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UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [2CD]






UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [2CD]




2005-02-03 (by pctorrent )


Electronic Arts and UEFA light up the football pitch with a stunning new game that puts you straight into the pressure cooker that is UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE ™ 2004 - 2005. EA SPORTS™ re-creates the real life world of top flight football to make this the first mission-based football game. There are over 50 challenging on and off-field missions to overcome throughout the domestic and European season. Can you handle the pressure of having to win 2-0, or to be told by your new boss that your main striker has to be sold? Choose one of any clubs out of a possible 239 -from the FA Premier League, German Bundesliga, Spanish Primera Liga, Italian Serie A and French Ligue 1. There are a number of extra clubs outside of these leagues to take to Champions League glory. UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE ™ 2004 - 2005 not only boasts an all new set piece system, but also includes a completely innovative feature, - EA SPORTS™ Talk Radio, the only place to hear the views of the people who pay your wages on the ultimate fans’ forum.

Files count:



1296.20 Mb




Dayton (2005-02-03)

Så idiotisch to zippa allt in one fil.

bamfan (2005-02-04)

du skulle zippa i flere mapper , men samma det :D:D

brunell (2005-02-04)

Någon som har en cd-key till spelet?

Steven_ca (2005-02-04)

Nån som har en cd-key till seplet?:S

Mexes (2005-02-04)

Men skiten funkar ju inte...när jag ska starta spelet får jag detta meddelande "$4056 not found".

Steven_ca (2005-02-04)

Tackar för cd-key:n.
Konstigt,mitt funkande bra

crippa19 (2005-02-05)

konstigt... :S installationen fastnar ju på 49%... den frågar inte ens efter andra skivan...

G_A_M_E_R (2005-02-05)

Måste tyvärr säga att spelet är värdelöst, ingen bra upplösing, inte ens helskärm. Spelkänslan finns det ingen. Man får nog vänta tills det kommer en bättre .torrent för denna sög. Men tack iaf! :D

Twi66y (2005-02-05)

Jag får samma problem som Mexes.. vad ska man göra, har lagt in cracken och d funkar inte. inte ens med deamon-tools funkar det, d kommer upp en ruta med texten att det är fel skiva i....

Grisknorre (2005-02-05)

You guy's know where i could get a crack?

superb (2005-02-05)

i'm downloading this torrent right now, i'll hope it will work..
but if it doesn't work you can always download Reloaded's version @ FL (dno if i can write the whole URL)
but how come reloaded's version isn't @
but as always, thx to the Uploader..

goalan (2005-02-05)

I just keep getting the "insert the correct cd" message after the installation. Should it not be a "No cd crack" somewhere out there? It cant find it thought. Doesent understand how u others get the game up and running

superb (2005-02-05)

i don't really know, but can't you try using Alcohol 120% the newest version for this????

goalan (2005-02-05)

Right now im using daemon tools. Are u using Alcohol 120% and the game is working?

superb (2005-02-06)

Try this:

it works perfectly ;)
- no problem

superb (2005-02-06)

besides, there is a crack on cd'1 ..haven't tried it though, but the one i posted defenently works, just played the game

Dacke (2005-02-08)

Hade massa problem med cracken som ligger på skivan. Det funkade dock perfekt efter att ha laddat ner cracken på tidigare postad länk.
"spelet är jätte roligt!"

doffi86 (2005-02-08)

Ikke det beste fotballspillet så har blitt gitt ut akkurat men det er helt greit :)

faxie (2005-02-08)

hey lads,
im trying to install the game with alcohol 120 but i get an error message about 45% thru the first cd saying some file cannot be copied. what do you suggest i do? thanks!

faxie (2005-02-08)

specifically it says cannot copy J:WalocaleWattr_n.vp6 from the media. argh...

bointus (2005-02-08)

