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Broken Sword 4 The Angel Of Death






Broken Sword 4 The Angel Of Death




2006-09-14 (by pr0pheten)


Broken Sword 4 The Angel Of Death Crack can be found at Enjoy! :)

Files count:



3029.84 Mb




pr0pheten (2006-09-15)

det funkar perfekt :p jag har redan fastnat efter typ 10 min spelande :D verkar ganska svårt

 Knaster (2006-09-15)


jonas_j (2006-09-15)

kan någon mer som laddat ner det här spelet säga om det fungerar eller inte och inte göra som miffot xcamperx och länka till en spelsite som itne har något med torrents att göra...

Astralia (2006-09-15)

Too bad they didnt stay with the graphicstyle they had in BS2 ... the more "cartoonish" style, its much much better and makes me remember the good old adventuregames such as Monkey Island, The Dig, Full Throttle etc. :D

pr0pheten (2006-09-15)

Jonas_J Det funkar perfekt ladda hem cracket 1.0 på så kommer det funka utmärkt :)

MrFisk (2006-09-16)

The game workes with crack from gamecopyworld, no dissrespect to uploader but the game sux big time. In 2006 one may think they shuld make games that isen't played out with mouse only, finding things to click to get further into a 30's cartoon story.

explodingtrousers (2006-09-16)

can any one tell me how to keep the braker switch in the off position at the begining of the game, so i can get past the cables...????
i have tried using the rope that was tied to the door but it will not work....... is it me? or is this a problem with the cracked game???? (like the godfather game, not been able to get in the car)

Borgheim (2006-09-16)

MrFisk you might want to thik b4 you open your mouth and make an ass out of yourself.
If you knew anything anout this game and its producer you should know that this is a game made out of nostalgia... more or less...
You may now remove your foot out of your mouth!
btw this game has everything handdrawn but uses modern shaders and renders and all that... makes it look less cartoony...

pr0pheten (2006-09-16)

Exploding Trousers
I have the same prob :P Cant come past the cables feels really bad that im stuck so short time in the game could anyone help us? =)

 Knaster (2006-09-16)

i havent even gotten past the door lol.
Btw this game sucks oooooh sooooo much the sound file is broken u don't hear anything when the character talks and so on S.U.C.K.S

jonas_j (2006-09-16)

ville barar säga att den versionen jag tankade ner (inte denna uppload) behövde jag ingen crack till behövde barar använda "securom loaden" till deamontools som finns att ladda ner på deras hemsida...kanske inte funkar med den här upploaden men alltid gött med mindre ändringar i filerna som skulle kunna orsaka buggar :D.

 Knaster (2006-09-17)

securom funkar säkert för det är bl.a byggt att sänka skyddet som är på detta

 Knaster (2006-09-17)

men spelet suger enligt mig ändå vilket är synd eftersom jag gillar denna spelserie

kauttio (2006-09-17)

To MrFisk
If you don't Recognize a adventure game when you see one, you must be a one dumb MF. I bet you are just about in the age of growing bupic hair. So focus on that and stop bothering the fans of real adventure games. PS. attend a few of your english classes so people can understand you. You BUMB FUCK!!

eqin0x (2006-09-17)

To Exploading, You should be working this out for yourself :P dunno how your gonna get through the whole game O_O, anyway To get past the cables if you go up on the same level as anna and then shut the door, and bolt it then right click the door click the little cogs and he then kicks the door the door falls over thus! creating a bridge for her to cross you then go down to the lever for the breaker switch and get her to hold it for you whilst you go down :) Peace.

superman124d (2006-09-17)

OMFG! You mean the "new" broken sword games are point and click adventures as well? When I heard that they had changed the style I assumed they would 'update' the gameplay, thereby ruining the whole broken sword experience. So just to confirm... both this and sleeping dragon are p & c adventures right? Great! BTW Mr Fisk, fuck you! Don't abuse that which you dont understand... jackass.

RagGAnoF (2006-09-17)

bara jag som får error när man försöker starta det?

brijones (2006-09-18)

rofl, point and click is great, but seriously, i hope this game brings something new. I loved monkey island.

rephunter (2006-09-18)

thanx for the torrent adventure games rock instead of button bashing fps

superman124d (2006-09-19)

Quick edit on my last post: just downloaded sleeping dragon, fucking shit hot spot control system. Apparently this one is point and click. Eagerly awaiting a return to form for a classic series.

JnZ_88 (2006-09-20)

I'm stuck in the hotel lobby, how can I retrieve the hotel key card? Someone, help?

daggge (2006-09-20)

fuck i cant seem to get the crack from game copy... dont know what it can be... cant any body please put it out on tpb ps min engelska e inte så bra :P

Musta_rhymes (2006-09-21)

Jnz: Just take a look at the mans keycard in the book and talk to him. Then he will tell you that he is expecting a call.. Then just go into the bathroom and call the hotell(youll find the number in the hotells flyer).. Then just grab the key card=)
Im stuck at the second floor now=)

Aufles (2006-09-22)

I couldn`t find a crack at could someone help me...

