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[PC] The Settlers 7 Paths To A Kingdom [CLONEDVD] [Kickasstorrents]






The Settlers 7: Paths To A Kingdom [PC] [CLONEDVD]




2010-03-30 (by thenoobish)


CLONEDVD of the game The Settlers 7: Paths To A Kingdom Language: English

Files count:



5300.22 Mb




palencis (2010-03-30)

with crack?

 thenoobish (2010-03-30)


palencis (2010-03-30)

i like this game since nº 1, and do u want a crack in 2 minutes? i think we got it soon.

Trevayne (2010-03-30)

Wow Awsome speed ! 350 kb/s for only 1 seeder :O

Tilatus (2010-03-30)

That "enjoy" thing is a bit like taking the piss with no crack. Why people so seldom think what they write into that info box?
This game is a problem. I'd like to try it, but I can't buy it because of the DRM I can't support and there doesn't seem to be crack for this either. Oh well, it is NO reason to buy it, on the contrary. DON'T BUY IT.

 thenoobish (2010-03-30)

removed the Enjoy in the info xd

Tilatus (2010-03-30)

Thanks man. You're all right! :)

doneffa (2010-03-30)

The Settlers: Rise Of An Empire [RELOADED]
I will play this until is crack!!!

Lordeseis (2010-03-30)

I was waiting for this one...
And now, we wait for the crack:(
Thx for this Thenoobish.

doneffa (2010-03-30)

be patient
soon or later there is a crack

Bixel2 (2010-03-30)

whatever you do DRM is more than you.

doneffa (2010-03-30)

there is patch v1.01
must helpful by making crack

 Knaster (2010-03-31)

Thx that lightened my day :)

JSAknow (2010-03-31)

Lol nice one :D
I love games from "Blue Byte" coos they have been on Settlers on the way, but then Ubisoft got in it too, after that it was kind of sad :S
But i hope theres gonna be a hack/crack soon :S
I love the demo :D

Chineeez (2010-03-31)

There wont be a crack, It takes a huge amount of effort to replace the DRM or to make a virtual responder. So, The crackers probably wouldnt even try to crack it. ( However theoratically nothing is uncrackable )

JSAknow (2010-03-31)

Some day there will be a crack for it, at least i believe :D lol
Hmm.. 20 kBs.. thats slow.. is it my net or? :S

Drethis (2010-03-31)

Anyone know if a Pirate Group is working on cracking this game? It's been out for a week now and still no news. :(

Gornax (2010-03-31)

Well ive bought the original game and it crashes alot, we are waiting for a patch or ubisoft making it "work" again. Tho the game is awesome as hell! U shudd wait for patch before buying, or, downloading it.

NanoEntity (2010-03-31)

Dont bother downloading this, Assassins Creed 2 is not cracked, so this wont be aether.
It uses same DRM as AC2.
Its a good game, but waste of 5GB download for a game you wont be able to play in 1/2 a year from now.

vaggeta10 (2010-03-31)

Shutthe the hell up ... you pathetic Parasites ! you Lamers NOOBS!, wana crack? make it yourselfs !
You all talking big like you worth something ... while continuing using others people work .. Cracks ment to spare US time . couse it takes some Efort to make one .. and not everyone have time . some of US working some of US in Coldedge .

h3ll4b0y (2010-03-31)

actually, silent hunter 5 also uses DRM and its cracked so idk

JSAknow (2010-03-31)

Sry to say it, but i think you believe that every pirate just get the crack and never give good credit to the makers..
When i get a crack for some game I always (Unless its says in a file) write to the maker of the crack just to show how much i appreciate the work thats put into just that crack..
I dont know a shit of cracking, hacking or stuff like it thats why i really love that some peeps do know, and that they want to share their work with others :)
Ill wait for a crack, and i dont wanna push it, coos the crack comes when it comes :)
Sry if my english isnt that great :D
iam from DK :D

tombapl (2010-03-31)

to co w ko?cu z tym crackiem?

Tilatus (2010-03-31)

I will NOT support this DRM. It is bad for the consumer and I just can't understand people who are blind enough to buy this game.
DO NOT SUPPORT THIS DRM. If there is no crack, forget the game. In the long run it will destroy gaming if you keep on supporting this fascist DRM.

Skout (2010-03-31)

Just want to make it clear that I'm a former customer waiting for the crack of this game. Sadly, I cannot buy Ubisoft titles anymore. It's more than the DRM being bad. It's DRM in general. When they take their DRM servers offline in months/years, this product becomes trash. Way to chase off your customers, Ubi!

JSAknow (2010-03-31)

Still no one have seen a crack? :)
Just to tell you, i used my night trying to learn the basic of cracking just for games in future :D
And iam seaching all over the net trying to find a made crack, if I find any, ill let you all know :)

Norwegian_Smiley (2010-04-01)

The internet needs more people like you. ;P
Anyway, I do hope that someone is working on a crack. If it weren't for Ubisofts idiotism, I would actually have bought this game.
I wonder how long it'll take them to realize they're just ruining everything.

NanoEntity (2010-04-01)

There is no crack for Assassins Creed 2, there will be no crack for this.
Are you guys nuts or something.
same freaking DRM as AC2, and no one can crack it.
Expect to wait 1/2 year or more.

pether (2010-04-01)

C%c4 has a similar drm and it got cracked pretty fast.

Satan_PL (2010-04-01)

C&C4 got cracked, true. Assasin's Creed 2 got cracked too, not sure what you're talking about. People play this [AC2] game, not perfect and easy like .exe crack but it works. I expect more trouble with Settlers 7 because it is not really too popular/liked game these days anymore. Still I would get it as soon as the crack/work-around shows up :) You need to be patient. AC2 took 2 weeks or more...

Cosm1c_Gam3r (2010-04-01)

I agree

nox150690 (2010-04-01)

They said the same thing about Cities XL, "Oh you can't crack that" but it's been cracked, just takes time.

xichluna (2010-04-01)

hey, i need the crack mans, SKIROW or RAZOR who's crack this shit first :)

osni_passos (2010-04-01)

does anyone know when will have to mac?

mantasLT (2010-04-01)
thats is ubisoft future with DRM
add by Ghanijazz

Cosm1c_Gam3r (2010-04-01)

thats is ubisoft future with DRM
add by Ghanijazz"
I lold :D
DRM will die but we all need to help to kill it I mean ALL, legit users too. If you buy games from ubisoft and others who want to make more money it means that you want in future to be dependent to them so it means if they want then you play if they dont want you to play then you cant play. When their servers will have malfunction then guess what.... YOU CANT PLAY if your internet connection fails then GUESS WHAT? yes YOU CANT PLAY !!!! legit users dont be stupid because you will be hurt in first place! They cant fight with piracy by harming legit users! But they doing IT ! Pirates will not get hurt in this fight... HMMMM piracy sounds bad ? but its NOT in all cases. Many users want to do TEST DRIVE on game and decide if game is worth it or not. If game got many bugs and crashes a lot then I dont want to lose money and my nerves on bad product so we get scene release, test it and decide if we want this or not. If yes then we buy it if not we delete it. And its not PIRACY its legal if you not using it to long... I thing in many countries its not illegal to have "scene release" Im not sure but its 24 hours... I may be wrong. Anyways I will not buy game until I test it and demos are in many cases to short or not convincing.
DRM is bad for legit users
DRM is no harm at all for others, so legit users are fucked again by those who wants to EARN even MORE money! ;]

Satan_PL (2010-04-02)

@Cosm1c_Gam3r - Man, wtf with your thinking!? YES piriting is stealing. YES we steal products that many people spent hours on. We either feel it's bad/not worth it OR/AND just feel good about it. If you need to say "I don't steal, it's legal" go somewhere else. YES we would want it to be legal, to get freedom of what we do on Internet. I hate excuses like the one you do. Especially 24h bullshit :/ In some countries it is legal, like few years ago in Poland or Russia, not to mention undeveloped countries that don't give a shit.

Satan_PL (2010-04-02)

correction: legal to download everything and use it, 24h bullshit is NOWHERE to be found. It was made up by some crappy uploaders that wanted to make downloaders feel "safe". That's what I meant.

Cosm1c_Gam3r (2010-04-02)

you didnt read me with full understanding. What is I buy game and it crashes or got so many bugs that I cant stop swearing... If I dont test something I dont buy this so they lose money on many people which they put with pirates in same bag.
NO TEST=NO BUY they lose, I lose nothing, there is so many games to chose from :] fuck DRM fuck those who made it and shame to those who supports it :]
ps. satan pl tyle w tym temacie no i staraj si? zrozumie? ca?y komentarz a nie tylko to co ci? poruszy?o do tego stopnia ?e mnie zaatakowa?e?

turniplord (2010-04-02)

@Cosm1c_Gam3r - "NO TEST=NO BUY they lose"
isnt that the point of Demos? there is a lot of places where you can downlaod the settlers 7 demo, it gives you a feel of the game and a chance to see if the control and gameplay is to your liking.....
dont throw about 'I need to illegally download it to test it before I buy it' - If it was a console that you can't get demos for i.e. the Nintendo DS then fair enough, but there is a PC demo for almost every major PC game created.
Play the demo, Like it = buy it.

turniplord (2010-04-02)

downlaod = download - i have a stupidly small keyboard on my laptop!

alpha43 (2010-04-02)

ah not this motherfucker drm again.. ok now ubisoft found another shitty method to stop piracy....hope this will be cracked...

