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Johnny Rebel - 9 Albums [Racial Conten.






Johnny Rebel, 9 album + blandat




2005-03-17 (by NES8bit)


Johnny Rebel Rules.. Om ni vill ha något speciellt album så är det bara att maila / lägga till mig på msn.. Jag har nästa vad som hällst. Ifrån Reggae till NSBM (NationalSocialistisk Black Metal).. MSN får ni genom att skicka ett meddelande till mig här på TPB.. Ha det bra alla.. 88.. OBS!!! Dom som inte har något smart att säg kan lika gärna dra nu, för att denna torrent är skapad för alla Nationella Pirater..

Files count:



642.38 Mb




kalle_hager (2005-03-18)

KLockrent.. seeda!!

NES8bit (2005-03-18)

Yes, i'm on my way..... To Valhalla.

NES8bit (2005-03-18)

My blood is my honour, Johnny Rebel is my king

jagrcarl (2005-03-18)

Herregud, att folk bara kan lägga ut sånthär..

Pappiz (2005-03-18)

Du jagrcarl!!!
Håll käft om du inte kan säga nåt positivt...
Så jävla less på såna som dig. Som inte kan annat än klaga.

sinnadyr (2005-03-18)

Vel, da vil jeg og klaga! FORBANNA IDIOT TORRENT!!! Er det mulig å laste opp sånt idioti?? Jeg er hvit og hater denne shiten

theonlyix (2005-03-18)

Hmm, ni kanske kan accepter att det finns folk som tycker Johnny reb e bra. sluta klaga!
Gillar ni det inte, så bara ta det lugnt och gå vidare till nästa torrent!

Panorama (2005-03-18)

alltid justa rellar från nes8bit. kul nick föresten

luger (2005-03-18)

fan va gött! johnny Rebel rules!

uaofc (2005-03-18)

Guld guld !!

NES8bit (2005-03-19)

Om ni vill ha något speciellt album så är det bara att maila / lägga till mig på msn.. Jag har nästa vad som hällst. Ifrån Reggae till NSBM (NationalSocialistisk Black Metal).. MSN får ni genom att skicka ett meddelande till mig här på TPB.. Ha det bra alla.. 88

NES8bit (2005-03-19)

Skulle inte skada om ni seddar när ni har fått ner den underbara musiken gjord av Johnny Rebel...

Cardia (2005-03-19)

du är inte lite vilsen du

piglicker (2005-03-20)

ikke bra, men det er morsomt fordi det er så jævlig platt og naivt. toåringen til søstra mi elsker disse greiene(vet ikke om jeg bør bli bekymret over det.... må avvenne henne før hun lærer seg engelsk)

prillar (2005-03-21)


cHa-nytroe (2005-04-17)

haha, funny :p

zerblatt (2005-05-14)

theonlyix: nej, jag kan inte låta folk som öppet kallar sig nationalsocialister vara ifred för jag hatar er med varje cell i min kropp. Förutom främlingsfientligheten (som kan förklaras med rädsla och bristande bildning) vad är det som tilltalar er i den nazistiska ideologin?

flinthead (2005-06-08)

Perfa äntligen lite meningsfull musik.

Dinky (2005-06-09)

Sluta gnäll på musik!!!
De här ÄR inte en politisk hemsida,här delar man med sig av olika musik kategorier.
Musik till folket!

johnwilson (2005-06-30)

I fail to see how this music is any different from rap "music" with lyrics about killing "the white man" and so on... Like it or not, Johnny Rebel is part of american cultural history

metal2metal (2005-07-01)

har det mästa men uap up bab bab who likes a ...?

Jävlar (2005-07-10)


kukmaster (2005-07-18)

fascistsvin kan lägga sig, men jag kan inte motstå en viss låt... lägga dövörat till :d

kålormen (2005-07-19)

omfg , funny songs

Leonard_Errol (2005-07-20)

hm det komiska är att Johnny Rebel (Reb Rebel records) bara släppt 3 album, (ett un-official bootleg) vilka är de 9 du påstår dej ha?

popgun (2006-01-12)

Det komiska är att johnny rebel är amerikan,hata usa o judarna osv...Negermusik har man hört förr!88

Frigatto (2006-04-02)

visst kanske inte har samma åsikter... men fan musiken e sköön :D

-icehell- (2006-04-30)

johnny rebel och eddie meduza e bäst!