Memor (2006-09-22)

Hmm having problem when starting to play.
When i play "new game" the "Loading.." comes to the right corner and then *bling*. Bug report pop ups. The Bug report contains much blaa blaa blaa but there is this:
bs4pc.exe unhandled exception 0xc0000005
Exception Address :0x005AAFD3
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access."
I have newest DirectX and newest drivers for my graphic card (6600GT)

vargen514 (2006-09-23)

kick in the door onthe top floor when you climbed on the pipe. close the kittle metal ting on the door first.before you kick it then you get the girk down so she can hold the switch. wen you open de cranck door.

 Sejjtan (2006-09-23)

Får detta felmedd. när jag ska starta : There was an error starting directX. Vad är galet ? Vill ju spela... :(

mArCo1987 (2006-09-23)

sorry guys, which languages are included in the game? there's the Italian? thx and bye

Aufles (2006-09-27)

tnx saknad... what a great game... thanx alot...

kidsaremad (2006-09-29)

Det är noll seeds!!!

Dubski (2006-09-30)

lite mer seeds skulle inte kännas så ovänskapligt.

SirAx (2006-10-13)

nån mer än jag som har problem med grafik acceleratorn när man lirar detta pel?

murko (2006-10-14)

Ok, maybe I just need new glasses, but never found the correct (dont think so anyway) crack at gamecopyworld. This torrent does not contain one, is that correct? If anyone have a directlink.... please tell, otherwise I will just dive in to the big pool of mud once more to find it (c:

falkonada (2006-10-25)

hmm tried to unpack but wasent any?

falkonada (2006-10-25)

why cant i unpack it? hmm pls any tip??, did unrar and its happening nooting?

falkonada (2006-10-26)

thx for upload crap!!!

csububoy (2006-11-28)

Seed PLZ!

therese_lindau (2006-12-02)

Kommer upp en ruta när jag startar spelet, där det står 'Konfilkt med en emuleringsprogramvara som körs'.
Hur gör jag nu?

kobbern103 (2006-12-07)

I have just come from the vatican to Anna Marias house and now i am traying to hack the vatican server but nothing happends, i wonder if there are som other clue before i can hack trough the server can sombody tell me what to do next?

kobbern103 (2006-12-08)

by the way if you go on the there are a lots of crack and it is a broken sword the angel of death crack there to

kobbern103 (2006-12-23)

Please somebody help me with the vatican server this is tottaly impossible

 Sejjtan (2007-01-02)

Does anyone know if and when this game is released for xbox ?

SoundWall (2007-01-16)

Everyone who likes this game, pleeeasse buy it!
The adventure genre of this type is dying more and more so if you're going to buy any game, please support games like this.
I don't think this will come to the XBox, only a few does, as they don't sell that well. If you want great adventures for the XBox then I recommend Broken Sword 3, Still Life, Fahrenheit (aka. Indigo Prophecy), Syberia 1&2 (don't actually remember if both were available on the XBox, but I know one of them were). You could check out Dreamfall as well, but it has a rather short, interrupted and unfinished-feeling storyline so I wouldn't recommend it.
PS: This series is possibly the best point-and-click adventure series there is.

Ratmanslim (2007-02-11)

OK... Det här spelet är tyvärr inte så bra som jag hoppades på (som ett troget fan av Broken Sword så köpte jag spelet), men det är väl värt att ladda ner.
Grafiken är tyvärr helkass. Värsta playtation sunkig pissgrafik från 2002 eller nått sånt.
Slutet är lite väl abrupt, men jag rekommenderar stark 1:an och 2:an (Shadow of the Templars och The Broking Mirror). köp dem på megastore på DVD för 70 spänn (bägge 2 i en box!!!) och njut av nånting riktigt härligt.
Spelen kopieras ner på datorn direkt - ingen skiva i sen - och man kan köra joxet på XP!!!
Två extremt bra spel för oss som gillar sånt.

serson_person (2007-04-01)

Hey, I downloaded and installed the game, but it says it can't open DirectX. I went to microsoft's site to install their newest version of directx, hopefully it helps. Anybody know how to fix this?
I noticed there's no "Adventure Company" attached to this game. Hopefully it's still as good as the third one! And for the haters, ha ha ha... you're laughable. Go play four hundred different first person shooters or GTA style games that never differ, because these types of games are INTENSE. I love the old school point and click stuff ;)
I'm seeding for ya mofo's, hopefully somebody knows about the directx problem though.

Alchemilla72 (2007-04-13)

Thanks! I´ll be seeding of course!

