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GTA IV 1 0 3 0 Crack+ Patch1 0 3 0 WORKING ON WINDOWS7 X64 TESTED ON MY PC
GTA 4 Crack+ Patch1.0.3.0-WORKING
2009-04-05 (by rockybalb)
GTA IV Crack+ Patch1.0.3.0-WORKING-ON WINDOWS7-X64-TESTED ON MY PC.Dont forget to leave posts.
hey i din't know why but after i installed this crack there was a fatal error and needed to reinstall gta 4
-swiftblade92- (2009-04-10)
didnt work, the game now crashes on startup :(
-swiftblade92- (2009-04-10)
i just installed the patch again and now it works, must of been my mistake. thanks for upload :)
hadmat (2009-06-22)
it works for me, thanks
validationcodemyass (2009-06-25)
I really need help, i downloaded the torrent tried opening the patch, it said an Rockstar Social Club is missing, please install it and make sure it works, so then i tried opening the launch GTA 4.exe file and it said i was missing the file, Xlive.dll or something, so i went to the rockstar S.C. homepage and tried to find a way to install it but there wasn't any... so i deleted it, and redownloaded the torrent and the file "xlive.dll" was still missing... wtf do i do? lol
validationcodemyass (2009-06-25)
Oh and i have Windows XP is that a problem?
mafiatricks (2009-10-12)
that's a service pack 3 problem.
kassie2 (2009-12-24)
This crack fix has done it for me! :)
Littlepanik (2010-08-18)
does it include the game??
pedala1 (2010-11-27)
it works !!!!!
pshah695 (2011-03-23)
i hav win 7 but it doesn't work on my comp. Pls can u tell me wht i hav to do step by step? Thx in advanced :)