 Knaster (2006-08-13)

lol the song "we is non-violent niggers" is a contradiction in itself. Fin uppladdning förresten har inte sett denna förr men jag har några av dessa redan! 88 my brothers/sisters

Dynamit_72 (2006-09-12)

så jävla underbara låtar:D.. seeda snälla!! vill ha dena:D.. 88 till er alla

Gizoz (2006-10-13)

johnny rebel är så jävla iskall är man sur/arg som fan och lyssnar på han så han sjunger roliga låtar så man blir på bra humör.ja diggar han som som klagar vf går ni ens in på denna torrent har ni inge bättre för ladda ner nått annat då är ni för kassa ni kanske sitter vid lunar hela dagarna???? skaffa liv lr lär er lyssna på JOHNNY REBEL

Rautakotka32 (2006-10-27)

Om möjligt, vi verkilen kan 'jigga' dom 'bos'. De e nästan lika lätta som å fiska...

tonyfarsan (2006-11-09)

Tack de e 3:dje gången nu ja laddar ner.We are the best fuck the rest

tonyfarsan (2006-11-09)

Denna gången hoppas jag att jag får allt

patriot_swe_90 (2006-11-20)

Sån har musik ska man lysnna på!

chevy_boy (2006-12-09)

johnny rebel äger ju alla fan så mkt bättre än många andra 14/88

derfla_ (2007-01-20)

världens bästa artist!!!! join the klan

NES8bit (2007-01-24)

Det som ingår i denna sköna samling är:
Blandat Johnny Rebel
Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA
Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only
Johnny Rebel - It´s the attitude stupid
Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions
Johnny Rebel - Legacy
Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People
Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South
KKK Parade
National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel
(DVS 7album med J.R, 1 album som är gjort av KKK medlemmar och de sista albumet är en Tysk tribut till J.R)
Blandat Johnny Rebel = En massa låtar med J.R som jag hade på några samlingskivor osv från USA bla. och lite som jag har laddat ner, vissa låtar i denna mapp är ganska svårt att få tag på.
Skål mina bröder&systrar. 88 ;)
(btw.. its a BOY!)

raggaren_nr_1 (2007-03-13)

i want as much as posible of Johnny...mail me on (

Inkorrekt (2007-05-16)

Seeda, tack. =)

hassemos (2007-06-29)

"Oh if I could be a nigger for a day
I could live my life the free and easy way
I'd take from Uncle Sam and let the white man pay
If I could be a nigger for a day"

kuver (2007-06-30)

skit bra musik innte många som lägger ut sånnt

gwpeter (2007-08-04)

det hær er bare så jævlig bra.
det beste er og spile sangene når de er i nærheten lol lol lol
de blir så rare
lol lol

PREloaDer (2007-08-28)

hörde några av dom här låtarna när jag var på en fest dom e så jävla bra :) Drömmen om frihet lever kvar i våra hjärtan! 88

farthindret (2007-09-05)

seda snälla

potatisss (2007-09-12)

fan va nice tack !

smurphyzeke (2007-09-21)


Feppen (2007-11-21)

Seed Någon snälla.Saknarverkligen denna sköna musik.

adolfhitlerpedofilen (2007-11-29)

Min favoritartist. HURRA!!!

motorhuvve (2007-12-02)

alla som seedar tack till er!!!

ice-ice (2008-01-30)

As bra Thanks,. Nån som vet var man kan få tag på svensk sån här musik inte ultima thule o sån skit utan nåt riktigt??

1488wn (2008-02-05)

Thanks, again comrade!
14/88 from Norway!
- for WP radio, for WP music -

MethodMan66 (2008-03-19)

Nazis and skinheads are mentally retarded, everybody laughs at you morons. I bet most of you social rejects have: Alcoholic parents, abusive parents, little to none people skills, acne, no education and so on and so on. GLHF Sorry sods.

Nachbrenner (2008-03-28)

Ein Fettes Dankeschön aus Deutschland an NES8bit
Such ich schon lange......
if it´s white it´s allright, if it´s black send it back

rosvosektori (2008-05-12)

Thanks, this is grrrreat!!
np: Johnny Rebel - Leroy the big lipped Nigger

Volvojunior (2008-05-20)

Tja.. Kan man få din msn?? Nationalistiska hälsningar

skin88 (2008-06-22)

Im a good old rebel!

metallica9060 (2008-08-18)

tja NES8BIT kan ja få din msn

thaddeusmcgrath (2008-08-24)

Yes in our great county its alright for fags to be together but not for the Johnny Rebel's to sing what is really going on? Maybe you need to shave your head methodman and put me in a concentration camp! Double standard perhaps or just a ZOG member?

bloet (2008-10-13)

seriöst seeda snälla!!!!
jag saknar sån musiK!

