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Celtic Players in IRA shame video






Celtic Players in IRA shame video




2006-01-06 (by copland1873)


A couple of Celtic players enjoying themselves on stage while singing one of their club anthems about Ireland and rebellion. The players are seen laughing as the crowd watching them in the bar join in the singing with chants of IRA. This video appears to have been taken at an official club function in Ireland.

Files count:



1.43 Mb




DrYes (2006-01-07)

What's the shame in that? Arn't players allowed to have a political opinion?

copland1873 (2006-01-08)

Political opinion is fine and they can hold whatever they view they want. However, to be caught laughing and jumping about on stage while the crowd are shouting the name of a bunch of child killers and muderers is not acceptable especially at an official celtic function where members of the board were in attendance. This does not tally up with Celtic's official anti-sectarianism policy.

copland1873 (2006-01-08)

The is the genuine video and not the fake second video distributed by Celtic supporters in order to discredit this one.

Zero222 (2006-01-11)

Im sure Rangers players/fans have done the same and havnt been caught on tape. UVF etc are same as the IRA. Who wants to watch this anyway? Drunken singing etc, happens every weekend.

odoinn (2006-02-03)

Up Celtic and up the 'RA! Suck it down you hun bastards!

colshyr (2006-02-10)

odoinn - fuck you ya dirty, smelly fenian fucker !!!

Anton_norton (2006-03-13)

way to go Celtic!

 vla108 (2006-08-28)

If some foreign country had invaded my country I would probably try to fight back I see it as my obligation as Swedish who hard is that to understand?
So I do agreed whit the IRA fighting against the Brits just as the US did 1775?1783 to get their independence. And the rest of you should read some history books.
It seems like you are a bunch of brain washed Americans. It?s the Brits who are the killers of the Irish and not the other way around and guess what the story is always told by the most powerful side in this case the Brits or the Israelites or the US whit their censorship machinery.

But I guess you just buy everything they are selling you because you had been manufactured to be stupid so you just can go on accepting your rulers and their reign of greed.

ChillinVillin (2007-08-12)

vla, you are almost correct. however lets start at the beginning.
Scotland is the only country in the world to invade England twice. Why, for freedom only, from English rule.
Scotland wrote the declaration of arbroath in 1320. (scotlands declaration of independence) demanding England leave them in peace or if but 100 Scots remain alive they would continue fighing the english rape of scotland.
When Scotland eventually surrendered to england and its allies, 40% of Scots fled to the USA, of 55 signatures on america's declaration of independence, 28 of them are Scotsmen who commanded, fought and defeated the English led British Empire. so we got Florida, they got Falkirk.
the Scots have invented more major inventions than any other country in the world, to incl. television, telephone, radar, bleach, anaestetic, penicillon, to name a very very few.
I agree some of these clowns should know their Scots history and roots, but you cannot talk to stupid people, stupidness is built in. no matter what you say, they are fucking stupid.
Back to your point, unfortunately in Scotland we have 2 football teams. on one team, Some want to be Irish, some want to be Scottish, both want to be Celts...... and Rangers fans sing god save the English queen, get brainwashed by political blindness and accuse others of being a terrorist?
One thing for sure anywhere in the world. one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
check out books by an author called Arthur Herman's.
but again, some folk are just fuckin stupid.
PS. Scotland and Greenland are the only 2 Countries in the world not to be conquered north to south. The Romans conquered Europe (incl. England) but could not conquer the Scots? instead they built a wall to keep us in..
If I was fuckin stupid, the above makes ya just wanna sing.. rule brittania, eh... not fuckin likely.
keep wearing the england tops to Rangers games ya inbred bunch o dumbfuck monkeys...
vla, you are correct some of these fuckin morons should read history.... Scotland is a british colony, but all should not be confused by being called Brits,
hail hail caledonia, up the ra

irishcrys (2009-12-02)

vla108 ...well siad my friend i couldnt have said it better myself .