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Atlas Shrugged Part 1 LIMITED 2011 BRRip XviD-LORE NovasetRG




Video Movies






2011-10-31 (by HeroMaster)


::::: NovasetRG Presents ::::: :::: Atlas.Shrugged.Part.1.LIMITED.2011.BRRip.XviD-LORE.NovasetRG :::: ::Information:: Genre: Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi Year: 2011 Country: USA Runtime: 97 min Director: Paul Johansson ::Cast:: Taylor Schilling... Dagny Taggart Edi Gathegi... Eddie Willers Michael O'Keefe... Hugh Akston Paul Johansson... John Galt Matthew Marsden... James Taggart ::Plot:: It was great to be alive, once, but the world was perishing. Factories were shutting down, transportation was grinding to a halt, granaries were empty--and key people who had once kept it running were disappearing all over the country. As the lights winked out and the cities went cold, nothing was left to anyone but misery. No one knew how to stop it, no one understood why it was happening - except one woman, the operating executive of a once mighty transcontinental railroad, who suspects the answer may rest with a remarkable invention and the man who created it - a man who once said he would stop the motor of the world. Everything now depends on finding him and discovering the answer to the question on the lips of everyone as they whisper it in fear: Who *is* John Galt? ::Poster:: ::Screens:: ENJOY & HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!

Files count:



698.08 Mb




 HeroMaster (2011-10-31)

ENJOY Altas Shrugged Part 1 Limited 2011 BDRip New from Lore by NovasetRG!

toffeeapple2010 (2011-10-31)

 yerisan710 (2011-10-31)


redactedwv (2011-11-03)

Irony is truly dead.
All you Randian haters of "parasites", "moochers", and "looters" might want to google 'Ann O'Connor Rand Medicare' if you're at all interested in the glaring hypocrisy of Ayn Rand. It illustrates rather perfectly the intellectual bankruptcy of her philosophies, and the logical chasms that their adherents are required to ignore.
Hope no one is confused as to what Rand's (public) opinion of The Pirate Bay would be. You're all guilty of STEALING her intellectual PROPERTY, and the labor/investment capital of everyone involved with the making of the movie.
Tsk tsk tk. Isn't it inconvenient to practice what this witch preached in her clunky, awkward, heavy-handed books.
But do keep on sharing this anti-sharing shite on a collectivist site, y'myopic asshats.

redactedwv (2011-11-03)

Left, not Liberal. There's a difference, wingnut.'s it? Called out for blatant hypocrisy and that's what you've got? A lazy, weak dodge if ever i've read one.
[Not that it would be easy to defend either yourself (the "conservative" thieving/sharing intellectual "property"), or The Medicare Bandit - 'Ann O'Connor' - on the merits, i grant you.]

the_sha (2011-11-04)

redactedwv you are a fucking moron Ayn Rand was entitled to take back from the state what the state already took from her by force.
Your position is as absurd as a man feeling guilty of taking back his property from a thief.
Ann Connor was Ayn Rand's married name you complete buffon, I bet you thought she was "hidding her identity".
Ayn Rand would support the Pirate Bay, you know why? because its a voluntary network of people freely sharing backups of what they already owned, if someone uses it to "steal" property its not the site's fault.
Furthermore if people want to share their property with others it is their right to do so, specially when they make available a movie with limited distribution, I can understand an idiot like you would be afraid of Rand's message spreading too far.
"Left, not Liberal. There's a difference"
True but I know you dont know it.
"the conservative thieving/sharing intellectual property"
Libertarian not conservative, there is a difference you know.

FluffyBunyAlpha (2011-11-05)

@redactedwv You come to a pirate website just to rant about how what we are doing is wrong. You must be a complete retard if you think that spamming junk like you did would change any of our minds. besides, I'll start feeling bad about pirating when the government starts felling bad about homeless people.
How many times have you seen an actor come on TV begging people to send money to haiti, those bastards have more money then they know what to do with and they are asking middle and low class to give up what little they have just so they can keep their pockets full?
it goes the same with the people that made this movie, they didn't even come up with the story but they are making money on an un-origanal movie. If we really think about it (by your logic) every time someone steals an idea they are "asshats" so to speak.
Look at it like this, our troops are making less then entertainers. Entertainment is the number one "cash crop" in the United States" and the people that get the money didn't really do anything except make another reason for people to sit on their lazy asses and do nothing. I can guarantee that most of the people that actually do accomplish something that is consider progression towards our future (for example: loaders of big rigs (with out truckers we would not have food in cities) probably get paid 8 bucks an hour) get paid way less then actors that only play pretend and do drugs.
that is why you are an idiot, and that is why I do not feel bad about pirating movies.

