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2009-03-20 (by kliffli)


PLEASE SHARE AND SEND MANY MEDIA!!! MESSAGE FOR THE EXTERNAL MEDIA! ÜZENET A KÜLFÖLDI MÉDIÁNAK Gyűlölethadjárat a magyarok ellen! Hatred campaign against Hungarians! Az utóbbi napokban az a hír terjedt el külföldi sajtóorgánumok által, hogy Magyarországon erősödőben van a cigányellenesség, mely többek között az etnikum elleni gyűlöletháborúban nyilvánul meg. Mi, magyarok kérnénk, hogy a külföldi sajtó jeles képviselői jöjjenek Magyarországra, költözzenek néhány hétre keleti országrészünk egyik kistelepülésére és ismerjék meg a valós állapotokat és aztán írják meg azt, amitől ma hangos a nyugati sajtó! In recent days, the foreign press has reported that anti-Gypsy feelings are getting stronger in Hungary, which has resulted in hatred campaigns against this ethnic group. We, Hungarians, would like to ask the illustrious representatives of the foreign press to come to Hungary, and move to one of the settlements in the eastern part of the country for a few weeks, to get to know the real conditions and after that publish the real facts about which the Western press is so eager to spread the news!


  1. gipsy hungary

Files count:



62.50 Kb




tribosi (2009-03-22)

I live in Hungary. I am one of those foreigners. I love Hungarian traditional society. I have a masters focused on Hungarian minorities in the surrounding lands (Transylvania, Serbia and so forth). The last several years while working with young and old alike I have never seen so much racism and general hatred the last few years. I constantly hear comments from professionals and youths about how much they hate Roma (Gypsies), Jews, Chinese and practically anyone else that crosses their intolerant path. Personally I believe Hungarians MUST grow up! I have ethnic Hungarian friends from the surrounding country who are also tired of the "Hungarian Hungarian" mentality about how they treat Magyars and Szekely. Hungarians of Hungary do have a problem and that problem stems from fear and that fear is the fear of losing their sense of self. I ask arrogant Hungarians all the time "where is this great Hungarian traditional society that you claim to be protecting? Is it behind the mobile phones or big screen TVs all of you horde?" Many Hungarian claim that the Roma (Cigan in Magyarul), the Jews and Chinese are destroying their society. But it is the ethnic Hungarian Magyars that are destroying themselves. And remember it was not the Jews, Roma nor Chinese who have polluted your rivers, cut your forests and sold off your farms to AgroBusnesses. It was all done by short sighted people eager to blame others. Again I love this land and its traditional ethnically mixed communities, but it is the Hungarians (especially the Hungarian male ego) that has destroyed this beautiful place!

tribosi (2009-03-23)

Oh and then there is the rise of homophobia in this country. When I first came to this country as a university student a decade ago, homosexuality was pretty much a "whatever is your thing" and now constantly I constantly hear in Hungarian "fag" this "fag" that. This last summer there was the only Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender parade in the whole country and the boneheads (skinheads) attacked people with petro-bombs. This country has so many identity problems. Again all this comes out of the (mostly) male lack of self confidence. Personally I am not gay, but view it this way when there is an intolerance towards one group then eventually there will be intolerance towards your group. Gays and Roma (Gypsies) and Jews are the canaries of the tolerance/intolerance coal mine. I have heard Hungarians tell me "democracy is a failure" and when I ask what would you prefer they tell me a "strict, but kind dictatorship" and that usually comes from religious Hungarians who whine about Trianon. I usually ask "which form of Christianity would you like your tyrant to be?" I explain limited two party systems are not democracy be it in the US, UK or Hungary. Democracy is about empowerment of the people, dialogue and tolerance of differences of opinions. But most Hungarians can not fathom that as they tell me they "just do not want to gays to be public and the Gypsies to get jobs"
"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me." - Franklin H. Littell