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Daryl Bradford Smith 2006 Interviews **MUST LISTEN** (911/Septem






Daryl Bradford Smith 2006 Interviews **MUST LISTEN** (911/Septem




2007-01-05 (by goy)


Spread the word: 9/11 was not an inside job but a Zionist job. Furthermore, the 9/11 truth movement is under their control and there is currently a desperate effort on their part to bury these emerging facts under deception and obfuscation. For example, the Zionist-controlled group Scholars for 9/11 Truth (Alex Jones, James Fetzer, Webster Tarpley, Jim Hoffmann, Morgan Reynolds, et al) deliberately lend credence to moronic and nonsensical notions such as that planes did not hit the twin towers but were inserted into the video feeds using bluescreen technology, energy-beams fired from space or from WTC 7 knocked down the towers, or that nuclear bombs brought them down. The group was principally formed to discredit the research of respected physicist Professor Steven E. Jones, a man of courage and character, who has direct evidence for the use of thermates (powerful conventional explosives) from his analysis of molten steel from the WTC site (watch his November 11th 2006 lecture at UC Berkeley[]). Professor Jones withdrew from the group in December 2006 and helped form a new group, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice []. It is also worth mentioning that most 9/11 videos (notably Loose Change and In Plane Site) are deception, with the exception of Eric Hufschmid's Painful Deceptions [] - one of the first to challenge the official story, released in 2002 - and the recent 9/11 Mysteries [], the only one yet to actually expand on Painful Deceptions. Virtually everyone leading the 9/11 truth movement is misdirecting attention from the true perpetrators, blaming Bush and Cheney, or some nebulous group such as the "Illuminati", the "Globalists", or the "New World Order" (especially Alex Jones, one of the most insidious of the Zionist puppets). The true perpetrators, as you will learn, belong to a Zionist criminal network who operate out of Israel. This group has control of the world's banking system, the world's media, and pull the strings behind many of the world's leaders. September 11th is only the tip of the iceberg. Having looked into this for oneself and established it beyond doubt as fact (which is actually not so difficult as this is not some "conspiracy theory" which falls apart the more one looks into it, but actually "falls together" the more one challenges and researches it) it demands a radical paradigm shift to accommodate its stark and disturbing reality and to avoid falling into denial, dismissing it as just another "conspiracy theory". Daryl Bradford Smith's The French Connection [] is, and has been for the past year or so, one of the very few beacons of truth on the internet (and, of course, but for the power of the internet as a medium of free expression unique in history this truth could never have come out as it has). This torrent contains an archive of interviews from The French Connection from 8th November 2005 to 28th December 2006, with a chronologically ordered playlist. It is also available for direct download from, or the files can be downloaded individually from The French Connection website.

Files count:



1026.05 Mb




mike123 (2007-01-05)

That is the most ridiculous thing I have probably ever read.
I have never heard any of the 'Scholars for Truth' say planes didn't hit the buildings. If anyone is issuing disinformation, it is you! To correct another of your pieces of disinformation, The Scholars actually agree with Steven Jones! They have never tried to discredit him. Anyone who has studied the matter would know this. You, Sir, obviously have not, and I feel it is therefore safe to assume that you are a stooge!
So, Mr Stooge, who do you work for? Someone who would like to muddy the otherwise crystal clear waters (the evidence is astounding) and subtly point the finger at a certain racial group?
Get your head out of the chaff bag you stooge! The 'nebulous' groups you mention are extremely well documented. Does your 'Mob' still think we are gullible morons living in the ill-informed dark ages?
I'm not saying people shouldn't watch the video, there may be some elements of truth in it, but people not well aquainted with the matter should not be sheepish enough to swallow the 'blame the racial group' line too easily. There are mountains of documents, videos, and opinions, and any 'newbies' would be well advised to do a great deal of homework before forming their opinions. Should they fail to do this, and simply adopt someone else's opinion, then they could be considered part of the problem.

mike123 (2007-01-05)

Just as a matter of interest, what is the run-time of 1GiB of audio? 100 hours?

goy (2007-01-05)