Castellum (2010-04-02)

I think someone should DDoS their DRM server, just to prove a point. Although, that would piss a lot of people off who actually bought the game.

Satan_PL (2010-04-02)

I only bought 2 games that I downloaded before. 3 If you count the fact that I bought Earth 2160 AND Earth Universe (with Earth 2160 + 150 + 140). I knew that this game was awesome so I bought it, but others? Well, ok fun, played, delete iso, bb :) I won't lie that I need to "test games" but I agree: better download full instead of demo that is almost same ammount of GB now! 3 gb demos!? Remember the times when game was 700 mb and demo 10 - 40 mb? :) And demos are enough to see if the game will run. And what the game is about.
I wonder if any cracking group is interested in cracking Settlers? We need fake server like with C&C4 and AC2...

pether (2010-04-02)

Piracy isnt stealing. Piracy is piracy. Stealing means they lose out on something. Stealing is when you take something, say, a car, then the person you stole it from doesnt have the car anymore. Piracy is when you instead copy the car, the person still has the car, only thing is that you got it too.
Piracy doesnt hurt anyone, and is only beneficial to everyone. This according to every study there is. Oh, not the studies made by or paid by the companies themselves, but normal people(maybe not people from the us as they are not thought critical thinking) dismiss those studies right away.

smidio (2010-04-02)


misanthroopia (2010-04-02)

Does anyone have the serial for this product?
Otherwise he just as well could upload a pile of horsepoo.

Snakebearer (2010-04-02)

This is almost ridiculus. Piracy is in no way morally explainable. End of story. But neither is alcohol and tobacco, but we still have those.
And anyone arguing against piracy on this site is really preaching to the wrong choir.
What Ubisoft is doing is taking a piss at free marketing. They refuse to conform to the market. They try to control it.
I support the idea of boycotting them.
The games which legit users buy are the multiplayer games. The ones with internet multiplayer, and no decent pirate ever argued they have the right to take part of that.
It's about the single player campaign and perhaps a local network.
It's when a game like that is great pirates actually buy something.
If it weren't for pirating, I wouldn't have bought any of the games I actually have paid for.

BigD145 (2010-04-03)

DRM always fails. Australians just lost their ability to play the game at all when their server f*ed them over. When/if Ubisoft goes under, everyone that owns the game is screwed.

Castellum (2010-04-03)

Two good articles to read about the downfall of this DRM:

pether (2010-04-03)

No Snakebearer. Piracy is completly moraly explainable. There is nothing unmoral about it. There are no victims, and only benefits by pirating. Everyone gets more money by ut. Well, besides the large music companies that are fighting to stay with an archaic businessmodel.

yyywww111 (2010-04-03)

Guys, is this cracked/working for Single player?
I don't want any multiplayer, but the details for the download are a bit scarce to say the least :(
>> Also Ubisoft DRM caused me not to buy this game, I was going to until this bullshit with constant online required for singleplayer. Make more money out of it? My arse.

brotherscro1 (2010-04-03)

To bad DRM is going to bee in Splinter Cell Conviction and RUSE :/

mediafriend (2010-04-04)

The idea that piracy is only beneficial is to be blunt, fucking retarded. I love piracy I think it makes the internet great. But the idea that there are no consequences is fucking insanely stupid.
You do realize that for every one of us who downloads a game and never buy it, the company does not make money. I'm not going to jump on their bandwagon and say they are losing money, because I know pirates are pirates and they will always pirate. You're not losing money because you were never going to get it in the first place (i think it's arrogant of them to assume just because we downloaded their game, we would have bought it)
But the fact is they don't make as much money, and in some cases they make very little money and the studios get fucked.
Think about it, would you do your job for free? No. You wouldn't. You may not understand that creating a video game actually takes work, pain and sweat but it does. They have a right to their money.
A combination of piracy and stores like GameStop and Ebay are killing the gaming industry. You do realize that nobody who buys used games is contributing to the companies that make those games don't you? I mean last time you sold a game on ebay, did you send EA their cut? No you didnt. Says right on it that it's not for resale but everyone still does it. I love cheap games but by buying them we're driving up the cost of new games and ruining the chances of our favorite series going on into the future.
I've owned and downloaded every TOTAL WAR game, and a bunch more, if a game is good then I'll pay to play it, and happily. But if it's something I've never heard of I'll try it via download first.
Piracy is awesome. It's still stealing. Stealing is awesome and it's still a crime. Never steal from individuals!
Also, what is the point in downloading this if it doesnt work?

mediafriend (2010-04-04)

I'm pretty sure the fact that the game is connected to the internet while being played does not earn them any more money.
If you're still paying for internet by the minute you need to join the late 90s and at least get DSL.

cptforge_gil (2010-04-04)

this DRM, the round about i could think off is make our own server that overrides ubi's drm. think of that guys :)
think of that ubi...

Satan_PL (2010-04-04)

@cptfore, they already did that. For C&C4, fake sever application, it brings many new problems though... And is not that easy like other cracks.
@Mediafriend... I am happy to see at least one human with the brain here! I DON'T need to explain ANYONE why I pirate games or programs. It indeed is stealing, and I am just fucking happy nobody will catch me, all there is to it. If I could steal cars and money with NO risk from a manufacturer, yes I would do that. End of story.

ivanovan88 (2010-04-04)

You're debating something on TPB comment section. You are all retarded.
For writing this comment, I am, too.

thority (2010-04-04)

damn, no crack yet?
pozdrawiam polaków jak co

djME27 (2010-04-04)

@mediafriend/sammywammy/anyone else:
I agree with your overall argument that piracy is not 100% positive for the gaming industry, and will second the notion that anyone who says so is calling their credibility into question (pirates who can't, or won't, argue our position fairly and logically only strengthen the image of the "thief in denial" that much of the uninformed public holds of us). People who DON'T pirate, in general (middle-aged and up, non-gamers, the casual computer user) are the ones who are going to actually have their opinions heard; if ANYONE can change anything... it's them. Think about it. When public opinion is that we are all dirty thieves, that makes us the bad guys, regardless of how stubborn we are. Our voices are seen as simply the voices of those who want to keep getting our games/software/movies/music for free; this is what happens when we make stubborn comments like "There is NOTHING wrong with piracy, and in fact it is COMPLETELY beneficial and without detriment to the industry." A comment like this is all it takes for average Joe Regular, with his two kids, suburban life, and stock-options, to draw the conclusion that we are all bratty kids in denial of our greed. Since he doesn't have a lot of spare time, "Joe Regular" does what most people do in a situation they are not personally invested in: he draws a quick conclusion based on the info he has, and without much (if any) investigation, his opinion is now more or less set. All I can say is... its hard as hell to change Joe's mind once its made (he views being proven wrong in his beliefs is synonymous with failure, therefore he meets opposing viewpoints with initial resistance from now on). When we bitch and moan every time we can't get something right away for free; blaming everyone else while conveniently painting self-portraits of "We the Righteous" (arr!) doing battle with the unholy and corrupt... we get a world full of "Joe Regulars." And lets face it, if we want to win this "war," its those unassuming, uninterested, and quick-to-judge folks that are our best allies. We have a lot of valid and intelligent points to make that support piracy; but given the nature of our argument, we have to be really careful how we go about presenting them. Which is a problem, since there ARE a bunch of idiots on our side who run around spouting their bullshit on forums EVERYWHERE... and that brings us to the state of "us against the world" that we are in now. Since our "voice" doesn't have the luxury of being affiliated with an official organization or source, it can't really be filtered, so irony is that piracy's biggest tag-teaming enemy is: The Industry... and its own personal horde of obnoxiously loud pirate minions.
OK. Enough preaching. I DID have some points to think about regarding a few things mediafriend mentioned:
@mediafriend: You stated "You do realize that for every one of us who downloads a game and never buy it, the company does not make money."
As I was reading this line, and the following paragraph, my mind instantly locked on to an argument I have used so much I should have it in a hotkey, but once you went into detail I jumped off the defensive. As you said, "it is presumptious to assume we would have bought the game just because we stole it." I would like to take it a bit further though. Your serious gamer has certain games he will simply buy, due to online benefits, features, non-glitchyness when dealing with cracks, etc. Think about it... before piracy, those were the ONLY games I EVER bought, because they were so good I had to have it. If I didn't have to have it, I didn't buy it, because I was a broke kid or it simply wasn't worth the money. I'd wager to say, since kids/young adults are the majority of the market, that it goes the same for most others, both casual and serious gamers. So, what is piracy doing? Sure, there is a percentage that will download a game that they would have bought, and potential revenue would be lost... but at the same time, filesharing is like free

