettings and settings ini files. No gamesettings.bin file at all. Can that be the prob that the game doesent keep saves?

tvkalendar (2010-03-01)

fix to quite dialogue anyone?

bamse957 (2010-03-01)

i checked the folder where the gamesettings.bin file should be but its not there, only the gamesetting and setting ini files. is that perhaps why i cant keep my savegames?

raffav (2010-03-01)

try to run all bfbc2 updater and bfbc2.exe as admin

bamse957 (2010-03-01)

i am running the game as admin and still no save :(

M-W-Player (2010-03-01)

WoW!! Done in 16 mins .... Thank you seederz!! Thank you too!

Ch4b0 (2010-03-01)

seed ffs, im dling at 50-100kbit/s, i will seed for a week when i get it down.

Undhill (2010-03-01)

Try go to ur control panel then hardware and sound, should be some sort of sound manager at the bottom. let me know if there is none.

THE-BONKER (2010-03-01)

Fuck this.....!

THE-BONKER (2010-03-01)

I not gonna buy it either...Tried the beta..its crap for me.!

Undhill (2010-03-01)

Also try this if you can't find ur audio manager (if there is none with ur card)
Control panel>Hardware and Sound>Audio
under audio there should be manage audio devices. click on ur audio device (should be the first one on the list called speakers) then click configure near the bottom left. then set it to stereo there
for anyone wonderin what i'm talkin about this is to get rid of the quite dialogue in the game.
revert it back to 5.1 (if it was that before u set it to stereo) once ur done playin the game.

siegfrid (2010-03-01)

Ain't this supposed to be released on March 2 2010?

 Mbb15 (2010-03-01)

Best BUG ever lol :

Rynier (2010-03-01)

raffav (2010-03-01)

try to reinstall the game
and if not work to tell so i upload my save game so you can down it an put in the folder run the game chouse load game and see what happens if the games still start from the beginning or start on the last checkpoint?

lamboleap760 (2010-03-01)

*Thanks to the uploader*

Juwnas (2010-03-01)

Please put it up, its really annoying that you have to start over from the first mission every time it crashes or you quit it.

Crazy Bastard (2010-03-01)

seeding is terrible!
1kb/s down
60kb/s up

Klassic1 (2010-03-01)

Quad core with a 260 GTX Damn, what is this Crysis?

TBonello (2010-03-01)

Agree with you Klassic1, this doesn't run very well even on good systems.
***For people with the mouse problem, use all four files and unplug your joystick, worked for me.***

raffav (2010-03-01)


raffav (2010-03-01)

here it is
unzip that and put on bfbc2 in my documents
remenber that this files can contain (my) keys settings

raffav (2010-03-01)

remove ***
and if works try to start the game from the beginning so you can enjoy all missions

xxxFRIARxxx (2010-03-01) is corrupt. Any workaround or fix?

geriini101 (2010-03-01)

Thanks, works perfectly!
I pre-ordered the game but i couldn't wait for it. :P

geriini101 (2010-03-01)

@xxxFRIARxxx How are you installing the game? You're using daemont tools to mount the .iso?

xxxFRIARxxx (2010-03-01)

I'm using 2 different kinds of virtual-cd mounters. I've tried the PowerISO mounter and the ELBY clone-drive.
Neither of which work.

geriini101 (2010-03-01)

Worked for me using Daemon tools (DAEMON Tools Lite) =

Maybe you should try it?

xxxFRIARxxx (2010-03-01)

I just deleted the .ISO, and re-extracted the .ISO from the .RAR files and it worked. Must have not extracted properly from the .RAR set.
To those who have cab problems, just re-extract the .ISO from .RAR and it should work!

clipandgo (2010-03-01)

Everyone quit your bitching Your getting this game weeks before its released so just shut up and seed.

RawSnake (2010-03-01)

I agree Scorpion1311
I think this game is very well optimized. I can run it on medium settings with only 1gb ddr3 (amd athlonIIx3 435,Gigabyte GA-MA770T-UD3P geforce 8800 gt 512mb) and get decent framerates. Well done dice

EchoTitan (2010-03-01)

Flawless torrent :)
The single player was a little above mediocre, the dialogue was pretty funny though.
Can't wait till the 2nd for my copy and play multiplayer :B

badzappa (2010-03-01)

Decent game, interesting characters and funny dialog. 260 will run it maxed at 30-45 frames, it looks good... but there is too much smoke, blowing snow, blowing sand, debris, bloom etc... you can't see a fucking thing!!!

badbran10 (2010-03-01)

hey when i run the game it works fine up till the point of the intro movie on the first level of the campaign. at that point the screen starts flashing white and eventually stays white. i then have to ctrl alt delete it and end the task. any tips on how to fix this? thanks for the help

Mesrine (2010-03-01)

i see that nobody talks about the online mode, is it possible to play online if i download it from here?

pukss (2010-03-01)

hey can plz anyone tell me....that can we play multiplayer game in these uploads by reloaded....?????

Dloader13 (2010-03-01)


Dloader13 (2010-03-01)

no this torrent is just for the campaign

caigen (2010-03-01)

holy shit seed im inbetween 5.5 and .3 kbps

xebz2 (2010-03-01)

Fyfan va grym grafik det var .. Ska tjacka multiplayern direkt.

xiIix (2010-03-01)

I'm getting CTD's all over the place. First it was when I was a little bit into the first mission, and then it was CTD'ing on load. I reinstalled, now it's CTD'ing as it's loading the level, when the text is on the screen telling the story. Crashes at the same spot every time now, tried reinstalling video drivers ect..
If anyone has had a similar issue and has found a fix let me know. I'm dying to play this game. The graphics are DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. I just caught that field with the sunshine and pollen and then I had all these CTD issues. I'm hoping it's not a hardware issue.

xiIix (2010-03-01)

Has anyone else cracked this game yet? I'd like to try another crack if possible.

Erimate (2010-03-01)

I have download 1.3 kB and upload 60 kB
Speed !!!!

DesertFlame (2010-03-01)

holly shit! so many leechers compared to seeders. This is going to take forever X_X

DesertFlame (2010-03-01)

ALSO LMAO @ tapper101 - "Extremezone,you're a petty thief anyway, I mean how the hell did you get this game? You must have stolen it from their office or something?"
thats some funny shit

Erimate (2010-03-01)

Its take so looooong 0_O
I hope it's worth it ???

mantasLT (2010-03-01)

OMG seed!!!

MASTERNINO (2010-03-01)


bamse957 (2010-03-01)

Raffa thanks for all the help but it didnt help :( im giving up lol

makaveliunited (2010-03-01)

seed please, cloking 20kb/s, not fair since i upload a shit load more

AkaPhsyco (2010-03-01)

Hey MPAA you ever heard of innovation?
Based on the condition of the movie industry over the past half of a decade, it would assuredly seem you haven't!
Nice lame ass commercial at the beginning of your dvd menu's btw, "You wouldn't steal a car would you!?"
Yea and Refer Madness was a factual depiction of marijuana use.
The film industry has been separated from legitimate Art and Entertainment for half a century at least!
2tb and counting Dl'ed and believe me more to come!
Let me ask you this, the music industry got decimated by the digital pirate revolution, has music gotten any worse since? Haven't seen a NSYNC or Backstreet Boys in awhile. I wonder why that is?
If you really do it for the art, you should be happy to share your "product" and be happy with the theater tickets we buy!!!
Support Net Neutrality! Support the resistance against companies like Comcast trying to monopolize the internet and throttle innovation and connections! Write your congress/parliament, who's members time and again naively fail to understand how important a free and open internet is to this generation and the generations to come!
We all have grown up intimately connected to the internet. We've seen it sprout from a simple conversational tool in its public inception. Watched it grow into and industry must have with e-commerce. Blossom with sophisticated social networks and tools for musicians, amateur film makers and software designers to reach people in ways not even conceivable merely years ago.
The fate of the internet; actual "intellectual" content, entrepreneurial availability and personal and artistic communication, is far too important to be left in the hands of people who have no reverence or little understanding.
Thanks for your time and enjoy your content.
And thanks to all the up loaders w/out people like them, none of this would be possible!

tvkalendar (2010-03-01)

I dont have hardware and sound manager option...The closest thing is Sounds and audio devices and actually i found 5.1 surround sound speakers and changed to it, but i cant find stereo option?
I have Winxp and the graphic card is integrated SoundMAX HD Audio.
Thanks for your help!

adspfc (2010-03-01)

wot a load of shit dont even bother downloading trust me it not gd at all

Kliffjalmar (2010-03-01)

Whoo 20 kb/s downspeed. Seed?

Heinzie (2010-03-01)

Shut your fucking mouth you piece of shit! I'll bet you don't even have the game, and or you can't even get it working you dumb ass idiot.

tvkalendar (2010-03-01)

Sound card,not graphic

YinYang (2010-03-01)

hahaha, redan ute och inte släppt officiellt.
Jag väntar nog på min köpta Limited version ändå.
Bra jobbat RELOADED. :)
Har dessutom kört BETAn ett tag nu. Riktigt kul.

Tojar (2010-03-01)

SAVEGAME PROBLEM SOLVED! (at least with my comp)
Some of us including myself have been suffering problems with savegame. When relaunching the game saves do not work. This is because your username in Windows(7) has scandinavian characters such as å,ä and ö. I solved this by creating a new account with no-scandinavian username. Renaming your account doesn't help because the user folders aren't renamed. Strange lapsus from an scandinavian developer.
MOUSE BIND PROBLEM SOLVED! (at least with my comp)
Do NOT run the game as an adminstrator.

Dloader13 (2010-03-01)


pertti18 (2010-03-01)

i have problems with this. I mounted and installed the game. Then I moved Crack to the game folder. Then i try to launch game i got "BFBC2 stopped working" or something like that. I dont know what to do, help pls. sry bad english!

rapsn1 (2010-03-01)

bfbc2 does not support windows xp, so min requ is vista/7 , but you can use it on xp ofc ^^

skLcam (2010-03-01)

This game is the SHIT. :)
Installed without a hitch and plays flawlessly. If you're having problems, it's on your end.

raffav (2010-03-01)

I can't confirm 100% but the alternative(reloaded version) works with the ea store digital version , so who alredy have pre order and alredey get the valid key i think it is possible to use this version to play

xiIix (2010-03-01)

Damn, this game is drop dead fucking gorgeous, and I keep getting a CTD at the same spot in the pretty field where they tell you to get down and hide. I'm so bummed out because this is such an awesome piece of work. I planned on buying it when it comes out in a couple days, but not if it CTD's on me.
If it's any help to others who can give advice, here are my specs..
[email protected] (CTD remains without OC)
2GB Ballistix 1066
1TB, 250GB, 40GB
Windows 7 Ultimate
I have all the latest drivers for my peripherals. Maybe it's just a bug with the crack or the game, not sure, just super bummed. If anyone else is getting CTD's and knows a fix lemme know.

JVDx (2010-03-01)

completed the SP yesterday, awesome game.
install and crack work perfect.
you cant go online.

QrimeTime (2010-03-01)

Seems I need some help with this...
I mounted the .iso with daemon, I ran the autorun, and then I got to the screen with the button 'Install' and 'Technical support' etc.
So I clicked Install and I see some sort of window for a very short time. Then the autorun just quits with no error screen or whatever.
So why isn't this working?
I've already tried to mount it again, but that didn't work either.

sun.gamer (2010-03-01)

help me out guys!!!
this game downloaded/installed well....
also its running good...
but the only problem arises durin the game-play..
i can move only one direction durin playin!!!..i.e, either forward or to the right or see only the top...when i press either w/s the character moves only right..when i press a/d it moves only to the right..n when i try rotating with my mouse on x'axis only it goes to top, on y'axis only clockwise...
i've checked everythin in settings, restarted the game/system thrice n also changed my mouse/keyboard..but the problem still persists..
do anyone have a solution?? plz help...desperate to play the game!!!

ReaL_BadMaN (2010-03-01)

There is gotta be a way to play online... just like Battlefield 2.

QrimeTime (2010-03-01)

.... Did you even read anything of the description?
Seems like some of the people are having problems with mouse cursor in-game. To fix this you need to copy ALL content from crack folder into install folder: BFBC2Game.exe, jabberwocky.txt, pitoni.txt & rld.dll.
You have to copy EVERYTHING from the crack folder, yes even the senseless text documents.

iverieli (2010-03-01)


Makala (2010-03-01)

I installed this game, but when i click on play, the only thing that shows up is the Battlefield 2: Bad Company Update, and then nothing happends?

torquee (2010-03-01)

thanks extremezone.. this is such a nice game, well thanks for upload this torrent.. now i waiting for medal of honor..

Makala (2010-03-02)

I installed this game, but when i click on play, the only thing that shows up is the Battlefield 2: Bad Company Update, and then nothing happends?

polipop (2010-03-02)

has anyone else has a problem with the controls on this game? coz i installed it fine but when it gets in to the game the controls are all messed up.. like the mouse will look up but not dwn again and it only looks right?
is there a fix?

polipop (2010-03-02)

never mind its all fixed now

Maiko22 (2010-03-02)

Det här är spel Kod (Lösenord)

mantasLT (2010-03-02)

seed plz

vandenbosgijs (2010-03-02)

if someone needs help with CRACK or the error ''ALWAYS LOOKING UP'' add me on xfire : mm11mm11

badzappa (2010-03-02)

weird how those small text docs correct the mouse problem.

J0N12 (2010-03-02)

I have Windows xp SP2
And When I try to Sart the Game it just stays at the "Please wait" screen.
Anybody got any suggestions. I reinstalled it like 4 times same thing happens. I also downloaded a different copy of the game. Samething happens. Please help me i really want to play this game.

J0N12 (2010-03-02)

I mean when I start a New Campaign. I press Start Game And it stays at the "Please wait" screen forever. That might help if someone knows how to fix this.

Piratebay2010 (2010-03-02)

I've been torrenting movies for a few days now and I found out I can torrent games as well. I'm really stuck now I have to folders on my computer. There's a system information folder called 'reloaded', a iso image folder called 'rld-bbc2' and a JPEG image called 'rld-bbc2'
What am I meant to do with these to play the game? please message me [email protected]
Please I really need help ^.^

Rampage369 (2010-03-02)

help me out ppl, brand new to this stuff. i looked for an .iso file but cudnt find any, do i have to extract the files first?

Dloader13 (2010-03-02)

ok look you can find the iso file in "downloaded files" in the battlefield bad company 2 folder.
Mount the iso file in deamon tools or some other program with same function.
run the autorun exe install game then copy over the crack to the install folder and play

Rampage369 (2010-03-02)

hold up, howd u get to the download files?

Rampage369 (2010-03-02)

just tell me a step by step thing

Rampage369 (2010-03-02)

just tell me a step by step

Isik1987 (2010-03-02)

Having some problems with the graphics.. when the intro starts i get these black flashings trims over the screen?. it gets better when i start playing but when theres some animation ingame the black flashing comes back?.. anyone know what the problem can be?

Dloader13 (2010-03-02)

Rampage 369
1. Burn or mount the image.

2. Install the game. Use the keygen found in the /Crack dir on the DVD when
prompted for a serial.
3. Copy over the cracked content to your install folder.
4. Play the game.
Is that clear enough for you rampage?

yaqwsx666 (2010-03-02)

Battlefield Bad Company 2 System Requirements:

amoghthegamer (2010-03-02)

Most of the serials in the keygen don't work. I re-generated random times in between. I tried like 7 keys and none worked. Dont download this torrent unless you have another keygen. Waste of time and space.

Rampage369 (2010-03-02)

dude there is no iso file when i look at the files!!!

amoghthegamer (2010-03-02)

I tried online verification and none of the serials worked. so then I used daemon tools to mount the img and did disc verification and that did not work as well. DO NOT DOWNLOAD! Waste of time and space!

McRulle (2010-03-02)

Problem with your grafics? READ!
For the once who have trouble with the black stripes flimmering all over your screen when playing BFBC2, try this:
Go to your BFBC2 directory (I've got Beta so my directory is BFBC2Beta). In Vista it should be located in Documents. Open the "settings". Count 3 from the bottom, you should be at "DxVersion=[auto]". Erase [auto] and type 9, should look like this:
...and save. Try the game again.
BFBC2 is running on Dx11, I believe, and is probably causing the problem. Otherwise, I don't know how to fix it. But I had the same problem and it worked for me. Cheers

Amjr (2010-03-02)

I suffers great lag even on lowest setting. My pc thought meet the requirements. Any ideas ?

nt2ux (2010-03-02)

I got the game running in win 7 just fine. Copied all the crack files over, so the mouse issue went away. But I cannot strafe left or right. I tried changing keys in options, but no good. Anyone else having this issue?

amoghthegamer (2010-03-02)

Iam stuck at the part where you re-enter and verify your registration code. It keeps re-appearing any help? I tried it with different codes.

VerminX (2010-03-02)

Noobs should shut the fuck up and learn to READ before posting!
Game works well, just finished it, not very long but well done. If anybody knows where it can be tried in multiplayer please post, I like to do my homework before buying, and yes it looks like it might be very good in multiplayer
Some things I READ and found out:
For mouse problems: Make sure to copy and paste the 2 txt files from cracks, weird fucking jews and their poems, the game will fuck with mouse controls unless you have them in the dir
2560x1600 gives lots of stutters and tearing of the screen, like vsync is not on, change to 1900x1200 with everything on and its 60 - 45 fps with 275sli and 196.34
Finally a game worth buying for the PC!

0150steveo (2010-03-02)

am having problems with my "mouse" I can only look up and turn right do not know what the fuck thats all about. can some one help me please?????????

amoghthegamer (2010-03-02)

people pLEASE HELP ME! HOW DID YOU GET THE GAME WORKING! I used online verification and it doesn't work! I tried all the keys in the keygen in the crack folder and it didn't work, it kept saying re-verify. I tried CD Verification and that didn't work either. HELP!

clipandgo (2010-03-02)

After you install the game put the 3 files in the crack folder in the Install folder(Even the text files)

ghostpilotcam (2010-03-02)

Please help: no it not the stupid problem with the pointer or anything
When I unmount the ISO using Demon Tool. It pop up the autorun I click it and it say insert DRive CD/DVD.
Any solution to this would be appriciated? I repeat this about 10 times.

amoghthegamer (2010-03-02)

I did exactly as you said. When I pasted the code in, and continued, it shows up again. My PC can play Crysis at 45+ FPS. My specs are:
-Core 2 QUad(3.6 GHz)
-4GB DDR3 Dual Channel Ram
-(2) 500GB Caviars running RAID 0
-2TB External HDD
-GTX 260 Factory Overclock
-Antec 1200
-Thermaltake 750W PSu
SO My pc can play the game easily. it just wont install right. I followed your exact instructions to number 4 and then it keeps asking for a serial number.

raffav (2010-03-02)


ghostpilotcam (2010-03-02)

1) I mounted it and got every file like Cb#
2) Run autorun error "need CD/DVD"
3) Try to run with "Setup" Same error anyone having this problem it like the thing not reading the mount from Daemon Tool or something.

ghostpilotcam (2010-03-02)

I also notice that there is a file call "sro" which can be open with Textedit and it say just "disc" I'm pretty sure this replace the actual disc but mine seem to be not working keep asking for disc :(

amoghthegamer (2010-03-02)

thank you for that info. I'll be doin a system restore to today's morning and reinstall bc2 using disk verification. But the crack, how do I apply it? Usally for all the games I played, I just used a keygen not a crack. Lemme know thanks!

clipandgo (2010-03-02)

Anyone know how I can shrink this to put it into a 4.7 disk

Heinzie (2010-03-02)

What about steam? Does it work for me when i pre-ordered it on steam? I have the key and stuff :-)

Rockadile (2010-03-02)

Did you guys install punkbuster after installing?

OddballE8 (2010-03-02)

i know people are saying both "this doesnt work" and "this does work".
well it doesnt work on my computer.
i have the right specs (ive pre-ordered the game)
ive installed it the correct way (also using the "read from dvd not online" thingy)
using the cracked exe directly to start..
but it still wont work. it just get a "battlefield bad company 2 has stopped working" message...

KonZ3N (2010-03-02)

Very FEW are seeding. even though this is on the top list of top 100 games for PC. T__T Seed please.

OddballE8 (2010-03-02)

yeah, you have to copy everything from the crack folder to the install folder... i didnt do that and thats why it didnt work...
now i can play the game but im getting graphical glitches...

QrimeTime (2010-03-02)

@jacktorrance999 Nope, problem still isn't fixed :(
Seems like nobody but me and you read it :)
Seems I need some help with this...
I mounted the .iso with daemon, I ran the autorun, and then I got to the screen with the button 'Install' and 'Technical support' etc.
So I clicked Install and I see some sort of window for a very short time. Then the autorun just quits with no error screen or whatever.
So why isn't this working?
I've already tried to mount it again, but that didn't work either.

BookieM (2010-03-02)

Guys any new crack for new patched version yet?

chillin2damax (2010-03-02)

guys i think u should be able to play this game online becuz like all other RELOADED and pirated games, all you need to do is search up the dedicated servers online and type connect "ip address" on the console command (Im not sure if this game has it, but if it does ur supposed 2 press the ` button at main menu

joutaavi (2010-03-02)

if you have any problem installing, reboot your pc. it worked for me

MrErick (2010-03-02)

i got the multiplayer to work for 5 minutes before being kicked out by punkbuster

gizmoobobbarna (2010-03-02)

Play olnline??
Then buy the me

shtrelok (2010-03-02)

anyone else experiencing jerky gameplay? and/or laggy gameplay? even with a 1337 computer.

MrErick (2010-03-02)

there is no need for a new crack after the update. just use the old one again.

BookieM (2010-03-02)

it seems there is no way that we can play multiplayer, no crack for it?

mantasLT (2010-03-02)

OMG my speed is shit 3,5kb/s--15kb/s SEED!!!!!!

JVDx (2010-03-02)

no, you cant go online.
i didnt have any problems with installing or playing.
copy everything from the crack folder, except the keygen, to the BC2 folder and ur good to go.
im seeding, again.

2O1O (2010-03-02)

where does this fucking EA game save the serials?
for the online-play registration, i need the same serial, but i never copyed or write down the serial from the keygen.
well, i uninstalled the game and deleted all the fucking EA files from documents etc. i also deleted the stupid punkbuster files.
but when i reinstall the game, there is no serial confirmation screen. the install-routine just starts.
the ugly EA jews must have placed a hidden file on the computer who keeps several informations (serial etc.) electronic arts use trojans or other maleware to fight piracy lol.

xiIix (2010-03-02)

What update, I've read all these comments and haven't seen anyone say anything about an update. I'm getting CTD's, there if there is an update I need it.

xiIix (2010-03-02)

Nevermind, saw that question by that dude who asked about a new crack.

xiIix (2010-03-02)

Though I still dunno where this "patched version" is.

emulators (2010-03-02)

0,3 kb/s....

matelian (2010-03-02)

Any performance patch coming soon ??

oxxtar (2010-03-02)

Hey guys can u help me with a problem.
I have the game installed, and not updated, i dont wan to. first i went playing and it was very laggy and stucky, then i went to change the dirxversion in applications--> bfbc2 --> settings, it was AUTO, but i modified it to 9.
Now when i turn on the game, and start playing it crashes in the beginning of the game.
Please help me i'm so fucked up noW!!! thanks

Benni_12er (2010-03-02)

wtf? 50 kb/s?

velakan (2010-03-02)

Seeding via my seedbox. ENJOY!

KillTheNoob (2010-03-02)

@ deceit21
You know I'm sure the cd key site is legit, I don't I didn't actually check it, but with a name like "deceit21" I would be wary. just saying, maybe a name like cdkey21 or trusty21 would sound better.

velakan (2010-03-02)



oxxtar (2010-03-02)

Hey guys can u help me with a problem.
I have the game installed, and not updated, i dont wan to. first i went playing and it was very laggy and stucky, then i went to change the dirxversion in applications--> bfbc2 --> settings, it was AUTO, but i modified it to 9.
Now when i turn on the game, and start playing it crashes in the beginning of the game.
Please help me i'm so fucked up noW!!! thanks

Gentsoyoyo (2010-03-02)

Can anyone confirm this?
I think with the new update there were performance fixes. But using the exe in the crack doesn't work for the fixes. For example, with the new patch it adds a fov setting in the settings.ini
Is there gonna be a new crack?

ReaL_BadMaN (2010-03-02)

to all those muthafakkaz that have mouse problems, y'all do know what a crack directory is dont u? take EVERYTHING in the crack directory and paste it in the install dir god dont y'all be so stupid.

Meankonokoo (2010-03-02)

This is a great game. Though has anyone wondered yet where the fuck Supreme Commander 2 is at? I mean this game was released on here 5 days before it's intended release. I mean I am a very patient man. Though not when it comes to my RTS's. lol.

oxxtar (2010-03-02)

Hey guys can u help me with a problem.
I have the game installed, and not updated, i dont wan to. first i went playing and it was very laggy and stucky, then i went to change the dirxversion in applications--> bfbc2 --> settings, it was AUTO, but i modified it to 9.
Now when i turn on the game, and start playing it crashes in the beginning of the game.
Please help me i'm so fucked up noW!!!

J0N12 (2010-03-02)

Please Help Me!!
I mean when I start a New Campaign. I press Start Game And it stays at the "Please wait" screen forever. That might help if someone knows how to fix this. Please help me. Im also running Windows XP SP2 64bit.

Omega500 (2010-03-02)

yeah its works great for me I have to play it on low settings but my sound is really crap the guys are super muted but gun fire is all fine and ambiant noise kinda dont seem to sound right.
anyone got any ideas?? please help i will be greatfull

sippor (2010-03-02)

i have a problem when i start the game i cant move the mouse the character just looks up inte the corner and then i cant do a shit help anyone?

Patron022 (2010-03-02)

Games works great.. runs Med-High settings on 8800gs! Seeding!!

markokv95 (2010-03-02)

ljudi ja sam ga skinuo ali ne sa ovog sajta......

Drunk4life (2010-03-03)

LOOK AT THIS : !!!!!!
I have seen that there have been some who have had problems with saving the game. If you follow this, I can guarantee that it works.
I had the exact same problem. Here is what I did to solve it.
1) I created a new windows user account which only consists of ANSI characters (English). Non-english characters cause a problem with this game. Changing the current username didn?t do a thing (maybe because its not changing the profile name of a user).
2) Then I re-installed the game on a path different from the default one. (Default was ?c:\program files (x86)\?. I used ?e:\Games\?)
3) And finally I ran the game by right clicking and using ?Run as administrator? command.
Now my game can create the savegame file called GameSettings.bin inside my ?%userprofile%\Documents\BFBC2?.
I hope this works for everyone out there as well.
if now have to complain so damn much about the game so why do not you buy the game instead.

Xyphriel (2010-03-03)

Excellent game. Installed as it should be and playability is good. Paste everything in your crack folder to the game directory and you're ready to roll. JUST DON'T UPDATE THE GAME. Good luck.

MrErick (2010-03-03)

there are new nvidia drivers out today specifically for Bad Company 2 for those having performance issues.

Alekcsander (2010-03-03)

this fucking game works but you couldn't play it on multiplayer. Fuck !

 Murlok (2010-03-03)

Thx :)

Simlav (2010-03-03)

Today it asks me to update the game. If I say "no", I can't launch the game and when say "yes" it's update game and u can't play it anymore. Any advices?

DamienHell (2010-03-03)

I can confirm this, just toss the .txts from the crack folder into the main dir and it works.

diogojordao (2010-03-03)

I got to that level in the snow when you have to climb to the roof top to go to the chopper but when i do that the game crashes?
Please help

RJ_NOLA (2010-03-03)

This game is all about the multiplayer. thx extreme. will buy this game.

Simlav (2010-03-03)

So, nevermind. I updatet the game and copy the fixed files again to the game dir I get game to work.

 nico1899 (2010-03-03)

Awesome! Thank you!

velakan (2010-03-03)

Epicfaiiil (2010-03-03)

Downloading now. Gonna buy it, but i want to test it first :D

Amjr (2010-03-03)

www . nvidia . com /object/ win7_winvista_32bit_196.75_whql.html

kora04 (2010-03-03)

Thanks. Downloaded in 2 nights, installed no problems.
Only issue is with the game it self.
Im BARELY getting 25 fps on lowest settings available with
4850 @ 700/1000
E4500 @ 2.2GHz
3GB DDR2 @ 667 MHz
I do realize its my CPU. And I won't upgrade it anytime soon.
So I'll get it for PS3 after I get GoW III.
Again, great upload!

drarkanex (2010-03-03)

Those getting File Corrupt Errors go back into your torrent client, stop it, and do a force-recheck on it... just to see if you really do have 100% of it... sometimes it happens, you'll get a bad chunk from someone out there that seems legit but it's not which will produce the bad file

Skram0 (2010-03-03)

Interesting. Just as noted in the update, even the .TXT files are needed from the crack or you may have a mouse problem.
Also, it's OKAY to do a program update online. You just have to copy the cracked .EXE back over. :)
I get about 25 FPS at 1900x1200 @ HIGH detail with my AMD X2 4200, 2GB DDR, & nVidia GTX 285. So the CPU is no big deal, just have a good video card to support the gfx ya wanna be pushin. 20-25 FPS is not really that bad and very playable.

Hayden17 (2010-03-03)

Can I update the version of this, or will I break the game?? Normally I would test this myself but I dont want to go to the trouble of breaking the game and reinstalling; so if anyway has tried updating and it broke or works, please let me know.
Thanks alot guys
Great torrent by the way

id1213 (2010-03-03)

i got within 12 hours 90% of this torrent, shut up about slow torrent u stupid german fagots !
16-04 clock

juicyspeed (2010-03-03)

I know that this is a hot game and all,
but please guys, every hour, the amount of seeders is getting worse and worse. Be considerate to the community and seed when you are done!
I'm getting speeds worse then dial up and so are fellow peers.

dee0007 (2010-03-03)

The mouse does not work properly dispite copying all the files including the 2 txt files, i can only play it when i Alt Enter. But then the attack mouse button does not work??? does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Erimate (2010-03-03)

Do not hit and ran you stupid people !!!
I download this game about 4 days its realy annoying, im stuck in 75.6% and download speed is 7.7 kB.

rugburn11 (2010-03-03)

Battlefield Bad Company 2
....... Levels .......
1. Operation Aurora
2. Cold War
3. Heart of Darkness
4. Up River
5. Crack The Sky
6. Snow Blind
7. Heavy Metal
8. High Value Target
9. Sangre Del Toro
10. No One Gets Left Behind
11. Zero Dark Thirty
12. Force Multiplier
It kind of plays and feels like...
... Crysis, Half Life and Call of Duty Modern Warfare
all in one GAME...Sweet
the Graphics are incredible...enjoy

Rockadile (2010-03-03)

Solution for people with slow DL: Use a different torrent.
I downloaded the one uploaded by PunisherVeteran in 2hrs. The seed/leech ratio here is too high...
For those with a really old gaming PC like me, it is very playable:
Pentium 4 3.4Ghz
Geforce 8800GT

XxWARGASAMxX (2010-03-03)

Hey guys.
Is anyone having the error about the being corrupt?
If so has anyone found a fix?
Cheers in advance.

XxWARGASAMxX (2010-03-03)

you need to copy and paste ALL files in the crack
not sure why, but it just solved it for me!
for everyone else please!

Simlav (2010-03-03)

I updatet the game and copy fixed files again to the game dir and it works fine after that. No problem with update.

id1213 (2010-03-03)

works !!! over W7 Remotedesktop too ! ;)
but not very playable, i think ;)

NateDiesel (2010-03-03)

my left mouse button, fire, doesn't work even though it is set in the settings... i can't kill the first guy with a knife. wtf :(

iJnf (2010-03-03)

Is anybody else experiencing lags or crappy gameplay?
I've a pretty decent desktop and the gameplay isn't that good, thanks to the lags and so on.
Playing on a Intel i7 920 2,67 GHz, 6 gb DDR3, nvidia gt 130 (1,5gb).
Looking further for your opinions.

id1213 (2010-03-03)

your graphic card is crap

NewfieJason (2010-03-03)

I bought this game and is a waist of fcking money call of duty is wayyyyyyy better

nasan488 (2010-03-03)

Seed guys!

NewfieJason (2010-03-03)

that was multiplayer opinion single player mode is great

Scarrfacenl (2010-03-03)

Pff 300kB/s with 55 users, crap, I can take 3Mbit! I'll seed it for 2 days with 200kB/s daytime and 350kB/s nighttime. 3677 Seeds & 18562 Peers? Insane!
Frigging hit & run Leechers :(

sorinel_sory_21 (2010-03-03)

pls seed

haidio99 (2010-03-03)

Anyone who knows why my screens flashes white sometimes under the gamplay?, its very annoying, I hav updated and copied everything in crack-folder. Otherwise I dont have any problems with the game.

DexaPoli (2010-03-03)

I have problem
I can look left or down only right and up
Pls help me what i must do to fix that?

PCgamerDude (2010-03-03)

This isnt the beta right?? This is the full completed version you would get on a disk??

lastmanstanding (2010-03-03)

If we can manage to play MW2 online (barely), then why can't the crackheads figure out a way for us to play this game online? I'm pretty sure down the road there will be some crack servers and then we can play online

lawofthedaddy (2010-03-03)

Dexapoli you need to copy everything from crack folder to get it working.

VictoryorDeath (2010-03-03)

Not working for me...
al worked fine.
i starded the game.
and it worked..
then i was on the menu.
and i get a crash dump....
can someone help me?

nimrodm (2010-03-04)

i begin the campaign and in that boat is do a lags
(black lags) is close the game after 2 min
what i need to do?

defender_of_sunnah (2010-03-04)

hey, tips from the expert..
1. Extract those files
2. Install the game
3. Open "rld-bbc2" in the "crack folder" and then enter this serial number "VPJS-4NU8-2Z7X-L2Z5-3RLD"
4. Once everything is installed, then copy "BFBC2Game", "jabberwocky", "pitoni" and "rld.dll" from the "crack folder" and then paste it into the installation folder "c:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2"
5. Right click the game "BFBC2 on the desktop" and start that as "ADMINISTRATOR"
6. The game will start and works perfect
7. In the very beginning, the location will be at sea-side or shore in Japan, so once you get out of the boat and you will have a knife with you, REMEMBER, by clicking mouse button or try to zoom it, it will not work BECAUSE, the settings of mouse is correct BUT you have to ASSIGN a key for the "MELEE BUTTON" and i assign it as a "V button".. so kill that first enemy with this MELEE "V button is mine" and once he is killed, then you can simply jump by clicking spacebar and once you move forward, you will get weapon, so now you can zoom the weapon with right mouse and fire with left mouse
8. Enjoy, sometimes we act like a fool hahaha :)))

butcherbob (2010-03-04)

Works fine for me.Mouse middle button is melee(for the knife)a on-screen prompt tells you so.
Dl apply crack complete to install directory and play.
AVG has just flashed up a SHeur3.AVI virus warning after 3hrs of play but Im guessing its the keygen doing that.
Games not bad,graphics are good.
Q6600,4GB,nvidia 280 win7 x64

knoook (2010-03-04)

Seed! 10 kb's/s :/

DexaPoli (2010-03-04)

Game is great i was complete 4-5 missions
Tomorow i will complete game and buy original and play online

 FRITZBox (2010-03-04)

omfg dude, there are 3587 seeders, don't you think you should check your own connections first?

JJTaylor (2010-03-04)

I installed the game and copied everything from cracked folder to program folder where it should go but when i go to play the game it loads then all i see i a blank white screen for 3 secs. then it disappears and the game wont load. PLZ HELP!!

en0nym0us (2010-03-04)

Can we allow the BFBC2updater.exe to run without fucking up the crack?

starmax07 (2010-03-04)


mvfreeman (2010-03-04)

@ en0nym0us :
I have read several posts that said if you update the game you will have to recopy and paste the crack.

Creamp1e (2010-03-04)

is it online?

PiTcHxBlAcK (2010-03-04)


KEMC2k6 (2010-03-04)

If anyone experiences Graphic Difficlties, try updating your Graphics card to the latest version. Try Driver Genius, is really good to finding drivers the easy way, make sure to back up original drivers first.

iShort21 (2010-03-04)

no one is seeding!
please seed and i will do the same when i am done downloading it

iShort21 (2010-03-04)

no one is seeding!!!
PLEASE seed and i will seed for everyone else

elpocoloco (2010-03-04)

seems ok for me. Thanks for the up

soniality (2010-03-04)

any idea this game can play on LAN???

Erimate (2010-03-04)

Speed 8.8 WTF?
I hate you all, those who download and not seeding !!!

luck702 (2010-03-04)

if it was possible to play this online, id download it.

pertti18 (2010-03-04)

Hmm, what is the problem. I have mounted and installed game normaly, moved the crack to the install folder. Then i try to launch it I got "BFBC2 stopped working".. I have Windows Vista and i have tried to play with administrator rights and without.. Help?

