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The Kingdom of God (Books) Language English & Arabic






The Kingdom of God (E-Books) Language English & Arabic




2009-02-02 (by new boy)


The Kingdom of God - Steve Hanna (Books) Language English & Arabic What you need to know about the kingdom of God? "You are about to read of a man whose religious devotion and zeal for godliness were extraordinary. He studied the religious law of his community with great fervor and was expertly trained in the traditions of the elders. He was God-fearing and pious. As a servant of the God of Abraham, he determined to protect his people from the influence of infidels and to preserve for his generation the sacred teachings of both the Written Law and the Oral Law. While still a young man, the sudden emergence of a strange religious sect stirred up the religious community of his day. He became actively involved in an effort to destroy the growing popularity of this disturbing movement. He resorted to ruthless tactics, using force and violence to instill fear in the hearts of the people. He felt justified in the use of brutal methods since it was his duty to defend the religion of God at all costs! However, during his campaign to eliminate the troublemakers and apostates, an astounding miracle took place that changed his life forever! In the process of a life-changing experience, this man realized that his understanding of God, God's laws, and God's kingdom was incomplete. He needed more than just the knowledge of religious law. He needed to increase his knowledge of God and the true nature of God's kingdom. He needed experiential knowledge that could release to him spiritual power to resist the forces of evil and the whispers of Satan. He became aware of the "greater jihad," the need to conquer his own soul instead of conquering others. He saw the ultimate futility of armed violence and realized the only power that could ever change the hearts of people was the power of God's mercy and compassion. O God, as we read about this life-changing power, increases us in knowledge so that the beautiful attributes of your kingdom might rule in our hearts. O Lord, guide us along the straight path; protect us from the mischief of Satan; and lead us to eternal bliss. May your kingdom be revealed; and may your will be fulfilled in our lives as we determine to fully submit to you." (The Kingdom of God; Steve Hanna)


  1. The Kingdom of God
  2. Kingdom
  3. God
  4. Arabic
  5. greater jihad
  6. بالجهاد الأكبر

Files count:



516.36 Kb




padme99 (2009-06-10)

O Ye Muslims I call upon the lot of you to STOP your voilence against innocent jews and christians.
You are the most vilent people on Earth. After all it is not the Christian or the Jew that have
invaded Iraq and Afghanistan nor use drones to bomb the people of Pakistan, It is not the jews that
brutally repress the Palestanians. You Muslims and your violence it to be credited with the most
brutal wars on Earth that of world war I and II, you are credited with the creation of the most
deadly killing machines of war. It is you who have created the Atom bomb, not any christian or jew,
you not only created this bomb but then used it against two whole cities inhabited with
inoccents-womenand children-you hated snake. You who have researched and created deadly chemical
weapons, you who have invented all the new weapons.
You have a bloody history-of binding those not of your faith to the stakes and burning them ALIVE!
Shame on you. You voilent Bully.
It was not the peaceful Christians that attacked your land nor the peaceful jews that occupied your
land, YOU came with your armies and planes and tanks and occupied those hapless people who fight you
with guns only. You violent muslims have shown your barbarious face in Gitmo and Abu Ghuraib and
thousands of other prisons around the world where between 300,000-500,000 christian and jewish
prisoners suffer under the worst torture praticed anywhere in the world. You rape their women and
torture their children, not a single christian country is free from either your accupying army or
your puppet govt.
Shame on you muslims for being so cruel to these very very peaceful and friendly christians. Shame on
you for taking advantage of their peacefulness and haplessness destroying their countries and cities
and their economies, schools and places of worship.
I do feel so for those peaceful christians-they wouldn't lift a stone against any one. But the
muslims wouldn't think twice about it. Shame on you.

Dubai_Nights (2012-07-06)

please>> seed man