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Song Of The South - BANNED in US ** hi-quality DVD rip






Song Of The South - BANNED in US ** hi-quality DVD rip




2006-09-08 (by Clearmoon)



Disney's classic 1946 film adaptation of the Joel Chandler Harris' tales of Uncle Remus & Brer Rabbit Winner of the 1946 Academy Award for Best Original Song. On permanent moratorium in the US. Enjoy!

Files count:



3902.96 Mb




hoskeblaffa (2006-09-08)

Dat be sum fiine shit mah brutha, know iz be sayin?

Bonafide (2006-09-08)

man thanks so much for this I had been looking all over for this... I wanted to see this so bad but disney is hardcore about not letting people see it anymore and thats fucked up cause this is American history...
please keep seeding this man thanks this shit is huge!

Clearmoon (2006-09-09)

Please remember to seed after your D/L completes. Help keep this classic out of Disney's vault!!

 Knaster (2006-09-11)

Hey cool this is some nice shit bro!

Xyl6 (2006-09-12)

They have a Brer Rabbit themed ride at Tokyo Disney complete with the Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah song...

BlackDahlia (2006-10-16)

Clearmoon, I cannot express in words my appreciatoion for this excellent upload which I consider to be the finest yet. We have been robbed of this classic by the church of political correctness for years. I wish there were some way to persuade Disney to release this film in the United States but I fear that will never happen. It is a shame that PC is taken so seriously and that major corporations are willing to kiss the asses of the Jesse Jacksons of the world. I hope that Disnay some day grows a set of nuts and releases this movie. I shall not, however, hold my breath. They shall, I assume, continue to release the trash they have seen fit to commit to celuloid.

trader_eric (2007-01-14)

Clearmoon...Tks for posting! I know I'm L8, but you are my freakin' hero, dude! I've been looking for this for YEARS!!!!!

_Rockabilly_ (2007-01-30)

Thanks :)

xXHumlanXx (2007-02-04)

Thanks :D.. I have been looking for this ^^.. *hugs*

cubedmeatproduct (2007-02-20)

muy excelente, gracias!

Jack Sprat (2007-07-08)

The layout and extras are really cool too. Someone did a great job with this. I also found an "Easter Egg". Go into the extras where the five songs can be played and choose "Everybody's Got A Laughing Place". Go ahead and choose that same song again once it starts playing. Clever!

ScurvyBastard (2007-09-22)

Sweet. Saw this at the movies when I was a kid. Now I wanted to pass this on to my kids and it's basically banned. NAACP. I should have guessed it would be on TPB but I didn't expect it to be in this high quality format. Thanks Clearmoon.

asmithee1 (2007-10-03)

I'm really looking forward to watching this... never seen it in its entirety; just a few clips on YouTube.
Would it be possible to a get a few more seeders? I'm 84% complete but stuck at 1 kbps...
Also, would someone mind explaining exactly what I should do to create an image of this to burn to DVD-R? (This is my first torrent download that wasn't already in ISO format.)
Thanks so much!

verde.centaur (2007-11-17)

