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Mount and Blade Warband v1.110 Update-SKIDROW






Mount and Blade Warband v1.110 Update-SKIDROW




2010-04-16 (by Vermundr)


Ь Ь Я ю Ь Я ЯЬ ЬюЯЯЯюЬ Ы ЬюЯЯЯюЬ ° ЫЬ ІЬ ° ЬЫЭ Я ІЬ ЯЯЫЫЫЬЬ ° ЬЫЬ ІЫЬ ЯЫЫЫЬ ІЫЫЬ ЬЬЫЫЫЬЬЯ ° ІЫЫЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЫЫЫЫЬ ° ЬЫЫЯЫЫЬ ° ІЫЫІ ° Ь ЬЫЫЫЫЯЯЯЯЯЯ ІЫЫІ ІЫЫЫЫЯЫІІІЫ ЬЬЬЬЬЬІЫЫІ ІЫЫІ ІЫЫІЯ ЬЫЫІ ІЫЫЬ ІЫЫІ °°° ЬЫІ ЯЯЯЯЯЯІІІІЬЯІІІЯЯІІІЬ ЯЯЯ ЫІІІЯ ІІІІ ІІІІЯЯІІІЬЬ ІІІІ ° ІІІІ ІІІІ °°° ІІІІ ±±±±± Ю±±±±ЫЮ±± Ю±±±± ІІІІІЮ±±±± ° ±±±± ±±±± Ю±±±±ЫЬ±±± ° ±±±± ±±±± °°° ±±±± °°°°° ° °°°°°Э°° ° °°°°°°°°°°Ю°°°° ° °°°° °°°° ° °°°°°°°°° ° °°°° °°°° Ь °°°° ±±±±± ° ±±±±±Э±± ° ±±±±±Ь±±±±±±±±± ° ±±±± ±±±± ° ±±±±±Э±±± ° ±±±± ±±ІЯЬЫЫЫЬЯІ±± ЮІІІІ °ЮІІІІІІІІ °ЮІІІІІЭІІІІЮІІІІЭ ІІІІ ІІІІ °ЮІІІІІІІІІ ° ІІІІ ІІІІІЯ ЯІІІІІ ЯЫЫІ ЬЫІЫЫЯЬЫЫЯ ІЫЫЫЫІЫЫЫЯ ІЫЫЫІЬЬІЫЫІЬІЫЯ ІЫЫЫІ ЯЫЫІ ІЫЫЯ ІЫЫЯ ° ° ЯЫЫІ ° ЯЬЫЫЯЯ ЫЯ ЬЫІЫЫЯ ЫЯ ° ЫЫЫЫЫЯЯЯ Я ° ЮЫЫІЫЭ ° ЯЫЫЬЫЫЯ ° ІЯ ° ЯЫ ЬЯЯ ° ЬЫЫЫЯЯ ° ЯюЬЬюЯ ЯЯЫЫЫЫЬЬЬюЯ ° ЯЯЫЫЫЬЬЬЬЬЫЫЯ Eboy ЯЬЬюЯ юЯЯ ЯЯЯЯЯЯ S K i D R O W ЬЯ -> T H E L E A D i N G F O R C E < Ы Ы ЯЬ ЯЬ ЬЯ ЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЯЯЯЯЯ Я proudly presents Я ЯЯЯЯЯ ЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ ° ЫЫІІІ±±±°° Mount & Blade Warband v1.110 Update °°±±±ІІІЫЫ ° ±ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬ± І І І RELEASE DATE : 15-04-2010 PROTECTION : Online Activation І І GAME TYPE : RPG / Action DISKS : CRACKED UPDATE І ° ° ЯЫІЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЫЫЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЯЯЯ Я ЯЫЭ Release Notes: ЯЫЬ ° Ы Ью ЮІ ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЫЬ ± Ы Ы ЬЫЯ Ы І Ы ЯЯЯ ° Ы The Skid Rowdies are looking new blood to fill up the ranks. Ы Ы ± Ы We're a professional team of dedicated sceners with big mark Ы Ы Ы Ы under sceners. We believe on the ground idealism of the root Ы Ы Ы Ы of the real old school scene. We do all this for fun and Ы Ы Ы Ы nothing else. We don't earn anything on our hobby, as we do Ы Ы Ы Ы this for the competition and the heart of what got the scene Ы Ы Ы Ы started in the mid eighties. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы If you think you got something to offer, then don't hold back Ы Ы Ы Ы on contacting us as soon as possible. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы _______ __ ___ _____ /__ Ы Ы Ы Ы / |/ /_/_| _ / /_ / / Ы Ы Ы Ы / /| / / //| | //_// / / / / / / Ы Ы Ы Ы / | / | |_ / / / /_/ / /// / Ы Ы Ы Ы ____/|_|_\__/|___/ / /_/_/__/_/____/ Ы Ы Ы Ы twice the fun / double the trouble Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы On with the update release information: Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Mount & Blade Warband v1.110 Update Ы Ы Ы Ы =================================== Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Version 1.110 changes: Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - New Game option to set Campaign AI to easy, normal or Ы Ы Ы Ы difficult Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - NPC soldiers should now climb siege ladders without problem. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - There is now a chance player companions will not fall Ы Ы Ы Ы prisoner with you when you are defeated. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - The game will no longer crash if you move all your prisoner Ы Ы Ы Ы into a castle. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - AI weapon selection improved. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - AI will no longer equip two shields. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - Your companions who are prisoners at a faction's castles are Ы Ы Ы Ы now set free when peace is declared. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - Party skill bonuses are now calculated correctly. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - Fixed slashing through your horse and buildings using hafted Ы Ы Ы Ы blades on horseback. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - Added max_number_of_connections option to rgl_config.txt. Ы Ы Ы Ы Players who have difficulty receiving server list from Ы Ы Ы Ы internet can lower the default value (64) to 20 or so. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - Number of maximum bandit parties reduced by 15%. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - Added Chinese language option (Simplified and Traditional). Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы - Many other bug-fixes. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы ° Ы ° ЯЫІЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЫЫЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЯЯЯ Я ЯЫЭ Install Notes: ЯЫЬ ° Ы Ью ЮІ ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЫЬ ± Ы Ы ЬЫЯ Ы І Ы ЯЯЯ ° Ы 1. Unpack the included rar files. Ы Ы ± Ы 2. Run mb_warband_upgrade_1100_to_1110_tw.exe and install Ы Ы Ы Ы 3. Copy the cracked content from SKIDROW directory to your Ы Ы Ы Ы main installation directory and overwrite. Ы Ы Ы Ы 4. Play the game Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Additional Notes: Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы You don't need to have any of the previous updates installed, Ы Ы Ы Ы as this update is featuring all previous updated content. Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы ° Ы ° ЯЫІЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЫЫЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЯЯЯ Я ЯЫЭ Greetings: ЯЫЬ ° Ы Ью ЮІ ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЫЬ ± Ы Ы ЬЫЯ Ы І Ы ЯЯЯ ° Ы Salutes to our old Amiga friends from: Ы Ы ± Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы FAIRLIGHT - RAZOR 1911 - VISION FACTORY - PARADOX - QUARTEX Ы Ы Ы Ы DCS - CRYSTAL - ZENITH - ACCESSSION - ALPHA FLIGHT - PRODIGY Ы Ы Ы Ы THE COMPANY - LEGEND - TRSI - ORACLE - ANTHROX - CLASSIC Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Salutes to our new friends in: Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы UNLEASHED - TiNYiSO - BReWErS - RADIKAL - POSTMORTEM - SHOCK Ы Ы Ы Ы FAIRLIGHT - CRUDE - VACE - ReUnion - OUTLAWS - GENESIS Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы ЫЬ°ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЬ° ЯЯЫІЬ Logo and layout by: Eboy/SAE ЬІЫЯЯ ЬЯЯЯюЬ ЮІІЭ Last updated 21/07/2007 by [XXX] ЮІІЭ ЬюЯЯЬ ЯЬ ЯЯЯЯЯ Я ЯЯЯ ЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ ЯЯЯ Я ЯЯЯЯЯ ЬЯ Я Я