>That is the most ridiculous thing I have probably ever read.
Reality necessarily appears ridiculous when one looks at it through a veil of false appearances one has mistaken for it.
>I have never heard any of the 'Scholars for Truth' say planes didn't hit the buildings.
From wikipedia:
"Two members of the group, Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds, left the Scholars due to disagreement with the organization, objecting in particular to the Scholar's rejection of their 'no plane' theories (theories arguing that no planes hit the World Trade Center). However, st911 co-founder, co-chair and webmaster James Fetzer has recently spoken and written positively about Judy Wood's views - a piece by Fetzer on the st911 website argues that the Scholars should now broaden their research to consider the possibility that "directed based" weapons or "mini-nukes" were used to bring down the World Trade Center. Steven E. Jones and others have criticised the mini-nuke claims. Jones later resigned over the issue of the "star wars beam weapons" as a plausible theory."
The announcement from Fetzer on the Scholars for 9/11 Truth website:
"I am inviting Judy Wood to organize a paneldiscussion on non-conventional means, including high-tech directedenergy weaponry, that might have been used to destroy the World TradeCenter. I am inviting Morgan Reynolds to organize a panel on planes/noplanes at the WTC."
>If anyone is issuing disinformation, it is you! To correct another of your pieces of disinformation, The Scholars actually agree with Steven Jones! They have never tried to discredit him.
As I wrote, they lend credibility to the ideas by even raising the possibilities for discussion, and thereby discredit the ideas of Steven Jones by association. This leaves them open to the perjorative label of "conspiracy theory" (which truly describes the aforementioned "non-conventional means"). They can then be safely dismissed and ignored.
"The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments."
>Someone who would like to muddy the otherwise crystal clear waters (the evidence is astounding) and subtly point the finger at a certain racial group?
Zionists, though they are Jewish, are not a racial group but a criminal network. Most Jews do not belong to this group, know nothing about it, or vehemently oppose it.
It is no more anti-Semitic to oppose Zionists as it is anti-Italian to oppose the Mafia.
>The 'nebulous' groups you mention are extremely well documented.
Certainly, some of these groups, such as the "Illuminati", do indeed exist, but they trace back to Zionists.
[There are 229 broadcast of length varying between 15min and 1hr, with a total run-time of about 145 hours.]

bonaducci (2007-01-06)

I noticed that bobdaslob has not posted any comments on this torrent, therefore, it MUST be disinformation. Guess bobdaslob is good for something afterall.

mike123 (2007-01-06)

Well, Goy, it seems you really do believe this. Well fair enough, Zionists have been, and are, mixed up in a ton of monkey business.
What really bugs me is your initial statement "Spread the word: 9/11 was not an inside job but a Zionist job." If what you believe is true, then what would the difference be?

mike123 (2007-01-06)

bonaducci wrote;
'I noticed that bobdaslob has not posted any comments on this torrent, therefore, it MUST be disinformation. Guess bobdaslob is good for something afterall.'
:-) :-) :-)

mike123 (2007-01-06)

Reynolds and Wood left the group because the group REJECTED their no plane theories.
As an aside, why do you place such faith in Wikipedia?

Naijrfahr (2007-01-09)

Don't download this.
It's complete and utter bizzare disinformation.

aZiXx (2007-01-09)

There is no disinformation in 911 in Plane Site or Loose Change. They are asking questions, and showing evidence that things dont add up in the official story. You on the other hand are trying to misinform people by making it seem like AJ and others in the 911 truth movement are agents, which is far from the fact. And AJ isnt against Steven Jones, he is a supporter of him. And AJ is against the no plane laser w/e bullshit. Jim Fetzer is pretty much on his own with only a few people backing him on these new ideas.
Please get your facts straight when shooting out disinformation, it at least makes it more convincing.
I have nothing personal against DBS or Huffsschmidt, just that when they attack people for being in the spotlight without actual evidence to back up there claims, it doesnt make you credible, as DBS has a huge section on AJ and it doesnt prove his claims in the least.
Zionists, Elite, Illuminati, Jesuits, Vatican, Bankers, whatever! They are all bad, and as far as I am concerned, these and more make up the New World Order!!!
People attack AJ for using the term New World Order when he didnt coin it, it is the standard name for the group of people controlling our future. So go attack Bush Sr. when he used it in 1991 ok? Educate yourself, open your mind, seek truth, always choose your own truth.
Thank you.

goy (2007-01-10)

mike123 wrote:
>What really bugs me is your initial statement "Spread the word: 9/11 was not an inside job but a Zionist job." If what you believe is true, then what would the difference be?
That of course depends on how the word "inside" is interpreted. "Inside" most directly implies a Bush and Cheney masterminded and orchestrated 9/11. But in reality they are nothing but useful idiots. Some Zionists operate from inside the Bush administration, so in that sense, it was an inside job. But that would be a half-truth for Zionism is a vast international network, and was originated and carried out by many people outside the United States government.

goy (2007-01-10)

mike123 wrote:
>Reynolds and Wood left the group because the group REJECTED their no plane theories.
They asserted this while still members so damage was done, and to compound that, as I quoted above from Fetzer's recent announcement, in case you missed it:-
"I am inviting Judy Wood to organize a paneldiscussion on non-conventional means, including high-tech directedenergy weaponry, that might have been used to destroy the World TradeCenter. I am inviting Morgan Reynolds to organize a panel on planes/noplanes at the WTC."
>As an aside, why do you place such faith in Wikipedia?
I don't put any faith in Wikipedia. This is why I took that direct quote from Scholars for 9/11 Truth website to back it up.

goy (2007-01-10)

