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International Association of Chiefs of Police Owned






International Association of Chiefs of Police Owned




2011-11-18 (by AntiSecurity)


`.--.`` .+#+antisec #ant:` .isec #antisec:+ #antis- -ec #/. antise. /c #an- tis+. /ec-. #a `.nt/ `/:is` .ec/ #a- -nt/ .::::.` .ise+ `c #` -ant .is: `/ec #anti+ .sec+ + #an- tis+ :ec. ` #antisec #a ntis .ec: #: `ant- +is /ec #antisec `#an` ti/`:se `c #a::-. nt: `isec #antise..` .c # `:/an- +tisec #antisec: #+ antisec #a+:nt` `ise:c #:ant: +isec+:-.: #a` `nt+ `-+isec #antis-+ec-.:/ #a/-` ` .ntis-` ec /#a. -ntisec #antisec #anti+:.```-++-`/se-. .c : #a/ -+ntisec #a/-nt/:isec #a++ntisec #a:` nti` `sec . #antisec #an:ti/`-sec #+anti/sec -` -#an .tis` :ec #antisec #anti. ./sec #anti/sec` #a/-nti+ #antisec #+anti+.sec #-.` `+an+. -tisec/. ` #-:antisec /#antise/c #/++an/ .tise-` `+c #an+ `tis:ec #a ntise/c #ant+ise-` -c/ -+ #anti+/::/+sec/.` : #-antis/ ec- #antisec #ant -i/ `.-:sec #ant/` -i-sec #a- n:tisec #ant:/is/ .ec. ``` #:antis ec: #a/:nti:sec+ #-``+an ```-tisec #an :t:--/i+sec #antisec #an` `:tisec #antisec ..#anti+sec #antis+ec #an`:` `-tisec #antisec - `/ #a:ntis+ec #a/-/:`-/nti:.` : sec #antisec # -:an:-t:-isec :#anti` ``:se:+c #/. antisec #ant isec +:#antisec #antis++ec+:+ `-+ #+. /antisec #a /nti+/+sec #ant+::://+isec #anti+` .+se:` :c #+:--+-` `/a:/:ntisec+-` `.: #an/ti+-` -se+. ` `c .`::/#a+. .:ntise+:..` `+c+` ` / `..#a` -ntisec++` `/ / #: .``a- -nt+`.`:: `is- // `+. `:e+` -.:/+c- . #- `antis:+ec . # a: .ntisec.` #+:-` .a/:/:::n -tisec #an:--.-` `tisec #+ `antisec//-:-``` ` #anti`s- `..--:://+ec #an++//::-. t//++i+ /s+e++//::....` .. `-----:-:-:/:------.----` ` ``...` ` ################################################################################ # INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE HACKED DURING 2011 CONFERENCE # # ON OCTOBER 22ND INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION AGAINST POLICE BRUTALITY # ################################################################################ _ _ __ .__ __| || |__ _____ _____/ |_|__| ______ ____ ____ #anonymous \\\\ __ / \\\\__ \\\\ / \\\\ __\\\\ |/ ___// __ \\\\_/ ___\\\\ #antisec | || | / __ \\\\| | \\\\ | | |\\\\___ \\\\\\\\ ___/\\\\ \\\\___ #freeanons /_ ~~ _\\\\ (____ /___| /__| |__/____ >\\\\___ >\\\\___ > #occupywallstreet |_||_| \\\\/ \\\\/ \\\\/ \\\\/ \\\\/ #fuckfbifriday ################################################################################ # WHITE HATS, COP LOVERS, PLAYER HATERS AND MOVEMENT TRAITORS WATCH YOUR BACK! # # WE ARE ANONYMOUS. WE DO NOT FORGIVE. WE DO NOT FORGET. EXPECT US! # ################################################################################ The IACP thought they could hold their 2011 annual conference in Chicago unfettered by the clutches of insurrection. They must not have known their conference starts on the Day of Action Against Police Brutality. They must not have known that all over the world people are in the streets demonstrating discontent with capitalism and the state. They also had no idea that for the past few months black hat hackers have been owning their websites and databases. They should have expected us. In solidarity with the Occupation Movement and the International Day of Action Against Police Brutality, allied #anonymous and #antisec vessels took aim at the corrupt bootboys of the 1%: the police. We hacked, defaced, and destroyed several law enforcement targets, leaking over 600MB of private information including internal documents, membership rosters, addresses, passwords, social security numbers, and other confidential data. According to the IACP\\\'s development documents, their systems cost several hundred thousand dollars. We are pleased to destroy it all for free, leaking their private info and defacing their websites in one swift blow. We attacked, a multi-million dollar Washington DC based web development firm, which serves over a hundred government, corporate and association websites. Many lulz have been had as we owned their white hat \\\"professional\\\" intranet, clients and employee wiki portals-- accessing records and passwords, internal communications, company schedules, and development notes for over a hundred clients. We intentionally excluded the unions and other unrelated sites on their servers because, unlike the police and those who support them, we will never betray our working class comrades. We realize our role in the social struggle against capital and against the state, deciding instead to set our sights on the police, military and