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[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [RIP] [dopeman]






[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [RIP] [dopeman]




2007-05-18 (by 420dopeman)


################################################################################## #### #### ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ## ## ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ## ## ## ################################################################################## 'Greeting all Haters' DOPEMAN GAME: - Battlefield Vietnam - EA Games(c) Release Date: DFC Game Genre: ACTION Game Type: COMPLETE RIP |.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NOTES: NO INSTALL / UNRAR & PLAY / UPDATED TO FINAL VERSION Lock and load your M-16 and grab your flak jacket, it's time to hit the jungle in Battlefield Vietnam. The Battlefield franchise is moving to a new era equipped with more firepower and beautiful yet ferocious new combat settings. Staying true to the over-the-top, action-packed multiplayer style that gave Battlefield 1942? its critical and commercial success, Battlefield Vietnam will drop players into some of the War's fiercest battles. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # # # RiIPPED ----> NOTHING <----- # # # 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 More Notes: NoNe, NaDa, ZeRo, GrEeeTZ to all The HaTerS.. unrar BV.7z with latest winrar start with BfVietnam.exe Enjoy. InFo: Ascii by: GMSi 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # "Install Nothing, Play Everything." # 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Files count:



1294.86 Mb




not4you (2007-05-19)

I don't get this! is this the full BF vietnam? can u play online? is it like ur reasent release i dwnlded (F.E.A.R.)?
and my last question can u play online??! xD

mikemn (2007-05-19)

dopeman just so you know i play battlefield 1942 but i have desert combat mod installed it is the only game i play online.Thats why i love your stuff i am a single player madman. Thanks and keep up the awesome work your mad skillz are very much enjoyed.

 Subzero! (2007-05-19)

USE YOUR INFO on the certain site, ya know iam talking about , seeing everything without that Big dopeman logo, isnt fun enuff for me personally!... you should use it really, , gotta go edit the torrents to add your dopeman to them, .........NOT ....hehehe you do ! stay as kewl as always!...

Mad Mobeus (2007-05-19)

Hey dopeman, I love your work so far. I'm always on the lookout for your new stuff. Do you take requests at all? If so, could you swing a little Silverfall our way? :))

not4you (2007-05-20)

Cool game and all... but when i play this and want to change weapon to knive it hax up and i have to restart my computer?

 Subzero! (2007-05-22)

yo dope .. i saw all that fukken funny mail, keep em coming didnt had so much fun for long!.... as iam sure we both have made the right decision!, that officially the noob-lame-asses place no.1 i stated in my scrolltext in the latest releases.... even worst site of all sites worldwide that is!....normally not worth supporting, but thats another thing anyway gotta go to spread the latest shit, and have to make tthe next ready, ohwell another big one i guess.. hehe... i hate to upload those huge things like you 24/7 ... haha stay surf... l8er

foreseenbaron (2007-05-28)

SEED :D plz thanks

iamgodfearme (2007-05-29)

will some one plz f**kin seed im suck at 99 days

iamgodfearme (2007-05-29)

sorry 4 the freak out. everythins cool now:D

iamgodfearme (2007-05-29)

need seeders plz

iamgodfearme (2007-05-29)

i need some seeders because im stuck at 2-3days and im not going anywhere. dopeman if u can help plz help.

sasquatch45 (2007-06-03)

If you want singleplayer support just head over to
They have a lot of good stuff hosted there

Barman25 (2007-06-14)


Bixi_Star (2007-06-14)

den här funckar inte :D jävla cp uppload

Captainugzz (2007-06-18)

seed plz if your still seeding

hildafin (2007-06-28)

i doesen't work.. cant find the BV.7 file :S what shall i do?

CrazyJinx (2007-08-01)

Ah.......I cant play online.I need CD key.Please Tellme How to play online

yaran-o (2007-08-02)

Do I have to extract the BfVietnam.exe everytime I want to play this game? If not, where am I going wrong? And one more thing, there is building that won't show up when I play, very enoying...

yaran-o (2007-08-03)

Okey, I found out the first problem on my own but I still can't see any buildings, bridges or what so ever!!!

Saengkant (2007-08-06)

This sucks.. I don't get any ingame music, anyone that can tell me why? =)

gamersfun (2007-08-10)

Wowie... 250 KB upload a sec!
Thanks agian Dopeman and all the SEEDERS!

luke6789 (2007-08-14)


soulless_psychotic (2007-08-14)

Can play online with virtual lan. Download virtual- lan client "hamachi" free download. then go to network : battlefieldvietnamfinalversiondopeman" password : password. Cheers for the sweet game.

