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Shai Hulud - Misanthropy Pure [2008]






Shai Hulud - Misanthropy Pure [2008]




2008-05-09 (by r3jonwah85)


Shai Hulud - Misanthropy Pure [2008] Fake? Nope. Source: Enjoy. And if you do, buy the record when it´s out. I know I will, pre-ordered autographed :)

Files count:



84.70 Mb




aygh (2008-05-11)

Ignore YourSoDamnClever's idiotic, juvenile comment.
They are an influental hardcore band that is worth checking out.

__ein__ (2008-05-18)

No, YourSoDamnClever, you're still juvenile ;D

outinmy95 (2008-05-20)

yoursodamclever probably doesnt play music and if he does he probably sucks at it
if u play music you would appreciate this bands unique choice of notes...they are musicly a melodic hardcore band...because i dont know how music can tell ppl to be straight edge or "cut their dick off"
that kid is a stupid shit and by the way skycamefalling sucks, they always have sucked and they always will suck.
anyway shai hulud is cool ill check this out im surprised it leaked

outinmy95 (2008-05-20)

and just to clarify music cant tell ppl to be straight edge but vocals can...if your an actual music fan u dont really listen to hardcore or metal for the vocals anyway

TheHumanFly (2008-05-28)

Shai Hulud is not a sxe band, they disclaim having anything to do with sxe. They don't act tough at all, as a matter of fact they're really chill dudes who don't like violence at all. Several members of the band drink. I'm fairly certain only 2 of them are vegetarian. And why shouldn't friends come first?

jpierson86 (2008-05-31)

YourSoDamnClever, if you think SCF is good and shai hulud isnt, you must be retarded. And shouldnt your name be YOU'RE? What a fucking idiot.

BrutalGrind (2008-06-21)

YourSoDamnClevers just made 'cause "hardcore" kids beat him up and stole his girlfriend
ever since that day he's been looking for torrents for hardcore bands to say mean things about, even though it's a complete waste of time to him and pretty much everyone that will waste their time noticing his existence.
p.s. he has a vagina

zccdropout (2009-01-10)

im sxe
and my dick works fine.
ask your mom.

synukrut (2009-04-15)

Why are you guys even replying to him?
Stop feeding juvenile trolls. :P

nickpwns (2009-04-30)

File names are all fucked up. When dragged and dropped into iTunes the album won't stay in order. Get your torrent straight before you upload you cock-mongrel.

kiz0gman (2010-03-08)

possibly the best call i've ever heard from zccdropout! well played sir!
p.s.YourSoDamnClever, sxe hardcore rocks ur mum ALL NIGHT LONG! just ask zccdropout ;)