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Windows Vista Nvidia Evolution Edition






Windows Vista Nvidia Evolution Edition




2008-11-28 (by t_reign)


Windows Vista Nvidia Evolution ----------------------- Windows Version ---------- 6.0.6001 (Service Pack 1 original) Vista Edition -------------- Ultimate Architecture -------------- x86 Install Type -------------- Unattended Eng US (windows will ask you only to select your partition and time zone) Product Key -------------- N/A Activation ---------------- Activated ISO File Size -------------- 1,79 Gb Install Time --------------- About 19 Minutes REMOVED: Extra languages Speech support Windows defender Printers Driver Sample Pictures Windows help and Guided Help That is more or less everything..! UPDATES: All Important Post Service Pack 1 Updates To September 2008 (includes windows Dreamscene but not the content pack due to the excessive space) Because of components removed, you won't need all the hot fixes. New thinker game installed Includes All Direct X 9 & 10 updated until august 2008 (latest). REGISTRY TWEAKS & TRICKS close the CD/DVD tray with right click New full support for systems over 4 gig RAM (it will depend on your motherboard support too) Open new command prompt "here" (Holding the shift button and then right click) Boosted up The "copy-paste" action Take ownership on right click Recycle undelete-able Lots of useful tweaks... CUSTOM WINDOWS SERVICES All the windows services (about 130) are tweaked to improve the stability and performance. SPECIAL APPLICATION & CUSTOMIZATION New desktop system (now you can surf and put things everywhere onto your desktop!) You'll find out how... New fonts New system sounds (completely replaced) you'll love them! New cool wallpaper High definition New cool different themes (aero theme modified by default, with new icons and color panes) New startup logo New startup sounds New background wallpaper during installation New icons New cursors by default New functionality added at the menu start New gadget and futures, like change the sidebar color and shape without any software like: sidebar style. you'll find out how... New option on right click files and right click on Computer icon ... Nvidia Nvtray (over clocker tool, change settings and over clock your nvidia card with simple right click ) Cpu Z 1.47 Gpu Z 0.2.8 Completely replaced windows notepad with notepad2 by default... Acrobat reader 9 lite version, (i took off the startup entry... so now is faster and it won't slow down your pc) Vista codecs pack by shark007 Java 6 update 10 tweaked (it won't run all the time... only when you need it) Flash player 10 (allow graphic accelerator ) Jane v1.57 (NFO viewer) Firefox 3.03 plus addon and plugin (new splash image and new Firefox icons) Unlocker 1.87 7zip NVIDIA PureVideo HD decoder 1.02.233 latest... There is a password to extract the files. It is: There is a text file (WinVistaNvidiaEvolution.txt) that has the password in it. As per my comment on page one about the activation. I installed it to the HDD on a separate partition (E:) and the activation still worked with no problem.


  1. vista
  2. winvista
  3. nvidia
  4. evolution
  5. microsoft
  6. windows

Files count:



1620.45 Mb




t_reign (2008-11-29)

This is a torrent from heet. It has a heet tracker, so I do not know that the seeders and leechers shown in the details is accurate. After reading over the details at heet, there may also be a password.
is whats posted there, and after I finish the download, and find out, I will edit the details above to reflect it.

t_reign (2008-11-29)

I haven't finished the download yet, but on heet the poster said that the password is
Speed has dropped to almost nothing, but as soon as it finishes, and I find out, I'm going to post back here.

t_reign (2008-11-29)

I'm pretty sure it's clean. I have now found the creator, and read all 15 pages of the forum where he originally posted this. No one has said anything on the thread about anything dirty in it. Only comments about the low resource usage and good work.
It seems as though some people have had issues with the activation crack not working properly on a dual boot with an pre-existing XP install, but reported that it was an easy fix. This will be my configuration, (after a VM test of course) so if I encounter the same thing, I will post the details/fix to that in the description along with the password, if I find that indeed there is one.

kordis (2008-11-29)

Can I install swedish language pack, from windows update later?

t_reign (2008-11-29)

According to the creator, yes you can, via windows update.
One user reported success installing the Chinese language pack this way.

kordis (2008-11-29)

ok, thx ;)

t_reign (2008-11-29)

Details edited to reflect password.

shagyfi (2008-11-29)

hi. can u give password pleas? cus its not clear whate u explane =(

shagyfi (2008-11-29)

thnx man i findet =)

kordis (2008-11-30)

I have now installed it and it works so far, I have just one little problem, in the lower right corner there is a text saying> Windows Nvidia Evolution Edition.......... How do I take it away

kordis (2008-11-30)

