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Ebook INDIA VORTEX Advance Copy CH01






Ebook INDIA VORTEX Advance Copy CH01




2011-03-17 (by AuthorK)


Chapter 01 of 'India Vortex,' a ground-breaking new book on modern India, its problems and solutions. Democracy’ plus ‘Economic Growth’ equals ‘Human Development’ is the mantra repeated often in the developed world. But, for hundreds of millions in many parts of the developing world this formula is null and void. Ironically, its violations are most egregious in nation-states that manage to avoid international scrutiny due to the token existence of the two precursors, ‘democracy’ and ‘economic growth.’ No other nation-state in the world illustrates this thesis more vividly than India. For most of the international community, India is the poster child for democracy in the developing world: its IT industry seems to be world class; its graduates are highly visible in American medicine, engineering, and upper academia; it has a free and vocal press; its media industry entertains large parts of the world; and the facts that the country is effectively led by a foreign-born Catholic, has a non-Hindu prime minister and female president highlight the success and equality of its democracy. As these results become barometers of the success of Indian democracy, the fervent optimism surrounding them serves to steamroll other development indicators that have been steadily worsening over time; why have India’s abject poor steadily increased to a number higher than that in Africa and Latin America combined? Why have Mumbai’s and most cities’ squalid slum populations steadily increased to higher than 60%? Why are human development variables low and dropping further – between 2005 and 2008, India has dropped two spots in the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Index? Why has India’s rank on the World Bank’s contract enforcement ranking steadily deteriorated to 180 out of 181 countries? Why are crimes steadily rising across all sectors and genres? Why has traffic fatality rate steadily risen to the world’s worst? Why has judicial backlog steadily escalated to a current expected delay of 20 years? Why India’s national parliament is increasingly comprised of serious criminals such as (26% and rising)? Why do hardened criminals – rapists, murderers, kidnappers, extortionists, racketeers – now make up over 70% of some state parliaments? These aren’t mere growing pains of a young democracy struggling with a population problem. In spite of the existence of a democracy and a free press, other indicators – the gradual deterioration of law and order, the reemergence of brutal tribal justice, the steady increase of dangerous criminals in policymaking, the escalating institutionalized large-scale theft of its natural resources, etc. – reveal a steady reversal of many of the human development gains that India had enjoyed in the 60 years of its existence. These apparent paradoxes are answered by this book’s core thesis: the political structure in India is the source, not the solution to these problems and the country’s continued underdevelopment. The country’s demographic reality ensures that popular sovereignty is rising at the expense of liberty, resulting in increased graft, corruption, under-development.


  1. India
  2. democracy
  3. politics
  4. contemporary
  5. international

Files count:



38.25 Kb




keibafan (2012-10-15)