I3litz (2010-03-04)

3578 seeders, I am at 0.8% and am uploading at 50.kbps, and downloading at 1.5-8. WTF... Thx for the upload though!! =) Now for the leechers seeding at 1kbps.... Fu$%@#$ seed. and for those that know anything about torrents my port forwarding is open other wise it wouldn't be uploading at my full speed. the REASON WHY IT IS DOWNLOADING SLOW IS BECAUSE THE SEEDERS I AM CONNECTING TO ARE UPLOADING @ 1. kbps. Don't be greedy share.

rav3beats (2010-03-04)


mas111 (2010-03-04)

"Defining Online Warfare"
Indeed! and i havent even tried MP yet

I3litz (2010-03-04)

@ rav3beats
Thank you heaps, wish their were more like you, Cheers mate.

pertti18 (2010-03-04)

@setupswarm THX for the link! I got my game work fine! Thank you!

Pimp101 (2010-03-04)

it wont start by me
if i dont update it, it wont start
if i do then it will say wrong disk
i tried copying over the crack again but it still says wrong disk

Pimp101 (2010-03-04)

tell me clearly people what did u do when it asked for the update???????

ShnapShot97 (2010-03-04)

This is without beta key right?

Pimp101 (2010-03-04)


Pimp101 (2010-03-04)

you somehow fixed it
help me man
what fixed files are you talking about
do u mean the crack????? or something else
please tell me clearly
im a dumbbutt

Mizara (2010-03-04)

Download in few hours, seeding right now.
Guys, everything works perfect, but it seems like I can't save the game.
In some points the game shows "Saving" and a saving icon appears, but today when I wanted to continue my game from the second mission the game didn't recognize any saved games.
Help please!

samtulp6 (2010-03-04)

im uploading @ 142 kbps so sombody please help me ...
i installed the game and now whan im in the first mission the mouse spins around very vast
( im now @ 174 kbps )please sombody help me ...
i will buy te full legal version ( becouse i love dice )
please help me ( now @ 201 kbps )
s a m v o o r b e e l d @ h o t m a i l . c o m ( hisout spaces ) -->

Netspike (2010-03-04)

Been waiting for this for a while now! Thanks extremezone, will seed.

kazey111 (2010-03-04)

this game works 100% fine.thanks

Pimp101 (2010-03-04)


Erimate (2010-03-04)

BIG thanks to those who upload and seeding this torrent.
Not a single problem with the installation and mouse
Im continue to seeding !!!

Erimate (2010-03-04)

BIG thanks to those who upload and seeding this torrent.
Not a single problem with the installation and mouse
Im continue to seeding !!!

mvfreeman (2010-03-04)

Do we really need political and economic rants on this site? Uh, no.
After I updated the game I just re-copied and pasted the crack files to the game directory, and Voila!!, it worked fine.

limited305 (2010-03-04)

Thank you and thank every fu**ing person on tpb who uploads torrents.

cowspoo (2010-03-04)

Just enter the serial?

cowspoo (2010-03-04)


DiiGiiTAL (2010-03-04)


Jurbeli (2010-03-04)

Lot of people seem to have 'very quiet dialogue speech' problem... I got it fixed this way.
Go to "My Documents/BFBC2/settings.ini" in xp or "Documents/BFBC2/settings.ini" in vista(?).
Open it with notepad and edit sound quality line to this:
Hope it helped :)

Valcorb (2010-03-04)

Is there any multiplayer crack for this game? THX :D

Lehto-- (2010-03-04)

Thank you

OnlyPirateGoodPayForGreat (2010-03-05)

I downloaded this torrent and this game is f*cking great, now off to the shop to buy it so i can give money to makers and hopefully Bad Company 3 will be made.
Installed no problems

bobbie26 (2010-03-05)

PLZ SEED , 0,8 :|

SAMF2012 (2010-03-05)

Works Perfectly. you just need to add this serial number VPJS-4NU8-2Z7X-L2Z5-3RLD
for some reason I did not see REG-GEN in the Crack area BUT someone else posted it and since it worked I thought I would re-post. Seed at least to 1:1 ratio ppl please.

Crab_man (2010-03-05)

level Snowblind, at the end when a movie starts, the game crashes. how to fix ?

saami_dude (2010-03-05)

after updating the game it runs but ...controls dont work it only goes n looks towards right side can any1 help?

Pimp101 (2010-03-05)

ey guys
i have this stupid problem where the black stripes come up on the screen and i cant see my gun
for those of you who fixed it, please tell me more clearly what to guys mentioned something bout setttings in the install directory

saami_dude (2010-03-05)

okey i got it gota copy all from crack even text.

kuropatwa (2010-03-05)

ehhhh;/...everything nice, but the sound in dialogues and saves still doesn`t work. despite of changing speakers and following advices Jurbeli
,,Open it with notepad and edit sound quality line to this:
I really want to play this game, fcuk this sound but I don`t know what to do with those save. Without saves it is pointless;/ ...

knight132 (2010-03-05)

I dont know what everyones problem with framerate is, i'm only running a gtx 260 and get 58 frames average at 1920 x 1200 and all settings maxed. btw bc2 on a 28" monitor is epic

Pimp101 (2010-03-05)

the whole screen is full of all sorts of black stripes

SiikTrixx (2010-03-05)

I have a problem when i get the game installed i have a little screen pop up tht says re-enter registration code and when i put it in the box keeps poppin up

rocal277 (2010-03-05)

here a question....
my save doesnt works in the game but after exit the game and restarts it goes back to the way~~~ beginning part...some help anyone??....and i also tried making new accout, putting in eng. , installing in different folder and son on...but still doesnt work........!!!!!!

Koizo (2010-03-05)

Anyone having some kind of freezing issues or "white screens on death" when starting a new campaign, try to manually set the game to DirectX 9-mode. To do this, go to your BBC2-savegames directory (it's in C:\Users\**your username**\Documents\BFBC2) and edit the Settings.ini, change the value of DxVersion from AUTO to 9, so the line goes DxVersion=9. This solved my freezing problems.
Also, remember to copy ALL the files from your mounted DVD crack-folder to the game's working folder. I'm gonna buy the game, hope you will too, hope this trick helped someone to test the game also.

laxmanpun (2010-03-05)

@Kahai:Having same problem like u dude!

Algioz (2010-03-05)

I tested the game. It was awesome. I will buy the game! =D

Awoi (2010-03-05)

work fine but
when i start the game When the explosion takes place the screen to flicker
what should i do >.< ??
please help
I forgot to say I have 1 Gb ram Does this affect the game.

somedude.1001 (2010-03-05)

Finished the single player campaign. Game crashed a few times, other than that there was no problem.
Good game, but vehicle control is annoying, single player is a little easy even on Hard mode (I finished the entire 13 maps in one sitting, first try), and forgettable storyline, dialogs, characters etc... idk but probably only the multiplayer is worth playing.

somedude.1001 (2010-03-05)

So like someone else said, the single player campaign of this game SUCKS BALLS.

Okasoomi (2010-03-05)

Wen im at the map Las sangano or something i am surposed to go upp on the roof and get picked upp by an helicopter then it says ''mission complete'' and then the hole screen is black!!

Okasoomi (2010-03-05)


terbpa (2010-03-05)

I have a problem. I can't play this game because it says : Please enter the entire Registration Code found either in your confirmation email, your game manual/product packaging, or game gard. And i didn't take up that code. What i can do that i get to play??

vasko99 (2010-03-05)


kavinga_77 (2010-03-05)

Seed motha fockers...!! :@

Wo0FeR (2010-03-05)

Hi i have a problem with the game. When i start the game i start on a boat or something, well at least its good so far but when it tells me to move the mouse and i doo it the game crash, i tryed too not to move the mouse but didn't work. any sullution?
i not the best speller:P

0wDJ (2010-03-05)


Chabs232 (2010-03-05)

Is it possible to play on Multiplayer ?
Thank you.

Olsein (2010-03-05)

buy it and play it online ffs

Amaximus (2010-03-05)

Thanks - nice DL, only took 3 hours. I was going to seed, but apparently only "mother fuckers" are supposed to seed, and seeing as how I don't fuck my mother, I won't be seeding, and I suggest all you non-mother fuckers stop seeding now and those that request the game be seeded by mother fuckers, get it from mother fuckers.
I'm not computer whiz and I can get these games on TPB to work 95% of the time - my trick? I read the fucking instructions!! If anybody asks another Sssssssstupid question that is explained in the instructions, don't answer. I could fucking high as a kite and I'm not that fucking lazy. If you have cancer or something say so in the post otherwise you have no excuse and there IS no excuse for you.

voda_ma7moud (2010-03-05)

when i reach to the ice mission when i have to find source of heat or i will get freeze in the end i have to get to the helicopter in the top of the building but when i do that the game just close and send my back to the desktop help plz
sorry for my English

Chabs232 (2010-03-05)

You forgot something Amaximus :
Go to game forums if you have questions related to the game itself.

Wo0FeR (2010-03-05)

Amaximus, What if i have problem even if ive dun as the instructions?

somedude.1001 (2010-03-05)

@Amaximus LOL :D
I think they mean that if you arent seeding then youre a motherfucker.

666aeonz666 (2010-03-05)

works sweet!!!thx..

Aboydebeat12 (2010-03-05)

:O yhnx seeders!
470 kB/s

 Alia_Erenel (2010-03-06)

Thanx, works fine but the game sucks in solo.
IMO, waste of time and bandwith unless a multiplayer crack comes out.

ShnapShot97 (2010-03-06)

hey i cant look arround???

terbpa (2010-03-06)

my mouse doesn't work , i cant shoot, what i must to do? thanks

Holhol2912 (2010-03-06)

My keygens does not work. When re-entering me registration code, it won't work. When i hit don't contiune an error messages pops up: "The registration code is invalid for this product"
Please help me

hortonofdoom (2010-03-06)

Reason why i dont seed is because it doesnt seem to work for me. Considering all your actions is either moving your camera up and LOCKING it there, which means its unplayable. I aint seeding til someone gets a fix for this mouse fuckup.

ShnapShot97 (2010-03-06)

sorry i havent seen the ***update***
now it works perverct

amoghthegamer (2010-03-06)

waste to download unless a multiplayer crack comes out. until it does this quality game is -1.

Rampageturke (2010-03-06)

you have to understand, you can rarely go into online games on cracked versions.
also, 17k leechers i think i will pass

cod5chipmunk (2010-03-06)

hi, i did everything right, and when i start that game it says to put the registration code in and when i say accept it pops back up, can anyone help?

holdercj (2010-03-06)

for the mouse to work you need to copy all of the files from the crack folder to the game directory. If you're getting registration code invalid, quit the game and recopy all of the files from the crack folder. Works fine thanks exreamzone

Lord-Darkstorn (2010-03-06)

For those who's keygen doesn't show up, this code works. Copy and Paste: VPJS-4NU8-2Z7X-L2Z5-3RLD

fire-fighter (2010-03-06)

pls help it patched now it doesnt start
is there a new crack somewhere

Mahesh7 (2010-03-06)

This is a Working CRACK :)

Mahesh7 (2010-03-06)

A Great game ,,,,,,, must play for every one :)......... A mix of Farcry 2, Crysis and MW 2.......
Awesome Game............

Darthdrinker (2010-03-06)

Hi I had the mouse problem and here is the solution: Remove your joystick controls in the control settings menu. When I cleared all my joystick settings everything was fine.
I cleared the settings by assigning the fire button to all the movement controls. The game then gives a warning telling you the button is already in use. When you click yes the original controls will be gone. Keep assigning the fire key till there are no more controls left. and the re-assign it to the original fire control.
Make sure you also delete the joystick controls for as vehicle and as pilot. Have fun playing. :)

pearstyling (2010-03-06)

> i cant save , It says the game saves but when i close the game and restart it i have to start over from Level 1 , Whats is wrong ??

GOLFH (2010-03-06)

9 out of 4587 seeders... wow you guys are so amazing. and just because it doesn't work for some, there is something called update -_-

katkot (2010-03-07)

can you play lan-mulitplayer=??

JINKIS4 (2010-03-07)

What the fuck is wrong with you people?!? this game run just fine there are no mous problems or anything! maybe you just have 2 get a better computer with good graphics thats all! i intalled the game and you have to get a serial number to install it when its done just go to the crack folder and copy all the shit and Replace it with the original files. and than Start the game and play!!!! it's the most simple Torrent ive ever downloaded and it works 100% normal! no bugs nothing!!! i dont understand why you all get these problems....

1tjofsan1 (2010-03-07)

I got the game going and it worked perfectly :) so now i'm just wondering if there's any way to play LAN with friends?

tatasGR (2010-03-07)

same think here i want to play with my brother is there a way to play lan online in the house crate a server or anything thnks.

 lan3y (2010-03-07)

---WARNING From Staff---
there are a new wave of spammers targeting new pc game releases they are the same sort of attackers as movie spammers always be careful and we are working hard ot ensure we stop these guys before you see them.
as always be vigilant, report any spammers you may find below:

stay safe guys, take care

Hamirez (2010-03-07)

I cant hear the dialogue even with the new crack.

tapper101 (2010-03-07)

just buy the game, it's worth it.

dannbeau (2010-03-07)

for anyone having problems,
paste the crack.
The game will then update itself. You don't have a choice so let it.
The game will then say you need the CD to play.
Paste the crack again in the game folder, then it will work.
good game good graphics, I'm at the second level and everything is still working fine.

nt2ux (2010-03-07)

Just FYI. I could play the game, but could not strafe left or right. Was driving me nuts....All I needed to do was unplug my joystick. Game is working great now. Thanks for all the help guys!

masterchief23 (2010-03-07)

oh cmon guys i have got 8 seeders -.- wtf xDDDD SEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDD

L4zYCr4zY (2010-03-07)

Works Great! Love the game :)

smweiw8 (2010-03-07)


smweiw8 (2010-03-07)

this game works 100% fine. you just gotta get used to moving the mouse if its your first time
Good game ! Thanks i am downloading
and here HTTP direct download , fast speed

saami_dude (2010-03-07)

excellent game ....

filip_xb95 (2010-03-07)

Just buy the game!
or else it won't be any good games like this for PC. instead it will not be any good PC games or just shitty Console ports.

kooba1980 (2010-03-07)

help please! I installed the game and i cant play it. I copied crack folder to game folder and i cant play beceouse it needs update. What shoud i do?

kooba1980 (2010-03-07)

i want buy it but i must check that it works on my pc.

Ottoo15 (2010-03-07)

It doesn't work.
Installed it, updated it, copied the crack, double clicked the exe, doesn't load up, process dies.
Need help.

gizmo_G (2010-03-07)

Is there a lan multiplayer mode for this game?

smizz200 (2010-03-08)

I have a little question, what doesn people mean with ' Burn or mount the image.'
Anyways, great torrent.

saintzy2 (2010-03-08)

I have a problem with gameplay. When I move mouse to look around it will pull the screen up in the sky and wont go somewhere else, same with keyboard can only strafe right and go straight. Help please?

joukam (2010-03-08)

when i try to login to mp and type the cd key it says invalid. what should i do?

saintzy2 (2010-03-08)

Omg lol the manual says how to fix the mouse bug, Ty very much for the game awesome.

DChap23 (2010-03-08)

how do you "Copy over the cracked content to your install dir."? idk where the dir folder is. yes im a noob too.

kooba1980 (2010-03-08)

I copied crack folder to game folder and i cant play beceouse it needs update. What shoud i do?

sindronian (2010-03-08)

I patched the game and I coppied crack into the game folder. When I go to BFCB2GAME to start, it tells me i am missing Binkw32.dll from my computer
*Note I am starting game from inside crack folder. When I try to start game outside of it I can't get a correct authentication key

sindronian (2010-03-08)

I installed the game before I copied the crack code is that bad? please someone help I just spent 45 bucks on duel layered DVDS and waited 2 days to download this

drkow19 (2010-03-08)

Guys with cracking problems. Get a program called Virtual Clone Drive. Install, it will install some CD driver to Windows (hit allow). Once installed, right click the .iso file and click mount. This way you don't need to burn a 8.5 gb disc. Once mounted, autorun will run. Close it! Windows Explorer to browse contents of disc. Look for "Crack" folder, one of the files is a keygen, use it!. Install game. Windows Explorer again, copy all contents from Crack folder to Electronic Arts/Bad Company2 folder. Next time you mount or run autorun from the disc, it might update. After update, copy all crack folder contents again.
This is the funnest game I've played in a long time, and grafics are like woah.

fire711 (2010-03-08)

Well the game works almost fine for me. i have the save problem. Everytime i start the game my previous saves are gone and i have to start it from the beginning again and again. Its really annoying, someone please help. Cheers.

nspodzemlje (2010-03-08)

I can wait to download it :D

sindronian (2010-03-08)

3. Copy over the cracked content to your install dir.
how do you do this?
I burned the torrent to a DVD once it was done downloading. then i installed it to my computer and iam lost plz help

sindronian (2010-03-08)

what the hell is the "reloaded file"

sindronian (2010-03-08)

Says binkw32.dll is missing HELP

iJnf (2010-03-08)

Has anyone found out yet why some people can't save?

win64 (2010-03-08)

pls help the game works fine but when i get to the snowblind mission on single player on the part when you get into the helicoptor on the roof the game just exits i tried several time get the same result

micasloko (2010-03-08)

Downloading too low right now =(

FLuke828 (2010-03-08)

So I downloaded installed and pasted in the updated and loaded fine as i repasted the crack to ensure it would work. However when I play the game parts of the screen are black, like it is corrupted or my vid card cant handle it or something. It usually comes from the center of the screen and shoots black diagonals that make playing almost impossible. I tried dialing down the video settings to no avail... Please help this game looks awesome!!!

blessthesheep (2010-03-08)

i am having PROBLEM WITH MY MOUSE WHEN THE GAME STARTS my mouse will only move up to the sky then to the right how do i fix this problem

JINKIS4 (2010-03-08)

1-Mount ISO.
2-Install(you need a Serial @ the begginning)
3-Go to my Computer-Click Explore on BFBC2 by right clicking it
4-Go To crack folder and copy the files
5-go to C/-Programms-Electronic arts-BFBC2-Past the copied files
6-Click on BFBC2 and the game stars
7-Having Problems? Check your Graphics,CPU,RAMS,Windows.If they yre old you will get Problems
My Specs: Core i7 920 @ 4.0 Ghz
Corsair DDR3 1.666 Ghz Ram
2x 4890 Radeon HD
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

This game works just Perfect...

JINKIS4 (2010-03-08)

Go to Options and adjust the settings of the mous

nabilishes (2010-03-08)

@blessthesheep copy all 4 files in crack folder (except for the keygen) app into game folder. copy the txt files, itll fix the problem. i had the same prob as u did at first, but then it went well.

dilva (2010-03-08)

Says binkw32.dll is missing, help me please..

dilva (2010-03-08)

Says binkw32.dll is missing, help me please...

krispynuggett (2010-03-08)

What do you mean adjust the settings?Can't figure out how change the button selection.

kinghalen (2010-03-08)

Mouse Problem !!!!!
Dont forget to copy all files to gamedir... Not the keygen :-)

xxxreddtailxxx (2010-03-08)

@anonymous7666 go to update your nVidia GeForce 8600 drivers hope it helps Thank to uploaders 100 percent fine

joukam (2010-03-08)

Why cant u go and play multiplayer? Will it be possible at some time?

xinosz (2010-03-08)

My mouse will only move up to the sky then to the right and down or wherever, how do i fix this problem, what is the problem???

borojamie (2010-03-08)

i know how to install but PLEASE tell me can we play
plz tel :)

borojamie (2010-03-08)

cuz we could play Operation flashpoint online

mamakonj (2010-03-08)

How to play multiplayer? Thx

vasko99 (2010-03-08)

i have downloaded it and install and copied and all that. but when i try to open BFBC2 Game it says "BFBC2 has stopped working".

emodude5 (2010-03-08)

can u play online? please anyone ive download this , but can u play online? single player works perfect for me no problem or whatsoever

dilva (2010-03-09)

Error.... say binkw32.dll.. please help

lidyjan (2010-03-09)

You can not play online
Let's first get all the facts straight about the likelihood of BFBC2 cracked servers ever appearing:
- DICE and EA decided to only distribute the dedicated server files to certified ranked server providers, which means that unless some certified server provider leaks the dedicated server files, no cracker will ever get it's hands on those files.
- The game does not have listen server capabilities, which means that players can't host a server and that the files required to host a BFBC2 server are not included with the game. The game only has the client-side files to be able to join and play on dedicated servers hosted by certified ranked server providers.
The above points prove that there is currently no way for a cracker to crack any server hosting files, and remove the checks so illegal copies can join cracked servers, because there is no way for a cracker to get access to the server hosting files (dedicated server files).
If the dedicated server files are not leaked at some point (which is very likely, because the certified ranked server provided that would leak the dedicated server files would have to pay a BIG fine), then there is no way of ever playing BFBC2 online with an illegal copy of the game.
And for all you who think this is easier to crack than for instance MW2, it's not, and here's why: MW2 uses P2P for multiplayer, which means that a player is also the host of the server (we all know the annoying host migration when that player leaves the server). This means that the files for hosting a server are included with the game, because every player has to be able to be the host. This makes it a lot easier to crack because the files required for hosting a MW2 server (which are the files that have to get cracked to allow for illegal copies to join the server) are available to anyone who buys or downloads the game.
As described above, BFBC2 does not include any files for hosting a server and only certified providers have those files. So a cracker can't get those files and so he can't crack them either.
I bought the game (I actually pre-ordered it) and I can say from hours of experience that the game is absolutely brilliant in multiplayer. I had a blast finishing the singleplayer, but multiplayer is in a whole league of it's own. In my opinion the multiplayer of BFBC2 is even better than the multiplayer of BF2 or MW2, it's really that good.
So just go out and buy the game, and experience the excellent multiplayer for yourself, you won't regret it.

kd63ace (2010-03-09)

If i download this and enter a valid serial code. would i be able to play online? cuz where i live, its not easy for me to buy this game n i would, i have the money. but no website delivers to my country n i dont have family in the US... FML. please answer.

dracownsu (2010-03-09)

kd63ace Thats no excuse, Go download steam and buy it off of there. It works in all countries.

artarded (2010-03-09)

were is the install directory?

 Cyberpiraten (2010-03-09)

extremezone , i love your torrents!
well now Battlefield bad company 2 have just got 61,7% downloaded in 3 day then"/ Seed People!

NOCOO (2010-03-09)

when i have install the game,, then i update,, its says DLL missing or server is down ,,but i have put the rld.dll file in the crack folder,, i have also try'd the mouse fix and the patch 1 whats wrong.. help plz!!

mamakonj (2010-03-09)

How to play multiplayer?

Mortenrene (2010-03-09)

hi i cant find the cd key. any help plz

CheesyNips (2010-03-09)

If you are going to download games don't expect to be able to play them online. If you want to play multi-player that much you are going to have to pay, which in is worth while in this case.

kd63ace (2010-03-09)

wasn't an excuse bud. my noobness didn't know about steam. gonna buy it now though. spank you!

krisbi (2010-03-09)

Updated my Nvidia driver before installed this game and it would not function at all.
Then i reinstalled my old driver and the game work just fine.
So newest is not allways the best.

vk007 (2010-03-09)


lastmanstanding (2010-03-09)

lidyjan made some great points, but one big flaw is that he assumed crackers will never get their hands on the dedicated server files. But I bet they'll get the files sooner or later. They are just files... its only a matter of WHEN... suck on it you game developers

mtk2a (2010-03-09)

White Screen of Death:
I experienced this problem the first time I loaded up the game. I fixed it by changing the field of view.
Go to ...User/Documents/BFBC2 and edit settings.ini. Under [Graphics] add or change the line "FoV=X" to something appropriate to your resolution. For me at 1680x1050 I used "FoV=74". Check this site to get your recommended FoV:

CD Key:
After you mount the image go to your computer, right click the drive and click 'explore', in the folder titled 'crack' there is a file called 'rld-bbc2.exe'. This is the KeyGen. Run it, click generate, and enter the key for installation.
It is currently impossible to play this torrented version in multiplayer. For the reasons lidyjan already stated, it is extremely unlikely there will ever be cracked servers, or any other way to play this online without a legit copy of the game.
BFBC2 is obviously a high-quality title and well worth the money to be able to play online. Dice is a good developer and they deserve to get paid for their hard work. So go buy it.

mamakonj (2010-03-09)

I will not buy this game. I want play multiplayer.
It will be cracked in some time. You will see.

mtk2a (2010-03-09)

Keep playing your cracked single player, I'll be ranking up in MP while you wait. Be sure to hold your breath.

ochweel1975 (2010-03-09)

done everything too runs..pick normal on campaign..writing appears (story) then game quits.5 seconds later...tried everything...pc specs are ok too

yahavst (2010-03-09)

i downloaded the game and everything was fine antui i start playing.
the mouse could move onley up and right and i couldent move left or back.
when i move the mouse left or down its just move right and up...
same thing with arrows.
pleas halp me!!!

nobbylonghandle (2010-03-09)

man thank you uploader for this great game
, is much better than i expected ,
for those who have the mouse looking up problem when the game is started , i solved it by copying ALL content from crack folder into install folder: BFBC2Game.exe, jabberwocky.txt, pitoni.txt & rld.dll.
that worked for me.

Mortenrene (2010-03-09)

hey. i got that binkw32.dll. is missing. any help plz?

Picartman (2010-03-09)

I can't get past the registration code activation after installing the game. I cut and paste all files from the crack directory in the install directory and I tried pasting in lots of serial codes into the registration code box and nothing works.

Ov3rK1LL3000 (2010-03-10)

well it worked for me im playing it right now its awsome

elnum (2010-03-10)

Wasup guys I had installed the game without mounting but now it asks to insert cd when I want to play the game can't find the image to mount can anyone help??

elnum (2010-03-10)

Wasup guys I installed game without mounting but now it asks to insert CD so where is the image I can't find it, I am using DT lite. can anyone help??

mtk2a (2010-03-10)

To play without the CD you need to copy the contents of the Crack directory from the mounted image to your install folder and overwrite.
This is not a new idea.

12Lorenzo12 (2010-03-10)

Hi guys, i have a really problem i dont understand this, when i goes launch the game , appers me something to put a cod from my cd key, i put maaany keys's but anyone gave , some one can help me ?! please! 2 days with this problem!

cylanoid (2010-03-10)

So you download the game, use keygen, install, start the game, let it update, THEN copy ALL the files over... ALL the files even the funny word type documents because your mouse won't work if you don't.
IF you decide to copy the files then start the game, you'll have to run the update, and then copy the crack file over again.

bicbic999 (2010-03-10)

saving game on single player mode doesnt exists, am I the only one that has that problem? Im already at the tank-driving mission, sucks to start all over again

xrazorx1 (2010-03-10)

At 80% the download goes slooooow its been downloading 5 days now from 500 kb/s and now to 6kb/s, is it the download?

drahc88 (2010-03-10)

Game wont Start unless you Update!!!!!!

drahc88 (2010-03-10)

I Think this is Patched. im good at Following instructions but. this just Doesnt work..
Please insert Disk

RaDeoN1992 (2010-03-10)

100% working crack + trainer + update !!!!!!

 Cyberpiraten (2010-03-10)

Thanks again, just installed , works 100% and clean

 Cyberpiraten (2010-03-10)

Serials for they who needs:

Xaxxor (2010-03-10)

WHen I start singeplayer it goes fine like 10 seconds.
When the picture comes and the ppl start speaking it freezes and says
"Battlefield Bad Comanpy 2 stopped Working"
I have copied all files from "crack" folder, I have tried with and without update.
Here some info:
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ (2CPUs), ~2.2GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 7950GT
And the game doesn't lagg or anything before the freeze.
Any help is good thanks.

Speme (2010-03-10)

I'm a first time downloader in PirateBay and I have a little problem...
I have downloaded the torrent and installed the game. Now it's saying me:
Please enter the entire Registation Code found either in your conformation email, your game manual/product packaging, or game card.
When I installed the game I had to write the code. Now it won't accept the code.
What's the problem?

Xaxxor (2010-03-10)

Go to C\YourDocuments\Battlefield Bad Comapny 2 and pres PLAY!

Xaxxor (2010-03-10)

WHen I start singeplayer it goes fine like 10 seconds.
When the picture comes and the ppl start speaking it freezes and says
"Battlefield Bad Comanpy 2 stopped Working"
I have copied all files from "crack" folder, I have tried with and without update.
Here some info:
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ (2CPUs), ~2.2GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 7950GT
And the game doesn't lagg or anything before the freeze.
Any help is good thanks.

Speme (2010-03-11)

>Go to C\YourDocuments\Battlefield Bad Comapny 2 and pres PLAY!<
No, I can't! It won't let me play. It just says:
Please enter the entire Registation Code found either in your conformation email, your game manual/product packaging, or game card.
And I have tried to enter several codes, but it won't accept.
>3. Copy over the cracked content to your install dir.< Can someone explain me what this means??

sparkleboi (2010-03-11)

guys, buy this game, it's worth the money.

blytzkry (2010-03-11)

slow torrent! --"

borojamie (2010-03-11)

ok i might be speaking for sum people but can sum1 PLEASE TELL ME how to change my controls for my controller because when i look left it looks to the right vice versa but up and download work :)

borojamie (2010-03-11)

my controlleris a ps3 controller btw i think their the 1s affected

Roflsox (2010-03-11)

Does the online multiplayer work on this rip?

mibrons (2010-03-11)

Can we excpect private servers at some point? MW2 got them afterall, and I'd like to test this online too, just atleast 1 day so I know is the online as shitty as the singleplayer.
Game looks like fucking crap, ugliest game in few years.

Picartman (2010-03-11)

In the mission Crack The Sky., my computer crashes and restarts. What should I do?

enistitan (2010-03-11)

hey guys i have this problem if any1 can help me, game works fine but while i`m playing in the middle of the screen at the weapon marker, while i move the mouse a lot of triangles ar showed come directly from the weapon my guess is that its a graphic error.....but i dont know its the monitor`s prob or its the computer prob (such as not good graphic car or directx 10 needed) i`d like if some1 gave some idea..... :))) thx a lot anyway.....
computer parameters:
intel pentium dual 2.2 ghz
4 gb ram
invidia gforce 8500- 512 mb
directx 9c

Trevayne (2010-03-11)

@mibrons lol, tell me what game looks better atm?

Einhanderkiller (2010-03-11)

Shit, guys, cracked multiplayer will never come.
Just buy the damn game. It's worth it.

dimebag81787 (2010-03-11)

Incredible graphics and gameplay. I can't wait to get the original for Multiplayer. The installation was smooth and easy, there is a post-cracking version update that installs automatically on executing the game itself, but a second cracking will allow it to work as expected.

mibrons (2010-03-11)

Is there seriously someone that thinks that these graphics are actually in game "good"?
I did see those preview pictures, I was really excited about the graphics and though this is going to be best looking game ever.
When I fired it up on 1920x1080, all maxed out, this might be the worst graphical quality game for PC in many years.
Draw distance is around 30m and after that everything is reduced to incredibly low detail and low textures.
That is because this is console game, PS3 and Xbox have the power of 2006 PC system, GPU is equivalent to GF 7600GT.
I have myself HD5870 and 1920x1080 resolution and yes, the game looks like fucking crap, mostly because the draw distance and weak anti-aliasing.
If you want to know what looks better, I might have to list every single game before this until 2007, which I'm not going to do.
If you find PC only game from respectable publisher before 2006, I guarantee that it has better graphics than this.
Destruction 2.0 isn't that incredible either, it is freaking coolest one I've seen, but it is quite generic. I couldn't code something even near like that though so I have to respect it.
If you are talking about cutscene graphics, they are indeed most impressive ones I've seen since Crysis, but shadows are croppy and environment detail consists of around 150 polygons and 64x64 textures.
Cutscening couldn't be done more annoying, you just think that you are immersed into the gameplay, and BANG cutscene throws you out to whole different place and ruins the immersion.
What I'd have to say about the graphics plusses are the character modelling that is really impressive and the detail shader that they use in lots of close range objects that makes the texture look very detailed.
There is no motion blur, not even fullscrene motion blur, no good post-processing effects, just the ugly bloom shader that is used for consoles to hide the bad detail.
Look, I know about this stuff, I've seen lots of games and I'm game maker myself and I know what they should look like in PC.
Game should look like this for consoles, not for PC.
I'd want to try the multiplayer, but this game is not worth buying because DICE seems to think that they can just urinate in PC owners cereals by copy pasting console games to PC.

bogdanxxx2007 (2010-03-11)

I am downloading this game with fucking 10 kb/s. fuck the mothers of these pussy seeders

Xaxxor (2010-03-11)

WHen I start singeplayer it goes fine like 10 seconds.
When the picture comes and the ppl start speaking it freezes and says
"Battlefield Bad Comanpy 2 stopped Working"
I have copied all files from "crack" folder, I have tried with and without update.
Here some info:
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ (2CPUs), ~2.2GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 7950GT
And the game doesn't lagg or anything before the freeze.
Any help is good thanks.

Shaman666 (2010-03-11)

Please seed!

inicial44 (2010-03-11)

oh come on guys seeeed please...this is just a wonderful thanks exstremezone for this torrent and have fun whit this!!anyway hope this is work...

laker44 (2010-03-11)

my controls are a little messed, when i try to look or strafe left, down or backwards it does the opposite. i can only look or strafe up, or right is what im saying and i tried redoing the controls to no success. help?

rhn94 (2010-03-12)

i did EVRYTHING this thing asked for .. when i start singleplayer - new campaign .. it says about that aurora etc etc .. but then as soon as the mission is gonna start it jus quits by itself .. wtf? .. can someone PLEASE help me .. email me @ [email protected]

delboy09 (2010-03-12)

[email protected] contact I will sent you Invitacion to

turrebrat123 (2010-03-12)

Hey guys, Im installed the game using demon tools and the cd key from the keygen, and I moved the "BFBC2Game.exe" into the game folder but when I press it this windows error thing pops up and start loading "Battlefield bad company TM has stopped working" and then the popup just goes away and they game never even popped up for a sec. Im currently using Vista professional 64bit, HELP PLX!!!

Aboydebeat12 (2010-03-12)

The game runs good!
but a bit laggy :(

novilik (2010-03-12)

I would apriciate any advice or help, the problem is:
I downloaded, instaled, copyed crack and all the files from the crack folder, didn't update, tried to start the game but nothing happens. The comp just starts to proces something, like it's preparing to start the game and then nothing. Doesn't start at all??? PLEASE HELP What to do?
The comp meets the requierments, grafic is nvidia geforce8500? HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!

pohnken1 (2010-03-12)

Hey! When i start a new campaign this text come up ?Autumn 1944, Sea of Japan a scientist bla bla bla?.then the game quits itself?whats wrong? the requirements should not be a problem. pls help! :S

Szili0 (2010-03-12)

I downloaded this game from here first, than I decieded to buy it. :p (it's like the 3rd game that I've actually bought, WoW, Counter Strike Source and this one :p)

Billyion (2010-03-12)

Entry point not found msvcrt.dll???? wtf it opens but the mouse doesn't work!

nishesh18 (2010-03-12)

hey guys go to nisheshaggarwal_blogspot_com and you can find links to 4.33 gb rip of mass effect 2 and it is 100% working. replace _ by .

alienbeing (2010-03-12)

I couldn't get it to start working, then I tried copying everything from the Crack folder and pasted it in the game folder and it's working! I thought I'd have to search for the correct folder for each item but just pasting it where the .exe crack goes made it work. Thanks for the suggestion people. It never would have occurred to me otherwise.
BTW, there are too many movies IMO, but the graphics are great and it runs on my

Jubreau (2010-03-12)

Thanks for the release. Really enjoyed what I played so far and want to play multiplayer, but I'm hesitant to buy it if I won't get the same performance online as single player. Does anyone know if multi will be equal to single in terms of performance? I have 2.0 ghz c2d and 8600M GT, and get 23 to 45 fps in single.

novilik (2010-03-12)

I would apriciate any advice or help, the problem is:
I downloaded, instaled, copyed crack and all the files from the crack folder, didn't update, tried to start the game but nothing happens. The comp just starts to proces something, like it's preparing to start the game and then nothing. Doesn't start at all??? PLEASE HELP What to do?
The comp meets the requierments, grafic is nvidia geforce8500? HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!

blockhead41 (2010-03-12)

the multiplayer is awsome
its worth buying

Milton09 (2010-03-12)

Got a problem.
Thanks in advance,
Copied crack, to the right folder, now if I open it windows sais: Battle Field BC 2 doesnt works anymore, looking for solutions......
:0 Now what?

nikos2008sss (2010-03-12)

i have this problem .....

game works fine but while i`m playing in the middle of the screen at the weapon marker, while i move the mouse a lot of triangles ar showed come directly from the weapon my guess is that its a graphic error

lurigakent (2010-03-12)

you forgot the rld.dll file.
I have another problem, the game runs fine but I have invert mouselook ONLY on left & down. So basicly I can only look up and right as I play. I've tried changing things in settings but all in vain. Same goes with moving around ( only moving up & right).
Someone with the same problem ? If so how did you fix it?

gaarah44 (2010-03-12)

same problem here if you find out plz notice me(or somebody)

scoobyboy (2010-03-13)

awesome like a treat, no issues with video or mouse. install via setup exe,copy and paste code from keygen. (dont choose online updates when installing). then copy all files from crack to installed folder. if you cannot get this to work then you have installed it wrong or your PC is outdated and cannot run the game.

scoobyboy (2010-03-13)

awesome like a treat, no issues with video or mouse. install via setup exe,copy and paste code from keygen. (dont choose online updates when installing). then copy ALL files from crack to installed folder. if you cannot get this to work then you have installed it wrong or your PC is outdated and cannot run the game.

elijddd (2010-03-13)

This game should be bought without hesitation and played online. Insane entertainment, far exceeding CoD:MW2 (at least the MP-part, haven't tried SP in BC2). :-D

atdpnot (2010-03-13)

With out a doubt the included crack is malicious, and well written (props i guess), don't expect any AV to detect it either, the shellcode is hidden in jabberwocky.txt and pitoni.txt.. see

needseeders (2010-03-13)

ok i mount the game and when itry to run autorun or setup.exe it says "please insert cd into drive c:"

ismellfunny67 (2010-03-13)

Everything in the game is working fine. Keygen didnt work for me but it wasnt a big deal. Thanks for the upload.

ismellfunny67 (2010-03-13)

@ needseeders -- Make sure you got the crack right, thats the only time i run into that error.

hatupatu (2010-03-13)

@ nikos2008sss
I had the same problem, update your graphics card drivers and it'll go fine

Jandaa (2010-03-13)

So i have the save game problem. Game runs smooth no problem, but it doesn't save the game. So is there any solution to this problem?

ubiHardz (2010-03-13)

Join This for you future freedom in world of gaming

Aboydebeat12 (2010-03-13)

but it is laggy and the MP doesn`t work :(

blockhead41 (2010-03-13)

abodybeat its your pc thats laggy

lol_davve (2010-03-13)

Controls doesn't work. I can only move forward or right, not backwards or left.
I have:
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.50 GHz
Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Please help me!

lurigakent (2010-03-13)

have the same prob.

lol_davve (2010-03-13)

@ lopas123
Thanks. Works now. I forgot to copy those text files.