djME27 (2010-04-04)

the market with used copies once they no longer rent, therefore driving DOWN retail values, they make a deal that says Blockbuster can only transfer (x) copies of said title to previously rented for sale. The rest get destroyed. So, say we get 300 copies of American Gangster for rent. They say we can resell 30. Anything beyond that literally gets destroyed when it no longer rents (I had to do it, shreds the disk... many a night I cried in the shower after murdering hundreds of perfectly good discs). So this shows that more used copies for sale doesn't drive prices UP, in fact it drives prices DOWN, which is precisely what they don't want. Still, the ability to resell is universally available to all consumers of retail products, and these retailers all have to deal with not being able to profit from the same product more than once. Its a transfer of ownership, so its rightfully yours after purchase. Even still, they have methods of artificially managing the demand for their product and restricting free-trade that are utilized in business-to-business transactions, like I just described. Therefore gaming/entertainment industries actually have an ADVANTAGE in this dept. over other retail manufacturers.
Holy shite. Longest post I've ever made, and homedude probably won't even be back to read it. Heh... if you are out there, guy... give me a holla back just to make me live in to the illusion that I didn't just waste an hour on nothing. Peace all, much love.

pether (2010-04-04)

mediafriend: There are studies that show that it is only beneficial.
Think of piracy as the best marketing tool there is. More people are able to get the produkt, and are thus subject to buying it.
Easiest to show it with music. Artists doesnt make money by selling cd's and music, they make money by doing conserts and such.
If more people listen and know their music, wouldnt there be more people that would want to go to their concerts? The answer is YES, more and more people go to conserts.
Artists and comedians who havent sold many cd/dvds in sweden for example, only a few hundred, had outsold many many times. But according to antipiratists, they wouldnt have any consumers at all.
You do realize that by having booths in clothingstores people are just going to try on clothes without buying.
There are also studies showing that pirates buy MORE then those who doesnt pirate. When you got access to the whole market, you are subject to more products, and are thus able to spend your money more visely, and only on items you think are good.
Instead of risking buying a crappy game/movie/cd/whatever.
And they are getting their money, if they are making good games. They are breaking records all the time.
If you were doing a crappy job, do you really think that suing 13 year olds should keep you that job?
I see that you are a hater of consumer rights.
Why wouldnt i be able to sell something that i have bought?
Do you think selling you car is a bad thing if you dont give the car company another share? They have already gotten their money for the product they created.
And no, and no no no.
Piracy isnt stealing.
Read the law.
Piracy is piracy.

JSAknow (2010-04-04)

djME27 :D
Wow that post took me some time to read :D
But your right if you ask me :D
Iam not the good at english, so this wont be a long answer :D
But as now, iam a pirate and i have "stolen" alot of games, but if I later see the game in a shop as a pack, like Settlers 5 with expansion, then i always buy if i like the game :D So i know i do something wrong coos iam stealing, but if they really made the game great, and it later sells as a pack or just that the price go a bit down, then i buy :D
But i dont think iam gonna buy Settlers 7, if this drm stay here :S coos sometimes my net is bad due to that its a mobile net.

pether (2010-04-04)

No, hes not gonna buy the game with drm because he wouldnt be able to play the game. The drm forces you to be online all the time, thus you must have internet when you play it.
And it seems the antipiracylobby has been deep in your brain to plant such ideas that it is bad to pirate. Ofcourse it is free marketing and adverticement. Are you behind or something?
What reaches millions and millions of consumers without you having to do a thing? Which also has a proven positive inpact on sales and revenue? Piracy!
Stop listening to the lobby and large corporations and you might have a chance in life. Critical thinking might not be in your school curriculum, but you should learn it yourself atleast.

PBGoblin (2010-04-04)

Well, let me put it this way. I've always been someone that actually bought his games. I have an entire closet full of them. BUT, I quit doing that when they started pulling that DRM bullshit on us. My very first time was with the first Mass Effect. I just moved to an appartement. And I was REALLY looking forward to play it. BUT, no internet yet. So I totally agree with everyone here. DRM only hurts the rightfull owners of the games. Not the pirates. They ALWAYS crack it. One way or an other. If they stop using those DRM's, I might go back to buy them. But I'm afraid that won't change soon. Hope it gets cracked anyway, just to show ubisoft that their DRM is useless...

Snooozer_her (2010-04-04)

Come on guys.... i dont care about the piracy or DRM, i just wanna know if the game is good and if its working.

alpha43 (2010-04-04)

the game has no crack and game looks good but as i said there's no proper working crack for it....

Sparx10 (2010-04-05)

@Snooozer_her: yea the iso is fine, but theres no crack. read the comments ftw :D
and yea its good. really good :)

thority (2010-04-05)

i think we need a crack, not a lecture on piracy

Nlmichiej (2010-04-05)

If you don't like us pirates, get off of TPB and go watch Pirates of the Carribean or sumthin!

pheonixbb (2010-04-05)

ivanovan88 bij 2010-04-03 23:26 CET:
You're debating something on TPB comment section. You are all retarded.
For writing this comment, I am, too.
dude i love you... why dont anyone read his comment?
- signed: another retard

pheonixbb (2010-04-05)

great game series btw thanks for the upload...

mistergroenevingers (2010-04-06)

well if the a and the o are next to eachother then you must indeed have a VERY small keyboard

Rapsha (2010-04-06)

still NO CRACK!

haizivs888 (2010-04-06)

CRACK Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

Satan_PL (2010-04-06)

So much time passed, I think there will not be any crack for this. Apparently no cracking group is interested in this. Strange, seeing as Assasin's Creed 2 already has a workaround...

dendevil (2010-04-06)

Crack plz, I will always read the comments first before downloading

MFrotzi (2010-04-07)

This game will be cracked some day.
This is the true story about Skidrow and Ubisoft.
"Ubisoft?s master plan has collapsed in under 24-hours, as infamous cracker group Skid-Row has tackled the new DRM and rendered it useless, meaning the only people now suffering with this ridiculous DRM are legitimate owners."
Ubisoft's reply:
"You have probably seen rumors on the web that Assassin?s Creed II and Silent Hunter 5 have been cracked. Please know that this rumor is false and while a pirated version may seem to be complete at start up, any gamer who downloads and plays a cracked version will find that their version is not complete."
*This article was not created by me

alpha43 (2010-04-07)

crack for settlers is 80% completed but it has many bugs so crack will be delayed so have patience friends and as per now AC2 is cracked not 100% though so now DRM is useless coz if one tecnique is cracked then all other games will be cracked in same manner....

 Liman_Bot (2010-04-07)

YES guys Assassins creed 2 iS CRACKed almost whole it stucks at the sequence 12 though but nvm Dormine will fix That.AGAIN THANKS DORMINE UR THE BEST.

brotherscro1 (2010-04-08)

Assasins Creed 2 is cracked completely u can finish the whole game but there are also few bugs that arent fixed

setari (2010-04-08)

No crack for this yet eh? We'll get one eventually, Skidrow or razor will do it! =D

DarkSyden (2010-04-08)

Forget about Razor or Skidrow, there are the russians that are going to make a emulator for Settlers7 . just like AC2

dm30001 (2010-04-09)

All in all, it's just a bunch of 0's and 1's that don't mean anything. ;)

setari (2010-04-09)

As long as someone writes an emulator for it... I want to play this game. T-T Settlers is the bomb. =D

haizivs888 (2010-04-10)

Still NO Crack????

r2007uk (2010-04-10)

Alot of crackheads wanting crack here :D
Did you see what i did? ^^

Satan_PL (2010-04-10)

Heh, so... Much time passed and still no crack :P Funny, it is actually kind of a win situation for Ubisoft, delaying the piriting of their game, the thing they wanted to stop were "day-0"/"day-1" releases and they did just that.
And stop writing about pirating beeing wrong or good here lol It's pirate bay xD And YES I would steal you're house, car and everything you've got. I propably wouldn't bother if I could just copy/paste it though lol

meskalin64 (2010-04-11)

Any point in downloading this? Is there any crack soon?