other government websites hosted by Matrix. Our lulzboats also took aim at Boston Police in retaliation for the unprovoked mass arrests and brutality experienced by those at Occupy Boston. We hacked the Boston Police Patrolmens\\\' Association (, releasing full names and the cleartext, user-supplied passwords for a thousand members. Many lulz have been had while perusing their emails and facebook accounts, and we are now sharing their passwords for others so they can join in on the mayhem as well. Let this be a warning to BPD and police everywhere: future acts of aggression against our movements will be met with a vengeance so epic and relentless that your children\\\'s children will puke at the sight of swine. After exhausting both sides of Milli Vanillis\\\' \\\"Girl You Know It\\\'s True\\\" tape, we also decided to attack Alabama law enforcement systems, releasing the names, addresses, and social security numbers for 1000 Birmingham / Jefferson County police officers as well as defacing and destroying the website We are attacking Birmingham specifically because of their notorious racial discriminatory practices including the savage beatings and mass arrests endured by civil rights protesters during the 60s. Although we had records of inmates, active warrant names, addresses, charges and social security numbers the thought of releasing them never crossed our mind because we would never betray our brothers and sisters shackled and chained behind prison walls-- our targets are the ones who beat and murder with immunity, the cowardly carcases and lifeless hosts of power who hide behind a badge. We are also acting in solidarity with the dozens of alleged \\\"Anonymous\\\" members around the world facing charges for \\\"hacking,\\\" including the Paypal LOIC defendants in San Jose, Commander X, Recursion, Topiary, Stephen Watt, and more. We are acting in solidarity with the thousands of prisoners in California on Hunger Strike fighting for better living conditions and an end to prolonged solitary confinement. We also call for the IMMEDIATE RELEASE of not only political prisoners(Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu Jamal, the MOVE 9, the Angola 3, and more) but all prisoners everywhere including all Jon Burge torture survivors still behind bars. We are attacking the police because they are the vicious boot boys of the 1% whose role in society is to protect the interests and assets of the rich ruling class. They are not part of the 99%-- they are working class traitors who are paid to intimidate, harass, and repress political movements that would possibly stand a threat to the power structure of the 1%. We have no problem targeting police and releasing their information even if it puts them at risk because we want them to experience just a taste of the brutality and misery they serve us on an everyday basis. We hope those working for the police who have any humanity left refuse their orders and leak the police and their commanding officer\\\'s vital secrets and dirt. We must realize that police are no allies of ours and have violently attacked our movements all across the world throughout history. In Chicago, where the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference is taking place, the CPD has a particularly bloody and ruthless history of brutality and repression of political movements. Throughout the 70s and 80s under Jon Burge (chief detective) and former Mayor Richard M. Daley (prosecuter at the time), dozens of CPD detectives many whom are still on the force tortured hundreds of innocent black men, forcing confessions and giving out decades-long prison sentences for crimes never committed. The CPD also operates notorious \\\"red squad\\\" COINTELPRO operations that attempts to discredit and disrupt revolutionary groups-- including the assassination of Black Panther Party leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. This repression continues today as they beat and arrested over 900 protesters when the second War in Iraq broke out, and just over a year ago dozens of protest organizers were raided by the FBI for alleged affiliation with resistance movements. The CPD just announced a new \\\'counter-terrorism\\\' operation (taking tips from the NYPD playbook) likely to target protest organizers for the upcoming G8 and NATO conferences in May. Although they try to intimidate us by training over 13,000 riot police for these protests, we believe that they are the truly the frightened ones, and perhaps for good reason: the high profile hacks will continue, and the protests