ZOMZOMBIE (2010-03-13)

Hey im having a problem, i installed the game and everything, when i try to run it. It says CANNOT RUN DUE TO MY x64 Windows 7. is there a fix?

ZOMZOMBIE (2010-03-13)

Now its asking me to re-input my registration code? wtf is this

bleubleu92 (2010-03-13)

installed fine , open fine but when i play there all kind of black spot near the explosion
any solution plz
check the system requirements and im over the recommended

fleischi93 (2010-03-13)

Damn! Those grafics looks sick! Have to download this game.

janis20 (2010-03-13)

where i do it registration, i need the registration

maki9438 (2010-03-14)

i have problem with saving game in singleplayer?
always when i start game i need to play from beginning

R3MSTER (2010-03-14)

is there anyway to get it to work online?

capfand (2010-03-14)

works great tnx very much :)

Fumatore (2010-03-14)

Hmm control doesn't work and i copyd these 2 text files to support folder...Still moves bizarre.....
Are these 2 text files some kind of poem ? I copyed these to my EA Battlefiled support folder.Nothing work?!
Some help..
But torrent is all ok and game worked...But this movemen tproblem only?

maki9438 (2010-03-14)

i have problem with saving game in singleplayer?
always when i start game i need to play from beginning

lukyboy99 (2010-03-14)

works great! tnx a lot!!!!

lakiya (2010-03-14)

I am Playing it in 1.5GB ram & P4 3.0Ghz.. It is is working without anything wrong.. Great game. Game says it wants 2GB. It might work in 1GB ram..

drded (2010-03-14)

Nice! DL speed 750kb/sec :D
Can i play this game Lan with my friend ??

M-W-Player (2010-03-14)

Lovely but will this game work in P 4 ?

fleischi93 (2010-03-14)

Damn, had 50-150kb/s for about an hour. Now only 10kb/s :S

xrazorx1 (2010-03-14)

ye same for me, first it was like 200-400 kb/s and at 70% it was like 2-20 around 80 it was 100 again

Fumatore (2010-03-14)

So has anyone got solution for the movement problems?
The game works fine etc, But only problem that i am having is this i cant move normally during the only turns left and up.No backward and mouse too doesnt' work i can only turn one side with mouse!?!?!?!?!!?

maki9438 (2010-03-14)

i have problem with saving game in singleplayer?
always when i start game i need to play from beginning

ChrisDlaTeck (2010-03-14)

I try to copy the cracked file but once i try to paste it it says that there is not enough free space, that i need an additional 18.4 MB. What can I do?

ChrisDlaTeck (2010-03-14)

nvmd noob moment..

TheDesertFox (2010-03-14)

read the F info noobs!
Seems like some of the people are having problems with mouse cursor in-game. To fix this you need to copy ALL content from crack folder into install folder: BFBC2Game.exe, jabberwocky.txt, pitoni.txt & rld.dll.

The game is great and I'm goign to buy it later to be able to play MP.
However I have got a problem with playing SP. I can play perfectly well all the way to the end of the Cold War level where you shall climb up on a rooftop so that the helicopter can get you. The game crashes down just when I reach the top.
What shall I do to fix this?!?
I've read some of the earlier comments and it seems like there's other guys that have the same problem as I do. Can anybody please write a comment or something?

bonnell (2010-03-14)

what should i click on the authentication part of the installation?i already put the first choice where i will need the cd rom in the drive to be able to play the game.i believe its the best choice.
but once i clicked to play the game an update pops out and tells me i need to update a new patch or i wont be able to play..and its taking ages to the update a good thing or bad from a game coming from the update a must,is there no way around it?

maki9438 (2010-03-14)

i have problem with saving game in singleplayer?
always when i start game i need to play from beginning

Fumatore (2010-03-14)

Well i done this already....And still the movement is akward!....And btw in crack folder there is also key generator- and u sayd that i have to copy all these files to my game folder(including the key generator?!?).....Ok that's not important...I now that there i .dll file game file and two text files.
All of them i have copyd to support folder as it was sayd to do.

d0zin0X (2010-03-14)

Would anyone be so kind and seed for a couple of hours? Please, its downloading really slow.

M-W-Player (2010-03-14)


Fumatore (2010-03-14)

com/index.php?r=aLdm ...what is that suppose to be??????

nishesh18 (2010-03-14)

for mass effect 2 4.33gb links go to nisheshaggarwaldotbolgspotdotcom.. they are 100% working!!

FiSKEN91 (2010-03-14)

Seed please, goes really slow atm.

d0zin0X (2010-03-15)

It still is really slow! I'm getting 12 of 5437 seeders!
so I'll say it again.... FACKING SEEEED!!

d0zin0X (2010-03-15)

Appreciate :)

fleischi93 (2010-03-15)

Man had so good download speed today in the morning (150kb/s is good for my place), now only 5-7kb/s ): Well, hope I get it finished tomorrow, would be nice.

d0zin0X (2010-03-15)

It's funny, torrents with 50-100 seeds is waaaay faster than this, that has got 5000.

bonnell (2010-03-15)

ok great thanks for this game..i have managed to reach the south American swamps with no trouble..pretty cool game..

those who have problems just also paste the crack and texts and dll in the main directory folder too not only in the support folder.

KooLaiD2008 (2010-03-15)

Thanks a ton for this upload!!
I don't know about some of you people, I begin to think it's your first day ever on a computer. Not just with this torrent but with 99% of them everyone comments about all these problems that I never encounter. Viruses, error messages, crashes, etc etc. This game played perfect right from first installation.
Even on my single core regular ole p4 with only 2 gigs of ram and 9800gt it played VERY well. Some lag during later missions but I expected alot worse. Never once did it crash or anything.
This is an awesome game and looks amazing, wish I had a killer pc to see how good it really looks and plays.
And for everyone having problems downloading/installing this, or most any other torrent, just send your computer my way. I don't think you need one.

d0zin0X (2010-03-15)

Seriously, I've been downloading this for a while, and there is almost no damn progress. Can't the one that uploaded this game seed for like..... all the time?

bressem (2010-03-15)

hello. i'm having the same problem as many others here, my singleplayer campaign wont save. i've done exactly what the instructions tells me to do and i've tried reinstalling but it was no good. i checked my BBC2 folder in My Documents but i cant find any savegames there at all. does anyone have any clue whats caussing this?
thanks to any support.

dexter0000 (2010-03-15)

take a look

2secondman (2010-03-15)

THE LEVEL WHERE YOU GET STUCK WITH THE CHOPPER ON THE ROOF IS CALLED sNOWBLIND.. INDEED THERE ARE MORE OF US WHO HAVE THAT SAME PROBLEM.. it has bin mentioned a couple of times but no one seems to have the answer to that. installed the game twice.. updated the game (full) afterwards installed the crack, so I thought its ok now.. No way AsseeY. The same problem again it shuts down the game.. and PUnkBustER its not the problem,first time did'nt installed the PB 2th time I did.. and again SNOWBLIND IS FUCKED !! shame though..
I see up here 98 % people complagning about how 2 use the crack or shit like that...REED befor ya install, no offence m8's

2secondman (2010-03-15)

Ow one more thing if the game dus not start, Start, computer, rightclick the mounted game and start the exe.. your done !!!

dittodudde (2010-03-15)

When I tires to start the game, it won't work, I have copied the crak and everything, but it still wont work so please help me!

Sn_Op (2010-03-15)

Pls help I cant save game ? what should I do to fix it ?

blues1875 (2010-03-15)

hi im new to this and was wondering which file do i need to mount the image to ?

da_300_squirrels (2010-03-15)

ahhh crappy seed, this is going at 20kb/s and for the top game its kinda slow :P

brain_storm (2010-03-15)

None of the registration keys that I generate work. It's the key needed after the installation. All help appreciated thx.

brain_storm (2010-03-15)

fixed it sorry for that..

blues1875 (2010-03-15)

come on need to know which file i need to mount or if someone could email and walk me through it all would be great!

fleischi93 (2010-03-16)

Yeah man, I think I get it till tomorrow morning (it's 9:20 pm here..) :D It's a free day, can play all the day. If it's good, I'll buy it on Xbox360 for MP :)

2secondman (2010-03-16)

magic disk.. a free mount and unmount proggy works perfect.. and i dont mean magic iso, just the magic disk will do..

Butch_the_beast (2010-03-16)

@2secondman, I have found the problem on that mission, u gotta wait for the copter to hover at the building that you need to go to

Soupmix2142 (2010-03-16)

@brain_storm how did you get it to work. The same message keeps popping up for me. it keeps telling me to re-type the activation code.

hafferyng (2010-03-16)

Works extremely well, no hiccups or ctds. SP campaign is comparable to COD4/MW2. Thanks extremezone!

REMsovn (2010-03-16)

Seeding at 470kB/s, come on guys!

ceebeenor (2010-03-16)

@2secondman: Even if you update the game you will still get back to the original version if you apply the crack.. Most version changes is done in the EXE files.. So.. you upgrade.. then downgrade again with the crack..

Abrian2 (2010-03-16)

The mission Snowblind screws up after you get to the designated building. After I climbed up to the rooftop, the game starts to cut to a cinematic, but then crashes. No error message or anything. Any ideas?

Butch_the_beast (2010-03-16)

i mentioned earlier to 2secondman that on that mission you wait for the copter to hover on the building you go to, if you dont wait, itll close the game

Roysuke (2010-03-16)

is there any possible way to play online with the pirated version?

KinGgame (2010-03-16)

the game works smooth on my rig
Phenom II X4 965BE
6GB DDR2 1033 Corsair
MSI 2x5850 2GB
800W Huntkey
Windows 7 X64 ultimate

tankdog03 (2010-03-16)

my mouse wont work with this game, or my xbox controller, what is up?? cant even play it..... WHAT SHOULD I DO???

HyBriDxZ (2010-03-16)

Ok, I understand all the L33T comment posters insatiable need to appear to superior to other people that are asking for help, but at this point, instead of ripping into every person that has a problem with their mouse, maybe we could consider that there is a DIFFERENT issue with the mouse controls, aside from just not including all the files (YES INCLUDING THE TEXT FILES NOOOBZOOORXXXXSSS!! ARGH!!!! NOOBS!). It's been estabilished about 75 times that you need to include these files, so apart from the ocassional person that actually doesn't do the minimal upfront research, let's not flame people into having a fear just to ask for help in the future because for some reason people think it makes them look (cool? superior? smart?) to belittle people with questions that you problem only know the answer to because you had the same problem yourself.
Now, with that out of the way. A lot of people that have problems after they copy all the cracked files into said directories and still have a problem with bizarre mouse controls (inability to fire, bizarre movement patterns); I'm guessing the majority of these people are using a laptop with a USB mouse. Just like the controllers conflict with a mouse on desktops, the two pointing devices (HID-compliant and external [ps/2 compatible mouse]) are going to have similar conflicts with each other. Unfortunately, unlike the joystick controller you cand simply unplug the integrated laptop mouse, and your surely not going to get very far using that as your primary in a first person shooter, or any other game for that matter, so I'm pretty sure this will have to be an issue addressed through a patch, unless anyone else has an idea. It seems that its only an issue with the pirated versions of the game since its not addressed in any official help logs, so I'm guessing its the txt files that are going to be key here. Hopefully a solution arises soon, but the problem is that it doesnt seem to be a widespread issue which means its not going to receive widespread attention. Best of luck to you none the less though.

VaineROX (2010-03-16)

Thanks for the download man.
Seeding for a few weeks.

deathhead (2010-03-16)

this is the absolute slowest torrent I have ever seen.
could the people that has the file please open your bandwidth a little so someone else can enjoy this game before the next part comes out.

d0zin0X (2010-03-16)

All of you that DON'T seed... fuck you. I have been downloading for about.... i dunno, really fucking long. Pull your head out your ass and seed please.

FEARLESS1964 (2010-03-16)

Install with no great on my rig...
AMD Athlon II Dual Core CPU
2 GB DDR2 Memory
Sparkle GeForece 9500GT Video Card
Windows 7 Eternity x64...(which is basically Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit)

darkclown9520 (2010-03-16)

It keeps coming up with wrong disc inserted please insert original 'Battlefield Bad Company 2'

Nassjo99 (2010-03-16)

Rly hope this is gonna work but PLZZ seed after u download!!!! its 7 days left with 6 kb/s this is gonna take forever

fiilouu (2010-03-16)


blues1875 (2010-03-16)

first time downloading a game ! need a step by step guide on how and which files to burn etc.... please please please email me.. [email protected] :) many thanks

fiilouu (2010-03-17)

First I installed the game with the code ... After I uninstalled and reinstalled, and I must not put the code to start installation but when I use the game. Generate code does not work.

darkclown9520 (2010-03-17)

First it runs updater then i just doesn't come..
please help

Sillysauce (2010-03-17)

Works and saves on my Win7 64b.
Copypasted 4 files from the crackfolder. Not(!) the keygen..

dark.boob (2010-03-17)

can any one tell me what is SEED

Scampie7 (2010-03-17)

Same problem as darkclown, it runs updater but it keeps repeating the question for updating. Can anyone help?

darkclown9520 (2010-03-17)

the control is all messed up what shall i do???

darkclown9520 (2010-03-17)

I forgot to copy the rld.dll crack.

Scampie7 (2010-03-17)

Did that too, but is it a crack? I copy'd it all to the BBC2 directory and the only I needed to replace was the .exe file...

Scampie7 (2010-03-17)

Nevermind, found the answer in a comment (771!). For people with problems with the updater, just try to run it as admin ;).
Awesome torrent!

VaineROX (2010-03-17)

For those of you that are getting 'Wrong Disc' error, go to the install directory for BFBC2 (Default is C:\Program Files\Electronig Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2) and rename BFBC2Game.exe to BFBC2Game1.exe, then go to the Crack folder stored at the place you downloaded it at and copy EVERYTHING from the Crack Folder into the install directory. Then use Daemon tools to mount BFBC2Game.exe (yes, the one you just copied), click, play and enjoy.
If you copy everything over from the crack folder you dont crash on the Snowblind mission too btw.

M177n5 (2010-03-17)

hey i've read everything about the mouse cursor issue... but i'm having a graphical issue. does anyone else get glitchy black streaks that point to the center of the screen? i copied and pasted the 4 files just like everyone's said

mkavallin (2010-03-17)

where do i find the registration code ? it says please enter the entire registration code found either in your confirmation email, your game manual/product , or game card

mkavallin (2010-03-17)

where do i find the registration code ?

H.D.A. (2010-03-17)

first of all how da fuck do i install it ... second does this crap work anyway?

spygame2330 (2010-03-17)

Ok this is kind of a strange one. I have always dloaded extremezone releases and have always gotten great quality. This time though I am having problems with the controls of the games. Especially the mouse. I am not able to look around at all during the game. The Y axis does not work at all and when I move the mouse on the X axis the screen pans right and up wards until it cant go any farther up. I have played with the controls for a while with no luck. Just wondering if anyone else is having this strange prob. Please help if you can. Thanks

PirateFoxXx (2010-03-17)

I cant seem to find the Reg. Code.. some one has this for me? :)

newronuk (2010-03-17)

spygame2330: I've got the same problem, can't look anywhere but up and the x and y axis settings don't do anything. Quite frustrating...
Other than that the game installs and runs fine if you follow the instructions.

PirateFoxXx (2010-03-17)

I can't seem to find the keygen, don't see it in my folder or in this discription..
who can tell me the keygen?..

lucifer45 (2010-03-17)

Whenever I try to run the keygen it keeps screaming at me that Binkw32.dll is missing. Soooo... I o get binkw32.dll and radvideotools... and now it's saying that a video code buffer is missing in the binkw32.dll file.
WTF! I spent TWO WEEKS downloading this game!

PirateFoxXx (2010-03-17)

@ 19alex93,
when I open that file in Daemon tools lite it still asks for the keygen.. can't seem to find it..
I'm kinda noob at this atm :/

fleischi93 (2010-03-17)

Works like a charm. Thank you very much extremezone and all the seeders.

Kitetsu17 (2010-03-17)

I've seen this question asked over a dozen times but I haven't seen an answer. I have everything done and when I go to load up the game I have to re-enter the registration code and when I put in the code I used that the keygen gave me it doesn't work. And neither does any other random keygen code. What is the deal? How do I get past this?

PirateFoxXx (2010-03-17)

same prob here,
give us some awnsers people!

bleubleu92 (2010-03-17)

do i have to update to make it works

newronuk (2010-03-17)

Ok the navigation, x and y axis issues, are fixed. It was just a matter of copying *all* files (except the keygen) from the crack directory to the installation directory, including the txt files which appear to be poems. Then it works beautifully. Was just a matter if following the instructions I guess :)
For the people that are wondering, you can let the game update after install and then replace the exe with the one from the crack directory. Works just fine in SP.

2secondman (2010-03-17)

If you have mounted the game on :/D or :E or or some where with me it is DVD STATION (E)if you rightclick ur mouse and you click OPEN ... then the second one from the top say..CRACK, OPEN THAT DOUBLE CLICK, THEN YOU SEE THE RLD-BBC2 FILE THAT IS A GENERATOR.. CLICK THAT AND YOU SEE A CODE.. AND DONT SAY IT WOULND WORK BECAUSE USED IT YESTERDAY ASS WELL.and it works fine.....for the most of you READ the fucking INFO befor NOOBS :þ

2secondman (2010-03-17)

Butch_the_beast bij 2010-03-15 22:23 CET:
@2secondman, I have found the problem on that mission, u gotta wait for the copter to hover at the building that you need to go to
THx m8 but ofcourse I wait for the chopper to hover on rooftop..But why dus the game shut down. for a moment it looks if he bring the next chapter.. but no.. it shuts down

2secondman (2010-03-17)

thats new 2 me.. so if the mission didnt suckseeds it crash ?? lol.. most games i'll know you need to start all thx brothers

Peyree (2010-03-17)

Jag får problem med att det är nått djävulskt sprakande i ljudet, alla röster låter konstiga också, har provat att installera om spelet 3 gånger och det försvinner inte. någon som vet vad det kan vara för fel ?

Kitetsu17 (2010-03-17)

2secondman you think I haven't tried that, I've used about 50 codes in that keygen but none of them work when I have to re-enter a code.

spygame2330 (2010-03-17)

@19alex93. Thanks for the help. Got the cursor issue fixed.

nimrodm (2010-03-18)

im need some help
im get in to the game and i go to SP and is just do to me a lags and when i get out from the bout the mouse i move right only and the same problem in the keybored this moving only right
please im need some help!!!

Maneater (2010-03-18)

can anyone be kind enough to send me a revoultiontt invite,it has been over a year trying to get[email protected]

luftiminho (2010-03-18)

it says i have to update the game ore i cant play??

Kitetsu17 (2010-03-18)

paul, none of those works. It just brings the screen back up saying re-enter code

eLajto (2010-03-18)

Anyone know how I can prevent the black sparks/lines whose centre is in the middle of the screen? A usual graphic bugg, I never had it though. Using NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT - I doubt that's the problem? :O

Bralf (2010-03-18)

Thanks abunch for A-grade uploads:)
sunshine and stuff on your path;)

hatupatu (2010-03-18)

Anyone know how I can prevent the black sparks/lines whose centre is in the middle of the screen? A usual graphic bugg, I never had it though. Using NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT - I doubt that's the problem? :O
@ eLajto
It is your graphics card, i have the same one and got that problem just download the latest drivers and it works fine -

andrzej1313 (2010-03-18)

A little help?
I have mounted using Virtual CloneDrive and when I open and hit play my real DVD Drive starts to run and i get
"Wrong disc inserted"
Is there any way to correct this?
Much Thanks!!!!

gopb (2010-03-18)

Hey, im having a problem on the mission snowblind, everything works great except when i get to the end of the mission near the chopper the game crashes. anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it? Thanks.

hrbt_herbert (2010-03-18)

The mouse & keyboard controls fix works fine
for the mouse cursor in game. But I'm having problems using joystick controls. Looks like the game controls settings have the right analog stick
axes(axis1 x & axis1 y) reversed & inverted. When trying to turn left the character turns right &
vice versa. Can anyone help?

sinhult (2010-03-18)

Help please. every time i open up battlefield 2 it opens up fine then when you get to the main menu i click start new game it opens up to the select difficulty then i pick one it starts to load with the black screen then nothing happends it stays on the black screen forever then i press ctrl+alt+del and it says the programs not responding . HELP PLEASE =)

LD4WG (2010-03-18)

Works Perfectly on the highest settings
Windows 7 Ultimate
Core2 Quad Q9650 3GHz
Nvidia GTX 275
Single Player only no multiplayer

eLajto (2010-03-18)

Thanks alot for the help, I appreciate your support! Works fine now!

patsu2 (2010-03-18)

Same problem like some have had before. I copy pasted everything to the right place... and then the mouse suddenly decided it only moves up and down....i tried with bot mouses, a bluetooth mouse and also a old usual mouse. Before the mission mouse works fine, can move it every way without problems. Hit me up if a solution appears, will try a couple times more but I dont think there will be any luck...
and again...I DID COPY everything!

patsu2 (2010-03-18)

ok, finally it started working by itself...i think the bluetooth mouse was the problem, turned it off and maybe it just took that long before the computer understood that it isnt turned on anymore...started a new game and suddenly everything was is good!

generalarif (2010-03-18)

Hey guys, the audio and the subtitles doesnt match. How do i fix this?!?! Thanks in advance.

fatally900 (2010-03-18)

Do I need to update to play the game ?

ekkstra (2010-03-18)

Guys I got a small problem, Everything is installed correctly (I think). But It keeps saying wrong disc inserted even though I mount it or even tried the exe in the folder. The updater works but not the other one. Probably something I did wrong anyways. Help would be appreciated.

Skunkos (2010-03-18)

Well this is going to take a very long time

molvin (2010-03-18)

same problem as others.. the key used for the 2nd time does not ideas?

danduli1 (2010-03-18)

how i can seed?

xaleel (2010-03-18)

seeeed guys I've heard so much about this game and wanna play it very much so plzzzzzz seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dandy855 (2010-03-18)

I can't install this game. I keep getting cab2 errors. Any ideas?

bose0225 (2010-03-19)

hey guys. for everybody having trouble with the "Wrong disc inserted" warning.... copy EVERYTHING in the crack folder over to the program files located on your C: drive. the folder is called Electronic Arts and you need to copy EVERYTHING from the Crack folder on the .iso to the Electronic Arts folder in the program files on the C: drive. i hope that was clear enough

blackout1982 (2010-03-19)

Can someone please fuck up this companys website - http://www.$acs-law$ (remove the dollars)
They are a group of UK lawyers who are writing to people demanding £750 for each "Copyright Infringement" they alledge that you have done.
If you dont pay up they will sue your ass!
They are doing this by mail out and are forcing your ISP to hand over your details. They have no way to fully prove "our crime" and if you ask me they are a crime to our society.
Unfortunately i dont have the technical know how to do this myself, Otherwise i would have already done it :)
Please pirates help and you unite and tell these lot where to go!!!

doukas07 (2010-03-19)

guys i have a problem when i reach to the snowblind mission the game stuck. the screen is black!

HyBriDxZ (2010-03-19)

Damn I still can't get my mouse to read properly. I copied over all the files, the game runs perfectly except I can't use the triggers (left/right mouse buttons). I can do everything else, including walk up to the first two soldiers on the beach but then I can't slash the knife. The LMB even reads in the control mapping section in options, I click LMB and it labels the action as just that, LMB, but then it still will not work in-game. I've reinstalled 3 times, tried every solution I've read on all 33 pages of comments and it just will not work. I'd hate to give up trying to try this game out, I really wanted to buy it but war games are really hit or miss for me so I'm not gonna buy before I know its good, not to mention I don't even know if my problem is "pirate" related. Any ideas? Anyone?

Br0dY (2010-03-19)

I didn't like this game. You can really tell that it's supposed to be a console game really. The sizes of the maps, the incredibly linear battling. It's good looking, and certainly a sweet for the eye, but I didn't like the gameplay. Maybe you will though :)

caekmine (2010-03-19)

I tried downloading the other one which seemed more stable than this version but was only getting 50-40kbps with like, 46 seeders. =\
Guess this is worth a shot..

tprkk (2010-03-19)

Mine keeps on shutting down after the level Snowblind. Does anybody have a fix for this?

xaleel (2010-03-19)

hey guys can i play this game with 360 controller?????
someone plz answer!!!!

xaleel (2010-03-19)

and plz tell me do u guys update the game when it wants???

getstabbed (2010-03-19)

i installed fine, then it updated but it keeps saying the wrong disk is inserted when i try play?
any solutions?

getstabbed (2010-03-19)

forget what i last said, got it to work.
good job, ill seed soon

putteviking (2010-03-19)

downloading in 10kb/s... Very slow

xaleel (2010-03-20)

how can i save my game here? everytime i quite the game it starts from a begining again

xaleel (2010-03-20)


omgodzilla10 (2010-03-20)

It keeps saying "Wrong disc inserted". How do you fix this? Please help.

xaleel (2010-03-20)

Does anyone know how to save??????????????????????????????

omgodzilla10 (2010-03-20)

Never mind, I got it to work.
First, go into the disc file and look for Crack (where you had to go to get the keygen) and copy everything. Now, go to your Program Files in your C: drive and look for "Electronic Arts". Open up the "Battlefield Bad Company 2" folder and paste the stuff that you copied from the crack file. If a window pops up saying that a file already exists in that folder, click "Yes to all" and the game will work.

xaleel (2010-03-20)

how to save men help me!!!

xaleel (2010-03-20)


smithdawwwg (2010-03-20)

Heyy, downloaded this torrent fine, everything there i think. i am having trouble installing it though, i have daemon tools, poweriso, winRAR, everything i think i need. would someone be able to give me a step by step guide to installing it because i have no idea. i have actually installed it already but when i go to play it the installer asks me to update the version everytime i load it, so do so but then it asks me for a registration code, which i dont have? helppp please? :)
thanks :)

McRulle (2010-03-20)

This is SO worth buying!!! You'll never regret it!

ExTRM (2010-03-20)

i copy pasted crack content in install folder after i couldnt look around. Then i could not melee or jump or anything. Guess what? u need to remove the keygen out of ur install folder if u pasted it in there with the rest of the stuff...odd textfiles btw lol.

xaleel (2010-03-20)

how to save this goddamn game?????????????

m1tchel03 (2010-03-20)

cant get the first mission running keeps shutting down

xaleel (2010-03-20)

help people to save the game plzzzzz

hehe1111 (2010-03-20)

Hello, i've bought the game but now the cd is broken i got the serial and account, anyway i could play online with this one??

burkreka (2010-03-20)

lol you broke your cd in less than a month? how do you accomplish such a thing? first your ass is not a cdplayer! :P

tprkk (2010-03-20)

@ EvilCorporateWhore
it worked smoothly.
thanks a lot.
i've been stuck on that for a week.

tony223 (2010-03-20)

when i try to play the game it tells me to enter a registration code so i put the serial in but it doesnt work can anybody help me please????

smoke_nl (2010-03-20)

to tony,
only thing you have to do is copy the crack to the dir file again same as you already did bevore
(it workt for me after i didnt got that screen again

kyliem (2010-03-20)

Not working on amd 3000+,shame.

ThePokemonMaster (2010-03-20)

I cant get it to work :(( I get that it stoped working right after i open the game.

xaleel (2010-03-20)

how can i save my game here and continue later????

omgodzilla10 (2010-03-21)

It comes with a keygen. Go into the CD file and look for the folder called "Crack" and open the exe file in there and generate a code.

mkavallin (2010-03-21)

when i press play it opens a updater and then is tays enter your registation code here what number are they talking about because when i try the cd key it doesn't work and i have installed everything as you is says in the discriptions

WootHooter (2010-03-21)

hey just downloaded the game it all works until i start a new game and choose difficulty and then it shows the description and then it just goes black and nothing happens
can somebody pls tell me what to do. i copied the crack in and everything

rayoffire (2010-03-21)

speed sucks i get only 10 kb of speed

laeucigasul (2010-03-21)

thx man!

Suli51 (2010-03-21)

i have a problem... when i go to single player and start a game i can only look up and right!?!?!???!!!
how can i solve this?????

xaleel (2010-03-21)

how to save and start from there again?

xaleel (2010-03-21)

it show that saves on the right screen but when u restart the game everythinh starts from the begining

Suli51 (2010-03-21)

and i have another problem... i cant get to play multiplayer cuz it asks for the serial key and i enter it but it says: the register code is invalid...
i puted the same serial key when i installed the game

krisha (2010-03-21)

great single player campaign :)

xaleel (2010-03-21)

can u save?

Frazig (2010-03-21)

To all of those that doesnt know how to mount and crack... Please stop asking the same questions and look around for the answer instead... then when u find it u should post the answer here...
This is as easy as i can explain it if ppl dont understand... to get ur pc to think this torrent is a DVD u gotta Download Daemontools, with that program u mount the file u downloaded and when the install starts and asks for key u go to "my computer" where u click the CD and chose "open" (do not doubleclick) then u go into the Crack folder in and there u click the files til u find the keygen... there is also the cracks so just copy all of that into the game folder when the install is finished and exchange with the old files with the same name... then u click the game and then it should run... uve done everything right and if it doesnt work then it should be a compatiblity problem
With this guide even the newest to this should know how to do

kLzhakeR (2010-03-21)

Everytime i try launch the autorun it says: Please insert cd/dvd in :F
How do i solve this??

maamoolio (2010-03-21)

300 connected and 30kb/s...
btw, read the insttuctions

blablabla11111 (2010-03-21)

Can i play it with ati x 1300?

Dieteck (2010-03-21)

I need a Registration Code

xaleel (2010-03-21)

how to save???

KitajSie (2010-03-21)

I got BIG problem. When i start game i look intro sky and my mouse dont work . what i can do ??

ColVe (2010-03-21)

The game just shuts down after the guy says 'You missed a spot Wyatt'
Plz help

Dieteck (2010-03-22)

Please can anyone help me?
I need a Registration Code, where can i find it?

misterxxxxx5 (2010-03-22)

Min funkar inte! Ska man installera uppdateringen som dyker upp när man startar spelet?

tony223 (2010-03-22)

i was starting the single player but when the intro was running the game stopped working and i already installed the crack for it does anybody know what to do????

reddevilslb (2010-03-22)

Hi everyone.
I gotta tell u that this is one of the games ive most apreciate in a long time and because ive seen many people having problems with this game, ill explain step by step what to do.
1-Burn or mount this image with PowerISO, Daemon Tools, etc;
2-Start instaling the game, and when it asks for a serial, just use the keygen located in the Crack folder inside the image (i personally like to create 2 or 3 keys before using it);
3-After the instalation is complete, u should copy ALL the files in the Crack folder inside the image except the keygen into the folder where u installed the game (copying all the files, including the .txt ones, will fix the mouse problem);
4-The problem of lines of pixels appearing black or something like that was fixed by putting the overall quality into low( i dont really think that quality low but ok ;D);
5-To fix the saving issue u just have to download this following patches and unrar them into the installation folder, overwriting some stuff(personally u can just use the first patch, but it works after u overwrite with both). These were the ones ive used, but theres probably more.[ML]

And i think thats a rap... hope u get this game working because its worth it... Happy Playing

krisha (2010-03-22)

let i t update whenever, and then use the original crack - mine has updated 3 timer, and the crack still works :)

krisha (2010-03-22)


usertttt (2010-03-22)


Q: Mouse look up only
So let's resume
Seems like some of the people are having problems with mouse cursor in-game. To fix this you
need to copy ALL content from crack folder into install folder: BFBC2Game.exe,
jabberwocky.txt, pitoni.txt & rld.dll. EXCEPT the key generator rld-bbc2.exe.
Q: And then on second mission over the jungle a white screen then black and computer dead
To avoid that just don't go around the corner after you go up the stair on the frozen lake
just jump over the barber wire on the right and go trough the buildings, kill the bad guys
Get the truck, you will get to the bridge, and surprise white screen again.
But if you get white screen just disable the net, the game search for some protection on the
Internet, get the Internet down while you play or use firewall to block it.
Q: how can i save my game here?
No save, are check point and save made automatic. Just resume when you enter game again.
To those that cant find the serial key.
go to the place you downloaded the game.
then go folder called crack.
and run the program called:"rld-bbc2"
then press "Generate" and there you have the serial.
So that's it, are some minor crashes along the way, so don't go to fast especially when you
see choppers.
Have fun, and buy the game if you like it.
For those who don't know how to mount the DVD, well go read the manual on, daemon tool,
alcohol, or whatever you use etc.

doukas07 (2010-03-22)

fantastic game thanks extremezone
i had to update my drivers of nvidia

xaleel (2010-03-22)

which one of patches fix save game i dont wanna download both??????

ron10 (2010-03-22)

what is the battlefield bad company 2 registration code?????????????,

ron10 (2010-03-22)

what is the battlefield bad company 2 registration code?????????????,

ron10 (2010-03-22)

what is theregistration code?????????????,

Rayyern16 (2010-03-22)

I did everything right untill I was launching the game, then had to writ som extra symbols in the cd-key, where the hell can I find those ???? -.-

b1ackmamba (2010-03-23)

what do you mean by 'Copy over the cracked content to your install dir' ? does this make a difference?

AsKeR17 (2010-03-23)

Hello Guys ... I have a Problem ...
also i have downloaded this Crack and when i clicked on Crack/BFBC2GAME.EXE say my pc :
it don`t start because , "d3dx9_42.dll" not founded :( ... please help me ( i am from germany also when anyone can helped me please say it ... :))

AsKeR17 (2010-03-23)

what ? mean you me? ... where can i found a multiplayer crack?

neoNmaZteR (2010-03-23)

My game crashes when loading AIRBORNE mission..

AsKeR17 (2010-03-23)

Hello Guys ... I have a Problem ...
also i have downloaded this Crack and when i clicked on Crack/BFBC2GAME.EXE say my pc :
it don`t start because , "d3dx9_42.dll" not founded :( ... please help me ( i am from germany also when anyone can helped me please say it ... :))

AsKeR17 (2010-03-23)

Hello Guys ... I have a Problem ...
also i have downloaded this Crack and when i clicked on Crack/BFBC2GAME.EXE say my pc :
it don`t start because , "d3dx9_42.dll" not founded :( ... please help me ( i am from germany also when anyone can helped me please say it ... :)) Please

WWactiv (2010-03-23)

I have a crack

audiolab2004 (2010-03-23)

only noticable problem i have is in the tank mission ,screen has a blocky effect ,otherwise top downl;oad

justinone (2010-03-23)

If any 1 knows of a multiplayer crack let me know please!!!!!!!

justinone (2010-03-23)

[email protected]
Email if you have crack or a spare serial!!

Minampped (2010-03-23)

Guys, ive downloaded and mounted and everything correctly (i think) i start the game and a white screen pops up for like 1-2 seconds, and then nothing.
I have 1GB of ram, could this be the problem?