-Muzzy- (2010-04-11)


Computer_Man (2010-04-11)

That utube link was fake anyway glad it got taken down! Some other games exe + a steam .dll and a text file .rar'ed doesnt = working crack lol!

loadstone007 (2010-04-11)

Need... crack... must... play... settlers... :(

gaffel123 (2010-04-12)

hm. Nice of you if its true you have a crack. Tho im abit worried that you link to a site, that requires you to either pay to download, or sign up for some advertisment stuff.
What im saying is, why not just upload it at tpb and put BETA or Workin in progress/not 100% working or something, instead of upping it to a weird site.
Very nice of you take time trying to crack it tho =) Im looking forward to playing it, since the demo was awsome. But i refuse to pay for a game that requires me to be connected to some shitty servers, whilst playing solo. Im a big fan of the Settlers series, and i own legally Settlers 5 and 6. But since i use my laptop alot on the train due to work.. sigh.
Dang, wall of text. Cheers for your hardwork, crackers =)

pether (2010-04-12)

The crack is fake.
He is just taking the oppertunity to get some cash from noobs.

gaffel123 (2010-04-12)

yeah.. I kinda thought that much, since he didnt up it as a torrent. Cheers for the heads up tho. Since I am a "noob" i can easily be fooled hehe.

anaruk22 (2010-04-12)

to every one r they cracken this one like asc2

Jokks (2010-04-12)

No crack = Uncomplete torrent :(

Computer_Man (2010-04-12)

Do not listen to anyone saying they cracked this game until they can either upload via torrent + be a decent user. You should know the real ones from fakes since all the people know who normally are with Razor1911, Skidrow and RELOADED!

-Muzzy- (2010-04-12)

No thanks :)

Sn0bb (2010-04-12)

There should have been a mention in the info bar that this doesnt include a crack with it. -1 due not having one.

haizivs888 (2010-04-12)

No thanks :)

mikulj (2010-04-12)

still no crack damn

 thenoobish (2010-04-12)

Sn0bb : What part of CLONEDVD didn't you understand????

loadstone007 (2010-04-12)

Anxious to play this already...

Treekodar (2010-04-13)

@ 0n1n3. You're an idiot. Where does it say that TPB is for illegal files only?

Raventhorn (2010-04-13)

Well... TPB is kinda THE spot to find all software you need, and most of the software here is commercially. Some would say you're 'stealing' it, but file-sharing isn't exactly legal nor illegal.
@everyone above comparing piracy and stealing
Pirating (downloading) games is NOT a crime, unlike many instances like you to believe. If it would be, then downloading your new video drivers would be against the law.
The reason why it ISN'T, is because its OPENLY AVAILABLE. Ever heard of someone going to prison for taking a piss in a public toilet? ;)
To be honest, I don't but EVERY game I dl and like, it has to do with the replayability. I'd rate it this way:
If its replayable, buy it!
If it has an awesome multiplayer, buy it!
If it has a fucking retarded DRM (Ubi style), DON'T buy it!!

funkyjg (2010-04-13)

This is completely worthless without a crack, I am experienced with torrents and their is no, NO crack in this torrent, should take this guys pink skull and crossbones away

setari (2010-04-13)

I hope this gets cracked soon. Maybe I should just go buy it though. Even with the shitty ubisoft servers, I would get to play it. =D
Buuuut I'm too lazy to do that so I'll just wait a month or however long it takes. Settlers is totally worth the wait for a crack/server/whatever. =D

pether (2010-04-13)

funkyjg: If you are so experienced with torrents you should know what clonedvd is. You dont gain 'torrentexperience' by just pressing download.

MorningStorm (2010-04-13)

Well... TPB is kinda THE spot to find all software you need, and most of the software here is commercially. Some would say you're 'stealing' it, but file-sharing isn't exactly legal nor illegal.
@everyone above comparing piracy and stealing
Pirating (downloading) games is NOT a crime, unlike many instances like you to believe. If it would be, then downloading your new video drivers would be against the law.
The reason why it ISN'T, is because its OPENLY AVAILABLE. Ever heard of someone going to prison for taking a piss in a public toilet? ;)
To be honest, I don't but EVERY game I dl and like, it has to do with the replayability. I'd rate it this way:
If its replayable, buy it!
If it has an awesome multiplayer, buy it!
If it has a fucking retarded DRM (Ubi style), DON'T buy it!!
You good sir, are a retard.
-Downloading isnt illegal, so downloading drivers which are FREE OF CHARGE ofcourse inst to. But downloading(stealing) stuff you have to pay for like games isnt allowed. Therefor your comparison between games and video card drivers is completly retarted.
-If it's pulbicly avaible your still not allowed to steal it. Pissing in a public toilet is what the damn thing is for. Takeing a dump in someones frontyard is not allowed. So what the fuck are you talking about as long as something is openly avaible the laws dont count for it.
- What does a public toilet even have to with downloading games anyway.
- When you download a game on TPB you obviously have a working internet connection. So that means you can play Ubisofts games with their DRM. So its not stupid. Your just nerd raging because you cant get your game for free. Lol fail.

pether (2010-04-13)

MorningStorm: Hey retard.
No, it isnt illegal to download, but in many countries it is still sadly illegal to upload. A big difference. Hopefully the old consumer and culture hating politicians will die off soon.
And yet again, downloading isnt stealing, it is pirating. Have you even read the law? For stealing to be stealing, there has to be a victim that loses something real. Copying something that exists in infinite numbers isnt stealing.
So go fuck yourself noob.

 thenoobish (2010-04-13)

funkyjg : it seems that you have no experience at all with torrents. What part of CLONEDVD doesn't you understand ??

loadstone007 (2010-04-13)

Can't someone here BAN terevis for spamming?

StormtrooperZ (2010-04-13)

@funkyjg: thenoobish uploaded a legitimate file. There is no single crack yet for this game (afaik) so just be thankful he actually took the time to share the base game, instead of bashing him and his thrusted status. Considering you brag about the fact that you are experienced with torrents, makes me think you never actually pay for a game. If you actually took some time to read the first two comments on this download you would've noticed that there is no crack included. Retard.
This is completely worthless without a crack, I am experienced with torrents and their is no, NO crack in this torrent, should take this guys pink skull and crossbones away

StormtrooperZ (2010-04-13)

Oops, the above comment includes a quoted message from funkyjg. It's the last two lines: "This is completely worthless without a crack, I am experienced with torrents and their is no, NO crack in this torrent, should take this guys pink skull and crossbones away". Forgive me for my inability to remove it.

DarkSyden (2010-04-13)

The game is already cracked, just gotta make some tests and I will post a video link soon (like AC 2 )

Raventhorn (2010-04-13)

Thanks, you too!
Besides, have you ever tried this DRM? If so, then you probably also know that it stinks as Ubi cant provide enough bandwidth to allow everyone that actually bought the game to log in. So MY working Internet connection has nothing to do with it, Ubi's does.
I admit, I could have used a better thing than a public toilet, but its still the same point. Downloading isn't illegal, uploading is in some countries (as pether already said).
And no, I'm not nerd raging because I can't get the game for free. In fact, if it didn't have this retarded DRM, I'd already have bought it! And as you're on TPB as well, you shouldn't complain about that, cuz you too get it for free ;)

gaffel123 (2010-04-13)

I decided to buy the game. I love the settlers series, but the whole having to be online to a server, to play Solo really ticks me off. But, i think that once a crack comes out, ill implement it - so that i can play while im traveling and places where there arent any intnernett conection. The whole DRM discussion is probably pointless, as to I read somewhere the other day, that Ubi have said that theire DRM is here to stay, no matter how much complaints they get about it. *sigh*
With that said.. Cheers for all your hard work, crackers =)

peer8ship (2010-04-14)

Well if DarkSyden doesn't come through, TPB could always use a few martyrs namely - you! And anyone else who has a legit copy. If you're not to engrossed by the game itself, and if you genuinely want to fight this drm in some way you could always help the peeps in this forum :

They're trying to figure out the pair values / triggers for the game in order to make a working server emulator. Look on the bright side, if they succeed you get to play the game offline a year from now without placing any false hopes on UBI releasing an offline patch. Then again, you might agree that what UBI is doing is right from their POV and that this DRM is a necessary inconvenience in order to combat piracy. They are after all a business, and who in their right mind would not want 100% return/profit for their investment. Do or don't, partake or defer, like EA's slogan, "play it your way" *rolleyes*.
Hate to admit it but UBI's cloud-copy-protection is a pretty good anti-piracy initiative. Just a little niggle but... CLOUD copy protection my ass, as if this has anything to do with cloud computing!? Nothing but jive and BS marketing buzz on UBI's part. I'll believe this is cloud copy protection when I see their games offered on Perlman's OnLive service till then they should seriously STFU.

mppl (2010-04-14)

terevis, pathetic

lukyboy99 (2010-04-14)

crack isn't downloadabel. just wait the link above doesn't work.

degusto (2010-04-14)

YOU MUST WAIT! There is being developed one jus like for AC2 an cs.rin but it is in it's early stages. 0.05 i recal today. So be patient people!

azper (2010-04-14)

I'm cooking up the crack right now, fiends and homies. Be patient and you'll get your fix.