wonderful film. I have NOT downloaded this version, but I got a hard DVD in the mail which is probably the source of this upload. Can't say for sure.
So, there are some people screaming at the NAACP for "banning" this film. That is nonsense. If you took a moment to research the topic you would find out for yourself.
First of all, we do not live in a fascist or communist state where any movie can be "banned" let alone by a private civic organization. Please get a grip pal.
Disney has been pressured in the past, not much at all anymore, to stop playing this film / selling it on carriers ( VHS , DVD , etc. ). NAACP was one of those groups in 1946 (sixty some years ago) who pressured Disney not to play it. Disney ignored them and played it anyways.
Disney has a loooong history of white supremacism (but don't get me wrong, despite that, I'm a huge Disney fan for their positive creative works, especially 1920's to 1960's era) in all of their films.
The group most responsible for this film not being released is of course white liberal stockholders at Disney who are short-sighted or have not even viewed the film.
There is a mass petition to get Disney to press this film to DVD, which has I believe a quarter of a million signatures as of winter 2007. There is hardly any pressure to keep it out of the DVD format, from the NAACP or anyone else.
It will likely go before a shareholder's vote in 2008 according to the fansites. Try www dot songofthesouth dot net for more info ( shameless plug, I am not affiliated with them and theirs however ).
I love this movie, my favorite person is Uncle Remus, a smart, wise, and kind senior black man who has love in his heart for other people and does his best to lift the boy and Jenny out of their misery and despondency. Despite the condescending attitude of the white landowners, who are not all that bad, he perseveres in showing love and help to the kids and shows them what life is all about - learning, being good to people, and being authentic.
Many characters have accents in this, the little cracker kids who are the VILLAINS who torment the brother and sister, the cartoon animals, Uncle Remus, the kids, the plantation owners, everyone. That's called CULTURE people !
Something to learn from and celebrate, not try to censor or look down on ! That is the problem with Americans today, terrified of real diverstiy among people, and instead wanting to tune on to MTV and erase their minds. Pitiful. I won't be one of them though.
If anything, this film is a great movie against ethnicism, rednecks, and prejudiced beliefs.
Take care yall and enjoy the movie !
( as us Southerners say ) (-:
keep the peace

verde.centaur (2007-11-17)

... and a final blast of knowledge against the rumours and nonsense..
It is clearly set in the late 1890's to early 1900's.
In the sequel to this move, which is titled "So Dear To My Heart" and featured the same boy and girl (with different parents) in a different plot, there is a scrapbook which has the date visible " 1901 ".
Nearly fifty years after that foul satanic practice of slavery was destroyed.
Don't enslave your mind, this is not a prejudice or hate-filled movie, it's just the opposite.
Download a great kids / family / anyone movie and enjoy and learn.
Take care

ragingranny (2008-02-18)

Thanks so much I saw this movie as a young child & never forgot it. Aww the young mind of a child did not think of all the controversial things that are causing it to be banned. It is only the stupid adults that have to worry about the politiaclly corrtectness. All that shit just goes to far. It is a wonderful movie & I have downloaded it for my grandkids as I know it will not corrupt their minds because it is the way they were brought up without prejudice & all the BS. So they will enjkoy it with an innocent mind just like I did & that is what counts!!! THANKS AGAIN CLEARMOON

ragingranny (2008-02-21)

Clearmoon: I have finished DL & it is an Excellent copy!!!!! I have uploaded a Ratio of 1.537 & will continue until it reaches 2.0 for anyone who would like to watch it. Geart movie for all the family & the kids will love it. Thanks & a big hug to you clearmoon

momerath (2008-02-25)

finally! thank you!

on_screen (2008-04-04)

I've read the book when I was a child, and now I'm going to watch the film adaptation. Thank you, Clearmoon.

zanney1963 (2008-04-07)

Ya Buddy!!! No sub titles and high rock!!! I seen this movie at the theater when i was a boy and I feel that it is the best film Disney ever made....Thanks Again...I'm seeding this for life!

jnbwolf (2008-04-09)

Quick question. What is the best way to burn this to a DVD. I have tried clonedvd and writing to .iso and then burning. Both times I am getting video with no audio. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Great Movie

NFLMAN (2008-06-08)

Thanks! Growing up in a free society I have never had the opportunity to watch this, go figure.

bigmagicdog (2008-06-19)

Been looking everywhere for this since I lost my original vhs copy to someone.....

Dichani (2008-07-22)

Hey umm for those that would like to help to get this movie re-released this website is talking about getting it done they are taking up a petition to get this movie re released in the US they have alot of good info on it for anyone who would like to learn more about the movie.

auntielola (2008-08-13)

new to this but how come this has been downloading for 19 hours?...I know it will be worth the wait as thanks Clearmoon, I've been looking for it for years and years! I've been to the website for the petition to relaunch's not racist..tale of friendship..