PGHammer21B (2011-11-08)

If you read Rand's book, she *properly* equates unions and corporations (Big Business and Big Labor) as two sides of the same coin - the difference between "Atlas Shrugged" and other anti-establishment books of her lifetime is that it was the idea men (the Carnegies and Edisons) that went on strike. If you read the Wikipedia entry on Rand, you'll find that, despite her leftist leanings, she was no socialist or communist - in fact, she despised both equally; John Stossel (currently of Fox News Channel and Fox Business, and formerly of ABC News) is the closest thing to a modern Randian today. (His own special on Rand is also posted on TPB.)

Z@RDOZ (2011-11-11)

@redactedwv...u sound like some sort of american inbreed...i guess the wv after redacted stands for west virginia...the state where inbreeding is the norm....

miss_understood666 (2011-11-12)

Finally! Thank you!

hayesy316 (2011-11-15)

"'s it? Called out for blatant hypocrisy and that's what you've got? A lazy, weak dodge if ever i've read one."
Alternatively, he has better things to do than argue with morons on torrent sites. Slink back to your troll cave.
Thanks for the up.

Bonesman1990 (2011-11-18)

This "Atlas" is proud to say he "shrugged" years ago, right after Papa Bush ranted in '91 about the New World Order.
Collectivism is weakness en masse, while voluntarism is strength in numbers. BIG difference.
The USSR only fell to the even more corrupt USSA and, as a libertarian and constitutional purist (abolish EVERYTHING after the tenth amendment), I am ready to RECLAIM & RESTORE our lost republic the way we did it in 1776.
A weak sozi coward's "terrorist" is a brave man's "patriot."

Bonesman1990 (2011-11-18)

Oh yeah!
Thank you, Hero_No_1, for this highly anticipated offering!
You do the world beneficial service (that even 'Howard Roarke' would approve of) when you encourage individuals to BE individuals by sharing the gospels of individualism.
Let freedom ring!

READmyCOMMENTbich (2011-11-20)

redactedwv People are flawed. Actually hold up, people are fucking retarded, the left the right, they both suck each other's cocks and fuck each other up the ass at will, they are nothing more than bloods and crips.
Long Story Short: the IDEA that this movie portraits is fantastic. People are flawed, but every once in a while one of them has a really good idea.

Pharos01 (2011-11-22)

Nice to know what that bullsh#t is. Really is this where they get their ideas from. Poor Rand Paul. What a name to heritage!

spankdaddy (2011-12-08)

jesus ... stop the total bs about the movie critics and just fucken rate the audio and video... holy hell.

lochang (2012-01-02)

V: 10
A: 10
M: 6
As expected from the Blu-ray rip, Video and Audio are flawless. The film is not bad, certainly not as terrible as the critics would have you believe but it would be best if you've read the book already, regardless of whether or not you agree with Randian philosophy. Interesting, enjoyable, and relevant. Hope you like the film!

kartowkxyt (2012-01-06)

Crazy movie (as crazy as that Rand woman) but fun to watch. It gives a boner to yuppies who think they are the salt of the earth and without them all would collapse. I can already see the second part. The John Galt Atlantis geniuses finally succeed and dictate conditions to the oppressing federal government when the whole economy collapses and create a golden era of unbridled capitalism where anybody can make as much money as they want and to hell the rest of the population. As if it wasnt that way now and in the last two centuries, but hell, they feel threatened by government limitations. Rand=greed without restrictions, that just wont work, the whole idea is ridiculous but lets have fun watching those yuppies wet dreams.

Stakrina (2012-01-14)

Thanks Hero#1!

elitecrusher (2012-02-13)

Yeah i agree with spank, stop the rubbish abnd rate the movie.. Dumb asses love to talk shit..

harry_tuttle101 (2012-02-15)

As much as the message is extremely off balance, I liked the book, and I like this film almost as much. It is after all, a work of FICTION. And for everyones edification, Morgan, and his ilk, never had one original idea on how to do things.
SO hilarious to see "men" who probably don't even know what a planer is to argue about who gets things done in this world. Learn how to build a cabinet from rough milled wood before you start talking about getting things done.
And how quickly you turn on each other over outdated and useless philosophies. When the lights DO go out, it might be helpful to know how to make things with muscle power. And knowing how to brew your own beer will be something worth more than gold when the lights go out.

xMajesticMeteorx (2012-03-17)

I am willing to eat the pussy and suck the tittie and fuck all female relatives of Ann Rand, for free.
That is my only obligation for downloading this piece of Jewish produced CRAP!