MisterDumpty (2007-08-17)

Works great and great game. Just wish multiplayer worked. But it was free so I cant complain!

marre102 (2007-09-01)

seeda xD

gladioz (2007-09-02)

Can you play this game online?

Daasson (2007-09-03)

Damn this game works great. I'm not gay but i'm going to love you dopeman

hatemf90 (2007-09-08)

ok, Im a noob at this and think i made BIG BIG mistake! I changed extension from .7z to .rar cause didnt know how to open it, now I cant open the file

hatemf90 (2007-09-08)

can some one PLEASE tell me how to get extension back to .7z please any one...?

xxhaz07xx (2007-09-14)


xmontor (2007-09-18)

it did work but the when i install the game it's not comming an shurt cut?? jeje thx for the game anyway, it was an good downlaoding:)
PS: if some 1 got farcry crack to me so tell me:)

Malanthius (2007-09-20)

To change your extensions. Just right click the file, Select "Open with" and pick the correct program. Hopefully you figured this out by now. But if not that's what you do. gl

macvsog11 (2007-09-22)

cool daddy-o how ya gonna act-see how ya r

fuglzang (2007-09-24)

Please Seed for one day more!
SEED! thx..

the me (2007-09-26)

Thanx Again Dope!!

Aeckelroev (2007-10-09)

Isn't there any one seeding this nowadays?

Goofy3392 (2007-10-11)

Wow great seed guys... 530k/bs downloaded in 1hour 15 minutes..Thanks alot

Julianse (2007-10-15)

Some seeding will be VerY good, Thanks.

Thinkingexpert (2007-10-20)

seed plz

erik_s (2007-10-20)

Is there more hamchi servers to plat on? battlefieldvietnamfinalversiondopeman is full!

Gabi82 (2007-10-27)

Log in to Hamachi network "BFVstonedbond" pass: BFVstonedbond

turtle_pop07 (2007-10-30)

yess it stopped at 98.1 % seed god dammit seed :(

Morpheus009 (2007-10-31)

Hey there Dopeman, i downloaded this (p.s great download 300k/bits) and extracted it it worked fine but for some reason i can't play online it says invalid cdkey i'm in the hamachi server BFVstonedbond but i still can't play online! tryed a keygen still didn't work
tl;dr I can't play online help!

forrest_gump (2007-10-31)

this actually looks like a good torrent

wazbi (2007-11-01)

this shit is working !!!!!!!!!!!

Morpheus009 (2007-11-02)

Doesn't work to play online for me, since the Hamachi server is full.
I tryed the BFVStonedBond one but it didn't work!

JoelLeoj (2007-11-20)

Seed please! 2 kB/s! Thanks! :P
Seed please! 2 kB/s! Thanks! :P
Seed please! 2 kB/s! Thanks! :P
Seed please! 2 kB/s! Thanks! :P
Seed please! 2 kB/s! Thanks! :P
Seed please! 2 kB/s! Thanks! :P
Seed please! 2 kB/s! Thanks! :P
Seed please! 2 kB/s! Thanks! :P

PirateSmack (2007-11-25)

Thanks Dopeman, this game runs flawlessly in Linux with the help of Cedega.
Keep up the good work

mysticusasrb (2007-11-27)

please seed!!!!!!!

mornavius (2007-11-27)

More seeders pleaase , thank you ;)

bosshoggz (2007-11-30)

has anyone played online with this yet please post about it and i wanna know if its lagggy

orvarorre (2007-12-04)

Is this full 1.2 version ??

Fattig- (2007-12-15)

how i install ?

Fattig- (2007-12-15)

nothing heppens when i push at bv vietnam

Inachis (2007-12-20)

This looks to be a fucking goood torrrent.. :D

Brouhahaa (2007-12-21)

Works just perfect, great upload, just as Dopeman always does.

jaztec (2007-12-29)

seed seed seed :)

atvowner (2008-01-02)

it´s working !! best torrent ever ;)

Paulorustobernardo (2008-01-02)

alright someone please help me with this problem... i am running bf vietnam on a parallels platform with windows xp... and it says error when i try to play... because my digital product id could be used to identify my lincent and the Ip of my computer... how do i get around it to play... its so close... i get to the main screen...

jordanwarez (2008-01-11)

Works well for me

maniz pizza (2008-01-22)

I have a problem with this.
After i UNRAR the BV.7z and press the BfV.exe i get a black screen! does anybody have solution to my problem?

marre102 (2008-02-03)

Dope, you pwn!!!!!!!!

marre102 (2008-02-03)

Where can i find your other torrents ?

