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World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft
2007-02-13 (by ChalkyGBG)
World of Warcraft with all patches...
European version (English)
If you dont seed once complited, then die bitch...
Files count:
3444.32 Mb
[Spooky] (2007-02-13)
Som sagt, seeda är ju inget kvar på denna sida.ChalkyGBG (2007-02-14)
As I type this a new patch is being release and the servers are just now being patched...Sorry for the down time, my computer is'nt working propebly...
chrisse002 (2007-02-15)
SEED please i need the file installertome.mpqvalverguy (2007-02-20)
CAn somebody seed this. im getting 5kb's per second and its starting to really piss me off!august22318 (2007-02-26)
Plese Send The AccountPlese...
I Don't can play
!! I Come frome thai land
ZZ Cracker ZZ (2007-02-27)
Seed plz, need this, lost my cds :SKendyman (2007-03-10)
What's the key?-=[AcKe]=- (2007-03-24)
yeah where can i find the cdkey i have been looking every where:@-=[AcKe]=- (2007-03-24)
an hey has anybody got this game working? and hove do i play in privat free servers:sDAKz (2007-03-26)
335 downloads and only 2 seeders, thats what happens when you don't have ratios!lps41 (2007-03-27)
For people who have lost their CDs or whatever, you can download the TRIAL client installer here
The Trial installer installs the FULL version of WoW, to make for easy upgrade to a full access account. So it's the exact same as buying the CDs.
lps41 (2007-03-27)
^ That's the European version of the above link
Madden Player (2007-04-01)
So is there anyway to play this online without paying the monthly Fee??? sorry if that is a stupid question but im new to all of this...thanks in advance for any help.Exodus666 (2007-04-04)
You cant play world of warcraft unless u pay monthly fee, unless u play on a player server.-Exodus
kevinsky0 (2007-04-24)
I need the Authentication Key :(can somebody tell it or mail it to me or somthin, please
kokapelli (2007-06-18)
for the love of god seed god damnitkokapelli (2007-06-18)
How the hell can it be almost 2000 ppl with the file and no one seeds. Idiotsgrebyl88 (2007-08-20)
Does there excist an download for TBC that is the same as
? 1 of my CD's is broken.
Please help me :D
Chaos_rde (2008-01-30)
If anyone knows where i can find a CD keygen, or a 60 game card generator, drop me a message at "[email protected]"Vuzzle (2008-02-07)
NEED SEEDERS PLEASE! 99.9%!!microsofthateren (2008-03-19)
IGNORE Ricke_!!! for those who dont know, he wants YOU to type your account and pass so he can steal it!! [email protected] is his email and not owned by blizzardpiratelordsss (2008-03-29)
do not download it sucks WoW-FE doesnt work!torndude (2008-06-08)
Why dont you gies just download the trial it downloads the whole game duh! this just takes more time space and takes some time to figure outCapmor (2008-08-24)
OK this seems way to complicated to actually be SIMPLE-----I'm downloading this private wow server and it's awesome! Copy/paste into C drive and play updated 2.4.3 realm for FREE!!! also here's the site