Rage18 (2010-03-23)

setup won't recognize windows 7 64 bit. says its not compatible. what a sack of shit

Tazmane (2010-03-23)

Since this game has dedicated server support. Can we play online with cracked servers?

frozenpi (2010-03-23)

Jeezus, 3K+ seeders. :D

b1ackmamba (2010-03-23)

The keygen does not work. I have tried many times but it just keeps telling me it's not right and doesn't let me proceed.
What am i doing wrong?

tony223 (2010-03-23)

i copied everything from the crack except the keygen and the game still does not work it stops working during the intro in single player can anybody please help????

oyeyaara (2010-03-23)

hey when i updated version from 544175 to 523648.
it says EC 5571 error and craches...
plz tell me wht to do????

Tafkaa (2010-03-23)

Hey everyone!
- I've read most of the posts here, but unfortunately I haven't found any useful information.
- I'll try to be as specific as i can. I've done everything just the way how the instructions say and almost for 5 times for now. Always the same problem.
- I've installed it, cracked it, tried it and it starts off perfectly. Checked the settings, all fine. But when i start a new campaign and when the first text (about WW2 and the bombing) appears and seems like to come closer, it disappears for a second, comes back and suddenly I'm back on my deskdop again with no error messages, with nothing.
- I've updated all my drivers, they are all up to date. Usually i have solved all my problems with everything by myself, but now I'm really confused what the fuck is going on.
- My computer specs should all be fine with the game.
- Does anyone have ANY information about that problem, i would be really grateful if you spared some of it with me.
Thank you!

taoelism (2010-03-23)

That dll is from directx. I bet there is a directx installer on the .iso. Just look around.
If that doesn't work, you can download the dll from
Unzip, and copy to the game directory.

hiphopalx (2010-03-23)

ive got the same problem but when the bombing text comes up, my screen just stays black! Nothing happens. Someone who knows What it might be?
thanks for Up!

xirb22 (2010-03-23)

when i start the game with the crack pasted over it gives an error messag
plz help!!!

ProRedGAMER (2010-03-23)

guys game works pretty cool so far but the only problem is that when i rejoin the game i cant resume the game... i mean i cant load the last save.
can any1 tell me whats wrong plz!!!

kiffe89 (2010-03-23)

help!!!!! someone!!!!
The game starts perfectly in campaign mode,but i cant look around???he is like looking into the skyes and i cant do anything:/

FELUXZ (2010-03-24)

Okey, Some of you guys have problem installing this game to make it work properly. so here comes a Noob proof "installation manual"
1. Download daemon tools if you don´t have it already
2. Mount rld-bbc2.iso whit daemon tools.
3. If the installer doesn't mount by itself go to My Computer and klick Setup.exe
4. Press install
5. Go to> My Computer > Crack > rld-bbc2.exe (keygen)
6. Generate a key Copy paste into the installer
7. Select online installation (that will allow you to play whit-out a CD inserted )
8. Finnish the installer
9. Go to E:\Crack inside the rld-bbc2.iso and Copy ALL the files except the keygen. (INCLUDING pitoni.txt AND jabberwocky.txt Paste in C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2
The Text files will fix the mouse to work Properly
10. Create a shortcut of BFBC2Game.exe (the cracked one that you have pasted in C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2) to the Desktop
This torrent will work in campaign mode. if you want to play online buy the game.

haco_zdisen (2010-03-24)

The game work nicely...thx to the uploader and to all who seeded.
Guys can u tell me which button is like the back button on the xbox and can it be used on singleplayer?

divanshu (2010-03-24)

thanks for the upload

decaff2009 (2010-03-24)

Works perfectly :)
Ty once again :P

Battleguy (2010-03-24)

i have a problem when i have it installed he say RE-enter your registration code, i type the code from the keygen and then i press 'done'the he says it again.again,again,again and hen he says invalid code... please can anyone help me?

Battleguy (2010-03-24)

i enter my key: F59H-D5LE-2RHR-J2RA-WRLD and install
Then when i play da game it asks for a registration key, in the bar which u type in, is F59H-D5LE-2RHR-J2RA-WRLD already typed in (serial key). I click continue, but it dose not let me continue i just keeps coming up with the same message! !

Aleksdeamon (2010-03-24)

Hey I Have A Problem ...
When I Finish The Mission Snowblind ... The Game Shuts Down With No Error Reprot ...
Can Someone Help Pls...
I Realy Want To Play This Game.... :)

milanager (2010-03-24)

Problem: I'm running vista on a macbook through bootcamp. When I mount the image the initial setup screen comes up but when I click 'install' the first screen goes away and the install never starts. Any idea why this is? Appreciate it.

weakgamer (2010-03-25)

I know to pretty much all of you that this is going to sound like the stupedest question ever. But i have fully downloaded the game, unzipped the folder, and now have no idea which image to mount from the crack folder. I have mounted them all but then when i click autorun to install the programme it comes up with the install screen, i click install, nothing happens. Can anyone explain in baby steps for me? Cheers

lastmanstanding (2010-03-25)

you fail at the simple act of posting a link... nobody is going to your site

akrubas (2010-03-25)

is the Battlefield Bad Company 2 ack v1.1 legit it looks like a virus so i aint trying it if someone has it please conform (crack to play online)

fnmr23 (2010-03-25)

i instaled... but now it ask for registration code,,, (doesnt work whith crack.....)where is it?? can someone put it here?? pls !!!

raptomaniac (2010-03-25)

Guys i cant save the game every time i want to play the game it starts from the begening of the game plzzzz need answer ASAP! greets!

131u5h (2010-03-25)

hey huys, game start fine, but when I press to begin, I see 'please, wait' and nothing happens ((
singleplayer don't start, any idea?
(install, update, crack all correct)

oyeyaara (2010-03-26)

hey extremezone,
can u provide an update patch for version 523648.

molvin (2010-03-26)

it works make sure you transfer all the crack content to the right folder
pretty good graphics and campaign too

bleubleu92 (2010-03-27)

Dont not WORK for SHIT

BL1TZKR1EG (2010-03-27)

How to get it work, on Multiplayer?
I tried to make an EA Account..
Then it asked me for a serial number..
I tried the generatet serial number of the crack, but it doesn't work..
Please help me, to get it worked, that I can play online.

blockhead41 (2010-03-27)

you can not play online so buy the game its worth it for the mp

honeheke2004 (2010-03-27)

Brilliant download fast and installing now with serial number from crack folder, whoss bad!!

Battleguy (2010-03-27)

i have mouse problems when i move the mouse it does nothing(just in campaign)

moofies (2010-03-28)

great download, works fine, downloads fast, etc. Anyone else having audio issues though? sound effects and music are fine, but voices are almost not even there. If i turn my volume WAY up i can hear them, but they're really really quiet.
anyone have a solution?

mean2u (2010-03-28)

Man what is the point of pirating this, the MP doesn't work and the SP is shit.

japaxs (2010-03-28)

just for anyone who liked the game enough to buy it, but dosn't want to pay $50.
I just saw this ad on, you can get the game for $21.
goto the EA store"
then go to the BBC2 checkout and put in this promo code: PAXEAST842
the deal ends on the 28th (tomorrow)

fastaslight09 (2010-03-28)

rood412 (2010-03-28)

which serial should I use for online play

showbah (2010-03-28)

thanks, this works perfect in win 7 x64 !!!

splamadoo (2010-03-28)

PLEASE HELP! I can startup the game fine but when I go into the singleplayer, it crashes when the 3rd paragraph comes up.

lukyboy99 (2010-03-29)

works great, i realy enjoy it!

policema (2010-03-29)

i think most people who download this do so with the intention of buying the game , they just cant wait till they get paid or they want to see how it plays on there computer, this game was made for online play and when i get a few quid ill buy it

policema (2010-03-29)

cant copy the crack folder get a fault code this happened on just cause 2 reloaded as well any help

policema (2010-03-29)

ok copied and pasted them seperateley and they copied ok nice 1 reloaded team for all your good work

DevilScream (2010-03-29)

I've bought game today. Multiplayer is really worth it.
Price was only 55 PLN (~14 Euro) for digital version - original cd-key.

mungosxxx (2010-03-29)

works perfect on win 7, everything is ok thanks

Keyholder (2010-03-30)

Doesnt work for me On win 7, Game starts up, fine select medium level on single player, gets to the 2nd lot of intro " on the 6th of October " Then game crashes out and im back to the desktop.
Specs, ati 5850 - Intel E8400, 8gb ram, Abit ip35 Pro Xe . Anyone else have this problem ??

th3v1k1ng (2010-03-30)

installed... ran it.. and its decided to update itself.. wtf is that all about??

albanii (2010-03-30)

This is bullshit, mouse dosnt work!!! any ideas for fix

dearghoul (2010-03-30)

Quick recap for those too lazy to read all 961 comments. May be a little out of order, my aged brain....
Use daemon tools or such to mount the iso and install the game.
When it asks to choose to use the disk or an online verification or something choose disk.
The crack folder is in the .iso, use poweriso or something to see the iso contents. Drag n drop the crack folder onto your desktop for ease of access.
Inside the crack folder, the file rld-bbc2.exe is the key generator. Run it to get your key.
After game installs, and you run it, go ahead and let it do the update, no way around it.
Then apply everything but the keygen from the crack folder right into the main installation folder C:/program files/electronic arts/battlefield bad company 2.
Overwrite when it asks. Don't forget those two insane text files with bad poetry. God knows how, but they fix a big bad mouse problem!
Play da game. No online available! SP only!
Any other mouse issues, even if you correctly copied all the crack files, read all them 961 comments for info on that.

tareqshbat (2010-03-31)

i have download the game but they ask me to put the orginal cd game what shel ido pleas help meee

tareqshbat (2010-03-31)

hey can anybody help me i have download the game but they ask me to but the orginal cd what shel i do

bass2k8 (2010-03-31)

@tareqshbat If you read step #2, it says to use the KEYGEN in the "/Crack" directory in the ISO Image file, please read before you post!

tareqshbat (2010-03-31)


Milton09 (2010-03-31)

I got the game to work.
But when i play some weird blur/weird collors(dont know how to discribe in english)/ shit kinda stuff, covers my screen at some moments esspecialy when there are explotion and gun fires, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?
thx in adv

Keyholder (2010-04-01)

Im having the same problem On windows 7 and Win Xp ... therefore i would assume its a pc problem not a software / game problem...
Also on windows 7 it never went to update on Xp it did :) But even with it updated it still wont play.
No point in going out to buy it if it wont play... Nor will i creat e another user account just to play another game online like steam shite.

Plaztix (2010-04-01)

Anyone got the crack for the latest patch?

Minibred (2010-04-01)

anyone more than me that cant save the game? :s

Keyholder (2010-04-01)

The Games a sack of SHIT. Yet another Game ported over from a console on to the pc without working properly..
Installed from steam onto my pc on a clean install with nothing but crashes be it in single or Multiplayer mode. White flash's everywhere.
Dont think ill be buying this game untill all the bugs are gone.
My pc is more than capable of playing this game, before someone jumps on the " oh ur pc cant play it " band wagon :)

Lobotomite (2010-04-01)


Algioz (2010-04-01)

Thank you for uploading... Tested the game in SP and bought the game after that... ;D This game is worth buying. I bought it quickly and easy on steam. The multiplayer experience is awesome!!! I love it and it is my new favourite game. Really great! ;D

Aleksdeamon (2010-04-01)

It Doesn`t Worked :(

ziggz09 (2010-04-01)

Ya great dl works fine. Just dont update afer you install just copy the crack right in to the game file DO NOT

ziggz09 (2010-04-01)

Oh and click on DISC VERIFICATION not ONLINE VERIFICATION do what I say and it will work fine if you meet the system requirements .

nederlandss (2010-04-01)

This is a crack dir on the DVD when asked for a serial number. creaks whore but you'll help me here plz

Sillysauce (2010-04-01)

@ Devilscream;
14 euros sounds better that 35..
35 is also relatively cheap but hey.. The Dutch always want it cheaper.. :P
And you bought it where?

rodan_424 (2010-04-02)

Can somebody help me, I allways have problem with razors uploads, I can't se any rar files or anything like that and when I mount I can't run the game from the driver I have to right click and press open and so on, I downloaded metro 2033 today to, nothing works why ?
I'm running windows home premuim 64 bit, and GTA IV didn't work to.

rodan_424 (2010-04-02)

installed it, screw the last comment, but it says update or else I can't play the game, what should I do lol

inkh (2010-04-02)

great game, however single player was not nearly as fun as multiplayer so this was kinda useless to me except for trying performance.

rodan_424 (2010-04-02)

Nvm, got it to work thanks to Lussiboy, update first then reboot and then copy crack over.

DarkSyden (2010-04-03)

Hey I got assassin's creed 2 working, please check the video on my channel utube/user/merobertq?feature=mhw5 this is not a fucking fake shit like all posted before its really working check the ac 2 torrent u will see it is. now bye

alexsgocart (2010-04-03)

Works Great! Note to the people who cant get this working.. you have to copy ALL files (ALL like with the poems and crack) to the battlefield folder for the game and controls to work.
Processer: AMD Athlon II X3 435 2.9 GHz (Overclocked to 3.2 GHz)
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4670, 1GB Memory, DirectX 11
Memory: 4GB DDR2 (1600MHz)
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition

raghussj (2010-04-03)

thanks man u the best

raghussj (2010-04-03)

my antivirus says the key generator has a virus but thats okay nothing high ill keep all the keys in notepad

r2007uk (2010-04-03)

During installation it gets to perhaps 55-65% then prompts me to insert the disk to continue installing? I obviously have the one and only disk image mounted.. any ideas? using daemon

r2007uk (2010-04-03)

nvm seems it got corrupted at 99% on d/l.. how can i re-download and 'copy over' the 'bad files' without starting all over? I can't even move the file to another location which is the normal way i get around this kind of problem :(

bigmaq91 (2010-04-04)

It works like a mother fu*cking charm!! Im running on Windows 7 x64.
There are NO viruses!!!
Thanks to extremezone and reloaded for this torrent!!

TheWeakWilled (2010-04-04)

4086 seeders and downloading at 5-10 kb/s

frionmink2 (2010-04-04)

PLEASE SEED only going at 15kbs!!!!!

stalion55 (2010-04-04)

nice game works fine but singleplayer , has a lot of videos , i dont know if only at the beggining or throught ...
ps .. after installing donot run the game form the icon on desktop run it from the installed folder

PandaFTW (2010-04-04)

i downloaded this a long time ago, played it for a little while and havent played it since. was it purely supposed to be a multiplayer game? idk. compared to the likes of codmw2 and borderlands which alot of people are still playing like they just came out, i kinda thought this game was kinda a burnout. i felt like i had done everything it had in a million and one other games. in fact it reminded me alot of medal of honor games. oh and ps, your teammates are complete dueschbags, over typical stereotypes of the genre. well, im not gonna say anything else, because i dont wanna get bitched at.

Arg_the_pirate (2010-04-05)

So there is absolutely no way to play online?
Cracks for MP were released for MW2. How about this one? Nothing?

C.Jenssen (2010-04-05)

downloading at 0,5 - 2 kB/s great.. only 1 year and 32 weeks left before i can play the game.. -.-
really ? with over 4000 seeders ? ...

TheWeakWilled (2010-04-05)

Works great, just mount, install, use keygen key, and copy all the files in the crack folder.
Downloaded in about 2 days, nice graphics, good gameplay, an all-around great torrent :D thanks.

TheWeakWilled (2010-04-05)

Oh, forgot to mention aswell: THERE ARE NO VIRUSES IN THIS TORRENT!

dealorian (2010-04-05)

Downloadspeed is good, but could be better!
So please keep uploading! I will upload max after download!

jarosim (2010-04-05)

Can anyone help me, I downloaded this torrent, but can't install it, it is asking for some kind of registration code, so plz post it here!

gianis777 (2010-04-06)

Fast Download, Th game is AWESOME!! The best of all time!
Plus it runs fine on my nvidia 8600gt at Low settings and 1680x1050 resolution. (40-50 fps)

wolfman1981 (2010-04-06)

I also have problem with saved game. Every time I start the the game i have too start fom the beginning. And if I have reconfigured keys this resets as well. The game is working perfectly besides this REALLY annoying problem.
I'm using a Swedish version of Win7, so both username and dir of saved game contains letter å & ä. Is this maybe causing the problem. Några svenskar som fått sparade spel att funka??

ruipsousa (2010-04-06)

So this question must be out there but thre is to much pages alreaddy... when i select a difficulty in Single Player and hit start the games stays in Please Wait mode for ever... i am running XP 64 . i haven't updated the game.. i have copyed all crack content to the games directory... can anyone help?

wolfman1981 (2010-04-06)

Fixed my problem with saved games. Made a new account in windows without å,ä & ö. The game works fine from this account.

Docfidde (2010-04-06)

I have a very annoying problem, you see everything goes fine except that my screen turns to black arrows. Big ones. I think that it might be my graphic card, could it be that? help me please!!

diahooh (2010-04-07)

Fast download and works perfectly! Just wish i could play MP xD
Another great upload from extremezone! Cheers!
here are some tips for newbs:
After downloading the torrent, use daemon tools to mount the .iso file. install the game, when it asks for the code look for the "rld-bbc2" file in the crack folder and open it. generate a code and write it in the setup wizard. After the installation is completed, copy over the files in the crack folder EXCEPT the "rld-bbc2" file to Start Menu>computer>C: drive>Program Files>Electronic Arts>Battlefield Bad Company 2
VOILA! Enjoy the game :)

ruipsousa (2010-04-07)

diahooh i am not a newbs cause i have installed a lot of games till now and i am having a problem... The game is perfectly instaled but when i select the dificculty and hit start in Singe player the message PLEASE WAIT stays there for ever and the game never starts.. someone above said that replacing the save files would help.. I don't even have any saved files...
what shoul i do?

shadowsfall1 (2010-04-07)

you gotta compy over all of the files.... i mean all of them, every single one

shadowsfall1 (2010-04-07)


shadowsfall1 (2010-04-07)


shadowsfall1 (2010-04-07)

i meant *copy

zafeiris21 (2010-04-07)

thanks for the game ...
but i cant find the cd key can somebody help ??

pae8461 (2010-04-08)

This download is Fully Working!
Great Gameplay & Great Graphic
Don't forget to update your driver first.
1) When the download complete, extract, unzip the rar file and install by running the Setup.exe file in the extracted folder "rld-bbc2".
2) Generate key in the "Crack" folder by running "rld-bbc2.exe" application.
3) Once done installing the game you can either update the game online first or skip the update process... either way is fine.
4) Copy these 4 file from the Crack folder:

and paste it in the installation folder. Open My Computer, The default installation location is usually in
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2
Once done you should be able to play the game.
NOTE: Once the game started don't forget to set the keyboard configuration for the "melee" attack. you can use the "v" key on the keyboard for "melee" attack
Winxp Service pack 3
AMD Athlon 2.80GHz
Nvidia GeForce 9400GT

pae8461 (2010-04-08)

thanks for the game ...
but i cant find the cd key can somebody help ??
Open the "Crack" directory and run "rld-bbc2.exe" for the serial key

AlwaysSeeding (2010-04-08)

Hello thanks for the torrent!
But I have a slight problem! I can look up and everything crouch and so on!
But I can't meele I cant simply not shoot!
How do I fix it? PLS HELP ME!!!!!

TobyHawk (2010-04-08)

uuh, i fucked up and said that i have the cd, and i don't. how do i fix this?

TobyHawk (2010-04-08)

what the hell? need help.
when i start the game, it ask's for my cd key. i enter a random cdkey from the keygen, and i click done. but it just keeps asking me for the damn cdkey!! help!

pae8461 (2010-04-08)

Hello thanks for the torrent!
But I have a slight problem! I can look up and everything crouch and so on!
But I can't meele I cant simply not shoot!
How do I fix it? PLS HELP ME!!!!!
you have set the keyboard configuration for the melee attack.. you can use "V" key on the keyboard for the melee attack

AlwaysSeeding (2010-04-09)

Thanks Pae8461 but I got it working! There was nothing wrong! I was to quickly to judge! I don't often use the wheel on the mouse to meele so that was the problem! :D

Failseeders (2010-04-09)

What's the CD key for this?

BroshanTV (2010-04-09)

Hi! I seem to be the only one with the problem that when i start the game, it change resulotion like normally, and the screen turns black but just for a few seconds, then it screen turn to the regular desktop. Nothing happend, it closed the game. What should i do?sry my bad english

FREE-T (2010-04-10)

Is this game too bright or what?I tryed everything from setting dx to version 9,turning bloom off but it's still fucking too bright.Was it made to look like that or is it a graphic issue?

idefix333 (2010-04-10)

wich is the key for the knife? I'm in a level I think argentina and I need to take out a guard without making any noise..any help?
Thank you

ZooYork5792 (2010-04-10)

sorry extremezone, but i fuckin hate this upload

idefix333 (2010-04-10)

ah.. never mind ..the middle mouse button did it ;P

frionmink2 (2010-04-10)

so, do I need to mount the files to a CD so that I can play the game cause after installing and all that, it said to please insert the game disc,

maiden4life1 (2010-04-10)

Heya, i could use some help.
Installation of the game and the game it self works just fine for me, was playing last night, and today when i was gonna continue i had no saves.
So what do i need to do to keep my save game?

diabolo123 (2010-04-11)

Works 100%... My computer just is so bad it is sticky ass hell.

ruipsousa (2010-04-11)

to theso who are always answering to me "COPY" "COPY" "COPY" THE CRACK CONTENT i say IT DOENS'T WORK...
I have updated drivers...
Las directx
reinstaled game
copied all crack content
ANyone that doesn't have as the only answer the Word Copy?

xiIix (2010-04-11)

The multiplayer on this is really good guys. I suggest you buy it. It's way WAY more stable with the updates. I got it on steam, and as soon as updates were rolled out the game was rock solid. No freezes, no bullshit. Still some connection issues, and an occasional crash to desktop, but compared to initial retail, it's much better.
Plus, again, the multiplayer is off the hook awesome. Well worth the money. With that said, beware of the cheaters, they're getting more numerous as time goes by.

pibc (2010-04-11)

Why save game doesnt work?
How to fix it???

luitsa87 (2010-04-12)

buy the game, support DICE

MyKingdomHeart (2010-04-13)

Just a note to everyone:
For the crappy campaing mode: DOWNLOAD THIS TORRENT
For the awesome online mode: BUY THE GAME
I cannot tell you how amazing the online part of this game is. Its pretty much the reason to buy the game :D

resistanssi (2010-04-13)

Hi! I downloaded that, but when i was starting this game its not starting. coms only black screen and then it goes back to the dectop... so please help.... Thanks... (Sorry english skill... it sucks =) )

Orumus (2010-04-13)

Works great thanks uploader.
OS Win7

mu8os13 (2010-04-14)

saving doesn't works!!!!!
how can i fix it!!!!!!!! tell meeeeeeeeeeee pleeeeaseeeee

natureboy574 (2010-04-15)

thanks for sharing dude keep it up...

dali360 (2010-04-16)

extremezone you are now my new favourite pirat =D

hazemaan (2010-04-16)

I can´t wait for the new splinter cell to come out. I would be thankfull if someone could release it here on PB. Thanks for great uploads!

Dark_Comments09 (2010-04-16)

" is now owned by a media conglomerate that is insistent upon legitimizing the site after its 7 mill purchase of it this year in May...
It has been reported by many that the new is now keeping record of ips for further indictment for letter to be drawn up and sent to the millions of users who have been in the use of the site since the buy out. SO it is natural to assume that the person(s) involved in making the list would want you to know that they are not in support of the MPAA BSA RIAA and other orgs type in print to allow this sort of thing to happen. "
i read it from a this true?? O_O '

WTFGD (2010-04-16)

@mu8os13 - Run it as an Administrator, UAC is fucking annoying, how I fixed JC2 problem

thy_acunz (2010-04-16)

hey pipz.. jaz finished DL this game and im SEEDING... im having difficulties in finding the serial keys.. there's no keygen in the crack file.. badly needs your help...

bobalazs (2010-04-16)

the keygen IS in the crack folder.
turn off your virus protection for the while you run it.
My problem is with the fucking mouse, i did not solve it yet. Cant use the fucker correctly.

roadrunnerside8 (2010-04-16)

You are all greedy people I have already uploaded 20 gb of this and I still havent finished downloading stuck at 92.4 % with 25 seeders but no Download WTF.

 DaNtsu (2010-04-17)

You are really gonna want to buy this game. Seriously it is soo good. Codmw2 is nothing compared to this.

AKGuerilla (2010-04-17)

is there any way we can play online with the cracked version?

Leomacedo (2010-04-18)

Working great thanks. Thats a nice shooter with great graphics BUT somethings annoying me. You give one step and the tangos just pop up in your face...its no strategy just walk and kill like crazy.The AI is so dumb your team always miss the targets and empyt a magazine shooting the wall or put the fucking ass in front of you and you cant say MOVE STUPID AI IM SHOOTING HELLO. they are worthless!!!

rovid (2010-04-19)

anybody had the same problem with me?when a big fire begins,my screen seems to explode,a lot of ''fireworks'' apear and I don't see much,and this only when are explosions,a lot of people firing,and so on.anybody has any idea? I have finished the game in theese horrible conditions,but if I fixed it I would play it again.thanks

coolintorrents (2010-04-19)

seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! FOR GOD SAKE! SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!
i will seed when i finish.

Kyle87 (2010-04-19)

Thanks for the torrent, I bought the game on when it was on sale for $20 but i only got the key. I wanted a copy of the disk so i dled this and it works great.
Awesome game online, haven't touched single player. It takes awhile getting used to, coming from MW2. Bullets have travel time, and theres drop so you often need to lead targets if they are running.

LFC-mark-2010 (2010-04-20)

thanks for this dudeski fuckin awsome game bought it few days bak on ps3 just for online play lol this is so fuckin gr8 with mic online ppl fuck call of duty get on this shit its the best online modern warfare game of all time!!!!!!!!!!!! add me i need clan ps3 english pref iam scouser edwards_2008!

Jim_Male (2010-04-21)

I've been waiting for this torrent for approximately 9 days. Seed you fucking cunts.

_Smithy_ (2010-04-21)

Wow. I clicked on your name pawn3d and I didn't see a single torrent.
Thanks extremezone.

outzaidur (2010-04-21)

this game sucks single player. mutliplayer owns tho. buy it faggots!

giohan85 (2010-04-22)

i have a problem!!!it doesnt make save!!!!how can i fix it!!!!plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!HELP ME!!!

mas111 (2010-04-22)

the mutliplayer is amazing!

Denko19 (2010-04-23)

Iv downloaded installed and cracked the game, when i try to start it, the mouse arrow starts to load, but nothing happens, how can i fix this? Please help, im running a windows 7, tried even to run the game as administrator, but it wont start and i dont get any error, :/

kontonamnn (2010-04-23)

Hi everything works but when im starting the game it says "put in the right cd" or something i think its something with the crack. wich files should i move?

kontonamnn (2010-04-23)

Hi again plz write how i install the game from start to end. and if i need to burn it to a cd and what should i burn to a cd....

ryan10101 (2010-04-25)

Yeah so the new patch fucked the game hard
Dont crack the .exe tell a new crack comes out or you will not be able to play it will just crash when you load a level.
if you have alredy put the crack over it you will need to back patch.

use that to backpatch. then repatch with the updater and insted of useing a small file mount the CD on demontools. it will think the CD is in. and just use the original .exe ... so use this Battlefield: Bad Company 2 [MULTI8] No-DVD/Fixed Image

then you are rdy to roll. i play online and i fucking hate it when when updates roll up but with the fixed image i dont gotta worry about that shit. : D hehe

Cj1star (2010-04-25)

HEY GUYS ONE I HAVE READ JUST ABOUT ALL THESE COMMENTS AND I REALLY WOULD LIKE THIS COMMENTED ANSWERED. i am on the Snowblind level. And right after i get to the point of getting the first object done and then it says meet up with ur team mates. i head up to the house. start climbing up the ladder and then it crashes to desktop. sometimes it just goes to a blackscreen and becomes unresponsive. I have been stuck on this for 2 weeks. I have tried just about everything repairng it reinstalling it recracking etc. I have tried to wait for the chopper and time it right. I have waited alot of times. I have went to the balcony and up the ladder and still crashed. there are 2 ladders. the one in the house and the second one outside on the balcony. both cause me to crash regardless. So does ANYONE KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS. please and thank you. Remember its the SNOWBLIND mission with the Roof and Chopper problem nothing else.

lebanese_warrior (2010-04-25)

omg uleh its sikkk but my vl turbo is much more sikk bro.. my gf maria luvs it omg.. bak to my doof doof now cuz

electricatom (2010-04-25)

works perfectly to me, extremezone i must admit that you uploading shitty movies here but also avesome games

Nlmichiej (2010-04-25)

Is there any way at all to get the Multiplayer working? If so, please lemme know 0,o

Djmaddox (2010-04-25)

Works perfect! Thanks RELOADED and Extremezone!

Vegas64 (2010-04-25)

excuse me guys!
I cracked the game as you told...
My mouse isn't working! I can rotate my character, but i can't use Left and Right mouse Button! So i can't kill the first target with my knife! :P Some other controls on Keyboard aren't working as well! Movement buttons seems to be ok!
I re-installed the game several times, always cracking as told! And nothing... :/
Please any help! thnx!

NextineX (2010-04-26)

why wont my online work? when i try to connect it will say cannot connect... i know i entered the right serial

bschmitty1992 (2010-04-26)

you're a doucher (2010-04-27)

Buy this game if you can afford it. I finished downloading a few hours ago and I just played it for about two hours straight.
I'll be getting it as soon as I get paid next week. Support this company. If any game deserves your hard earned $$$ it's this.

highmasta (2010-04-27)

My mouse isn't working! I can rotate my character, but i can't use Left and Right mouse Button! So i can't kill the first target with my knife! :P Some other controls on Keyboard aren't working as well! Movement buttons seems to be ok!
I re-installed the game several times, always cracking as told! And nothing... :/
Please any help! thnx!

k.rull (2010-04-27)

lol my game crashes in the end so cant complete the game xD

thebe7 (2010-04-27)

I have a problem aswell when the game starts (where I can move my character).. I can move my character (with WASD) but my mouse doesn't work... The character looks straight up so I cannot play the game. Anyone knows how to fix it?
I have windows 7 (64-bit).

highmasta (2010-04-27)

@k.rull at least you can lok left and kill some one a cant even do theat

highmasta (2010-04-27)

And i have 32 bit xp svp2

highmasta (2010-04-27)


thebe7 (2010-04-27)

Actually it seems that I can rotate my char with my mouse but the character still looks straight up so it doesn't really help... I can move my character (with WASD) but I cannot move my mouse.
Anyone got similar problems and/or know how to fix it?

highmasta (2010-04-27)


k.rull (2010-04-27)

oh heres how 2 fix mouse prob dedlete the bbc2 folder in my documents. i dident come up with this but it works :D

highmasta (2010-04-28)

@k.rull thnx man if this realy worksi hope you willcome up with something to fix your game..

fireballw360 (2010-04-28)

seed seed seed plz! downloading extremely slowly. Really want to play this.

highmasta (2010-04-28)

Guy i need help i can move and evrything but i cant use hit button..

ssbdk (2010-04-29)

I have a problem with the mouse settings... when i start the campaign it says use mouse to look around and i can't do that.. it just looks upwards in one direction.. and when we get on land.. when i touch the mouse.. it looks up in the sky, cant do shit and it turns clockwise only... HELP

fireballw360 (2010-04-29)

anybody know if there is a working multiplayer crack for this torrent?

xaleel (2010-04-29)

i cant copy over cracked contend why?
it says write protected

supoflex (2010-04-30)

anyone knows why the game quits at the beginning when they are in boat (the moment when something writes in the right side of the screen) ???
Please help ! I really want to play this game !

Ravedork (2010-04-30)

Gratz to Extemezone once again.
Game installed first time without a problem as per.
ty! :D

stentech (2010-04-30)

I seem to have an updater problem, the game goes through the update process then it says cant move file as it it being used somewhere else. How could that be when it hasnt ran yet? Any help would be appreciated.

Dieteck (2010-04-30)

This game suck SO hard!
Im sorry for the lovers of this game, but i hate it!

MyKingdomHeart (2010-05-01)

Buy the multiplayer. Multiplayer IS the game. Single player is nothing compared to the online part of the game which BTW EVERYONE: You have to actually spend money on and maybe support the people who make this shit

shaikhzee (2010-05-01)

hey guys whats the black screen issue in this game.
how can it be solved, plz reply soon.

Hershey613 (2010-05-02)

Does this have multiplayer? If so AWESOME, but if it doesnt it's ok.
I'm downloading it right now and i'm going to let it seed.
Please seeeedd!!!! I will seed 4 you!

Bukkake0 (2010-05-02)

Where do i find the image?, daemon tools cant find any .ISO or anything

actfasf007 (2010-05-02)

I did downloaded it , made the crack but when I try to play it. it says that I have to update the game in order to play so when I update it it does not start . can u help please

cooolsoon (2010-05-02)


jemunen (2010-05-02)

3893 seeders why cant you guys just seed properly please! want this game today !

guirr (2010-05-02)


NINJAH85 (2010-05-02)

I dont get this to work, it says "wrong disc inserted, plz insert the original battlefield Bad Company 2 disc" ... Can someone please explain what file i really should mount? Is it the image file named rld-bbc2?
Someone plz help.

elitegrunt07 (2010-05-03)

dude im confused on how to find the key code, what is the key code so i can play wihtout buying the actual game

Laustis (2010-05-04)

Why do people think that screaming for seeders will get them the seeders they need? i mean it's not like your average bittorrent changes exchanges seeds that way.. anyways, everybody go get the game at your local store as the multiplayer of this game is the big thing.. Although i (personally) prefer Call Of Duty. MW2's multiplayer this one is also very neat.
thumbs down to RELOADED for being pussies ( get into the scene to know about this) thumbs up to extremezone for another lovely, easy-to-follow torrent for all you new starters out there :)

jbales (2010-05-04)

I fixed my mouse bug problem! Here is a video showing how I did it and the results:

TorrentFuckFace (2010-05-04)

alright installed the game but now i'm waiting for the updater and it hasn't moved from File:level 00-.fbrb

TorrentFuckFace (2010-05-04)

also where is the install dir. i can't find it anywhere to copy the crack in?

TorrentFuckFace (2010-05-04)

oh yeah this off topic of this torrent yet i ask from every game torrent i download can anyone give me a link to a good starcraft broodwar with the full campaign and a crack for battlenet no replies just a question waiting to be answered

sput31 (2010-05-05)


sput31 (2010-05-05)

My download velocity is about 65 kB/s and my internet is 24 mb/s and my download speed is usually about is 900kb / s

xXBANAXx (2010-05-05)

i downloaded and everything works great.. but is there a way of fixing the mouse pointer issue? the pointer moves more than i move it. I tried different mouse's but i still had the issue

tackfurlo (2010-05-05)

Probably a question I could Google and find out myself but I figure I'll ask here anyway.
In the last PC release, BF2142, they still had offline singleplayer with bots. Yet, in Modern Warfare, the latest Ghost Recon, etc., there is a disturbing trend to remove that in favor of a campaign and then online multiplayer, and that's it, i.e. no way to practice. The only FPS I've played in 3 years is thus UT3, and UT3 and BF are definitely not the same kind of FPS. Hence, my question is, did they leave in offline singleplayer?

55range (2010-05-05)

OMG ! I rarely say this but dont be selfish ppl !!
I think my download speed is a x100000 slower for this torrent !!

elrenovski (2010-05-05)

installed and works fine until i try and start a career it brings up the text then crashes anyone know how to resolve this?

dudeface (2010-05-06)

this is torrenting at its best. i downloaded bfbbc2 within 24hours, played it, f-ing loved it
and now i bought it!
thanks reloaded, always been a fan!

dudeface (2010-05-06)

theres no offline multiplayer with bots. the single player campaign gives you a variety of scenarios to prepare you for multiplayer battle (like taking down mcom stations and calling in strikes on tanks etc) but its disappointing you cant take on AI in a team deathmatch. BF is very diff to UT so good luck and think of it as a learning experience :P

mazter_nr1 (2010-05-06)

do any1 know how to make an fake profile so u can log in and play LAN

batz77 (2010-05-07)

i got the game to install and play perfectly but as soon as i finish the first miission after the team left on the submarine and mission 2 begins to load, it crashes..any suggestions anyone?

mazter_nr1 (2010-05-07)

start the game all over again worked after some tries for me

Nityr69 (2010-05-07)

any1 know how to fix that your keyboard and your mouse settings are like perfect then when im playing i cant look down i just go straight up and straight to the sides and walk only to the left or something as stupids as that...

batz77 (2010-05-08)

did that twice and it did not work, but i think its something with my pc because i downloaded and tried street figter 4 and the same thing happened...i dont kno what it could be as the pc is new

bobalazs (2010-05-08)

If you have MOUSE PROBLEMS make sure to copy the two text files along with the CRACK.

twizzaq (2010-05-08)

Works perfect!