J3k31 (2008-11-26)

Stuck at 99.3% for a few days now

jesber (2009-05-04)

Aaaas bra :D!! Tack så mycket!

wow_warp (2009-06-01)

Tackar, såg att jag saknade ett album =)
Om ni som GILLAR sån här musik och kan med dc så finns det en hubb med nästan bara vit makt musik och vikingarock:
OBS! Ha INGEN form av hiphop eller "neger musik" för ni blir bannade direkt! OBS
If you like this kind of music and know how to use dc soo is there a hubb whit almost only white power music:
OBS! DON´T share hiphop or anny sort of "nigger music" !OBS

celtic70 (2009-06-14)

thanks brothers remember 88

Buickgn1987 (2009-10-08)

dude, wtf, no titles, or anything?

StealMovies (2010-02-17)

Tack Så hemskt mycket Äntligen hittade jag någon
torrent med mer en 1 album Tack! Seedar så det glör.!

flaccidmember (2010-02-20)

Hey method man there ain't a whole lotta difference 'tween "some niggers never die" by johnny rebel and "some niggas don't die" by n.w.a. so go fuck yourself and your mama.

jingaboolo (2010-06-20)

Hey MethodMan,you just showed you're lack of education and and a huge degree in retardation.
There are alot of good ole boys here in Canada,
and we love playing this music nice and loud for dickheads like you.

subeer88 (2011-03-17)


Wundermutt (2011-06-12)

Thanks for the effort but, most of this ain't Johnny Rebel.

NightmareMassacre666 (2011-10-05)

@MethodMan66 - My parents aren't alcoholics or abusive, I have great people skills, and I have a High School Diploma and am working on my Associates Degree in Mortuary Science. Next time you wanna talk smack, learn a bit first.

breethwithme (2012-07-26)

love johnny rebel been a big fan of driving threw the ghettos, blasting this music just to show them niggers how much i care about there worthless hides LOL.

foxtailedcritter (2014-03-25)

Very nice, wish more seeders but all in all this is the best. Can't buy this anywhere and files are clean. 10/10 Thanks NES8bit

NormandyIntl (2014-09-01)

Niggers are not humans they are sub species filth. Cut your butthurt and trying to make up coward excuses bout skinheads and nonsense to avoid the truth about whats happening to music


1. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Dixie.mp3 1.11 Mb
2. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Coontown.mp3 1018.19 Kb
3. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - alabama nigger.mp3 2.04 Mb
4. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - colonel lou.mp3 1.72 Mb
5. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - cowboys & niggers. James Crow.mp3 2.30 Mb
6. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - im a good old rebel.MP3 887.04 Kb
7. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - jigaboo.mp3 1.73 Mb
8. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - kajun ku klux klan.mp3 2.76 Mb
9. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - keep a workin�big jim.mp3 2.61 Mb
10. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - lookin�for a handout.mp3 3.56 Mb
11. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - move them niggers north vol2.mp3 1.96 Mb
12. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - move them niggers north.mp3 1.82 Mb
13. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - naacp prayer colonel lou.mp3 2.02 Mb
14. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - nigger hatin� me.mp3 1.98 Mb
15. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - nigger hatin�me.mp3 1.83 Mb
16. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - nigger nigger.mp3 1.46 Mb
17. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - segration wagon.mp3 2.04 Mb
18. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - she ran with a nigger.mp3 2.40 Mb
19. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - ship those niggers back.mp3 4.04 Mb
20. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - some niggers never die.mp3 2.83 Mb
21. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - son of mississippi.mp3 1.89 Mb
22. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - stay away from dixie.mp3 2.26 Mb
23. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - still lookin for a handout.mp3 3.04 Mb
24. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - thats the way a nigger goes.mp3 887.02 Kb
25. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - the great society.mp3 2.27 Mb
26. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - the south will rise again.mp3 1.54 Mb
27. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - the souths gonna rise again.mp3 1.86 Mb
28. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - the white man marches on.mp3 906.32 Kb
29. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - we don't want niggers in our schools.mp3 1.57 Mb
30. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - we is non violent niggers.mp3 3.03 Mb
31. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - white riders.mp3 1.65 Mb
32. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - who likes a nigger.mp3 2.07 Mb
33. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/Johnny rebel - who needs a nigger.mp3 1.71 Mb
34. Johnny Rebel/Blandat Johnny Rebel/johnny rebel - Coonshootin.mp3 4.17 Mb
35. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/01 Johnny Rebel.mp3 2.19 Mb
36. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/02 Every Bodys Dixie.mp3 2.69 Mb
37. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/03 I�m A Good Old Rebel.mp3 2.21 Mb
38. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/04 Wait For Teh Wagon.mp3 2.90 Mb
39. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/05 For Bales.mp3 3.83 Mb
40. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/06 Rebel Soldier.mp3 2.97 Mb
41. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/07 When Johnny Comes Marching Home.mp3 2.52 Mb
42. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/08 Aint I Right.mp3 3.60 Mb
43. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/09 Nigger.mp3 2.58 Mb
44. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/10 The South�s Gonna Rise Again.mp3 2.24 Mb
45. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/11 Stand Up And Be Counted.mp3 2.21 Mb
46. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/12 Segregation Wagon.mp3 2.54 Mb
47. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - A Tribute To USA/13 Pull The Trigger.mp3 1.27 Mb
48. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Colonel Lou.mp3 1.72 Mb
49. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Coon Town.mp3 2.29 Mb
50. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Federal Aid.mp3 2.80 Mb
51. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only (back).jpg 230.60 Kb
52. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only (front).jpg 161.25 Kb
53. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - James Crow Cowboys and Niggers.mp3 2.26 Mb
54. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Kajun Ku Klux Klan.mp3 2.74 Mb
55. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Keep a working Big Jim.mp3 2.57 Mb
56. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Looking for a handout.mp3 3.50 Mb
57. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Move them Niggers north.mp3 1.82 Mb
58. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Nigger Nigger.mp3 1.74 Mb
59. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Nigger hating me.mp3 1.97 Mb
60. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Some niggers never die.mp3 2.83 Mb
61. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Stay away from Dixie.mp3 2.23 Mb
62. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Still looking for a handout.mp3 3.05 Mb
63. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only/Johnny Rebel - Who likes a nigger.mp3 2.05 Mb
64. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Cover/A.BMP 1.40 Mb
65. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Cover/B.BMP 1.50 Mb
66. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 01 - It�s the attitude stupid.mp3 3.17 Mb
67. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 02 - Niggers suck.mp3 3.13 Mb
68. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 03 - Affirmative Action.mp3 4.60 Mb
69. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 04 - Reparations.mp3 5.08 Mb
70. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 05 - Nothing but niggers.mp3 3.76 Mb
71. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 06 - If I could be A nigger for a day.mp3 4.33 Mb
72. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 07 - Jesse showed up.mp3 3.91 Mb
73. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 08 - Send�em all back to africa.mp3 4.54 Mb
74. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 09 - Quit your bitchin� nigger!.mp3 3.83 Mb
75. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid/Johnny Rebel - It�s the attitude stupid - 10 - Nigger in-law.mp3 4.64 Mb
76. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - A Victim of the Big Mess.mp3 3.29 Mb
77. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Alabama Nigger.mp3 2.04 Mb
78. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Black Power.mp3 1.71 Mb
79. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Coontown.mp3 1.13 Mb
80. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Cowboys & Niggers.mp3 1.12 Mb
81. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Federal Aid.mp3 1.39 Mb
82. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - I Dated a Nigger (Incomplete).mp3 3.76 Mb
83. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - I'm a Good Old Rebel.mp3 886.91 Kb
84. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Johnny Rebel.mp3 1.68 Mb
85. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Kajun Ku Klux Klan.mp3 4.07 Mb
86. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Keep a Workin Big Jim.mp3 2.56 Mb
87. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Leroy the Big Lipped Nigger.mp3 1.33 Mb
88. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Looking For a Handout.mp3 1.74 Mb
89. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Malcom X Stamp Prank Call.mp3 1.63 Mb
90. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Marty & His Beatnik Band.mp3 1.12 Mb
91. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Move Them Niggers North.mp3 1.82 Mb
92. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - NAACP Prayer.mp3 2.00 Mb
93. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Nigger Hating Me.mp3 1002.90 Kb
94. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Rebel Soldier.mp3 1.17 Mb
95. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Segregation Wagon.mp3 2.00 Mb
96. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - She Ran Off With a Nigger (Incomplete).mp3 710.00 Kb
97. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Ship Those Niggers Back.mp3 4.01 Mb
98. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Some Niggers Never Die.mp3 1.41 Mb
99. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Stand Up & Be Counted.mp3 886.91 Kb
100. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Stay Away From Dixie.mp3 1.11 Mb
101. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Still Looking For a Handout.mp3 1.52 Mb
102. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Thats The Way a Nigger Goes.mp3 884.89 Kb
103. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - The Garden Song.mp3 3.59 Mb
104. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - The South Shall Rise Again.mp3 1.92 Mb
105. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - The South's Gonna Rise Again.mp3 2.31 Mb
106. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - We Don't Want Niggers In Our School.mp3 777.83 Kb
107. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - We Is Non-Violent Niggers.mp3 3.03 Mb
108. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Welfare Checks.mp3 1.25 Mb
109. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions - Who Likes a Nigger.mp3 1.01 Mb
110. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Kompositions/Johnny Rebel - Klassic Klan Komposiyions - White Girl And a Nigger.mp3 2.16 Mb
111. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Legacy/Cover/legacy front.JPG 115.42 Kb
112. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Legacy/Johnny Rebel - Legacy - 01 - Radio show.mp3 60.61 Mb
113. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Legacy/Johnny Rebel - Legacy - 02 - 9.35 Mb
114. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Legacy/Johnny Rebel - Legacy - 03 - Black magic.mp3 3.15 Mb
115. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - Legacy/Johnny Rebel - Legacy - 04 - young love - old love.mp3 2.96 Mb
116. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - Alabama Nigger.mp3 5.19 Mb
117. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - Coonshootin Boogie.mp3 8.38 Mb
118. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - Coontown.mp3 5.81 Mb
119. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - Cowboys and Niggers.mp3 5.72 Mb
120. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - Damn, I Wish I Was A Nigger.mp3 11.58 Mb
121. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - How it started - interview.mp3 5.75 Mb
122. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - I Dated A Nigger.mp3 4.79 Mb
123. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People - interview.mp3 4.87 Mb
124. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - NAACP Prayer.mp3 5.01 Mb
125. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - Nigger Hatin Me.mp3 5.00 Mb
126. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - Ship Those Niggers Back.mp3 10.02 Mb
127. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel - Who Likes A Nigger(1).mp3 5.12 Mb
128. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - My Kinda People/Johnny Rebel- KKK Song.mp3 6.85 Mb
129. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Cover/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South Front.jpg 567.41 Kb
130. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 01 - Ship Those Niggers Back.mp3 4.02 Mb
131. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 03 - Looking for a Handout.mp3 3.56 Mb
132. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 04 - Kajun K-K-K.mp3 2.76 Mb
133. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 05 - Move Them Niggers North.mp3 1.93 Mb
134. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 06 - Nigger Hating Me.mp3 1.83 Mb
135. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 08 - It's Gonna Stay a Jig.mp3 1.91 Mb
136. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 09 - Johnny Reb.mp3 1.72 Mb
137. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 10 - Lyndon, Lyndon.mp3 1.68 Mb
138. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 11 - We Don't Want No Niggers.mp3 2.59 Mb
139. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 12 - Welfare Checks.mp3 2.53 Mb
140. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 13 - Living Next to Niggers.mp3 2.22 Mb
141. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 14 - That's the Way a Nigger Goes.mp3 1.68 Mb
142. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 15 - She Died a Nigger.mp3 2.69 Mb
143. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 16 - We is Non-Violent Niggers.mp3 3.03 Mb
144. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 17 - Some Niggers Never Die.mp3 2.78 Mb
145. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 18 - In Coon Town.mp3 2.33 Mb
146. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 19 - They Don't Belong in Dixie.mp3 2.20 Mb
147. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 20 - Who Likes a Nigger.mp3 2.19 Mb
148. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 21 - Who Needs a Nigger.mp3 1.71 Mb
149. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 22 - Still Looking for a Handout.mp3 3.06 Mb
150. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 23 - Black Power.mp3 1.71 Mb
151. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 24 - A Victim of the Big Mess.mp3 3.29 Mb
152. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 25 - What has Happened to Old Glory.mp3 3.40 Mb
153. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 26 - Dear Daddy Bird.mp3 2.52 Mb
154. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 27 - The Voice of Alabama.mp3 2.94 Mb
155. Johnny Rebel/Johnny Rebel - The Good Old South/Johnny Rebel - 28 - Wake Up, My People.mp3 1.46 Mb
156. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Ain�t I right.mp3 3.43 Mb
157. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Birthday thank you Tommy.mp3 3.33 Mb
158. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Commie lies.mp3 1.73 Mb
159. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Dear Mr. Secretary.mp3 2.83 Mb
160. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Dear mr. President.mp3 2.72 Mb
161. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Have you thought about freedom lately.mp3 1.51 Mb
162. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Here I follow Johnny reb.mp3 2.51 Mb
163. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/I Wish I was a nigger.mp3 4.07 Mb
164. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/I found my girl in the good old USA.mp3 2.76 Mb
165. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Iran sucks.mp3 2.09 Mb
166. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/I�d rather have America.mp3 2.48 Mb
167. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/LBJ.mp3 1.72 Mb
168. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Let�s play people.mp3 3.08 Mb
169. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Little Cindy Ella.mp3 3.71 Mb
170. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Looking for a handout.mp3 3.20 Mb
171. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/More federal guidelines.mp3 1.99 Mb
172. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Mr.Lincoln.mp3 3.05 Mb
173. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/My own native land.mp3 2.66 Mb
174. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Niggers will be Niggers.mp3 3.18 Mb
175. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Number one man.mp3 2.80 Mb
176. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Our man from Alabam.mp3 1.91 Mb
177. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Please don�t send me to Africa.mp3 3.25 Mb
178. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Politickin�pete.mp3 2.16 Mb
179. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Ride on red ride on.mp3 2.33 Mb
180. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Still alive in 65.mp3 2.15 Mb
181. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The KKK can.mp3 1.36 Mb
182. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The `N�Word.mp3 2.13 Mb
183. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The astro coon.mp3 4.53 Mb
184. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The ex sheriff.mp3 2.74 Mb
185. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The fighting side of me.mp3 2.43 Mb
186. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The good old days.mp3 2.43 Mb
187. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The house next door.mp3 3.54 Mb
188. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The new Golfers.mp3 1.74 Mb
189. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The new sheriff.mp3 5.10 Mb
190. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The red deck of cards.mp3 2.50 Mb
191. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The south is gonna rise again.mp3 2.83 Mb
192. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The story of the po folks.mp3 2.80 Mb
193. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/The things I miss the most.mp3 2.66 Mb
194. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Vote Wallace in 72.mp3 2.91 Mb
195. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/Welfare Caddillac.mp3 2.38 Mb
196. Johnny Rebel/KKK Parade/What has happen to old glory.mp3 3.44 Mb
197. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/01-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-01_-_Johnny_Rebel-STB.mp3 2.97 Mb
198. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/02-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-02_-_Everybodys_Dixie-STB.mp3 4.84 Mb
199. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/03-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-03_-_Oh,_I'm_A_Good_Old_Rebel-STB.mp3 3.03 Mb
200. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/04-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-04_-_Wait_For_The_Wagon-STB.mp3 3.98 Mb
201. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/05-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-05_-_For_Bales-STB.mp3 5.29 Mb
202. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/06-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-06_-_Rebel_Soldier-STB.mp3 4.07 Mb
203. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/07-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-07_-_When_Johnny_Comes_Marching_Home-STB.mp3 3.39 Mb
204. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/08-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-08_-_Ain't_I_Right-STB.mp3 4.94 Mb
205. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/09-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-09_-_The_South_Gonna_Rise_Again-STB.mp3 3.04 Mb
206. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/10-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-10_-_Stand_Up_And_Be_Counted-STB.mp3 2.98 Mb
207. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/11-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-11_-_The_FIery_Crosses-STB.mp3 7.01 Mb
208. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/12-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-12_-_Ballad_Of_Gordon_Kahl-STB.mp3 5.14 Mb
209. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/13-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-13_-_For_Right_And_Justice_We_Ride-STB.mp3 2.84 Mb
210. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/14-National_Knights_Of_The_Ku-Klux-Klan-14_-_Pride-STB.mp3 5.69 Mb
211. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/A Tribute to Johnny Rebel - National Knights Ku Klux Klan Back.jpg 33.78 Kb
212. Johnny Rebel/National Knights Of The KKK - A Tribute To Johnny Rebel/National Knights Ku Klux Klan - A Tribute to Johnny Rebel Front.jpg 38.24 Kb