Hey lads..
Don't download this! Not this version,not the ps2,xbox OR the gamecube version either.
1. First of all the graphics sucks, it's laggy and totally unsooth. Besides it's played in widescreen :-/
2. The game engine feels like the one on Fifa 2005, slow, pre-defined and only gives you a few choises of playing styles. They have changed it a bit though, now it feels more like the one on fifa 2004, WICH IS AN EVEN WORSE GAME than Fifa2005(Wich is actually rather playable..)
3. The radio-guys are annoying, stfu...
4. Sist men inte minst så är fortfarande Niclas Alexandersson skallig, det har han vart sen fifa 2004.. för jävelen EA sports.. get a grip!
On the bottom line.. dont play this game, Play konamis Pro evolution soccer 4 and download the wolf patch 2005 for the proper lineups and shirts.. It's awesome

superb (2005-02-08)

fair enough comment :).. but last you wrote to play PES4 .. and download the wolf patch..
if i were you i would download Konami's new soccer game.. World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 ..
you can get it here @ TPB
there has been improved some 'small' things like more realistic ball dynamics, ref is more realistic, handball and so on..
try it out.. but i agree with you PES4 is much better ;)

faxie (2005-02-08)

lads, a little compassion and sympathy, please... ;-(

handan765 (2005-02-19)

hallo is there any one who can give me a cd key to the game!! please it didnt come with the game!!

hundralapp (2005-02-23)

Thanks for the info. Fuck EA :)
Yes, konami is better and I can play their games on my computer too. FIFA alwas bring me some kind of problem.
Hope there'll be a wolpack for winningeleven 8 too. Is there any or is it to soon?

droos (2005-02-25)


Nicke881 (2005-02-27)

Varför så längsam nedladdning, 1 kb/s?

Nicke881 (2005-02-27)

Från en nybörjare ;O)
Tror att hela är nedladdat, men ska det var CUE och BIN filer och ingen exe fil? Hur gör man sen?
Tacksam för svar!

olorin- (2005-02-28)

använd deamontools för å öppna cue filen

Nicke881 (2005-03-03)

deamontools...Hur hittar man det? Vilket program?

fiddesme (2005-03-13)

använd nero och brän i image fil

Lerre (2005-03-22)

alltså e d så jävla svårt att bara söka efter t.ex. daemon tools istället för att fråga som en liten jävla femåring?! blir så irriterad på sånt skit! samma sak me cd-keys.. ladda ner en keygen lr sök bara på w/e+cd-key
fattar inte hur man kan va så otroligt dum så att man måste fråga efter sånt

ximo (2005-03-26)

A good comparison of todays football games (taken from "Pro Evolution Soccer 4 was made out of love of the game, FIFA 2005 was made to make money on people who love the game, while This Is Football 2005 is just badly made."
I've also heard some say World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 is even better than Pro Evolution Soccer 4 (both from Konami).

patte- (2005-04-14)

Jag fattar inte varför spelet startar om datorn efter 2 spelade matcher, det verkar ju helskumt.

Carsten33 (2005-04-21)

Kan også bruge Alcohol 120% til at åbne cue file

jockeager (2005-06-11)

Is this a good game?

xolari (2005-07-20)


petritcoach (2005-07-21)

This is the best Game!!!!

carlinho1977 (2005-07-29)

Lerre din jävla lök, de som kommer in och laddar ner för första gången kan ju förstås inte allt, deamon tools etc. Bättre om man hjälper till än att vara uppnosig. Om du nu tycker att det var en så dum fråga varför svarar du då?

Fors_89 (2005-08-10)


kalinkaghost (2005-08-12)

Can you please SEED!!! im stuck at 96%, and 2 kb/s!!

kalinkaghost (2005-08-16)

ja men hva faan. Har kommit til 98,9 prosent nu!

_Salleee (2005-08-18)

alltså hur öppnar man disc 2??? .. jag fattar inte de där ..

zibra (2006-03-01)

seed thanks!!!!!!

Napoleon666 (2006-07-10)


blaknight (2007-02-22)

i'm stuck on 94.6%,ppl seed plz

ijseter19 (2008-09-18)


ijseter19 (2008-09-19)


meehsum (2010-02-12)

if it will not work i will do nthing.........////////

jehonii (2011-06-15)

ej can tell me some I needet to copy the crack and where


1. UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [2CD] []/CD1/UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [CD1] [].bin 628.98 Mb
2. UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [2CD] []/CD1/UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [CD1] [].cue 133 bytes
3. UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [2CD] []/CD2/UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [CD2] [].bin 667.22 Mb
4. UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [2CD] []/CD2/UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [CD2] [].cue 133 bytes
5. UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [2CD] []/Nos das tu voto - It gives your vote.url 159 bytes
6. UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [2CD] []/PCT Movil Tus melodias, juegos java y fondos para tu movil ...url 160 bytes
7. UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 [English] [2CD] []/PCToRRenT - DivX Juegos PC Mp3 Software Y Mas !! Tu WeB de BiTToRRenT.url 142 bytes