Pagnus (2008-09-22)

Great rip.
But I have to go with the NAACP. Niggers aint nice and loveble. They are vicous, cursing, greedy, raping, muging, stealing halfmonkeys with no respect for their own race or other people.
Were we white people would respect and wish we could be more like Onkel Reamus or Onkel Tom, the niggers think it's outrageous to portray them as humble harmonic people with a wish to make the best out of their time on earth.

Pagnus (2008-10-15)

Very good copy. Thanks!

 struzzin20 (2008-11-29)

Can anyone Upload the Video in a 700 MB .avi file! Thanks

just1nce (2008-12-06)

thanks man,nice
i lost my original vhs copy still sealed to a buyer on ebay for a whopping $93.00.thankyou Clearmoon

procul9 (2008-12-19)

Someone please kill Pagnus.
Thank you.
Also, many thanks for the great torrent.

laspam04 (2009-01-02)

It's pretty clear even through the racial tone that Pagnus is speaking satirically.
Through many of it's protests, the NAACP, while well meaning, have (specifically in the case of Song Of The South) given the impression that appearance is greater than substance and skin color is more important than worth. Song Of The South is clearly about peace and brotherhood, while the NAACP is yelling about stereotypes and ignoring the more uplifting story.

jazzrider (2009-01-14)

is anyone else having trouble ripping to a DVD or converting from a VIDEO_TS file? i've tried popcorn, handbrake, and BURN. can anyone help?

Pagnus (2009-01-25)

Thank you laspam04. ;)

Basuto9 (2009-06-29)

Clearmoon - Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've been looking for this for years, and stupidly never thought to look on my good old Pirate Bay until now. I now have it downloaded, burned to a DVD and am still seeding. A great movie (regardless of the silly complaints of the NAACP). Since this is almost three years later than your original upload, it speaks to the continuing appeal of this movie.

Basuto9 (2009-06-29)

Jazzrider - I just used Nero Burning to burn to a DVD. No trouble at all.

Achtlandd (2009-07-19)

Thanks a million Clearmoon! My Aunt reminded me of this movie several yrs ago when her VHS copy was stolen. How sad that the NAACP, Jesse Jackson etc... can't see the value in a movie like this. It truley is a piece of history lost to sooo many people!!! Everyone is trying so Damn hard to be PC they forget #1 that slavery is a part of our history like it or not and #2 The story itself is a wonderful CARING, AWARD WINNING story. They allow crap all over the air waves that put BLK people in a bad light calling women Bit*hes and whores etc.. being disrespectful in general, just watch 1 or 2 RAP videos. I would rather my kids watch this than more than half the crud on TV today. We've gotten too PC for our own good!!! I thought we had a Constitution that allowed us certain freedoms...I guess Disney forgot that when they pulled this movie due to pressure from unrealistic persons and groups!!!

swampownr1 (2009-12-17)

Thank you for uploading this classic!

Tiffany1 (2010-01-09)

Thanks a lot!!!!
But where is the English subtitle?
Did anyone see it?

Allusium (2010-01-20)

Given your horrible grammar and your Teutonic usage, I would guess that you are of the German persuasion. I would also guess you are a cunt.
Let me take this glorious moment to reflect on the events of the 1940s. The US Armed Forces, (with a bit of help), which included all of the mud people you hate, kicked your sorry kraut asses all the way back to the Fatherland and you have been little more than a footnote in the world of geopolitics ever since. My father was lucky enough to be Over There, and he killed lots and lots of Germans. Too bad he didn't get both of your grandfathers so that human shit like you would never have been sired by your pig-fucking whore of a mother. I'm actually of German extraction myself, but first and foremost I am from America, the country that fucked your Deutschland all to hell. We are far from a perfect country, and we continue to make horrid mistakes, but we did save the world, and we saved it from you petulant mother-fuckers. Y'all should stick to making chocolate and cars and beer. How does it feel to have, not so long ago, been the dominant world power and now be just another hip western European country where they really really like jazz and hash? How does it feel to be so useless?