MakahNation (2010-05-08)

WOooooW. Super slow speed. I hate torrents man. Can someone(s) plzzzzz seeed!!!!!!

phyllux (2010-05-08)

Great Upload, great game. Thanks from Brazil.

mileyieatyou (2010-05-08)

Why when i'm starting the campaign the game is crashing?
And how can i play multiplayer in this game?

qing1991 (2010-05-09)

guys stop the bitching...
great upload i dlled at 1.5 MB per second great upload

nerdx2000 (2010-05-09)

******* Registration Code *********
This was driving me crazy like many people, until I used my noggin and did what you should always do when you get an error you can't fix: REINSTALL!
You don't have to reinstall the game just the crack, the update restores files so just copy over those files again. If you didn't save them shame on you but you can download just crack here:

rchard91 (2010-05-09)

how do i get the girl below.. i tried daemon tools but i just cant seem to make it work...

hershey680 (2010-05-09)

Ok, I'm downloading. I will write back when finished.

hershey680 (2010-05-09)

Downloading now...
Will write back when finished.

axayd (2010-05-09)

i downloaded this game b4 but it lagged....
maybe it was my PC but i like this game so much, after a hard drive clean im downloading it agian!!!!

axayd (2010-05-09)

speeds really slow!

jdmans101 (2010-05-10)

Thanks! Installed without a problem, I love this game :)

evol-23 (2010-05-10)

downloaded and installed, everything was fine but when i entered the game and started to play my mouse would only move the screen right and up, no left or down so basically i was stuck looking up the whole time. Has any1 else had these problems or know of any fix?

stevemcc (2010-05-10)

Nothing here helps a total newb.
Like finding the crack folder and copy and pasting this and put it there.
So i just found a great u tube vid that shows a guy doing it all.
Just go to utube and write battlefield bad company 2 crack reloaded.
The first vid that appears is the right one.Its german but theres no talking just copy everything he does.
First he mounts the thing u downloaded(i used magic disk)then as it starts to install it will ask for a code.
Go to your computer right click the drive with a picture on on folder "crack" in it u will see "rld-bbc2.exe".double click it.......then generate ur key..
Then u put ur key in install..once done copy eveything from the crack folder and paste it into ur folder were the game installed..
Its all in the vid just copy exactlly what he does and u will be fine..

ryunax14 (2010-05-10)

Guys can this play online?

deadroleguy (2010-05-10)

The installation is very straight forward,and I able to play it right away.

pjhi9man (2010-05-10)

evol-23, to fix the mouse bug copy and paste the 2 text files (jabberwocky and pitoni)from the crack folder to the game dir-worked for me............:)

g4gerrard (2010-05-10)

plz seed, 6 kb/s here...T.T

xiIix (2010-05-11)

Yup, works online just fine. All you gotta do is go get the online multiplayer crack from Gamestop or Steam.
Fucking idiots.

Jernst1 (2010-05-11)

2910 Seeders and only 200 kb/s?

madmongo123 (2010-05-11)

hi im having trouble ive installed game and copied all four files from crack dirto game install dir
then i got update and copied crack again wen i try to play screen goes black for a second then stopsand nothing has anyone had a simular problem?

evol-23 (2010-05-11)

@ pjhi9man, thanks for the help man, i didn't copy and paste those cause i opened them and just thought it was something to read, lol guess not. And the rest of you need to stop being such assholes.
fucking idiots

evol-23 (2010-05-11)

any one know where i might could find an update or something for pixel shading, some of the graphics in the game flicker like boxes or sometimes and smoke and stuff like that and i think that might be what my problem is, any help again would be great. Thanks :)

evol-23 (2010-05-11)

well hells yeah i fixed it just had to update my video driver. :) now for some gaming, and thnx for the torrent!!!

xaleel (2010-05-11)

do i have to disconnect from internet everytime i launch the game?

vezao (2010-05-11)

where can i find the activation code?
i try every key in crack and dont work

debabrata2009 (2010-05-11)

downloaded and installed, everything was fine but when i entered the game and started to play my mouse would only move the screen right and up, no left or down

debabrata2009 (2010-05-11)


deadroleguy (2010-05-11)

"debabrata2009 at 2010-05-11 14:42 CET:
downloaded and installed, everything was fine but when i entered the game and started to play my mouse would only move the screen right and up, no left or down "
Did you copy ALL the crack content,buddy?

vezao (2010-05-11)

is not in english but can help all you
sorry my bad english

vezao (2010-05-11)


debabrata2009 (2010-05-11)

deadroleguy at 2010-05-11 15:59 CET:

debabrata2009 (2010-05-11)


debabrata2009 (2010-05-11)

help meee
please con [email protected]

debabrata2009 (2010-05-11)

please download this crack file

Jernst1 (2010-05-12)

Just wondering, Does anyone know what Micrsoft Visual C+ Redistributal is? It like loads or tries to install every time I install any games. Also why do I have to install DirectX every single time I play a game? Sorry not really relevant to the Torrent, but just asking.

Jernst1 (2010-05-12)

Very good torrent. Downloaded decently quick, and was very easy. Provided you drag and drop all the crack contents into the game registry.

Exixo911 (2010-05-12)

Ok, Just download it, unRAR it, mount it (I use virtual clone drive), install it and apply the cracks, ir's not hard.

xd002069 (2010-05-12)

when i start the game 1 it says wrong disk or 2 im missing binkw32.dll help?? email me [email protected]

Petrus95 (2010-05-13)

Yo, how do I get a cdkey? I rly dont wanna buy this game for 60$...

ThracianKing (2010-05-13)

Ok so it works until when i go to single player and try to start a new campaign, after the little intro text and music the screen just goes black and does nothing..any idea as to how i can fix that?

MakahNation (2010-05-14)


g4gerrard (2010-05-14)

seed plz...

thotobest (2010-05-14)

PLeaaaase seed !

Crusel (2010-05-14)

When i try to enter code ( generated by the keygen ) it keeps comming back and saying its wrong i dont get it
Please help:)

Crusel (2010-05-14)

And BTW do i need to choose CD Registration/Online regisration

CowBandit (2010-05-14)

Ive seen people getting the mouse glitch problem with you just aiming at the sky, like i got. I googled it and i found a few forums which were saying to copy everything from the crack folder including "pitoni" and "jabberwocky". hope this helps. this will fix the problem

PJM16v (2010-05-15)

Working fine here. Win7 64 bit. I couldn't find the keygen in the ISO file when I mounted the image so I used one that was posted in the earlier comments. Updated the game and runs perfectly.

Nassjo99 (2010-05-15)


airwolf_b (2010-05-15)

every time i finish the snowblind level (when I get in to chopper from roof top) the game exits to my desktop. anyone have the same problem, or know how to fix it. I have it fully updated to newest version, every thing works great till I get on the chopper, then the game shuts down.

Judd85 (2010-05-15)

when it says copy everything form the crack, copy everything from the crack folder, not just the exe, the other stuff in there isnt there for giggles.

Razac23 (2010-05-15)

seed plz

Razac23 (2010-05-15)

wats the regestration code?????

paupav (2010-05-15)

i can't load game when get out of game and then get in (i must always when get out and then get in play again 1. mision). Why?

cripcapo (2010-05-15)

No point putting up a game if your not seeding comon , im downloading the game on 100MB/s internet and i get like 350KB/S ????

cripcapo (2010-05-15)

sry wrong game xD , This game works just fine on my Windows 7 32BIT
AMD ATHLON 62 X2 5000+ 2.61Ghz,
Nvidia Geforce 8600GTsuper 512mb overclocked.
4GBRAM corsair 1066mhz

evol-23 (2010-05-15)

I have a few questions if i may. How many of you have windows 7 and are able to download and run these games like this one and bbc2? I was thinking of getting windows 7 but it seems that a lot of ppl have a hard time getting the games from here to work as while I am running xp and haven't had any trouble at all. And also what is a good anti virus program that I can get that will still allow me to play these games as i had avg and we know how that goes, so any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

ozzmann12345 (2010-05-16)

i tryed over 20+ cdkeys but no one worked :/ and been reinstalling couple times this game already :> gief some working cdkeys....

paupav (2010-05-16)

i have windows 7 and i play normal but can't load game

Majinrooshi (2010-05-16)

GUYZ! Do I have to use the same keycode to unlock multiplayer which I used for unlocking the game itself in the first place?
Thanks in advance!

Belar193 (2010-05-16)

Crack does not work with Windows 7 (64-bit)
@Majinrooshi: Dumbass. If you want to get multiplayer, go spend some money.

fazerbay (2010-05-16)

Game works perfect so far =) Does anyone have a trainer for singel player for this release?

ozzmann12345 (2010-05-16)

i tryed over 20+ cdkeys but no one worked :/ and been reinstalling couple times this game already :> gief some working cdkeys....

brechtiboy (2010-05-16)

it always says: placed wrong cd/dvd place the original cd/dvd of battlefield bad company 2.
what i need to do? i have the ISO on DAEMON TOOLS

neles7 (2010-05-16)

Great game, works fine :) no problems at all at my pc. To all people complaining: Paste all the txt files too in the game map, solves mouse, get lastest drivers for ur grapich cards (fixed chopper for me) after that i can play fine.

mns504 (2010-05-16)

after install, and after the updates, recopy the contents of the crack folder exactly as u did before. the update must change something. worked for me. hope it helps.
on to my problem. about 30 seconds into the game, while the 3 dudes are still on the boat, crashes. everytime. any ideas?

mns504 (2010-05-16)

also, i have noticed many ppl in the comments have had similar problems but i didnt see any answers anywhere...

Mr_Boris (2010-05-16)

I have a problem. Have read a lot of comments, but no one has posted something like this.
After I click Install (the first one) and something starts gather info, I get an error message:
"Error: the VC8 runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully.
Setup cannot continue."
All I can do is click OK. When I try to run the install again, I do not have to enter a key, I just get the error message directly.

mns504 (2010-05-16)

@ mr.boris
dunno if this will help, these guys seemed to have the same problem and one explains how to fix it, its like the 4th or 5th comment down.

Mr_Boris (2010-05-16)

Have not found this error in the comments:
"Error: the VC8 runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully.
Setup cannot continue."
I get this message after entering the key and Windows Installer starts. When I try to install again I do not have to enter the key, I just get the message directly.

Mr_Boris (2010-05-16)

@ mns504
Thnx! Will take a look!

thoughtc (2010-05-16)

Aside from a few minor issues like glitchy boxes when things explode (I need to update my card drivers) Whenever I get to the end of "snowblind" it always crashes right when I get to the chopper on the roof. Anyone else having this issue. If so can it be fixed?

Mr_Boris (2010-05-16)

Install works great now. All needed was to restart my computer.

Majinrooshi (2010-05-17)

Well you can go f*ck yourself because in my country this game costs 50-70 euro! I'm not 18 yet so can't buy the game cheap online either. I buy games when I have money for them.

floydiantrooper (2010-05-19)

Spread the joy Mother F@ckers! SEED!

floydiantrooper (2010-05-19)

Anybody got a CRACK for WIN 7 (64bit)? :-(
I want to try the game man!

RestTarRr (2010-05-19)

hey do u have crack for patch 3?

Chokladio (2010-05-19)

The SOLUTION to the VC8 error is:
1. extract the files from the disc image
2.go into support and open localization
3. look for installvc8redist=1
4.change that to installvc8redist=0 and install the game

evilkim (2010-05-19)

Hope this helps the ones who is trying to play it in Multiplayer :-)

evilkim (2010-05-19)

- DICE and EA decided to only distribute the dedicated server files to certified ranked server providers, which means that unless some certified server provider leaks the dedicated server files, no cracker will ever get it's hands on those files.
- The game does not have listen server capabilities, which means that players can't host a server and that the files required to host a BFBC2 server are not included with the game. The game only has the client-side files to be able to join and play on dedicated servers hosted by certified ranked server providers.
The above points prove that there is currently no way for a cracker to crack any server hosting files, and remove the checks so illegal copies can join cracked servers, because there is no way for a cracker to get access to the server hosting files (dedicated server files).
If the dedicated server files are not leaked at some point (which is very likely, because the certified ranked server provided that would leak the dedicated server files would have to pay a BIG fine), then there is no way of ever playing BFBC2 online with an illegal copy of the game.
And for all you who think this is easier to crack than for instance MW2, it's not, and here's why: MW2 uses P2P for multiplayer, which means that a player is also the host of the server (we all know the annoying host migration when that player leaves the server). This means that the files for hosting a server are included with the game, because every player has to be able to be the host. This makes it a lot easier to crack because the files required for hosting a MW2 server (which are the files that have to get cracked to allow for illegal copies to join the server) are available to anyone who buys or downloads the game.
As described above, BFBC2 does not include any files for hosting a server and only certified providers have those files. So a cracker can't get those files and so he can't crack them either.
I bought the game (I actually pre-ordered it) and I can say from hours of experience that the game is absolutely brilliant in multiplayer. I had a blast finishing the singleplayer, but multiplayer is in a whole league of it's own. In my opinion the multiplayer of BFBC2 is even better than the multiplayer of BF2 or MW2, it's really that good.
So just go out and buy the game, and experience the excellent multiplayer for yourself, you won't regret it.

gravesblade (2010-05-20)

when i start the game it says it cant find the XINPUT1_3.dll Does anyone know what to do?

robbie211 (2010-05-20)

works great for me, thanks heaps

Razor3188 (2010-05-21)

Hey im having trouble with getting the game to start
i DL everything according to the directions and copy the game copy from the cracked file
But as soon as i try to play it looks as if its gonna stat but it never does..
ive tryed reinstalling it but it just does the same thing
any help would be appreciated
thanks in advance

3litemuffinman (2010-05-21)

having trouble with getting the game beyond the "Registration Code" everything else workd fine, installed perfect no problems but i cant get it to work due to the above, help! :P

ozzmann12345 (2010-05-22)

yea everything worked just fine for me too except cdkey got small problems with it :< cant play without proper cdkey...

ahieny (2010-05-22)

THX it worked perfectly!!!I even pasted the whole mission in just 2 days!
If the game is asking to update the game update it and then when finished replace it with the crack exe and other files and your ready to play(This fools the updater exe that the game is updated already)

MossadUK (2010-05-22)

you must be crap taking you 2 days to complete!

noblex (2010-05-22)

1)innocent untill caught 2)and there were none 3)the beast within 4)dark fall:lights out 5)darkfall :the journal 6)the experiment 7)delaware:curse of midnight manor 8)delaware:the town with no name 9)postmortem 10)shadow of destiny 11)necronomicon 12))myst 1,2,3 13)nancy drew :- the secret of shadow ranch, the secret of old clock ,warnings at the waverly academy, the white wolf of lcicle creek , the ghost dogs of moon lake 14)darkness within 15)the seventh guest 16)clocktower
My e mail
[email protected]

earth159 (2010-05-23)

Downloaded fine, copied crack files, installed, but when game opens I see "loading" for a few seconds and hear a sound effect and my mouse changes, but then the screen just stays black and i can move around the game mouse but the screen is just black. The game doesn't crash though. Any tips?

kameo747 (2010-05-23)

Ok guys seeeeeed like you have never seeded before! Im at 99.9% and need 1 seed! I WILL SEED UNLIMITED FOR 2WEEKS+!!!!!

ekimiscoolio (2010-05-23)

some people are so stupid, if it says insert disk copy the crack over!

somedude.1001 (2010-05-23)

2 days to finish? lol, took me about 3 hours on Hard. And I'm not even good at FPS.
Serioulsy though, without multi this game isnt worth the bandwidth.

3litemuffinman (2010-05-23)

WORKED PERFECTLY, NICE UP!! keep um coming

anlsh (2010-05-23)

I recommend buying the game for multiplayer
If you can't afford paying $50 for a PC game, atleast buy a cd key which can go as less as 20 bucks, and yes they are legit, those are the cd keys sold in asian countries in which video games are sold as less as 15 bucks

CarnageQ1 (2010-05-24)

if you want patch 1 and 2 here you go:

kameo747 (2010-05-24)


108454 (2010-05-25)

hey people
I'm having the same problem that a lot of downloaders are having
it was a good download but then..........
the snowblind mission:
own some bitches&freezeyourballsof but then the helicopter scene i went up the ladder and the mission was over then it just got in a coma or something and it doesn't do shit...........
no really it's doing nathing.......
just a black screen with ..........nothing
does anyone anywhere anytime have any idea of what the fuck is going on here plzzz for gods sake post it !!!!!!!!

kameo747 (2010-05-25)

Oh cmon i need seeds here im at 99.9%...

108454 (2010-05-25)

hey everybody i did some more searching and i found the ''fix'' for the snowblind chopper cutscene crash all you need to do is take the 2nd ladder that's the one on the balcony!
stupid but it actually worked with me

Jonnywab (2010-05-25)

ok heres my prob with the game. ive installed and updated the game. the ISO. image is mounted with daemon tools and ive also copied the files from the crack folder into the game folder and yet, even when i click to start the game, an error windo appears saying that the disk is not inserted into the drive. this has been going on for a few days now. getn pretty damn frustrated. advice?

Therrion (2010-05-26)

@Jonnywab I'm new at this but try downloading Yasu. Sometime they have a Securdisc protection. Start yasu first and make sure it detects which ever drive you are using then mount the iso. I haven't finished DLing but that could be the problem.

andymbc (2010-05-26)

Come on folks...seed..I've downloaded 14 torrents in the last 2 weeks and I'm still seeding everyone of them..don't just be a leech!

ryunax14 (2010-05-26)

can i play online with this?

bboy2 (2010-05-26)

Where do I get a new crack? After installing I had to update it but the crack in this torrent won't work.

arcane616devil (2010-05-26)

Beautiful, thanks man.

drago960 (2010-05-27)

okay my downlaod speed is 5kbs
ill just quit this download !
for me it says the seeder:30
peers :20
pretty Sh****

motnahpraw (2010-05-28)

Guys I hella recommend buying this game for the multiplayer. It ROCKS! And its multiplayer gameplay is more epic than Modern Warfare 2 in my opinion

TomSnaps (2010-05-28)

WHY THE FUCK IS IT STUCK AT 99.8%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

airwolf_b (2010-05-28)

every time i finish the snowblind level (when I get in to chopper from roof top) the game exits to my desktop. anyone have the same problem, or know how to fix it. I have it fully updated to newest version, every thing works great till I get on the chopper, then the game shuts down.
I copied everything from crack folder, followed all the instructions, tried on win 7 then on win vista, same problem both times.

kameo747 (2010-05-28)

At least you guys can get 5kb/s :( i cant get over 0.1... im on 99% and will seed for days...

tops.c (2010-05-28)

Game installs fine, start, run updater (then repatch), the sorry side is the game don't support the new xbox windows controller, fk it then I hate playing with mousey boys.

kameo747 (2010-05-29)


Dynam0x (2010-05-29)

problem with settings...(mouse)in game....cant fix it..

skycool (2010-05-29)

For those who have mouse problem, make sure you copy EVERYTHING from the CRACK FOLDER INTO THE GAME INSTALLATION FOLDER, including the NOTEPAD FILES THINGS. It solved for me then.
I got a problem here too. same with airwolf_b. Everytime i finish the snowblind level (when I get in to chopper from roof top) the game exits to my desktop. I cannot pass this part and the game will never go on. Bug from cracking or my own computer problem??????????

kameo747 (2010-05-30)

Guys, im having really really really bad screen tearing :| ive tried using d3doverrider but its just making it so i cant load the game! HELP PLEASE!
Oh and can i update the game?

motnahpraw (2010-05-31)

This game's multiplayer is much better than Modern Suckfare 2. I highly recommend purchasing it.

arthur20132013 (2010-05-31)

Where is a working registration code?

Kristyan (2010-06-01)

Guys, can you help me? I already finished to downlod..where is the key gen?tnx to all...

S3MM7 (2010-06-02)

nice uploading speeds :-)
got over 1.5 mb/s :-D

eagle_poacher (2010-06-03)

yo thankx for the DL. I did everything correctly; install, keygen, cracked, updated, then while I try to start the game for the cracked game icon, I just keeps saying 'wrong disc in drive'??!!? everything is fine the bfbc2 disc is mounted but its reading it as wrong disc.
@Kristyan: Its in the 'cracked' folder, It doesnt have an icon on it

ryunax14 (2010-06-03)

Guys how to play online i really dont know plss help thx :)

drago960 (2010-06-04)

guys pls SEED
mine is download 10 kb/s
pls just for 5 hours °!

shellychan (2010-06-05)

I mounted, installed, copied the crack over,
but when i get in campaign and start the first mission the graphics are all screwy and I can't see anything, they're like blocks.
What did I do wrong????

drago960 (2010-06-05)

hey can anyone tell me is this real full version cause iam at 86 %
i wanna know
if not iam pissed !

erictoshi (2010-06-06)

Thanks so much!!
No error no bullcrap!
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate.
Just follow the instructions to the dot.
In the crack folder:
1. file "rld-bbc2.exe" is the keygen generator.
2. I chose "Online Authentication"
3. copy all files including the TXT files to the installed folder for Mouse to work properly.
Just tryin to help!

badguy89 (2010-06-06)

hey thnx for d upload n fast speed....i hav got sum problem ....whn i select single player campaign n start d game...those threee fellas talk n games saves thr...but mouse look arnd is written n game stops working...i copied all d files frm crack folder.....plzzz help anyone....thnxxx

badguy89 (2010-06-06)

hey thnx for d upload n fast speed.....i got sum problem....whn i start single player campaign...d games saves whn those fellas talk...but mouse luk arnd is written after tht n game stops working...plz help me frnzz...thnks...

coolmccool96 (2010-06-06)

Okay.... this is off topic and doesn't really particularly go here.... but apparently, I tried going into task manager and changing the task priority of Vuze to high (not realtime, my computer always crashes at realtime) and now my downloads all go maybe 50% faster. Should I continue doing this? Ive never really known the purpose of the task priority function anyway, just that it apparently sped up my DL's....?

beezma (2010-06-08)

Mouse is buggy, on the menu i have to go on the right side of the screen to click the options.
I copied over all crack files.

Dr_997 (2010-06-08)

Mouse problem fixed
Update the game and copy the crack
1. Go to game file in \\Electronic Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2\ ((BFBC2Game))
2. ((Right click)) on the file and choose ((properties))
3. go to ((compatibility)) Tab
4. Check ((Disable display scaling on high DPI setting))

Dr_997 (2010-06-08)

Mouse problem fixed
Update the game and copy the crack
1. Go to game file in \\Electronic Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2\ ((BFBC2Game))
2. ((Right click)) on the file and choose ((properties))
3. go to ((compatibility)) Tab
4. Check ((Disable display scaling on high DPI setting))

coolmccool96 (2010-06-09)

UMM..... when I get to the mission "SnowBlind" in the campaign, as soon as I board the helicopter to evac from the area, instead of the following cutscene commencing, the game crashes every single time. Also, throughout the entire time Ive been playing, Ive had to deal with the game flashing black constantly. Every second or so it flashes black really quick and then goes back.
Download/Install Issues? How to fix please?

coolmccool96 (2010-06-09)

alright nvm i fixed the glitchy graphics problem with the graphics DX11 -DX9 suggestion on page 11... but still crashing at cutscene start....

kcyrusm (2010-06-09)

How do you disable the display scaling on high DPI setting on Windows 7 Ultimate? I don't have a compatibility tab in properties.

Sickan (2010-06-10)

Is anyone more than me having problems with the auto updater? i cant get passes this thing.
Tries to update the game but cant replace the exe file (Probably the crack) how can i bypass the updater?

Pap45murF (2010-06-10)

I lost my BC2 disc and need to reinstall for punkbuster issues, so I have a legit key. Will this install the game and punkbuster, and accept my key like normal?

badguy89 (2010-06-10)

i cant play d damn game ....whn i start d single player campaign it saves n thn d games stops working....plzzzzz help.....

sebende (2010-06-10)

50% I need 3-4 hour seed!
Average 15.3kb/s!!
pls seed

sebende (2010-06-10)

29/2714 Seeder!

saddur (2010-06-11)

Dr_997 thanks for the mouse bugg fixx ^^

sebende (2010-06-11)

Thx for upload!

sebende (2010-06-11)


Simonmmd (2010-06-12)

I cant find the Serial in the crack?
where is it?

Simonmmd (2010-06-12)

Found it ! :D

andreasR_1999 (2010-06-13)

Do I have to mount this game or can I burn it and install the "normal" way? If so how do you do it with such a big game that don´t fit on a dvd?
Is it difficult to use mount programs ? //Beginner

HDfreak (2010-06-13)

thank you perfect

apiratesbestfriend (2010-06-15)

seriously guys: I downloaded this game via piratebay and had lots of trouble with mouse etc... but managed to fix it. But its not worth it. The single player is very short, but nice. I bought the Original for 18 Euro!!! Now I can use the multiplayer which is actually the best of the whole game!

woodenflute (2010-06-16)

I think I saw three other posts about the same problem but no answers, and i scanned through all the comments...
PROBLEM: installed everything just fine, but when I try to play the game turns BLACK right after the "this is what happened tha day" in the beginning.
I tried the solutions to the white screens problem and tried reinstall and tried about everything i guess, so anyone with a SOLUTION?

Whit3_Addict (2010-06-16)


Archy101 (2010-06-16)

My Key is invalid and clues?

RedBlanket (2010-06-17)

wish people would seed..

harddrivesixtynine (2010-06-17)

There's no point in downloading this game because it's the multiplayer you want, I love this game so much that I bought both the PC, 360 and PS3 version of it. I LOVE IT!!! I've been playing it since it was released and even if you find a multiplayer crack for it, dont bother because it's not worth it!!!

bk12321 (2010-06-17)

Today only, this is legit!!! Daemon Tools Pro FREE

check out if you dont believe me
its legal!!!

MilindaX (2010-06-18)

Hey guys I got a weird mouse problem.
I cant look around in the game.
The mouse controls are set in a weird way so that where ever I look I end up looking at the sky. (left right down) Cant seem to fix it on settings. Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance!!

okawango (2010-06-19)

Great download,good game and graphics,but very short.No problem with instalation.Thanks extremezone. Very good work.

45812 (2010-06-20)

Hey, I'm having a bit of graphical trouble with the crack. I put all the stuff from the crack file into the main game data folder, and I even downloaded a proper crack for it, but I keep seeing this:

Does anyone know of a solution for this?

Alex209 (2010-06-20)

How do i play this online i used the serial key at the start then i need it again to play online please help

Alex209 (2010-06-20)

and i dont remember the 1 i used

Fornia (2010-06-20)

I downloaded the game, installed it. Then I runned the updater. But then... It says I have the wrong cd. So, I downloaded a crack from gamecopyworld. I replaced the original .exe with the crack. Now, the game doesn't start, and my pc says the .iso file is corrupt. The weird thing is, it worked 10 minutes ago.

NinjaKaninen (2010-06-20)

Is it possible to play multiplayer on this torrent-version? Because i tried to enter mulitplayer but i had to log in to my EA-account, since i have other EA games i dont want to get an IP-ban.

LanceDS (2010-06-22)

After finished downloading it says i need to insert Disc 2, I mounted it on PowerISO not sure what to do from here.

hitesh70 (2010-06-22)

Please Seed someone , i am only getting 7 to 10 kbps.

hitesh70 (2010-06-22)

Only for 2 days.I will be thankfull to you.

alexaras1313 (2010-06-22)

how does reloaded works please help

badguy89 (2010-06-22)

hey my games doesnt start at all it turns black after he says wht happned tht day....plzz help

Jaffa1978 (2010-06-22)

Hey extremezone any chance of a new keygen for this,it worked fine when i originally installed it a couple of months ago,but now after i install it,it asks for a serial again & it wont accept any of them?

zotrack (2010-06-22)

that game is awesome in multi, way less troubles when you have a ps3 :-)

waleedchedid (2010-06-22)

I downloaded this game from here, but when i played it the graphics were horrible! I put them on maximum and in the game it looked as if it's low! I have a powerful pc and played other powerful games on high graphics, like Crysis. Please can someone help?

gamergames (2010-06-23)

Can you play it online?

waleedchedid (2010-06-23)

I can't since i don't have a multiplayer key

Vou_kefalas (2010-06-23)

I have a problem during installation.It says t"The cabinet file '' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used....bla bla bla".Can anybody help me please??

HellSnder (2010-06-24)

Got it to work but i find so hard configuring controls.
Thanks for the torrent....

Vego666 (2010-06-24)

2447 seeders and i'm only getting 2kb/s.. SEED!!

boby81 (2010-06-24)

i have no sound -.-

PHSYX (2010-06-25)

Fucking idiots the only games that will work online from a torrent are those with out a key! or a online crack dont be fucking stupid if the game needs a key its obvious the key will be black listed and wont work online!....idiots have some sense please

Pap45murF (2010-06-25)

My screen constantly flickers like I'm being shot in a UAV

u_stinkz (2010-06-25)


Domdom123 (2010-06-27)

Can you please seed 5.3 % wtf

janrss (2010-06-27)

You just need to copy all the crack contain, including the text files, I don't know way, but that always solves the problem. I tested in a vista premium 32 and win 7 ultimate.

vgvgvg7412 (2010-06-27)

is it ok to update this after install?

spleen99 (2010-06-30)

is there ANY way to update this??? anytime i try the update now, it says please insert the original disc. i burned the disc, and the updater doesn't like this. where can one find an image of the ORIGINAL disc without the crack extras?

Chibigoat (2010-07-01)

HELP PLEASE. when it says copy over cracked content to install dir does that mean copy it to support?

Chibigoat (2010-07-01)

In addition to that can you also tell me what dir means?

nobbylonghandle (2010-07-02)

yet again reloaded your great mate thank you very much for this great game , easy to install and the game was much better than i thought it was going to be , always appreciate your efforts. thanx

zedx12345 (2010-07-02)

firstly dir means folder, so install dir means the folder that you installed the game in it..
and find the crack folder in the game image and copy all inside of it to the folder that you installed the game..

vaibhav3 (2010-07-02)

where are the save game folder located?????????????

rahul.18 (2010-07-04)

not running game after installation when i copy paste crack and whole file, then i click to start game then select single player and easy game after three or four second he stooped plz help me plz
plz plz

Riivers (2010-07-04)

I want to download this just for the multiplayer. Does it work?

shtank (2010-07-05)

when i first started downloading it said eta: 2 years. hahaha

Jeff1244 (2010-07-05)

Can i play multiplayer wif this? if no what to do instead of buying to play the multiplayer?

g4gerrard (2010-07-06)

seed please...

skench92 (2010-07-06)

I don't know how to be able to play this after I download it. I'm a noob, yes. lol.
Any help?

g4gerrard (2010-07-06)

plz seed.. 5 kb/s now T.T

Lucky13s (2010-07-07)

Cant turn off the crosshair? Damnit, what kinda challenge is this suppose to be?

Shiniyah (2010-07-09)

Does this work with Win7 64-bit Home Premium? I\'ve installed it and tried 3 different cracked exes all with the \"...stopped working\" error. I\'ve ran in admin, and in compatibility for Vista and XP. Any ideas? I\'ll still seed, but it\'d be great to get this working.

110chi (2010-07-10)

anybody else get a catastrophic crashing bug? i can play single player in 30 min increments then the game crashes and requires a manual system reboot

wiilipsi (2010-07-10)


Kyully (2010-07-10)

If you want real multiplayer experience in this and any other game, you HAVE to buy the game. The instructions to install the game are on the reloaded.nfo file which you can open with notepad, and in this torrent file description.rnrn- To mount an image, download Daemon Tools (lite or not), create a virtual disk and mount the image through the rld-bbc2.iso file.rn- Install it, you can find the serial key through the keygen in the Crack folder, which you can reach going to My Computer, right clicking the BBC2 icon and selecting \"explore\".rn- After installing the game, go to the same Crack folder and copy all the files but the keygen to your installed game directory.rn- Use the BFBC2Game crack to play.rn- In my case, I had to update the game through BFBC2Updater to be able to play. You can just cancel (or stop your internet connection) and a message will pop-up asking if you want to play the old version.rnrnHope this helps.

thisisntme (2010-07-12)

To Shiniyah and anyone whose having problems. if you updated the original file using the updater the game gives you, you have to uninstall and re-install a clean version, before starting the game, download patch number 2
put copy all the files in the patch to your directory, yes, ALL of them. nwith the update you get better frame, when you change video settings it ACTUALLY changes the setting and your frames stay more constant, oh and it fixes all audio problems too!!!

thisisntme (2010-07-12)

the website is this
not what was in my last post

thisisntme (2010-07-12)

the website is this
not what was in my last post

aavish (2010-07-13)

blank screen gives problems how can i adjust this problem even i try to use update folder

wncody (2010-07-14)


FearedNightmare (2010-07-15)

wow barely downloading at 160 kb/snplease seed people everyone wants to play so be generous for a fellow gamer

german_77 (2010-07-16)

I will be sharing this file with Gygin!

bronq (2010-07-16)

Does anyone know how to get the serial key for this game or any other way to play multiplayer?

djdesperado (2010-07-17)

This is realy FUN and GOOD game.rnrnRun with Windows 7 and it works without any problems.rnrnI have AMD Athlon X2 2,8GHZ rnI have 2 Gb DDR2 Memory 800MhzrnI have XfX Nvidia GTS 250 with 512MB DDR3rnrnWorks without any lags. Im realy gona buy it.rnrnrnTnx so much for upload... Its worth a download

Z0SO (2010-07-17)

it said file exceeded the file size limit,what to do?

Pedrodraks (2010-07-18)

I\'ve intalled the game and I already copy the crack but when I try to play the game a box appears saying I have the wrong CD in the drive...nnWhat should I do?

tutacoper (2010-07-18)

Thanks for the upload, worked great, it's good game but I still prefer cod mw2 gameplay

piffin (2010-07-18)

every time i get to the mission snow blind and am about to get into the helicopter to beat the level, it tells me that there is no disk in the drive and than it crashes. anybody else come across this?

Maebrepali (2010-07-19)

O.K>I copied all of the crack content but the mouse(LMB & RMB)still doesnt work...?

ale3-13 (2010-07-20)

when i play the campain,the game have autosave but when i close the game and the next time where i go to the campain the save is not there!And i play again the game fron the bigining! anyone help here???????

ale3-13 (2010-07-20)

HELP PLZ!!!!!!

odingod32 (2010-07-21)

"Maebrepali :O.K>I copied all of the crack content but the mouse(LMB & RMB)still doesnt work...?"
You have to insert the V button at ON FOOT from keyboard setings and kill the firs guy with it by pressing V, after that you will get a wepon and the LMB & RMB will work fine.(I have XP Prof. SP2)

odingod32 (2010-07-21)

"Maebrepali :O.K>I copied all of the crack content but the mouse(LMB & RMB)still doesnt work...?"
You have to insert the V button at (ON FOOt) MEELE from keyboard setings and kill the firs guy with it by pressing V, after that you will get a wepon and the LMB & RMB will work fine.(I have XP Prof. SP2)

super_202 (2010-07-25)

hey.. i downloaded this game and installing it is no problem... but at first i had mouse problem, i reinstalled it 3 times, but then i read a comment that said that u had to copy ALL files, even the txt and then it worked but then came another issue... After i've been spending around 3 hours playing and then return to the game, all my saved games was gone... i tried play again and see if it saved, no luck.. i reinstalled the game, but still, i can't save.. so someone, please tell me how to fix this problem, if not i will just go and buy it... xD

strangr2 (2010-07-26)

@blaze_gold_2010 & @piffin
i have the same problem - tried it 2x. tried re-installing - same thing. getting better at the game up to that point.
does any one know how to fix that?????

strangr2 (2010-07-26)

blaze_gold_2010 & @piffin
I have the same problem: have tried it 2x - re-installed - tried again. same thing - crash as you get in to the helicopter. i'm gettin real good at the game up to this but.
does anyone have a fix for this?????

strangr2 (2010-07-26)

@piffin & blaze_gold_2010
i have the same problem: the system crashes as you get in to the helicopter. have tied it 2x, have re-installed and tried it again, same thing. i'm gettin real good at the game up to that part.
does any one have a fix for this!!!????

1AdmiralWu (2010-07-27)

@thisisntme: There's a new patch out now and it says i can't play it unless I patch it; what do I do?

MarciBE (2010-07-28)

Does it works on PAL?

minh0capt (2010-07-29)

this torrent works big time.
it has working crak;
Keygen is on the crack;
and its virus free................
10/10 awsome torrent...........

rockyrules94 (2010-07-29)

why is it so difficult to install and play these game i wish there was just a big INSTALL THIS GAME button and then i can play it right now i have no idea wot or how to do anything with these file. something to do with daemon tools uuurrrhh dunno help?

RaNsOmCodE (2010-07-29)

thx for this nice safe upload

MarciBE (2010-07-29)

How do you create an account so that you can play online ?

rockyrules94 (2010-07-30) is corrupt and it wont finish install any one help??

super_202 (2010-07-30)

any1 else having problems with saving the game? it seems everytime i quit the game, it disappears... yes, i have reinstalled it.. and every1 that don't know how to install this... real simple... First download deamon tools, install it. When u have, right click on a little lightning near the clock and mount the ISO (the game) then the install starts for the game, it asks for a serial.. Go to this computer then right click on the game and explore it, you will see a crack folder, in there is a keygen... when the game is installed, copy EVERYTHING in that map to C:\programs\Electronic Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2 and to skip the Update, just click the BFBC2Game.exe and the game should start now.