against the 1% are growing every day. We are 99%. We are the working class that makes society function. We are not intimidated by the States attempts to disrupt our resistance through unprovoked arrests and harassments. As the violence of the cops, the courts, the FBI, La Migra, and Homeland Security intensifies, so must our resistance: we will continue to bring the ruckus on the streets and on the internet. We are believers and practitioners of direct action against all governments, militaries, banks, corporations, and police working towards our revolutionary goal: the immediate dissolution of capitalism and the state. Hackers, join us to make 2011 the year of leaks and revolutions! \\\"We will destroy laughing, we will set fires laughing, we will kill laughing... and society will fall!!\\\" - Renzo Novatore ################################################################################ ### OWN & RM ### OWN & RM ### OWN & RM ### OWN & RM ### OWN & RM ### OWN & RM ## ################################################################################ [*] INTERNATIONAL CHIEF OF POLICE TARGETS: * IACP membership rosters (16,000 names, addresses, member numbers, phone numbers, etc) * Databases for all IACP related websites including login/password info * DISCOVERPOLICECAREERS.ORG Interal Documents (250MB of PDFs, DOCs) * POLICEVOLUNTEER.ORG Private Email List 2005-2011 and 340MB of Documents [*] BOSTON POLICE PATROLMENS\\\' ASSOCIATION: 1000 full names and cleartext user-supplied passwords. [*] ALABAMA POLICE TARGETS: 1000 names, ranks, addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers for police officers in Birmingham / Jefferson County area, as well as names and passwords associated with website [*] MATRIX GROUP: Full contact database including names, addresses, passwords for hundreds of employees and clients, and internal development notes for intranet and clients portals ################################################################################ ### IACP ### OWNED ### IACP ### OWNED #### IACP ### OWNED ### IACP ### OWNED ### ################################################################################ CAREERSINPOLICING.COM, CAREERSINPOLICING.ORG, DECP.ORG, DISCOVERLAWENFORCEMENT.NET, DISCOVERLAWENFORCEMENT.ORG, DISCOVERPOLICE.COM, DISCOVERPOLICE.NET, DISCOVERPOLICE.ORG, DISCOVERPOLICECAREERS.COM, DISCOVERPOLICECAREERS.ORG, DISCOVERPOLICING.COM, DISCOVERPOLICING.NET, DISCOVERPOLICING.ORG, IACP-JOYCE.ORG, IACPRESEARCH.ORG, IACPSOCIALMEDIA.ORG, IACPTRAINING.COM, IACPTRAINING.ORG, IDSAFETY.COM, IDSAFETY.ORG, LAWENFORCEMENTCAREERS.ORG, LAWENFORCEMENTCHALLENGE.ORG, PATROLVEHICLESAFETY.ORG, POLICECHIEFMAGAZINE.COM, POLICECHIEFMAGAZINE.NET, POLICECHIEFMAGAZINE.ORG, POLICECHIEFONLINE.COM, POLICECHIEFONLINE.NET, POLICECHIEFONLINE.ORG, POLICEVOLUNTEER.COM, POLICEVOLUNTEER.ORG, POLICEVOLUNTEERS.COM, POLICEVOLUNTEERS.ORG, PSLC-IACP.ORG, RESPONSETOVICTIMS.COM, RESPONSETOVICTIMS.INFO, RESPONSETOVICTIMS.NET, RESPONSETOVICTIMS.ORG, VOLUNTEERINPOLICESERVICE.ORG, VOLUNTEERSINPOLICESERVICE.ORG 40 police domains wiped off the internet ################################################################################ (read full release text and hacklog at )


  1. antisec
  2. anonymous
  3. iacp
  4. police
  5. owned

Files count:



551.12 Mb




darthwolfanis (2011-11-22)

ok so you pissed off cops and gave them further reason to hate and beat innocent civilians? however the government tries very hard here in the us to create a blanket law that gives them the power to block your internet traffic and censor it however they wish yet i see no news of anonymous doing anything against that. no offense but i thought the more important shit like that you guys would have stopped rather than screwing with stupid city level goverment peons. why not go for the fucking big fish? i mean sure cops are jerks but congress are bigger jerks who think they have right to dominate us all, do something about the real problem pls

legofreak7377 (2011-12-14)

damn straight!

freeARIC (2012-02-04)

One question. If id like to learn hacking like you, is the LINUX the best way? Did every good hacker use LINUX core?

tpb4eva (2012-04-07)

"We also call for the IMMEDIATE RELEASE of not only
political prisoners... but all prisoners everywhere"
I don't doubt the ideals of equality and importance of resisting the state but this?!
U know that in prisons apart from political and contraband related criminals are also being held the violent ones, right?!
Are you actually proposing setting scum like rapists and serial killers with IQ of 40 free?!