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Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed...!? (This Works)
Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed...!? (This Works)
2006-08-14 (by Mantropolix)
Terry Pratchett´s Discworld 2 - Missing Presumed...!?
Game : Discworld 2 - Missing Presumed...!?
Author : Terry Pratchett
Released : 1996 by Psygnosis
Format : ISO (PowerISO)
Filename : CD1 mtx-dw2a.r* - CD2 mtx-dw2b.r*
CDs / Rars : 1 CD - 27 RARs - 2 CD - 17 RARs
Game type : Fantasy Adventure Walktrough
Platform : Dos
Language : English
Protection : No Protection
( Now also with a bonus dir included just for you :-)
Game Notes :
"This is the second Discworld game.
What do you mean,´I haven´t finished the first one yet?´
Good grief,some people...look,give the prunes to the fishmonger,get the
dragon to breathe on the mirror,throw the Black Monk to the crocodiles and
shoot the dragon with the other dragon.
Done that? Good. Now, if everyone´s caught up...
This is the second Discworld* game. Death has gone missing. A hero is needed
to bring him back. But there´s only Rincewind, incompetent wizard and
higly-trained coward. You won´t catch Rincewind running away. He´s too
Unfortunately, he´s all there is that stands between people and the horrible
prospect of immortality. No one wants that , do they ?
We´ve made DW2 a little easier (snigger), with lots of new locations and even
prettier graphics and sounds.
As Death himself says: HAVE FUN."
Terry Pratchett.
* A magic world which goes through space on the back of a turtle,
as everyone should know by now!
Installation Notes :
Download DosBox And follow my installation Notes in the folder "INSTALL" on CD1.
The Orginal Discworld 2 Manual are also included in that folder in adobe acrobat format.
This classic oldskool game is Braught to you again by Mantropolix :-)
Sorry for the first time i tried to seed this to you.
I Got a Hd crash , but now its up for another go at it :-)
Files count:
679.23 Mb
Mantropolix (2006-08-14)
READ THIS!!!!I hope the first persons ho get this down to help seed it with me sins i don´t got so fast upload,and the file are a little bit bigger than the discworld 1 on 170 mb that i uploaded here somedays ago hehe:) So keep seeding people so others also can enjoy this classic game. Not in a day ore 2 , but in a few hours download time.
I know you understand me people,its so booring to get hold to a game you just MUST HAVE!! if you are like me,and wait in days.When i have got
enough seeders. i will not seed anymore because then i have another classic game to come up for seeding and need that mbits to seed that.
So people its up 2 you to keep it alive :-)
Thank you!
Cain303 (2006-08-14)
Thanks.Xyl6 (2006-08-15)
Thanks! Better luck this time!jesaxus (2006-12-04)
can i play discworld on windows xp?FingazMc (2007-07-30)
Thanx for the effort but way to complicated to unstall lol. So iv given up :)Mantropolix (2007-12-22)
you don´t need to uninstall because its Dos.Just Delete The DW2 dir thats all :-)
Mantropolix (2007-12-22)
You can not run it in WinXP and thats why you are using Dosbox to play it under your windows:-)charlz.33 (2008-01-09)
it wont let me open any of the folders can sum 1 help?matt198992 (2008-01-31)
following your instructions, the sound quality sucks...its jittery and shaky to the point that you cannot understand anything. however, if i burn the image to a disk and install it from the autorun, the sound runs perfectly, however the game will then not go past the intro....comes up with "error has occurred". using win XP. ima mess around with it and see if i can get it to work.roryrattlehead (2008-03-14)
can this game be run with scummvm?charlz.33 (2008-03-19)
i installed this game put when i go to play it it says insert the orginal disc but i dont have it coz i downloaded it can sum 1 help me plzYerkoYerko (2008-04-03)
Damn it, i cant play!!! After they show the wolf eating the kangaroo the game shut down and saying something is wrong bla bla!! Maybe because i have Windows XP???? PLZ HELP ME SOMEBODY SAVE MY LIFE I WANNA PLAY hehehehYerkoYerko (2008-04-03)
...btw i open the game with DAEMON Tools, is that ok or wrong hehe :P help plz :D19frost59 (2008-04-03)
Brilliant, Thanks so much, Works perfectly on DosBox. Does anyone know how to get DW1 that Mantropolix uploaded running?YerkoYerko (2008-04-03)
Can someone give me a link were i can download Dosbox? i've downloaded like 3 different version! And can someone plz explain how i use DOSBox to play DW2?19frost59 (2008-04-03)
Download Dosbox v0.72 (just google it) there are plenty of online tutorials out theron how to use it, but don't bother with them in this case, all you need to do is unzip the rar files in the folder that you have downloaded (i use TugZip, it's freeware) and move the iso's to a place where you can find them, then download Daemon tools lite, don't believe the bad press just make sure that you don't install all the toolbars and associated rubbish that comes with it, then all that you need to do is to find the install doc from disc 1, print it off and follow the instructions to the letter and it works fine. i'm an old man and it worked for me. Just take your time.1badmofo (2008-05-18)
mantropolix or anyone who can get this game to work properly will you please email me who to get this game to work ive done everything you say in the installation document. i jus figured out how to install it got it on an sat down to have a blast from the past it got to the main screen where it says diskworld 2 with the red background an went off and said there was error please help my email address is [email protected]KingKongBollox (2008-09-11)
Please seed to fulfil my needchibikatza (2008-10-18)
Thanks for the game!It took me awhile to install it though, but that's because when I used Daemon Tools to mount the cd I made, the drive it used wasn't "f:\:
So, it works very well right now. Though, for some reason the game screen in the DosBox has been set lower than it should be set, so I end up with a black bar across the top and the bottom of the screen. The top part of the screen is normal except for the black bar, while the bottom black bar covers the screen. When I make the screen fullsized, I would say it takes up maybe an inch of it? I'm not sure what caused the screen to move. Has anyone else gotten this problem?