I can confirm that the swedish language pack was sucessfully downloaded and installed.
Good job, t_reign!!! ;)

t_reign (2008-11-30)

Thanks for the feedback kordis, glad things are going good for you.
To remove that watermark in the lower right of the screen, open the start menu and type "regedit" with no quotes and hit enter.
Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop and find the key "PaintDesktopVersion" double click it, and change it's value to the number zero (0).
Log off and back on.

kordis (2008-11-30)

It worked, thank you very much again!!! :D

coollgy (2008-12-06)

I have gone through the process of downloading this torrent and put it on a cd only to find that it will not install because it says that the installation files are corrupt. It won't install on my computer. I have windows XP on my computer and my computer keeps either saying that there was an error when i start it up or that a setup file is corrupt. Everything seems to pop up as a normal vista setup would. Can you help me figure this out please? I would be so grateful. Thanx

coollgy (2008-12-07)

Never Mind, I figured it out. My DVD Player was screwed up. I had to get a new one in order to install this. But this computer should last me for a while so it was worth it. By the way how do i get the theme that you have up on the picture screen?

cr1pe (2008-12-07)

Can someone help me? Problem is, I downloaded that, clicked "Install Vista" and then when this downloaded those updates, this asked a product key... And I dont know whats product key to this, so please help me?

Trevb61 (2008-12-08)

I downloaded this and all it did when i tried to extract it was lock up my Alzip.Anyone else having same or know a fix.

Trevb61 (2008-12-08)

cr1pe ..I think you need to install this on a reboot not from desktop.Just make sure your bios settings are for cd/dvd as your first device and your cd/dvd is in your drive.

Lowryderstrain (2008-12-11)

Product key help :(:(

Lowryderstrain (2008-12-11)

I tried to do the REGEDIT but i change the value to ''0'' and loged off but isnt work :( :( :(

t_reign (2008-12-12)

Cannot post the lengthy response I just made for you all, TPB is reporting a "database error"...

t_reign (2008-12-12)

@ Colloogy:
The theme is steelflash final, and is already installed. The wallpaper, is not included.

t_reign (2008-12-12)

@ cripe:
M$ released an update recently that is breaking alot of pre-activated installs. I expect you got this update while you were attempting your install. I recommend unhooking your modem while installing this. After install be selective of what updates you do install.

t_reign (2008-12-12)

@ Trevb61:
Good advice, but not entirely correct. A more experienced user can partition the HDD, and mount this image with daemon tools (or their own virtual disk preference) and install.

t_reign (2008-12-12)

@ Lowryderstrain:
Sounds like you may be one of the few that the activation didn't work for. It should not be asking you for a product key. Anyhow, look on the root of the .iso image and open "autounattend.xml" with notepad. You'll see the product key.

t_reign (2008-12-12)

@ Lowryderstrain again:
Make sure you have the right key/sub-key. The thought crosses my mind that if it's asking you to enter a product key, that you too may have downloaded the activation hotfix from M$. If that's the case, it could be preventing you from making registry changes. It's just an idea, as the key you're changing is very simple, and not "system critical"...

pertubator (2008-12-17)

cannot access admin tools..anyone ??

pertubator (2008-12-20)

@ t_reign:
can you help me out wid my prob...cannot access admin tools..saya i dont have rights...i only hav one admin user help.

t_reign (2008-12-21)

@ pertubator:
Right click the start orb, and select properties.
Make sure the "Start Menu" tab at the top of the new window is selected.
Click the available "Customize" button.
Scroll the options in the new window all the way to the bottom.
Put a mark in the "Display on the All Programs menu and the Start menu"
If this was indeed your problem, you need to learn how to use google. If it was not, you may have some security software preventing access. The administrative tools are included and working in this version, and so far, you're the only one reporting a problem accessing them.

t_reign (2008-12-21)

Ahhh, just re-read your post, it's saying you don't have the rights. My bad.
Disable UAC and see if that gets you what you want. If not, pick the admin tool that you're going to use, right click it, and select "Run as administator".

pertubator (2008-12-22)

@t_reign :
thanks mate..solved my prob..just had to click 'take ownership' tag....n its not just google..but a lotta things i gotta learn.

bodnebaim (2009-04-19)

will somebody pls seeeeeeeeeeed ive been trying to download this for 2 days now and im at 50%

MPAZOUKA (2009-07-19)

guys i have windows vista x32.. if i download this i will have no problems at all?