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Codeweavers Crossover 10 Impersonator Linux [32 & 64 bit]






Codeweavers Crossover 10 Impersonator Linux [32 & 64 bit]




2011-06-10 (by jazzmelody9)


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Thanks to Pesymista for this great release. :) Brought to you to PirateBay by SlackJacK, and i believe that mac users are generally dumb and gay and windows users just grannyfuckers. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ----LaMe InFo Creator----- Application name: CrossOver Office Standard / CrossOver Games Creator: Codeweavers Version: 10.0.0 Website: Protection: Subscription Unpacked using: Nothing Cracked by: Pesymista Release date: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 Instruction: 1. Install CrossOver Office, CrossOver Games, or both if you want. 2. Verify that checksums match IF DONT RUN IT! FIND ANOTHER RELEASE! 2.5 Check that you ARE NOT root, never run similar tools as root! just change file permissions. 3. Run CrossOver_10_Patch_by_Pesymista_(32bit or 64bit) 4. Enter your name. 5. Select CrossOver product that you want patch. 6. Click \\\"Patch!\\\" and select cxgames or cxoffice directory. 6. Enjoy! ************************** Bonus (you don\\\'t need to do anything from instructions below if you done these above, after patch CrossOver will not care about trial date) Trial reset: 1. Go to .cxoffice or .cxgames (depens on that with bottle you want reset) 2. Enter to directory with name of your bottle. 3. Open \\\"system.reg\\\" file in your favorite text editor. 4. Find [Software\\\\\\\\CodeWeavers\\\\\\\\CrossOver\\\\\\\\cxoffice] string. 5. After it should be: \\\"InstallTime\\\"=dword:12345678 (of course you\\\'ll have another number here) 6. Run Patcher and press \\\"Reset trial\\\" button, in textbox will appear new hash. 7. Replace old hash (in this case 12345678) with new one generated by Patcher, save and close file. 8. Run CrossOver, now it think that you created this bottle today and still have 30 days of trial ;) In most cases nag\\\'s will not appear coz it depends on install date. 9. Enjoy! Ofcourse you need to repeat this process to evey expired bottle, and they will still expire, so you\\\'ll need to repeat this for every bottle after 30 or 7 days. --------EnD Of InFo------- MD5SUM e5c7e11949a216b973f9b5470de30323 CrossOver_10_Patch_by_Pesymista_32bit 32e18b34f1ed679635d3db903840f397 CrossOver_10_Patch_by_Pesymista_64bit -------------------------- Linux software should be free, open your source code, get cash for support. No mercy for anyone, learn, crack, release. If you see linux application with time limit or similar shit send me PM on: or Thanks to my friends and their support in real life I still can think, feel good and sometimes crack something, so you should appreciate them. Ofcourse I don\\\'t forgot about warez/torrents community :) Thank you for your replies and reporting bugs in my releases, it\\\'s good for everyone, crack software, rip movies and music, and share it! Fuck BSA, RIAA, MPAA, ACTA, COICA and other organisations and law that try/allow to censorship free internet, never give up! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Message from SlackJacK: Cheers Pesymista and keep this \\\"jazz\\\".


  1. impersonator
  2. codeweavers
  3. linux
  4. wine
  5. patch
  6. crack
  7. linuz

Files count:



68.62 Mb




jazzmelody9 (2011-06-10)

This page says that there is no seeders but that's not true. I'm superseeding but please use only encypted connections, i'm not accepting normal, transparent connections and activate DHT.

majtophat (2011-06-11)

I am connected to 24 peers but no seeders...
I downloaded 10.2% nearly instantly and then nothing...

UriGerkov (2011-06-11)

Dead torrent, no seed of ANY type.

jazzmelody9 (2011-06-13)

Torrent is NOT dead. I removed required encryption. Now you can download from me without encryption.

Cyan11 (2011-06-13)

Why none of the checksums match? This makes me really suspicious.

jazzmelody9 (2011-06-16)

I dont know but these files went on Demonoid before TPB.

jazzmelody9 (2011-06-16)

I know now. Sorry, my fault. I repacked this released and obviously changed MD5.
Please read more here:|-linux-|-pesymista.html

Muzilos (2011-06-25)

Great torrent.
Currently seeding it, the crack worked perfectly

jazzmelody9 (2011-06-29)


ele273 (2011-06-29)

"If you see linux application with time limit or similar shit send me PM".
There is no adress in this comment, but one word, one name, one "demo for linux":

gallio (2011-08-01)

You, sir or madame, are a hero. Downloaded fairly quickly, works like a charm.

yamala (2011-08-01)

i have a problem.
i installed crossover office in /opt/cxoffice/ by sudo sh 'filename' in terminal
i made patch executable since it does not execute in terminal and on applying patch, i inserted my name, clicked patch, a browse box popped and i directed it to /opt/cxoffice/
but on patching (clicking open box), i get a message box from crossover linux to insert registration mail and password.
what have i incorrectly followed?

yamala (2011-08-01)

i solved my install problem. on reinstalling the app in /home folder, i got message that i was fully registered.
thanks for this app.

xCromwell (2011-08-04)

I get a 404 error saying it wasn't found. I can't download !

Benj1GR (2012-01-06)

how do you install .bin files?
i'm using ubuntu 11.10.

jazzmelody9 (2012-02-08)

sh filez.bin

adkyz (2012-03-20)

how to run CrossOver_10_Patch_by_Pesymista_32bit ???????

matricx76 (2012-04-17)

Please upload the new Crossover 11 (with crack of course).

matricx76 (2012-04-17)

Please upload Crossover 11 with crack.

Cant1 (2012-05-31)

I know you probably have a lot of requests but when you get a chance could you crack the Linux version of Sublime Text 2? I know Sublime Text has a free trial that for now has no time limit but im worried about when it does get a limit. Also i know it isn't that expensive but i mean its a fucking text editor(a very good one i will admit) but i don't understand how the hell you can charge people for a text editor? I will seed that for 2 months at least! Oh and thanks for the uploads you have made so far. I really like the Zen Studio one :D Which im going to seed for a while.