chibikatza (2008-10-18)
Nevermind, I got it fixed. I took out the UNIVBE (Device Driver) and the UVCONFIG (DATE File), so the game was forced to do a new monitor test which fixed the screen problem.I'm sure there's another way to make the game do another monitor test, like maybe running the UVCONFIG file or something. But, the screen is fixed so I'm good for now.
maora (2009-08-22)
I can't give the hammerfish or the clickie to the ones that shall have them. the game won't continue it just runs but nothing happens. some1 with the same problem or som1 with a solution?justified91 (2009-11-24)
Hey hey!!I got a solution to alll ur problems!! :D
a program called scummvm :) lets u play dos games and games on other platforms =D
jackthegrimreaper (2009-12-22)
well i tried to follow the instruction but when i say cd install it says unable to..something!if someone can help me cause i really want to play the game!!mattty656 (2010-01-09)
yea ive installed the game following the instructions barely worked in dosbox it was shit got it 2 work in scummvm but when it comes 2 the change over of discs i mount disc 2 and the game crashes and the install screen come up with install but the game is allready installed came some please help me i will be forever greatfull thnxinferium (2010-03-12)
BEST & EASIEST WAY TO RUN THIS IN WINDOWS:Just install it as normal, copy all of the files from 'DW2' on each disk to the install directory's "Cache" folder.
Then, download ScummVM and add the installed directory of 'DW2' to the list.
Voila! You will be playing the windows version of Discworld 2.
jstrong (2010-03-12)
yep, confermed and working only problem is some files when comprising both is there are same so on over wirte it knocks out the voice of some characters in disc one but eveything is workng perfect from act three onwards.BinkyDeath (2010-05-07)
CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE?I extracted disc01 from the zip file and ran it with ScummVM and it all ran perfectly and I played the disc through till the end.
Then when I came to extracting and trying to run disc02 with ScummVM - ScummVM crashed when I tried to play the game. Then after crashing a couple of times ScummVM decided it couldn't find the game at all.
I knew where the game was supposed to be but I tried other folders just in case (like the DW2 folder I wasn't sure of at first as that's not how I opened disc01) and ScummVM still can't find the game.
So I tried extracting the disc02 zip files to the same folder as the one I extracted disc01 to just in case I had to overwrite those files to get disc02 working... ScummVM crashed when it found a game to play but god knows if it found part 1 or part 2.
It looks like I'll have to start from scratch but I don't think I'll get anywhere.
The instructions for setup in the readme file are just what I did originally so I've followed the instructions and I've got nowhere. I had ScummVM installed on my system anyway and I tried to use that version too but it just crashes if I find a discworld game of any kind now.
Very confused!! I'm half way through the flipping game and getting frustrated now. Can anyone tell me where I should start over?
I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium although I wish I had something better.
Thanks in advance to anyone who knows where I should go with this... half way through a game is a very annoying point to lose it. :-(
(especially for someone known as Binky)
BinkyDeath (2010-05-07)
Right... this is getting silly...I started over from the beginning and this time when I extracted all of the files there was no version of ScummVM extracted along with the rest.
I used my own version of ScummVM to try and open both parts of the game... Disc01 worked as well as the last time and Disc02 just caused ScummVM to crash the moment it opened.
I knew it was too good to be true that I found a good way of playing my favourite game.
Does ANYONE know how to make Disc 02 (aka part two) of this game work???
I can't get it to work with ScummVM and I definetely can't get it to work with DOSBox (DOSBox doesn't work well for me for any game no matter what.)
I DID try to get disc 2 to install with DOSBox and it said it'd installed but... no evidence of that anywhere. I had to get disc one to install too before it would work the first time bizarrely.
Nothing seems to get disc 02 to play no matter what I do but I'm not a technical genius so maybe I'm just missing something, hopefully something simple, that you can tell me to rectify.