Cadrax (2010-04-14)

RoughNeck205 when i find u ill Twist ur neck so bad , that ur head comes off. and when it does Im so gonna fuck ur brains out til ur head ain't nothing more then a pic of meat lying on the floor. then ill let mah dog eat u D: kk ty. now back 2 teh DDR case and all, its being a real bother... i have been checking trying 2 crack it and hell i cant make a dent in it 2 say it, When i first started cracking i started with Old games seing they had poor protection and all :p if u learn how do it, u can easily learn the rest ur self. but ofc true geniuses like Razor and the others... well i cant compare my self 2 them theyr just on a diffrent lvl then me. finished downloading and all. ill wait for a Crack goodluck XD been 1 month and 1week now shuld be around the corner sum where ey? :D

bryandil (2010-04-14)

im scared to click that link now.... anyone braver care to verify my suspicions? :p well i hope this gets cracked soon looks fun and it would be yet another slap in the face to that damned DRM or DMR or whatever

Haakonas (2010-04-14)

Can we get a crack placed on a Normal link? Instead of some shit that takes my personal Info?

loadstone007 (2010-04-14)

@epsilon11 - couldn't agree more with your words.

Heinosity (2010-04-15)

Actually there are alot of people trying to crack this at the moment. I have been following their progress on the forums they use to communicate, and it sounds petty complicated. It won't take long though, there are some serious Einsteins working on it.

pether (2010-04-15)

PoENoZ: I have tried that, but it doesnt work. What version are you trying with?

maxxcreator (2010-04-16)

DarkSyden may u give us more information comrade?

bob_geldof (2010-04-16)

dont listen to the donkey of course it does not work for this game..wait for a real crack....

Cadrax (2010-04-16)

RoughNeck205: anyone can find porn u retard give me a crack not some bullshit i can find myself -.-'

setari (2010-04-16)

No emu server yet eh? Damn. T_T

loadstone007 (2010-04-16)

@Azper: Great news :)

alpha43 (2010-04-16) crack till now...fucking ubisoft screwed the gamers again...

pether (2010-04-16)

The crask is going on nicely i saw.
Can get into the game and start, but nothing else so far, cant build.

DarkSyden (2010-04-17)

The emulator for Settlers 7 is done.Watch my video on how to play it by typing in the utube search the user merobertq (my account) since I can t post utube links on TPB, you can find the video on my account.Enjoy

mppl (2010-04-17)

@ DarkSyden;
Thx man. keep it up!

maxxcreator (2010-04-17)

Darksyden by the deepest part of my soul i say thank u comrade in arms

pether (2010-04-17)

Just so you know. The crack Darksyden is talking about does not work. And all he has done is to steal it from the people who are making it and call it his own.

DarkSyden (2010-04-17)

@pether Nop I did not stealed is just to help ppl I even posted link to help guys with the real game for the values!

maxxcreator (2010-04-17)

When will we have a proper emulator?

DarkSyden (2010-04-17)

I don't think I will update the video soon since many bitching around about credits even if I posted them...

maxxcreator (2010-04-17)

Comrade u gave other ppl credits so those stupid comrades who are bitching around are just idiots and the server.exe has got credits on it too, could u plz give us a proper emulator comrade, i have been watiing for this game for so long

DarkSyden (2010-04-17)

I will ''comrade'' but this is still in beta test also for those who have original s7 please support them at cs rin to find values and complete the emulator,prolly gonna be completed in 4-5 days I don't know for sure :) meanwhile trying to figure a way to fix the build button

DarkSyden (2010-04-17)

Sorry but I deleted the video, some1 else upload another one if he wants I quitted.

maxxcreator (2010-04-17)

Sad to know u quit comrade but anyway thanks for all ur efforts and for the amazing work with AC2

Satan_PL (2010-04-17)

@DarkSyden stop this bullshit. You even added redme to archiwe that says you did this, and obviously you didn't. BESIDES this is not done, I researched it quite well, they've hit a wall, they are most propably NOT going to finish the emulator. Anyway, go to THE SOURCE:

Satan_PL (2010-04-17)

@maxxcreator you DO know, that he just STOLE the program? Even the creators on their forums said so. This is obvious to most thinking ppl out there too...

loadstone007 (2010-04-17)

That crack seems to be getting more of a fantasy... damn :(

peer8ship (2010-04-17)

This spat between you and DarkSyden is both ridiculous and pointless. YOU CANNOT STEAL A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!
Especially :
1)if it's software;
2)if it is open source and is FREE;
3)when it is used to circumvent copyright.
Most importantly you CANNOT STEAL A WORK IN PROGRESS!! Especially one that is in the pre-alpha stages of development. WHY??? Because it makes no sense to do so, and accomplishes nothing at present, so why bitch about it. Plagiarism is a another matter altogether and you know what? Even that accusation would be groundless at this juncture.
If DarkSyden wants to operate under the hubris that his lone efforts are the decisive factor of this outcome, LET HIM. If that is what motivates him, then let him do what he must, what he wants. Let him operate under any illusion or preconveived notion(s) if by doing so he operates under a higher level of efficacy.
This is the same shit that happened with AC2 and regardless it is now common knowledge that we have Dormine to thank for the server emu. Have a little more faith in the inquisitive nature of your fellow pir8's to sift through the muck and mire of what is and what's what.
Do not deride. Instead enforce, suggest, inform and aid in a constructive manner : all within the singular purpose of getting a working emu going. Isn't that what's important?!?! If and when one might arise, and enables partial playthrough, then go on ahead and whine about proper street creds. And when you do, enforce your anal retentive scene rules that is, be sure to bring up the one about how -={: a server emulator is not deemed a proper 'crack' and should be nuked (even if it ENABLES you to play the game) :}=-. I'm sure you'll find plenty of support there *snicker*.
I'm a gamer first and foremost, and everthing else as a forethought (like 99.99999% of the other TPB users). In short, we're pir8's. Remember : pir8's are neither morally corrupt, nor morally enlightened, we just have no morals LOL.

peer8ship (2010-04-17)

damn typos : meant 'afterthought' not 'forethought'.

obix57 (2010-04-17)

@peer8ship well said :)

mistyowre (2010-04-17)

Horrible Horrible.

anglaport (2010-04-17)

i would do horrible things for a crack right now... like buying the game =/

gaffel123 (2010-04-17)

heh yeah. I bought the game myself, and i love the game. It just pisses me off that i have to be connected to some god damn servers to play solo. (which i prefer). I cant bring it with me when im traveling trains, due to work :( So im dropping in here now and then, hoping for a crack hehe =)
Anyways - Cheers for your hard work crackers! And good luck!

Satan_PL (2010-04-17)

Posting unfinished emu, saying it is working and that you are the maker... That guy is just mentally retarded. An idiot. That's what I wanted to say. Steal was not the right word :P I posted the original link to forums, but plz stop asking stupid questions. It is not working yet, read the first post, it WILL be updated IF the emu is ever done...

loadstone007 (2010-04-17)

Holy Settler! I've been playing the campaign for about an hour, and it works flawlessly! This is thanks to the forum working on it!
I bet they will release a final version so everyone can enjoy this!

DarkSyden (2010-04-17)

@Satan_PL Cool story, bro

Satan_PL (2010-04-17)

Umm, yeah, I've seen someone uploaded some reconnecting version of emu files... I still have to confirm that, but i'll hope it works :) Will see In about 4 hours ^^

DarkSyden (2010-04-17)

Ouh yeah just finished 1st campaign, this game rocks!

Satan_PL (2010-04-17)

The game is buggy as hell lol but yeah it works. Problems with warehouses and recruiting, but if you are hardcore you can give it a try... Still plz don't post these files yet, let's wait till it gets fixed for a proper release, I can't imagine all the newbs complaining... Those who have time can go to forums and post some positive feedback ;) It's amazing how a brainstorm like that made a crack hehe

DarkSyden (2010-04-17)

@Satan if you wanted to know I tried to make the real settlers7 owners to check the rin forums and help the crew into finding a way to make s7 work for all

Satan_PL (2010-04-17)

@DarkSyden, if you say so :P I lol'd when I saw on first post that makers started to be quite mad and posted a link to "teach a child to read" site lol Made my day xD I shouldn't have posted the link to forums heh

Satan_PL (2010-04-18)

I finished first mission of campaign, needed to restart server app few times and spam login button a lot. Later the only relevant bug was that you can only use 1 warehouse. Besides that, a success.

Heinosity (2010-04-18)

I agree, taking the unfinished, non-working emu and posting it is ridiculous. Why post it at all knowing it's unfinished? Just to fuck with people?
Anyway, a 100% working emu for this is not looking good, if anyone is interested you can get a legit key from cdkeyhouse for $22.99 instead of paying $49.99 on steam or whatever.