  1. mount
  2. blade
  3. warband
  4. update
  5. 1.110
  6. skidrow
  7. mount&blade

Files count:



36.24 Mb




jk03 (2010-04-16)

This didnt work for me. It kinda super slowed the game to 1 fps. Anyone else experienced this?

jk03 (2010-04-16)

I got it to work now. Just had to adjust the graphics.

Derc (2010-04-16)

Thanks, works great.

supergex (2010-04-17)

It works great; Thanks again for the steady SKIDROW, really appreciate.
Hope the 1.111 cherry will come out soon because there are huge bugs on this 1.110.

appie_turk (2010-05-06)

i am new so how to unpack something plz help

893kira (2010-05-08)

Lol for the graphics issue just use your own desktop
resolution and just configure in your video options set low some of the useless stuff you think you really don't need.
Yeah agreed Warband really sucks compare to his previous Mount Blade like some bugs, and the new combat mechanism is too confusing ( as for this problem just set auto in blocking and attacking)
The most i hate in warband are when you are in a horse and your are using your bow you don't immediately see your cross hair and they remove the best combat mechanic in Mount and blade when you are riding the horse in a lance or a spear even you don't attack you can still damage your enemies meaning the crouch damage.

PureEvil616 (2012-09-21)

Ok, I started the game and there were things missing. Entire buildings, my crosshair, textures, and shit. What do?

Nokino (2013-06-25)

Does this work on Windows 8? The last one i downloaded from skidrow Crashed both on starting tutorials and the ggame itself...