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Star Wars - All Episodes plus DVD covers 3897597 TPB






Star Wars - All Episodes plus DVD covers




2007-11-18 (by Brogdel)


The full six episodes plus dvd covers. Get it all in one torrent.

Files count:



4191.06 Mb




stc25 (2007-11-24)

Can someone seed please? I been stuck at 98.9% for days now

srdaniel75 (2007-11-25)

Tank's man ... now we are stuck at 99% :( .... came on ... 1% is too much for you .... seed pls ...

BlackFlag66 (2007-11-25)

seeing all 99.0%'s. seed plz.

Brogdel (2007-11-28)

Sorry everybody, I seeded as long as I could but I had a computer meltdown and just got back. Looks like there's plenty of seeders now.

rexeser (2007-12-01)

could realy use some seeders now.
19 kb/s

Reaper[FIN] (2007-12-09)

seed this son of a bitch

kraut58 (2007-12-10)

Thanks Brogdel for a great job in putting all 6 episodes into one download, with covers to boot!. Your effort is greatly appreciated by all ...

gurgel (2007-12-17)

Hell, no. Jesus is a fag, no subtitles for him!

rivion81 (2007-12-17)

jesus fucked little boys, i know my mommy told me so

stylishirish (2007-12-23)

...and all that talk so close to christmas... damn... well... anyway... this is an awesome torrent...all the movies are the 2004 release (i think)....meaning that episodes 4-6 are redone for special effects, storyline continuity, and some scenes added, deleted...which...when i watched them all i was really really impressed and felt like a little kid watching them again.
any starwars junkie will appreciate them all on 6 cds -- the quality is great... not dvd... and this is the only type of film i would say that about...the special effects and having so many scenes and chararacters that arent really there...and all the theatre shaking is a great torrent....but just know that it is what it is and it isnt quite the same as dvd..... very very very close though =)

redtagpalmer (2007-12-24)

how is quality

stylishirish (2007-12-25)

quality is definitely worth the download!

Brogdel (2007-12-29)

213 seeds! I'm a big Star Wars fan and I'm glad everyone is enjoying this.

musicboyxiii (2008-01-01)

It's a fantastic upload!
I have over 270 seeders, so thanks everybody!
PS: You can download the movie you like if you're using µtorrent (for example only episode III)

tanel952 (2008-01-07)

Im stuck at 89.8 but if i press info and put open folder it wont put out the movie in windows media player only the sounds do i have to download bs player or some other program or is it just a mistake
that it has to download to 100%

stylishirish (2008-01-09)

FYI - vlc can tweak the audio sync simply... its ctrl-k and ctrl-l .... you can also tweak aspect ratios as well ... video menu ... show advanced... and you can put in your own aspect and crops in 00:00, 00:00 format... then right click when the film is playing and change it up... i have a 16:10 flatscreen so i have to tweak it most of the time anyway... just fyi
thank you again for this torrent! it is great quality and they are the 'redone' (2004) releases i believe so all the extras and effects are in there for story continuity with the episodes 1-3 an to add a bit more to the experience... this is a must have for any star wars fan :)

joelovell (2008-01-11)

Thanks for the upload!
But please, seed more people. =]

xxdaxx (2008-01-14)

Brill torrent...May the Force be with you!!!

tsw_gnaget (2008-01-26)

Do you think you should watch all the movies according to their release dates:
Star Wars (1977) IV : A New Hope
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Or should you just watch them in order:P
Because it seems more fun to watch them in the order of the release dates..:P

mOBSCENE99 (2008-01-29)

Please more seed! Can't find the 3 oldies with good seed anywhere else...and I really need 'em for a movie night with the boys and girls!

masmad (2008-01-29)

just downloaded this and fantastic i will upload for long as people want it, many thanks Brogdel

Starkiller20 (2008-02-01)

I guess the answer will be "no", but is the commentary available?

berethend (2008-02-04)

Fantastic my friend. I burned these straight to 700mb CD to play on my DivX player. Brilliant work Brogdel. You are truly a god among men.

mukulakivi (2008-02-06)

yay! this will make my day...
All hail pirate BAY!

wazzeron (2008-02-12)

U guys were talking about tweak aspect ratios and so on I got something thats doing it atomatlicy its a no name player but it works.

apirateslifeforme (2008-02-16)

brogdel is strong in the force for sure

boothroyd917 (2008-02-18)

SEED PEOPLE, SEED!!!!!!!!!!! I have been working on getting the Star Wars movies for a long time and this seems like the best torrent so far, except im only getting about 9kb/s! it fuckin blows!!! SEED PLZ!!!! I always try my best to, so plz return da favor!