Satan_PL (2010-04-18)

I've played through 2 campaign missions. Broken storhouses stopped me from doing mission 3. But It looks promosing, I even joined multiplayer (!) and you can buy things at ingame shop, most social network funcionts work too. I say, it looks VERY good. I've collected all the scattered files and posted at forums, so it's a good way to see how the game is, even play thorugh a mission or two. Still, this is beta or alpha even. You want to relax? STAY OUT lol

DarkSyden (2010-04-18)

Actually I passed that stage, now I am at the 4th campaign, all I can say is 2/3 scores acomplished, now we only need Splinter Cell Conviction :>

DarkSyden (2010-04-18)

I reuploaded my video since the emulator is done and I am playing with no probs, go to utube and type merobertq, you should see my first video there! Have fun

Satan_PL (2010-04-18)

The emulator is still broken, storehouses bug prevent from playing, and devs are going to release new server version. Stop uploading those crappy videos since it is STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS moron... Water is never moved either, so don't lie about passing missions 3 or that you know better than the devs, since you know shit.

haizivs888 (2010-04-18)

still no crack damn

Edmid (2010-04-18)

WEEEEE!!! go to cavedog8's link and download emulator and the game will work :D :D :D it works for me :D

Satan_PL (2010-04-18)

Edmid, it is still broken. You can play 2 first missions of campaign and can never use more than 1 storehouse. Storehouse workers do not work, so they wont move goods between other storehouses or gather water.

italian3034 (2010-04-19)

had no problem installing and the forum crack works just fine so kudos to u and the person that posted forum thanks....

Satan_PL (2010-04-19)

Latests findings are bad, it looks like there might be no working emu after all. DRM protection is almost all about storehouse management. The thing you have now is all we're gonna get atm :( I hope they'll find the answer for that, but devs seem really confused to me right now.

anuzbitt (2010-04-19)

here u go guys emu & crack worked for me
try it out

Godalamatieta (2010-04-19)

can anyone confirm this cause I don't want any virusses on my pc. I hope it's working!! I waited so long

mantasLT (2010-04-20)

so... there will by crack or no?

dm30001 (2010-04-20)

search google for your system requirements and trailers ;)

Satan_PL (2010-04-20)

@mantasLT - No, there will be no crack soon, it looks to me like only few people are working on it, using the "old" AC2 emu. And after 1.03 patch even that is not working anymore. Let's wait a month and we will see. One of the guys, Adhome said he's tired with it, I hope he will not quit :(

mantasLT (2010-04-20)

thats sad.... :(

Janchito (2010-04-20)

In the store.. ;)

kdra (2010-04-20)

I have same thing. I need to register product and product-key needed. Where can i find this?

kdra (2010-04-20)

I belive some pirate can help! Store is not an option Janchito :D

Godalamatieta (2010-04-20)

@kdra, just read some comments from earlier on and you will know we're all waiting for a crack or emu andyou can't use a keygen

lifemare (2010-04-21)
@anuzbit: What happened to this torrent?

zaibazu (2010-04-21) sells cdkeys for ?16.49 till friday. If I get one of these keys, can I play using this torrent ?

asdar54 (2010-04-21)

hey I couldn install the game correctly it says a file s missing
can anybody help me with the installation at least?

asdar54 (2010-04-21)

hey I think Ive found the crack
Could someone please check if Its a virus or anything of that sort

asdar54 (2010-04-21)

and someone please tell me how to correctly install it!

asdar54 (2010-04-21)

oh I forgot the link is

asdar54 (2010-04-21)

anybody can help me with the installatio?

asdar54 (2010-04-21)

hey it always tells me CRC ERROR the file D:\THE SETTLERS 7-PATHS TO A

nedswife (2010-04-21)

MESSAGE TO THE CREATORS OF DRM PROTECTED PC GAMES.....You actually think you are SO clever. I too, bought the game not realising I had to be online to play it. I am absolutely furious because I can't always GET online so I am coming here, waiting for a crack/emulator, whatever it is. By making it so these games can only be played while online, you are actually pissing off paying customers. Putting protection like this on the games is not going to stop you losing money, all you are doing is sending ppl like me, to websites like this, looking for a way to play my BOUGHT game while offline, and oh! heck, wait a minute, seeing as I am here, why don't I have a look around and see if there's some other game i might like! Only PURE GENIUS could think of something like that!! I DON'T have unlimited internet access per month, and I like to play pc games a LOT. It would therefore cost me a lot more money if I had to stay online just to play them. I don't like playing against other people online either, just like to play by myself. This game is a piece of crap if i can't play it when i want to. Some TRUE genius will find a way to play this game offline anyway you idiots. Here's one big FAT finger to you!!!!!

zenko90 (2010-04-21)

Somebody please try find a Crack or a serialkey for this game.

zenko90 (2010-04-21)

And try to get somebody who has actually bought the game so he/she could just like write down the serial key so we could start playing the game.

Myth0x (2010-04-21)


gaffel123 (2010-04-22)

I bought it legit, cause i wanted to be able to play. But I travel alot due to work, so i bring my lap for some evening gaming. Im a big fan of solo playing games like Heroes of might and magic, Dragon age - Settler series - etc. So having to be online all the time is fucking retarded. =) So im dropping in here often, to see if a crack is availible - thus giving me my god given right to play what I bought.
So there, ya weasel! =)
With manly love
The steffen

gaffel123 (2010-04-22)

Doh - i misread your post. hehe .. ofc no one will give up theire legit key =) I read "No one who buys it legit will come here"
My bad. I kinda answered to the obvious.

MikeHaggarKJ (2010-04-22)

wtf, no the server emulator does not require an internet connection. ive played several hours offline of ac2 without problems.
that said i heard that skidrows new crack works with any ubi drm game, so gaffel you might finally be able to play the game offline:D

loadstone007 (2010-04-22)

I heard that the Skidrow crack was tested on this game, and does not work.
The only available & working server emulation does start the game, but there are many bugs and problems with gameplay.
Hopefully Skidrow will notice the game, and crack it as well. It's the same protection, so it shouldn't take long if they try.

 Liman_Bot (2010-04-22)

U heard SHIT test it on ur own and u l see u can hear a bunch of shity lies and say ive hear...but like this u can tell us if it realy works or if it doesent

asdar54 (2010-04-22)

cna anybody hel pe installing?

axel007seve (2010-04-23)

WTF....just buy the's cheap.
only 40 $

freedom12 (2010-04-23)

how the fuck is that cheap you

Satan_PL (2010-04-23)

I gave up on waiting, what I saw on the forums during last few days made me give up on the emu at all, ubi won that one (I was sitting there a lot, reading and not spamming stupid questions that made tracking the thing much harder :/)

pether (2010-04-23)

Actually. Ubi lost out on the game. No pirating = Less people playing it = Less people buying it.

miberen (2010-04-23)

Too bad the "crack" is taking so long, oh well, rather wait another month than being suckered into actually buying and supporting a company that wont let you play the game you bought where you want, when you want and how you want.

loadstone007 (2010-04-23)

The only hope is SKIDROW.

nedswife (2010-04-23)

PMSL @ Freedom12 :) I don't usually think obscene language is necessary on sites like this, but oh my Gawd, that was beautifully said!
IMHO, ubi haven't won anything. Look at what little computer history we have, and almost from the beginning, there have been Programming Wizards able to crack any new protection these companies have used. Really, is there ANY protection that hasn't been cracked?
My guess is there is a race on out there between a few ppl who want to be the FIRST to get the emulator right! I'm sure we will have a working one soon.

Stumpertje (2010-04-23)

A company that does this shit doesnt earn it to be supported. 'Online Service Platform'? FUCK YOU UBISOFT! Cant play the DAMN game if your aren't online.....

anuzbitt (2010-04-24)

totally agreed Stumperti

kauken (2010-04-24)

Varning!!!!! Ladda inte ned detta. Kukrumpan som lagt upp denna orkade inte skriva att DET INTE GÅR ATT SPELA. DETTA ÄR ALLTSÅ INGET SPEL BARA EN ...KOPIA AV HANS SPEL. SÅ HAR DU INGEN NYCKEL ( FINNS INGEN PÅ PB) SÅ KAN DU INTE SPELA. ÖDSLA INTE TID.

Nerdy666 (2010-04-24)

i just wonder when will an official CRACK like that of the ASSASIN's Creed 2 gonna come out?...
i bought the AC2 not knowingly that the game should be connected to the i-net before playing the game..and to my surprise..when i-net and DRM servers were down and haven't played the game..i got pissed off looking for a crack and there it is..just made my life easier...
one thing that is good about buying legit copies is could use it for COLLECTION but how good does a game collected when you can't even play it...?hehehe..
well i just hope those leading force doing this could make a new working crack..and probably notice the game..that we are also..many and wanting to play this stupid DRM GAME...
any news from the makers of it? please..tia..hehehe

pether (2010-04-24)

kauken: Vet du vad Clone DVD är för något?

unrealdj (2010-04-24)

first off mother fucking kauken
Your a fucking idiot SHUT , THE FUCK, UP.
It DOES fucking work, but the emulator is being made right now still so you can only do a few missions, consider it half cracked and u can play half way. The crack isn't a crack its a server emulator. This is fucking fine for DL.
I'm getting sick of the obvious fucking Ubisoft employee's aka third party posters paid by ubi spamming these fucking forums with DRM wins bullshit when it clearly fucking loses. Same fucking bs said about AC2 and I played ac2 start to finish pirated already.
All this shit just so the fucking stock holders have something to look at and grin, but mother fuckers I'm sure edit out over 80% of the fucking comments on here.
I'm gonna start sending stock holders direct links to the the fucking pages here so they can read all of it not just what some stupid ass fucking ubi employees are posting then editing out later. Mother fuckers.