MarciBE (2010-07-30)

i cant play online , please help.

MarciBE (2010-07-30)

try running the game as an administrator.
if this helps you, could you help me with my problem.
i cant play online.

fierguy (2010-07-31)

what is the serial, cuz when i try to play multiplayer, it askes for the serial, is the serial the keygen key?

kake-mamma23 (2010-07-31)

i can't shot..
When i tast on the mouse.. it don't happen anything...

tpcraziest (2010-08-01)

can any1 explain to me why wen i install the game nd place da crack in the right folder yet wen i click to play da game a white screen pops up nd den the game disappears. shud i get a different crack ? im using windows xp pro. im not a n00b jus confused

Failseeders (2010-08-03)

Fuck you're a stupid cunt. You should know that when you download a game for free it won't work online. Stop being an ignorant cunt all your life

iammd (2010-08-03)

The game have a Moue Problem and in 4th stage it get stop.....I have search net for solveing the problem and now play thae game .....
this game is no dough a Good game to play...but this torrent is not very good....
bd...-=Download Speed is super.

ashslayer17 (2010-08-04)

hey can anyone help me i have mounted the game with daemon tools but i cant find the installer for the game if you know how to fix this please comment back

ashslayer17 (2010-08-04)

hey can anyone help me i have mounted the game with daemon tools but i cant find the installer for the game

super_202 (2010-08-06)

I have windows xp and i'm administrator so.. nothing wrong with that, and you can't play online so every1 that keeps asking if you can play this online, stop. Though you can maybe play but on cracked private server which u need to find a crack that u have to find somwere... and ashslayer17.. if u have mounted your ISO file try go to this computer and left click on the game and the install should start

Teby4444 (2010-08-06)

It works like a charm! ;)
1) Instalar autorun
2) Copiar todos los archivos de la carpeta "crack" en la carpeta de instalación del juego (sino tendremos problemas con el mouse xD)
3) Asegurarse de jugar con un usuario con privilegios de administrador (sino, click derecho, ejecutar como..admin)
Nose quien es el Reloaded ese, pero algo me dice que es una especie de dios en este mundo underground 8-)

Teby4444 (2010-08-06)

No hace falta montar el juego con Daemon Tools, se puede descomprimir con 7Zip por ejemplo y proseguir su instalación.
Para los k pregunten, no se puede jugar online. Onlan todavía no probé.
Lo de ejecutar en modo administrador lo aviso para los despitados que luego no pueden guardar las partidas ^^

QUINTOS-TORRENT (2010-08-06)

to all having a problem about mouse.try this this is the best torrent for os is Windows 7 ..try this. this is 100% me..!!!!this torrent is fix about mouse

krnso (2010-08-09)

How do you get this game to start... I cant seem to start the game lol
what i have done is mount and installed and patched it then i put in the cracked file then i click run as admin but after a few seconds, nothing seems to appear =/ any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!

wtfman1985 (2010-08-10)

look at my name.
wtf man, start seeding people, this is retarded!

mtkaa (2010-08-10)

Am.. When I run the game I must type the "registration" code. Is this code the serial code or something else?

enemyof (2010-08-10)

When it asks for a registration code i type in the serial code i entered for the install but it just loops the message over and over...
any ideas how to fix?

braveheart2112 (2010-08-11)

great game and easy install, if you follow the NFO instructions...Love it....Thanks for the up

mtkaa (2010-08-11)

When I run the game they ask me for a "registration" code. Is this a serial or something else? I was try a serial in Crack file but it doesn't work.
Any help?

asf1 (2010-08-11)

"extremezone" you are the best great upload. I have downloaded the game and its working but i am getting black flashing trims over the screen. I am playing this game in 'XP' SP 2. I need your help. Plz reply as soon as possible. Thanks

asf1 (2010-08-11)

extremzone plz rply

glennsand (2010-08-12)

ppl please seed i'm only gettin 20kb/s

enemyof (2010-08-12)

anyone else getting the registration code problem?....
none of the serials work....
pic related
tinypic . "com" / r / 242c204/4

glennsand (2010-08-12)

I have a problem it asked me to update and i did cuz there was no other way now it keeps askin for the serial and sayin not valid i used the keygen

glennsand (2010-08-12)

i have the same problem

enemyof (2010-08-13)

got it to work after searching for a Crack Only download and replaced files with those...
now it works...
TBH the game isnt as good as i expected....
its missing all the good weapons and tools...

macolas (2010-08-13)

HELP! WTF.. i start the game and it goes to fullscreen mode and the screen goes black. i can hear the game but not see...
the wierdest thing is that if i switch to the desktop bfb2 is in window mode and i can see the game but as soon as i click on the windows it goes to fullscreen and black :(:( heeeeeelp! =(

mtkaa (2010-08-13)

Registration code don't work. I try serial in crack file but don't work. :(

Lawliet303 (2010-08-14)

I'm getting "black pixels on faces and guns". Any fix?
GPU : ATI 4670 HD

Lawliet303 (2010-08-14)

Still black pixels on guns and faces... :(

rocketman122 (2010-08-16)

yes, you must copy all the crack files over (except for the keygen obviously) I opened the 2 txt files and thought they were junk, but I guess it's something the game needs to run..btw, running xp home 32. also, I got an authenticate dialog open but didn't activate it. I made a send to desktop shortcut of the bfb2game.exe file i copied to the desktop and run it like that..I deleted the installed desktop shortcut...

smbrakan (2010-08-17)

I Cant Get It Run I Installed Daemon tools then i runned it i installed the game i pasted the crack i updated it and then i tried to play it it just dont do anything i run it its loads but it wont launch game somebody help! i found the serial here

Matrix828 (2010-08-20)

really please?
i seeded btw! :)

zbifens (2010-08-20)

Can we play online?

zbifens (2010-08-20)

I ask if we can play this online becaus eI downloaded cod mw2 and I play online ;)

JKSD (2010-08-24)

How Come it says Code Is Invalid, when I type in Serial Code????? HELP ME!

tmumods (2010-08-25)

Seed at max please, I'm using cable and only getting 60kb/sec

BingoGuy (2010-08-25)

For those who cannot get online working and haven't found the patch that EA sent out in e-mail do this:
1. Open command prompt, cmd.exe
2. paste this:
netsh int tcp set global ecncapability=disabled
3. Hit "enter", it should say "Ok."
4. Now go into game and hit "login", it should work.

mtkaa (2010-08-26)

@ BingoGuy:
I can't find "command prompt, cmd.exe" in Battlefield Bad Company 2 RELOADED
Can you please tell me where is this?
Thanks very much.

blackmanniger (2010-08-26)


mortification (2010-08-26)

is ascking me for the REGISTATION CODE.

mortification (2010-08-26)

is ascking me for the REGISTATION CODE

savielhell (2010-08-26)

i downloaded it but i dont know what to do i says its an iso file and i dont know how to open it?

xRaider (2010-08-26)

I can't find the crack dir when I downloaded the game. I have this problem with almost all the things I download, can someone please help me?

mtkaa (2010-08-26)

@XRaider: If you look for a Crack file it should be in Battlefield Bad Company 2 folder.
@Savielhell: Did you burn the image?

Narroric (2010-08-27)

Single player campaign is pretty darn good, but battlefield has always and will always (i hope) be a multiplay game for me. so thanks for the awesome upload, works great!

Narroric (2010-08-27)

Single player campaign is pretty darn good, but battlefield has always and will always (i hope) be a multiplay game for me. so thanks for the awesome upload, works great!
off i go to buy a game for once so i can play online :D

unit56 (2010-08-28)

how can i play this online

Mando71 (2010-08-28)

PLZ HELP, I download 7 times from differents torrents, and I get the same problem when I mount the game. The EXE open after the mount, I click on it, then com up the 8 language, then next and I click on the install. Nothing happens. PS I have win 7 and I tried differents deamon tools. plz need help. Thanks

xRaider (2010-08-29)

I mounted the game, I used the Battlefield Bad Company 2 Keygen, I installed the game and then it asks again for the keygen and this time its invalid! Can someone please help me?
@mtkaa: Yeah I think I have it here but how do I use it, because when i open it it gives me an error that it can't find a file....

crvowz (2010-08-30)

i keep getting d3dx9_42.dll error not found when I try to run the keygen in the crack folder.

mtkaa (2010-08-30)

xRaider: Did you maybe delete crack file?.

xXKaMiKaZeXx (2010-08-31)

Hey guys! I just wanted to say that if you want some tasty Trojans, go ahead and download this torrent. I got several different Trojans in Norton and Nod32, but maybe i'm wrong, since nobody else commented on such.

xXKaMiKaZeXx (2010-08-31)

Got Trojans Detected from Norton and Nod32 :(

crvowz (2010-08-31)

ok i fixed the other error but now im getting "This program can't start because binkw32.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

crvowz (2010-08-31)

i got it to work... i thought the cracked exe was the keygen hehe

crvowz (2010-08-31)

i know multiplayer isn't supposed to work but after reading comments on here it seems some of you have got it to work. However, it doesn't work for me...

crvowz (2010-08-31)

i now multiplayer doesn't work with pirated games, but based on the comments, some of you have actually got this game to work. However, when I try it, it doesn't work...

caseclosed85 (2010-09-01)

I keep getting failed to move the file:
C:\Program files\electronic arts\battlefield bad company 2\temp patch\patched\bfbc2.exe
C:\program files\electronic arts\ battlefield bad company 2\bfbc2game.exe
if you have any of these files open, please closethem and try again.
Can anybody help me with this problem?

ariwari (2010-09-01)


ILL PROMISE IT WILL WORK (at least it does for me)

HackerResidence (2010-09-02)

I have the Please insert the original "Battlefield bad company 2" CD/DVD Error. help Also it says that battlefieldbc2 winrar is damaged ? I need exact instructions. Is it normal to have /battlefieldbc2 and rld-bbc2\ what should i do with them ??

Askar2 (2010-09-02)

Hey guys, need help!! the singleplayer works flawlessly, thank you uploader))) but I need a MP (offline of course, but if online play is possible, so why not?))!! how to do it? when I`m trying to play a MP it asks a license key.. I`m typing the license key but it doesn`t works, it says that key is invalid.. what should I do?

budih (2010-09-03)

fuck this shit seed gays!!

ryu007 (2010-09-03)

guys, i played this game until level 6 (snow blind) and then it's cannot move on to another level, it's said that the program was error. can anyone help me ?? sorry for my bad english...

Wandrill3 (2010-09-03)

Hello, i'm french and i want to say thanks from France for all people to help me with their comments. I have just one problem, when i launch the autorun, he asks to me for the language, after search for the game and after asks to me to insert the CD of BBC2. Can you help me precisely please.
I'm sorry for my grammatical mistake in english !

dragraceking (2010-09-03)

I can't play th game.
I installed the game then choosed that disc version.
I copyed the game to installation dir but it askes original cd. what should i do?

scubadog2000 (2010-09-03)

It works and its AWESOME!

Dark_Kai (2010-09-04)

can u play online?

vasagiom (2010-09-04)

fuck it crashes

Wandrill3 (2010-09-05)

Nobody to help us with the CD problem ?

HackerResidence (2010-09-05)

To fix any error u got with this game.
E-mail me [email protected]

HackerResidence (2010-09-05)

Instructions are too long to post

amfefe925 (2010-09-05)

goddamn it my download is only up to 24kbs!

amfefe925 (2010-09-05)


HackerResidence (2010-09-05)

The fix For :
Please Insert Original "Battlefield Bad Company 2" CD/DVD

HackerResidence (2010-09-05)

Please Insert Original "Battlefield Bad Company 2" CD/DVD

HackerResidence (2010-09-05)

Utube it and you will Find it
It worked for me

HackerResidence (2010-09-05)

Its on Y-o-u-t-u-b-e- just seach
Please Insert Original "Battlefield Bad Company 2" CD/DVD

scotty365 (2010-09-06)

It's been removed

andy188 (2010-09-06)

I keep getting failed to move the file:
C:\Program files\electronic arts\battlefield bad company 2\temp patch\patched\bfbc2.exe
C:\program files\electronic arts\ battlefield bad company 2\bfbc2game.exe
if you have any of these files open, please closethem and try again.
Can anybody help me with this problem?????

AeonwOw (2010-09-09)

Hey i downloaded battlefield and when i open it it goes to a white screen then black then just closes back to desktop. Please someone help me.

MikeTheOne22 (2010-09-11)

Hey fellow pirates i need some help ! :)
i got a error when i try to install Batelfield bc2
The cabinet file "" required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error , an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.
Can i fix this problem somehow? pls help me !
many thanks

f-wolf (2010-09-12)

Get good machine,that is solution...

samim123 (2010-09-12)

The keygen keys does not work anymore...

HackerResidence (2010-09-13)

To fix the please insert cd/dvd error.
[email protected]

Glo-Ray (2010-09-14)

Game works fine but when I move my mouse it aims in the air and turns right. Can someone help please?

babyattacker (2010-09-14)

how do i copy the cracked content to the install dir?

snafufx (2010-09-14)

******SNOW BLIND CRASH*******
Ok, I just went to god knows how many sites and found the solution for the game crashing when you are about to enter the helicopter. There are actually two sets of ladders. I crash at the most obvious ladder. On that same level of the house, go towards the back and through a set of doors unto the balcony. You will see another ladder. Climb up, mission completed, at least worked for me. Good luck!!!

Samus512 (2010-09-15)

.....i downloaded, unzipped the rld-bbc2 file, and got a bunch of un-organized garbage (i HATE unorganized files.......). i tried to add the image on daemon tools, but couldnt find it anywhere. so, i just ran the autorun application and it worked.... after i put in my activation code, i did the setup, chose not to use punkbuster or whatever, and when i clicked play, it said i needed an update. its taking forever to update, but im not sure if im doing anything wrong, considering i never copied any cracks or mounted any images.... help?

DimaFunk (2010-09-15)

Guys, this game is the shit. I just bought this from Steam. Seriously I recommend buying it. Online its freaking awesome.

lilgt (2010-09-15)

i cant play. can some one help me? they ask for a registration code.

DaN00berz (2010-09-16)

@lilgt, go into the mounted ISO file, and find a crack folder called.. maybe 'Crack' or 'Reloaded' or something like that. and see if there's keygen or codes in a txt provided there. good luck
PS: I haven't download this, going to, yes GOING TO, DEFINITELY, so if I taught something wrong, excuse me.. :)

AeonwOw (2010-09-17)

Hey i open the game and it comes to a white screen then black then closes back to desktop. is this because my shit graphics card or just not installed properly?

Th3_Raging_Bull (2010-09-18)

Downloaded overnight! Thanks, maybe a bit of a stupid question but you can you play online? (With this version off of TPB)

nm3ez (2010-09-18)

can i download this install it with legit cdkey ? and will play online ?

blueb16 (2010-09-18)

for some reason none of the generated code from keygen work at the splash screen prompting "enter your registration code here"

montesino (2010-09-18)

Thanks for your discovery finding how to solve the crash of the game at the SNOWBLIND campaign.

datchy (2010-09-18)

@AeonwOw I have your problem just like how i solve this black and white shit... just goto your save game folder My Documents, for GameSettings.ini and open it with note pad,,search for DxVersion or DxVersion=Auto something like this...change it to 9,10 or 11... i use 9 and it works...hope it will work for you....

us01 (2010-09-20)

I will download and if it works online no lag or bugs then i will buy it. But it looks like online doesnt work so ill just keep the the download version. No point buyig since i dont know how good the online is on my computer.

ThyrsusDionysus1 (2010-09-20)

It's asking me to insert a disk. How do I do so? I have been mounting the file to the drive. Am I doing it wrong?

ThyrsusDionysus1 (2010-09-20)

It says that I need to insert disk..I mounted it, what am I doing wrong?

carnageland (2010-09-21)

I boot the game up after installing it, all settings regular aside from the DX version. I did everything the crack folder said to do, copied each file, including the .txt ones. And every time I boot the game up, I can hear the menu music, move my mouse cursor and see the cursor, but i have no picture whatsoever. Help? Someone message me ASAP about this [email protected] is my MSN.

badshah90 (2010-09-21)

hey if anyone need help installing it i can help you its very simple and i found an easy way wo even need of any dvd or cd but pc requirement is must so let me know.

featherguy (2010-09-21)

"source file not found
Verify that the file exists and that tyou can access it
what does it mean?

featherguy (2010-09-21)

^ is that file even necessary for me to install the game cuz that message pops up when i install half way through the game

featherguy (2010-09-22)

honestly how do i managa to be missing one file and that file is totally useless and is preventing me from installing

arkright444 (2010-09-25)

can anyone tell me what to do about the Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT found in the crack folder please

pawas (2010-09-27)

Works Perfect.
It was asking me to update first or it will not play. I just disabled my internet connection and it worked well.

Andelito (2010-10-01)

i cant walk.. just aoutomaticlly goes backwars and "eyes" on the grund, cant do a shit or go up or down with my mouse please help me, i have taken all the files from Crack folder. dosent help. anyone know how to fix it?

Remoe (2010-10-01)

Thank you for the torrent I have my cd key but lost the disk to install

BattlfieldBC2 (2010-10-01)

Hi, I seem to have a little problem with this game, I installed it and everything works fine but 2 seconds after I start the game it freezes up, Can anyone help me please? is it my computer that can't handle the graphics or could it be that I messed up when I installed the game? Thanks

Th3_Raging_Bull (2010-10-03)

Does anyone else have this? When i use my Xbox 360 controller for this game, all the buttons are wrong, like to turn left i have to use left trigger, but in the options menu for controllers, everything appears to be mapped out correctly?

randyb420 (2010-10-03)

just wanted to comment on this torren
GREAT up load extremezone installed perfectly but i will admit it was hard to figure out at first and i have been DL torrents for a long time you really should have a more in depth readme in this torren with that said to every one else it's pretty straight forward here is what i did....
unrar using winrar opened auto exe file when it asked for a cd key here is where i got lost for a minute lol go into the crack and open rld-bbc2.exe thats the keygen put in the key it generates do the install and at the end it asked how to authinticate the game weather online or by insertind the disk well you dont have the dixk so this is what you do finish every thing go into the file location mine is G cuz i have more then one hard drive in my system go into program files electronic arts folder then open the crac file again the i highlited all the components in the crack file a drug it into my battlefeild file and it will ask to copy and replace click yes and then finish it out and there you have it worked for me perfectly dont know about online yet the games really isnt mouse friendly so i would sudgest you get a game pad so thats what i did

randyb420 (2010-10-03)

just wanted to comment on this torrent
GREAT up load extremezone installed perfectly but i will admit it was hard to figure out at first and i have been DL torrents for a long time you really should have a more in depth readme in this torrent with that said to every one else it's pretty straight forward here is what i did....
unrar using winrar opened auto exe file when it asked for a cd key here is where i got lost for a minute lol go into the crack and open rld-bbc2.exe thats the keygen put in the key it generates do the install and at the end it asked how to authenticate the game weather online or by inserting the disk well you dont have the dixk so this is what you do finish every thing go into the file location mine is G cuz i have more then one hard drive in my system go into program files electronic arts folder then open the crac file again the i highlighted all the components in the crack file a drug it into my battlefield file and it will ask to copy and replace click yes and then finish it out and there you have it worked for me perfectly dont know about online yet the games really isnt mouse friendly so i would suggest you get a game pad so thats what i did

vlad20033 (2010-10-06)


Sm00t (2010-10-06)

the game icon isent working for me :S. it says that i need a file named: binkw32.dll . no idea what that is so can somone please help me whit my problem? :/

gt1995 (2010-10-07)

i have a problem. when I start the game(I have already cracked it) the screen becomes black and after 3 seconds the game closes. can anyone help me?(I have Windows 7)

rjb4343 (2010-10-13)

no online?

us01 (2010-10-13)

I got stuck at the scene where you have to kill multiple helicopters in the desert. I mounted this homing rocket torrent and killed the gay heil but im stuck on the turret... Never played it since but if anyone knows solution woot it here.

t_and_t (2010-10-13)

I Hope It'S FINE!!!!!!

cryosis (2010-10-15)

thanks guys.......

acemccoy (2010-10-18)

GUYS! pls seed i've been downloading 2 days straight and im still stuck on 65%.

smmas988 (2010-10-18)

awsome game..nd awsome upload.....thnkzz..

soulety (2010-10-21)

Does the game work on 64 bit? Because I've got the same problem that many have: if I start the game in my Electronic Arts map in program Files x86, it doesn't work and if I copy it to desktop, it sais that it could not find binkw32.dll.
Could someone help me who has solved the problem?

wiird0 (2010-10-21)

I moved all the crack files to the directory and my cursor problem is fixed, but i can't fire my weapon.

tae123 (2010-10-21)

100% work thank you

VIGOSS (2010-10-22)

great copy
No problem in it
Many thanks to the uploader and to RELOADED

claylomax (2010-10-22)

I downloaded this in 1 hour and 21 minutes, with utorrent

sokk334 (2010-10-23)

what is registration code ???????

juuris2 (2010-10-24)


dimikill (2010-10-24)

I am experiencing problems to save my progress in SINGLE CAMPAIN checkpoints just disappear every time I am closing the game.
Anybody know the solution?
Cheers Guys!

Samuelthemad (2010-10-27)

Whats the key?

Mart1128 (2010-10-29)

Works great! Thanks!!!

ZullyKK (2010-11-01)


Shoneil (2010-11-03)

i just downloaded the torrent but get a white screen flash when i open the cracked game file. i tried making changes in the settings.ini file and also renaming the game file but nothing works. please help me

Shaizer (2010-11-08)

Does anyone know if I can play multiplayer with this? I forgot to note down the serial key I generated during install and now it is asking for it when logging in, when i tried putting a diff key in its saying invalid?

Theifa (2010-11-08)

i need installation code to install, where can i find them

Theifa (2010-11-08)

okej next problem.. it telling me to put in the right cd and i'm stuck of ideas help please

derfersenhalter (2010-11-09)

I've completed the first mission so far - no complaints!
Win7 64, i3, ATI HD 5470

Necropulsar (2010-11-12)

can you update this?

Sunil237 (2010-11-14)

Thanks for the upload and seeding, but I've got a problem. Installed it, used the keygen, updated, replaced the crack files, can't play though.
It asks me to log in using an ea account, so I use one and then asks for a serial number. I've tried many serials but none are valid.
Suggestions? was I meant to use the same serial... if so I have no clue what it was.

TitanAdd (2010-11-15)

Every time I try to run the game I get the "Please install the original Battlefield: Bad Company 2 disc" error. I followed the directions completely and its the only issue I have run into. Anyone know the answer? I would greatly appreciate it.

getoe1 (2010-11-15)

awesome torrent and crack
just wait for the update takes a bit , then after the update copy the crack over the directory
awesome ,
only single player works with this

empertu (2010-11-15)

did anyone found how we keep the save? because its necesery to keep playing :P

filipDS (2010-11-16)

when i beat the mission Snow Blind...the game closes...i dont know why :/ ....probably 'cause i run xp sp2 ..........or ati 4350hd .... :/

footydantss (2010-11-19)

it says somethik about serial number ...plz i am a litle noob help me

ThaBigDeal (2010-11-20)

when i start the game it shows me a black screen, help plz

giulano_NL (2010-11-20)

a question I get whenever I want to play bfbc2 then comes this Incorrect
Insert the original cd/dvd of battlefield bad company 2
what should I do now

giulano_NL (2010-11-20)

a question I get whenever I want to play bfbc2 then comes this Incorrect cd/dvd.
Insert the original cd/dvd of battlefield bad company 2
what should I do now
pleace help me

MiNNNk (2010-11-22)

Why me says that it wants to DVD 2 when starting the game? : ((
(Sorry for google translator)

zombieffects12 (2010-11-23)

Hey, umm... I have installed the game, and the most recent patch and replaced the exe with the one provided... But when I start the game, I get an error "Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvience." And then I am given the options to 'Debug', 'Send Error Report', or 'Don't Send'. How do I fix this? :S Please help, thankyou :)

Santadip (2010-11-27)

Thnks for uploading....But i've a problem. I hv mounted the image,installed and updated it but it says "Wrond disc inserted." Plz help......plz plz...

FdMs (2010-11-29)

FOR ALL whit mouse problems i found the solution
here.. just download the file and replace whit yours as it says on the link ... GL

Sankou (2010-12-01)

Works perfect. Extremely easy and straightforward. Great torrent (+1). I played for about 6 hours on max settings (using only an hd4670 512mb!), runs incredibly smooth. The only thing is you have to buy the game if you want multiplayer. There will probably never be a crack. It will never work with Hamachi or Garena because there is no LAN option with this game. SO BUY IT and play multiplayer with me =)

MieKlak (2010-12-02)

Can anyone please help me?
I'm working with Parallels (Windows 7 64-Bit) and I'd like to install this game. Everything works fine, I exactly follow the Instructions, but when I start the game and I begin a NEW CAMPAIGN, I can only see the story of World War II and then the game crashes.
What do I have to do? Please help me, because I really really really want to play this game! I'm waiting a while for it!
Hope someone can help me!

MieKlak (2010-12-02)

Hi guys,
I'm working with Parallels (Windows 7, 64-Bit)
Please help me, I have a problem. I follow the instructions, but when I start the game and I select 'NEW CAMPAIGN' the text of WWII appears and the game crashes. When the game is crashed my PC says: 'Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has stopped working' 'Windows can check online for a solution to the problem' and then I have 2 choices. 'Check online for a solution and close the program' or 'Close the program'
What now? Please help me, cause I really want to play this game, it seems lovely!!
(If this is posted 2 times, sorry but It was gone)

nalide (2010-12-06)

Is there Multiplayer crack for BC2?

blackmamba007 (2010-12-09)

Thanks for the great upload and thanks to the seeders too!
For those guys who are suffering from the mouse and keyboard keys(few keys not working)problem. I have got a 100% solution for them its because I am also a victim of this fucking problem.
First of all, you need to completely uninstall the game and its related directories and delete the BFBC2 folder in my documents. Then do a registry clean via any registry cleaner software. Then install a clean copy of the game and copy all the contents of the crack folder(except keygen) and paste it to the game directory and start the game and play either with the default keys or customize your own.Have Fun!!!

kelwinenrobin (2010-12-09)

link for bfbc2 keygen just download and than
after the download extract the file and open
dan you only have push the generate button

Ramblinman17 (2010-12-10)

somebody please help me!!!!! i have doneeverything installed it and everything with cross over cuz i got mac but when i go to launch it it says please insert disk and i swear i mounted it but maybe not... will somebody please help me or give me list of instruction on wtf im doin wrong....!!!! gettin pissed so pleaseeeee help!!!

Ramblinman17 (2010-12-11)

i have the crack folder man but what doi do with it?????

Ramblinman17 (2010-12-12)

either it just doesnt do anything when i put the move the crackbf2.exe to the original game files and does nothin or wont load. or when i try to load up in cross over it wont install into crossover games it just installs it to crossover pro and then i cant open this is drivin me crazy got like 4 perfect games wit everything in them but cant do it on this fuckin mac but i no people can so shit someoe help pleaseee!!!!

angrybeard (2010-12-15)

what do i use to install the game? when i double click "Autorun" it asks what language i want, and then gives me the option to install it. when i click "install" nothing happens.

checkit21 (2010-12-15)

Excuse me anyone experienced...
I'm a noob downloader, I downdloaded and installed the game (can't update it though) and no shortcut was created, (made my own) I'm using daemon tools because someone said to and when I try to copy the crack into the folder it keeps telling me:
"There is not enough space on BFBC2, you need an additional 18.5 MB to copy these files.
Space free: 0 bytes
Total size: 4.52 GB"
What should I do?
I would appreciate any help :) Thank you~

RocheUn (2010-12-16)

I think this game suck, just because it aim like shit.
Could be a good game BUT with a controller.
For the others, I can help with a few thing
-Copy all the file found in the crack folder when you open with daemon or magiciso or poweriso
where do I copy them?
- In the folder of BBC2 located in the folder Electronic Arts located in program file.
@checkit21 not on the cd image

xcloudstone (2010-12-17)

Hello folks. was wondering if i could get some help regarding the installation:
As i am installing the game i get 2 options. one of them is if i would want to make a installation which requires a cd to be inserted each time i play. The second option is if i would like to make some kind of a online installation. Which one should i choose?
and another question is: should i download the update aswell? that pops up later in the installation.
Thanks and would love quick answer(s)

xcloudstone (2010-12-17)

Was wondering if anyone could help me with the installation.
Which one of the 2 options given should u choose? regarding the "insert cd to play" or the "online installation"
please help!

alexeaterkex (2010-12-18)

I don't know where install directory is... is it the map where the "cd" is? please help

alexeaterkex (2010-12-18)

were do i find install directory?

alexeaterkex (2010-12-18)

were do i find "install directory"?

JohnNguyen (2010-12-19)

What's the registration code? I'm using the Key generator in the crack file, but none have worked so far. I've updated and installed, and put a code before, but it came out to be bad.

checkit21 (2010-12-20)

Excuse me anyone experienced...
I'm a noob downloader, I downdloaded and installed the game (can't update it though) and no shortcut was created, (made my own) I'm using daemon tools because someone said to and when I try to copy the crack into the folder it keeps telling me:
"There is not enough space on BFBC2, you need an additional 18.5 MB to copy these files.
Space free: 0 bytes
Total size: 4.52 GB"
What should I do?
I would appreciate any help :) Thank you~
I said I'm a noob to downloading games...
"Not the CD image" doesn't mean crap to me.

BitSmash (2010-12-20)

There‘s a list of fixes and solutions at the link below for any of you having problems running Battlefield Bad Company 2 or Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam:

I hope this helps.

sxyraver (2010-12-21)

Hi all.. thanks for the DL. I just have one problem.. I am running windows 7 and it keeps only loading when i try to open the crack folder.. Any ideas?

ronny571 (2010-12-22)

SEED please! :D
Then you make other people so much more happier!
I'd thank every seeder so much!
I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!I'd hope that YOU who read this, will seed this!

rishad333 (2010-12-22)

when i open BBC2 a white flash after a few seconds and nothing happens, pls help me.

coolsday (2010-12-22)

plz help!!! why won't resume play work for me. everytime i 'd have to start over again. help!!

TehDemon (2010-12-23)

Just wanted to say thanks for the upload

ogkush619 (2010-12-23)

The game works fine, I'm having a minor problem that makes the game unplayable. so no matter what I put the look left and right look up and down and strafe left to right walk forward back it goes one way only turns right looks up strafes right walks forward whats up with this?

JohnNguyen (2010-12-23)

My keygen is giving me valid registration codes! Can someone please post a working one up, or show me a good keygen? I also picked the online option at the beginning of the install.

JohnNguyen (2010-12-23)


monstermac77 (2010-12-23)

How do you view all comments from a torrent in one page?

JohnNguyen (2010-12-25)

alright I finally got it to work... but the input lag is unbearable.. can anyone tell me how to fix this?

crazymouse (2010-12-25)

ty for the upload!!!!
but i have one problem it is not saving and when i close and start it again i have to make all the missions please

PredatorRules (2010-12-25)

game is working fine but my one and only main problem is that it saves the game but whenever I close it it doesn't resume it so I'm forced to start a campaign all over again - any solutions?

JohnNguyen (2010-12-27)

OK I got it to work, but there is a slight cursor lag, can anybody tell me how to fix it?

QwErTy97 (2010-12-27)

can i use 4.7 Gb Discs?

wtfronsson (2010-12-28)

i downloaded this game a while back, and played through the campaign. thought it was ok, but way worse than mw2 and blaccocks.
i tried the multiplayer this christmas on by bros xbox, and i loved it. im buying it for pc fist change i get. 12£ on zavvi atm.
no, there are no hacked servers, and no way to play multi without buiyng.

Redfaction (2010-12-28)

Wonder when the Vietnam expansion shows up here.

Hippiehomer (2010-12-30)

Here is what I did:
Step One: Drag the ISO file "Golden CD-ROM" into the main interference of PowerISO, I am not sure how it works for Daemon tools. After you have done that, you'll see a little golden CD-ROM, double click on it to open up the contents.
Step Two: Find the "Crack" folder, it is most likely located toward the first few folders and is named "Crack", drag it to your desktop.
Step Three: Close PowerISO and then go back into the original torrent file and instead of dragging and dropping that golden CD-ROM like we did before, right-click it, scroll down to "PowerISO" then click "Mount Image to Drive [E:]". After you have done this click "Start" then "Computer", look for "CD Drive (E:)", double-click it. Follow the directions to installing the game, when prompted for the key, use the keygen located in the "Crack" folder we dropped on the desktop, it is usually the last app in the folder...WAIT, we're not done yet.
Step Four: Please don't try playing the game just yet. Click "Start"-->"Computer"-->"Disk(C:) or where you installed the game on"-->"Program File (x86) varies, as long as you find the folder where the game is located"-->"Electronic Arts"-->"then copy all the files in the "Crack" folder except the keygen, all the files except the last one and then right-click on the folder called "Battlefield Bad Company 2" which is located under "Electronic Arts" and then click paste, Copy and Replace. Your DONE!
This way worked for me, all the problems I read about from it not saving and the controls working are not issues I have experienced yet. Just so you guys know, this does not play the game and support the developer if you want that. Good Luck :)

Hippiehomer (2010-12-30)

I FORGOT, after replacing all the files in the Battlefield Bad Company 2 folder, create a shortcut by using the "BFBC2Game" application to your desktop. :)

XP115 (2010-12-31)

Somehow, the installation didnt prompt me for CD key but it still install, but the game didn't start or run after I copied the crack

gb949 (2011-01-02)

works for me, thanks!
@hippiehomer, thanks so much for your suggestions, totally helpful.
also, i set the authentication to "online", it never asked me about it again, had no trouble installing or playing, so far at least, single-player.

113maddog (2011-01-03)

Hey people
i have a problem
Resume game doesnt work
when i exit the game it all ends
i have to start from the very fucking begin
what shall i do?

haveaquestion (2011-01-03)

**SNOW BLIND** Did Anyone fix The ladder Crash??!

marijuanaboy000 (2011-01-03)

Downloaded the game and copied the contents of the crack folder (including the .txt files excluding the keygen) but still my character spins out of control.

doobi1 (2011-01-05)

Fuck you reoloaded you stupid mother fucking faggots. You fucking suck. Your fuck up crack doesn't work. Level 3.1 the jungle area...after bringing the boat to the shore you get out wham Character spins out of control. Nothing else left to do. You fuckers shame on can't fucking crack shit properly. I already owned the Steam copy but I wanted to use trainer to finish the game...I use your shit & Crack it didn't work. Guess what faggots I used my cd key I bought in Steam & it works now. You mother fuckers can't crack shit fuck you & your whole computer which you crack your shit on faggots crack it properly you fucking fuck!!! :@ :@ :@ :@

doobi1 (2011-01-05)

OMG so sorry SORRY SORRY SORRY...I didn't copy over the text files...did it & now it's not spinning OMG GUYS SORRY KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK xD

marijuanaboy000 (2011-01-05)

Still not working even if I paste all the crack content?
Help please!! T_T

micnor14 (2011-01-06)

Christ 61 pages and going...don't bother guys. The pages are FULL of n00b ass Qs.

kooljd13 (2011-01-06)

* TROJAN DETECTED * for real guys. my Mcafee just detected a trojan comin from this guy. DONT DOWNLOAD.

Ammendment (2011-01-07)

Works fine for me. Thx. If someone afraid to use keygen, try this one: R7R9-HNLE-FMDS-9FMQ-XRLD should work.

skill1994 (2011-01-07)

heyy. guys can you play multiplayer in it ?

puli9 (2011-01-12)

works perfect thank u extremezone

cssDiapami96 (2011-01-14)

How i can play? I have installed the game and cant play cause i must have "Registeration code" :o? How i can get it?

Minhchaos (2011-01-16)

Everything works fine.
But when after like 15 minutes the game closes.
What should i do?
I copied all the crack content and did everything.
Help pls :/

karatists56 (2011-01-16)

What is the Registration Code ???

joakim18653 (2011-01-20)

Seeeeeeeed ppl !! I got only 10kbs.. ._.

shandofull (2011-01-20)

please help. I installed game and crack ofc and the game runing bit when i try to play campain i can't look around with mouse. the camera always go right no mater where i point with mouse. what should i do???

joakim18653 (2011-01-21)

SEEEEEEED!!! I got only 180kbs -.- !!! SEED !!

joakim18653 (2011-01-21)

Downloaded.. I'll test tomorrow that :) I come here again if I got some problems

ROnneth (2011-01-22)

-Mount it
-Crack it
-the game start updating from version 5.xx to 6.xx
-now its not runing...cracked and everything... not even staring. i press the exe to start and do nothing.
Any clue?