1bp13 (2008-02-06)


marre102 (2008-02-09)

Keep seeding this one please :P

SICnessJJ1 (2008-02-23)

how do i get online. when i search for games no games will show up on the list.

charlieUK (2008-03-08)

thanks dopeman
have u seen this guy?
all he did was change the nfo!
[PC] Battlefield Vietnamn [green1991]

tjarkt (2008-03-15)

dopeman youre games are awesome!thx a loooot

gylli251 (2008-03-22)

new server hamachi= name=bfvcrack password =bfvcrack

NaFianna (2008-03-23)

Just to warm anybody here before they download it, this torrent doesn't work with vista home premium.

ed12121212 (2008-03-24)

i have vista it works
right click on BfVietnam.exe prop>Comp>check the box run as win xp

rpb113n (2008-03-28)

I installed hamachi
but how do you actually get into a game, i joined a few networks, but once you join, how do you get in so you can play on that network?
Please let me know

rpb113n (2008-03-28)

i also tried the EAbypass link too, and that didnt work as well. If anyone has any advice for hamachi or the bypass PLEASE let me know. thanks..

rpb113n (2008-03-28)

Oh yeah, is both of the Saigon levels for multiplayer only, i cant get it to work in single player.

imfCore (2008-04-08)

woaw!? 200 kbit/sec :D:D:DD:

KKOPPI (2008-05-05)

WoW!!! UR AwESOME!!!! Guys KEEP SEEDING plze its really fantastic

exe. (2008-05-24)

Can u play this @ lan ? :P

exe. (2008-05-24)

How do i change CD-Key ?

exe. (2008-05-24)

got it ^^

digituch (2008-05-26)

I am only able to play single-player; multi-play does not work--just gives errors like 'invalid cd-key' and such! Is there something I am doing wrong to enable multi-player? All of the game-downloads I'm trying are single-play only. I've also tried several keys from a key-generator--with no luck. Anyone know? (maybe I should just PURCHASE the game? lol ;-)

adam7889 (2008-05-29)

seed please. Dopeman is tha BEST!!!!!

pokernod (2008-06-06)

Man, this game has been going a long time, This is the third copy Ive DL'd in a year. Look, same thing this time as last time. when I unpack it, rather with WinRaR or 7zip, I get a nothing but a long list of corrupted files. I cant remember what I did to fix this last time.....anyone have any ideas (and dont say reinstall W.R. or 7z, I DL'd W.R. for this, its fresh. and if its happening with both its something else) HELP!

pokernod (2008-06-06)

! My Documents\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\BV.7z: CRC failed in Battlefield
The file is corrupt
! My Documents\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\BV.7z: CRC failed in Battlefield
The file is corrupt
! My Documents\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\BV.7z: CRC failed in Battlefield
The file is corrupt
! My Documents\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\BV.7z: CRC failed in Battlefield Vietnam\Patch
The file is corrupt
! My Documents\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\BV.7z: CRC failed in Battlefield
The file is corrupt
! My Documents\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\BV.7z: CRC failed in Battlefield
The file is corrupt
! My Documents\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\BV.7z: CRC failed in Battlefield Vietnam\Patch
The file is corrupt
! My Documents\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\BV.7z: CRC failed in Battlefield Vietnam\bfdist.vlu. The file is corrupt
! My Documents\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\BV.7z: CRC failed in Battlefield Vietnam\Mods\BfVietnam\bfdist.vlu. The file is corrupt

Zamorak1 (2008-07-22)

Is this patched?

Zamorak1 (2008-07-22)

Sorry. Silly question, it read in the description.
Thanks a lot!

Narutojake (2008-07-31)

seed plz

3Sh0t (2008-08-16)

Dopeman.. i love you.

paul-2008 (2008-08-22)

thanks dopeman works fine best ever i waqs lookin for this for about 1 year so finaly thanks a million

Topjacko (2008-09-15)


Schizems (2008-10-10)

ESA Warning be careful

soiledlocket (2008-10-10)

hey someone email me at [email protected] with a hamachi that is currently active for this game server

bayjurns (2008-10-21)

this is awesome, thanks.

Hottiee (2008-10-27)

Hey dopeman, I've just downloaded this torrent, great seeding and the game is working fine. It's just that I would love you if you uploaded Battlefield 2 too because that was the game I was looking for in the first place but couldn't found any that worked. So please, upload BF2 if it's possible! Thanks dude.