Nerdy666 (2010-04-24)

i just hope the server emulator or like the AC 2 DRM crack that does not make any programs or what so ever just that it triggers the program to work without internet connection...would come out very soon...: (
hopefully it will...cause im waiting for this game and i got pissed off at buying my legit ubisoft games for the sake of collecting it..and playing them..but hell it is always a pain in the ass when internet and servers are down and can't do anything but stare my Ubisoft CD...that needs the DRM or Connection thru the net to make it work...
damn..hope someone could put up a link where we could actually track how's the crack for this game progresses..or some news maybe..
anyway..hope it would come out very soon..WAHHH SKIDROW or RAZOR911 : ( elp

nedswife (2010-04-24)

MY GOD I am getting SOOOO irritated !! Will ppl please STOP ASKING WHEN THE EMULATOR IS GOING TO BE FINISHED!!!!!!!
I think half the posts here are asking if one will come out, when it will come out, will it work, hope somebody notices we need one. OF COURSE SOMEONE HAS NOTICED WE NEED ONE YOU IDIOTS!!! Some of you seem to think that hey, someone can just click their fingers and hey presto!! a server emulator!!! You should thank your lucky stars that there are even ppl out there trying to do this for YOU. You just have to sit back and wait.... You don't need to post and ask is one out yet... Someone will post here when it is ready

Nerdy666 (2010-04-24)

dont take it too personal idiot...youre the one's getting yourself irritated at no point at all...youre acting less mature than you are...
that is why comments or write comments is included in the torrent DL thread because people wanna share thoughts..and express their feelings
go make you're own site with no posting of comments for torrent files so you won't get irritated..hahaha
just so you're the one's causing youre own irritation at yourself..
i just thought you need to get to a psychiatrist to check yourself man..hahaha..seriously..
i dont see any point why and why act so immature..when your just one those people yapping and yapping like a duck..
anyway..its good thing comments are here in such a way..they would know..there are people waiting and supporting the game...especially the crack...
without proper notice the crack or emulator would never be in progress...or such
anyway goodluck with youre own stupidity..haha

gonzogoos (2010-04-25)

FYI Skidrow broke it AND hacked Ubifail's website, lol! Crack is coming soon.
The hack:
The crack NEWS:

InterloopingJoe (2010-04-25)

Thanks gonz for the update. I was checking on this torrent from day to day to see what was up.
I'm glad to see future ubi games won't be an issue now. Yay Skidrow..

loadstone007 (2010-04-25)

@gonzogoos, this picture is fake. You should know better.
And about the news, it was published for cracking AC2. There was not statement that they are now cracking this game as well.
We can just hope they will.

Nerdy666 (2010-04-25)

thanks for the effort man...thought its a different one...i appreciate it..hehehe..: )

jesaug205 (2010-04-25)

nerdy666 - If you are going to comment... Please do so in a constructive way.... You might be right that nedswife is overreacting but dude... Starting to call him an idiot, immature and psycho makes you none the better...

Nerdy666 (2010-04-25)

..i know...well look first who made the move before thinking that way..first of all it's not our choice to be commented that way
if you were to comment on such a good manner and someone's going to tell to stop it cause it irritates one user but not the whole community...would you not be offended?where as it benefits to other users that they would know that there a lot of people waiting for something w/c is not out yet and commenting in a nice way...and would give them a choice..if you understand what i mean...
and please..i dont have any issues with you so please dont bark on the wrong tree..

Nerdy666 (2010-04-25)

anyway just to comment on the settlers 7 crack that was posted yesterday...
after i downloaded this torrent file ill make sure ill use the crack and give some feedbacks from it so other users would know if it is good and working
just not to get off the topic..: )

jesaug205 (2010-04-26)

Nerdy666 - No issues right back at ya. Merely trying to show you that there might be a better way to bring forth the exact same message as you did, but in a way that doesent invite others to start picking at you to :P Just prefer to see clean and civilized responses, both the good and the bad ones :) Get my drift?

Nerdy666 (2010-04-26)

alright man..thanks for the tip... long has it been?since this game was cracked?...or started to get cracked?...
cause..well..if it took AC2 atleast 1 may be the same for this game...
also for Splinter Cell Conviction...: )

Raventhorn (2010-04-26)

I hope not... I'd really like to play this game, the last one (Settlers 6) was awesome, and since there aint a new AoE (started to suck big time) I havent played a lot of these games...
Wanna see the cartoonishness and funny figures with ma own eyes... :D

PyroCylla (2010-04-26)

DRM is such a pain in the ass even for the legit users...

Nerdy666 (2010-04-26)

hehe..yeah me like to see those cute funny fat builders..though...
totally agree...specially when youre internet is down...complete...failure

Cody900 (2010-04-27)

Razor have released a crack for this now, torrent should be coming up on here soon, and the crack shortly after that.
Hold tight guys, it is coming.

ilikechoco5 (2010-04-27)

yes razor has posted the crack but its with the full game.... rather it be JUST the crack

Nerdy666 (2010-04-27)

tnx for theads up...
just a minor concern..when i looked up the recently uploaded by RAZOR
the DVD cover art for the game is FROM the SETTLERS 6 rise of an Empire...

Nerdy666 (2010-04-27)

hahaha...good news thanks a lot for the info..highly appreciated

ciscoman (2010-04-27)

When I copy over the crack contents, it keeps saying cannot copy file 1911.dll....access is denied...make sure the disk is not full or write protected
anyone else getting? I have followed all other directions and no probs

mtvnot (2010-04-27)

thank you uploader,it has been a very fast download! cheerio :thumbsup:

DarkSyden (2010-04-27)

I have posted the Settlers 7 Razor1911 crack on my utube page, download it from there if you want

Cosm1c_Gam3r (2010-04-27)

They finally cracked DRM shit in all ubishitsoft :]
I played settlers 7 demo and I was so disappointed that I dont want to even check this release :] its not settlers series for me anymore :\ its like simple RTS/strategy game, no more fun in watching SLOW growing village like in settlers 1 and 2... now they build everything in TURBO speed... fucking boring smplified game. Settlers series died past S 2......
Back to DRM I play AC II and Im in half of game and I discovered 1 issue, game CTD every 5-6 hours... its weird and I suspect that they miss something in crack. I read that when ubisoft DRM was cracked once then rest is simple so DRM failed and scene and pirates win again... :)

DarkSyden (2010-04-27)

After staying a few minutes afk on the settlers 7 menu I saw all the Razor's jokes about Skidrow, lawl they are bad

matis2 (2010-04-28)

My game runs fine with good graphics, but starts to lag every 10 sec... help ! :(
Nvidia Geforce 8800gt
2,00 GB RAM
Processor:Intel Core 2 duo CPU
Win. Vista 32-bit

matis2 (2010-04-28)

*every 10 sec..

clark24 (2010-04-28)

if you did everything correctly and the game is crashing when you hit esc. Right click on the exe and run as admin it finally worked after 2 fresh re-installs. just for to run as admin

nedswife (2010-04-28)

many thanks to the noobish for the upload, and I'm going to try the crack right now!
@ nerdy 666
Now, let's see if I can phrase this "maturely".
Just so you know.....Ducks do not "yap", they "quack".
Nerdy, I did not take anything personally but it seems that you did. I did not call YOU an idiot personally, and I did not tell you seek a psychaiatrist.
Thank you for pointing out TWICE that I irritated myself. Once would have been enough so maybe you should read through your comments and edit them before you press the "submit" button. Alternatively, it might be a good idea for you to learn some proper english grammar, spelling and punctuation.
If people would read just a few of the comments already posted on a particular torrent, they would already see whether a crack has been made without having to repeatedly ask. All this does, is take up space and others who come along have to read through the same questions over and over to find what they are looking for, which quite frankly, irritates me.
Everyone has the right to their own opinion. It was so nice to come here and express my feelings.
btw, other people make comments on different torrents on this site and use language like f**k, c**t, yet I post with the worst word being "idiot" and I get roasted!

baibur (2010-04-28)

is v1.01 also first required plz solve the confusion

nedswife (2010-04-29)

@ baibur
I just installed the game, then the 1.02 patch and crack from razor. If you have bought the game and are going online to play it, it will patch automatically. I didn't want to go online to play every time so I downloaded Razor's "update & crack *repack*. You don't need the emulator if you use this update and crack. If you only want to play offline, then disable Ubisoft access on your firewalls. (Sorry if I have given too much info, one never knows how much the other person knows about this stuff.)

brillmann (2010-05-01)


Raver(GLO) (2010-05-01)

>.< 54dwn 87up

iGrant (2010-05-01)

Can anyone confirm that this is better than Razor1911's release? - less buggy?

shinegun (2010-05-01)

I have a problem, I'm asking it everywhere. From 2 to 2 seconds it freezes and make the game impossible to play. My gc is 285 gtx(nvidia), i have an i7, win7 32 bit with everything updated, and the game works but this lag makes it impossible to play. Any help?