ROnneth (2011-01-22)

do the same but thern, copy the .DLL in the Directory. and Voilá......there is a way to p´lay online?

gilima (2011-01-23)

So I know 5 million people commented about this, and I am sure you are all tired of this anyways...but I have installed it but when I click auto run again after it has updated to the most recent version it asks for the registration key, and the one that I used before doesn't what should I do?

Lusen2 (2011-01-24)

Saving does'nt work. Wat do ?

domerock (2011-01-24)

i have a problem with the game.. i cannot fire or use my weapon.. whenever i left click or right click it did not function..can somebody help me

ginnel99 (2011-01-26)

Registration Code?

ginnel99 (2011-01-26)

Install the game. Use the keygen found in the /Crack dir on the DVD when
prompted for a serial READ THE INSTRUCTIONS

AnderEL (2011-01-26)

Want to se some sweet live commentary on Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Vietnam or other games like Minecraft take a look at my awsome youtube channel
If you like this game buy it multiplayer is awsome! :)

brock012 (2011-01-27)

ok, i downloaded it, but when it comes up it says i need to authenticate it with either the cd or internet site. What do i click?

hardcoreGAMER47 (2011-01-27)

hey guys check out this site i found
All I know is I love battlefield and I signed up! Thought I'd share my findings with the rest of the community.

hardcoreGAMER47 (2011-01-27)

hey guys check out this site i found
battlefield3betakeys . c o m
All I know is I love battlefield and I signed up! Thought I'd share my findings with the rest of the community.

brock012 (2011-01-28)

Guys i cant fine the crack. where is it??

DayGhost (2011-01-28)

It worked for me i completed it on 1 GB of ram.. Gonna buy the original and go online where the real action is. FOR the people who having problems with the mouse moving to the top right.. COPY ALL THE CONTENT OF THE CRACK including the .txt(Text files) they are the control crack.

brendon17 (2011-01-28)

Use dat code it works :D

LordSajet (2011-01-28)

lol.. this must be THE most commented upon torrent ive seen so far. =]

macnickgr (2011-01-28)

Good game. Unfortunately it does not save, at least in my XP based PC. Everytime you have to start again!

gilima (2011-01-29)

Okay, this is to the people that got the game to work. I have installed and done everything there is to do. So when I click on Autorun, it asks for the registration code. I have clicked on the crack code maker thingy but not even those codes work. What should I do. I thinking about just unstalling this thing all together. There is no concrete answer from the makers of this torrent, it is ulimately unorganized and from what I can see there are many problems. I am giving this 2 moe days.

vans007 (2011-01-29)

hey guys !!
I have a really bad internet and when I installed the game (everything turned out fine) but now it asks for a update!Do I really have to do it?
Please help !

isic (2011-01-30)

super gierka najlepsza jaka gralem pelny dubbing polski i latwo sie intaluje
dzieki pozdrawiam

DancingAx (2011-01-31)

nice) can we play it online?

kilik1986 (2011-02-01)

super gierka najlepsza jaka gralem pelny dubbing polski i latwo sie intaluje
dzieki pozdrawiam

genfrix33 (2011-02-01)

"copy over the cracked content to you install directory" whr i can find my install dir.? plz help.

cuervo7 (2011-02-02)

hey i cant install it on windows 7 ultimate 64 bit it always says that it cant copy a sound file plz help

ko4jesus (2011-02-03)

after u mounted the image and installed it, it should have saved to folder that it specified it would save to during the install
on win7 it would be: computer>os(c:)>program files(x86)>battlefield 2
then just go to cracked folder and drag all the content into that the install folder, it will ask u if u want to replace folders, choose to move and replace

ko4jesus (2011-02-03)

just turn off your internet
best way is to use the f2 function key which disables ur Ethernet card. use the function key again to enable it

bfpg8989 (2011-02-03)

baaaaare comments lol thanks for the up perfect

cuervo7 (2011-02-04)

anybody can help my problem plz?

andiste81 (2011-02-05)

the keygen still works woop woop

sumzx (2011-02-05)

when i hav installed the game it downloades the patch automatically
and when patch comes to an end it says error occured i av tried several times
i m unable to play game !!!! help buddy

blakableh (2011-02-05)

I've downloaded it and the patch, but after that it asks for a registration code. when I give it the one from the crack, it doesn't work. Does anybody know how to do this?

Terskamies (2011-02-06)

Keygen for online play. http://jafi^^
Remove ^^

Yohn2586 (2011-02-07)

Does anyone know a keygen for multiplayer>>?
PLS Tell me!! PLS

Yohn2586 (2011-02-07)

Does somewone nows keygen for multiplayer????

EndeW (2011-02-07)

Okay guys, works great thank you extremezone for your releases ;)
Just to keep things organized: As mailer666 said:
- Mount the .iso file using MagicDisc or Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%
- Autorun will go on and the installation will start
- When it asks you for the serial code, go to the "crack" directory in the iso file (since you've mounted it) and run the .exe application it gives you the crack
- Install finished, now copy the files in the "crack" directory and paste them in your install folder (Program Files/Electronic Arts/Battlefield: Bad Company 2)
- THEN run the game. It works. If you run it before putting the crack files the update will go on. You don't need the update, DONT UPDATE ^^

spawn236964 (2011-02-07)

I have BC2 keys available!
IF you need one let me know there cheap get them while my supplies last!
100% Working online!
These are $10 A Key.!
There are only 3 left!

spawn236964 (2011-02-07)

[email protected] email or msn me!

emce9 (2011-02-08)

Very good game!! ;)
Working 100%:) thx

Lames_96 (2011-02-08)

It works for me still have some problems with my mouse but mh I think can fix them with the description. But I wanna know, can I play BFBC2 cracked version online?

bayme (2011-02-09)

not working for me..:(
its come n goes nthing happen..
i almost done everything according to the information provided but stil not working..
help me..

Fivinho (2011-02-10)

when i update it takes ages and finally says sth about an error in internet connection or server
what happening?

Fivinho (2011-02-10)

and just sth more
how many time did it take for you to update??

Fivinho (2011-02-10)

i know it's starting to be annoying watching my name with a big lighting HELP
Any way forget the 2 previous messages solved
but when i play the cold war mission in the end it shows a black screen and stays there forever...
anyone esle with this prob?
thnx and sorry

spawn236964 (2011-02-11)

Steam Account For Sale. Vac Status= In Good Standing. Battlefield: bad company 2 - $20, Counter Strike Source - $20, Counter-Strike -$10, Counter-strike:condition Zero - $10, Day of Defeat Source $10, Day of defeat $5, Half-life 2 $10, Half life $5, Half-life 2: deathmatch $5, Half-life 2:Lost Coast$100.. Add it up Thats $195 worth of games. Im selling it for $30. =-) Msn me [email protected]

Poopynuggeteer (2011-02-12)

Gotta try this for a few days b4 I buy it and play online :) cant wait!

Poopynuggeteer (2011-02-12)

hmm. well i've downloaded it and halfway through the install it says " please insert the disc"..... wtf? the image is mounted already.. any ideas what to do? thanks

EndeW (2011-02-13)

I played to both Bad Company 2 and Black Ops. Black Ops is way better, in it storyline. BC2 got no taste in the campaign, the characters don't have an interesting past, full of emotions, difficulties, sadness and sorrow like in Black Ops.

abgar (2011-02-15)

EndeW - u r an idiot Black Ops to BBC2 is like russian Lada to Bugatti. Black Ops is for mindless gay shooters.

rlnplehshalo (2011-02-15)

Does anyone know how to get multiplayer DLC and a multiplayer crack?

YoungSniper1Elite (2011-02-16)

can someone tell me how to play online

jessesamuli (2011-02-16)

wtf you fucking game not work the mouse is not working fuck you!!

sleiderink1 (2011-02-18)

i cant find the keygen could you help me?

MrDikzak (2011-02-20)

SEED. just SEED!

fetmen (2011-02-20)

don't be a dickhead
use google to solve this problem...
THX FOR THE GAME extremezone!!!

thepwn (2011-02-20)


thepwn (2011-02-22)

I updated the game but now when i open the program it asks me to:
"Please enter the entire Registration Code found either in your confirmation email, your game manual/product packaging, or game card".
I've tried several different Codes from the keygen but it doesn't work!

thepwn (2011-02-22)

I have the same problem.
Did you find an answer?

ohshit24 (2011-02-22)

after i copied the crack file contents and run the game, it tells me to enter registration code again... anyone know the code?

Onlythebest2011 (2011-02-22)

Great upload played about 10min in so far and decided to leave a comment before i forgot. Thanks again extremezone......i must say i own this for the xbox360 and the controls seam to be more forgiving.....but i find a sense of realism behind the pc controls that i like for now. On page 58 there are some really helpful tips on a simple install for any who need them. Thanks again!!!!!

beffle13 (2011-02-24)

what do u mean by Copy over the cracked content to your install dir. so i must put the game file onto the the file that's in the crack folder? plz help

beffle13 (2011-02-24)

what do u mean by copy over the cracked content to your install dir? plz help

ohshit24 (2011-02-24)

@thepwn got the same prob as u

ohshit24 (2011-02-24)

it seems to work and then it turns off by itself...;;

beffle13 (2011-02-25)

Also, another prob is that it says you inserted wrong cd, plz insert another cd even though i mounted with daemon.

Premiumt (2011-02-26)

Everything works great! Good torrent.

tontsa91 (2011-02-27)

The game is on sale at EA Store - only 13 euros :) Just saying..

morph2009 (2011-02-27)

is there any way to play online servers with this

hajipilot (2011-02-27)

Yo beffle3, when you mount the ISO, theres a folder in there with stuff to copy into where you installed the game IE C:programfiles/gamemaker/gamename/

ArifDB (2011-02-28)

Very good! Fast download.
I havent tested im gunna seed as long as i can!

AmazonasAngel (2011-03-01)

Good torrent!!! i enjoy the game!!!

rjjv (2011-03-01)

Is it true that the game have to update after installing and downloading?!

mevidek (2011-03-03)

works absolutely perfectly, however unfortunately it does not let me play multiplayer :( I type in the serial I got, yet it then says "invalid serial" does anyone know how to play the multiplayer? (I used a keygen)

TDarkwing (2011-03-03)

Somehow my game crash, without no warning or error. Right in the end of "snow blind" where the chopper picks you up after running through some houses.. It crashed at that same place over and over untill I gave up.
Any pointers?

fdj00143 (2011-03-03)

is this one working good.........
is this only online version.......
can i play it vthout connecting internet......

TDarkwing (2011-03-03)

Yes, its just the crack file that isn't.
No, it's just MP.
Yes, you can.

eng442 (2011-03-03)

The torrent is good, works 100%
But the game is a piece of shit

homosectual (2011-03-04)

why the fuck would you torrent this? torrent = no multi
single player sucks dick, multiplayer is the only thing that's good about this fucking game

taffer84 (2011-03-04)

Awesome job. Thanx. but can u pls upload battlefield bad company 2 vietnam, with the crack? i'v had no suxes findin d crack.

TDarkwing (2011-03-05)

Still waiting for a possible answer to my little problem. I'm currently unable to play continue my compaign :(

ericv1984 (2011-03-07)

Worked good for me. Had to download a keygen from another torrent though.

Thoroxan (2011-03-07)

@beffle13 Copy the files in the folder "Crack" to

ViggeDigge (2011-03-09)

ONLY 20-70 KB/SEK!!!!!!!

ViggeDigge (2011-03-10)

I had an problem...
When i should Install it, it came an pop-up who says: Put in your CD/DVD 40377752 in F:!!!
What can i do??

arcolds (2011-03-10)

why I need to update a game? I don`t want to do that.... How I can play a game without update it? the game automatically updates game, but I can`t finish update without error....... I have slow NET HELP

Herc5 (2011-03-12)

this works perfectly you just have to follow the instructions.
is there a crack to play online?

davidmcc1 (2011-03-12)

Thanks Dude Works Great . Is Ther Anyway To Apply The Fixes And Pathes That Have Been Released For This. Without Prompting For a Genuine Serial. As The Key Generator Doesnt Work When i Applied an Offical Release Patch ?
Heres My Email : [email protected]
Thanks Man .

piratekid360 (2011-03-12)

This very sloooooooooooooooooom to download!!!!

piratekid360 (2011-03-12)

Download speed 50kb/sec !!!!!

piratekid360 (2011-03-12)

I need seed !!!!! 20/941 !!!!!

deftond (2011-03-13)

works great thank you!!!!

spanish_ruler (2011-03-14)

if i download this less than 24 hrs i will see for a whole month.... u guys have my word.
but if it takes more than 24hrs i will delete it... its redicilous how long we have to wait for downloading files damn it.... lets all help each other here pls

GaMeDoWnLoAd (2011-03-15)

Is this only the online or only the Campaign?
Plz answer..

aknolidge (2011-03-15)

Come on guys can you seed ?!?! I'm on 89.4%

pablo_J (2011-03-16)

Follow "defender_of_sunnah" tips on page #15 and you shall succeed.

Raptor-174 (2011-03-16)

hey why is it like every way i move, i go to the upper left corner? ive tried 3 different cracks what the hell is happening??

itsfelix (2011-03-16)

Disable the updater from appearing by renaming BFBC2Updater.exe to BFBC2Updater.bak

orangeswarmMdot (2011-03-16)

for a instalation guide go here:

kingchlor (2011-03-16)

When I try to install the game it immediately asks for a serial?!

kingchlor (2011-03-16)

If anyone got the same problem as me use this serial: VPJS-4NU8-2Z7X-L2Z5-3RLD
Thanks to deffender_of_sunnah!

kingchlor (2011-03-17)

This serial did the trick for me!

lordbeli (2011-03-18)

seeeed,seeeed pls!

Theifa (2011-03-19)

were can i find bad company 2 vietnam?

ghostrider222 (2011-03-21)

Will this work on win xp sp3 ?

Balzard (2011-03-21)

I upgraded to v602574 but I can't find a no-cd crack... Do you know where I can find one?

Balzard (2011-03-22)

Ok nvm I found one on GameCopyWorld, just had to activate extra emulation on DAEMON Tools.

mynameisluk3 (2011-03-22)

Torrent worked perfectly. Took me 1hour to download.
Use this code: VPJS-4NU8-2Z7X-L2Z5-3RLD

slamminuk (2011-03-22)

There is a Serial Generator in the Crack folder called "rld-bbc2.exe" or you can use any of these:
Also thanks for the upload as I was downloading at 1.3mb/s!!! Sweet! I will seed up to a ratio of 1.00.

rakoom2002 (2011-03-22)

Anyone get this to work online?

demonicterran (2011-03-22)

For some reason my movement's completely fucked up. I can't strafe anywhere else than right and the worst of all, my mouse is only moving upwards and right as well. How could I fix this?

bobhamer (2011-03-23)


Nickbay (2011-03-26)

works perfectly! thanks so much!

player4free (2011-03-27)


GaMeDoWnLoAd (2011-03-27)

I cant play.. It says i need to put down the real CD in drive :C.. The rest works perfectly.. Only wont fire up.. I still will seed this :)

goosy10 (2011-03-29)

Hey guys!! :D Im Angus and I fixed the Snowblind crash!! Was kinda luck but it worked... so hey :D This is what I did (btw this is for windows 7 - 64 bit):
1) Turn your direct setting to 9.
To do this, you need to manually change the setting. The settings file can be found on your computer at this address:

(open it with notepad)
Find where it says DxVersion=10 or auto
Change this to DxVersion=9
Save the file.
2) I also changed some in game settings, but I do not know if these are nessesary... however, these are the ones I used to make it work (these are changed in the game settings once you have run the game):
Overall quality: low
Sound system: Small Speakers
Subtitles: Off
Hope this works for you guys!

goosy10 (2011-03-29)

Hey guys!! :D Im Angus and I fixed the Snowblind crash!! Was kinda luck but it worked... so hey :D This is what I did (btw this is for windows 7 - 64 bit):
1) Turn your direct setting to 9.
To do this, you need to manually change the setting. The settings file can be found on your computer at this address:

(open it with notepad)
Find where it says DxVersion=10 or auto
Change this to DxVersion=9
Save the file.
2) I also changed some in game settings, but I do not know if these are nessesary... however, these are the ones I used to make it work (these are changed in the game settings once you have run the game):
Overall quality: low
Sound system: Small Speakers
Subtitles: Off
Hope this works for you guys!

Doomlock (2011-03-29)

i own this game but recently re-installed my OS but i lost my BFBC2 case but i have the game so i dont have the key would i be able to use my EA account on a different copy of the game ?

F3ROZ753 (2011-03-29)

@doomlock probably :P

asianhommy (2011-03-30)

Someone help me!!!! downloaded the game, mounted and updated it, but when i play there is a massive lag. Any solutions??? thx

zortha_123 (2011-04-02)

Seed please = )

shahidshahoo (2011-04-02)

@ brandon91 it works online if you spend some dollars on it.

Greko200 (2011-04-02)

hey guys..
i need help to install Bf2 bad company
i go´s autorun.exe and when i click and comes
Please insert the CD / DVD Guide to C

Gunz0asdf (2011-04-03)

The version of this file is not compatible with the bersion of Windows you're running. Check your computer's syste, information to see whether you need an x86 or x64 version of the progem, and then contact the software publisher......
Ummm it saids this when i try to double click on the setup...what do i do

Greko200 (2011-04-03)

When I run the setup a message pops up, insert CD/DVD into drive C: !!!!!
waht i do?

sobersvenny (2011-04-04)

Hi all, I'm a bit of a noob with torrents, and I've managed to install the game with the crack key generator, but whenever i try to play BBC 2 always updates to the newest version from support servers or something, at which point it asks me for the key again. The problem is that the key gen crack doesn't work for this one.
Does anyone have any insight on this? Thanks

bianny123 (2011-04-04)

I just installed the game .now it says i have to update it to play it online.Should i update it?

bianny123 (2011-04-04)

I just installed the game now it says that i have to update it to play it should i update it?

bianny123 (2011-04-04)

how the hell do i run the game ive copied the crack into the install folder but it isnt running.

bianny123 (2011-04-04)

How do i play multiplayer?pls answer.thanx in advance.

narklo (2011-04-05)

No, you don't update it when it asks you to. No, you cannot play online. If you want to play online, buy the game. It's only $20, which is a steal for this excellent and fairly recent title.

pingding (2011-04-06)

i cant update its stuck at level-00.fbrb

sobersvenny (2011-04-06)

The game won't run unless I update it online. How do I get around this?

LedZeppeloyd223 (2011-04-08)

for people that have "insert disc into c" problem you need to install somthing like magic disc, a program that tricks the program into thinking its running off the c drive
my problem is massive lag please help

denidaja (2011-04-08)

My upload stuck at loader-00.fbrb...What should i do?!

denidaja (2011-04-09)

Ok i finished the upload but when i open the game it says 'Please insert CD/DVD Battlefield..'What should i do ???HElp please

Mrjeftic95 (2011-04-10)

I dont see why people ask for help with stupid problems. Its called youtube and google and you take a damn computer class for christ sake because most of these questions are ridiculously stupid or personal and unfix-able.

12dede12 (2011-04-10)

Works online

vltor (2011-04-11)

how do i play multiplayer? i need a multi serial code

krozar (2011-04-11)

Works great and a fun game! TFor some reason the keygen was BSODing me so I copied it to a shared folder and ran it from my laptop and no problems. Thanks Reloaded.

Mrjeftic95 (2011-04-11)

The game's dir is under Elecreonic Arts in program files. I found that out the hard way. Dont waste you time with the update. Got an error halfway through (after like 5 hours of updating)

Sandor0611 (2011-04-11)

uhm, i think you are the idiot if you don't know how to install a cracked game :)
, YOU have to read the instructions...

heliophotonic (2011-04-12)

1. You want to share you own characteristics with others.
2. You pretend you became all-knowing in mother's womb.
3. You suffer from social respect and reflect this in your behaviour.

zippyderppyguy (2011-04-12)

Well said, heliophotonic.

axg24 (2011-04-16)

hi. im 14 so i really dont know how to send pms and stuff right. i downloaded the game and it asks for a registration number right. and idk where to get one. all i got in the download was :
please help me fast cuz my holidays are almost over and then its back to skool. :/ ty in advance

axg24 (2011-04-16)

i forgot to mention it asks for the registration number when i try to install it.

axg24 (2011-04-16)

OH yes....i just figured it out...u have to right click on the iso in the compuster and click open. .-. ty awesum torrent

axg24 (2011-04-16)

i have a new problem. i installed it right and i copied the files from the crack folder and pasted them into the folder with the rest of stuff in Program Files/Electronic Arts/Battlefield 2....and when i try to run it, it checks for the version i have and then says i need to upload it..what am i doing wrong?

sleimanjr (2011-04-18)

Boa tarde, extremezone você pode me ajudar ?....o jogo fico legal (tudo funciona perfeitamente) mas ele não salva !!! que pode ser ? você pode me ajudar ? obrigado :)

Dattack (2011-04-19)

You have to mount the .iso file (with Daemon Tools or what ever). ;)

Paradise12314 (2011-04-19)

C'mon Seeders, boost your upload speeds. Im at 88.3% and stuck at 4kB/s download.

Amphrax (2011-04-19)

thanks again for some really nice torrents. keep up your fantastic work

youandi1984 (2011-04-20)

to the people asking! no you can't play online. There is no way to play online pirated without the EA or Dice servers eventually catching you.You can only do it if you BUY the game. I bought it from Best Buy. Totally worth it. Its cheap right now. You can play the campaign and thats it.

dynfo (2011-04-20)

Update stuck at loader-00.fbrb ...
Any fix ?

dynfo (2011-04-20)

Update stuck at loader-00.fbrb ...
Any fix ?

lol3131 (2011-04-21)

This works 100%. There is NO virus. A great upload
what i did i upack the whole rar, run setup, then just copy the 4 files(not the key gen) from crack from the unpack to ea games babc2 and just replace the BABC2 Game with the crack and it works perfect. Great game. no white glithes.

stevemcfier (2011-04-23)

download super slow! please seed! please seed!
also, does the multiplayer work or will i have to download a multiplayer patch/crack?

Boteus (2011-04-23)

Im so smart. First i download it to see if my comp likes it. If it does, buy it. If not, well, BB QQ. Thanks by the way. Super slow download, but who cares, right....

Boteus (2011-04-23)

Okey, 2 MB/s is good ^^

bornix (2011-04-24)


PvPDude (2011-04-26)

i've gotten all the way to the step where i click play game and it ask me for my registration code please help!!!

kiwi_the_pom (2011-04-29)

Use the keygen found in the /Crack dir on the DVD when
prompted for a serial. (2011-04-29)

remember: "There is a single player campaign.
You will not be able to play this online."

FailMaor (2011-04-29)

This is a great game no viruses and trojans...... okay torrent i guest but if you get through that part then your set to go! i recommend this to anybody!!!! Thank You extremezone!!!

Copperhead90 (2011-04-30)

Please write here the serial, I dont find it!!!

PvPDude (2011-05-01)

I am NOT talking about the serial key im talking about when i go in to play the game it ask me for a registration code and i dont have that how do i get around this!!!!

mboav (2011-05-02)

Hey ppl my mouse only goes up and i can only movy backwards. Can anyone help me pls? tkx

mboav (2011-05-02)

just saw that the description talks about the mouse problem.. lol

mahyaz96 (2011-05-03)

thanks :D great can't play online can you?when i use an EA account it says it wants a serial number,would one from the keygen work?

zamorano14 (2011-05-03)

PLEASE HELP ME i downloaded it and if i try to play the normal game i only see a black screen (i got windows vista)

hornyPETER (2011-05-04)

what is the product key??????????????

ak4774 (2011-05-05)

serial number is: J86N-8J2F-DSJ6-9DSJ-BRLD

ar1397r (2011-05-05)

hey i need multiplayer key to play online..........what to do

pedocarebear (2011-05-05)

i already own it for ps3 i just want to see if i can run it on my pc since i cant play online on ps3.

inam0330 (2011-05-06)

i have followed all the steps and still its asking me to insert CD. help please!

pipboy650 (2011-05-06)

Game crashes for me during the intro. Anyone else got this problem?

Niass (2011-05-06)

It works fine, thank you. :D

Kalibane (2011-05-07)

hey guys, hope someone can help me:
i tried to update the game (i know, i dont have to, but i want to because i have a real serial key but my cd dosen`t work anymore, so i downloaded this one).
but if i trie to update it manualy with the bfbc updater in the install folder, the game starts normaly and i dont get any updating window.
So i downloaded manualy the patch R9. but same problem, it extrates the patch, then an updating window appears for a short time but after that the game starts again without being updatet.
I am using windows 7.
anyone got a solution for this?
thx very much,

mevidek (2011-05-08)

Don't know if the multiplayer works on this torrent, but my goodness it's good. I had another torrent but multiplayer didn't work, so I bought the game - IT'S AMAZING!
PLEASE GUYS, BUY THIS GAME! (but not any other ea games game)

pawelp (2011-05-09)

I very anrgry:
1. PC Win 7 64bit - instalation not work, windows wrote ''it isn't correct instalaction pack consult to your seller {...} check this is 32 bit or 64bit''
2. PC number 2 - the same error
3.PC Win XP 32 bit - the same error
4. Notebook my friend (win7 64bit) - IT WORKING
WTF? Somebody have the same error??
Please HELP.

aabell77 (2011-05-11)

Little problem. I start the game, and I am stuck looking straight up into the air. And anytime I move the mouse, I spin to the right. No matter which way I move the mouse. Help?

aabell77 (2011-05-11)

EDIT: any time I move the mouse to either side, I spin right. And anytime I move the mouse up or down, I look up.

RavanaMaster (2011-05-13)

Pirated it, loved it, bought it on Steam with BC2: Vietnam, the SPECACT DLC and Battlefield 2 with all its expansions for about $23 total when they were on sale. But companies still scream "PIRACY = LOST SALES HURRRRR"

Funkee_Munkee (2011-05-13)

Torrent works fine, game works fine
win 7 x64
gtx 560ti gc
8gig ddr3
to all you stooges that's whinging that it doesnt work, clue the fuck up and get your shit sorted

majida905 (2011-05-13)

Good Torrent except the rld.dll which is missing,
I've found it here:


fossil98 (2011-05-13)

A question,
Why do we have a Key-gen?
I managed to play through the whole campaign before I discovered there was a key-gen. Am I missing something?

Timmio (2011-05-14)

i can run the game, have windows 7 and a new hp dv6 , handling the game weell..
but when im in start in the game, the person view is always in the air, same what im pushing i cant make the person look in normal mode, just looking up in the air, and starts spinning when i try the wireless mouse and try to adjust the person to look forward.
impossible to look forward in normal mode, whats wrong? some help / ideas please

pakito2006 (2011-05-16)

i think its work, if its not ,i say !

apurvd (2011-05-19)

Works Perfect!! Had No errors! Thank u so much extremezone :)

Kazadur (2011-05-20)

hey ppl, any1 knows how 2 play this online ?? plssss

zekera99 (2011-05-20)

cd\dvd plaats officiële cd|dvd
what now Pelese help

ziemys (2011-05-20)

Why when I launch game i see this black spot?

androviz (2011-05-22)

I got a Trojan warning with the crack

Kazadur (2011-05-22)

hey ppl, any1 knows where i can download the MP crack ???

poonisextreme (2011-05-23)

yes my friends, i was having the same looking into the air issue. didnt have to reinstall... just search for "Battlefield Bad Company 2-RELOADED-CrackOnly", and copy ALL OF IT (even the stupid jabberwocky shit) into your bbc2 folder. problem solved.

tony419 (2011-05-23)

working PERFECTLY!!! win 7 64bit, 4gig RAM, intel core i5, NO GRAPHICS CARD,tho i had 2 drop the resolution to the lowest tho,but still plays well!!! amazin!!! my first game download. Just copy all d files in the cracked folder into your installation folder and it shud work well.

xXxblizzardxXx (2011-05-25)

Does it save the crack and keygen to the same folder as the iso? Because I just downloaded this and I can't find the crack anywhere.

xXxblizzardxXx (2011-05-25)

Does it save the crack and keygen to the same folder as the iso when you download this? Because I can't find the crack or keygen anywhere and I've downloaded this torrent.

xXxblizzardxXx (2011-05-25)

Does it save the crack and keygen to the same folder as the iso when you download this? Because I can't find the crack or keygen anywhere and I've downloaded this torrent

tony419 (2011-05-25)

no crack, just copy d contents of the cracked folder, not the folder itself,just its contents, copy it into the installation folder, n its works like a charm

tony419 (2011-05-27)

finally finished it, cool game, waiting for BC3, if u stuck in any levels,just holla at ur boy.

Thinkey (2011-05-27)

Comon!! Seed damnit!

ClarpleFlarp (2011-05-28)

It works thanks

hku11 (2011-05-28)

the mission snowblind is not working
whenever i end that mission and go near the chopper i come back to my windows desktop...
please help!!!!!!!!!

tony419 (2011-05-28)

hey, 4 d snowblind mission, dont follow the obvious ladder up, at that same level in the building, go around to the back of the building,u'l find another ladder,use that one,the game will progress and not crash, i dont know if it was done on purpose or its a glitch in the game programming, enjoy

Gwaaarrrrrrrggghhhh (2011-05-29)

I have a problem. game gets stuck after you pick difficulty and press start....stuck with the please wait loading screen forever. anyone else ????

neo572 (2011-05-29)

Thanks man!!!!it worked like a issues at all....the CD works and Whole setup and games woks ...cheers to u mate

prajyot. (2011-05-29)

thanks it works........

beerman44 (2011-05-30)

this one is not working for me to bed
thanks anyway

tony419 (2011-05-30)

HOLD UP!!! How do torrents work? I'm using utorrent to download another game; I've downloaded 90%, under the SEEDS column I have 67(1219) and under the PEERS column i have 10(1398), what do they mean, are they not good stats? Coz my max download speed hasn't exceeded 30kb/s in like 2 days so i'm stuck at 90%. I thot i know how torrents work, i aint sure anymore, pls pls pls help explain, thanks.

downloadmeee123 (2011-05-31)

great up ez. Mcaffee detects trojan in the crack though.

parmourson23 (2011-05-31)

Working fine on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 nice 1 :)))

jiji2 (2011-06-01)

does it work online?

cool4you (2011-06-02)

i have a problom i instull copy crack and all and then he tells me i need to download the update or i cant play so i started to download but in the middle it says error in download and i can play old version so i click ok and then nothing happens

amoeder (2011-06-02)

i have a prob, i did the dwnld, i have it, now it needed to be updated, ok, but now, even with deamon lite, it says i have the wrong, disc, any help plssssss

Flo23000 (2011-06-03)

The gamer don't save in SOLO mode for me either. I tried to update to last version of the game but it crashes. I find a trick with an unlocker patch which allows to choose level to play.

gmor77 (2011-06-03)

As soon as i open the game and start the mission ,few things are written on the screen and suddenly the game closes . Please help me , what should i do ??

alzho (2011-06-04)

I have a problem, after installing and moving the game crack to the files, the game doesn't start at all. Help?

alzho (2011-06-04)

Update: NEVERMIND, copied ALL of the files over, works like a charm :)

MrJohnMark21 (2011-06-06)

Where can i find Bad Company 1??? I tried to search it but everything that came out is BC 2...

MrJohnMark21 (2011-06-06)

BTW this game works perfectly Fine.... thanks extremezone.....

MrJohnMark21 (2011-06-06)

BTW this game works perfectly fine... Thanks extremezone....

AdamTheRoyEarl (2011-06-06)

seed please

paratjack (2011-06-08)

What happends if i delete the Updater? Does it still work?

kal379143 (2011-06-09)

i am forced to update
otherwise i cant play
i copied 'bfbc2game' to directory
i still cant open
it says battlefield bad company has stopped working
i cant update either
What i did
1. run with daemon tools
2. run autorun
3. put serial
4. installed fully
5. copied crack file
then clicked on shortcut and it opened updator
clicked on crack it say
battlefield bad company has stopped working
please help
i really want this :'(

kal379143 (2011-06-09)

i am forced to update
otherwise i cant play
i copied 'bfbc2game' to directory
i still cant open
it says battlefield bad company has stopped working
i cant update either
What i did
1. run with daemon tools
2. run autorun
3. put serial
4. installed fully
5. copied crack file
then clicked on shortcut and it opened updator
clicked on crack it say
battlefield bad company has stopped working

kal379143 (2011-06-09)


kal379143 (2011-06-09)

Please help

kal379143 (2011-06-09)

sorry for being a crazy person
i didnt see
i had to copy all the files in crack folder}
i thought it was only bfbd2game
awesome game
love it
sorry 2

Razorunilt (2011-06-10)

MuItO Bom

stinkomiko (2011-06-10)

i was going to download this but naaa, im buying this instead its on 20 bucks on steam peoples!

spence00 (2011-06-13)

says I need a registration code... plz help

spence00 (2011-06-13)

says I need a registration code plzz help!

MeanieM (2011-06-13)

hey this game keeps telling me that i need to get updates then after i get the update it tells me the key code is no good,,,,,any advice???

GamesAbuser (2011-06-14)


GamesAbuser (2011-06-15)

Disc Autuc, or Online?

KTM_swe (2011-06-15)

I have a problem !!! my savings dosent get saved?!
what shell i do?

WillAlvers (2011-06-17)

Works Great! no issues

atomisticxkid (2011-06-19)

Why is it that when i start the mission it only looks up?

wastedblud (2011-06-19)

seed pls, anyone!

wastedblud (2011-06-19)

i'm like 90% done and the download speed is so slow so pls seed! Downloading this cos i can't wait for battlefield 3!!!

ricfritz (2011-06-21)

Where do you copy the files in the Crack file to and how? Ima noooob. please help. :)

ricfritz (2011-06-21)

Where do you copy the crack files to? and how do you do that? sorry ima nooobb. please help!

DarylG (2011-06-21)

the game flickers abit wen im playin.....i mean like little black bands of flickerin....neway to solve that?

mickaelcassowich (2011-06-22)

no crack, just copy the contents of the cracked folder, not the folder itself, just its contents, copy it into the installation folder.
Download the binkw32.dll file from
and put it as well into the installation folder and after that its works like a charm.

nanetorg (2011-06-22)

5,4MB/s, great

vrocks94 (2011-06-22)

hei guys can someone upload a torrent of "battlefield bad company 2 vietnam" plz.............
i'm dying to play that expansion part ..........
i'm simply unable to find it's torrent on the net.........
if anyone has , it..........
i'll be highly obliged.............
thanx in advance mates............

dimikill (2011-06-25)

Hi Guys!
it DOESNT WORK after update
any solution or you have to play offline all the time not to let game check updates?

endslikecrazy1993 (2011-06-25)

Uhm I followed the instructions I mounted, installed with keygen key, copied over all the files in the crack folder, but now everytime I want to start it it says I have too put in a CD/DVD....

darkdodge (2011-06-28)

can anybody please give me a definite answer:

fillifantes (2011-06-30)

I cant find the keygen in the crackfolder, just:
Where is it??

rivaldog (2011-07-03)

Where is the image?? I can't find it to mount with Daemon Tools so I can do Disk Authentication and play the game!

pulzev3 (2011-07-03)

rld-bbc2.exe is the keygen!

Kurogane35 (2011-07-04)

under system requirements, u really dont need to put "keyboard and mouse"...

XxMORTxX (2011-07-04)


Kurogane35 (2011-07-05)

After installing the game, i have to enter another "registration code" to start the game. is this "registration code" the same one as the one in the keygen?

FailMaor (2011-07-06)

Great Torrent! I works but its kinda laggy on my old computer.
The KEYGEN is on rld-bbc2.exe
Thank you for a great upload extremeszone!

Skillfulkitty (2011-07-08)

Does this support multiplayer?

dizonjordan (2011-07-11)

Do I really need to update it..
It says that the version is 515195
and the latest is 602574..

rajuflying (2011-07-11)

please do not download this game as after snowblind Level-6 you cannot play this game.The game crashes. It would be wasting your time if you download this game.

Joci008 (2011-07-11)

What I need to do if it ask for the CD/DVD?

Joci008 (2011-07-11)

Please somebody!!!! :)

Joci008 (2011-07-11)

Please can somebody help me?

ycmwhy (2011-07-12)

can anyone tell me why the controls from mouse are super messed up?? all i can do is staring at the sky...

spitfire123 (2011-07-15)

i can't play. the game can't make connection to EA. It says : failed to connect to EA online.
please help

spitfire123 (2011-07-15)

i cant play. it says that if im trying to connect it cant connect to EA online. Please help

BM7733 (2011-07-16)

FUCKKKKKKKK the crack doesn't work

keeenzor (2011-07-17)

good game tHx!

robertgabriel1 (2011-07-23)

Can We Play online?

gxfjlvg (2011-07-24)

Works great, finished the sp mission, works online too if you register the cdkey into your account on EA

geymor (2011-07-24)

The code that I got from the keygen works to install the game, but it doesnt work to activate on EA..
Is there a way to play this online that works?