Mr__Gee__ (2008-11-08)

I got it! you can now play LAN. to do this: download a keygen for "battlefield vietnam" to generate a key.
Then go to Battlefield Vietnam -> ereg and start "Battlefield Vietnam_code", enter CD key there and play :)

Reemi (2008-11-14)


Rommel5055 (2008-12-10)

i cant play it... it like a spector player bbut i cant move or do anything

SaMa- (2008-12-11)

OMG downloading like 400Kb/s its rly nice :p thanks for this torrent dopeman ! :)

SaMa- (2008-12-12)

i get a text "The archive is either in unknown format or damaged." ??? =oo could someone help? i tried to open with winrar and 7zip but it doesnt work.. /:

pukkalover (2009-01-09)

Thanks the game works fine I'm on vista basic. No multiplayer though always get invalid cd key. tried a patch but still invalid. cheers anyway

DIVON777 (2009-02-04)

thnx dude...this game is spectacular...hahah love the footer..."Install nothing...Play everything"

Oi_Oxblood123 (2009-02-05)

When ever I try to run it its just a black screen. Its the game, but just a black screen. Whats wrong?

haryparabolls (2009-02-20)

Great game, no problems, clean, THANX!

Lupinfreak0001 (2009-02-22)

just a warning......i dont know if its cause of the trial or whatever (look at the date)but my service provider forwarded an email from EA games to my roommate (whos name the internet connection is under). Basically i might be getting sued by EA. never even got to play the game. never even clicked on anything in the file. So yeah. just another college student getting raped by the man.

sweatieho (2009-06-25)

How do you seed after you download?
Also thank u for uploading this game.

dippie21 (2009-07-14)

damnnn!!!!!!!! 2 f*cking kb/s

dippie21 (2009-07-14)

thx for seeding, but how do I install the game, pls help

joker1113 (2009-07-17)

punkbuster won't work with this so now i can't play online...

gamer07 (2009-11-15)

dude somebody help please getting 1.5 kb/s plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help dopeman............................

gamer07 (2009-11-15)

dude seeddddddddddddd

toniforlife (2009-11-17)

OMG downloading like 2500Kb/s

baffa242 (2009-12-13)

please help!, when the game is loaded and im ready to walk around and shoot etc it sudenly freezes up and the screen goes blank!.
my system specs are:
amd 3400 2.4ghz
1.2gb of ram
256 ati radeon 9600pro video card
creative 7.1 soundcard 24-bit
windows xp pro service pack 3
all drivers are up to date
please reply urgently!!

JesseParry (2009-12-21)

please seed!!! Dopeman please seed!!

JesseParry (2009-12-21)

Please Seed Dopeman!

JesseParry (2009-12-21)

please seed!! slow download... seed needed!

JesseParry (2009-12-21)


JesseParry (2009-12-21)


JesseParry (2009-12-21)

SEED, SEED, SEED, SEED!!!!!PLEASE :(:(:(:(:(

rwbk (2009-12-22)

nice speed 1.5mbs

JesseParry (2009-12-24)

Hey Dopeman. how can i get this to work online ?

cheekycheek (2009-12-27)

Easy.. You buy the game :)

sasamclane (2009-12-31)

Working perfectly! Thanks!

mustamies69 (2010-01-23)

if you want to play online download hamachi

PFCPerry16 (2010-01-27)

I don't start!! Keeps giving me an error screen saying it needs to close. WTF?

Geeeps (2010-02-04)

Fucking great!!!!! thx!

horrible_hector (2010-02-16)

@ PCPperry16
i have the same problem - when a game finishes loading it closes. I think it's because of my video card - can someone tell me how to use 3d analyze with this?

horrible_hector (2010-02-16)

well what do ya know, sometimes i can load, spawn THEN it closes. Damn my graphics card and noobishness at 3d analyze!

FtblCmdr (2010-04-26)

... You pirated this. There is a copyright law. A private company is going to sue you. How is this being raped by the man? Idiot.

gallert (2010-05-10)

i'll seed up for 2 months if no problem
seed plz :S
40 kb/s
normal 100 lolz

deano1174 (2010-06-23)

hey dopeman is there anyway of turning it back to version 1.2? i bought the game years ago the disc's are too scratched but i still have the code and i want to play on the v1.2 servers

nov_von21 (2010-06-30)

Yeah, i got a problem. Everything is fine and all, the game executes, but the thing is, i can't read the damn text. All i can see is white squares on where the text should be. I hope there is a fix to this other than just buying the game or spending on a new graphics card or something. If there isn't, then thats just f#@ked up. Peace.