G_Kickass (2010-05-02)

Please seed!!!!! 7kb/s that made 2 days i download and i am at 22%. seed pls
(sorry for my english)

partychief (2010-05-02)

hey...where do i find the product key?? i have looked everywhere... i seem to have installed the game properly, and had to create an account at ubisoft...and now i need a product key to launch the game...anyone?

AnalCrust (2010-05-04)

Nerdy666, enjoy your virginity.

vergil80 (2010-05-04)

anyone knows how to resolve the lag problem?it's lagging from 10 in 10 sec

JU5T1C3 (2010-05-04)

People who have the lag/freeze for 10sec every 10min, this is to do with the broken autosave in the game which is apparently fixed in the 1.03 patch.
The only way to get around it is, buying the game, wating to see if a 1.03 NoCD exe comes out for the game or finding a way to disable the autosave feature in the game which I have not been able to find.

setari (2010-05-04)

Anyone got a trainer working for this yet? 1.02?

setari (2010-05-04)

Someone should buy the trainers from and upload them, they have 1.02 and 1.03 trainers :) I would but no cash at the moment...

svadilfari (2010-05-04)

wow that game sucks

svadilfari (2010-05-04)

no surprise unfortunately

Deathrazor (2010-05-05)

If i link facebook to settlers 7 will they catch the pirate?

IQ98 (2010-05-05)

The game starts butt its very laggy. I play AVP3 whit out any lagg.

SQRL101 (2010-05-06)

this iso includes MAC installation as well ... right?!?! can someone please check, i havent seen the mac release anywhere just yet, figured that this one might be 2 in 1

evol-23 (2010-05-08)

Seed please, id like to play it tonight hopefully.

Black-Virus (2010-05-09)


bstraat (2010-05-16)

I can start the game but I have to register the product??? what have i done wrong??

goozer66 (2010-06-03)

Where can i find the key???

xaximus (2010-06-08)

Is it possible to install the new 1.05 patch and still use the crack/emulator?

piemaster18 (2010-06-14)

if anyone can i help im kinda new to this but i downloaded the torrent installed and all that then updated with ubisoft and now its asking for a cd key where did i go wrong if anyone can help me that would be awesome

Weedalot (2010-06-20)

I installed the razor version + cracked and it autoupdated to 1.06 and when i launch it now nothing happens
any idea guys?

la_cross37 (2010-06-21)

will there be a new crack for a newer version of the game? I would really want to update my game to 1.04 or 1.05

luftiminho (2010-06-23)

way pu a game with no crack? your an asshole

la_cross37 (2010-06-28)

Do anyone know if or when there will be a crack for a later version of the game like version 1.05?

epicanadian (2010-06-28)

it didnt ask me for a key code

friend99 (2010-06-29)


kicsi666 (2010-06-29)


laurentziu1993 (2010-09-19)

I have one problem , when I start the game it must repack and for version 1.09 I couldn't find any crack . I tried to stop the update but it sad that the game could not start without it . If somebody can help me with a crack or keygen just let me a comment .

LeitrinG (2010-09-23)

The fact is that Assassin's Creed 2 has been cracked.
I downloaded a crack for AC 2 and I suddenly skipped all the parts of logging in and etc.
AC 2 was a GREAT game, and I had no problems during gameplay :)

LeitrinG (2010-09-25)

About my last comment, the crack was obviously from Razor1991.
All hail Razor

mojo5040 (2010-09-28)

im trying to download this game at 1,3mbs but it doesnt go any further then 0% the health is over 4000% how come ?

DavveLeeto (2010-11-04)

Seed some more pls, realy slow.

telep_man (2011-01-03)

Ok so I started the game and autopatch showed up, took me 2 hours to downlad patch 1.11, then I installed it, updated Ubisoft launcher, and then - it tells me to log in. Is there a way around it?

Elfoen (2011-01-16)

Is it working on a mac os X 10.6.6 ??

Unit431 (2011-02-07)

Disappointing that none of the groups have bothered to crack any of the patches. Up to 1.08 at the moment, with a veritable fuckload of issues fixed. Game's not worth playing without the patches.

mx420 (2011-02-21)

is this game being worked on by any of the teams?
Ive played a bit of single player and the game is great and i want to do some MP with the GF but i REFUSE to support drm, this whole not owning things or having a right to resell shit is getting out of hand.. i will not support that.
lol so anyone have any news on wether it will even be worked on or is noone gona bother?

caterdevil (2011-03-11)

could someone plzz say what the game key is i cant find it :)

mole_dd (2011-03-20)

AUTOSAVE PROBLEM every 5 minutes or so? Leave web browser open when you start the game! Autosave will now take only two seconds instead of 20.

mole_dd (2011-03-20)

oh, yea, and the game works perfect! Just apply the razor update&crack (393Mb)

mole_dd (2011-03-23)

AUTOSAVE PROBLEM... actually you need to leave youtube open (or something that downloads video, redtube, whatever:)... then it works

-HRS- (2011-03-26)

could someone share a link to crack ?
thanks in advance.

-HRS- (2011-03-26)

got it !

Aliih (2011-04-04)

comeone guys seeeeedddd i have 60kb,,thats baaaadd when having a 5mb per second connection :P

1389 (2011-04-27)

i have same problem,i installed,patched,registered and i must enter cd production key.PLEASE HELP! ! !

Whobuysgames (2011-05-04)

as of now i have had no luck finding a 1.12 crack, the 300something MB patch repack is an older version, but it works. it is your best bet to play
if you have patched, you will need to reinstall

Mkvenner123 (2011-05-15)

There is no new crack. Razor made the 1.02 crack only. Actually I have enjoyed this game and seeing the list of changes in subsequent patches makes me want to buy this title but the awful DRM stops me.

tsitsas123 (2011-05-17)

i cant play the game. if anyone knows exactly what i have to do please tell me step by step. thank you

sccr207 (2011-07-19)

Does anyone know if this works on Mac? Or anyway to get this game on Mac?

ftlqed (2011-08-10)

I can't stand torrents anymore, who keeps putting errors every six and 12th piece? It's obvious I eventually get it from the original.

mike88984 (2011-08-29)

Game works perfectly!!! Just don't update!

khigg06 (2011-08-29)

hey can sum1 that has got this game to work give us that havnt sum steps to getting it to work please?
mike88984 mayb?

libertinagrim (2011-09-24)

seed please!

PiratWizard (2011-09-24)

Everything was fine..But when the update comes it just NEEDS to update..if i unplugg my network i just get error..if i have plugged my network it starts updating, and if i close the updating it just comes that i need that update? Help?

drakic (2011-10-20)

This is torrent with crack, working good and no need to update anything.

Ghunter43 (2011-12-13)

@drakic thanks! I was looking for that torrent EVERYWHERE!

Majesticcc (2011-12-29)

22kb =(

RegPulp (2012-02-04)

remember people, this game has had numerous updates, many changes have been made, many many flaws and bugs have been addressed the in the 10+ patches this game has received, without these updates this game is basically a late BETA version. playable, but unfinished and flawed in many areas.

brummiebiker76 (2012-03-12)

i cant uderstandwhats the point upload game without crack, f.. me i just downloaded this without reading comments shiiiiit

Kolke (2012-05-03)

THIS TORRENT IS FULL OF SH*** do not download no VIRUS JUST WASTE OF UR TIME coz no crack and u "thenoobish" is exatcly corrent name... atleast put that mother fuc**** link to a working crack... TRIED THOSE RAZORZ NOT WORKING.... PUT AFTER downloading rasors version of the game TADAA works :D At least SOMEONE does the job good...

mushy110 (2012-05-20)

i need a product key can anyone help please i can't find it anywhere thanks

Stoltz84 (2012-11-02)

Thank you!
Bought this game today for 5$ but my DVD-drive broke down :p

elurosgr (2012-12-25)

No crack in it! Waste of time i suppose!

Green.Lantern (2013-03-01)

elurosgr its a clone dvd you stupid fuck

somebodysy (2013-05-27)

seed!!! low speed download