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Stossel - [Atlas Shrugged] - Fox Business - S01E03 - CF






Stossel - [Atlas Shrugged] - Fox Business - S01E03 - CF


Video/TV shows


2010-01-09 (by skJGZV6z)


Xvid/MP3 AVI - 624x464 cq6 - encoded from clean, standard-definition, composite video source --- [excerpted from blog post] Today’s headlines provide more evidence that, 52 years ago, Ayn Rand predicted today's world. Every day, our bloated government grows even more: Although the air is cleaner than it's been for decades, this week the EPA demanded still tighter rules. The Wall Street Journal front page runs the headline “Big Deficits Cloud Britain’s Future" while hardly mentioning that the US deficit (9.6% of GDP) is almost as big as Britain's (12.5%)(6.9%). and significantly worse than Europe’s Finally, the Journal predicts that Washington DC’s office rental market will soon become the most expensive in America. Clearly, the road to power and money leads to Washington. So it's refreshing to read last night's comments from viewers. Here’s a sample: Sue H: That was a great show tonight. I had never heard of this book or author. It is a book that I would like to read. Thanks for sharing not only the book, but the ideas behind it. You are a great addition to the Fox shows – I have been a fan for years -Fox is a great fit. Jeff: Tremendous Show! So glad to have Stossel’s persepctive at Fox. Recently re-read [Atlas Shrugged] and enjoy any chance people can get together to openly discuss the book’s similarities to today. Keep it up! Luke: Great show tonight, I think it was the best yet (even though it was recorded early). The audiences’ objections against Ayn Rand were the usual, personal attacks, nothing intellectual. Yaron Brook handled it very well. Keep it up. Matt: great Show, the audience was better because you had 3 guests to get it right instead of one. This made the good ideas roll along without slow moments. Tom Utley: John, great show. I especially appreciate the fact that you had Brook and Thompson on the show. However, I was disappointed in your closing statement. Capitalism is not good because it benefits society. That is the pragmatic approach which led to the rise of Nazi Germany (for reference: “The Ominous Parallels”) Capitalism is good because it is the only system that protects individual freedom, and individual life from the use of coercion. Okay Tom, good point, but can't we value Capitalsim for both? Adam Reed: "It is now 17:15 (5:15PM) Pacific time. I’ve been watching Fox Business News online, at since 5 PM – and no sign of John Stossel! When will this show be on?" Early Ehlinger: Get this piece up on the web, STAT! Not all of us have Fox Business on their cable service. As I understand it, Free Tube doesn't broadcast Fox Business live. (I'm watching Fox Business now and it doesn't match what is playing on Free Tube.) I'll look into it. will include full episodes two weeks after they air. In the meantime, if your cable provider doesn't carry Fox Business on its regular line-up, please apply the power of the market competition: Tell them you'll switch to a satellite competitor that does carry us! Remember: We re-air over the weekend, starting tonight at 10pm ET, Saturday at 7pm, and Sunday at 11pm.


  1. John Stossel
  2. Fox Business Network
  3. libertarian
  4. Atlas Shrugged
  5. Ayn Rand

Files count:



304.30 Mb




Bozodogo (2010-01-21)

Thank you very much for this.

Brindleman (2010-02-10)

Thank you for this. It sounds very interesting. I've enjoyed John Stossel's "style" of reporting ever since he started on 20/20. I'm glad to see that he's gotten his own show now.

waleyejim (2010-06-10)

Thank you skJGZV6z and all those who appreciate freedom and understand what the loss would mean...

derpnhurp (2010-12-27)

Great quality, the audience is filled with shills, but still the point is a fundamental basic principle of life.

redactedwv (2011-03-12)

Ah, Ayn Rand... A literate sociopath who lived the old quote from Galbraith...
John Kenneth Galbraith:
“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
Stossel and his "facts". Brought to you by Fox News....The only 'news' organization to ever go to court to fight for their right to lie:

Doesn't play in the great white north...Canada's Radio Act which requires that “a licenser may not broadcast ... any false or misleading news.” On March 1, Canadian regulators rejected the Canadian prime ministers effort's to allow Fox News to broadcast in Canada.

bmadison (2011-04-13)

oh yes, redactedwv, another liberal fool who purports to know the motives of conservatives.
conservatism has nothing to do with moral justification of greed, in fact, greed can not be justified and is not moral.
Forced redistribution of wealth is not charity and it is not moral. charity comes from the heart and is given of ones own free will, and when charity and wealth are redistributed of ones free will, it is appreciated, rather than taken for granted without gratitude. Further more, a free people can better decide who is in need of charity and who is a leech, the government fails at this every time.
There is no superior morality, something is either moral or it is not.
Regarding your fox news going to court to lie, am I really supposed to believe "Florida Appeals Court Orders Akre-Wilson Must Pay Trial Costs for $24.3 Billion"
24.3 billion? really? is this the most expensive trial costs in history?

PGHammer (2011-04-17)

Stossel is a libertarian, and always has been. The one thing about Stossel (and now Fox teammate and also ABC News alumnus Geraldo Rivera) is that neither have changed what they have been, or their style of reportage, in changing networks. Even if you don't agree with Stossel OR Rivera, if you use your brain at all, both do make you think - which is what good journalism (regardless of medium) is supposed to do. Stossel was snatched from ABC (at the joint behest of Fox News ME Roger Ailes and AME/ME of Fox Business Neil Cavuto) for the same reason Cavuto himself was recruited - to be himself. I've watched Stossel's shows (both on Fox Business and on FNC) and he's still the same Stossel that ABC News had - a sellout he isn't. (A lot more than, unfortunately, can be said for longtime correspondent (first for NBC O&O WRC-TV, then NBC News, and now MSNBC) Andrea Mitchell; for shame!)

AlexLibman (2012-11-12)

A formulation of a rational philosophy that recognizes Individual Rights (and thus non-violence) does not make you a "sociopath". I suggest you spend more time studying rationalism and less time throwing poo.
As for the lies in the mainstream (government-licensed) media - of course they lie, mostly in your favor. Lies are inevitably protected by the concept of Free Speech, but government's special relationship with the MSM (88% of whom donated to Obama) most certainly is not.

sfbmod (2015-06-19)

Snopes and other popular debunking websites proves anti-capitalists anti-freedom people like redactedwv here whom hate pro-freedom intelligent people like Ayn Rand, are the liars.

Must suck to be so wrong all the time.