YazStyle (2007-04-24)

This torrent works great! And the crack can be found at at it says. Saw that some had problems with the walktrough but you can find the walkthroug in but the game have 2 names "the angel of death" and "the secret of the dark" But I´m stuck at one spot and I´m doing as the walktrogh says but it still not working, anyone know what I can try to do? I´m at the topkapi palace, just made it through the first guard and now I need to ask Anna Maria if she can distract the guard so I can sneake in but she says "and leave me behind?" It just won´t work, need some help because I´m addicted to this nice and interesting adventure game.

YazStyle (2007-04-26)

Finally just passed the hint, I have found another better walktrhough -

Bwing (2007-07-08)

Seed Please

shellwoods (2007-07-19)

can any one tell me step by step how to open this game plz

Valon@cool (2007-07-29)

Thanks a lot this game is awesome.!Shellwoods to answer your question it's not that hard to open it.If you winrar or winzip.Ok,Your going to need DEAMON tools to open a MDF file I believe it is.You mount it and install it.Then after you do that you go to to get the crack and you replace the BS4.EXE with another one.Good luck to you.By the way, this is a great adventure game that has a great story.

bad_droidboy (2007-08-04)

För mej så funkar de inte att spara, då kommer en bug rapport ruta upp...jag tycker liret annars är shysst precis som Broken Sword 1-3...3an var lite jobbigare att sätta sig in i men väldigt bra när man gjorde. Ska nog köpa 4an ist

shellwoods (2007-08-12)

thanx alot valon@cool i installed the game but cant apply the patch could u tell me how plz

MrUnderdog (2007-08-25)

det är väldigt dålig trafik på denna torrenten....
har stått på 0kb/s väldigt länge nu....

Nef05 (2007-09-01)

i really really really can't unrar any of the files.i tried everything i know but it says "no archive found".what am i doing wrong?can anyone please help me?thank you in advance

kobbern103 (2007-09-04)

This page has all walktrought on the broken sword game not like the last walktrought. This shows you what you should do even PDA pictures incase you are stuck enjoy finishing the game.

WAVSTER (2007-09-12)

I have installed the game but keep getting a message saying ' there was an error starting directx' when i try to run the game. Can anyone please help as i'm desperate to get playin!

neondust (2007-10-01)

The crack doesn't work

vederblich (2007-10-13)

can't open the game either, even after cracking it (securom didn't work) - it says there's an error starting the directx.

kobbern103 (2007-10-13)

Try to go on this page
Then download the crack, then you know what to do

vederblich (2007-10-14)

nah, didn't do me any good... too bad, i really want to play the broken sword series and this is the third game i've downloaded that doesn't work... if i had any money i would buy them simply from exhaustion...

carolinajez (2007-11-10)

Sweet work!! thx
Works perfect..

Nickolai (2008-02-24)

Hello! could anyone help me out? i cant install the game, i press "Install" button and the new window starts but it stuck at "Progress" please help me :)

chrisphonics (2008-04-07)

If anyone can reply to this comment please i've done everything mounted it installed it got the crack but when i try to run it says error starting direct x please can anyone help ???? thanks

chrisphonics (2008-04-07)

is anyone there at all ???? really wanna play this game

chrisphonics (2008-04-09)

well thanks for the help everyone :(

Umran (2008-04-13)

For those of you who are having the 'error starting direct x' problem, it is because you 128 need a 128 MB Shader model 1.1 compatible video card that is also compatible with DirectX 9.0c. See the readme and look under video issues for compatible video cards.

Sarduca (2008-04-26)

hi,i have got the game to install and load, but my problem is it keeps on pausing for a couple of seconds and the game plays again, it only works perfectly when i put it in a window and set the reoulution to 800x600 at 60hrz..... my specs are : 2.2ghz amd 64 512MB RAM series 8 geforce GT
i thought i would easy be able to play broken sword 4.

thuggy86 (2008-07-12)

Hey people, this is like the 1st time im downloadin a game, so, how does this daemon tool thing work...if someone can give like a step by step guide for someone like me...extracting for dummies or something..dat would be great, thanx!

thuggy86 (2008-07-31)

Hey, ive downloaded da game, but i dont know how to apply the patch either...can someone help me out?..ive downloaded da crack as well...but it stil wont run...can sum1 help! :(

fluxx__ (2008-12-21)

it's so difficult for me to getthese games to properly work, but afterwards i'm so happy XD i suffered some difficulty with BS2 as well. hopefully i can get this to work, as it is the only one i've never played!! it's installing just now and i have teh crack =/ -crosses fingers-

fluxx__ (2008-12-21)

this appears? Please remove disc from current CD/DVD drive and insert the original "Broken Sword AOD" disc
in drive E:.
Please have a look at
for further, more detailed information.

fluxx__ (2008-12-22)

nevermind,i got it to work. goes awfully slow though unfortunately

doradorka (2008-12-23)

pls seed!!!

jojojokillers (2009-02-11)

Does anyone have problems with all the characters being black? In addition, all doors are glitching, open-closed so I cant enter through them...