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PC Independence War 2 - Edge of Chaos - direct play -ToeD






PC_Independence War 2 - Edge of Chaos




2008-04-02 (by Subzero! )


The One Eyed Dude delivers you with ===> Independence War 2: The Edge of Chaos <=== ====-> ripped: nothing <-====-> added: updates <-==== its updated and more.... Online gaming as usual un-checked!. <->( about )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> One hundred years have passed since the end of the first Independence War, and far from the riches of Sol and the core systems, trouble is brewing. The Badlands Cluster: Eight barely habitable star systems populated by the flotsam and jetsam of humanity who, after years of oppression at the hands of greedy corporations and ruthless marauder bands, are ready to fight back. 15 years after witnessing the murder of his father by the sadistic heir to a corporate fortune, Cal Johnston plans his revenge. With the help of a small band of escaped prisoners - and a dead war hero immortalised in silicon - his actions inadvertently become the trigger for rebellion. The stage is set for history to repeat itself, and force mankind once more over the Edge of Chaos. <->( Hardware Requirements )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> enuff... <->( how to play )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> 1.: Unrar with WinRar ( newest! ) ... or use 7zip. 2.: double click: IWar-Launch.exe ( must be done ) 3.: double click: MakeDesktopIcon.exe and run game with. <->( general hints )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> Trojan/Virus is a bold word to use without proof, you should NEVER throw that word around public forums without some back. think twice about. read everything carefuly, especially the following below ... <->( Special Info )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> Some virus-scanner recognize the header of a packed .exe file , in this case its the file > IWar-Launch.exe < as a lame virus, because its the byte by byte check error of some virustools!. ( h e u r i s t i c s ) but... Its almost certainly a false positive alert from overly protective heuristics, you can read more about in your VirusTool-Manual or VirusTools-WebSite!. (heuristics). you can also upload the file to certain websites to let them test. with this result...> a false positive alert from... < if you dont believe , then simply stay away, and dont come up with nonsense. thank you for reading!. <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> in every life we have some trouble... when you worry you make it double! <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> Greets to the deserving... -ToeD'o8 -eol-

Files count:



963.22 Mb




 Subzero! (2008-04-09)

are ya all crazy... this one is nearly up 1 week, and there is not even 1 post , not that i care about, but missing the hater posts and shit like that ;)

asmodeous (2008-04-14)

Uhh. *hatehatehate* Feel better? :)

 Subzero! (2008-04-15)

not really need more.. ;)

aaron1201 (2008-06-22)

this game works yeah!?!
i'm having trouble with some direct play torrents...
thanks for the uploads

Encrtia1 (2008-07-14)

This torrent is a load of cruddy crapulous turd. It's one hell o' a virus, and sucks so incredibly. The gameplay is screwed by your packaging, the game it self takes eons to start up, and the frigging sound is so screwed up, it's like my ol' grannies record player playing some hip hop dj shoddy mix...
That enough? xD
Otherwise, it's the best so far^^ :D Thx for the upload :D

bananrepublikken (2009-01-15)

AVG pops up saying its a trojan in there. So watch out..

zeleni92 (2009-02-16)

Thanks for this m8, awesome game.

Spikey00 (2009-07-22)

Thank you to both uploaders and TOED.