Tinny_pb (2010-09-19)

Works perfectly. Thanks, Dopeman.

dippie201 (2010-10-19)

lets play

The10th (2010-11-15)

okay so ive downloaded hamachi and joined a network...i dont know wat to do next, ive tried goin on multiplayer/local but i dont see any server. plz tell me how to play online

williamplaster (2010-11-20)

everything works fine for me except the music. i select a song in game but the music doesnt play can i fix this?

goodiesguy (2010-12-05)

Works great!
I love this game!
the best battlefield game by far!

gaurishankarmedhi (2010-12-18)

how much hard disk space is required?

darkninjamandelta (2010-12-20)

user: assassinsofcreed
password : assassinsofcreed
idk about hamachi dippies is full
anyone care to help me out

regil (2010-12-20)

nice game it working i like it............

regil (2010-12-20)

seed plz..............

VirtualSpooky (2010-12-24)

Hey! All works well for the most part. I'm experiencing a few issues though.
1) No into movie? Why is that?
2) Absolutely no music, it is all contained within the C:\Users\00000\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\Battlefield Vietnam\Mods\BFVietnam\music but WILL NOT PLAY.
3)Seem to be missing some maps! Including: Saigon and Operation Cedar Falls. They are also included inside of the C:\Users\00000\Downloads\[PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]\Battlefield

Overall I rate this torrent a 7/10 unless these issues can be addressed.

VirtualSpooky (2010-12-24)

Anyone else found a solution to these problems? T

KyleTheJew (2011-02-26)

For all you noobs wondering if this works, it does and it's pretty epic too because you don't have to install it. It works.

Chris98999 (2011-02-28)

Thanks Dopeman, for this and the many, many other torrents I've gotten from you. Out of all the torrents I've gotten from you, I've had absolutely no problems.

dragonlolz (2011-03-06)

got 10mb/s
your torrents are the best
i got all your sneaking games
all 99,9999999% working well(the vids are a little crappy)

bushwacker01 (2011-03-25)

every neighborhood needs a good dopeman you can count on!

soot_black (2011-04-05)

everytime i play the game it turns the computer off after like 20 mins can you help?

soot_black (2011-04-05)

when i play it for some reason it turns the computer off after about 20 mins, can you help?

albatross88 (2011-04-30)

hey dopeman i hav a poblem about the game... I run it in vista and it works perfectly fine (amazing torrent BTW) but I don't have a crosshair when i play the game.
plz reply I need HELP!!!

catteyezz (2011-05-01)

an play online with virtual lan. Download virtual- lan client "hamachi" free download. then go to network : battlefieldvietnamfinalversiondopeman" password : password. Cheers for the sweet game.

maximgun (2011-05-08)

How can I change the active CD key? I have a legit one, but the CD key changer utility didn't seem to work.

azisco (2011-05-11)

Thanks, works perfectly on Win7 64-bit.

FreddieBa (2011-06-03)

Lol at the comment:
got 10mb/s
I usually get like 800mB/s, takes me around 25 minutes to fetch these 1,26 megs. :D

fipo99717 (2011-06-04)

can i play this singelplayer or only mp

fipo99717 (2011-06-04)


Doliko (2011-06-13)

i dont get it. I mean there is no problem it works perfectly fine. the only thing you have to do is unrarar n' run

snoopy9 (2011-07-05)

This is not the expansion for BF Bad Company 2. This is the game released in 2004. So I was a little surprised by what I saw, but my bad.
Game works fine though.

diakosiryann (2011-07-12)

seeeeeeeed!! PLEASE

Wanted4246 (2011-08-08)

Now, this is unusual.
When i start the game, there's a "Black Screen", and the game doesn't run, then after few times trying, it crashes. Me and my friend share this, he ran the BfVietnam.exe as administrator, it worked. Our computers even have the same specs

 Cerebral222 (2011-08-20)

Perfect; thanx Dopeman, very clean torrent.

mynameisshu (2011-09-04)

WICKED FILE! works perfect

zingmars (2011-09-28)

FreddieBa -
I really doubt that you have an internet connection capable of downloading something at the speed of 800 mb/s. As of right now that's physically impossible. What you mean is that you download stuff at 800kb/s, and it takes you 25 mins to download 1.26 GBs.

