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Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCE 7z
Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance pc rus r.i.p.
2008-08-11 (by ArcaniteUA)
Jeto ekstremal'no szhataja versija igry Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance(ne UREZANAJa, a SZhATAJa). Igra uzhe ustanovlena, rusificirovana i krjaknuta.
1. Razarhivirovat' soderzhimoe arhiva
2.1 Propisat' v fajle reestra, i zapustit' ego (MGS 1.reg i MGS 2.reg), put' kuda Vy raspakovali igru. Fajl reestra nahoditsja v papke Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCEMGS 1.reg. Otkryt' pri pomowi "Bloknota". Pravit' tol'ko stroku"InstallDir"="D:\\Games\\Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCE" zamenit' na svoj put'. Nezabyvaem, chto pri pravke nuzhno propisyvat' dvojnye kosye \\
"D:\Games\Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCE" JeTO NE PRAVIL''NO
"D:\\Games\\Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCE" JeTO PRAVIL''NO
2.2 V kachestve al'ternativnogo, avtomatizirovannogo varianta, punkta ustanovki 2.1, mozhete poprobyvyat' vospol'zovatsja drugim sposobom dobavlenija informacii v reestr, izlozhennym zdes' V jetom sluchai izmenjat' i zapuskat' faily reestra MGS 1.reg i MGS 2.reg NE NUZhNO!!!
3. Zapustit' igru cherez fajl Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCE\bin\MGS2SSetup.exe.
- Esli Vy vsjo sdelali pravil'no to pri zapuske fajla MGS2SSetup.exe dolzhny otobrazhat'sja knopki: RUN, OPTION, EXIT i nastrojki igry sohranjajutsja.
- V tom sluchai esli Vy chto to sdelali ne pravil'no budut tol'ko knopki: INSTALL, EXIT ili ne budut sohranjatsja nastrojki igry.
4. Pol'zovat'sja.
- Metal Gear
- Metal Gear Solid
- Metal Gear Solid 2
- Metal Gear Solid 2 pc
- Metal Gear Solid 2 rus
- Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance
Files count:
2700.72 Mb
ArcaniteUA (2008-08-11)
Kinte opisanie v i vse poijmjete =)ArcaniteUA (2008-08-12)
I razdavajte plsgorlo (2008-08-16)
???????? ???????????? ???????!!!!!!!!!;)gorlo (2008-08-16)
Thank's ;)Kodzima (2008-09-07)
Awesome game) plz seed!!nessasuicide (2008-09-30)
i don't understand what this means but is this version in english how do i set up the download well i just hope everything is in english. please put some enlgish instructions on here and i hope this torrent works.ArcaniteUA (2008-10-21)
It is RUSSIAN version of the game!American_Prankster (2008-11-24)
It's a Russian version,ps2-2-pc
ArcaniteUA (2008-12-02)
PC VersionFawkes_Lament (2009-01-05)
Actually, American_Prankster, it is a port of a port.PS2-XBox-PC
And, as in the TITLE, rus = RUSSIAN. Not ENGLISH.
I wonder if I can get subs or something. Maybe a patch? Or maybe I'll find some other torrent for it...
timston (2009-04-19)
for me all the textures are missing, and the translation was clearly made by drunk monkeys... so sorry, the game is awesomepicken_that_banjo (2009-04-21)
For all you that can't figure out russian Here:(I'm completly canadian, so theres a couple words that don't translate well)
??? extremely compressed version igry Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance(Not ????????, and COMPRESSED). Game is already established, Russified and grunted.
1. ??????????????? contents of archive
2.1 1 To register in a file of the register, and to start an ego (MGS 1.reg i MGS 2.reg), a way where you have unpacked game. The file of the register
is in folder Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCEMGS 1.reg. To open at ?????? "Notebook". To correct only a line
"InstallDir"="D:\\Games\\Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCE" to replace with the way. It is unforgettable, that at editing it is necessary to register
?????? ???? \\
For example:
"D:\Games\Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCE" ??? ???????'??
"D:\\Games\\Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCE" JeTO PRAVIL''NO
2.2 As the alternative, automated variant, item of installation 2.1, can ??????????? ?????????????? in another way additions
Information in the register, stated here In ???? cases to change and start ????? register MGS 1.reg i MGS 2.reg it is not necessary!!!
3. To start game through a file Metal Gear Solid 2 SUBSTANCE\bin\MGS2SSetup.exe.
- If you all have made properly that at the firings a file MGS2SSetup.exe Buttons should be displayed: RUN, OPTION, EXIT And adjustments of game are kept.
- In that if you that that have made cases not properly there will be only buttons: INSTALL, EXIT Or will not be adjustments of game will be kept.
4. To use.
Danne_920 (2010-08-15)
Have followed all the steps but when i click "Run" later nothing is happening.. :(abik222 (2011-08-14)
very good game! :)