AlexLibman (2012-08-10)

It is brain-dead stupid to call Ayn Rand a "hypocrite" for taking back a small bit of the money that the government stole from her in taxes. She didn't invent and clearly didn't support that retirement pyramid scheme, it was forced upon her.
Ayn Rand does deserve some criticism for her position on intellectual monopolies, as well as on certain aspects of U.S. foreign policy, etc. No philosopher gets everything 100% right... Just like one can appreciate the Pythagorean Theorem without necessarily agreeing with the Pythagorean dietary code!
It is impossible to turn Atlas Shrugged into an entertaining movie - not only because of its depth, but also because of its deliberate nature as a philosophical novel. Those aren't just characters interacting with each-other, they are representations of ideas which can only be understood through in-depth study of philosophy and economics. One must read all of Ayn Rands works, particularly the non-fiction books, as well as books by free market economists. The movie is just a fun diversion.
PS, paraphrasing Wikipedia: Ayn Rand was NOT the inspiration for Senator Randal Howard Paul's first name. He went by "Randy" while growing up, and his wife shortened his name to "Rand".

bileduct (2012-08-16)

The best part about this discussion is that the proponents of Ayn Rand's philosophy are actually here engaging in it!
What brought you here, one might ask? Was it the lure of debate in the comment section or the actual download itself. Something tells me it was the latter...
I wonder how John Galt would feel about this. Are the objectivists here really looters and moochers in disguise?

bileduct (2012-08-16)

"Ayn Rand would support the Pirate Bay, you know why? because its a voluntary network of people freely sharing backups of what they already owned, if someone uses it to "steal" property its not the site's fault.
Furthermore if people want to share their property with others it is their right to do so, specially when they make available a movie with limited distribution, I can understand an idiot like you would be afraid of Rand's message spreading too far."
WOW. That is the biggest load of horseshit I've read in a while. Look at the desperate lengths you go to in order for it to appear that your actions align with objectivism philosophy.
You are a looter, it is as simple as that.

AlexLibman (2012-09-24)

Grandma Rand (she'd be 107-and-a-half today) was brilliant, but not too good on the most recent 21st century ideas in IT philosophy, copyfreedom, AI, post-Cold-War geopolitics, polycentric jurisprudence, etc. That should not diminish her achievements!
Appreciation of Ayn Rand's philosophy is not an "all or nothing" deal. She herself chose the parts of Aristotle's philosophy she agreed with - or did Galt's motor run on aether? ;)
You can criticize Ayn Rand and you can criticize movie "piracy", but the claim that "combining both is automatic hypocrisy" is bullshit.

CDUKSHN (2012-10-16)

Scanned clean

snvp3 (2012-10-17)

can anyone upload atlas shrugged part 2 please..............

S8W7 (2012-10-17)

People who are forced to fund government programs are NOT immoral for taking the benefits for which they paid.

ninth1der (2012-10-27)

So I bought this the weekend it was released. Two weeks ago my drunk, Obama-loving, socialist, lefty, lib-tard girlfriend [strikethrough] fuck-for-the-night (FFTN) got mad at me for asking her to watch this. Half-way through she went on a rant and endd up kicking my blu player and breaking the damn thing. I want to watch this with my new FFTN before we go see Part 2 in the theatre. Thank you for the upload. Thank you for the seeds. Since I OWN this disk and can't currently play it, I don't feel at ALLLLLLL like I'm a moocher or looter. So you can kiss my grits.
Can someone update if this is Dolby Digital 5.1? DTS? Stereo 2.0? I like to only download 5.1 or better since I have a crappy 720 scren and a $3000 surround system (Harman/Kardon 347 AVR, Klipsch F1 fronts, JBL CS surrounds, JBL 300 watt powered sub)

taken2xx (2012-10-30)

To all you confused Randroids and Anti-Randroids.
It would be absolutely impossible for Ayn Rand to support copyrights and patents. It would only take a reasonable conversation for her to realize one cannot receive a monopoly on data forming certain information.
The only way to keep an invention to yourself is by keeping it to yourself. The second the information is out, it's public domain. Putting people in jail doesn't make a difference.
Ayn Rand was not a perfect perfect human being and she never thought she was. Her philosophy is almost flawless, but not complete. Before she died she accomplished to reach level 8 of intellectual understanding of optimal liberty. Level 9 covers solution to where capitalism often run off the rail and 10 covers how to correct human weak mentality caused by illusions about what is important. You socialists got no trouble accepting great wealth to the few when The State is responsible. Like when only few are allowed the experience of going into space. But when the individual is the origin of great wealth with the few, you scream in agony. That's what makes you dumb fucks. Yeah, dumb fuckness really covers what lays in this contradiction.