Allusium (2010-01-20)

And many thanks to Clearmoon.

Papabran (2010-01-21)

Hey pagnus, how old are you? If you think you are funny, your not. You may hate them, but I'll bet you voted for that sorry assed Obama because you thought he would increase your welfare check. I would like to increase the lead content in your brain by about 30 calibers.

BigGPapa (2010-09-22)

Hey I have been trying to find this for year's ,,, I downed this one and I cant thank you enought !!

ssj5chrism (2011-03-29)

How do you rip this to a dvd so that it plays in a dvd player? any help appreciated. I tried burning the folder VIDEO_TS to a dvd, but that doesn't work.

KorPhaeron (2011-08-17)

Absolutely marvelous clarity and sound....the only thing is there's like 20+ hours added to the last section, so the DVD Burners I have wont let me make a copy because it wont fit on 1 disc. Anyone have any advice??

djb28 (2011-11-03)

@Pagnus Are you a nigger? Because you sure do not sound any better than what you are commenting on? You fucking sperm burper!

electropop_guy (2011-12-11)

Not actually "BANNED" by anybody. Disney decided that it doesn't fit their corporate image any more so they decided (all by themselves) not to sell it in the USA.

Ocarina654 (2012-01-12)

Thanks for the upload, and for the seeders. Quality is good.
Anyone know what the source for this rip was? Is it the official Disney release in UK or somewhere else, or is it some sort of boot-leg copy of a copy? Just curious, thanks again.

Xanderdoo (2012-01-19)

Oh Lorddy! This is so great! I've been looking to buy this movie for so long, now I got it for free. Nice quality. Thanks for uploading this!

onlyjstep (2012-04-20)

Why almost 4 Gs?

Oblivilot (2012-07-11)

It is almost 4G because a standard (not dual layer) DVD is 4.7G. This is the "VIDEO_TS" / .VOB files to burn direct to a DVD.

Oblivilot (2012-07-11)

I will seed this out if it's any good, seems like it is. I see 31 seeders supposedly on, but I am only getting around 2 to 3kB/sec. If anyone can seed out without throttling down the bandwidth, it will be done in a couple hours and then I will seed out at top-speed. Thanks!!!!

Oblivilot (2012-07-11)

To whomever is now seeding out at 1.82M/sec, THANK YOU!~!!~!~!~!~!~!

Oblivilot (2012-07-11)

I made an MP4 using iPad / Apple 'itunes' settings on iSkysoft media converter, using this torrent as the source.
The converted file is here:

kjhgviyvoiyoi (2013-06-08)

Thank god they pulled this out of print. This could fool people to think there are nice black people and have them to lower their guard when dealing with them. I prefer to recomend more realistic movies for kids like Menace II Society.

kjhgviyvoiyoi (2013-06-09)

Hahaha! It's so funny. I've read alot about this movie now. The story is based on real people and real afro-american folklore with roots even from Africa (tar-baby)! It's so funny that NAACP and desperate PC nuts has denounced the movie as racist and by doing so has destoyed a part of afro-american history. It's like white people wanting to ban Cinderella.

djxeroic (2013-06-30)

thanks for uploading this, it's hard to find in the US.
my history teacher actually had a copy, he didn't show it in class though!

Barkingspyder (2015-03-18)

People, people, this movie has never been banned by anyone ever. It has been a Disney decision to not release it here since the 90's, when it was available on Laser disk and VHS.


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2. Song of the South/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO 12.00 Kb
3. Song of the South/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB 8.00 Kb
4. Song of the South/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.BUP 68.00 Kb
5. Song of the South/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.IFO 68.00 Kb
6. Song of the South/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB 85.68 Mb
7. Song of the South/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB 1023.97 Mb
8. Song of the South/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB 1023.97 Mb
9. Song of the South/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_3.VOB 1023.97 Mb
10. Song of the South/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_4.VOB 745.20 Mb