Demetriowar (2011-10-04)

I downloaded, tried to play multiplayer, but it sais that the CD-Key is invalid.
Is it possible to play multiplayer with it? If yes... what should I do?

mannu9375 (2011-12-01)

It really works thanks dopeman

thegracieway (2011-12-12)

nice job ty

Huubske (2012-01-08)

Please help me! Ive downloaded it, unzipped it, and i get two .exe files. One just doesnt open, and the other gives a black screen for about half a second. @Wanted4246 Open as administrator doesnt work for me, i just get the black screen again. You maybe know what to do?
Please i wanna play this so bad...

Tjurbo (2012-02-06)

2,5MB/s, works

9twix (2012-02-18)

Hey Dopeman. My only other torrent of yours was Sniper Elite and that works perfectly, so I'll give this a download and seeding - I'll comment again if its utter shite, so if theres no more comments then assume all was well. Cheers

D34DS1GHT (2012-02-20)

Dude your torrents are always the fucking best. No shit, no hidden crap. Good effin Job.

makosfuge (2012-03-16)

Nice job, many thanks!

meet96 (2012-03-28)

man trust me.... u just fucking rock... u r the best!

andraz95 (2012-04-03)

dude can someone make more hamachi networks. they are all full and i cannot join please :D and ofc dopeman you rule!!! comment hamachi network ID and pw please ! (:

andraz95 (2012-04-03)

join my network if u want to play BFV ..
Network ID : BFVslovenia
Pw: 123
join and we shall play :D

XTC19 (2012-04-12)

Hey Dopeman, last time i downloaded this, it required a password, could you tell me the password. :)

MrPipa94 (2012-04-15)

For those who want to play online:
1. Install TUNNGLE (Hamachi only allows 4+ yourself to the network, so that doesnt work any more for larger networks)
2. Make the account for tunngle (obviously...)
3. Join the Battlefield Vietnam network
4. Go to the game and search in LAN for a game,
5. DONE!
TESTED AND WORKING, only problem is that its just me and my friend there, so we need some players (tired of bots)

Concorde1 (2012-06-02)

Is it just me or does the radio not work in vehicles? so you can't piss yourself off with Bird is the Word
Other than that it works 100%, thanks.

JoseGallini (2012-06-10)

es el 1942?

antiemp (2012-06-26)

If you want to play online, you need to add your CD key to your registry. This is the only step I needed in order to play via online servers (non-punkbuster servers). Add the following key to your registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREElectronic ArtsEA GamesBattlefield Vietnamergc and set the (Default) data to the CD key without the dashes. Here you can see a picture with a fake CD key:

antiemp (2012-06-26)

Apparently backslashes don't display in comments. Here's the registry key with dashes:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Electronic Arts-EA Games-Battlefield Vietnam-ergc
Replace the dashes with backslashes and you should understand. Refer to this picture for help:

FatCat101 (2012-07-09)

Thanks man iv always loved this game but lost the dam thing so why should i have to pay for a new one i already own it basically, you know.

FatCat101 (2012-07-10)

Hey man is there anyway to get the BFV wwII mod for this game all i can find is the .exe version witch when i try to use it it says it cant the game probably because its a priate one so anyway you know of thanks

Tareq178 (2012-07-31)

is there multiplayer?

rohitrai (2012-09-17)

thanks man :)

MakTheSank (2013-04-30)

MS Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2
Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q9550 2.83 GHz
4,00GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Thanks dopeman

MattRR (2013-05-31)

Fui descompactar e aparece vários arquivos corrompidos :/

chefez (2013-08-24)

War, huh, yeah. what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

chefez (2013-08-24)

say it again y'all. war, huh, good God. what is it good for? absolutely nothing.

Elgguod (2013-08-26)


f_2_o (2014-01-10)

crashes in single player missions. especially after "Landing Zone Albany"

Pc_GamingNerd (2014-01-12)

I know this is very old but if you have been trying to play the game online and have your own CD key then please read closely,
It only took me 1 try to get this and it worked 100% with MY OWN CD KEY!!!!!
Go into the games folder after you've extracted it
The next folder you need to go into is "eReg"
Once you have opened it up then you need to click on "Battlefield Vietnam_code" then it will open and ask you for your 5 code digit code, Put it into the window's and then run next.
Once you have done that you can now play online with no issues at all
Please if you have an issue with what has been said above you will need to re-read it slowly and carefully and make sure you own your own CD KEY other wise you will be told you have an invalid CD key when you try to play online


1. [PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]/BV.7z 1294.86 Mb
2. [PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]/dopeman.nfo 3.23 Kb
3. [PC] Battlefield Vietnam [dopeman]/games.url 280 bytes