Drugoh (2011-07-26)

Please give us a detailed instruction. I am agreeing with geymor on this one. Install works with keygen, but if you try to register online with that any key from the keygen, you will fail. I have a Win 7 fully updated and cracked BC2 Reloaded game.

abraka100 (2011-07-26)

when i play the game the mouse and keyboardcontrols doesnt work properly.

anisetra (2011-07-28)

somehow my gameplay is not being saved :-/ though it shows "saving" .
whenever i restart the game i have to start from the beginning , plz help !!

_tijs14tijs_ (2011-08-01)

Thank you, great Keygen :D LIKE

Fr3ak101 (2011-08-01)

its taking 4eva to install!!!

IxBradxI (2011-08-04)

How am I supposed to use the crack? I run rld-bbc2 and nothing happens.

IxBradxI (2011-08-04)

Never mind, re-downloaded the keygen and it works fine. Malwarebytes just detected it and wouldn't allow it to work.

DarkArchivist (2011-08-04)

umm idk whats up but i downloaded this and there isnt any .iso in the file theres just a whole bunch of rars titled c1 c2 c3 etc... theres also the crack folder and a few others along with a setup and an autorun file. the keygen works but after i type it in it asks me to put in the 1 st cd but theres no .iso that i can see

DarkArchivist (2011-08-05)

oh wait nevermind... my dumbass unrared the .iso files XD stupid winrarchanging icons makingme thinnk shit is other then it is grrr

dobrodan (2011-08-06)

I bought the originalversion to support the developpers. The cracked version worked fine, in the official version I got the mouse problem..

aps15 (2011-08-06)

i got a serious problem.
i installed the game and then coping the crack from dvd to folder where i installed the game.
then i started the game and it's gonna updateid my version.but i want to play the game!!!!!!!!!!!help me!!!!!!

Kicksilver (2011-08-07)

Guys, i downloaded this, but only the .ISO, the game picture and some reloaded file came. Where's the keygen?
It's asking for a key prior to installing.

kirre34 (2011-08-07)

The best game for Xbox of all time. Only Battlefield 3 can top this one.

freeskiswiss (2011-08-08)

Insert the CD comes with me always, but they've already ... pls help me

ralphmaztah (2011-08-08)

where is the CRACK FOLDER?????

stwok1099 (2011-08-08)

It only takes forever to install for you because your internet fails at life

xalax104 (2011-08-08)

Sorry I'm new to this and NOOB as well, but where is rld-bbc2.exe? cause it asks for the keygen during install.

madlax10 (2011-08-09)

Wish there was a way to get online... Oh, and for some reason, every 2 minutes my mouse just starts aiming straight up and doesn't react until I restart the game... Any help?

Kicksilver (2011-08-09)

ralph and xalax,
All the files you need are in the .ISO file.
Use WinRAR to extract them.

enzain (2011-08-10)

The rld-bbc2 file wont work. Error code says I do not have permisson to open. Does anyone know what the problem is or how to solve it?

artipeka (2011-08-11)

i did everythink asked in the description but it asked ACTIVATION CODE please helppppp

Hitlerism (2011-08-13)

Hi, when I install it on Win 7 64, strange characters appear, is it normal?

alexisb2 (2011-08-14)

thnx 4 upload everything's fine but, how do i save the game??? :/ (it may be a stupid question but plz someone answer :) )

alexisb2 (2011-08-14)

1.000.000 THANK YOU MAN!!! i was about to give up when i read your comment. i really appreciate it :)

alexisb2 (2011-08-14)

ok i THOUGHT it was saving but no... still nothing... i give up (btw u SUCK extremzone) -.-

alexisb2 (2011-08-14)

no. i THOUGHT it was saving but no... i give up... (btw nice try extremzone but not being able to save it's just... bad...)

vorajee (2011-08-15)

it has Autosave @alexisb2
Working Serial:

DreamerXristosGr (2011-08-15)

You have to understand that keygens and cracks are malisius but not for your pc! its malicious to the GAME because it CHANGES values etc, so antiviruses see them as viruses! its tricky cause some uploaders might aply real viruses in the crack, so you should be carefull where you download from. If you trust then follow next steps.

For All of you who have problems!

1)download DAEMON TOOLS here:

2) a)Uninstall any Daemon you might have
b)Install Daemon (select trial and then advanced tools in installation)
d)deactivate antivirus (at least the file monitor)
e)open Crack.rar\Crack\Pre-Cracked
f)right-click on taskbar -> Task manager and End any process starting with capital "DT"
g) go to folder (from step e) and copy those two files to where ever you installed and click "copy and replace"
3) open Daemon tools, click "add device". Then Drag n Drop the .iso file on the "new driver" inside the Daemon tools window (that's called "mount" .iso)
4) go to Daemon tools, on the "new driver" right-click -> open explorer or smthing like that (last option) and copy all crack files and keygen on your desktop with your antivirus (or file monitor) OFF
5)install game
6)copy all crack files into game directory
I suggest playing the game the first time without reactivating antivirus so you know if everythink is ok. then activate antivirus and play again, and if there is a problem that means that the antivirus deleted a crack file.
Thx extremezone for ALL your uploads!!!

milkdose (2011-08-15)

Can someone please tell me, whether the keygen produces a serial ending in "RLD" or not? Because the ones ending in "RLD" are the reloaded ones which don't support multiplayer. If the keygen produces a "RLD" serial you might as well just use one from google.

DreamerXristosGr (2011-08-15)

Correction: in step 3) its "add SCSI virtual drive" and step 4) its "open in file explorer and its 3rd
well, you can install the free version of DAEMON instead doing step 1 and step 2 by downloading Daemon Tools Lite from here:

DreamerXristosGr (2011-08-15)

@milkdose are you sure you can play online? this is great news!!!! You got me now searching for the cd key!!!! -- havent download this torrent yet so i dont have an answer to your question :/

milkdose (2011-08-16)

@DreamerXristosGr lol yeah, but a proper serial is really hard to find, dice seem to be getting rid of most of them, if not all :l

milkdose (2011-08-16)

@DreamerXristosGr Did you find out what kind of serial the keygen produces?

DreamerXristosGr (2011-08-16)

@milkdose sry man.... I will download tomorow.... my family stoped it!!!!

bestdownload111165 (2011-08-18)

multiplayers works or not ,........................hurry comment then i will download it ..............plzzzzzzzzzzzzz hurry

usa.beast (2011-08-20)

works great on me. just copy all the files on the crack folder to the game directory.
then start BFBC2Game

bjornbg89 (2011-08-21)

please seed, this is way too slow!!

hz66 (2011-08-21)

If you want to play multiplayer buy the fucking game..

hottshot25 (2011-08-22)

dose it work on Multiplayer ?

okmh18 (2011-08-22)

bobhamer (page 66 comments)
thank you .. i'll try

UnKnOw989 (2011-08-23)

damn it gotta buy better graphics card:-(
i have GeForce 7600GT.
game closes at the beginning when enemies start shooting at the second boat :-S

UnKnOw989 (2011-08-23)

doesnt work :-S
torrent is good but i have crappy graphics card(GF 7600gt)

karankash (2011-08-24)

I took this game from my cousin. I have a problem - when i start the game and turn left, it goes right. When i start moving ahead it looks in the sky and all i can do is play in that area only and the enemies making fun of me from where they are. I can get to move in any direction other than right and then my player looks in the sky and there is nothing i can do then. Please help me i have tried doing it in the settings, controls, the X and Y axis. Is there any way to correct this. Many people are experiencing this problem. Please help!

karankash (2011-08-26)

I have this game installed but i just need the crack folder. Can somebody please send me the crack folder, i dont want to download the whole 5.42 GB again. I dont have the external HDD with me anymore. Please help by sending me the CRACK folder with the text files, i have the Mouse problem.

SpookzOne (2011-08-27)

Game works flawlessly, runs smooth and crack woked to perfection, no viruses at all. Thanks Extremezone.

SpookzOne (2011-08-27)

This works flawlessly, great gameplay and runs smooth too on my system, running a ATI Radeon HD 3800. Big thank to uploader.

tenklop (2011-08-27)

All these illiterate comments make me feel like I'm in a house full of autistic children

deepandhard (2011-08-27)

Once again, thanks extremezone. Works fine.

max0605 (2011-08-30)

i installed the game but when i run it it asks me to update the version and when i do it just freezes... can somebody help me please .

max0605 (2011-08-30)

i tried reinstalling the game but again it freezes on update File : loader-00.fbrb can somebody help please ?

hairytauren96 (2011-08-30)

@Maiko Thank you for putting this keygen! The one I downloaded wasn't working here it is for anyone else looking for it! 22R7R9-HNLE-FMDS-9FMQ-XRLD

MacklinN (2011-08-30)

Dude this is awsome got it to work and be shooting some enemies all day

CRFbadass (2011-08-30)

When I install it, after the install it says "CHOOSE AUTHENTICATION METHOD" and im too scared to click anything lol what do I choose? And then what do I do? lol Please help!!!

Krzystylez (2011-09-02)

When I play this, it goes full screen but is black then closes. how do i fix this

rajw (2011-09-02)

cooool.... its work ...

rajw (2011-09-02)

hey guyz,
this site is best site ever but in this site all mumbers name is weird

roscoredbull (2011-09-05)

Have tried all the codes in here and loads with the keygen but no joy. Can someone give me a code that works or have i done something wrong.

appledrop (2011-09-05)


davidras (2011-09-06)

this better work

davidras (2011-09-06)

whats the point of this game download if u cant play online???

Rsxje (2011-09-10)

works great, but i have no voices in the cutscenes..
but it doesn't bother that much

vanigalpuss (2011-09-11)

The keygen didnt work for me
But i had a gander on the net and this one seems to work for everyone
Quality torrent cheers

vanigalpuss (2011-09-11)

do i have to update it?

Kogty (2011-09-14)

Keygen works fine ill generate one: CWK3-T4ZB-Q4PD-CQ4Y-TRLD

Anielewicz (2011-09-16)

I just wanna to thank you! :D

CodeMeRight (2011-09-17)

" vanigalpuss " & " Kogty "
Please Lads DO NOT POST KEYS. All you have done is Make them Keys 90% Better to get Black listed Now Lads. NEVER Post any Kind of keys to any Kind of Program, All it doe's is get them Blacklisted & Fuck other People's Programs up ..
This COMMENT go's to any one OK.. I Know your only thinking your Helping Other's by Doing it... But your doing More Harm than good OK People...
Thanks People.. & Good Luck

CodeMeRight (2011-09-17)

" Antje14 "
Stop TROLLING Dude lol

mAtt.yOu (2011-09-17)

okay i followed the instructions and i double click on the battlefield shortcut and while it was loading it says "Please insert the correct CD and restart application". Wat do i do now ?

milibosi (2011-09-19)

does it really works cause im gonna download this game and......these are my performances
Processors:Quad core 2 3.0 ghz
Graphics:1GB Nvidia GeForce 210

Herd_Of_Midgets (2011-09-19)

Hey nice torrent you have here. Can you go online with this? please get back to me.

ozsa (2011-09-20)

it wont save the game??
anyone know how to fix it???
pls respond ..

thepkowns3 (2011-09-22)

i have installed the game , and copy all crack files , i can perfect open the game , and wach the introduction movie after pressing single plager, but after that movie the game closed , plz help me !! thx

wviper (2011-09-23)

Error: Mouse problem (lag, slow, not moving, whatever)
Solution: Copy ALL files from the crack folder on the cd to the installation folder. So copy all these files: BFBC2Game.exe, jabberwocky.txt, pitoni.txt & rld.dll. When you did that your not done jet. When starting up the game you first need to set the Melee attack button. Go to options, and assign a key for the “MELEE BUTTON”, the V button is fine for this as you will have a gun later, and you only need to kill the first enemy with your knife. once set start the game, kill the enemy and jump off the boat using spacebar.

magikp (2011-09-24)

thanks works perfect!!

hejresejre (2011-09-25)

multiplayer doeasnt work
sad :(

davidis4god (2011-09-29)

You fucking dumb ass! I downloaded this game so I could fucking play on the fucking internet, and now online doesn't work! FUCK YOU SHIT ASS! UPLOAD ONE THAT WORKS

Lyshiaris (2011-10-02)

Thx a lot.. Working fine... I also used CWK3-T4ZB-Q4PD-CQ4Y-TRLD from Kogty's comment...

pukshd (2011-10-02)

when i put a desktop shortcut
i can´t start without update
i guess i can´t let that happen
plz help

felix_703 (2011-10-04)

does it work online? I guess no, but I'd be grateful if someone responds me

IgnitionTube (2011-10-06)

You guys are fucking pathetic, downloading a game like this is a fucking disgrase

satyasdcool (2011-10-06)

Those who are facing problem in mouse pinter. Just follow these steps:
1. Uninstall the game.
2. Download CC cleaner and repair registry. and restart your pc.
3. Install the game but try installing in different directory (Recommended)
4. Copy the crack contents over the game directory.
5 And here you go. and enjoy.
I experimented these myself and my mouse is working fy9. Hope this helped you.

tokuo (2011-10-06)

i cant find out this :S I downloaded the game, but i only got disc 2, any reason for this? :( i want to play it!... or i'm gonna buy BF3. but i just want to get a feeling in the single player... :)

SilentFreya (2011-10-09)

Is there anyway to go online?

seedzplox (2011-10-11)

I love the tards that expect this to work online lol

stj2k000 (2011-10-13)


BearSlaught(CRO) (2011-10-14)

:::FTR::: You need to buy the original game to play online!!!

dm30001 (2011-10-18)

most games you get from downloads, you will not be able to play online.
if you want online buy the game, even though it's usually not worth it unless they have dedicated servers cause of lag. fuck game companies that just milk it.

Xenerus (2011-10-18)

Seed it ppl, please :O

TH3RiPP3R (2011-10-20)

*If a black screen appears after the first cut scene of the game ends, change your graphic setting to low* that's all I did.

G-Force7 (2011-10-20)

Creds to Kogty for this working serial:
Just reposting so everyone can see.

golhol2 (2011-10-20)

Dosen't work!! after i extracted all the crack files into the install directory and start the game's .exe it demands i update to the latest version if i click no it just closes down and won't let me continue.. and i obviously won't update since i don't have the crack for the newest version! what to do?!

golhol2 (2011-10-20)

ahh that was silly found the solution.. the desktop shortcut sends you to the updater not to the game .exe you must go to the install directory and click on the file called "BFBC2Game.exe" then you can make shortcut of it and send to desktop. that fixed it :)

Eldoritos (2011-10-21)

I am stuck in the beginning of the game..when i try to move around the mouse doesnt work in-game ..only moves me around in circles and auto lookes up, anyone know how to fix this? plz and thx.
p.s mouse/cursor works fine in the game menu..

punnikunn (2011-10-23)

when i downloaded it then i haved to update the version and it taked 7-10hours x.x,but i finished it and i can play very well -.- tyyyyyyyy

punnikunn (2011-10-23)


punnikunn (2011-10-23)


punnikunn (2011-10-23)

its no virus!!!!! works well!!!!! all download it!!!!!! i have it and im very crazy for it !!!!!!!!!!! playing 24/7 :D!!!!! all download this supergame!!!!!!! :D

Aditya0.1.2 (2011-10-24)

Man the same problem comes up for mee too cant look around at first thought my mouse was busted....damn theh stuff dont work dont waste ur time .....atleast if sumone had the courtey to tell a solution i would be glad

Aditya0.1.2 (2011-10-24)

Sorry i withdrw my comments this is freaking awesome .......for those who are having the problem with the controls go to the crack folder and extract thos other stuff ..........i mean tos text files into the main also i didnt believe it that 2 poem type texts actually changed the whole torrent thx again

Sens18 (2011-10-24)


iulixmax (2011-10-27)


iulixmax (2011-10-27)

nice !!!!!!!!!!!

iulixmax (2011-10-27)

super game

rupelto (2011-10-29)

Thanks For The Game, And For the Mouse Problem Update

anonymouzze (2011-11-07)


anonymouzze (2011-11-07)

Everything works fine.

anonymouzze (2011-11-07)

Everything works fine.
this Just have the fucking mouse problem (which you always look up, and you cant do nothing)....
After download this torrent, write this in google
"battlefield bad company 2 mouse fix reloaded"
click the first link for download the crack that Fix the Mouse Problem
After cracking, do not run the game from the shortcut on the desktop. Because it forces you to update the game. (You can leave update, but you have to wait).
If you want to play NOW.....
So run the game from the shortcut that is in the game folder "BFBC2Game.exe."

anonymouzze (2011-11-07)

Everything works fine.
this Just have the fucking mouse problem (which you always look up, and you cant do nothing)....
After download this torrent, write in google and click the first link
"battlefield bad company 2 mouse fix reloaded"
for download the crack that Fix the Mouse Problem
After cracking, do not run the game from the shortcut on the desktop. Because it forces you to update the game. (You can leave update, but have to wait).
If you want to play NOW.....
So run the game from the shortcut that is in the game folder "BFBC2Game.exe."

preda96 (2011-11-08)

Thanks man, great game

ghostrider222 (2011-11-08)

thanx extremezone
vry gud torrent :D:D:D

Hazode (2011-11-09)

Loving the fact that Jabberwocky is in the crack folder, I love that poem hahaha. Thanks for the upload

drkidd0223 (2011-11-13)

So when i installed the game and started it up the screen goes black then closes. :( Help i really want to play this game

matthewlol (2011-11-13)

awesome torrent thx extrmezone!!!
btw just wanna ask will the game still work if i update to the latest version?
reply asap plz !!!

jaydgrrr8 (2011-11-15)

After I've installed the game, its running to slow.. what should i do?

babazaba2010 (2011-11-15)

how do i play multiplayer

panna38 (2011-11-22)

seed more plz

panna38 (2011-11-22)

Lol downloading at 200 kb/s!

afreyed (2011-11-24)

""battlefield bad company 2 mouse fix reloaded"
Norton shows the file i downloaded from that torrent contains a Trojan virus.

b1tch.. (2011-11-30)

3. Copy over the cracked content to your install dir.

b1tch.. (2011-12-01)


norbi2012 (2011-12-02)

please fix BFBC2Game.exe :)
to come clone dvd versio .......

NvLgNr (2011-12-02)

It works but after the last part for snowblind is over, when its supposed to change to the next mission, the game crashes. Am I the only one that is having this problem? Need help.

dejanxd (2011-12-03)

It works, but the multiplayer doesn't, it keeps asking for a serial. I've already copied the content from the "Crack" folder to the installation dir and this time it shows me an option to select which game mode, map etc. but when I actually try to play, again it asks me for a serial. None of the serials I tried work.

Dontknow159 (2011-12-08)

if im get multiplayer crack is work?

maciac96 (2011-12-21)

i need help i instal it i cracked but when i run it it just open and its black window and in 2-6 sec it close Help pls ?
should i upgrade to the latest version ?

MarkMeraz (2011-12-24)

1 Mb/s download nice nice (: nice post♥

expiratex (2011-12-26)

DOWNLOAD well,install fine.its very simple to install. I am updating now,,,,,,,,,,,,,let see later,,how its works..........

TheBeatzProducer (2011-12-26)

No, Duhhh! The multiplayer doesn't work.

expiratex (2011-12-26)

i cant play...this is old version,need to update,buy some files are missing while updating. anyone knows solution????????

baxter500 (2011-12-27)

@Jaydgrrr8: Your computer may not have the proper hardware to run the game properly, check the minimum system requrements for the game then compare it to your own system
@babazaba2010: If you want multiplayer, buy the game, it's the only way unless someone's running a server specifically for cracked versions, which I doubt.
@afreyed: Most cracks appear as viruses to Antivirus programs, most likely it's a false positive. Also, Norton is a horrible antivirus.

Arsori (2012-01-02)

works perfectly on a 3 year old mid-prize computer, with medium graphics. Make sure to copy all the files in the Crack folder. When game asks for registration code, launch updater, wait for updating, and then you dont have to give the code.

zorn1 (2012-01-03)

Works! Thank you, sir, for teh awesome upload!

aryan.01 (2012-01-05)

thx fr the upload man ....but i,m having problms with its mouse ...
1. mouse buttoN,s was not working when i fixd dat playr was unable to see anywhere when i fixed dat it strtd to melleeee attack agn n agn ...i,ve tried to fix it by other fixes tooo bt its just not working ......anyone hav soln dan plz help ..thx in advance n thx EZ ............

7deri (2012-01-07)

Can you play online with this or - cracked server?

Cloventwined (2012-01-11)

^^^^^aryan.01^^^^^ is a true moron for his lacking in effort.... an dats smrter dan a retrd?

SuperFulcrum (2012-01-13)

help plsssss i have this problem with my mouse and keyboard configuration when i press A button for left he goes right and when S button for down he goes up same with my mouse

panna38 (2012-01-17)

Speed was unbelievable! 5,69 MB!!!! THX SEEDERS

Maero1234 (2012-01-20)

Awesome!Works Great on Win7,WinVista and Win Xp!!GREAT TORRENT

mickyvocalextremist (2012-01-23)

Hello !!!!!!!!!!!!!in order to play multipayer buy the fucking game it wont work wit cracked copy the stupidity of some of the cunts on here astounds me

NSZeraus (2012-01-27)

Can you update this with Vietnam?
Working as always btw. Great torrent as usual EZ.

Majestik1 (2012-02-04)

Another great game. EVEN if you played BF3 first!

Ayush770 (2012-02-05)

setup is not working
please insert cd/dvd in drive c:
plz help.

paupav (2012-02-06)

when i get out of game and then get in i have to start all over again....

rrolandal (2012-02-11)

It works but after the last part for snowblind is over, when its supposed to change to the next mission, the game crashes Need help.

DanielMacTavish (2012-02-11)

I cant look to the ground look to the left and I cant use LMB

sydonis2 (2012-02-13)

I have the exact same problem. I can't look left, and I can't look down. More precisely, When I move my mouse left, it moves right. And when I move my mouse down, it moves up.
Anything I can do to fix this?

sydonis2 (2012-02-13)


d3ms (2012-02-17)

this game works for me. i chose online authentication.. then copied the crack file inside the crack folder (rld.dll file and the bfbc2game file) and pasted it inside the game directory (C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield Bad Company 2)
updating the game for now.. idk if it'll work after installing updates.. but anyway, thanks extremezone!

momo148 (2012-02-18)

crashes right after it says 1944?

cyeah2005 (2012-02-20)

Before I download this game, can someone tell me if I gotta have an Nvidia or ATI video card to play this game? I downloaded B3 and couldn't get it to run. I got core duo 2.2 with an intel 4 series graphics card (2Gig video).

pensive.ghost (2012-02-23)

why am i not allowed to fire weapons or detonate tnt!!
plzz me :(

pensive.ghost (2012-02-23)

it comes back to window after snowblind mission...when i'm about to board chopper!!
do i have to update it so as to play further?? :/

ZooYork10 (2012-02-26)

I have the same problem as lot of u have
When Im through the snow something when u have to run for your life and the helicopter comes when I get in the helicopter than the game closes and when I restart the game and go on the helicopter it closes again is ther any stuff that alowws u to play more than 1 hour cause thats how much I played and I cant play more

NikAxel (2012-02-26)

The game works well until I get to the point when I actually need to play. Then once I move the mouse my guy looks up and won't look back down after that. Help?

vineet10 (2012-02-27)

@NikAxel - did u copy the jabbrwcky and plitoni texts to ur installation folder???

NikAxel (2012-03-03)

Never mind game works great now! But how do I make an online account when it wants a serial code???

arpanb_ab (2012-03-09)

seeddddddddddddd plzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...

dandalis (2012-03-11)

MP included ? will it work ?

welshyben (2012-03-16)

You can't cracked games are SP only

dandalis (2012-03-16)

hey i have the same problem, my mouse doesnt react, guy just looks up in sky. what i need to do ? plz help.

asimmusic (2012-03-28)

Always when I start game it update. Always.And I must wait for ciuple of hours for "connectivity lost,do you want to play older version"
Anyone know the answer for this problem ?

Red_Line_Hot (2012-03-30)

I Just Finished Single player, It Works like a charm!!!! Multiplayer IDK and i dont care either...
Many THX to Extremezone and all the crew!!!
I Will seed!!!

trickmeister (2012-03-31)

Have downloaded this, but it's a self-burn disc image at over 5gig... What do you do with it if you don't have a blu-ray burner?

faizaan10 (2012-04-06)

I copied the contents from the crack but i still have problems using Mouse on the game menu.

peleg191 (2012-04-06)

no MP crack...

ksmilof (2012-04-16)

And I question whether multiplayer works because I installed and singlplayer multiplayer works but needs a product code and what do I do now someone help please reply

ksmilof (2012-04-16)

And if the game because I entered the code but the code needs one more to the multi play I do to help

dragonball070 (2012-04-18)

is this online?

Killer-16 (2012-04-21)

It wants me to upgrade it, and then it will not accept my serial# how do i keep it from updating???

HSuperV (2012-04-29)

Jesus why the fuck are you people so retarded? Go clean your hairy assholes before speaking jesus WTF - THERE IS NO MULTIPLAYER CRACK IF YOU WANT TO PLAY ONLINE BUY THE FUCKING GAME EASY/SIMPLE!

Bmuzammil (2012-05-07)

Every time I play the mission, if you can remember, You have to get to a roof top and get on the helicopter? my game crashes, is this happening just with me or not???
The game crashes after the mission is completed.

savi83 (2012-05-18)


ChiliNoMoreX (2012-05-20)

there's a way to play the multiplayer..
just google for "emulatornexus battlefield". register and download the patch. for now it seems buggy and the servers has many crashes since it's in beta.

ashu48 (2012-05-21)

cool torrent man!! i just love your uploads !!!

aaron.fogle (2012-05-28)

I got it downloaded but dont know what do do next please help

tomallone (2012-05-28)


KiLLeRCoNCePT (2012-05-29)

Serial ? i need a Serial

dhammu20 (2012-05-30)

Every time I play the mission, if you can remember, You have to get to a roof top and get on the helicopter? my game crashes, is this happening just with me or not???
The game crashes after the mission is completed
how can iget rid of this problem please somebody help

openarena (2012-06-03)

I cant find BF BC 1 :(

kabsuri9 (2012-06-05)

guys! need your help, i have installed this game but after installing it, the battlefield game folder is of only 5GB instead of 10GB. can anyone explain it to me please.

chama9 (2012-06-09)

Hey guys!
I need the CDkey!

PlAYeR977 (2012-06-11)

sometimes the game freeze ...

jazzbug (2012-06-12)

how do i get online?

chama9 (2012-06-12)

You can't go online with this download

Anilbhujel1 (2012-06-18)

this run perfectly on my pc.Owesome game.thanks extremezone

Zetroit (2012-06-19)

Here Is Some Keys I Think Its work Online
Or This one:

LarPound (2012-06-21)

@Zetroit where you got those?

Andriusas (2012-06-24)

U can olay online just go here

sickandwick (2012-06-26)


Bujaru (2012-06-30)

Its working P E R F E C T L Y. Thx for this!!
I'm seeding :D

FeXA (2012-06-30)

:( the instal gives me a error something about VC8 runtime please help me i want to play this game

Yalmaz123 (2012-07-03)

How to upload a game

halodub1 (2012-07-07)

Can this be played on LAN?

Se7enSinEnvy (2012-07-07)

The codes you guys provided aren't working for Online, any other ones I can try out?

Fractal11235 (2012-07-08)

@Se7enSinEnvy this version wont go online unless you go on unofficial servers.

ibbb100 (2012-07-14)

Is this workinig???

zlo78 (2012-07-16)

thankx extremezone

evenas98 (2012-07-17)

there is a problem with the mouse when i use the mouse it looks up in the sky and the a key goes to the right

pearlpebble (2012-07-18)

C2.cad file is corrupted so the installation cannot be proceeded
what can i do
if i give retry it is giving me the same error
[email protected]

noodlesque (2012-07-24)

For those of you who are looking for something new there is a free online game called Tribes:Ascend.It is similar to Unreal tournament and Quake, it is very dynamic everyone is equipped with a jetpack and jet boots that allow you to ski. It is a lot of fun, here is a link for those who want to try it out :

noodlesque (2012-07-24)

For those of you who are looking for something new there is a free online game called Tribes: Ascend. It is similar to Unreal tournament and Quake , it is very dynamic everyone is equipped with a jet-pack and jet boots that allow you to ski. It is a lot of fun, here is a link for those who want to try it out: For those of you who are looking for something new there is a free online game called Tribes:Ascend.It is similar to Unreal tournament and Quake , it is very dinamic everyone is equipped with a jetpack and jet boots that allow you to "ski".It is a lot of fun, here is a link for those who want to try it out :

passpartoo (2012-07-28)

torrent crack is trojan jabberwocky...
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

devilzro (2012-08-09)


Jorgit0 (2012-08-14)

@asimmusic it happens the same to me, i updated it cause it seemed it was the only way to play but when it was done it gave an error, that it couldnt copy a certain file. so i cant play it at all, anyone know how to fix this?

peri88 (2012-08-14)


isauro (2012-08-22)


Sowinov (2012-08-26)

Nice download! Campaign works fine. Can't say about the multiplayer, though.

Tipps4 (2012-09-09)


powernaveed (2012-09-17)

extreme hacker

Milasin (2012-09-23)

Extra gays, thank you :DD

p.abolins (2012-09-23)

Is the crack included? where can i find it?

Xheon (2012-10-16)

You can play online using this emulator :)

airbenderrr (2012-10-17)

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

iLirian (2012-11-06)

Fast Download!!!

virusboy (2012-11-07)

@ dertrak: that game is free moron.

vagos_98 (2012-11-08)

PM me on my youtube channel .. ill tell you how to play it multiplayer :)) vagos1998vagos

Abaddon69 (2012-11-18)

for some unknown reason, I can't download anything from piratebay, updated utorrent and shit.. still does nothing -.-

aray81690 (2012-11-19)

Is vietnam included in this??! i see some vietnam maps in the screenshot and in the bin files. BTW, this game definitely works. i just beat the single player campaign and i need more lol

smokeyyy3 (2012-12-14)

Can any1 give me working key to play multiplyer?

Lorney (2012-12-29)

Guys i cant find keygen, pls. can you give me some

Saitekman (2012-12-30)

Its in the Crack Folder under name rld-bbc2
But here are a few if you want some
Probably wont be able to play online with those but they install the game for you. Copy the rest of the crack over to the main directory of the game.
Anyone else having the mouse bug issue? My mouse if either stuck going to right and looking up to sky?

BLUuuE (2013-01-13)

Seems like some of the people are having problems with mouse cursor in-game. To fix this you need to copy ALL content from crack folder into install folder: BFBC2Game.exe, jabberwocky.txt, pitoni.txt & rld.dll."

Crusisx (2013-02-13)

This version may be popular but it has alot of bugs that need to be fixed, here is a up to date copy of the game with detailed instructions

bruno3833 (2013-03-03)

Did you guys have to install hufe update after instalation? Will it work?

RedH4x (2013-03-19)

Very nice torrent. Thank you extremezone!

manhvu (2013-03-21)

works great. thanks ^^

Dadus2000 (2013-04-07)

good torrent

Phatfish (2013-04-11)

Crashes immediately after trying to run the game on windows 7.

Phatfish (2013-04-11)

Sorry my bad. I'll take that back. Seems to work just fine. Apparently I'm too tired to install games properly.
Thanks for the up!

jethandavis (2013-04-14)

So...everything installed fine, but when I click the exe to open it, or the shortcut, my mouse turns into the blue circle for a second as if its loading then....nothing happens. This same thing has happened on a few other games of mine. At first I thought it was an issue with the exe file, so I DL'ed new cracks, but that didn't work. Anyone else having this issue? Running win8 if that means anything.

AlbanianCreative (2013-05-16)

Does anyone know where to find?? (BATTLEFIELD: BAD COMPANY 2 VIETNAM./2010)
Has there ever been published by: extremezone

ipLSKD (2013-06-07)

How to play multiplayer:
1) DL & Install this game
2) go to this site:

3) download the link
4) put the file in location of your Bad Company 2
5) Play! (Support DICE if you can)

ipLSKD (2013-06-07)

How to play multiplayer:
1) DL & Install this game
2) Update by running BFBC2Updater.exe
3) go to this site:

4) download the link
5) put the file in location of your Bad Company 2
6) Register at EmulatorNexus forums
7) Play! (Support DICE if you can)
This is correct version

ipLSKD (2013-06-08)

guys just do everything what i said and you wont have to put that jabberwocky trojan or whatever it is...

qazara (2013-06-26)

I dont know why, but controlling the mouse on fighting is shitty! Any idea? :)

Phoenicius (2013-07-01)

Is this reported to not work with Windows 8?
Because I can't start the game. I have proper hardware specs but the game doesn't start. And yes, I have copied the crack over the game install directory. But I try opening it and it yields nothing. Nothing happens.

iloovatar (2013-07-01)

This game works. Thanks uploader!
To people who couldnt get this game to work
1. Please read the system requirements
2. Follow uploader's instructions

camotis28 (2013-07-29)

extremezone... pls help why is it saying "wrong disc inserted"... i cant play i meet all the requirements... keeps on pop up saying "wrong disc inserted"

camotis28 (2013-07-29)

"wrong disc inserted"
anyone facing this problem? please help

Mutant_Gu (2013-07-30)

Works fine with out single issue
Windows 8 Pro 64 bit..

Mutant_Gu (2013-07-30)

above comment is only for single player i don't play mulit player so i didn't try that

alienform (2013-08-02)

You don't need any cracks, all you need is oryginal 2.5GB patch (removes CD-check, mouse problems and adds files for "VIETNAM"):
BFBC2_PC_Client_R11_795745_Patch.exe (md5:b9c7e7f9dd792ffe1f1aec4853089145).
Some MS "VCRedist" are important, can't remember which, 2005, 2008 or 2010, but for Windows 7/8 x64 you must install x32 version too.
On my Windows x64, game can't run without VCRedist x32.
You can play multiplayer, check "" and download small dinput8.dll, which contains redirection from EA server to NexusBF server.
Works with BFBC2_PC_Client_R11_795745_Patch.exe but don't install any crack.
If you want to run multiplayer server, take this
and play on your own server.
This server allows you to run a basic version and addon.

SnowmanNigga (2013-08-02)

I have a problem when i want to open the relaoded rar its says the file is in unknown format or damaged does anyone know what to do ? (it also says that it is an .NFO file but it has win rar icon :)

alienform (2013-08-02)

Here is this patch "BFBC2_PC_Client_R11_795745_Patch.exe", it should solve most of your problems.

Crack is not needed.

Eng007 (2013-08-20)

I'm planning on downloading this. Just doing my research to see if it has positive comments. Here I go. thanks.

Xheon (2013-09-05)

>Google *Emulator Nexus*
>Make a account on the Forum
>Download the client
>Put in game the game folder
>use the updater to update the game duh
> ENJOY ....

alienform (2013-10-09)

BFBC2 Master Server Emulator (MASE) for playing on LAN, works just like the Nexus Emulator but does not require an internet connection:

MrGosling (2013-11-23)

hope it works :D

alienform (2014-01-12)

New version MASE v0.8 Master Server for BF BC2 here:

Changelog included.

f0rest5 (2014-05-08)

I have a problem. I install the game and everything is normal when you enter the first level of control does not work we go to the left and back and so too the mouse can not look to the left and behind you when you go to control and adjust them again so ... How can I solve this problem? Thanks in advance

thamostwanted (2014-05-24)


Criomorph (2014-06-17)

I'm having a bit of an issue. Everything went fine, installation and all. No problems running it...but then I ran in to a massive game breaker, quite literally. It's in the mission Heavy Metal. After a certain point, the game just CTDs. No warning, no explanation, no nothing. I reach that objective, and it CTDs instantly.
Has anyone had this problem before and is it fixable? If so, how?

Criomorph (2014-06-17)

Nevermind, right after I wrote the previous comment, tried running it as administrator again, and it worked.

Belmin02 (2014-06-18)

If it starts to update when you run it,just disable your internet connection,then run it again.

BF4_god (2014-06-20)

How do i enter the code? I put the crack in the destination of the file but the installer wants a code

BF4_god (2014-06-20)

never mind

simboyd (2014-07-07)

The game works fine if you follow the uploader's instructions.
Anyway, did anyone manage to get Emulator Nexus to work on this? I updated, put the .dll in the game dir but the servers do not show up.

simboyd (2014-07-13)

Nevermind my last comment, Emulator Nexus works fine too. You can see all the servers from Multiplayer (horizontal dropdown menu) > Server browser > Search
Nice game. Didn't expect my PC to run it this smooth maxed out.

Relleik1 (2014-07-17)

please help,crack folder came with no serial number at all, there is only 5 items.......thank you are the man!

TheValzReznov (2014-07-25)

Game instantly crashes when i launch it. Tried to reinstall but the problem is still there

AdaWrong (2014-10-25)

This game is complete garbage... should have known that when I saw the EA logo.
I weep for the future if this is what passes for popular with people nowadays.
Judging by the comments here you are all retarded..
so it is really no surprise that you enjoy this garbage. I feel sorry for you all... pathetic.

alienform (2015-07-18)

Updated version MASE v0.9 Master Server Emulator for windows and linux here:

Sources and changelog included.