.hmagnee (2008-02-18)

nl subs wood by nice thx!!!!!!!!!!

mcon (2008-02-23)

SEED FOR FUCK SAKE..... most successful movie series in the history of the entire world yet i can download sven murgen's fuckin film noir versions quicker! ( sven murgen doesn't exist..its sarcasm!) please seed.

ryaxin (2008-02-27)

WOW, 357 seeders!!
Brogdel, may the Force be with you...always. :)

-jr- (2008-03-04)

Thanks, looking for these episodes

Johndaniel (2008-03-20)

bad quality. sorry. nice package though.

nyck2007 (2008-03-24)

anyone about the quality pls?

Wayfarer247 (2008-03-26)

Yes, I would be interested in the Quality of the Movies. ~600 MB per Movie probably isn't going to result in the best Quality, but the compression rate is nice...

justme89 (2008-04-10)

plz seed, and can someone tell where i can find subs, tyvm

Multo_Destructo (2008-04-15)

OMG thats bad quality. Looks like crap.

UKnowHoo (2008-04-20)

Awsome thx..
Great Quality..
Mother Approved.
Happy 420 sukkas.

Savri (2008-04-27)

THX!! And may the Force be with You!

dstric (2008-05-05)

Looks great on my TV

as-oDHFSDKGHVN (2008-05-06)

seed PLZ That will be nice

PAWZ76 (2008-05-15)

Can anyone help?
I wanna rip the
to a decent sized pic, good quality, about 700mb, to seed, but havnt got the first idea of what to use!?
If anyone would want that, please help?

PAWZ76 (2008-05-15)

To play with the right aspect ratio, just get 'vlc' (it plays almost everything) and while its playing you can go through all the aspect ratios by pressing 'a'. And if any of those arent right you can put your own ratio in in the settings!

snakepro7 (2008-05-28)

hey thnx for uploading this torrent...but im stuck at 75%...plz seed for a couple of days after would really help those still on the track...

texasdragonman (2008-05-31)

zakimar..... in the many years i have used pb i have never made a comment other than thankyou's to the people uploading.... how ever in this case i feel i must. episodes 7, 8, and 9 were never made. and lucas has said that he has no intention of ever allowing the screen plays for them to ever be produced. and one last thing about all your racist comments if you are going to pick under represented countries, do your home work and pick countries that dont have a history of attempted genocide huh...?!?

Sunderas (2008-06-07)

Thanks a lot

taijim (2008-06-14)

Thank You I finally got all of them and the Quality is great

ryanasaurs23 (2008-06-22)

Thank god someone else said something...
There will be no VII, VIII, or IX, and has not been one already.
There are scripts for them on, but they are obviously fake as he says he got them from Lucas because he is his only and truest friend, the movies will be released in 2019, and Mark Hamil, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher are already signed on, and there is supposedly already a trailer (for a movie coming out in 11 years).
Also, it appears the he is saying that not only will Darth Maul be in the new trilogy, but so will Mace Windu, The Clone of Anakin Skywalker, The Force Ghosts of Qui Gon Jinn, Aunt Beru and Owen Lars... also, Quinlan Vos, Darth Bane and Exar Kun are supposed to be in it....
Exar Kun existed many thousands of years before Luke, Leia, and Han, and Darth Bane over 1000 years.
Basically, there is, and never will be a third trilogy.

OSXdundermifflin (2008-07-02)

seed please :]. stuck at 0.9 for the last hour or so!

OSXdundermifflin (2008-07-03)

Can I please get some seeders! I've been downloading this for almost a day now..
BTW - To the 4 fucking bittorrent clients who are setting there UL to 0kp and DL to unlimited... FUCK YOU! Be a decent person and at least set it to something reasonable! say 50kp?

MarilynMansonsZ28 (2008-07-04)

are these widescreen? or fullscreen?

freehobbs (2008-08-26)

need some seeds

MarilynMansonsZ28 (2008-09-02)

are these widescreen?

MarilynMansonsZ28 (2008-09-02)

u did a hell of a job on these thanks....

JadeTora (2009-06-06)

Hey, I've been downloading for several hours. I'm only at 16.4% and it's going reaaally slowly, do you think there's any chance I could pleaaaaaaaaaaase get some seeders? :) Thanks.

JadeTora (2009-06-06)

Hey.. I've been downloading for a couple of hours and I'm only at 16.4% it's going reaaally slowly, I was wondering if there was any chance I could get some seeders pleeeease? :) Thank you.

john0pain (2009-07-05)

actually, George Lucas wrote a script for atleast one more movie. It is about Luke's Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. But he has said for hiumself that he won't do any more star wars. But maybe someone else will pick up the saga? :3