Synthesist (2012-10-31)

Don't care about the philosophies, thought the film had an awesome visual impact.

snvp3 (2012-11-02)

does anyone have part 2 please put it up.... i don't mind if it is cam.....

AlexLibman (2012-11-09)

Well said, taken2xx. (I could nitpick on some minor philosophical details, but won't, since this ain't the place, and I agree with you ~90%.)
I couldn't see Part 2 in a theater, so I'm really looking forward to it being uploaded here. I'm sure it will be no less flawed than Part 1 was -- a book this deep just cannot be turned into a popular film -- but casting and aesthetic interpretations definitely make it worth seeing.

ZipLineAttack (2012-11-09)

Thanks for uploading this. I've been hearing too much about it to pass it up! I've heard snippets about Ayn Rand and this book/movie but I don't know anything about it. I can't wait to see what all the fuss is about. They say it might blown my mind a little so tally ho and let's start the party!

6dex7z (2012-11-10)

Not a bad movie, nice effort put into it IMO, but I'd suggest that anyone wanting to watch this should first pick up copies of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged in paperback and begin reading. Sure, you'd already know what the movie is about (in a basic sense) but you'd be better prepared. If you don't like the books or Ayn's philosophy, then you'd probably hate this move...

snvp3 (2012-11-18)

someone please upload part 2...

wick666 (2012-12-08)

@ninth1der I think we might have dated the same girl

BWCouple (2012-12-15)

Can somebody provide Part II of Atlas Shrugged please... Need Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike URGENTLY...

BWCouple (2012-12-15)

Can somebody provide Part II of Atlas Shrugged please...
Where can I find Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike...

Bendico (2013-01-16)

That's just idiotic. Merely the idea that you know the will of a fictional character is idiotic enough, but Piracy isn't stealing.
In order to steal you need to deprive someone of something physical which they will no longer have.
If I download a video game, a film or a song -- it is still there. I merely took a copy of it.
There is nothing benevolent or charitable about downloading or sharing. However, the biggest mooches and leeches are sadly found here.
It's often the people who are willing to contribute the least to society who enjoy piracy the most. They feel that they are entitled to the products of others without paying for them.
These people will never go out and buy a product no matter what. Their acts are actually selfish and they are rewarded by society.
Some pirates, however, have higher morals and standards. They may download a "product" and after a while buy it because the product was good, and you'd like to see the same company make a new "product" or a "sequel". Or maybe you just like seeing good companies being rewarded.
It's a far better model.
A company like Apple is rewarded by the same socialist retards. All socialist retards want an iPhone.
So a company like Apple that wouldn't know what innovation was even if it hit them in the face gets rewarded for essentially stealing the work of other companies.

crumrugin (2013-02-08)

Ayn rand was a narrow minded twit that only believed in selfishness and her own superior thinking which was anything but ..that said she was also anti government and that is why her followers are still around.. kinda strange that she would love Hitler and would make the perfect wife for him..what a pair of buttocks that would make

prpllvr (2013-02-09)

Thanks A/V9

charley0 (2013-02-10)

Thanks, excellent quality *S [btw to all those idiots who are on in here complaining about pirating this film, on a pirate site, what the h* are you doing on here, stealing from others? heh, the hypocrisy of some!]

bragazar1710 (2013-02-14)


reebok1 (2013-02-26)

Thanks !

fourfootpickle (2013-05-09)

I'm a huge moocher/looter. I mooch movies, music, and software all the time. I have an email folder just for copyright infringement emails I get from my ISP, they're hilarious. Want to know what I don't have? Any recollection of a producer, film actor, musician, software engineer, etc. starving to death. Fuck 'em.

remain.anon (2013-07-01)

I was just about to pirate this movie, I do so for most other things, but I felt that if there is one movie that given the choice, I would choose to buy legitimately, to pay for, it is this one, enjoy the movie everyone.