Naijrfahr wrote:
>Don't download this.
I would encourage anyone who hasn't listened before to download one broadcast from the French Connection website before deciding whether to download this large archive of broadcasts or to dismiss it as nonsense or "bizarre disinformation". There really is no gentle way to introduce this information to anyone. Most of the interviews are of a very high quality, and I would recommend as an introduction one of those with Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
>It's complete and utter bizzare disinformation.
If this were disinformation, who would stand to benefit?
Who stands to benefit from all the theories that are pushed which never bring up the obvious Israeli/Zionist connection?
Both truth and falsehood can seem bizarre, and so the subjective sense of ordinariness/bizarreness cannot be relied upon as a criterion for judging truth. (The fact that we are survival machines constructed by molecules called genes living on a rock-ball orbitting a spherical fire at 20 miles per second is shockingly bizarre - but true.)

goy (2007-01-10)

aZiXx wrote:
>There is no disinformation in 911 in Plane Site
>or Loose Change.
Professor Peter Scott put it this way: "Disinformation, in order to be effective, must be 90% accurate."
Loose Change ignores the Israeli connection and place the blame on the Bush administration. The producers of Loose Change stated on Air America: "We don't want to point fingers at Israel for a number of different reasons."
>They are asking questions, and showing evidence that things dont add up in the official story. You on the other hand are trying to misinform people by making it seem like AJ and others in the 911 truth movement are agents, which is far from the fact. And AJ isnt against Steven Jones, he is a supporter of him.
This is all appearance.
The offical story of 9/11 is likely to collapse soon, and when it does, those who orchestrated it will want to be in control of the truth movement. And presently, they are maintaining control.
>I have nothing personal against DBS or Huffsschmidt, just that when they attack people for being in the spotlight without actual evidence to back up there claims, it doesnt make you credible, as DBS has a huge section on AJ and it doesnt prove his claims in the least.
When you have realised that Zionists are behind all this, it will become obvious that Alex Jones is acting as nothing more than a "goy-pen", given his avoidance of the obvious Zionist connection for so many years - until called on it by Daryl Smith, whereupon he went into "damage control" mode.
>Zionists, Elite, Illuminati, Jesuits, Vatican, Bankers, whatever! They are all bad, and as far as I am concerned, these and more make up the New World Order!!!
Zionists are at the top of this "pyramid", and the New World Order they aim to implement is a world government run out of Jerusalem.
The bankers are Zionists. Allegiances have of course been formed between the elite and the Zionists. The Jesuits and the Vatican have been infiltrated.
From the History of the House of Rothschild, by Andrew Hitchcock:
"1770: Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and entrusts Ashkenazi Jew, Adam Weishaupt, a Crypto-Jew who was outwardly Roman Catholic, with its organization and development. The Illuminati is to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews. It was to be called the Illuminati as this is a Luciferian term which means, keepers of the light."

SuperUploaderX (2007-01-13)

I actually downloaded this and listened to a few hours of it... what a complete waste of time.
I tried to give it a chance so I let it roll for a couple of hours, but it became more and more clearer and obvious that it was just bizzare and desperate disinformation.

mike123 (2007-01-13)

Really Super?
Would you care to tell us why?
I hate stooges!
If you are going to try to tell people what to think, you should at least tell them why!

alanwatts (2007-01-17)

My collected opinion of DBS after listening to him quite much under 2006 is that he is some sort of troublemaker.
Either he belives his standpoint so hard he finds in efficiant to attack other truth-seekers or he is there to make trouble and "fighting" within the truthmovment by design.
I cant se why attacking other people (not their facts) is a good technique inside the movement.
Can someone please explain why DBS is doing that?
Information in swedish about 911 and conspiracyrelated topics.
Visit - håller ett öga på makteliten.

carribean (2007-01-22)

If anyone can find a flaw in the logic presented in these audio files or point to some missing information, please show us. Otherwise, you need to agree on the evidence pointing in one direction, namely Israel and Mossad.
Before downloading all of this you may want to listen to some inside information from a defector who left the Zionist mafia some 50 years ago:

There's a playlist link at the bottom of the page.

Goat_ (2007-01-23)

Hi there.
I didn't listen to the torrent, but i did watch this movie:
and i can't see how to ignore all this evidence. From the movie it appears that the TWC, Building Nr 7 and the Pentagon was NOT brought down with airplanes. Please explain how you can not believe this and i am gratful.

kondrix (2008-04-23)

I am only at the beggining of the files so far. There are some v. interesting ones. For example talk with first officer, of USS Liberty Jim Ennis, and another witness Wayne Kyle. Uss Liberty was attacked by Israel in 1967, to couse a war between USA and Egypt. Files 5,6,9,10.
Thx for sharing "goy" and nice arguments in the comments here.

PerfectTool (2008-06-16)

This is the real deal people. Tons of useful info can be found at
Check it out for yourselves.
And for those who believe Alex Jones is not a disinfo man, wake the fuck up!