I just can't see why disc 02 doesn't work when disc 01 does so perfectly. :'-(
Heeeelllp. x
BinkyDeath (2010-05-08)
I just want to say that I have also tried using DOSBox to get either part one or two of Discworld2 to play by following the instructions included in the main zip file (in the install file) but I get up to the part where you have to mount drive D and that's where it stops for me as it says drive F (the one you're trying to mount it to) does not exist.When I try doing it my own way (entering 'dosinst') I get as far as installing the second part of the game but it does not play.
So - the DOSBox instructions don't work.
The ScummVM instructions don't work for Disc2 of the game.
I was trying the instructions left by a previous poster (copying and pasting all of the files into the Install Casche folder) but had new problems there...
First impressions is it seems to work BUT I can't really tell because...
Disc1 works perfectly for me and those instructions may just be giving me a working Disc1. I can only test it by playing the whole of Disc1 right through from beginning to end again. I'd rather not but I will if I have to but that's a lot of wasted time if it just crashes on Disc2 again.
I have my game saved right at the end of Disc1 so I figure if I can find that SavedGame file and copy and paste it into the relevent place then perhaps I can test those instructions by opening up my game at the saved point and then see if it plays on through to Act3 of the game (i.e.-Disc2).
HOWEVER - I can't find that SavedGame file.
I don't know what a SavedGame file looks like (what it's called) or where to find it.
I've spent hours on this.
Also - each time I extract the ZIP files that I downloaded from this torrent it SEEMS to leave out certain folders/files each time I do it.
The first time I extracted it there was no casche file in the Install folder (which was part of Disc1). The second time I extracted it there was no specially edited version of ScummVM.
There may be other differences but I haven't really noticed them to be honest. There may even be files missing all together that haven't extracted properly for all I know.
The absolute furthest I get in DOSBox is either getting the install screen and, then when it says it's installed, DOSBox says it can't find the CD in the CD drive. Well, no, it wouldn't would it?
I do own the discs (somewhere in my house) as I own all three of the Discworld games. I'm not sure where they are so I can't try putting the disc in the drive to see if they work but I have a feeling that wouldn't work anyway.
So - nothing in any of the instructions work for Disc2. I know I'm not the only person having trouble getting Disc2 of the game to work and no doubt people after me will have the same problems. I've tried everything I can think of to no avail.
I don't really understand what I'm doing I guess as I don't know all the inner workings of a computer but I've tried everthing I do know and everything written up in instructions and help-to-run-game guides. I really don't want to give up on this but I am so very, very stuck.
Maybe if I could mount the D drive in DOSBox I could play it in there - or maybe if I could change the settings in ScummVM to get it to work then the game would play - but HOW and would I just mess it up? Arrrrgh.
elation (2012-06-18)
Thanks. Had a great time with this game!Files:
1. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/Bonus/ 25.26 Kb
2. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/Bonus/mtx-dw2.Game Hints.rar 6.74 Kb
3. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/Bonus/mtx-dw2.Game.cheat.walktrough 6.57 Kb
4. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/Bonus/mtx-dw2.Game.cheat.walktrough 7.59 Kb
5. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/Bonus/mtx-dw2.Game.Picures.rar 3.12 Mb
6. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/Bonus/mtx-dw2.Soundtrack - That's Death.mp3 2.62 Mb
7. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r00 15.00 Mb
8. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r01 15.00 Mb
9. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r02 15.00 Mb
10. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r03 15.00 Mb
11. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r04 15.00 Mb
12. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r05 15.00 Mb
13. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r06 15.00 Mb
14. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r07 15.00 Mb
15. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r08 15.00 Mb
16. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r09 15.00 Mb
17. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r10 15.00 Mb
18. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r11 15.00 Mb
19. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r12 15.00 Mb
20. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r13 15.00 Mb
21. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r14 15.00 Mb
22. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r15 15.00 Mb
23. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r16 15.00 Mb
24. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r17 15.00 Mb
25. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r18 15.00 Mb
26. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r19 15.00 Mb
27. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r20 15.00 Mb
28. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r21 15.00 Mb
29. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r22 15.00 Mb
30. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r23 15.00 Mb
31. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r24 15.00 Mb
32. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r25 15.00 Mb
33. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.r26 6.87 Mb
34. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD1/mtx-dw2a.rar 15.00 Mb
35. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r00 15.00 Mb
36. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r01 15.00 Mb
37. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r02 15.00 Mb
38. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r03 15.00 Mb
39. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r04 15.00 Mb
40. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r05 15.00 Mb
41. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r06 15.00 Mb
42. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r07 15.00 Mb
43. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r08 15.00 Mb
44. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r09 15.00 Mb
45. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r10 15.00 Mb
46. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r11 15.00 Mb
47. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r12 15.00 Mb
48. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r13 15.00 Mb
49. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r14 15.00 Mb
50. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r15 15.00 Mb
51. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.r16 6.58 Mb
52. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/CD2/mtx-dw2b.rar 15.00 Mb
53. Discworld.2.Missing.Presumed-MTX/mtx-dw2.nfo 1.84 Kb